The nation supplying the most priests per Catholic citizen in the world is, surprisingly, Burma (Myanmar), according to a new study by Georgetown University’s Center for Applied Research in the Apostolate (CARA):
There are only 750,000 Catholics in the country – one per cent of the population. But the Church ordained 83 new priests last year, compared to only 19 new priests in Belgium.
CARA found that after Burma, the country with the next highest ratio of new priests to Catholics was Thailand, followed by Togo, Vietnam and Bangladesh. In other words, four out of the top five countries are Asian.
The results are surprising given that just three per cent of Asians are Catholic and only two of Asia’s 48 countries are majority Catholic: the Philippines and East Timor.
The overall picture may however change. “The future of the Church is in Asia,” revealed Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle of Manila to Pope Francis. Already countries with sizeable Catholic minorities, such as India and South Korea, are sending more and more missionaries abroad.
The United States came in 50th place out of 108, in the report. One place higher, in 49th, was Great Britain. Both countries were far ahead of traditionally Catholic nations such as Spain (73rd), Germany (75th), Ireland (78th), Argentina (98th) and France (99th). At the bottom of the table was the once solidly Catholic Belgium.
CARA based the rankings on the most recent figures for priestly ordinations and Catholic population data for 2017 from the Vatican’s Annuarium Statisticum Ecclesiae.
The researchers only included countries that had at least 100,000 Catholics. If they had removed the 100,000 Catholics requirement, then Nepal would have come first. Other nations such as Samoa, Niger, Liechtenstein, Denmark, Kosovo, Kiribati and Fiji would also have featured prominently.
The new study reveals that the catholic church is flourishing beyond expectations in Asia.
No one in the Church seems to be asking the obvious question: ‘Why have White nations largely abandoned the Catholic religion?” If they do ask this question, the answer is vague, such as claiming that White nations in general are turning away from Christianity, but this isn’t true, especially in America.
Conversely, what is so appealing about Catholicism to Asians and Africans, among whom the Church is finding the greatest number of converts? Clearly, the empty rituals of the law which the Catholics practice must appeal to the superstitious nature of Third World non-Israelite converts.
Since Vatican II, the Church has become increasingly jewish in its tone and doctrines, but if you understand the real history of the Church, this transition should come as no surprise as it openly accepted converso Jews into its ranks of power. According to some experts, at least 20 popes have been crypto Jews.
And the current pope, Francis, is doing everything he can to further liberalizing the Church, pandering to jewish demands for reform, such as rehabilitating the Pharisees, and ultimately allowing it to be subsumed into the planned “One World Religion,” a jewish brainchild based on the Talmudic Noahide Laws, under which Christians will be subject to the death penalty for idolatry.
Despite my outburst I respect all commentators here and did not mean to be so dis-respectful.
The subjects addressed here are seldom touched on by major media and are hot-button topics, so it is not a stretch to say that we all can get emotionally charged when discussing these things. It is our Christian demeanor that should always win out in the end. Thanks for being brave enough to be a part of these discussions, brother 🙂
Code Word for the destruction and demise of the White Race!
the jew knows the White race is about done. It is no wonder the Catholic church would say such a thing.
Look at their hands in the photo above. They’re not signalling to Christians, but to their TRUE masters.
RogueOps Novels
Their future is in hell, but Asia Will do for now. They can pack up every stone of the Vatican and take the rest of the trash with them!
I have never heard so much codswallop. Christians for truth? You must be having us on.
“…the empty rituals of the law which the Catholics practice…”
What does this mean? Do you mean the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist? Do you mean Canon Law evolved by some of the greatest thinkers ever, over 2,000 years? Something else?
The fact of the matter is the West has become decadent and is in the process of abandoning its own history and culture for the pop culture of the ignorant masses. This includes dumping the Church that made us great.
Part of this process is a new fake catholic church in the process of being erected in the same space as One, Holy and Apostolic Church. This had been going on for 60 years.
The protestants, christian zionists, secularists, liberals, marxists and the rest of the trash will have their way, but our Church will never die; but it will have its counterfeitors.
“Wide is the gate that leads to destruction”.
While Catholicism was the great white Christian institution that helped Europe become known as ‘Christendom’, it is an institution of man. Catholicism was ultimately developed for the purpose of men to rule over other men’s Christian beliefs…an inevitable shortcoming of ours that the jew has learned to completely exploit.
Christianity is a way of life, not a dogmatic system with tons of empty rituals and symbol worship. There is virtually nothing about Catholicism that is Christian, save for claiming it is all for the worship of Jesus…which is absurd, because He always called out the religious leaders of Judea for the exact same hypocrisy!
As for the presence of Christ in the Eucharist…now that is a bunch of codswallop! There is only ONE place that Christ exists here on earth – according to the Scriptures, and not the Vatican, and that’s INSIDE each and every one of God’s children! We don’t constantly need a man to be placed vicariously between us and God, or some symbol, or ritual.
There is only one way to the Father, and that is through Christ. The Catholic Church has always spit on that fundamental understanding. And as for ‘evolved canon law’…why does God’s law need to “evolve”? Sounds like men playing at God, thinking they are smarter than Him. Satan made the same mistake.
Jake, you need to stop patching the old cloak, stop pouring new wine into an old wine skin, and approach Christ as a child.
Jesus had the perfect analogy for such institutions and the men who ran them:
Whited sepulchers full of dead men’s bones.
Most Catholics never read their Bibles, but if they did, they’d clearly see that Christ did away with “the rituals of the law,” which the Pharisees rigidly held on to. If the NT makes anything clear, it’s that man is incapable of upholding the rituals of the law, and is therefore incapable of redeeming himself through his own efforts.
Christ did away with the rituals, and required only a belief in Him, but the Catholic Church would have no power over man if they followed Christ in that matter, so they adhered to the “rituals” which only “priests” are qualified to conduct.
The Catholic Church was not truly Christian from its very foundation in this sense, and no rituals performed by a priest will get anyone closer to Christ than staring at your own belly button.
Paul T.
The Catholic Church defied Christ’s clear statement in Matthew 15:24, that He came only for the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel, by allowing non-Israelites, such as Jews, in the Church and baptized them as “Christians”.
Of course, the absolute foolishness of this policy eventually came to bite them in the a** during the Inquisition, where they attempted to root out the fake converso Jews, but even that was a failure, of course, because many of the popes themselves were racial Jews.
Sadly, even the Protestants allow non-Israelites into their congregations, which will ultimately cause even more schisms…
The Catholic Church and its jewish pope are plainly and simply hell bent. This formerly white Christian institution is in the full throes of jewish subversion. As a former catlick myself, I praise Yahweh that He opened my eyes when I hit the age of reason…