After receiving a torrent of criticism for proposing that all children in Israel should receive the dangerous and experimental COVID “vaccine,” Professor Galia Rahav — the Head of the Infectious Disease Unit and Laboratories at the Sheba Medical Center — lashed out in a recent interview at those who oppose or question the experimental vaccine as “parasites”:
For the past four months, Rahav has been the target of uncontrolled incitement on social media. Anti-vaxxers haven’t let her alone since she suggested in February that Israel vaccinate children ages 12-15 for COVID. Although the vaccine isn’t mandatory, opponents have wished her dead, called her “Mengele,” and promised to carry out the Kabbalistic “Pulsa DiNura” ceremony – in which participants call on the angel of death to take the subject of their wrath – against her. A group that calls itself “The Citizens Committee to Investigate COVID” even reached out to the attorney general to ask that he open a criminal investigation against Rahav and the Health Ministry, claiming that Rahav had misled the public about the Pfizer vaccine when she said it was safe.
In an interview to Israel Hayom, Rahav said that until last week, she had taken no action against the campaign of incitement:
“When the anti-vaxxers published pictures of an angry redheaded clown and hinted it was me, I laughed. When they posted a picture of Chucky, the murdering doll, and said it was me, I ignored it. When they compared me to Hitler, it hurt me, quietly. I’m the daughter of Holocaust survivors.
“Even when they opened Facebook pages against me and called me a ‘murderer of children,’ ‘Satan,’ and a ‘psychopath,’ I didn’t respond. Even though they published my address and called for demonstrations outside my home, I refused the hospital’s offer of a security detail.
“In the last few days, the incitement has shifted gears. I saw messages that said I should be burned, that I should be hanged, that I should be buried next to Hitler….I also see how they are convincing people not to be vaccinated, and thereby putting lives in danger. There are some that spread fake news and write that schools are vaccinating children for COVID without notifying anyone. That’s a complete lie.
“A week ago I decided, enough. I filed a police complaint about threats and incitement. At the same time, I, with the Israeli Medical Association, intend to file a civil suit against the people inciting against me. We need to stop slandering and cursing doctors for doing their work. Maybe if these anti-vaxxers have to pay compensation, they’ll think twice before calling me a murderer or claiming that I’m taking bribes from Pfizer,” Rahav says.
On the day that Israel’s HMOs announced that some 13,000 children and youth had signed up to be vaccinated for COVID, Rahav, 66, was in the Jerusalem Theater at a Health Ministry ceremony honoring doctors. When she returned to her home in Beit Hakerem, she sat down at the dining room table and starting looking over the new Health Ministry numbers about people vaccinate for COVID who contracted heart muscle inflammation, the main reason for concern about vaccinating children.
“In Israel, there were 148 cases, or one out of every 6,000 people vaccinated,” Rahav says, leafing through a stack of papers.
“The vast majority were mild cases, other than eight. They were most common among people ages 20-29, 44 men and seven women in that age group. There were 33 cases in people ages 16-19, 32 men and one girl. One young woman, age 22, died of the disease. After age 30, the numbers are very low,” she says. “I agree that this is a phenomenon that cannot be ignored, and I think that it is linked somehow to the vaccine.”. . . .
Q: if you had a 12-year-old kid, would you have him vaccinated?
“There is no COVID in Israel right now, so my answer is negative. I suggest waiting a bit. Vaccinate them if you want to travel abroad, if they’re obese, if they’re in a high-risk group or if there is someone immuno-suppressed in the home. We could easily wait a month or two, because the US is currently vaccinating hundreds of thousands of children these ages, and we should wait to see what happens there.”
Q: The protest against you stems from the assumption that you recommend vaccinating children, and how you’re saying the opposite.
“The meeting of the Vaccination Committee about vaccinating children took place in February, and even though we were already far along with vaccinating adults, the numbers still hadn’t dropped, and there were still over 9,000 new cases per day. Anyone who knows the world of infectious disease knows that for the most part, you can’t overcome an epidemic without vaccinating children. I suggested at the meeting that we talk to Pfizer and do a case study on children in Israel, and not depend only on US research.
“The meeting protocol was published on the Health Ministry website, and then someone wrote, ‘Galia Rahav wants to experiment on children.’ Now go explain that I always text new medicines, because my goal is first and foremost to save my patients. It was a short path from there to me being compared to Mengele.”
Q: It looks as if the anti-vaxxers have beaten the Health Ministry. All the restrictions put on them at the start have been lifted.
“They won?!?” Rahav thunders. “We won! The pandemic restrictions weren’t lifted because of them [the anti-vaxxers], but thanks to the people who got vaccinated. The anti-vaxxers are parasites. They endanger themselves and their families. There were plenty of COVID patients who infected their parents, who then died. These are people who will carry the guilt of that for the rest of their lives.”
Q: How did you become known as someone who sows fear among the public?“I’ve thought about that a lot. At first, I thought it was because I’m a woman. Look, both Professor Gabi Barabash and Professor Ran Balicer were considered conservative [in their approach to COVID]. After that, I realized that it was coming from somewhere else that had to do with a mistake I made when I agreed to appear on TV with Professor Yoram Lass.
“The segment was filmed in the hospital, after a difficult day. A few hours earlier, I’d been sitting with a young man who had COVID, who had infected his father, who died. People were begging me, in tears, to save their relatives. I saw the death and the helplessness, and I was very emotional.
“And then they brought in Professor Lass, who was smug and hadn’t treated any COVID patients, and he said that it was ‘just a flu.’ I felt stupid. I was angry at myself for agreeing to meet. I talked about the dangers, about the fact that there was no effective treatment, that people were dying, and he acted as if it was all nothing. Maybe it was a show on his part. Most doctors who appeared in the TV studios hadn’t treated COVID patients.”
Unlike Professor Lass, Dr. Rahav doesn’t think for herself — her research conclusions are exactly what her financial backers expect — she follows orders and believes what her superiors tell her — which may go far to explain why she has been promoted to such a high level.
She can state a blatant lie — like there are “no effective treatments” for COVID — because that’s what “official” sources told her — and she didn’t bother to check the literature herself, which would have revealed that both hydroxychloroquine and invermectin are highly effective treating COVID.
In fact, in March of 2020 we reported that Australian researchers had announced that they had already found a very effective treatment for COVID using hydroxychloroquine — which was completely ignored by mainstream media and health “experts.”
Doctors who followed “protocol” put their patients on ventilators — which destroyed their lungs and killed them unnecessarily.
But, of course, if there already was an effective treatment for COVID, it would be illegal for pharmaceutical companies to develop and sell vaccines — and since these COVID “vaccines” were already developed before the “pandemic” was announced, they weren’t about to “follow the science.”
She seems blithely oblivious to her own contradictions — first she says that the pandemic is over in Israel, but later she says that it’s impossible to end any pandemic without vaccinating all children.
The only logical conclusion we should draw from these “facts” is that there couldn’t have been a real pandemic in the first place — and it was ended, not through vaccination, but rather by lowering the cycling threshold of the COVID PCR test — which is exactly what they did.
And clearly Dr. Rahav is being a little too emotional here calling anti-vaxxers “parasites” — clearly, they aren’t living off any “host” and sucking the life out of it until it’s dead — certain ethnics groups may fit that description, but certainly not “anti-vaxxers.”
Common Law Constables.
CLC News.
Cynthia Levin
Goy Guide to World History
That’s why Jacques Attali, a French economic and social theorist, writer, political adviser and senior civil servant, who served as a counselor to President François Mitterrand, predicts the FALL of the US Empire before the end of the ninth form of capitalism, estimated to take place around 2035. Because they control it through the corrupt and predatory federal reserve. Bankrupting America through perpetual wars and propping up Communist China are also contributions.
Robin Saunders, an employee of a Baltimore hospital was forced to be Syringe or lose her job
June 21 she received the Syringe
After receiving 2nd Syringe she had severe reaction to it & was admitted to the ICU with brain swelling/heart issues & passed away.
9048 Deaths VAERS– US DATA
Cardinal Burke on the Great Reset.
Russia another victim of Sputnik V COVID 19#VACCINE.
Stillborn 36.5 Weeks
Michael Martin fake injection
Resist Two Tier Society Ireland
Died shortly after Russian made Sputnik V
Russian girl regretted having Sputnik V COVID 19 #VACCINE side effects unbearable including headache and numbness in her leg.
QR code system in Moscow resolted empty places well done Russian people.
Difficult Morning
Russian famous bloger was pushing for #vaccines has died after taking Sputnik V COVID 19.
There is no Global Warming
Head of the central bank of central banks says Central banks will have total control of how you spend your money.
Christ is King
That global warming video warmed my heart to see 🙂
Christ is King
This article is hilarious! The people who wrote to her are just as bad as her! SHE IS THE DAUGHTER OF HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS! how dare they say such things to someone so special!
They’re all as bad as each other! Hahaha!
Coppertop Scythian Mongols just can’t refrain from ‘projecting’
Ha Eretz: News paper in Israel says Ethiopian Jewish women were deliberately sterilized. We can hardly hold her as an authority with a track record of evil among the Israeli Zionistas. Never ever take medical advice from a country proven to hate lives of other people.
Yes, they did, the Jewish supremacist wanted to show their moral superiority by importing Ethiopians, while in fact the consider them to be nothing more than monkeys and beast of burden. I lived and learned in New York about the cruelty of Jews who claim to be victims of others. They write in their academic papers that people like me have inferior IQ, but IQ served me will the read, listen and pay attention to what they do and not what they claim to be. The chickens are coming home to roast, for sure, the laws of nature are always right on time.
IQ studies do not preclude the idea that there are very intelligent Africans. When IQs of different races are compared, they should never implicitly suggest that every person of one race is smarter than every person of another race — that’s not how it works. You will always find Asians, Blacks, and Arabs who are smarter than many Whites — that’s predicted by any IQ range overlap. That said, many studies have consistently shown that the average IQ in sub-Saharan Africa is about 65, but that doesn’t mean that all Africans have an IQ of 65. Africans with high IQs have a difficult time in Africa (and even America), as they are often discriminated against by other Africans who accuse them of “acting white.”
Marxist Jews, of course, are the ones who claim that IQ tests are “racist” and “sexist”, and they also claim that all races have the same intellectual potential, and this egalitarian myth is fundamental to all Marxism. Ironically, out of one side of their mouths, Jews claim to have the highest mean IQ for any ethnic group, and out of the other side of their mouths, Jews claim that IQ is meaningless. It’s a false dichotomy, which is a Jewish specialty.
Where are these Africans with high IQs in Africa?
People from all aspects of the political spectrum have tried without success to find them, the closest I have heard of are the blacks who have tried and failed to build personal aircraft.
I have wondered about this as the Africans in Africa have been doing a better job of keeping up civilization than their brethren in America, and at least one leader over there had the sense to be anti-covid, while at least one country, Zambia I believe, told Bill Barr that they would not go homosexual, not for all the American petroshekels that the Fed could print.
However, no one has been able to find the “black geniuses” or the black Einsteins. Liberals have searched, normal folks have searched, right wingers have searched, and all have come up empty.
Superior v Inferior IQ:
The IQ thing came to my attention by way of “The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life” a 1994 book by psychologist Richard J. Herrnstein (Jewish) and political scientist Charles Murray (not Jewish), in which they argue that human intelligence is substantially influenced by both inherited and environmental factors and that it is a better predictor of many personal outcomes, including financial income, job performance, birth out of wedlock, and involvement in crime than are an individual’s parental socioeconomic status.”
In essence they made the argument that the deplorable conditions of Black Americans was because of their inferior IQ based on skin-color. The interesting part is that social scientist at the University of Amsterdam, in the Netherlands, ran with the Bell Curve to justify the:
1. Systematic social exclusion of people who were imported to the Netherlands to do the work that White people did not want to do, because of the artificial post-WWII Marshall Plan prosperity,
2. Those who were displaced to the Netherlands because the anti-Christian colonialism experiment of the Dutch Marxist destroyed their country.
When Marxist had majority power they set-up a social welfare system in the Netherlands and used that very system to systematically categorize those so-called third world immigrants as “uneducated, chanceless”, when things went downhill during the oil-embargo Iran v. America. They relegated them to the margins of society to maintain an underclass, and at the same time blaming them for the social ills that came with their Apartheid, instead of their own death and destruction political agenda aimed at pleasing their Bolshevik communist masters in Washington D.C.
Because I could compare and contrast, while living in New York, as a Dutch citizen who fled the Marxist oppression of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, I contacted Charles Murray and made it clear that in my opinion he was helping to the support Jews do exactly what Jews accused Hitler and the so-called Nazis in Germany of doing to them. He replied and said that he was not talking about “individuals”, and in a roundabout way agreed with my non-academic assessment that some people use their mind and others simply don’t.
To support the claim that “Jews” have superior IQ, you simply use a non-Jew to repeat the garbage and make it stick….Know More News had a great compilation “God’s Chosen People the Smartest Race” censored by YT, but here you have Charles Murray in his own words repeating the Jewish supremacist junk science…..
Here we have some more them bragging about their superior IQ, power and privilege in America…..
Richard J. Herrnstein was not that original after all, because Richard Lynn was first and he was cites in the Bell Curve….
Proving once again that things don’t just happen. People put things in motion, the depraved Marxist tradition culture of lies, deception, and depravity has no border.
If Jews were really as smart as they brag to be, there would be no need for them to control others, there would be no need to lie, deceive, hide behind America, cry victim of antisemitism, and exploit non-White people to foment hatred against White people, and go to great length using propaganda to maintain their privileged positions of power. Those who constantly cry victim of others have an inferiority complex and it goes for all the government protected “minority groups.”
I’ve made the case before in regard to the assassination of Pim Fortuyn who was demonized by White people, labeled Hitler and danger to minorities because he challenged the multicultural apartheid in the Netherlands. He was assassinated by a White radical animal rights activist subsidized by the Dutch government, in name of the poor and disadvantaged Muslims ( (others suspected the Israeli Mossad, and I now do too because he opposed the Neo-Con, aka Marxist Bolshevik communist imperialist world domination, warmongering agenda coming out of Washington D.C.).
If the superior v. inferior IQ was a valid claim, Western countries would not be the depraved cesspools that they are, because all those people in positions of power are supposedly high IQ people. Jews by their own admission brag about their influence, power and privilege in America and therefore all Western countries. The superior IQ that is master in advocating hatred, division, exploitation, legal plunder, war, and death and destruction. The one thing that is never to be questioned. If you do, you are committing a hate crime that is punishable by Stasi censorship, getting fired from your job, persecuted, jail time and silenced through assassination. To me this proves savagery and not superior IQ.
Pez Dispenser
“If the superior v. inferior IQ was a valid claim, Western countries would not be the depraved cesspools that they are.”
So you are saying that Africa is not a “depraved cesspool”? That’s news to me. Having a high IQ does not equate to having a high moral conscience, or vice versa. Low IQ criminals snatch purses from old ladies, but high IQ criminals rob entire nations blind, such as with fractional reserve banking.
Marxism has had a catastrophic effect on both blacks and whites, but people look at black poverty and social ills and think it’s worse for blacks, compared to the prosperity of white nations. But white nations would be far more advanced today than they are had Jews not held them back, lowering standards, promoting diversity, etc. The disparity between blacks and whites would be far more obvious had the Jews not artificially raised blacks and lowered whites at the same time — which is the purpose of Marxism, to make everyone mediocre.
@Pez Dispenser
You are putting words in my mouth to divert attention away from the issue at hand……people in Western countries claim that Black people have inferior intelligence based on skin-color, and my position is what is your high IQ worth if you are destroying your own country?
Black people with their inferior IQ didn’t have the genius to invent the death and destruction Marxist ideology that wages war against humanity. White countries embraced it and their lord and savior and help to spread the cancer of the mind to people around the world under the guise of liberating them from Christian colonialism. Setting the record straight Jews don’t do a thing without the help of White people and White countries.
Just like Black people can’t blame their incompetence and corruption on White people, White people can’t just say that….”white nations would be far more advanced today than they are had Jews not held them back.”
White people fought against each other for centuries and shaped Western civilization, Jews didn’t held them back killing each other….America is perfect example of the spirit of survival. I just finished having the discussion that despite that history now everybody is comfortable and blaming others. Doesn’t make sense….people are going to have to take responsibility and admit that they dropped the ball in name of feeling good and looking good.
“…people in Western countries claim that Black people have inferior intelligence based on skin-color.”
You aren’t denying that Whites have superior IQs. What you seem to be arguing is that the superior IQs of White people doesn’t help them against Jewish treachery and subversion — and that’s a different issue. Can you name any people who have not been bamboozled by the Jews and their Marxist hogwash? Even Jews themselves fall for it.
Marxism succeeds not by appealing to people’s intellect but rather to their emotions, specifically Marxism targets women, which Lenin himself admitted. Women, regardless of race, are more receptive to the emotional appeals of Marxism’s promise of “fairness” and “equality”. Women don’t fall for Marxism more than men because they aren’t as smart as men but rather because they are more emotional than men. So falling for Jewish Marxism isn’t a failure of IQ or intelligence….it’s a failure to be on guard against its emotional manipulations…..none of which disproves White intelligence….Throw IQ tests out and just compare ancient Rome to the most advanced African village. That difference wasn’t caused by Jewish subversion…..and can’t be explained away by socio-economic “opportunities” or “oppression” etc…..
Lisette, surely you can look at a negro and see that there are more things different about them than just skin color. How about their hair, eyes, fattened lips, their smell, their skull shapes?
Tons of tells. They are a different species. A different biblical “kind” all together than to whites.
This need to equalize all hominids is a marxist ploy against whites, because inherent in its ideology is that if all hominids are equal and the same, then it is hypocritical to refuse opportunity, identity and property to any one of any hominid species.
Therefore our people have done just that, and now look at the sorry state of our nations.
Many of the higher IQ Africans go to university in Europe or America, but high IQ by African standards is about 120 at the high end. High end IQ for whites is over 180. And these high IQ Africans are very rare. It’s hard to find many that are smart enough to get through engineering school and maintain infrastructure there. And when Africans do have higher intelligence, it tends to be with verbal IQ rather than mathematical and analytical IQ, which means STEM, hard sciences.
Those African’s and other Blacks from colonial territories, who studied in Europe and America, all of them brought the anti-Colonial Marxist garbage home to the detriment of their own country. The death and destruction ideology is killing Europe and America and White high IQ people lead the charge.
Superior v. inferior IQ in context of White people are better than Black people is a non-sensical argument coming from a position of intellectual dishonesty. If you put everything in historical context and without bias, there is a difference in development. Due to environmental conditions Europeans had to struggle for survival, while African’s did not have to.
One part of the world had Natural Resources that the other part of the world did not have. The part of the world that did have, gave it way for nothing, niente, nada. People in the part that did not have them used their survival instinct to exploit those resources (including human beings) for monetary gain and benefit of their part of the world.
Africans were not considered to have inferior intelligence when they were trading African’s (human cattle) for cheap trinkets and beads with Europeans. A matter a fact, they were equal business partners in the human-trafficking trans-Atlantic slave-trade. To this day the Africans who sold Africans as cattle have great standing with the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
According to the political standards in western countries I have inferior IQ, because I belong to a particular group. In other words, superior IQ does not consider me to be human being because I belong to what they have deemed unworthy and undesirable. High IQ therefore puts me in the inferior IQ box and coerces me to accept that notion. Because superior IQ claims that I am not a human being, does not make it true. If people are individuals, the “group” findings coming out of academia and used to justify certain thought processes and actions are bogus. Because the black and white compartmental thinking in boxes is illogical to me does not mean that I have inferior IQ.
My position is that White people cannot claim to be better than Black people because they are not. Just like Jews cannot claim to be superior to all people walking the face of the earth because they are God chosen. That is a delusion.
“Due to environmental conditions Europeans had to struggle for survival, while African’s did not have to.”
This is hogwash and is based on the discredited “out of Africa” theory. White people did not evolve in Europe — they migrated to Europe from the Near East where it was just as warm as many parts of Africa. Whites moved to South Africa, and it became the only area of the continent that modernized. And then Blacks flooded in to partake in the posterity, and now claim it for their own. Now that Blacks are in control, the country is going to hell in a hand basket — and that’s undeniable.
The entire north coast of Africa was settled and civilized by Whites, including Egypt. Blacks, Nubians, eventually moved north, into Egypt, mixing started to take place, and look at it today, a third world mess.
Intelligence was not a primary concern for slave traders in Africa. They didn’t care if Africans could think abstractly as long as they could work. IQ was not a factor — if anything it was a detriment.
No, according to western standards, you don’t necessarily have an inferior IQ, Lizette. No doubt you’re as smart as many white people — individually, there are many exceptions. Smarter blacks get pushed up the food chain by the marxists as examples of “racial equality”.
Jews want us all to believe that we can replace the Whites of America and Europe with Africans, Arabs, and Mexicans, and those White nations will perform if not as well but even better. Do you believe that? What happened to Egypt is what will happen to those white nations where whites are replaced by non-whites. It’s reality. It’s happened many times before, but they don’t teach that in marxist schools anywhere. Jews filled everyone’s head with this idea that all humans have the same intellectual potential, and you’ve drunk their marxist kool-aid. It’s a lie.
It is OK with me if they are all given the vaccine, then there will be fewer small hats around kvetching about everything. They will make the Palestinians job easier and the Palestinians won’t have to lift a finger. Give them all double doses even triple
She needs to take a look in the mirror to see who the parasites are…..they dictate world wide who is going to live and who dies.
Jacques Attali, another Jewish supremacist busted for advocating genocide (the French Kissinger)
“The future of life”, Jacques Attali in conversation with Michel Salomon, 1981:
“The future will be about finding a way to reduce the population. We start with the old, because as soon as they exceed 60-65 years, people live longer than they produce and that costs society dearly.
“Then the weak, then the useless that do not help society because there will always be more of them, and above all, ultimately, the stupid. Euthanasia targeting these groups; Euthanasia will have to be an essential tool in our future societies, in all cases. Of course we will not be able to execute people or build camps. We get rid of them by making them believe that it is for their own good.”
“Overpopulation, and mostly useless, is something that is too costly economically. Socially, too, it is much better when the human machine comes to an abrupt standstill than when it gradually deteriorates. Neither will we be able to test millions upon millions of people for their intelligence, you bet that!”
“We will find or cause something a pandemic targeting certain people, a real economic crisis or not, a virus affecting the old or the fat, it doesn’t matter, the weak will succumb to it, the fearful and stupid will believe in it and seek treatment. We will have made sure that treatment is in place, treatment that will be the solution.”
“The selection of idiots then takes care of itself: You go to the slaughter by yourself.”
If you do a google search the fact-checkers (Zionist supremacist propagandist) will tell you that its a lie, but the Germans are talking about it too. The Jews who accused Germany of genocide push the global genocide agenda. Talking about free-loading parasites sucking the life out of others, so that they can rule and dominate the world.
Certain ethnic group may fit the parasite prescription