[Based on many of the recent comments we’ve received on related articles concerning WWII, we are republishing this article from 4 years ago, adding additional information and updated links.]
(Times Of Israel) According to nonagenerian Yehuda Bauer — one of the foremost jewish ‘Holocaust’ scholars — Adolf Hitler’s launching of World War II to prevent ‘world Jewry’ from ‘physically annihilating the German nation’ was an act of ‘anti-Semitism’:
World War II and the enormous catastrophe it brought upon mankind occurred “probably mainly” because of anti-Semitism, according to Israel’s preeminent Holocaust scholar. Indeed, Adolf Hitler launched the war to a large extent to prevent “world Jewry” from physically annihilating the German nation, Yehuda Bauer said.
“Anti-Semitism is a cancer that eats the world, and World War II is proof of that,” he told The Times of Israel during an hour-long interview in Jerusalem last week.
Bauer, 93, will deliver the keynote address at a festive dinner for about 45 leaders from across the world Wednesday evening at President Reuven Rivlin’s residence that will kick off this year’s World Holocaust Forum. The event marks the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz. (The only two other speakers at the dinner will be Rivlin himself and the king of Spain.)
At the event, Bauer will speak about a secret memorandum Hitler wrote to Hermann Goering in August 1936, in which he spoke about the need for Germany to be ready for war within four years. Otherwise, Hitler argued, Jewish Bolshevism will “replace” the German nation.
“For a victory of Bolshevism over Germany would not lead to a Versailles Treaty but to the final destruction, indeed to the annihilation, of the German people,” Hitler wrote.
This belief was compounded by a speech Hitler gave in the Reichstag on January 30, 1939, Bauer said during the interview.
“If the international Jewish financiers in and outside Europe should succeed in plunging the nations once more into a world war,” Hitler predicted, “then the result will not be the Bolshevization of the earth, and thus the victory of Jewry, but the annihilation of the Jewish race in Europe!”
“In other words,” Bauer explained, “the Jewish capitalists who rule the West are Bolsheviks whose idea is to create a world war so that they can rule the whole world. This was a deeply held belief. And I argue that this was one of the main reasons for the outbreak of World War II, because that clearly identifies the aim — the threat of physical annihilation to German people and therefore preparation for war because otherwise it will be a terrible catastrophe.”
In other words, it was ‘wrong’ for Hitler to defend Germany against ‘world Jewry’ and its Bolshevik takeover and destruction of the German nation.
Any opposition to Jewish Power is — by official definition — ‘antisemitism’.
But in 1939, Rabbi Harry Waton stated unequivocally that Hitler was correct — not only correct, but a “genius” for understanding the real threat that Jewry posed to Germany:
“Adolf Hitler] has no doubt in his mind that the Jewish problem is the center of all problems, not merely in Germany, but in the world. It is useless to dismiss this as an illusion, because if it is, it demands explanation. But it is no illusion. It is the truth. Hitler’s declaration that the Jewish consciousness is poison to the Aryan races is the deepest insight that the Western world has yet achieved in its own nature; and his capacity to realize this is proof of his genius.”
—Rabi Harry Waton, “A Program for the Jews and an Answer to all Anti-Semites: A Program for Hunmanity,” 1939
It is difficult for most people to understand how the world’s most powerful jewish financiers — or so-called super capitalists — are also radical Bolshevists who plan to use socialism as a political weapon to transfer the world’s wealth into their hands — and that’s exactly what they have been doing since their early years of the 20th century.
Look no further than today’s Neo-Conservatives who are philosophical disciples of Leon Trotsky, via Leo Strauss at the University of Chicago.
It was Strauss who advocated “The Big Lie” technique, which culminated in the neo-con involvement in the 9-11 attacks.
And yes, today’s push toward so-called ‘globalization’ is what Hitler called the “Bolshevization of the earth“ — and it’s far more real today than it was in his time because the hegemonic plan has almost reached its fruition.
Any negative criticism of “globalists” or “globalization” has become yet another “antisemitic dog whistle” — a secret way of talking about Jews without mentioning them by name.
After all, if Hitler opposed “globalization”, any opposition to it can be motivated only by evil.
This rabbi confirms that everything Hitler claimed about the Jews was true:
The more comments I read , the more silly I feel. The National Christian Church, of Oren Potito, published photos of German military and Catholic hierarchy to show it was Christian or supportive of Christianity. I’m so confused.
Wasn’t the phony Republican, Democrat Ronald Reagan , supposed to have claimed communism has fallen? Putin was a KG B member. Yet even today , he can’t escape the label of being KGB and a communist. I’m sure that Tp Putin as a boy under communism, to be a KGB agent would be to us like being a policeman, executive, manager , officer, under communism . There are more photos of our Presidents shown with Jewish Rabbi’s than Christian leaders but quite a few of Putin with Russian orthodox Christian priests as well as Jewish Rabbi’s . Why the fuss?
Isn’t Germany considered Lutheran nation, and where Protestantism came from. Luther never intended to break away from the Catholic Church, but reform its abuses such as selling indulgences which took advantage of people.
and today again conspiracies the dirty jew serving media whores dismiss as conspiracy “theories”
to keep the goyim off balance : Kennedy murders, 9.11NY WTC, weapons of massdistruction, alkaida,Isis
founded + suported by US/UK/Israhell, Chemtrail for Rothschilds climate hoax, jew pharma covid fraud,
Beirut port nuked, Bali nuked,Fukushima nuked,Madrid Atoja false flag, London metro false flag, Notre Dame
false flag, Bataclan false flag, Niza false flag, Paradise Calif laser arsoned, Lahaina Maui laser arsoned (TR-3B) ,
US/UK/NATO/Israhell/Ukraine/Russia/Iran war etc etc . all by the known perpe-traitors . the only enemies of
Germany are not Russia but ZIO/US/UK ! the poles again europas fuze for US/UK ?
judaism + zionist christianity is the cancer that eats the world ! we see it today openly everywhere .
sorry there is too little antisemitism in the sleepy goyim to defend themself, their spirit, culture + identity .
Brother Nathanael (convert to Orthodox Christendom) about Jewish supremacy:
Brother Nathanael is a ‘Putin will save us’ promoter, half truther.Stew Peters is another Shill.
Stew Snake Peters: A Scorpion in the Grass | Trump: A Snake in the Grass | New Age Update on NESARA/GESARA, Quantum Financial System & Pending Arrests
Last week, the legitimate dissident movement in America perhaps was gifted another clue as to double agents within its ranks when the ADL gave a push to a group of so-called “key anti-Semites”: Eugene Michael Jones, “Brother” Nathanael Kapner, Adam Green, and TruNews. Those familiar with this blog will known that Jones, Kapner, and TruNews are suspected Kremlin assets using anti-Judaism to bait their audience for the eventual switch to Western-Soviet convergence (under the guise of multipolarism, Eurasianism, or National Bolshevism). Adam Green, who has been publicly named by the ADL two times now, is also a very suspect character, whose exact allegiance is unclear but whose agenda seems to be to shift blame to specifically Zionism, America, and the West, which happens to align with the neo-Soviet agenda, particularly as it pertains to Operation SIG; although Green does at times criticize Russia and/or Putin. Most of the time, though, Green has been spreading lies that Christianity is just another Jewish form of control via his seeming handler, the Jewish Christopher Jon Bjerknes, a semi-cucked anti-Zionist.
Dr Jane Ruby Another Jewish PRO TRUMP SHILL?
Churchill ,FDR and Stalin planned to start WW2.
“Churchill and Stalin negotiated the starting of co-operation in a war of many fronts against Germany since April 1939……….
July-August 1939: Roosevelt’s Jewish aide Felix Frankfurter visits Churchill for negotiations (documents are classified to this day). Frankfurter brings the message, that United States will participate in the war against Germany.
Summer 1939: Churchill and Stalin make a secret framework-agreement in Crimea – prior to the actual contract signed 15. October 1939.
23. August 1939: Soviet Union and Germany sign a non-aggression pact (the “Molotov-Ribbentrop-pact”). Hitler is assured, that the pact prevents a war on two fronts. Which is what Stalin and the Western allies anticipated. Now Germany is certainly going to attack Poland to take back the areas Germany lost in the Versailles Peace Treaty.
Britain, France and Soviet Union have a negotiated war plan how to defeat Germany.
Hitler believed, that Poland would collapse when being attacked from two sides. Hitler already had a proposal to Poland about swapping areas. He presented these peace offerings on 6. October 1939 to the Western powers.
The trap was set, would Hitler walk into it?
Poland had guarantees, France and Britain – maybe even Soviet Union – would come and help them,at least that’s what the Poles were thinking. ……………………………………………
Tahvanainen kept all telegrams between Churchill, Stalin and Mannerheim – which were all officially signed and confirmed by Stalin.
This communication took place from February to June 1941. Kreml and London worked closely, and they issued orders to Mannerheim and president Ryti. Churchill’s and Stalin’s co-work had started 15. October in 1939 – secret memo.
Mannerheim used to say, that Stalin and Churchill were the architects and contractors of World War Two.
The book, which is being edited at the moment, and which contains all secret photocopies of absolutely secret documents, maps, letters etc., which Mannerheim’s secret aide copied, before handing over Mannerheim’s Secret Files to Stalin, explains in detail how WW2 was created, developed and planned by Churchill, Stalin, Hitler, Roosevelt, Daladier/Reynaud etc., and also about their hidden motives………….
4. United States has promised to intervene with airstrikes.
F. Frankfurter, Roosevelt’s aide, brings a promise of US participating to Churchill in July 1939.
Churchill to Sumner Welles 11.3.1939:
”The only solution to the Europe’s crisis is the utter defeat of Germany and destruction of nationalism. Versailles has to admit it’s mistake! Nobody believed Germany would ever rise after WW1. ”
Germany avoided the Red Threat in 1933, when it ‘forbid’ communists from voting in the parliament. …………….
Churchill: Employers and member of the Party, all Wehrmacht-officers, SS-soldiers, personnel in concentration camps, members of Gestapo and Volkssturm (Police) and all other war criminals “have to be executed immediately after capturing them and without formalities”.
Roosevelt: ”Special professionals from scientific faculties and representants of war economy and war industry have to be arrested, isolated and removed “for our use”. US-Army’s task will not be to take care of millions of starving and dying war prisoners, nor to take care of feeding civilians who are starving to death in cellars. Let all Germans feel the pain of losing a war.
Eisenhower: ”It’s a pity we couldn’t kill more”
“In April, 1939 (four months before the outbreak of war), Ambassador William C, Bullitt, whom I had known for twenty years, called me to the American Embassy in Paris. The American Ambassador told me that war had been decided upon. He did not say, nor did I ask, by whom. He let me infer it… When I said that in the end Germany would be driven into the arms of Soviet Russia and Bolshevism, the Ambassador replied: “What of it? There will not be enough Germans left when the war is over worth Bolshevising.”
∼ Karl Von Wiegand, April 23rd, 1944, Chicago Herald American.
A German soldier found a curious document while rummaging through train wagons at the La Charite station on June 19, 1940. He immediately handed over the document-which bore a particular remark-to his superiors at departmental headquarters. From there the paper passed to agencies. It became clear that what had been discovered constituted evidence in a most important investigation. The train station was once more thoroughly searched. And it was thus that the High Command of the Wehrmacht came into possession of a collection of documents of unique historical significance.
What was found were the secret files of the Allied High War Council, including the protocols of all sessions of this illustrious association. And this time it shall not be possible for Mr. Churchill to simply deny or lie about the authenticity of these documents, as he had attempted to do at the time in the case of documents found in Warsaw. For these documents feature handwritten notes in the margins penned by Gamelin, Daladier, Weygand, and so on. Hence these gentlemen are free either to admit to these or to disown them at any time. And these documents enlighten us as to the dealings of these gentlemen who have an interest in the war and in its expansion. They will above all demonstrate how these cold-blooded politicians and military men have used all these small peoples as a means to an end; how they tried to subject Finland to their interests; how they determined to make Norway and Sweden the theater of war; how they planned to set fire to the Balkans to procure the assistance of 100 divisions from there; how they prepared to bomb Batum and Baku under the cover of a shrewd as well as unscrupulous reading of the Turkish neutrality in favor of their own interests; how they spun their web around the Netherlands and Belgium, pulling its strings constantly tighter, and finally engaging them in general staff agreements; as well as many other things.The documents afford us, moreover, a good picture of the entire amateurish method which these policy-making warmongers employed in an attempt to contain the fire they had kindled. These speak of their military pseudo-democracy which is jointly responsible for the gruesome fate which they have inflicted on hundreds of thousands and millions of soldiers of their own countries; of their barbaric lack of conscience which led them to drive their own peoples from their homes in cold blood and deliberately, in a mass evacuation whose military consequences were not necessarily favorable to them, while the general human results were shockingly gruesome. The same criminals are at the same time responsible for whipping up the Poles and inciting them to war. Eighteen days later this campaign ended-for all practical purposes.
Tell a Christian that Jesus Christ isn’t real, and then tell them the Holocaust isn’t real.
See which one upsets them more.
Now you know which is their real religion.
Here’s the best satire documentary I’ve ever seen about the fake Holocaust….the absurdity of it from the Jewish perspective. Should be shown to every child in school….it will have them rolling in the aisles laughing.
The Dark Side of the “Liberation of Europe”
The Legionary Movement, soul from the heart of the nation
How “Criminal” Was the Legionnaire Movement?
Well, Yehuda Bauer is a normal jewish liar!
Hitler wanted no war with anyone nor exterminate anyone nor conquer anything.
He just wanted to get back german pieces of land that had been stolen from them at the Peace Conference.
I’m not defending Hitler, as he was an anti-christian pagan and the main victim of nazism were catholics, not jews; Let’s not forget his eugenics programmes, based on english and american eugenicists… many disable people died.
The entire war was engineered by international jewry, with t he main goal of establishing the state of Israel.
Germany during the war done nothing but defend itself!!!
Luis writes “I’m not defending Hitler, as he was an anti-christian pagan and the main victim of nazism were catholics”
You need to start thinking for yourself. Many quotes from Hitler contradict what you are claiming.
“We tolerate no one in our ranks who attack the ideas of Christianity. Our movement is Christian.”
–Adolf Hitler, October 27, 1928
“The [National Socialist] government will regard it as their first and foremost duty to….preserve and defend those basic principles on which our nation has been built. They regard Christianity as the foundation of our national morality…”
–Hitler Speeches, p.113, Bayes, 1/2/1933
General Francisco Franco said this of Hitler,
“Adolf Hitler, son of the Catholic Chuirch, died while defending Christianity. It is therefore understandable that words cannot be found to lament over this death, when so many were found to exalt his life. Over his mortal remains stands his victorious moral figure. With the palm of the martyr, God gives Hitler the laurels of victory.”
The old canard that Communism is a Jewish ploy, the same as Jewish financial domination, is a poor explanation of the JQ phenomenon that has to die.
It undermines coming to the reality of the JQ, when a normal, working class Western man reads that people in the past had to forgo union protections or universal healthcare because it was all a Jewish undermining of society scam.
The fault, and the reason powerful interests supported the old fascist regimes, wasn’t because of the JQ, but because the fascists supported anti-working class policies, under the false rubric of Jew=communism.
Jews may have been disproportionally involved in Communism, and they may have had a subconscious delight in undermining the old social order, but no Communist ever thought he would get rich or corner the market with this ideology.
You’ve set a false dichotomy here.
Trade unions long pre-dated Marxism and Communism. In England and America, trade unions existed in the 18th century. They also existed during Roman times. Long before the “fascist” movement.
We didn’t need communism to bring about more worker’s rights, but that was the only choice we were given, and that was done intentionally.
Worker’s rights were the “carrot” to lure workers into supporting communism, but the ultimate goal of communism was not to benefit the common worker.
Communism’s goal was to undermine all western Christian nations and deliver the wealth into the hands of the Jewish bankers, not the “proletariat” as Marx would like us to believe.
Marx himself created the false dialectic of “communism vs. capitalism”, with the goal to fuse the two as we now see in Jewish-financed China, a totalitarian police state subservient to the banker’s.
And your claim that “fascism” was anti-worker rights is patently false. National Socialist Germany disproves your idea. So do the fascist movements in Italy and Spain. Spain’s economy thrived under Franco, and the working class greatly benefited.
Jews Have Been Expelled From Countries, Cultures And Nation Sates Over 1,030 Times
Over The Last 2,000 Plus Years – About Once Every Three Years On The Average – Why?
This Pivotal Video Has Now Gone Well Past Half A Million Views
On Rumble…And Over Two Million More On Social Media
Now that jewry has finished off Germany, they set their sights on the USA, shot Kennedy, pulled off 9/11, then put a dagger in the chest of Europe with millions of Muslim and African refugees…..
Now the death vax for the white western nations.
Jews kill what they fear.
They feared Jesus Christ and killed Him. Now it’s time to kill all those who follow Him.
Thanks Jews. We know what you’re doing every step of the way.
It’s not going to turn out the way you hope it will.
Jesus Christ has assured us that you will fail.
Your time is short.
Don’t get too comfortable.
Articles and sources in German and English on different topics:
I ask myself while all rabbis welcome the african islamic invasion if they believe they could
continue a happy islamic/jewish partnership like once in spain or will they go then on each
others throat to rule the world jewish or as kalifat . keep in mind in spain they needed the
wide conected jew traiders and on globe there were maybe only 2-5 million people but today
on globe are 8 billion. lets cut to 5 billion with help of Rothschild/Klaus Schwab/Bill Gates/Albert
Bourla/Putin/Zelenski/Satanjahu/Ajatollas/Biden/Trump . . . ? all those masses are not needed
as servants for the jewish or islamic master race . some have to do the manual work . jews dont
like that as the moslems also want be only the masters . I think war between all their sects is
preprogrammed . anyway what comes out next from GREAT RESET +Young Global traitors .
“Jewry is a cancer that eats the world, and World War II is proof of that”
Fixed it for the kikes.
foremost main cancer are the Rothschild mafia !
the roots of godlike jewish western materialism .
Refreshing and encouraging to see some truth for a change, I , sadly am half Jewish , took 48 yrs of my 60 yr life to find out our christian family had been interbred with Jews, How sad that day was when i found that out. For i had already been researching 15 hrs a day for 8 yrs at that time , specifically about what the hell happened to our freedom , what happened to God our Creator , and who is behind this.
Needless to say i soon found Hitler to be the most outstanding leader and man i have ever learned about , now over 85,000 hrs later nothing has changed he was and still is The Worlds best Leader Ever in my opinion, my father was a communist freemason who worked for MSM , Jewish History is an Utter depsicable and disgusting disgrace.
What happened to Men ? Wearing dresses ? marrying your mate ? research 1666 Redemption by sin and you will see who is behind LGBTIP etc and the whole perverted wests , now disgusting immoral ways , I am a Watcher and have been all my life , SV40 Virus ? O Rh negative ? Humans com from Monkeys ? lol , mankind is on the crossroads to death and he still hasn’t seen that , The goyim are bred and indoctrinated to be low IQ passive and weak , they will soon pay a huge price for their willful ignorance, as we all will , Hitler was right , Putin is right why should Mother Russia lose her Sovereignty to a whore of Babylon West , the immoral cowards of the west , this is why i campaigned hard and protested Gay Marriage , because i knew the real goal was legal sex with children through the LGTBIP movement which was started by Sabbateans with the purpose Communism created by Jews , wake up people the end is near , even if we do wake up now the end will still be near for stacks of people . Sons of the Anzacs, Cooees! Son’s of God. Golden Age , Love Compassion Empathy Thoughtfulness, Truthfulness more love and understanding , we could have had all that , but you chose to sit on your ass and watch Lucifer destroy paradise , Forgive them for they know not what they Do . I am a Son of God .
Hi Bob,
You certainly did a ton of research. Any recommendations on where a beginner should start to learn the truth about the world? Thank you!
I would start here on CFT; first the articles, and the book section as well. The Library is full of history and, downloadable on PDF.
Another Christian Identity site is:
it provides good updated articles of current society.
video Adolf Hitler, the greatest story never told,is worth watching,it use to be on YouTube,if you Google it, it shows it on Internet archives.
“Europa, the Last Battle” gives the big picture.
This is why I glorify Hitler, a good man who tried to protect his people and all of Europe from the murderous, nation destroying commie kikes. A man who was unjustly maligned and became the most lied about man in history thanks to the disgusting rat jews. Hell, I wouldn’t even care about Hitler if they hadn’t blatantly lied about him to us for 75+ years. Now we know who the real murderers were, and they deserve every ounce of rage coming down on them from the whole world, which I hope surely happens soon.
ZIONISM is the cancer. What gives jews the right to control earth? You are a disgusting person and you will lose, BADLY..
According to the Khazar Jews, the Satanic Babylonian Talmud gives the Jews the right to rule the Earth. The Jews are Satanic disciples of Satan.
They are the serpent race. Descended from Cain.
Why is sperm shaped like snakes?
As far as I know, the Poles weren’t killing Germans en masse. So that was likely a propaganda tool used by Hitler as a Casus Belli to invade Poland.
It’s not a matter of whether the Allies were the good guys or whether the axis were the good guys. Both sides were inherently flawed in different ways.
Mark, what is your definition of ‘en masse’? The jewish Bolsheviks in Poland were indeed involved in murdering ethnic Germans in the Danzig corridor, and yes, thousands were murdered. And books have been written about it, and there are plenty of photos of the killing fields. Just don’t rely on Google to get you that information.
The Bolsheviks murdered the Germans in order to force Germany’s hand and start a war, which Hitler tried to avoid at all costs.
Hitler warned that he would invade Poland to stop the ethnic cleansing of Germans, and when Poland ignored his repeated warnings, he ultimately was left with no choice but to stop the blood shed, and he did what he promised.
If you are truly open to the truth, read more here:
polish fascist militias were encouraged by britains + US manipulating diplomaty.
in our time US manipulating Sadam Hussain into war against Iran later fighting him .
there were globalist (jew) hand in it . all advisers of Curchill + FD Roosevelt were jews !
The communist jews in Poland DID murder Germans by the tens of thousands. I guess you never heard of Bloody Sunday, or Bromberg Massacre. Even Wikipedia, edited by jews, admits to the violence by the Poles against the Germans in 1939. They caused millions of refugees too. So are you the type that just speaks his mind even though you have no clue to the facts? Too many people have an opinion that shouldn’t count for $#!× if they don’t even know what they’re talking about.
Some historical background:
The Unknown History
of the 1939 German-Polish Conflict
A Brief Synopsis
You don’t know much then Mark , propaganda you say ? my people are ruined for lack of knowledge , do some homework .
On Poland:
The English translation disappeared from the internet!
Dr. med. Heinz Esser: A German physician and eyewitness
Die Hölle von Lamsdorf, Poland
Of course, Britain and France fomented the conflict between Poland and Germany, and they left Germany no choice but to attack Poland to stop the slaughter of ethnic Germans in the Danzig corridor.
And yes, that was a defensive attack on Germany’s part. Had Germany not launched this offensive, the bolsheviks would have eventually invaded Germany, as Stalin had long planned to do, probably at the behest of FDR’s Red-friendly jewish cabal behind the scenes.
Yep, and this is where the jewish chutzpah starts to become so glaringly obvious to even the most fluoridated goy, that ‘anti-semitism’ will indeed foster the awakening of the ‘arise and thresh’ attitude Christians are supposed to have…
Pat Sajak: ” the category is Spanish remedies”
“a_o_her i_quisi_ion”
I’d like to solve the puzzle Pat….