“WASHINGTON – The federal Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry is preparing to propose safe levels for fluorinated chemicals in drinking water nearly six times more stringent than the Environmental Protection Agency’s recommendation. But internal emails reveal that the EPA, the Department of Defense and the White House are interfering, fearing a “public relations nightmare” that could follow.”
“The family of fluorinated chemicals reviewed by ATSDR, known as PFAS chemicals, have been linked to several types of cancer, thyroid disease weakened childhood immunity and other health problems. They contaminate drinking water systems serving 16 million Americans in 33 states, as well as scores of military and industrial sites nationwide.”
Contrary to what has been claimed by so-called “scientists”, fluoride is one of the most toxic elements to humans–no safe levels of exposure have ever been established, and no reliable studies have ever been done to prove ANY benefit to humans, including dental health. Independent studies have established the link between fluoride exposure and bone cancer.
A Harvard study showed that fluoride exposure for children can lower their IQs at least 10 points. This is truly a “nightmare” chemical.
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