Jakob Nieves, a transgender man who seven months ago urged locals in Lawrenceville, Massachusetts to vote “Yes” on a veto referendum enabling those who identify as transgender to access locker rooms and similar facilities designated for the opposite sex, has now been slapped with sexual exploitation of a child and distribution of child pornography charges:
19-year-old Jakob Nieves, a man who identifies as a woman, “did knowingly employ, use, persuade, induce, entice and coerce” a four-year-old girl “to engage in any sexually explicit conduct” with him “for the purpose of producing any visual depiction of such conduct,” court records show.
Mr Nieves began exchanging messages with another person in a Kik group created for those interested in trading images of pedophilia. Kik is a mobile messaging app.
As the chat progressed, Mr Nieves allegedly shared with the conversation partner images of a small child performing indecent acts on his penis.
Unbeknownst to Mr Nieves, the conversation partner was an undercover federal agent. His transfer of photos portraying him engaged in illegal acts with a minor sparked a federal investigation, according to the criminal complaint.
On August 14, federal agents obtained a warrant to search the home of Mr Nieves, which is located on the 200 block of Lawrence Street. The search produced a phone, which agents say contains photos and videos of Mr Nieves sexually violating a minor girl in the bedroom of his home.
Christina DiLorio-Sterling, spokeswoman for U.S. Attorney Andrew Lelling, says Mr Nieves admitted to agents during the search that he had made and distributed the obscene material.
If convicted on both counts, Mr Nieves faces anywhere from 20 and 50 years behind bars, up to a lifetime of supervised release, and a $250,000 fine.
Mr Nieves is being held in federal custody [without bail].
Massachusetts Question 3, Gender Identity Anti-Discrimination Veto Referendum (2018), was approved in November 2018, with 1,806,742 or 67.82% of voters marking “yes” on the ballot to uphold the state’s gender identity policy. The Massachusetts policy prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender identity in places of public accommodation, including such sex-specific areas as restrooms and locker rooms. The penalty for each violation ranges from up to $100 and / or up to 30 days in prison to $2,500 and / or up to a year in prison. In addition, a civil penalty of between $10,000 and $50,000 may be imposed on each violation.
From the very beginning of the “gay rights” movement, the ultimate goal was to get unfettered access to our children, and now that they’ve achieved that goal, we are starting to reap the social benefits. And isn’t it ironic to see these schisms developing in the LGBT community between the “radical” pedophile transexuals and the “normal” gays who think that all of this has “gone too far” even for them?
What the so-called “normal” ones don’t realize is that they are not, nor have they ever been, “normal”.
Even the “normal” ones have an untreated mental and emotional disorder that has not only gone untreated, it has literally become illegal to give them the proper psychiatric care they need. Instead, they’ve been patted on the head, told there is nothing wrong with them, even after they go on to commit suicide.
And now we are being told to treat pedophiles with understanding and respect because our “rejection” of them hurts their feelings and makes them feel “icky” about themselves. The inmates are now literally running the asylum.
Aren’t priests hetero sexual ?
That story reminds me of priests found guilty of molesting boys.
If I Were the Devil
“If I were the prince of darkness, I would want to engulf the whole world in darkness. I’d have a third of its real estate and four-fifths of its population, but I would not be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree — thee. So, I would set about however necessary to take over the United States.
“I’d subvert the churches first, and I would begin with a campaign of whispers. With the wisdom of a serpent, I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve: ‘Do as you please.’
“To the young, I would whisper that the Bible is a myth. I would convince the children that man created God instead of the other way around. I’d confide that what’s bad is good and what’s good is square. And the old, I would teach to pray after me, ‘Our Father, which art in Washington …’
“Then, I’d get organized, I’d educate authors in how to make lurid literature exciting so that anything else would appear dull and uninteresting. I’d peddle narcotics to whom I could. I’d sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction. I’d tranquilize the rest with pills.
“If I were the devil, I’d soon have families at war with themselves, churches at war with themselves and nations at war with themselves until each, in its turn, was consumed. And with promises of higher ratings, I’d have mesmerizing media fanning the flames.
“If I were the devil, I would encourage schools to refine young intellect but neglect to discipline emotions. I’d tell teachers to let those students run wild. And before you knew it, you’d have drug-sniffing dogs and metal detectors at every schoolhouse door. With a decade, I’d have prisons overflowing and judges promoting pornography. Soon, I would evict God from the courthouse and the schoolhouse and then from the houses of Congress. In his own churches, I would substitute psychology for religion and deify science. I’d lure priests and pastors into misusing boys and girls and church money.
“If I were the devil, I’d take from those who have and give to those who wanted until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious. What’ll you bet I couldn’t get whole states to promote gambling as the way to get rich?
“I’d convince the young that marriage is old-fashioned, that swinging is more fun and that what you see on television is the way to be. And thus, I could undress you in public and lure you into bed with diseases for which there are no cures.
“In other words, if I were the devil, I’d just keep right on doing what he’s doing.”
Paul Harvey 1964
Very well said
“That story reminds me of priests found guilty of molesting boys.”
Well, it shouldn’t. Because this sicko was 19, was not (by any element of this reporting) Catholic, and let’s not forget the American Association of Evangelicals [AEA] President, who was married, and yet who was tricking and paying a male hooker, for HIS sexual degeneracy.
Better to wonder WHY the Catholic Church was TARGETED to DENY normal men (who weren’t sodomites) to NOT pursue holy orders, and then put IN ALREADY sodomitical postulants, who then merely BECAME the clergy the Jews and the Pervs WANTED in positions of authority.
Cui bono, in other words.
Take out the log, before you deal with splinters.
P.S. I am not a Catholic Priest.
Within the LGBTQI alphabet group is the T – strategically placed AFTER the L, the G and the B – which, by the way are sexualities. T is an identity crises. Your message is a good one here and should be on every single major news network. Don’t muddy the water by attempting to blame L, G & B in the group. Q’s are just attention seekers. Same sex marriage is a very different race to MEN who pretend to be women so they can exploit their sick and twisted child and women rape fantasies. Your article was all good up until then. I encourage you to do more research into this issue as it is an important one. The implications are so vast that we need to be sure of precisely what the issue is. Thank you for reporting on this.
Leviticus 20:13,4,5,6, God said all homosexuals should be put to death! And All Who Support It!! Abortionists As Well Matthew 18:6 People Better Read They Bibles And Turn From Sin Wickedness, Turn to God 2 Chronicles 7:14 And Obey His Commandments Exodus 20:1-17 God on its Way Punish to All sinners To Slain them Psalm 62:3 No Excuse.. The Devil Selfish Greedtu Ungodly People Is Filthy Abomination..deserve Death Out of This World, Harming Babies Murderous Of And Innocent Godly People.. The government Corrut With Abominations Judges Jury Laws All Devil Cult Hate Envy Greed Selfish Devil Gain of Abomination Sin Of The Devil Lies..
Yes, God said the wages of sin is death.
Jesus died for our sins, this includes homosexuality. It even includes bestiality and pedophilia.
Yes,however HE wants you to repent and sin no more…
This is in HIS words…
I’m glad somebody is knowledgeable to share the FAITH Thanks for posting Amen! Through Jesus and Mary Samantha
Wow! I certainly hope you don’t eat cheese burgers or shrimp or wear clothes that have mixed Fabrics. Leviticus says this is wrong as well. Can you explain why you voted an adulterer into the office of presidency, as this is also forbidden?
LGBTQxyz is a joke. LGB was hijacked by the T and then the Q and whatever else latches on. T is for transgender but it is actually for gender dysphoria. Q is for queer, which was a slur when i was growing up. It seems their goal is a fashion one meant to blur the obvious differences in men and women with the use of clothing etc.
Back to the trans…. they have also silcenced the lesbian in the LGB community. They also have brought together both femanist and conservative women, gay and straight, on the issue of safe spaces for women / girls who have female DNA. They also have asked for a fight when it comes to female athletics.
Being female with female DNA is the origional minority
Gender dysphoria is a DSM IV diagonis no different than PTSD is. It is treatable much like the anorexicwho hates their body. I do not ask the world to stop using fireworks or gather in crowds.. so why should the Gender dysphoria patient get accommodations making people pretend they are something they are not? They should not and “Gays for Trump” are promoting just that. We even have some trans in agreement with this.
That said, I just want the trans community to get help. For those pedophiles trying to get that classified as a sexual preference and hijack the MI of gender dysphoria to manipulate their access to children… well the mid east of Iran welcomes you… they embrace pedophilia snd incest and marriage to their own daughters. So go there… and leave the children and LGB and the actual patients with GD in United States alone.
Indicted yesterday: https://www.justice.gov/usao-ma/pr/lawrence-resident-indicted-sexual-exploitation-charges
I heard an excellent theory which I now hold to, the demons that possess homosexuals are the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim. They are both male and female obviously, but if a gay is possessed by the opposite sex then their lust will be reversed. Ie female demon in a male human’s body will influence the host to lust after other men. It makes total sense. It also explains why gay men are effeminate and Lesbiaqns are butch. I totally believe that homosexuality is passed on via sexual abuse or extreme perversion. It is a recruitment program and definitely not genetic.
disgusting fruitcake
Hang its ass in public (after conviction, ed.).
I agree we need to seek the DEATH PENALTY FOR CHILD RAPISTS, PERIOD.
Most Trannys are pedophiles masquerading in transgender paint in order to have access to our children. Many are vile, immoral and corrupt as has been proven time and time again as is the case here.
I am highly offended by transgenders because they truly are misogynists and are very offensive to women. They are grotesque hypersexualized caricatures of women. They mock women and debase womanhood and femininity. They are no different than a racist donning black face.
They teach our sons that women are just sexual objects and it teaches our daughters that they must be overly sexualized to be desired. Enough is enough. We say NO more to a political agenda aimed at degrading women and sexualizing children. We say no to gender appropriation!
Amen! You said it Suzy
That’s funny right there.
Stratman, you’ve got some catchin’ up to do. Check out the site’s intro statement and click the links to get up to speed…
this looks to be a good, well-focused site: https://womenarehuman.com/
good find, thank you
Better to drown with a stone around the neck than to face the judgment Jeshua has in store for those who sexually abuse children!
In the verse you are referring to, Christ is actually referring to all of God’s children – white people, Israelites. Young children are always the visual provided to explain who we are and how we are to approach our Father…as His little children…
And where exactly was the parent of that child? Imagine the irresponsibility of the parent who allows their child to be babysat by a transgendered psycho….. Where is child service when you really need them?
My exact thought. Where were they and why did they allow a 4 year old at his house alone? Where is the rest of the story.
Well possibly this childs parents AGREED that transgenders are acceptable in all ways. That’s how most liberals feel. Transgenders aren’t a threat to a child. MY AZZZZ! People are in trouble for NOT accepting this sickness as normal. And accepting parents don’t feel the need to protect their innocent children. After all John Q Tranny is JACQUELINE!
Imagine that…
And although I never watch any msm, I’m SURE this is front page news at the jew york times and undoubtedly abc’s lead story on the 6 oclock news…
Why would the Jew York times make this front page news when it’s the Jews promoting sexualization of children? This will never be on MSM news. The Jews would never allow it.
George, he was obviously being sarcastic.
JewYork Times? You can say that and claim to be Christian?
In view of the fact that the NYT is OWNED and OPERATED by Jews,the writer is correct.
Would you prefer something more “Christian” sounding like the “New York Slimes”?
The majority of those (((The minority))) who destroy your nation from within.
3 words:
Sodom and Gommorah