The controlled media continues to push the limits of degeneracy and perversion – now with a “transgender superhero” named Nia Nal:
Supergirl is set to become the first TV series to feature a transgender superhero.
Nicole Maines, who is transgender herself, is set to play the part of Nia Nal in the Sky One show.
Ms Maines, 20, said in an interview at a Comic-Con event in San Diego, California: “A lot of shows are introducing trans characters to their casts because this is such a hot topic issue right now and it’s so important in our society.”
She added: “You know it seems fitting to have a trans superhero – Supergirl stepped up and I stepped in.”
Nia Nal, who is also known as Dreamer in the show, appears to be a new take on the DC character Nura Nal who was also known as Dream Girl, according to the superhero fan site Fandom.”
Jews are the authors of confusion, and Hollyweird always appears on the vanguard of pop culture pushing the envelope of what is acceptable and edgy.
Ten years ago, every show began having at least one gay character, and today every show will now have at least one transgender character. Now that’s progress.
And this Supergirl show is marketed to children – supposedly that lucrative untapped “transgender” youth market that’s been “demanding” recognition.
Hold on! Why are you pushing Jew-hatred on this supposedly Christian site?! Jesus was a Jewish rabbi… the Bible is a Jewish book! Religious Jews are against all this immorality too! It’s the secular, liberal ones, who have ethnic jewish names, who are advocating the LGBT stuff – just like the nominal “Christians” do! You can include the current Pope and many pastors in that category. Yes, God has blessed the Jewish people with great leadership talent – some use it for great good, some for evil – if they reject God’s laws. So? He says His gifts and callings are irrevocable! Please stop blaming all immorality on the Jews… in this post-Christian, western society, we are all to blame for our lukewarmness. You are doing more harm than good in going off track from what you should be doing, which is calling everyone to repentance for the horrible sins that we have allowed to take root here.
Christians For Truth
“Betty” if you are a sincere Christian, then you must also have the humility to be willing to learn something new, and the fact of the matter is that today’s “Jews” are imposters who are not the true descendants of the Tribe of Judah of the Old Testament.
And once you understand that, you’ll understand what Christ meant when he talked about those who called themselves Jews but are the “synagogue of Satan”. Please read the following essay to learn who the Jews truly are:
LOL bad as watching seth mc dick head acting on screen…
So a man pretending to be a girl is going to play a man pretending to be everyone’s “dream girl”? And this superhero “dream girl” will save the planet from what exactly?