(Israel National News) Jewish groups on Tuesday welcomed news of US President Donald Trump’s expected Executive Order which will allegedly protect Jews on college campuses from ‘antisemitism’ associated with the criticism of the policies of the Israeli government:
“President Trump is moving to combat Anti-Semitism in a situation where it is sorely needed. Jews are indeed a nationality, and Jewish students have faced increasingly-obvious bias on campus,” said Rabbi Pesach Lerner, President of the Coalition for Jewish Values.
“The fact that it has been thinly disguised as ‘anti-Israel’ activity is no excuse for bigotry, and adopting the definition of Anti-Semitism used by the State Department is the correct response. The President deserves our thanks for doing what is right and just,” he added.
The Simon Wiesenthal Center, a leading Jewish Human Rights NGO, welcomed the move as well.
“It will have an immediate impact on US campuses plagued with anti-Semitic and extreme anti-Israel acts, where many University officials complained that the lack of a working definition of anti-Semitism hampered efforts to deal with anti-Semitic incidents on campus. Now, through this Executive Order, necessitated by Congress’ failure to pass legislation, University officials and Jewish students will be better equipped to deal with hate attacks often associated with the anti-Israel BDS campaigns,” Rabbi Abraham Cooper, SWC Associate Dean and Director of Global Social Action, said in a statement released in Washington, DC.
“More broadly, President Trump’s Executive Order sends a strong message domestically and around the world against history’s oldest hate at a time of surging anti-Semitism on both sides of the Atlantic,” Cooper added.
Rabbi Cooper had testified at the House Judiciary Committee in support of a bill designed to provide University officials with a working definition on anti-Semitism. The bill sailed through the Senate but did not make it out of committee in the House. The SWC’s Director of Government Affairs, Mark Weitzman, was deeply involved in the drafting of the so-called IHRA definition on anti-Semitism that has since been adopted by many European States and which explains when anti-Israel criticism crosses over into anti-Semitism.
Officials said earlier on Tuesday that the order signed by Trump will effectively interpret Judaism as a nationality, not just a religion, to trigger a federal law penalizing colleges and universities deemed to be shirking their responsibility to foster an open climate for minority students.
Basically, jewish snowflakes on college campuses just can’t handle the fact that people actually object to the ersatz State of Israel’s ongoing ethnic cleansing of the Palestinians, so they want those people shut down, and even jail or execute them if need be.
The new equation is: Jews are a race. Israel is their racial homeland. Criticizing Israel is the same as criticizing the entire race of Jews. Therefore, criticizing Israel is antisemitic, and antisemitism is a hate crime, and the penalty for a ‘hate crime’ will be prison or death.
Just ask the 60 million dead Russian Christians if you don’t believe that is exactly where this is headed.
Jews wouldn’t be enacting these draconian laws if they didn’t deeply fear that their hypocrisy and violent agenda were going to eventually be exposed. They can’t win the argument on the preponderance of the facts, so their only recourse is totalitarian censorship.
For Jews ‘free speech’ always leads to ‘hate speech’ because if you allow people to say whatever they want, for some reason, they always want to criticize Jews and their abuse of power and wealth. Funny how that always works out that way.
The picture you have of Trump surrounded by Jewish Rabbi’s is just like photos of every President surrounded by Jews signing some law for them.
Pictures of Putin with Jew Rabbis’ surrounding him are used by some to show that he is really a phony, and still a communist because he was in the KGB. I’m sure that for him in Russia under Communism , it was one of the Jobs available to him if he wanted to succeed or better himself. Just as if today , so many like , and especially Alex Jones who defames and hates the FBI, CIA and our police, one could condemn also for such a position or occupation.
I’ve seen foreign sites that consider Putin a Christian who supports and is bringing back Christianity to Russia. If Putin is considered a Communist just because photos of him are taken of him with Jewish Rabbi ‘s , then the same can be said of American President’s, that they are Communist’s because they are seem with Jewish Rabbi’s.
I can across , on You Tube a program, called X22. He claims that Trump is playing a game and removing people, pretending to oppose certain politician’s to keep them from office, lose elections or cause someone else to win, causing , forcing others to retire, resign or refuse to run again.
He makes it sound as Trump only seemed to lose the election , so that , If I could understand his explanation, that Trump deliberately lost, to cause Biden to win to bring about what we see happening and expose the agenda and people Biden is appointing. That our Military planned all of this years ago to protect our country, and used agents to infiltrate the New World Order.
I can’t believe that Trump is that intelligent. Alex Jones has said on one program that Trump has known since he was 7 years old about the New World Order and was waiting for the day to expose it. I don’t believe it. Reading about Trump and his life and lifestyle doesn’t show anything of interest or intelligence about world affairs . One thing he shows for sure is his love of talking about sex like Alex Jones does .Howard Stern is one program he was on and bragged of sexual matters with his daughter sitting right beside him.
I looked up Trump’s supposed friend, Roger Stone , because I thought the beak nosed scum was Jewish . He’s Catholic. There is an advertisement of he and his wife advertising for sexual encounters with others. He is supposed to be friends with Trump for about , I believe, 20 years. What’s that show along with Trump’s sexual behavior , attitude and treatment of women, not even considering that he was friends and knew Jeffery Epstein a Jew, who Alex Jones promoted for months on his program and with Tee shirts about him not hanging himself.
Alex Jones brags of knowing Joe Rogan for at least 10 years or more, maybe 20, and he is Catholic , but not practicing the religion. Look up Joe Rogan’s beliefs , and also how supposedly popular he is to promote his agenda.
There’s a video of Alex Jones dancing the circular dance with Jews and his big , laughing ,smiling face showing he’s having a good time with them.
He insinuates things and then says that he is not preaching violence against anyone because he loves everyone.
He claimed that Sandy Hook and the Boston Marathon incident’s were false flags , the injured were “crisis” actors ‘ and it was all fake. But now that he is being sued, and losing , he is trying to pretend he is a victim of persecution by the Government to get him.
He called the rally in Washington , D.C. , claimed a women’s group contacted him and put up 3/4’s of the money for the rally. He riled up the crowd the night before , but on the day of the rally, claimed the police had him in a secluded place and would tell him when to lead his own rally. And when the riot got out of hand, claimed that the Secret Service set him up and he should have suspected it but his intuition wasn’t working. Alex Jones has preached against our law authority when he can get away with it and pretends to support them when he says not all are bad.
This is why it is so hard to fight this. Everyone has their own opinion of what is going on. I see Trump as a phony who acted like a dictator who did what he wanted, removed people and mocked them and their careers, was defiant and cocky, braggart, and other habits. But I listen to a site making him the patriotic infiltrator of our Government , cleaning up the swamp, the New World Order being infiltrated and thousands of indictments being set aside for the day to bring these people to justice.
Alex Jones has been trying to incite people even more indirectly to violence by telling them that they must act to save our government and that they must send him money to be able to keep fighting the globalists. He’s a money making con man and scam artist like his puppet , Donald Trump, who he claims he told after winning the election what Trump had to do as President.
Trump is said to have at least $100,000,000 in his supposed campaign funds and I’ve even seen it mentioned as much as $200,000,000 and the scum is still asking for more donations on a site he set up, because the Republican Party is not supporting him, and it is said that Trump is not giving any money to other candidates,
I hope Mike Pence runs for office. He was made fun of, but I noticed that he never opposed Trump and was always standing by like a loyal follower. And why not. Trump has shown that he is boss, nobody dare cross him, and he knows everything and can be vindictive.
Trump has to have somebody behind him telling him what is going on , when to respond and keeping him believing and promoting that he lost the election, to keep him in the public eye until 2024.
Something is going on when others are saying that Biden will be told to resign, because his health will no longer stand up to the rigors of President, Kamela Harris will take over and that the 25 th amendment will be used to remove them. We believe what we see happening, or our intuition tells us.
I can’t believe that for thousands, maybe tens of thousands , millions of years or even since the angels fell we are told , and Lucifer sought to rule the world that it will be so easy that we will just so easily defeat the New World Order without sacrifice, death and war and destruction. If so , all of the suffering and wars of the past were needless,.
sorry, was answering Stoic at bottom
Ever wonder why something less than 6/tenths of ONE percent of the worlds population, and only approximately 2% of the US pop, garner so much attention, special treatment and cause 90% of the problems? How does that small of a group seem to be behind nearly every war, all financial collapses and trading, darn near all media, control every government I know of in one way or another, wreck nation after nation and STILL claim to be oppressed?!? Must have some help… OH YEAH! maybe it IS like Jesus Himself said – they are of their father the devil’.
Wake up sheeple.
Judaism, the ‘religion’ of the jewish people, is a racial designation. When we say it, we’re smeared as antisemites, but when they say it, no one cares or even pays attention. This is just another ‘brick in the wall’ that they are erecting to legally put us in a stranglehold, with nowhere to turn, and that’s a foolish thing to do for the Jews. A ‘friendly’ word of advice to Jews: always leave your enemy a means of escape, especially if he is White. Hell hath no fury like a White man with his back up against a wall.
Good thing Executive Orders usually don’t mean much for us ‘common folk’, as they are just like ‘standing orders’ for the lackeys in the current regime. The best thing about this is it is forcing (((them))) to have to take a hard line stance on what a (((jew))) really is – a (bastard) race – which is exactly what we watchmen have been trying to tell our sleeping brethren all along. Problem is, (((they))) are counting on the ‘we are all human’ indoctrination to be so deeply rooted now, that our people aren’t even going to notice when their own (((white guilt))) tramples all over their common sense…
They demand to be recognized as a protected racial group to that anyone who attacks a Jew can be slapped with Federal hate crime laws, but at the same time they will still claim that it’s also a religious identity and that race does not exist. That’s a lot of plates to keep spinning all at once:
Jews may not even BE entirely human (homo sapiens). There’s a good chance that the very different jew psychology and behaviors are due to a high percentage of neanderthal ancestry…possibly as high as 10 to 15% depending on the individual.
If true, then it’s why jewish media and jewish DNA ancestry businesses (like jew-run 23andme) currently are heavily pushing the disinfo that we Whites are part neanderthal, so that when the jews’ link to neanderthals is revealed, we will not perceive them as different. In fact, to the degree that foolish people exalt the neanderthals as some kind of “noble savage” it might even be spun as jews being superior.
Yep, only Whites are truly “Sui Generis”, a unique creation unto ourselves. And no other race or ethnic group belongs in our taxonomic definition, so if we are ‘homo sapiens’, then no other race can also be.
However, I don’t like claiming that other races aren’t “human”, not because it’s true or not true, but rather because it is so shocking for others when they hear it, that they will often shut down and not listen to anything else you have to say. The best strategy is to lead people down that path so that they have that epiphany or “ah ha!” moment for themselves. And they always will, if they are truly seeking the truth.
Just for you. https://www.darkmoon.me/2014/they-are-not-like-us-by-jack-harper/
Wow, there is so much wrong with this theory on so many levels…but I’ll give the guy an ‘A’ for effort, and at least he knows the jews are not white…
Thankfully an expert has just turned up and will now explain what they mean by ‘wrong on so many levels’, are those the levels that caused the kikels to attack him and bury his book ?
This is just from scanning the first page, every part I see as wrong:
1) races other than jews ‘descended’ from cro-magnon (not Scriptural)
2) jews still identified as Biblical Hebrews (not Scriptural)
3) jews still identified as Semites (not Scriptural)
4) jews somehow associated with the Caucasus mountains in an effort to equate them with ‘Caucasians’
5) author seems to be propagating the idea that whites and jews are 2 branches of the same stream (not Scriptural)
Not wasting my time or anyone else’s by going any further…
Nunn B.
You seriously think just because the Jews attacked this author, it somehow makes his Neanderthal thesis true? What kind of logic is that? Jews have attacked writers who claim that Jews are part extraterrestrial, but does that mean it must be true? News flash: Jews attack anyone who doesn’t go along with the jewish lie that Jews are Hebrews/Israelites. Period.
peter Lusk
Christ did say they were devils children, the seed of cain thru Japheth.
Christ never said the Jews were the “seed of Cain thru Japheth”. Where’s the actual line of scripture to support this claim?
Also, the bloodline of Japheth was not the bloodline of Cain. Japheth came from Noah, and NOWHERE in scripture does it say that Noah was from the seedline of Cain. That is patently absurd.
Genesis Chapter 5 gives the bloodline of Noah as: Adam, Seth, Enos, Cainan, Mahalaleel, Jared, Enoch, Methuselah, Lamech, and Noah.
Cain does NOT appear in the genealogy Noah, but Seth who replaced Abel does.