The State Department’s new envoy on antisemitism, Elan Carr, addressed American Jewish leaders gathered for a conference here, and praised President Donald Trump for his commitment to fighting that bias:
Carr, 50, a Hebrew-speaking former Los Angeles prosecutor who served with the U.S. Army in Iraq, was named as the special envoy for monitoring and combating anti-Semitism earlier this month. The post, which was held by Ira Forman under President Barack Obama, had sat empty for the first two years of the Trump presidency despite protests from lawmakers and Jewish groups.
“My office was created by law and designed to protect the Jewish people throughout the world. Think about that,” Carr said Thursday. “The world’s greatest power is focused, by law and design, on protecting the Jews. It’s something not to be taken for granted.”
Carr declared that the president “could not be more passionate about the issue” of fighting anti-Semitism and had “spent considerable time speaking about anti-Semitism in his State of the Union address.”
In the Feb. 5 address, Trump referred to anti-Semitism as a “vile poison” and a “venomous creed,” and introduced survivors of the October shooting at a Pittsburgh synagogue.
Carr, who was in Israel to meet with government officials and members of civil society, also praised Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, saying that Pompeo “couldn’t be more determined” to wipe out the “disease” of Jew hatred.
“Pompeo speaks about this at every opportunity and is passionate about it,” Carr said. “It’s the business of this administration and of the United States to fight anti-Semitism.”
Carr was adamant that the White House would “not ignore any part of the ideological spectrum” and would go after anti-Semitism “regardless of the ideological clothing in which it dresses itself,” from ultranationalism on the right to left-wing anti-Zionism. Some Jewish groups belonging to the Presidents Conference, an umbrella representing a range of political ideologies, have been concerned that a Department of Homeland Security program on countering violent extremism was shifted during the Trump administration to focus solely on Muslim extremism and not white nationalism.
Among the threats Carr cited were traditional forms of anti-Semitism such as “statements of government officials who call us internationalist outsiders who subvert society” and attacks by those who say that Jewish advocacy for immigrants is a threat to America. The gunman charged in the Pittsburgh shooting was reported to have railed against Jewish support for immigrants’ rights.
“Anti-Semitism is a human sickness and rots to the core every society that embraces it,” Carr said.
So this is what the purpose of America has become — not the “Arsenal of Democracy” but rather the “Arsenal of Jewry”.
FDR — whose cabinet was up to its eyeballs in Jews and/or communists — was first to claim that America would be the “Arsenal of Democracy,” but what he really meant was that America’s military power would be used to promote and defend jewish values, which includes, but is not limited to, “globalism” and “Zionism” two of the cornerstones of so-called “democracy” today.
And the great American poet and FDR nemisis, Ezra Pound — once observed, “Democracy is now currently defined in Europe as a ‘country run by Jews’.“
And make no mistake here — Carr’s comments couldn’t make it more clear that the Jews are literally trying to pathologize any criticism of Jews for any reason.
Jews, like all people, need to face fair criticism — and answer to it — but making Jews immune to criticism will only hurt Jews in the long run.
They would like nothing more than to make “antisemitism” a recognized mental disorder that can/will be treated by forced medication and “de-nazification” therapy.
Anyone who opposes Jews is “sick” regardless of political affiliation — and from now on, it will be the primary role of America to punish anyone anywhere who even looks at a Jew the wrong way.
Control Freak Jews
The jews in the know in pre-ww2 Germany were told to move to America, the then, “empire state”, meaning the HQ of the judea. The empire state building was the monolith and highest one in America for a while. It signified New York as the capital of judea.
The wealthy jews of Germany did flee to Amerca and it was and is still run by usurious, jewish bankers and nepotism toward their relatives (tories/blubloods/freemasons/mormon).
The creation of israel was the goal of ww2 so the jews could have a homeland, a non-extradition country. Hitler actually jailed a Rothchild so they were worried to say the least.
israel is now the jewish refuge haven for internationally wanted jewish criminals. The jewish people didn’t really need their own country, but they must play victim for their guilt complex on the goyim to work. This is proven by the fact that all the jews who have claimed to be persecuted from time immemorial everywhere didn’t all move to isral after it’s creation so they could be safe from the ever oppressive goyim.
judaism is a gang. A banking gang using religion, like islam, to enforce their will on others and keep them rich and in control and safe. This is why they have so many different secret-societies on their clandestine payrolls to protect them. Organized religion is their preferred mind control, aftet that it’s drugs. Of course they run the NEA, MSM, Pedowood, Disneypedoland, all that, but the main control mechanisms are the mind (church/school) and body (doctors). Most doctors are jewish. Most medical schools are jewish owned.
Then, of course, they control the money. Money is not as powerful than control. Infleunce is. Celebrity is. So money is no object to them. Control is. By any and all means necessary. Be it using organized relgion as a front for organized crime, or faking a pandemic to rush a needle in your arm to homogenize the goyim into one, stupid, submissive, easily managed mass.
Old Knee Patch
Carr is an enemy of America and the Constitution. We don’t need another subversive operative pushing “Israel First” propaganda. Especially one that conflates anti-Semitism with anti-Zionism. ALL political philosophies, including Zionism, are subject to criticism. Just take a look below at what this narcissistic Bolshevik is up to now:
“Trump’s anti-Semitism Czar: ‘Americans need philo-Semitic education’”
In its essence, philo-Semitism, like anti-Semitism, sets the Jews apart as a group distinct from society at large, which is precisely what makes it so dangerous.
Don Lee
Ha! America is in its 3rd culture. The first was Anglo Saxon . The second was Pan European and we are currently in Post WWII Judeo Culture. Each change coincides after the cultures institutions failed the people. You could safely claim there was Anti Angloism the original racists Anti Pan Europeanism, the monarchies, and we arrive with democracy the foundation of Judeaism. Pontius Pilate mocked their them when he stood Jesus and Barackas the criminal before them and they chose Barackas the Criminal over Jesus the Messiah..
Pontius Pilate, a Roman and therefor a white man, mocked no one. He offered the Judaeans, both Edomites and Israelites alike, the ability to atone ‘democratically’ by choosing to punish the REAL criminal, the Edomite insurrectionist over the ‘white racist’ Christ. Yet another recorded incidence of the failure of democracy, a jewish construct. Pontius Pilate understood the truth because he was of the truth, and could not bring himself to find fault in Jesus, so he left the decision up to the liberal mob to hopefully make the right decision, ultimately leaving Christ’s fate in his own Father’s hands. So of course the anti-racist venom won out, just as God and the prophets, as well as Christ, prophecied.
True “America” has one culture: a white Christian culture. That is what built “America”. That is what made “America” great. Any deviation from that culture is jewish culture.
Steve Bray
First, an apology from a Briton who heartedly regrets our role in establishing a terrorist state in the middle east.
Secondly, all discrimination on the basis of religion or ethnicity is obviously wrong and founded on simple prejudice….but discrimination against a state isn’t the same thing at all, particularly a state that was born out of the suffering of the Nazi years but has done nothing….nothing…. except recreate the same circumstances with itself playing the role of the SS genocidal oppressors. Oh yes, there are similarities between the beginnings of Israel and of the USA but you’ve allowed yourselves to become mere tools of Jewish world finance hiding behind all manner of ‘good causes’ which amount to nothing more than emotional manipulation…..a huge and horribly efficient exercise in PR.
The puppet masters are in the lMF, the World Bank and the Whitehouse, the beneficiaries are in the same places and not the hills of eastern Palestine.
The Giant Squid is definitely using the Whitehouse as the military arm of one of its tentacles – but more importantly the CFR which controls the Whitehouse for The Owners of the Fed – now a subsidiary of the BIS. The Owners of the entire central banking cartel of monopoly capital are right where they have been since they chartered the Corporation of The City of London 1694 (on the sq mi) after they came over to settle the debt owed to the Nasi of the Great Synagogue of Mulheim-an-der-Ruhr by the Parliamentarians and the Scottish Convention of Estates for the Civil War 1642. To fight the Union of the two Crowns, Charles Stewart for ‘the Supremacy’ – as in Henry VIII Oath of the Supremacy – the Parliamentarians put up allodial title upon all estates of three names in order to finance, hire and equip the New Model Army on the Continent and ship it back to England. The Nasi (Princes of Jewry) invaded themselves under their front man William of Orange to settle the debt on three nations. War of the Succession 1688. The Crown is ‘the Crown’ of the Judaic Supremacy not the crown of the British monarchy – they are just schmo-screen middle management since 1688. The POTUS is just schmo-screen middle management since Woodrow Wilson. The Nasi will be relocating to Jerusalem when they get the Third Temple built – I am sure you will be glad to see the back of them. But ZOG UK will still be owned by their cartel – as will ZOG US, as will ZOG Russia and every other White nation on the planet. All governments of all White nations – Europeans and European founding heritage – are ZOGs. All except a little nation called Rhodesia which actually drew the sword against some of the major tentacles of the Squid: its UN, ZOG UK , ZOG US, the ANC as a Communist proxy – they are Brits and they decided to paddle their own canoe.
Steve Bray, No White man or woman from inside any of our countries need apologize to anyone at all for having been scammed by a professional class of scamming “white-skinned” traitors who have perfected their subversive tricks for hundreds of years with an unlimited bankroll of scammed funds to back them. That’s especially true when they have illicitly gained control over most of the world’s media. Victims of treason usually cannot see until the treasonous effects have been done and felt. You may be interested to see a timeline of how this was accomplished inside Britain. It goes up to 2013.
“Timeline Of The Jewish Genocide Of The British People”
Discriminating is discerning, THINKING.
Otherwise, just speaking tool.
And NO, the state is not born from anything National-Socialist but from the financial and political manipulation of the Sionist oligarchy.
Actually, Germans paid big, big money to the simulated Jews with the Haavra Agreement. Some of the anrchists, communists and declared enemies of Germany could not survive LABOR camp, as did the detained gipsies, slavs, homosexuals …. they had to work to gain the food.
The Khazars are owing America and more, is useless to spread non-senses expresions as a propaganda perpetrator.
You should know you’re just making “copy & paste” from the propaganda.
It sounds like (((perfect))) timing.
White women are to become the newest sacrificial fodder for usage in the jew’s wars.
Isn’t jewish “feminism” lovely?! And, women had once thought that PMS was bad.
“With women in combat roles, a federal court rules the male-only draft unconstitutional”
“U.S. District Judge Gray Miller ruled late Friday that while historical restrictions on women serving in combat “may have justified past discrimination,” men and women are now equally able to fight.”
I wonder whether some jewish “men’s rights” groups cannot also be somehow involved in part with this “decision”? Does anyone have any information at all on these below?
“The case was brought by the National Coalition For Men, a men’s rights group…”.
I hope they actually impeach Trump. It would disabuse the MAGAtards of their faith in the system perhaps channeling their energies into a more productive opposition that focuses on minimizing taxes paid, minimizing spending and boycotting the (((culture))). Electoral politics is a rigged game.
You are an enemy of the life, a slave of the big destroyer.
No, is no rigged game.
The Founding Fathers made a big mistake accepting Jews as “free White men.” But then again, they were predominantly Protestants, who very much believed the lie that Jews were the Israelites of the Bible. That many of the Founding Fathers were Masons contributed to this false identification–as Masonry even at that early point had already been infiltrated by Jews at the highest levels.
That’s right, Chesterson. Here is a good article on that.
“The Origins of Christian Zionism”
“However, even in its early stage Christian Zionism was still dangerous. When Christian Zionism first emerged in England, the Jews had been banned from that country for centuries. Christian Zionism was largely responsible for their re-admittance.
There is more about the Freemasons and their Noahide status [with a link fully documenting that from a British source] within my comment linked below, wherein the following quotation appears:
“The most important duty of the Freemason must be to glorify the Jewish race, which has preserved the unchanged divine standard of wisdom. You must rely upon the Jewish race to dissolve all frontiers.” – Le Symbolism, July, 1928
Oh, brother now you are talking…..
I can see it now in the gubmint skool: “Auntie Semwright brought forth upon this continent a new nation conceived in liberalism and dedicated to the proposition that all those [ special people] who just happen to be the political elite, the banking elite, the academic elite, the media elite, the business elite, the church-y elite, the cultural elite are created supreme”. I think that about covers it.
The new American “aristocracy” will be Jews like Elan Carr who claim to be descendants of alleged Holocaust survivors. Since Americans refused to insist that all their leaders be free White Christian men, in their place we now are ruled over by Jews, Blacks, and everything in between.
Yes, sir! Nailed it. This Public Relations look, that asserts (since he’s a vet) that he continues to fight terrorism, is laughable. No bigger terrorists than Israel and MOSSAD. Being a REAL soldier means you defend against ALL enemies, FOREIGN and Domestic. This man is not a REAL soldier. That’s just his lapel pin, so everyone thinks he’s doing what’s right. He’ll let his Zionist buddies run amok and bleed this country dry.
Is not new, sorry:
1919 – Henry Ford
“New York is the greatest center of Jewish population in the world.
It is the gateway where the bulk of American imports and exports are taxed, and where practical all the business done in America pays tribute to the masters of money.
The very land of the city is the holdings of the Jews.
No wonder that Jewish writers, viewing this unprecedented prosperity, this unchecked growth in wealth and power, exclaim enthusiastically that the United States is the Promised Land foretold by the prophets, and New York the New Jerusalem.
Some have gone even further and described the peaks of the Rockies as “the mountains of Zion,” and with reason, too, if the mining and coastal wealth of the Jews is considered.”
“To make a list of the lines of business controlled by the Jews of the United States would be to touch most of the vital industries of the country – those which are really vital, and those which cultivated habit have been made to seem vital.
The theatrical business is exclusively Jewish: play-producing, booking, theater operation are all in the hands of Jews. This accounts for the fact that in almost every production today can be detected propaganda, sometimes glaringly commercial advertisement, sometimes direct political instruction.
The motion picture industry;
the sugar industry;
the tobacco industry;
fifty per cent or more of the meat packing industry;
over sixty per cent of the shoemaking industry;
most of the musical purveying done in the country;
magazine authorship;
news distribution;
the liquor business;
the loan business;
these, to name only the industries with national and international sweep, are in control of the Jews of the United States, either alone or in association with Jews overseas.”
There will come a point when all the ‘semitism’ being shoved down our collective white throats will produce the ultimate ‘anti-semitic’ backlash that these hypocritical, lying, murdering, deicidal bastards will never recover from.
We can only hope that there are enough of ‘us’ left to produce said action.
We live in hope…
I would certainly love to be part of that. I would give my life to take this country back from the thieves who have stolen it, and guys like a** funnel above, who claim to protect it from terrorism. What a crock of sh**.
On a positive note, not one person in NJ gave up their high capacity magazines to police. We HAVE to make a stand, or we’ll lose this country, 100%
John Doe
Actually, even before FDR. Woodrow Wilson appointed the first Jew to the Supreme Court, appointed a Jew as ambassador to the Ottoman Empire which had control of Palestine, and had also brought in Bernard Baruch into his administration. He was the one who really became the first president to lead the global mission of spreading “Americanism” worldwide.
“Winston Churchill and Baruch converse in the back seat of a car in front of Baruch’s home.” – [Image]
Baruch had been around since WW1 having been the head of the all powerful War Industries Board during In 1919, Wilson asked Baruch to serve as a staff member at the Paris Peace Conference. At the Versailles Peace Conference, Bernard Baruch was head of the Reparations Commission;..”. [More]