A recent poll in Italy has revealed that over the last 15 years, the number of people who now correctly believe that the Holocaust never happened has increased a whopping five fold:
More than 15% of respondents to a poll in Italy said the Holocaust never happened.
The results are part of the annual Italy Report of the Eurispes published Thursday. The poll by the nongovernmental organization probes Italians’ views on a number of subjects, including the credibility of the government, the media and history, this year including the Holocaust.
The prevalence of Holocaust denial among the 1,120 Italian adults surveyed is more than five times higher than in the 2004 edition, when 2.7% of respondents said the Holocaust never happened.
Nearly 24% of the respondents said Jews control the economy and media, and 26% said they control U.S. policy.
Nearly two-thirds indicated that recent cases of anti-Semitism are isolated and have no bearing on the real scope of anti-Semitism in Italy.
About 20% agreed with that statement that many think that Benito Mussolini, Hitler’s ally and mentor and the father of 20th-century fascism, “was a great leader who only made a few mistakes.”
This is proof of the triumph of historical revisionism that has been relentlessly pounding away at the official jewish version of WWII. And some of the most prominent revisionists are Jews themselves.
The Jews, as they always do, have over-played their hand with the Holocaust.
The whole purpose of lying about the Holocaust was to originally use it to generate international sympathy to justify the foundation of the ersatz State of Israel, which it did.
After the Jews got Israel, they should have let the Holocaust fade away as a relic of war propaganda, but instead they have used it has a “Get Out Jail Free Card” anytime a Jew anywhere in the world gets accused of a crime.
They also use the Holocaust to justify ‘hate speech’ laws to shut down any criticism of Jews anywhere in the world for any reason.
In a fit of paranoia, they made Holocaust denial a crime in many countries, even throwing a 91 year old grandmother in prison for sharing meticulous documentation that the Holocaust could not have happened.
When you start throwing grandmothers in prison for not believing you, your lies are on life support.
So many Jewish eyewitness accounts are so unbelievable and preposterous that even mainstream jewish historians are having to back off on many of these ‘testimonies’ as ‘inaccurate’, such as the ludicrous macabre tales of Josef Mengele.
And more than anything else, it has been the internet that has helped destroy the jewish fables upon which the house of cards known as the Holocaust has been built.
And no amount of Holocaust “education” with young, impressionable school children is going to work. They’ve tried that for 30 years now and more people than ever find the Holocaust dubious at best.
Every day millions of new people are exposed to some aspect of historical revisionism online, and all it takes is one powerful, insightful meme to send the whole edifice of lies to come tumbling down.
Herman Rosenblat, the “Holocaust survivor” who got caught in his lies:
Praise the Lord
And, as reward, they got the “Corona”.
Same demonic group behind the cash cow holohoax also behind the virus.
Dmitri D.
I found this site via facebook (of all places). I have been vilified because I am what is called a “conspiracy theorist”. I was not always one. That changed in 9/11. I worked at Cape Town International Airport for many many years. On 9/11 I was walking to the international boarding gates when I got called by a mate. We were about to board the Lufthansa flight to FRA and the KLM flight to AMS. He asked me if I knew of the aircraft that crashed into the trade center. I said no. In those days there was a bar / TV room at the gates. I went with him to the TV. Sure, I was shocked. As we watched, the 2nd tower “got hit”. Why I say “got hit”, was because I did not see any aircraft “hit it”. Neither did my mate. I asked some pax if they saw any aircraft and none did.
That was the start of my search for the dark underbelly of societial control as I like to call it. To cut a long story short, I spoke to crew (as I was in ops) as well as engineers etc. I did research and the picture just became darker.
I will be visiting this site on a daily basis. I hope that I will not be dissapointed. Just before I leave for now, does anyone here agree with me that the current Jewish state is NOT the Biblical one, but one created by the Cabal (from around 1922 – Rothchilds as the main planners) and not in 1948?
Yes, I’m sure most readers of this site have serious questions about the Biblical justification of the modern state of Israel. Once you read the following essay, you’ll understand why. Jews are not who they claim they are:
Thanks for the link. Very informative. I wonder how long it will take for all sites questioning the Jewish Lies to be shut down.
Yes I agree with you. Check out Jewsfor_Hitler at Bitchute. He has some very in-depth bible studies on that subject (and he is 1/2 Jewish).
Welcome brother. Stick around…you will not be disappointed!
The proverbial jewish twin towers are burning. Maybe if it wasn’t built with lies, it would still stand once the fire burns out – but we know that all of a sudden, it will implode into it’s own footprint 😉 The writing is on the wall…
Nunn B.
Jewish “Twin Towers” being…..? The Holocaust and the lie that they are Israelites-God’s chosen people? Without those two canards, they are exposed for what they are: itinerant international criminals.
I was only making a parallel between the false jewish narrative behind the impossible collapse of the twin towers and exactly what is happening, and going to happen, to (((their house))) built on sand (lies).
Italy has had a significant invasion of muslims and Africans. It would be interesting to see how many genuine Italians are skeptical of the Holocaust.
Considering most of these invaders live on the streets, in homeless shelters, or in government housing, it’s doubtful that many of them participated in this survey. The survey was conducted in Italian, and since most of them don’t speak proficient Italian, how did they even understand the questions? Let’s use some common sense here.
And all those invaders are brought in by kosher run NGOs to destroy European culture. They write about it in all their evil texts, the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, The talmud,PNAC and many others
Jews falsely claim that Holocaust “denial” is motivated by hatred of Jews, but that is merely projection on their part because so much of what they do is motivated by hate.
In reality, most Holocaust “deniers” are motivated by relentlessly pursuing the truth, not matter how unpopular it may be. To love the truth without compromise is a concept completely alien to the jewish mindset, but it’s something that is written in the heart of every White person.
Our love of the truth, not hatred of Jews, makes us Holocaust “deniers”.
“For a Jew nothing is more insulting than the truth.”
—Alexander Sozhenitsyn
Italians, as a rule, are not stupid ; emotional, yes, right brain centric, yes, but NOT stupid. They are coming around! learn of the Truth and the Truth shall set you free.
Bless em…
True, in New York City old school Italians are very much “race realists” who know exactly what Jews are all about. Italian and jewish organized crime gangs were intimately involved with each other, and so Italians more than other ethnic groups know all about the criminal nature of Jews.
The photo in the article is a fake if it was shot at Auschwitz. I watched an interesting clip of Anne Frank’s step sister opening up and admitting that the liberation photo’s of Auschwitz were fakes. The camp was liberated in January and there was deep snow all over the ground. No one took photos or made films. No one had cameras. Later, the propaganda films and photos were documented. That is why you see people in light clothing and no snow. It demonstrates the lengths the victors would go to in taking control of the narrative.
Cue to the five minute mark.
That’s right, Karen, but the Jews have been caught using faked and staged photos from the very beginning of the propaganda campaign to manufacture ‘evidence’ of the ‘Holocaust’.
Here’s a great compilation of hundreds of examples of fake photos–this alone should be enough to make people disgusted with the whole charade:
Another survey showed that 25% of the French people believed in a jewish conspiracy for world domination. Given that France is ground zero for the judeo-masonic revolution, it’s surprising that not more of the French are awake to the identity of the boot heel on the back of their necks.
Dixie Lee
Chesterton, what do you think the numbers would look like if the survey were done in the U.S.?
Higher. Americans are still a practical, no nonsense people. We have a ‘show me’ attitude about a lot of things. And we are more independent than other countries. It’s part of our founding mythos. I’d guess at least 25% have some questions about the Holocaust. The vast majority of Americans probably just don’t care about the Holocaust, but they’d never ask that question on a survey.
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sry, was intended to be a stand alone comment…