(RT – Russia Times) Turkish Police arrested four former fighters of Faylaq al-Rahman and a Turkish citizen who were trying to sell two rare, gold-plated Jewish “Torahs” in the northwestern province of Bilecik on May 8, the Russian TV network RT:
The Turkish newspaper Daily Sabah said that Police had confiscated the two ancient Torahs during the arrest. According to the newspaper, the town ancient artifacts worth a total of $1.86mln.
Syrian opposition sources confirmed that Faylaq al-Rahman fighters had stolen the ancient Torahs from a historical 2,000 years old synagogue in the Jobar district, east of the Syrian capital of Damascus. The district was under the control of the US-backed group Faylaq al-Rahman from 2013 until March 2018, when it was finally liberated by the Syrian Arab Army (FSA).
After the liberation of Jobar, Syrian pro-government activists revealed that many of the district’s historical Jewish synagogues had been looted and destroyed by Faylaq al-Rahman fighters, who even dug tunnels under the historical sites in an attempt to find “Jewish treasures”.
This was the second scandal involving Eastern Ghouta “opposition” groups after their withdrawal from the region. On March 5, the Iranian news agency Fars revealed that the political leader of Jaysh al-Islam Mohammed Alloush had stolen $47m from his group before resignation from his position.
The scroll is said to have been constructed with embroidered gazelle leather and multiple ruby and emerald ornaments of various sizes.
After investigators carefully unraveled the scroll, they reportedly discovered something strange on one of the panels – a picture of a ram’s head inside what appears to be a pentagram…
There are more Torahs found in Syria in 2018 featuring plenty of more Satanic symbolism such as the demon Baphomet, Illuminati triangle with the all seeing eye, blood libel, serpents, kabbalah hand signs, owls and many other things.
This discovery is similar to how two hundred years ago, German officials first found out about the Illuminati when some of their secret internal documents were intercepted by one of their couriers by ‘sheer accident’, or more likely God’s hand.
Read John Robison’s 1798 book Proofs Of A Conspiracy (PDF here) for more information on how the judeo-masonic conspiracy was first revealed to the world.
And then 100 years later, that conspiracy was confirmed when the Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion were leaked, which is well documented in the essential book Waters Flowing Eastward by L. Fry (aka Paquita de Shishmareff).
And the occult has always been an “integral part of Judaism — with satanic elements born out of the mystery religious cults of ancient Babylon which have nothing to do with the Old Testament or Christianity except as deceptive window dressing to fool the public into tolerating our so-called “spiritual elders” the Jews, along with their satanic-kabbalistic plans for world domination:
Read Michael Hoffman’s exposé — Judaism’s Strange Gods — for an in depth analysis of the satanic underpinnings of Judaism.
Backup of video:
If this is real, he sure does treat that old book roughly. I would think it would be loosened to handle.
Oy vey! The reason the (((satanists))) have been kicked out 109 times from the beginning of time.
Rise up goyim!
Time to make it 110 for the (((globalists)))
Seconded! Where do you think they’ll go next? Maybe Rothschild Island would be nice, with the three smaller islands near it: Omicron, Delta, and Coronation (like “Corona”).
Their Talmud says “No Mercy for the Goyim”.
Back atcha.
“No mercy for the Goyim”. So would they agree that the “Goyim” would apply the same philisophy on them?
Though I am not a great fan of killing people, it must be guaranteed that creatures like them will come to power never again. So is it in their genes? Is it handed down to their offspring by those MK Ultra like tortures they treat their children with?
We will need a lot of studies to find out how we can protect ourselves and our children from them without acting more cruel than absolutely necessary. And we must stay aware til eterinty, that their descendants or maybe any other people could return to the same methods.
Thank you for this crucial information. Very interesting because I, since a long time, pondered about the roots of the persecution of the Jews. I knew it must had some reason. From nothing nothing can come. Then early in my life I met lovely Jews. So it couldn’t be something that is affecting all Jews.
Later I read I Hitler biography and realized that this man must have had mighty helpers. More research created more knowledge and at the latest I understood the exploitation of the Jews by something/someone else, when I saw the cruel Covid restrictions and enforcement against the people in Israel. One of the worst worlwide.
Many people experienced the same insights. So can we say that now – for the FIRST time in history – the most precious and survival-guarenteeing secret of the Khazarian Mafia is exposed?
It shows your articles get around, Christians For Truth. This article used in a video https://youtu.be/jwQU-XVx5-o?list=LL
I have seen many of your articles on twitter facebook and on websites
Here you have it a jewish rabbi doing satanic devil horn hand signs , know the symbolism of your enemy:
The article where that pic is from:
As for this article, I found many videos on you tube which I downloaded – they showed recovery of the scrolls from boot of a car the scrolls looked genuine to me…
Would be nice to know what the writing says
Great name, mate! Christ is King of kings!
Probably something similar to these:
Should change the name of that meal to “Bagels & Loxism”
Khazaria looms large.
BallBustin Goyim, that link you provided to the picture allegedly of Bill Gates wearing a yarmulke talking to Rabbi Schneerson is widely circulated on the internet but it’s not Bill Gates in that picture.
The alleged picture of “Bill Gates” with a rabbi is actually a 1992 image published in the Jerusalem Post that shows Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson meeting with a young Yosef Abramowitz, not Bill Gates.
Look it up if you don’t believe me.
Regardless of whether that is true, Gates is Jewish and of that there is zero doubt.
(Maxwell is only ONE Jewish family name.)
Yes he is Jewish and he is the money man behind Schultz Starbucks. So stop giving money to them for
That’s not a Torah
More like Kabbalist scrolls
That’s correct!
And, many people need to learn the serious differences between Judaism and the Khazarian Satanists who call themselves Jews, but are not.
Jim Pasket —
You wrote –“… people need to learn the serious differences between Judaism and the Khazarian Satanists…”
Ok, do tell us then.
The “Khazarian Mafia” meme from the “13th Tribe” has been debunked a dozen ways; here are two:
The following are from the inner lodge of Judaism/Masonry.
1) https://TinyURL.com/LuciferianTorahs 2000-year-old scrolls don’t match the alleged ‘conversion’.
(See also #6 on lizard and snake skins; hard proof as to the reptilian’s identity!)
2a) https://dragonspaw.blogspot.com/2015/11/italians-are-jews-coup-de-gras.html
Clue: a) DNA matches Italians, Greeks, and Africans, NOT Russians.
Clue: b) Linguistics also give a solid ItalianJewish connection, as does the historical use of the Italian MAFIA by the Jewish MAFIA [Masonry]. In post WWII Europe, to deal with the chaos from war and the use of the Italian MAFIA for hitmen by the Jewish Mafia.
2b) https://www.bitchute.com/video/n1KkKmbYoEqe/ <– Magic Flute
Clue: Mozart, a Freemason, released this fact in his EPIC "Magic Flute" where you'll find Roman Centurions as the outer guard over the [Orange=33] Freemason planners to which he belonged; he also released the fact that sacrifice of white boys was used in magic that could land the coward/loser a wife. [Symbols decoded in description.]
(He died mysteriously not long after this.)
Christ is coming SOON!
Utterly repulsive… but oddly unsurprising.
“To: Rah”
Thanks for that.
Here’s video of the actual discovery of the scrolls in the trunk of the car by Turkish police:
Thank you for the video. The scrolls look fake.
I agree. I’m no fan of Kabbalistic satanic people or things, but the scrolls and video production seems fake and staged. The scrolls look old but why is there no bits of paper or parchment flaking off? As old as those “appear” to be, the paint or ink looks bright. Idk, seems fake.
There are a lot more where that came from; some even on reptilian skins that are clearly NOT fake. Links are above.
Even these are dated ~2000 years old from a “~2000-year-old Syrian synagogue”; they’re hardly fakes, as that’s a strange coincidence of the carbon dating matching the reported source.
Wonder if the fuzz would have been so diligent if those were Bibles that were stolen…
Just more proof – like we really needed any more – of the jewish connection to satan. A Jesus told them – ‘you are of your father the devil’.
Murders and liars just like their father the devil.
These people have infiltrated every organization of substance on the planet .
These are used to summon demons. There are more in existence. Whomever can collect enough can use them powerfully.
Whats your source of that information?
I believe he is referring to “The Keys of Solomon” — a book that was supposedly written by King Solomon. The book tells of how Solomon was given a ring that he could use to control demons and force them into helping build the 2nd Temple.
As for the authenticity of the book actually being written by Solomon, I don’t know. I’m pretty sure the Freemasons use the evil book though.
Given that Eliphas Levi first created that image of Baphomet in 1854, it is more than likely a modern fraud.
Jewish scrolls are made continuously, but just because they aren’t “ancient” doesn’t make them ‘frauds’. The article places no certain date on when the scrolls were made, and they certainly don’t look extremely old, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t genuine jewish scrolls which were stolen from a synagogue. And it’s highly doubtful someone created these scrolls to make Jews look bad or satanic. That’s absurd.
Yea……and those Protocols are fake too……..huh?
Curious……………….please educate us antiseemites……………
Why did a Jew first create the Baphomet in 1854?
Mafia khazariana
Faça sua pesquisa (do your research) ?
Fraud, you say the jerusalem temple knights had the same baphomet as their idol in the12th century
This was claimed by the “Red shield” Clerical Templar Knights that the pope appointed in the Knighthood to manage the bank affairs where loans where made upon interest. These “Rothschild” knights learned that the Templars who had Crusaded had meet & taken in many of what we know as the Sabeans. They were ancestors of the disciples of John the Baptist. These Sabeans revealed that they still had the severed “head” of their Master John the Baptist. The “Rothschilds” betrayed their order telling the crypto-jewish pope that the Templars, mostly Cathars of the old royality of France before they were deposed or true descendant of the royal tribe of Judah had possession of “Johns head” but upon the traitous popes orders charged the Knights of having & worshipping the head of the demon “god” Baphomet.
The “grail” has nothing to do with a cup. Everyone has been taken in with the “mysticsl” & mysterious” imagery of the “Messiah” some woohaw super Being out there in the universe somewhere, when “Messiah” in Hebrew only means “he who has the right to claim!” Scripture speaks of the Messianic royal personage of Judah but it also uses the same term when speaking of the Messianic High Priest also.
John the Baptist was Christs 1st cousin thru their mothers Israelite lineage. So John was royalty from the Northern Israel kingdom. So John the Baptist was also a “messiah” or one who has the right to claim. This is why John was asked if he was “The One!”
The false crypto-jewish catholic beast could not let them have the head of John & the “Blood-Royal” personage that the Sabeans had kept safe all these centuries waiting for the true Judahites!
“…….. Knights of having & worshipping the head of the demon “god” Baphomet.
The “grail” has nothing to do with a cup. …………….”
Fascinating theory.
Where did you source this from? It seems most of the books of this “genre” are all written by Jew gate keepers. Not to mention Spielberg’s movie “the last crusade”.
Christians are the new Israel after the jews broke their covenant with GOD, as for the knights templar they discovered Kaballah, and more importantly Compound Interest, and fractional reserve banking, and ruled europe with that for nearly two centuries. Albert Pike in morals and Dogma describes them as “Johanites”
This is patently false. The Catholic Church claimed that it was the “new Israel”, and then the Protestants followed suit and repeated that same lie, except to claim that all believing Christians, not just Catholics, were the new Israel.
In Jeremiah 31:31 God makes it emphatically clear that the New Covenant will also be ONLY with the Israelite people, and NOT with the Catholic Church or anyone who claims to be a Christian regardless of whether or not they are Israelites:
“The days are coming,” declares the Lord, “when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah. It will not be like the covenant I made with their ancestors when I took them by the hand to lead them out of Egypt, because they broke my covenant, though I was a husband to them,’ declares the Lord.”
“This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel after that time,” declares the Lord. “I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.”
Only, white European Christians are the legitimate descendants of the ten lost northern tribes of Israel.
The “jews” we have today are not the descendants of the Israelites of the Bible. Khazars have stolen the birthright from the Israelites who have lost their identity. Read “The Marks of Israel” by Rev. Sheldon Emery.
” Templars, mostly Cathars of the old royality of France ”
Wait, what?
The Cathars were CHRISTIANS who were forbidden from even touching each other; they usually travelled in pairs, and were destroyed by the Vatican as they claimed the ‘church of God’ was within not in a building.
They preached from the book of John and were so well respected by their Catholic neighbors, with whom they mingled, the latter refused to send them out when the Vatican sent troops after them. The Catholics were punished severely for this by their own church!
Freemasonry and Templarism are both Jewish mysticism, aka Kabbalah, and originate from the “People of the Serpent” who are Luciferian. Proofs?
1) https://www.bitchute.com/video/udk69TWRmw6Z/ <– Mason by day; Baphomet by night.
2) https://TinyURL.com/LuciferianTorahs <– Baphomet scrolls on reptilian skins
(See item #6, but most are hard proofs!)
I agree, this book looks fake and no one would handle an artifact that way!!!
So says the legend. How do you know it was not created from older scrolls?
Estimated value 1.8 million fakes?
Sounds legit! ;D)
Especially with all this testimony backing up these Luciferian symbols found here:
Christ said they were the devil’s children. (John 8:44)
I guess that makes Christ an “antisemite”!
And Christ was [supposedly] a “jew”, so if he was an anti-semite he was also anti Christ.
It seems that Christ was not a Jew – in the Bible, Jews, looking for Jesus and Peter, recognize them as speaking a different language.
Correct, Jesus was not a Jew in the sense that Jerry Seinfeld, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, and Stephen Spielberg are Jews. Today’s so-called “Jews” are actually racially Edomites, Canaanites, and Khazars who falsely claim to be descendants of the Tribe of Judah, one of the original 12 Tribes of Jacob/Israel. Even in the time Christ, there were Edomites/Canaanites falsely claiming to be Jews but were not (Revelation 2:9).
Jesus language was aramaic
JG, if Christ spoke aramaic, then why in Acts 26:14 did Paul specifically state that Christ spoke to him in Hebrew? If the people of Judea at the time all spoke aramaic, then why was the sign ‘King of the Jews’ put above Christ on the cross in three languages: Latin, Greek, and Hebrew? (Luke 23:38)
Jesus is God, that He would be in anyway jewish is the definition of jewish hkkkkkkkudspuh or however you spell that nonsense.
Anti Pharisee.
I do believe you missed jkr’s point – which was well made…
Ooops…George’s…who also made a very astute point, lol
Surprise, surprise, surprise…!