Two adult Black men in Tennessee, Isiah Dequan Hayes and Daireus Jumare Ice, have been charged with aggravated rape and exploitation of a 9 month old girl:
Two Tennessee men accused of raping a 9-month-old girl and filming the attack were indicted Tuesday on multiple charges.
Isiah Dequan Hayes, 19, and Daireus Jumare Ice, 22, are both charged with aggravated rape of a child and aggravated sexual exploitation of a minor, FOX13 Memphis reported.
The alleged attack was reported to police in October 2016 after the girl’s mother reported finding a cellphone video allegedly showing Hayes performing a sexual act on the baby.
She was able to identify Hayes through Facebook and turned the information over to police, authorities said.
Prosecutors said Ice filmed the video.
Police identified Hayes and arrested him in February. Authorities said he admitted to committing the sexual assault.
Both men were being held in the Shelby County jail.
If the two perpetrators of this sick act were White, we’d never heard the end of it, but because they are Black, this story will disappear from the media with hardly any notice.
These kinds of attacks on children are becoming more and more routine in America and Europe as the non-White populations rapidly increase.
Muslims and Africans routinely rape underage girls across Europe, and the jewish-controlled media covers it up — to protect the egalitarian myth that we’re all the same, and that we can all live together in peace and harmony.
Blacks in America have no idea just how violent their fellow Africans are — in their African paradise.
And Blacks in America have no idea just how violent their fellow Blacks are in America — because CNN and even FOX won’t report these crimes.
This crime didn’t happen because these Black men are “under privileged,” as liberal enablers will claim — this crime happened because Blacks, by and large, do not value Black lives like they claim they do.
Just look at the every day, and you’ll see stories like this one more often than not.
Rape is, in fact, part of African “culture”, and they themselves will freely admit it in moments of candor.
Children are often robbed of their childhoods in Black society, as a recent study in South Africa makes abundantly clear — but whether it’s in America or Africa, it makes no difference.
Just because a Black lives in America doesn’t mean they magically no longer behave like their African cousins.
And those who constantly make excuses for Blacks are the ones who truly hate them.
one word : King Leopold 2
The accusations against the Belgian king Leopold II are greatly exaggerated, and some of it outright fabrications. They can’t even decide how many people from the Congo died during his reign, anywhere from 2 million to 13 million–that’s a huge discrepancy.
Whatever the total, these people weren’t intentionally “murdered” by the Belgians–the main cause of death was disease, such as smallpox, swine influenza and dysentery, and sleeping sickness–all diseases that were common in Africa and kept the native population from expanding.
Africa had the lowest life expectancy in the world at that time, and not because of White colonialism. When you put weak, sick people to work on plantations in the jungle, they aren’t going to do well, and it was not a good look–but life in the Congo was hell long before the White man showed up. Africa was no paradise before the White man came.
In fact, in the 19th century, there was so much disease and violence in Africa–among the Africans–that many White missionaries were convinced that Africans could go extinct within the next 100 years, but that didn’t happen because of the efforts of White people, bringing much needed food, medicine and technology to the continent. Their efforts had a huge effect–the population has exploded–there are now so many Africans that there could be 2 billion by the end of this century, but they are still dependent on White people to feed them, medicine and technology. Ironic, huh?
And guess what? There is still slavery going on today in the Congo–Black people enslaving other Black people. Why don’t Black people in America protest that? Why don’t they demand an end to slavery for the poor slaves in the Congo today?
Why? Because when Blacks victimize other Blacks, they don’t care–but when White people kill Blacks it’s somehow a big deal. Why? Because they can demand money when Whites kill Blacks, but they can’t shake down their fellow Blacks who don’t give a F**k.
No doubt I hope these two monsters are raped and murdered. You people are so delusional and racist. It’s hilarious, It’s not even offensive. Whites lead in all crimes, all you people rape your children, kill your families, steal (embezzle, money laundering, scam), shoot up schools, churches, grocery stores, movies, etc. We all know people from all over no matter the race can be monsters. White people lead the amount of atrocities committed on this planet. Especially white men. They literally go to other countries to rape children. I’ve worked with sexually exploited children for years and at least 75 percent of the crimes committed against children were white men.
Wrong. White people do not commit gang rape–that’s a Black, Arab, Mexican, and Indian thing. Crime statistics prove this, including rape. And Blacks commit far more violent crimes than would be predicted by their population numbers. They are 13% of the population but commit 50% of the murders. I guess you don’t count the 60 million murders committed by Jewish Bolsheviks in Russia–the biggest killers the planet has ever known–or do you hate White people so much that you blame Whites for the crimes committed by Jews like they want you to?
The devil is a liar and please pray for forgiveness to jesus christ our lord and savior for life, from the holy bible, Amen
Wow, thats a very racist thing to say. “This crime happened because Blacks, by and large, do not value human life the way White people do.” If that were true, why do we have so many black people teaching about Jesus, being nurses, doctors, and many other things geared toward helping others? If this were true, why do we have so many white people committing mass shootings? This has nothing to do with what color, or race someone is. It has everything to do with culture, and what people were taught, but committing a crime, is a personal choice! I am an African American lady, and everything I do is geared towards helping my community, and helping other people realize they have a choice. I love people, and care about them more than any white person I know, because of whats in my heart. Like it or hate it, I will save your life to the best of my ability, but by God in heaven, you will not blame me or my race, for the criminally stupid choices of others. Its a choice. Before you go race batting, you need to get some more education.
7% of the population is responsible for 48% of the murders, guess what that 7% is ethnicity wise.
Wow, let me see…white people have performed more lynchings, rapes and murders worldwide then any other group. You are a demon possessed racist who has a place in hell waiting for you and you’ll remember all the times you had a chance to repent but as the bible says, hell enlarges itself daily.
More White people have been “lynched” than Blacks have. Lynching has a long history in White society to deal with other Whites who broke the law. And that applies to America, too. Thousands of Whites have been lynched in America. You wrongly assume that every lynching is a form of injustice, which is patently false.
There is no evidence whatsoever Whites have done the most raping worldwide. And given that rape is now part of the culture in Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, whereas it is not in White countries, it would be safe to say that non-Whites are by far the biggest rapists in the world. White society generally has venerated and protected their women, which cannot be said by non-White societies.
Murder? Same as rape. Most murders in America and all other White countries are disproportionately committed by non-Whites, and all the murders in non-White countries are committed by non-Whites, so we know non-Whites commit vastly more murderers.
Do a simple thought experiment. Would you feel safer walking through a Black neighborhood at night or though a White neighborhood? When you are taking money out of the ATM, are you worried about being mugged by a White guy or a Black guy? Case closed.
Rape was made illegal in Haiti only ten years ago. 40% of Black women in South Africa have been raped–by other Black men, not White men. Africa is the rape capital of the world.