(WFIE/Gray News) – Members of an Indiana family who went to get flu shots, including their two young children, were accidentally given adult doses of the experimental Pfizer COVID vaccine, according to their attorney:
They said it happened Monday at a Walgreens pharmacy, WFIE reported. The family of four includes two adults and children who are 4 and 5 years old.
The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is only approved for people ages 12 and older. The companies are seeking approval for use in children ages 5 to 11 with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Pfizer and BioNTech proposed a dose one-third the size adults receive for ages 5 to 11. They have not yet sought permission for approval for children 4 and younger.
The family’s attorney, Daniel Tuley, shared what he says are the vaccination cards given to the family by Walgreens. They show children born in 2016 and 2017 were given a vaccine shot. The family said they left the pharmacy thinking they had received their flu shots, but a Walgreens employee later called them and said they had made a mistake. The attorney said the cards were then issued since the coronavirus vaccine had been given.
Tuley said the children have been taken to a pediatric cardiologist, and the family was told both are showing signs of heart issues. The family said the younger child has been sick with a fever and a cough.
On Monday, Walgreen’s sent the following statement: “Due to privacy laws, we cannot comment on specific patient events. However, in general, such instances are rare and Walgreens takes these matters very seriously. In the event of any error, our first concern is always our patients’ well-being. Our multi-step vaccination procedure includes several safety checks to minimize the chance of human error, and we have reviewed this process with our pharmacy staff in order to prevent such occurrences.”
Last year, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services used emergency powers due to the pandemic. The directive allows pharmacists in all 50 states to give vaccines, like flu shots, to children 3 and older.
And so it begins — stories of young children — only 5 years old — who develop “early” and “inexplicable” heart disease — and other fatal conditions — over the next 6 winter months will all have one thing in common — they will have been vaccinated for COVID.
No matter how many of these stories emerge, “experts” in white coats — of course with “no affiliation” to the pharmaceutical companies or government regulators — will on cue reassure distraught parents that these cases are “extremely rare.”
At the same time, other “experts” will blame this heart disease in these children on a new “variant” of COVID — just as they have been scripted to do — and yes, there is an actual script that those orchestrating this “pandemic” are working off of — the SPARS “pandemic” project cooked up at the Johns Hopkins University in 2017.
It’s hard to imagine what kind of parent would offer up their young children as guinea pigs to take part in the clinical trials for these dangerous and experimental mRNA “vaccines” — which have never been used before on humans, and have killed all the animals on which they have previously been tested.
One thing these parents have in common is that they all watch television religiously — and if it weren’t for what the television tells them, they would never know that there’s a worldwide “pandemic” going on.
But for these parents, they do have legal recourse against the pharmacy which administered the wrong vaccines — and their compensation, no doubt, will be sizeable.
Yet for most parents with vaccine damaged — or dead — children, they cannot sue the vaccine makers — and they won’t be told that they can be compensated by the Federal government, which will make them jump through many bureaucratic hoops before they see even nominal compensation for their loss.
Most likely, however, distraught parents of vaccine damaged children will blame the “unvaccinated” — just as their televisions have told them to do.
19 yo. didn’t want the COVID “vaccine” and held out as long as she could…
Ignored by the FDA. Help Maddie.
Julian became paralyzed after his second shot. “Neurologist in Penticton became concerned that Julian had developed a myelitic form of post-vaccinal acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (ADEM)”.
Very graphic ”vaccine” injury demonstrating the true depravity of these SICK
13-year-old boy dies just seconds later from his second dose of the covid 19 JAB, Brazil.
Vaccinated Stark Warning From Oxford Professor All Will Die.
A comparison of official Government reports suggest the Fully Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome.
Latest UK PHE Vaccine Surveillance Report figures on Covid cases show that doubly vaccinated 40-70 year olds have lost 40% of their immune system capability compared to unvaccinated people. Their immune systems are deteriorating at around 5% per week (between 2.7% and 8.7%). If this continues then 30-50 year olds will have 100% immune system degradation, zero viral defence by Christmas and all doubly vaccinated people over 30 will have lost their immune systems by March next year.
Another person with heart issues. This time it’s J & J
750 General Electric contractors walked off the job in Ohio
Autopsy confirms 60-year-old Sandra Jacobs died from cerebral venous sinus thrombosis, a rare blood-clotting disorder, after receiving Johnson & Johnson’s COVID vaccine.
The FDA is meeting on 10/26 to discuss mandating vaccines for kids ages 5-12. For the next two days, the public can submit comments for consideration. THIS TAKES TWO MINUTES. Click the link below, write your comment and select “individual consumer”
My wife who is a doctor, has been a doctor for 30 years, kidney transplant specialist, emergency specialist, hospitalist, didn’t lose a Covid patient has natural immunity and will tomorrow see her last day because #science. We stand to lose everything she has ever worked for.
Sanremo, Italy — Emergency rescuer, Riccardo Ventre, was required to get vaccinated for work. Days later, the 18-year-old’s legs gave out, now diagnosed with Guillain-Barré. His mother may take legal action. http://bit.ly/2Zaal5j
Michigan woman’s death caused by rare Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine side effect, autopsy report says.
More weird & severe (see reply) neurological issues.
15-year-old nephew of Rep Chris Pappas, died 6/20 while swimming. Exact match to VAERS #1764974 — 6 days after Pfizer with myocarditis. http://bit.ly/2ZkHmvn, http://bit.ly/3nhj6Cf
Double jabbed colleague, now regretting getting jabbed and refusing booster, refusing jab for teenage son and today called anyone getting boosters ‘brainwashed’ !! … My work here is done.
I regret getting the vax, my health has gotten worse since I got the vaccine.
Archbishop Vigano – Vatican Whistleblower – Disobey the Authorities, Even The Pope, They Are Aligned .
What are the odds? He now has pericarditis and his girlfriend, well, she now has myocarditis.
I’m not saying the vaccine killed my son I believe it COULD’VE. The people who believe it absolutely COULDN’T HAVE are the ones we need to worry about. MASTER OF PUPPETS PULLING YOUR STRINGS .
I have a NYC cop friend just texted me hysterical because she is being forced to get the jab or lose her job. She has 2 young daughters. So she will quit. And she might lose her house. How many lives are they ruining with these mandates!
My brother died 10 days after the second jab. This is his record. Look at the second jab date. It was marked 4.24.21 and they marked over it to make it 4.14.21. He died 4.24.21…the jab killed him!!
Miami, Florida — Joey Mishkin got the Pfizer jab for his job as a lighting technician. Within hours he suffered a heart attack and was pronounced brain dead 11 days later. Joey was 35 and father of 12-year-old fraternal twins. RIP
More deaths in October 2021 at 75% vaxx than October 2020 with 0%. Don’t you think someone should ask why?
13 reasons why you should not allow your child to get the Covid-19 Vaccine.
Have you Lost Your Job for Refusing the COVID Shot? You are NOT Alone!
A 19-year-old woman has died 18 days after receiving the AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccine.
“Kelly Dodd ‘Regrets’ Getting COVID-19 Vaccine, Calls It ‘Potentially Deadly Jab'”
When nurses are quitting their jobs over a V@X mand@te you know something is seriously wrong…
CNN star reveals he has multiple sclerosis while on the air”
People don’t get it. The vaccines are causing the inflammation, then you vaccinate more and more, and you will develop MS.
Maddie de Garay – Pfizer January 2021
Pfizer Clinical Trials For 12–15 Year Olds – Severe Ongoing Adverse Reactions.
Child deaths are 52% higher than the 5-year-average since they were offered the Covid-19 vaccine, after previously being 14% down according to ONS data.
Vaccinated Stark Warning From Oxford Professor All Will Die.
Kirstie Alley
You got the vaccine and are “kinda” safe, but just in case, wear a mask and don’t go anywhere.
Police departments are imploding all over the place .
You all need to listen to this everyday.
Pretty much every single COVID-ill patient I’m currently treating are double vaxx’ed (had my first triple vaxx’ed sick one last week).
My mum died suddenly today. She had dementia & was frail, but no other underlying conditions & she had no respiratory infections whatsoever.
Just been informed she was given the 3rd covid vaccine 3 days ago by the NHS. I hold full POA & no-one informed me or asked my permission.
Southwest Airlines drops Vax mandate. Keep fighting it and stay strong.
I quoted extensively from AnnaMaria Cardinalli’s stunning Crisis article that concluded there was the murder of an infant, in order to obtain the cell line used in COVID vaccine testing.
I put out a call to medical professionals to weigh in on her analysis.
For all people of faith. Every faith.
“According to my religious belief, the murder of an undeniably live infant for any reason is unconscionable and evil, and I refuse the vaccine.”
The same thing happened to an 18yr old healthy young man I coached. The same response from the doctors. This must stop. We must demand answers for these innocent people. If you are a doctor or politician you must decide, you will be held accountable. Your time has run out.
“Is working with the health unit and the family to determine the cause of death but it could take a number of weeks to complete the investigation”. If the investigation is not complete, how has the role of the jab in the death been so quickly dismissed?
Oh my f**king God! I’ve just had a letter emailed from my daughters school headteacher and I quote “it is with deep sadness for us to inform you that a year 12 student has passed away, at home, unexpectedly in her sleep”.
“Actually it’s my own fault. I did no research on this vaxxxine whatsoever. I trusted our leaders. I trusted the media.”
Hundreds of @Boeing
workers in Washington state are out protesting the vaccine mandate outside the factory.
They told me they are not complying.
Mystery deaths are rising with vaccine rates. What does this even mean?
It’s a trap…if you live for two weeks after the vaxx = your fully vaccinated , if you died in those 2 weeks = you died from covid.. and in six months or so repeat until you die. Then that will be counted as a covid death. Welcome to Clown world!
The teacher mentioned in the article, Eroletta Piascyk, is who passed away after her booster.
Just got a call from my neighbor. She had to take her husband to the ER for chest pain. He’s double vaxed. They found two blood clots in his right lung. On blood thinners. Anyone here of this happening to people they know that are vaxed?
13 year old RIP Pfizer.
Breaking: Nick Rolovich is out as the Washington State football coach after refusing to become vaccinated for COVID-19, a requirement for all state employees.
80% of New Jerseyans eligible for Pfizer COVID booster shots have not gotten one.
Yes. My sis. Hospitalized after first jab. Released. Hospitalized again after second jab. Blood clots. Nine weeks in hospital. Died. Hospital treated all symptoms with everything except HCQ or Ivermectin. Miss my sis.
Donnas Journey 16 year old after taking the vaccine .
These Are Some Of The Faces Behind This Covid BS .
A Jewish man saying Jews made the covid 19 vaxxx… crazy 1m clip.
Rochelle Walensky’s eyebrows
Why would they have gone to Walgreens anyway?
Keep in mind that this is the company that dove head first into the empty pool that was Theranos all over turtleneck girl power. That’s enough for me right there.
At least go somewhere that offers the flu spray, flu mist. Voila!
I’ve long referred to the tv as the most powerful brainwashing tool ever invented. It’s well known among the educated that people enter a hypnotic state within minutes of “watching” this electronic monstrosity.
Ever since the start of the “covid” hoax, the electric jew has been pumping endless fear propaganda into the minds of it’s victims, issuing post-hypnotic commands to “stay up to date” and to reject any information from other sources such as friends and family, and especially the internet, where they’re told “truth is not to be found”.
I know an otherwise intelligent person who believes every lie from government sources, and who feels compelled to switch the brainwashing box on first thing every morning,, often leaving it on all day.
This person is no idiot, and has never behaved in this way before.
As for the Tuley family featured above, this kind of thing is happening too often to be a “mistake”.
They’ll ultimately be “compensated” for the MURDER of their children, but zeroes on their computerised bank balance is hardly adequate compensation for the loss of the next generation.
I don’t believe our Loving God would be so lacking in compassion as to condemn even the most evil among us to be tortured forever with no hope of release, but the scum behind the “covid” hoax and killer “vaccine” almost makes me want to believe in hell as it is usually portrayed.
May God help the Tuley family and all others who have been tricked into allowing themselves and their children to be poisoned by literal devils in human shape.
I have always referred to TV as the false prophet and I feel bad for the children whose parents are dumb enough to give their children a flu shot. Now their children have to suffer for their parents stupidity. As the CIA dude said “Throw away your televisions
It’s just so sad that these young parents have been so brainwashed as to want to subject their small children to getting flu shots anyway. I thought it was mostly elderly people that go and get flu shots.
I bet these kids have had all 50 of their “prescribed” childhood “vaccines” too . Imagine the toxic load in their bodies. It would only have been a matter of time before these parents would have got them actual covid shots.. At least now they have had a wake up call .
So sad, such beautiful kids
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
Maurice Samuel’s 1924 book, “You Gentiles,” is loaded with Jew hate for Gentiles, that they claim can only be cured when white ppl no longer are the majority of the population in all gentile nations.
When the evidence for the following comes out, a) it will not be widely disseminated so that most people won’t know it, and b) it will be so long from now that the potential outrage will be muted and thus no significant action will be taken.
And that is, that jewish Pfizer, jewish Moderna and the other jews responsible for this experimental method of creating an immune response KNEW via their own tests that it didn’t work well enough, and with too high a rate of serious damage for it ever to have passed a normal approval process, and thus jews in the media, colluding with the jews running the CDC and ACIP, created the pandemic hysteria to get governments to panic buy this faulty jewish product, which has now transferred many billions of dollars from the hard working goyim and concentrated it into the minority hands of jewry.
The unnecessary deaths are already in tens of thousands and certainly will reach into the hundreds of thousands. All of this blood is on the hands of the jews who were fully aware of what they were doing. And yet, if history serves as an example (such as 9/11), the jews will get away with these murders of our people, yet again.
Furthermore, that blood is on the hands on all who follow the Jewish partly line so they can enrich themselves, earn social recognition or continue to follow after their vices.