Paul Rosenberg, of Rowlands Close in Mill Hill, North West London, a synagogue security guard who downloaded more than 1,000 indecent images of children, many of which he apparently created himself, has inexplicably avoided jail after admitting a mere “porn addiction”:
[He] was handed a six-month suspended jail sentence and was ordered to sign the sex offenders’ register for seven years on Wednesday.
He had pleaded guilty to three counts of making indecent photographs of children at Harrow Crown Court.
Rosenberg, 46, was known in his community as a security guard for his synagogue, where he would greet young children as they entered, the court heard.
Andrew Horsell, the defence counsel, did not specify at which synagogue Rosenberg served as a security guard.
He admitted his pornography addiction to police, and explaining he committed his actions because “curiosity can get the better of you”.
Judge Vanessa Francis told the defendant: “I am of the view that over a period of time you have been in some sort of psychiatric crisis which has led you to seek out images that have damaged your mental health, but more importantly, blighted the lives of children all over the world.
“I hope that there will come a time when you are able to face up to the harm that you have been causing to children.”
Officers were tipped off to Rosenberg’s crimes after suspicious activity was located on his internet service provider, raiding his home on May 29.
They found 1,148 abuse images, which he was accessing from 2010 until just a fortnight before his arrest.
Rosenberg then admitted he “could not stop” himself looking at abuse images.
Dipan Varsani, prosecuting, said: “Rosenberg said he never knowingly downloaded anything. He said that sometimes things pop up and sometimes curiosity can get the better of you. He said he did not download indecent material of children.
“During his interview at the police station he Rosenberg told the police he had a pornography addiction and he was already seeking help for this.
“He did say he was ashamed of his actions and that he was not interested in child pornography.
“He said he was aware of saving the images but that there must have been a blanket saving and that that is how the material appeared there across a number of his devices.
“It has taken him to places he is not proud of. He went on to explain how he was ashamed and how he wanted to turn his life around.”
Mr Horsell told the court that Rosenberg was a member of the “tight-knit” North London Jewish community, where the knowledge of his paedophilia had seen him “fall from grace”.
Mr Horsell said: “He plays a role in that community – he stands guard outside of the synagogue. This is a man who has worked all his life.
“He has taken significant steps off his own back. He knew what he needed to do and he did it. He is a man of intelligence, that much is obvious.”
Rosenberg was also ordered to serve seven years of a sexual prevention order, complete 50 hours of community work, 20 days of rehabilitation and pay £115 in court costs.
He got caught with over 1,100 “indecent” photos of “abused” children, but the court believed him when he said he “was not interested in child pornography,” but apparently only when it’s made by someone other than himself.
This article is intentionally vague on details for fear of public outrage, but it appears that the children he was hired to guard were counted among his victims, but this should shock no one considering child rape is rampant among Orthodox Jews, according to one prominent rabbi.
Another elderly Jew in the New York City area admitted to molesting “hundred” of school children over a period of 50 years, and yet he has served virtually no jail time either. There seems to be a pattern here.
So while Jews in the U.K. are ‘delighted’ that British singer, Alison Chabloz, is actually going to jail just for singing songs that poked fun of Jews, this pedophile monster, like many others before him, will not spend any time behind bars, even though the judge believed Rosenberg had “blighted the lives of children all over the world.” He’s been punished “enough”.
But remember, jewish behavior, we are warned, is not the cause of antisemitism.
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
please watch this video CHILD stealing & the state UK Column Brian Gerrish , state sponsored child snatching
They are legalizing and normalizing paedophilia in front of out very Eyes. Right now Epstein is a part of this also. They raped thousands of girls and not going to jail, and it spreads now.
Khazar Mafia, they do what they like and answer to nobody.
Does anyone think Jeffrey Epstein acted alone? Look at what his cohorts got away with. Ghislaine Maxwell in particular.
Poor, poor persecuted jews.
Epstein is part of Mossad
Mossad could be behind his death then; Epstein could have spilled many precious gems, tainting Mossad’s image in the process (hence having him silenced was an urgent priority) …
Epstein didn’t kill himself, nor did anyone else kill him. He’s probably at a plastic surgeon’s office in Tel Aviv right now. He’s not done yet.
or maybe maxi have incr’ pic of some roial…..
Be it as it may we r live in a sick world
And this baster is walking free ….
harsh pansment will scare and give the victims feeling of safty.
…and we’re surprised?
There’s that ‘white privilege’ again…
Mike H.
Orthodox Jews believe that crimes like this — where a Jew victimizes other Jews in a jewish community — should be handled within the community itself with its leaders acting as judge and jurors. No need for the U.K. courts to get involved at all, they argue. Let us handle it. And why not? Orthodox Jews study the Talmud, which argues that pedophilia really isn’t that big of a deal, and it they don’t think it’s serious, why should we care?
Well, obviously, the Jews have enough political power in London to make sure this admitted pedophile isn’t punished anywhere near where he would be if he were a lowly “gentile” who would spend years in prison with Muslim rapists and murderers.
And yes, someone from the jewish community had a little talk with that judge, and that judge, wanting to keep her job, went along with the sentence that the Jews suggested was “fair”. That’s how it works, goyim.
Mike H, FYI The majority of rapists, murderers and serial killers in UK jails are white English.
Mike H.
Since White English comprise 80% of the population, one would presume that they would comprise most of the violent criminals, but they do not comprise 80% of the violent criminals. However, despite being only 20% of the population, non-Whites are vastly over-represented in violent crime, much greater than their population would predict. In London alone, the vast majority of violent crime is committed by Blacks. In America, Blacks comprise only 13% of the population but commit 50% of the murders. What’s your point?
That’s an old chestnut…and total horlix. Get up to speed my boy!
I will repay saith the Lord