(The Jewish Chronicle) Jews have become experts at creating antisemitism and then demanding that something be done about it — while completely ignoring the real cause of “anti-Jewish hate”:
“The lack of action in bringing the perpetrators of antisemitic hate crimes to justice “is unacceptable”, Jewish Community leaders and the Home Secretary have agreed.
The point was made during a meeting of a new government taskforce set up to improve the police response to antisemitism this week.
Known as the Jewish Community Crime, Policing and Security Taskforce, its establishment was ordered in March by Suella Braverman.
During the meeting, it was pointed out that while people wearing T-shirts making fun of Hillsborough stadium disaster victims have in the past been prosecuted but protesters waving banners bearing swastikas have not – a discrepancy that those present agreed was “unacceptable”.
Braverman chaired the meeting on Tuesday. Also present were the policing minister Chris Philp, CST chief Mark Gardner, Matt Jukes, the Metropolitan Police Assistant Commissioner in charge of special operations including counter-terrorism; senior officers from a further six police forces covering areas with large Jewish communities, and representatives from the College of Policing, which issues guidelines for police training.
“It was a highly focused meeting that tackled the question of how the police can improve their response to antisemitism head-on,” one source who was present told the JC.
The JC understands that one of the issues discussed was the policing of demonstrations, where the police have often failed to arrest those chanting antisemitic slogans or carrying placards bearing the Nazi swastika.
Also on the agenda were improvements to police training on how to recognise and deal with antisemitic hate crime when it occurs…
…It comes after [Braverman] told the JC in an interview in March that she was “appalled” by recent failures to bring the perpetrators of antisemitic hate crimes to justice.
Braverman said in March that the police had sometimes regarded antisemitism as “racism lite”, and it is understood that she made clear at the meeting that this had to change.
She said she had been especially dismayed by the failure to bring to justice those responsible Chanukah 2021 Oxford St bus attack and the incident which saw a convoy descend on Golders Green whose members screamed they wanted “f*** the Jews” and “rape their daughters”.
Gardner told the JC after the meeting that he sincerely hoped the taskforce would be “the start of a process that will see tangible improvements to the policing of antisemitism and anti-Jewish extremism….[and reduce] the anti-Jewish hatred that our community faces.”
As the old Russian proverb goes, “The Jew will always tell you what happened to him, but he will never tell you why.”
No one on this “antisemitism task force” bothered to address the simple question, “Why are people waving swastikas?”
Had it not been for the fact that the Jews who dominated the Weimar Republic in Germany ran the country into the ground, destroying the economy while promoting widespread degeneracy and hopelessness — along with fomenting a communist revolution — there would have been no rise of Adolf Hitler and the National Socialists in reaction to this dire situation.
There would be no “antisemitism” in England if the Jews hadn’t flooded the nation with violent Muslims and Africans who have an animosity toward Jews because of the ongoing Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people.
If Jews don’t want to experience any “antisemitic” blowback, they need to stop supporting policies that are destroying the native White British population — and stop pretending they don’t understand why these people are angry and want to fight back.
If Jews truly want to reduce “antisemitism”, they need to stop claiming they are still some sort of “oppressed minority” rather than admitting that they are the wealthiest and most powerful clique in the U.K. that has all but replaced the historic British aristocracy as the new ruling elite.
But they will never back off their nation-wrecking agenda — and they’ve admitted that they will even exaggerate any “antisemitic threat” in order to enact even more draconian measures to repress any dissent among the native British people as they watch Third World highly-placed pajeets like Home Secretary Suella Braverman and Prime Minster Rishi Sunak hand the nation over to their Jewish overlords.
No surprise that Suella Braverman is married to the wealthy Jew, Rael Braverman — and when she was sworn into office, she took her oath of allegiance not on the Bible but on the Buddhist Dhammapada.
Before entering politics, Rishi Sunak became wealthy working for the Jewish investment firm, Goldman-Sachs, and when taking office, he swore his “allegiance” on the Bhagavad Gita.
Historically, no one was allowed to sit in Parliament without swearing an oath of allegiance on the Christian Bible — but that all changed when Lionel Rothschild was elected to the House of Commons, forcing that passage of the Jewish Disabilities Act of 1858, which gave Rothschild a special dispensation allowing him to take his oath of allegiance on the “Jewish Bible.”
When British Prime Minister William Gladstone proposed making Lionel Rothschild a British peer — essentially part of the nobility — Queen Victoria refused, saying that
“…titling a Jew would raise antagonism and furthermore it would be unseemly to reward a man whose vast wealth was based on what she called ‘a species of gambling’ rather than legitimate trade.”
Victoria’s warnings have indeed come true — as Jews now dominate the “British” peerage, and there is hardly any British noble family that has not allowed Jews to marry into their bloodlines.
By turning their back on their Christian God, the British people — who can indeed trace their lineage back to the lost tribes of the House of Israel — ensured the fulfillment of the curses of Deuteronomy 28:32-43,
“Your sons and daughters will be given to another nation, while your eyes grow weary looking for them day after day, with no power in your hand. A people you do not know will eat the produce of your land and of all your toil. All your days you will be oppressed and crushed. You will be driven mad by the sights you see…
The LORD will bring you and the king you appoint to a nation neither you nor your fathers have known, and there you will worship other gods—gods of wood and stone. You will become an object of horror, scorn, and ridicule among all the nations to which the LORD will drive you…
The foreigner living among you will rise higher and higher above you, while you sink down lower and lower. He will lend to you, but you will not lend to him. He will be the head, and you will be the tail.”
Former British Prime Minister — the Jewish Boris Johnson — confirmed the fulfillment of this prophecy when he claimed, “Britain would not be Britain without its Jewish community.”
And contrary to all their protestations, Jews thrive on “antisemitism” — and they are fully aware that the more they try to combat “antisemitism”, the more “antisemitism” they will create.
By making it illegal to criticize Jews, all Jews end up proving is that the “antisemites” are telling the truth — and there’s nothing more “offensive” to Jews than The Truth.
Sunak described as a nice Jewish boy by Jews.
Keir Starmer, who succeeded Jeremy Corbyn earlier this year, said Monday that he was “brought up Church of England, loosely, and my wife’s family are Jewish, they came out from Poland.”
Man who saved Jimmy Savile is now leader of the Labour Party – Keir Starmer
“In the run-up to the elections, Khan [mayor of London] told the Jewish Chronicle that his commitment to Israel could not be challenged.”
“Khan joined the Jewish Labour Movement as an associate member in solidarity with British Jews… Khan called on his colleagues in the Labour Party to follow suit and said he took the action to demonstrate “support and appreciation” for British Jews.”
“Sadiq Khan speaks about partnership with Tel Aviv mayor”
I’m starting to think some people are jewish but pretend they’re muslim, but that can’t be true.It Caan)
London’s new mayor makes Holocaust memorial his first official function
Sadiq Khan meets with survivors, chief rabbi, Israeli envoy to UK at ceremony in north London
Reportedly, Savile told the Israeli cabinet that he “was very disappointed: the Israelis had won the Six Day War but they had given back all the land, including the only oil well in the region, and were now paying the Egyptians more for oil than if they had bought it from Saudi Arabia.”
Savile abused dying child, 11, at Great Ormond Street.He abused the terminally ill 11-year-old on a visit to the famous children’s hospital in London. The victim confided in a relative before dying… And it told how police and prosecutors missed SEVEN chances to bring him to justice before he died in 2011 aged 84.Director of Public Prosecutions Keir Starmer admitted Savile could have been charged with offences against three victims in 2009 if their allegations had been taken more seriously.
Sadiq Khan
Imran Khan Jewish Agent?
Imran Khan our boy – Kissinger
Jemima Imran Khan(Goldsmith) mother of the next leaders of Pakistan?
Imran Khan and the Rothschilds-October 18, 2019
The relationship between the Prime Minister of Pakistan, Imran Khan and the Rothschilds were exposed in a controversial memoir written by none other than his now former wife, Reham Khan.Jemima (Goldsmith) was only 21 when she married a 43-year-old Imran. For Jemima, marrying a much older man from another culture couldn’t have been much fun. Imran always said that he had connected better with his in-laws than his very young wife. Friends would tell me how the cultural restrictions weren’t the ideal start for the very young London socialite. Her time with Imran is described by most as a very suffocating experience for her.
Imran Khan is a Jewish agent who received funds from Jewish and Indian agencies whose main objective was to recognize Israel, the purpose of giving government to PTI in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa in 2013 election was to change the culture of Pakhtuns.
The Jewish community of Maharashtra (called Bene Israel ) was also known to be a sub-group in the Teli caste called Shaniwar telis meaning Saturday oil pressers for their Jewish custom of abstention from work on Shabbat. Maharastra and Gujarat states adjoin each other Gujarat being to the north of Maharashtra.
Shaniwar teli (“Saturday oil pressers”), also practiced circumcision, recited the Shema on ceremonial occasions, celebrated several major festivals, and observed Jewish dietary laws.
Saudi Royal Family is Jewish! King and Prince are all Jew!
Jewish roots of the Saudi Royal family.
One Yasser Arafat(Egyptian Jew), whose mother was Jewish, became the head of the greatest Jewish hoax in history. Nevertheless, the PLO was responsible for the survival of Israel, as each attack by the PLO has resulted in renewed worldwide sympathy and support for Israel. Each PLO attack has come just at the moment when the demands that Israel return to its 1948 borders have reached a crescendo, and after the attack the demands against Israel have been hushed. Thousands of young Arabs were persuaded to join the PLO under the delusion that they would strike at the enemy. Instead, they were sent out to be slaughtered. For years, Jewish insiders have joked about the nightly “turkey shoots”, as Israelis leisurely shot down the PLO infiltrators, whose exact route, number and armaments had been radioed to the Jews even before the “terrorists” had left their base. The “turkey shoots” became a popular Israeli sport, and high-ranking officials such as Moshe Dayan took part in picking off the “terrorists”. On one occasion, a very high-ranking State Department official was allowed to pick off his “turkey”, a seventeen-year-old Arab youth.
In 1950, Senator Pat McCarran said to me, “If the American people ever find out what the Jews are doing to them, they won’t leave a Jew alive from coast to coast.” An official of the American Jewish Congress said “We must never lose sight of the fact that the only thing preventing pogroms in the United States today is our watchful control over the channels of communication.”
Egyptian Journalist Emad Albeheery on MB TV: President Al-Sisi’s Mother Is Jewish .
[Minister of Antiquities] Khaled Al-Enany said today that Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi allocated 1.3 billion [Egyptian Pounds] for the restoration of Jewish antiquities in Egypt. Now tell me honestly… There it is. It appeared in their own newspapers. [It says that] it is Al-Sisi who allocated the funds. It isn’t just “purported” by our “terroristic” Elsharq TV. It is Al-Sisi who allocated the funds. Now tell me this: What more do you need to realize that his mother is Jewish? Do you need an angel to come down and tell you that he is a Jew with ties to the Jews?
Emad Albeheery: The idea is that we have been infiltrated a long time ago. It’s nothing new. His Jewish mother raised her son like a Muslim, and then got him into the military academy and into the Egyptian Army. He went to America and was the only one who didn’t get on board the airplane that crashed into the ocean [in 1999]. He came back as the head of intelligence. Then he pulled a coup and took over Egypt.
Iran has never followed Islam. Even Shia politicians are now admitting that Iran never followed the laws of Islam. So far the Iranian presidents have been accusing anyone who does not believe in their policies of being “Wahhabis” but now even the Shias admit that Iran doesn’t follow Muslim laws or policies.
Iran follows the Shia sect. According to the famos Muslim historian Imam Tabari, Shiism was founded by a Jewish secret society headed by Abdollah ibn Saba (a Jew who pretended to have converted to Islam).
Iranian politician Hasan Abbais admits that Ahmadinejad and other Iranian presidents dont follow the teachings of Islam. Hasan Abbasi supported Ahmadinejad.
This is a well-researched documentary exposing the secret coordination and collaboration between Soviet Russia, Israel, and Soviet satellite Islamic Iran.
Despite Islamic Iran’s outwardly anti-Zionist political rhetoric, it is clear that Iran is Israel’s paper tiger. Iran has a massive role to play in the Sino-Soviet-Israeli Belt and Road Initiative, a US war on Iran would be completely counterproductive to long range communist strategy.
Iran Fake opposition.the Saborjhian family changed its name to Ahmadinejad.
About name Sabourjhian information can not be seen in wikipedia in Farsi, just in English, French and German. This is important because Saborjhian is a Jewish family name.
https://themuslimissue2.wordpress.com/2012/08/27/iran-ahmedejinn-the-promoter-of-antisemitism-and-persecution-of-jews-is-a-jew-himself/ Photo https://ia904700.us.archive.org/25/items/ahmadinejad-devil-fing/Ahmadinejad-devil%20fing.jpg
IRAN joins SCO: BEIJING, July 4th. /TASS/. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) on Tuesday officially announced Iran’s entry into the ranks of the member countries of the association, the decision was made at the 23rd summit of the organization chaired by India. The virtual meeting is broadcast by the SCO Secretariat.
It’s clear as daylight to anyone with common sense that the Russian government are Zionists. There is no excuse for Imran Hosein and the Shia government of Iran for supporting Russia, they’re all shills and Crypto-Zionists beyond a shadow of a doubt.
Imran Hosein shilling for Trump.
Crypto Jews and Freemasonry In Iran.
“The Grand Lodge of Iran, established in 1969 in Tehran, existed in the country prior to the Islamic Revolution of 1979, hosted membership from various political figures, including former prime minister Jafar Sharif-Emami (who served as the lodge’s grand master at one point[10]), and branched to 43 Lodges and at least 1,035 members.”
Iranian official admits Iran is not Islamic.
Paul O'Donohoe
well the jewish state of israel aided the argentinian military junta during the falklands war selling skyhawk fighter bombers , missiles, bombs , spy planes and much more . Some have been called anti semite for bringing up the truth about it. Here are some tweet links and articles
some articles
James Kyle
Mar 25
Replying to
You do know that Israel killed more British soldiers in 3 years than the IRA did in 30 years jesus they even hanged 2 soldiers
they killed over 90 people in King David Hotel bombing
Your ignorance is astonishing
Tory hypocrisy laid bare as Eric Pickles praises Israel on the very site (The King David Hotel) where Jewish terrorists killed many British soldiers. Tories have the barefaced cheek to call themselves the true champions of patriotism. https://mirror.co.uk/news/real-life-stories/king-david-hotel-bombing-killed-12786374.
shau sumar
Feb 5
Replying to
Their morality evident even before creation of Israel. They killed British soldiers and booby trapped the corpses, bombed the King David hotel housing the British admin hq, killed Lord Moyne in 1944 and Count Bernadotte in 1948, bombed USS Liberty in 1967
bitsy mcfitzy
May 12, 2021
Replying to
Around 800 British soldiers were killed fighting the Jewish Insurgency in Palestine, from which Israel was established. The Irgun, Stern Gang & Haganah were lethal & killed numerous British soldiers. Were you not aware of any of this?
how ironic that EDL are supporting Israel in regards to the war even though Israel have killed many British soldiers ffs do your research!!
Thought crimes. Let us destroy you while we silence you. That is the true hate.
Braverman is married to a Jew.
Braverman claims she is trying to prevent mass immigration of useless barbaric peoples to these shores, yet uses tax payer money to facilitate such invasion.
Braverman, like her jewish husband, shouldn’t even be on this Island.
May Yahweh bundle and burn these creatures before they do more damage to this Adamic nation.
In my opinion , one of the ways in which someone can be “dead,” is when they know the Truth but are prevented from saying it by a perceived external force and so they choose to self-regulate their speech.
It’s also interesting that the word for death in the “hebrew” is MUTE. MUT. Our Father told Adam that “in that day , he would surely DIE.” And the word in Hebrew is MUTE. We know that he didn’t DIE that day, but he did become MUTE.
He became like the Unfortunate ones in our day whom the jews have ‘cry-bullied’ into silence. Everybody these days is dead because the “fear of the jews” has them remaining silent and MUTE when they know who it is that is destroying the order before their eyes… juden! That is the unsatisfying sting of ‘death.’ Knowing, and not doing anything about it.
Interestingly it was Braverman who was who in 2019 got mauled by the British Board of Deputies for using the term ‘Cultural Marxism’. They villified her by saying that Anders Brevik had use it in his manifesto, Implication being that anyone using the term is anti-semitic and fascist. Brevik did murder nearly hundred people, but he had no animus to the Jew.
Brevik never drew attention to the Jewish background of any of those involved in the Cultural Marxism movement. His ire was against European politicians for giving way to demands of radical islam. He seems to have been specifically triggered by a grovelling apology wrung out of the Norwegian publisher because of islamist threats and arm twisting by the Stoltenberg’s Labour Government.
His thesis is that European politicians have facilitated Muslim immigration out of a wish to create Eurabia, a theory of Bat’Yeor Egyptian born Jewish writer, does not single out Jews as the architect of the downfall of the West. He blames Europeans leaders for the mess. He is pretty pro-Israel. He suggests that Palestinians are a created myth.
And he states emphatically that the holocaust did happen. “no one should justify genocide” he writes. Although he goes onto state that there are other genocides that have been ignored.
Finally he made no reference to Freemasons anywhere in over a thousand pages, But anything seen as swipe at Progressivism is slandered as far right fascism. The claim is that giving oxygen to Conservative or traditional value positions is going to lead back to the gas chambers.
Imaginary Jew hate has become a power play of the Left as they pursue the goal of destroying European national identity. The cry of anti-semitism is the chosen device in the armory of those pursuing Marcusse’s Repressive tolerance to shut up opponents.
If you disagree with any liberal talking point, you want to throw Jews in gas chambers.
To give legitimacy to the fact of jewish and islamic brotherhood please sit down to read this blasphemous AntiChrist garbage they are believing and implementing. Again from Fitzinfo:
Chabad likens the coming of their messiah to ‘a UFO descending on the Temple mount’ and establishing a ‘new order’
***I have heard many times that the jew invented Islam, here it is in all it’s darkness. MUST READ BY EVERY SO CALLED CHRISTIAN WHO BELIEVES THE ANTICHRIST IS THE CHOSEN***
(Thank you Fitz)
Here is a recent important post from Fitzinfo.
Freemasons dictate mass immigration
Good Lord
Sparrow: “Don’t shoot the messenger [me].”…..but that “Timothy Fitzpatrick” 🕸-site is a “jew™” 🕸-site.
The “Timothy Fitzpatrick” (goy, Irish surname) title is a deception tactic to lure, lull, and entrap gullible GOYIM. All of its authors are “jew”™–ish (1st and last names). Its content praises “jews”™, Marxism, Communism, and by extension, their Marxist/Communist publications (eg. New York Times).
Its extremist authors compose tangled digressions within their 3000-word EDITORIALS; editorials referencing their own “jew”™–ish publications to support their subjective, non-empirical, fictitious data.
In contrast, recently CFT wrote a fact-based article about the Ethnic-European/GERMANIC origin of the “Barbie” doll. But the “Timothy Fitzgerald” site LIED BY OMISSION, and instead, STOLE and re-labeled “Barbie” as being a “jew”™–ish doll.
The “Timothy Fitzpatrick” site opines, convolutes, and fabricates information like its other “jew”™–ish sites and authors do with their respective, theatrical “screen-plays” (eg. “many ‘witnesses’ want to remain anonymous out of fear of…”; “Freud said that…”; “50 million fires are burning in British Columbia, but because the fires are so remote, Dopelaar Radar can’t locate them”). Get it?
https://fitzinfo.net/forum/topic/barbie-invented-by-russian-jew-to-emancipate-women/#postid-1349; and https://lechaim.ru/events/barbi-evrejka/ (NOTICE the “Le Chaim”?)
There’s one EDITORIAL pitying Trudy CasTREAU or having endured a strong feminist wife for 20 years. WTF?
There’s another EDITORIAL condemning Falun Gong for opposing Communism and race-mixing.
Incisive, critical-thinking please, before you suggest 🕸-sites which lure naïeve, fledgling, and unsuspecting Ethnic-European butterflies into inextricable TRAPS.
Germany and England by Nesta Webster 1938.
“Anti-Semitism- In England it is strongest among the working classes who have nothing to gain by seeking favour with the Jews. The present movement, moreover, is not unprecedented in this country for anti-Jewish riots took place at the coronation of Richard Cœur de Lion, and Edward I found it necessary to expel all the Jews from England. The Home Secretary has announced that he will prevent its recurrence by “stamping on anti-Semitism”; to do this will merely make it burst into flames. The function of Government is to prevent disorders; it cannot control opinions.”
“No surprise that Suella Braverman is married to the wealthy Jew, Rael Braverman — and when she was sworn into office, she took her oath of allegiance not on the Bible but on the Buddhist Dhammapada.”
So with that said, logically the ugly Buddhist IS NOT A JEW and does not have the power to claim anything ‘antisemitic’. And why no one challenged her for PROOF of her accusations?
The old and weary trick they do (magic) with their lies is to make a Nazi threat (currently causing war by the Russian and Ukrainian jew puppets Putin & Zelensky) to kill white people/Christians to reign in their magical kingdom. This accusation has no ground for this Buddhist bimbo CAUSE SHE IS BUDDHIST. When will the White race understand and challenge these lies?
Not off topic…I am addicted to the BRITISH show Time Team…and whenever a dig is found and finished…it ALWAYS (unless Roman) reveals ancient history of prehistoric, iron, bronze, CELTS, ANGLOS, etc that amazingly NEVER INCLUDES the cult of these parasitic Jews. And the simple answer as to why…is because they would have been WIPED OUT.
It has been very interesting applying TRUE ISRAELITES to these ancient people and gives legitimacy to
Deuteronomy 28:32-43 as quoted above. It also tells me that just perhaps Adolf Hitler knew it too as a Christian. He is on record as not wanting to go to war with what he considered brethren. But he did go to war with the liar jew and the ancient German existence was almost wiped out. He knew, like we do now, that he was fighting lies and stood his ground. As for me, I have and continue to stand in mine.
Thank you, CFT, for another great post that will hopefully awaken more of our tribe Israel. Our Truth Jesus Christ.