(RMX News) The U.S. Ambassador to Poland, Georgette Mosbacher, has been rebuked for meddling in Poland’s internal political affairs after she was a signatory of an open letter published by the U.S. Embassy in support of subversive LGBT activists in Poland:
In an interview for news portal Wirtualna Polska, US ambassador to Poland Georgette Mosbacher declared that Poland has the reputation of a country “unfriendly to sexual minorities”, which in turn negatively affects investment decisions and military issues.
She underlined that the majority of US politicians are on the same page when it comes to LGBT issues, including Donald Trump and Joe Biden.
The interviewer, Marcin Makowski, pointed out that in Poland, sexual minorities have exactly the same rights as people living in unofficial relationships and Poles do not like having foreign powers interfering with Polish legislation and imposing a definition of marriage.
Mosbacher responded, admitting that she “did not want to discuss legislative issues, as that is Poland’s private affair”.
The ambassador also emphasized that while she respects Catholic religion, human rights are more important.
When asked how she defines human rights and whether single-sex marriage is one of them, Mosbacher refused to comment.
The diplomat stressed that Poland must know that “in the case of the LGBT issue, you are on the wrong side of history. I’m talking about the progress which is being achieved despite everything.”
She also admitted that the LGBT issue affects American diplomatic and military decisions concerning Poland.
“It is not a secret that many congressmen are heavily engaged in LGBT issues. My opinion does not matter here – they make the laws and divide the money,” she said.
Mosbacher was also asked about former Foreign Minisgter Witold Waszczykowski’s comment on the issue, which emphasized that ambassadors are forbidden to interfere with a country’s internal affairs according to the Vienna Convention. The diplomat stated, that while she agreed with Waszczykowski, the matter did not concern politics or ideology.
“No ambassador has a right to influence the policy of a sovereign nation, but human rights are not policy or ideology. We do not compromise on this issue, hence our appeal,” she said, adding that it was the Belgian ambassador who initiated the letter and that she had no influence over its content.
Georgette Mosbacher (née Paulsin) seems to have learned early on in life how to use her looks to bed and wed wealthy men — a practice that usually culminates in marriages to Jewish multi-millionaires such as her second husband, George Barrie, the owner of Faberge and 35 years her senior, and then the Robert Mosbacher, 20 years her senior, a Jewish wanna-be WASP who styled himself as genteel playboy, sailor and sportsman, apparently content to live off his father’s financial legacy.
Having spent most of her life around wealthy and powerful Jewish men, Georgette appears to have become a virtual Jew herself in her avarice, superficiality, and radical political agenda — a “Republican” in name only.
Social climbers like Mosbacher often develop a necessary addiction to plastic surgery — which appears to have distorted her features to the point that she has begun to resemble the transsexuals and female impersonators whose “rights” she now champions.
The most recent presidential election in Poland was centered around the issue that the so-called LGBT “movement” was indeed a Marxist “ideology” being used to undermine and destroy traditional Christian families — and Mosbacher knows this.
Jewish hand-wringers at the U.S. State Department have a visceral hatred for Christianity –and she has been more than willing to act as their political “waterboy” by pushing their anti-Christian, nation-wrecking agenda on Poland.
This bolshevik concept of “human rights” is far more important than Poland’s right to remain a Christian nation, despite the fact that without Christianity, nobody would have any “human rights” in the world today — and if these billionaire bolsheviks get their way, these “human rights” they bray on about today will suddenly disappear once they’ve achieved unopposed power and control.
Poland’s freedom depends on standing up to and resisting these Jewish incursions into their affairs — and these economic and military threats will escalate — but as long as Poland does not budge on their Christian national identity, they still have hope to remain White and relatively safe.
German Der Spiegel shared a in my opinion a click and bait article about the anti-Jewish Pogroms in Polen and I cannot help myself thinking that this freakazoid and her dictatorial self-serving “minority group” have something to do with it….
Das alarmierende Signal von Kielce
Noch nach dem Holocaust wütete vor 75 Jahren in Polen ein antisemitischer Mob. Bei einer Hetzjagd in Kielce wurden 42 Menschen ermordet und 80 verletzt – dann begann der Massenexodus osteuropäischer Juden nach Deutschland.
(“The alarming signal from Kielce: Even after the Holocaust, an anti-Semitic mob raged in Poland 75 years ago. 42 people were murdered and 80 injured in a hunt in Kielce – then the mass exodus of Eastern European Jews to Germany began.”)
With self-serving arrogance they push people over the edge and when things escalate, they cry victim ISMS. I now fully understand why so many Germans followed Hitler without question. The Marxist, Bolshevik communist, socialist liberal progressive, left-wing extremist and New World Order fascist imperialist are pushing the button in that direction again. The only group of people who claim superiority over all the people of the world are Jewish Zionist supremacist on the left and the right.
Pitting people against each other, like they do now, using Germany against Polen….and the West against the East, the same as using America to wreak havoc on both Eastern and Western Europe. They exploit Black people to foment hatred against White people. Jewish/Zionist supremacist are the real parasitical, predatory, racist fascist. With massive propaganda they they convinced the world that they were innocent victims of Hitler and the Germans…..despicable.
“The Cultural Revolutionaries are angry that folks are producing and watching upscaled and colorized old footage of America and Europe and realizing what could have been.
The first time you see Denis Shiryaev’s videos, they feel pretty miraculous. You can walk through New York as it was in 1911, or ride on Wuppertal’s flying train at the turn of the 20th century, or witness the birth of the moving image in a Leeds garden in 1888.
Shiryaev’s YouTube channel is a showcase for his company Neural Love, based in Gdansk, Poland, which uses a combination of neural networks and algorithms to overhaul historic images. Some of the very earliest surviving film has been cleaned, unscuffed, repaired, colourised, stabilised, corrected to 60 frames per second and upscaled to vivid 4K resolution. [More]
Homosexuality and “Piecemeal Functionalism”
“It was Cecil Rhodes who created the most exclusive Lodge of British Freemasonry which admitted only statesmen and diplomats…. Cecil Rhodes had a very peculiar lifestyle. It has long been noted that he had a lifelong abstention from female companionship. After his death it was revealed that his library contained shelves devoted to phallic worship and homosexuality.
This exclusive lodge included as members Lord Rothschild and his relative Lord Rosebury, emissaries of American magnates J.P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie and J.D. Rockefeller. It was this Order of the Freemasonry movement that was dedicated to creating the Anglo‑American Empire which would supervise Western administration of the Third World…. within this organization of Anglo‑ American Empire seeding‑zealots, espionage and homosexuality occur together so often that it cannot be considered a coincidence.
How has all of this evolved into the current effort of bringing in the totalitarian One‑World Order? Some years ago students of the world’s geopolitics watched the efforts of the United Nations and the Council on Foreign Relations to see what the one‑world government planners were doing. Today, it is not quite that simple. There was simply too much opposition from the average citizen to push through a one‑world government when there was no apparent value in doing it. So they changed their tactics.
It was Harland Cleveland, a very powerful figure in the Aspen Institute for International Humanism who argued that if the powerful globalist institutions want to bring about a World Government, there must be a change in plans. Cleveland pointed out that the League of Nations and the United Nations tried to make direct attempts to set up a World Government and both, by themselves, failed miserably. So a new plan was needed, according to Cleveland, and he called it “Peacemeal Functionalism.”
The Trilateral Commission, followed this idea and explained it as follows: “In general, the prospects for achieving effective international co‑operation (control) can often be improved if the issues can be kept (to appear to be) separate, what we call piecemeal functionalism…Coalitions of specialists can be built across national boundaries in specific functional areas, blunting the nationalism that might otherwise hinder agreement…Functionally specific international organizations succeed far better than multi‑purpose organizations such as the United Nations in accomplishing concrete tasks.”
In other words, if the activity for creating a one‑world government is taken away from a single organization like the U.N. and is divided among many different organizations and if the work of these many groups can be made to appear separate, then, piece by piece, treaty by treaty, law by law, issue by issue and organization by organization, everything can be put together like a jigsaw puzzle.
Richard Gardner[307] says that “end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish more than the old‑fashioned frontal assault.
To make this system of “Piecemeal Functionalism” work, the planners for the One‑World Government utilize the system of Hegellian Dialects. They call it “Management by Crisis.”
There are many examples to make the point. The immigration crisis, the environmental crisis, the “greenhouse effect,” the ozone holes, the wildlife crisis, the killing‑the‑whales crisis, cutting‑ down‑the‑rain‑forest crisis, the need for gun registration or confiscation, the man‑made famine in Ethiopia, the trade‑zone crisis with Mexico and the war with Iraq are just a few examples of Management by Crisis. The trick is to get as many groups as possible organized to publicize the crisis. This will cause a large share of the population to believe in the crisis and want to do something.”
“Know Your Enemy” – See following footnote 304 in the article.
Fr. John+
Death to the Jewish World Order – that includes sodomites.
Marcus F
To those who say that this is somehow communism or preach hate, didn’t Jesus lift up Mary despite being a prostitute? Didn’t He sit and eat with the tax collectors, those who were considered traitors to the Jews? Yet you sit here in these comments and continue hate. Homosexuals and others in the LGBTQ+ community don’t need hate and to be treated less than. They need love. We are told to go and make disciples of all nations, yet you would rather stay in the comments and converse with those who share the same non-loving ideas that the Christ had continuously preached against. You don’t tell others about the love of Jesus because you expect them to believe, you do it because God called you to do it. In the same way, you don’t love those in the LGBTQ+ community because you expect change, but because that is what God called you to do. I understand you don’t agree with them, but the best you can do is preach love. The only thing this does is make people of faith look like bigots, when the Lord is truly loving and wants to love all of his creations.
Your understanding of real Christianity, Marcus, is incorrect–the liberal ministers that preach today about bringing egregious sinners into the congregations is false and unbiblical. Unrepentant sinners are to be cast out of the congregation–if you condone the sin, you are equally guilty of it.
You show love to the sinner by rejecting him until he repents, not before. The reason our society is in the mess that it’s in today is that we accept all kinds of sin in everyone around us and our leaders. The “all loving” hippy Jesus is not consistent with the scriptures. The apostle Paul makes clear who the sinners are and why we must reject them from our congregations:
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind.”
1 Corinthians 6:9
Isolde, Revillo P. Oliver would agree with your statements, and I suspect that Oliver may have also inadvertently given a description of our Marcus in his reasons for his own views.
“Christianity, aside from a few bizarre but strangely recurrent heresies, has always used Sodom and Gomorrah as examples of what is justly abominated by both God and man. But it is the tragedy of our time that Christianity no longer provides the social cohesion that made our modern world possible. For a considerable part of our population, including a very influential part of it, the faith of our fathers has become a primitive myth, explicitly or tacitly rejected by those who would think in scientific or practical terms. More important than the number of agnostics and atheists, however, is the fact that the Christian churches have been invaded, and many have been captured, by so-called “modernists,” who in their pulpits cynically exploit what they privately regard as superstition, and, by peddling the sentimental hokum called “the social gospel,” pervert and destroy the very foundations of the Christianity in whose name they profess to speak. They are the worthy successors of the priests of Cybele that Apuleius described in the eighth book of his Metamorphoses, and it is not remarkable that they, instead of expounding the Christian doctrine concerning homosexuality, use their pulpits to defend or even commend a vice of which some, at least, have a more than theoretical knowledge.
…When Sigmund Freud crawled from the sewers of Vienna with the discovery that persons not so degenerate as he were “sick” and needed to be cured by sexual magic, he founded an extremely profitable racket….The cult has, of course, been propagated enthusiastically by the disciples of John Dewey, who have made the public schools an instrument for promoting “democracy” by injecting into the tender minds of children the belief that life is merely a series of animal satisfactions. As a result, our nation is now suffering from an erotic monomania that ominously resembles the sexual frenzy that swept over France immediately before the insane blood-bath that is euphemistically called the French Revolution.”
But unfortunately Revilo Oliver was anti-Christian. I used to read and enjoy him until I realized he was anti-Christian–needlessly. He threw the baby out with the bathwater. Yes, the Christian churches are corrupt and ineffectual against the Jews, but that’s not Christ’s fault–he excoriated the Jews–and why Christians don’t do the same is beyond me.
And Revilo Oliver was a Classics professor who could read Greek–and he could have read the New Testament in Greek to see how it has been corrupted, especially about race. Same is true about William Pierce.
Fr. John+
Marcus- you are a sodomite, aren’t you? Or you have a brother or friend who is a fag, don’t you?
You need to repent, and LEAVE YOUR BLASPHEMOUS synagogue of Satan, and save your own soul.
“…the Orthodox Church cannot subscribe to the demand that homosexuals be recognized by society and its agencies as legal spouses and as deserving the same respect as men and women enjoy in the state of wedlock.” – https://www.holy-trinity.org/morality/homosexuality.html
4 “Because, being ministers of his kingdom, ye have not judged aright, nor kept the law, nor walked after the counsel of God; 5 Horribly and speedily shall he come upon you: for a sharp judgment shall be to them that be in high places.” – Wis. 6:4-6
This U.S. ambassador Karen Lynn Williams, is pushing the same depraved Jewish Marxist communist imperialist agenda in Suriname….
“As Ambassador of the United States of America to the Republic of Suriname, I take great pleasure in recognizing Suriname’s Pride Month and congratulating the organizers on an impressive array of activities – from exhibits to film festivals to the parade this weekend. The U.S. Embassy is proud to participate in, and support, all of these activities.”
“The U.S. celebrates Pride Month in June each year with marches, symposiums, and events across the nation. Pride Month is an opportunity for us all to educate and elevate discussion about the issues confronting lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and intersex (LGBTI) individuals and to celebrate their achievements. The history of the LGBTI community in nations such as ours has been fraught with hazards – sometimes deadly – but today the LGBTI communities within our nations largely can associate freely, be visibly active, and advocate for change with the same protections under the law that others receive when it comes to assembly and association.”
Mike Pompeo made a supposedly historic visit to go and secure the oil and other natural resources, such as gold for the Jewish Zionist capitalist imperialist
“In 2015, Exxon announced it had discovered a large oil reserve off the coast of Guyana. The finding gives Guyana, which is South America’s second-poorest nation, the potential to become one of Latin America’s largest producers of oil. Exxon is already working in Suriname.”
It is more than obvious that she is connected to the political machine of Indiana where she is from. Democrats have some totally off the wall women, but she is really over the top and clearly an all feels no brains poster child for the supposedly Christian Republicans, who want to show the world that they are just as hip and cool as the Democrats…confirming once again that both sides are compromised. The Jewish Zionist-supremacist only approve of people who will help further their depraved agenda around the world. This imposing their will on others around the world is going to backfire. I can feel it coming….the clock is ticking, tik, tok. She looks horrible, she butchered herself. LHM, Michael Jackson who butchered himself the same way was also from Indiana.
Yes, V.P. Mike Pence is, of course, from Indiana, but he’s also a crypto-Jew, yes, a racial Jew whose family “converted” to Christianity, which explains why he is such a rabid evangelical Zionist. He can pass as White, but he is not White:
OMG, he…..I knew Mike Pence as confident during GWB, but since he became VP I noticed something off with him, you can tell that he is not comfortable in that position. When you compromise principles for the sake of power it shows. Those rabbit Evangelicals, LHM, are Christian Zionist, John Hagee et al, had one Jewish guy on his program one time talking about how Jews were still victims of Christians, and that Hagee sitting and shaking his head with yes, I could not believe my ears and eyes but that was the end of me listening to those so-called Christians. The behavior that I encountered from Democrats secular and religious was shocking in New York was shocking, but what really knocked me off my socks was finding out that Republicans were No different. Republicans going after Republicans, engaging in fraud and corruption, getting in bed with the Democrats or jumping ship to get elected….one big hot mess. Republicans with principles are getting beat down by the RINO’s and Democrats bigtime….
Jews are trying to convince White people that the great race conflict is between Whites and Blacks (and other assorted non-Whites), rather than the real race conflict between Whites and Jews, who will not rest until every last White person has been destroyed through race mixing, old age, poisonous food and medicine, vaccines, 5G, etc.
This race war between these bloodlines started in Genesis 3:15–and you will never understand history or what is happening in the world today unless you understand that race war. This conflict will NOT be solved politically. One will be left standing–and one will be left for stubble, as God promised (Obadiah 18).
Thank you Obie-Diah…Jews exploit Black people to foment hatred against White people and at the same time their media propaganda machine gives White people the impression that Black people are wreaking havoc on society. The divide and conquer strategy of the supposedly god chosen light onto the nations and the world. When the high tech lynching of Justice Clarence Thomas took place in the 1990’s, I was glued to the television in New York and followed the confirmation hearings. I couldn’t understand the dynamic at that time naïve at the time but a decade later the same thing happened again.
Democrats, Chuck Schumer and Obama went after of Judge Janice Rogers-Brown who was nominated to the D.C Circuit Court because she defended the Constitution and individual liberty. Both Obama and Schumer called her an out of the mainstream right-wing extremist and danger to minorities….the word that put me on high alert, if a Black woman in America is a danger to minorities there is something going on that eyes can see….and bang….I did some digging and found this … http://ejournalofpoliticalscience.org/janicerogersbrown.html
Judge Brown gave the speech at the Federalist Society in 2000, and because I fled the Marxist violence and oppression of Amsterdam, the Netherlands reading it and the counter points brought me full circle to understand what was really governing America. She eloquently defended Christianity, the Constitution and individual liberty and challenged the Marxist communist minority group regime…..America had her communist revolution and it happened without a bang… what started in the 1930’s consolidated power in the 1960….she also predicted the rise of the collectivist impulse that is rearing its ugly head in America now, the same way as it did in Germany and the gulags are ready.
Before becoming POTUS Trump said that America was going back to the 1930’s, in Germany people are making the same connection…. and the culprits are the same.
I’m not denying the validity of the linked article, but it’s very difficult to imagine, all things considered, that he didn’t know of such a connection.
Patrick White
LGBT folk in Poland have exactly the same rights as all other people living in civilised western countries across the globe. They just don’t get to have sex in the streets in broad daylight, as they do in San Francisco. Because that is not a right. That is an abuse and a corruption.
And speaking of corruption… where DID she get that face?
Do we still wonder who is the bitch who is leading this den?
Barking Far Left activists – Warsaw,Poland – — October 2, 2020
“A bizarre confrontation went viral on social media as pro-life Catholic traditionalists clashed with radical leftist protesters, which quickly took a strange turn when leftist protesters started barking like dogs at their political opponents.
The strange footage begins with wailing bagpipes playing in the background as a group of dyed-haired protesters begin yapping, barking, and howling in a canine-like fashion at the outnumbered demonstrators who were stood hold their own signs.
Many leftists and human [(their meaning) – Marxist] rights activists have decried Poland’s resistance in adopting sweeping progressive reform as some argue the country has singled out members of the LGBT community.”
“ Georgette Mosbacher (née Paulsin) seems to have learned early on in life how to use her looks to bed and wed wealthy men…”
No mean feat when you look as HIDEOUS as her. Now I need eye bleach.
This ugly bitch interferes into the Poles lifestyles and their values far too much !!!!!!!!!!
More details about Mosbacher:
“The Friends of Zion Museum Honors US Fight Against Anti-Semitism”
“At the honoring ceremony, Ambassador Friedman stated: “I want to thank the President once again; Israel truly has no greater friend than President Donald J. Trump and the United States of America.”
The American Delegation included: US Ambassador to Germany Richard Grenell, US Ambassador to Switzerland and Lichtenstein Edward McMullen, US Ambassador to Poland Georgette Mosbacher, US Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland, US Ambassador to Spain and Andorra Duke Buchan, US Ambassador to Portugal George Edward Glass, US Ambassador to the Holy See Callista Gingrich, US Special Envoy for Monitoring and Combating Anti-Semitism Elan Carr, and Chairman Paul Packer of the United States Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad. The delegation also featured celebrity actress Suzanne Somers and her husband producer Alan Hamel.”
A left-wing tracking site on Trump connections
Former Positions Outside Government – Former Compensation Sources
“The US ambassador to Warsaw is a member of the influential think tank Atlantic Council and the Foreign Policy Association.
…. her strength lies in her connections to influential circles within the Republican Party and her many-year acquaintance with President of the United States Donald Trump…. [S]he co-chaired the Financial Commission of the US Republic Party’s National Committee and was the first woman to chair the party’s Governors’ Association. In 2016, US President Barack Obama appointed her to the US Public Diplomacy Advisory Council.”
“I also made mention of Georgette’s mother, Dorothy Paulsin [Highland, Indiana] and her footnote of fame associated with a marriage connected to “A Christmas Story” author Jean Shepherd, who hailed from Hammond. Shepherd’s younger brother, Randall (depicted as ornery Randy in Jean’s writings) married Dorothy in 1959, following the death of Georgette’s father George.”
I am still trying to figure out where the US got the authority from to steal the Golan Heights for Israel. Well, Woodrow Wilson did it to Germany, split it in east for the Bolshevik communist and the west for America and it was accepted…..
Happy Passover
The Polish people, many who still remember the jewish Communist’s actions in Poland, which lead to the miserable conditions of their own lives due to the Communist control, did not appreciate that Mosbacher tweeted Happy Passover greetings to them.
Our own jew-controlled media would never mention that as being the real reason that Poland’s people were highly offended.
Great share Flanders….why would a U.S. ambassador do such a thing? supporting the case the U.S. foreign policy is not in America’s interest, not in the interest of Europe or countries around the world but to secure the interests of the power hungry and insatiable Jewish Zionist-Communist imperialist. The Iron Curtain Over America is not a White supremacist conspiracy theory.
I was relieved when CFT explained the appearance of Ambassador Mosbacher. SHe was appointed obviously by the president . When she used the unequivocal message , “unfriendliness to sex minorities will be answered negative with investment issues or military planning”— this is an ultimatum . Poles should have sent her home in a small box as a reply. She is well educated in the trade. Her message is to deliver the supremacy of UNESCO degrading their nation to ideology -politic. ” This is a sordid insult , which could only come from a jew.
But the use of Trump= Biden agreement with LBGDTQ or Israel , proves she is above both.
The LGBTQ may not just be a passing fetish as CFT warms. In my state incumbent district may or not be a jewess but certainly a zionist. Her opponent was named conclusively by democrats to represent them whose platform is defending LGBDQ .
Rabbi Glickman
Yes, she definitely looks scary enough to be Jewish. But we must be careful: being old and grotesquely plasticized does not by itself make one a Jew.
I understand, Rabbi, that among the many mental defects among Jewry that some of those are transmittable to innocent people among the general populations. Maybe the close physical proximity with jews can have a similar physical effect. If so, that would make Mosbacher an actual prime Khazarian Candidate:
“Special Recognition Honoree, Robert F. Smith, and master-of-ceremonies and World Values Network founder, Rabbi Shmuley Boteach, welcomed hundreds of … to the organization’s Eighth Annual International Champions of Jewish Values Awards Gala, at Carnegie Hall, on Tuesday, March 3, 2020. —- Georgette Mosbacher, US Ambassador to Poland, was honored for her work in maintaining a close relationship with Israel, and her work in protecting the values of the Jewish people was recognized.”
“After accepting the Champion of Education Award, Robert F. Smith noted how over time the Jewish and African American communities have intertwined, particularly during the Civil Rights movement and at Carnegie Hall, of which he serves as the Chairman of the Board. “The Jewish people were a part of the Civil Rights movement, and it’s a shame that’s not recognized,” he said, noting the lawyers and Jewish advocates who walked alongside Martin Luther King Jr. during his marches, including the March at Selma, which recently commemorated its 55th anniversary.”
The article claims this is a woman. If so, that is the ugliest, man-looking woman to ever have walked.
I looked at her pictures Damals und Heute and she is totally part of the club, only these twisted mind will become waterboys for the dictatorial supremacist power hungry cult. I watched the documentary Europa the Last Battle again today…..and again it is confirmed how nefarious these people really are. The more I listen, read and contrast that information with my personal experiences the more realize how cruel and void of conscience these people really are. I put up a helluva fight not to get infected with the hate white people disease aka Bolshevik communist Zionist supremacist indoctrination and propaganda……I am now shaping a chapter of my first book and the Jewish hands are allover the cruel, inhumane and degrading treatment that I was subjected to in New York. My experiences in the two historical Jewish slave-trading capitals of the western world prepared me to tells the story boldly…that Jews are not the tolerant people that they claim to be and that Christians are not the evil people that Jews make them out to be…..
I forgot to put the link in my last post Europa the Last Battle…..https://www.bitchute.com/video/YDyz9eZKkSQv/
And Germany is calling Dr. Heiko Schöning is making the case against the corrupt dictatorial cabal that wants to repeat the 1930’s…. https://youtu.be/tfEGifbaYWc
After the two wars of subjugation they thought they had Europe in the bag and mission was accomplished in America by putting the jive talking corrupt race-hustler in the WH but they forgot one thing, the resilience of the human spirit. When people have enough of their oppression they will rise and fight till the end, no man made law can stop the forces of nature.
CFT thank you for this report….I am on the issue and say with certainty that the post-WWII international law and human rights regime is nothing more than Bolshevik communist engineering. I am reading a lot of the perversion they put out after hijacking international affairs through U.S. foreign policy and I will make the case that these people with their insatiable collectivist maw abuse the law and their minority group privileges to engage in violence and oppression and impose their dictatorial will on others with impunity. The most troubling and dangerous part is that they can do as the please with the help of religious and secular non-Jews.
Wow….I made a comment about Bolshevik communist coming back to Europe as American women, as they are all over the place, this one is another example of how the communist imperialist hide behind the US government to spread their garbage around the world. People talk about China while America’s enemies are within the gate walking the echelons of power.
I was wondering what that thing is.
Lisette, That there have been many communists in America since the 1880’s and thereafter is undeniable, and many are within established positions of power. As in our case here, they often make little pretense of their true feelings since they feel invincible due to “their stealth” in calling themselves by other names.
“With Friends Like These Poland Needs No Enemies” [February 20, 2019]
“The rumors spread of the American envoy’s [Mosbacher’s] manifestly flamboyant haughtiness and her allegedly muted threats regarding the durability of the US-Poland alliance in case of Polish noncompliance. Such ultimatums are hardly diplomatic. Whether or not Mosbacher’s infamous churlishness was exemplified here is of secondary importance. For the prickly Poles, who remember all too well the many foreign occupations and ham-fisted ways of alien representatives in Warsaw, the perception of an envoy lacking in tact is enough to cause them to recoil. Mosbacher’s chumminess with the post-Communist and liberal establishment does not sit well with their government officials and much of the public.”
Flanders, thanks for the feedback it is much appreciated, open and honest dialogue leads us to understand how the whole world was deceived by the shysters. It started with this story: Louie Gohmert Reintroduces Resolution to Effectively ‘Cancel’ the Democrat Party over Ties to Slavery
Lisette said: History doesn’t lie, the Democrat party is not only the party of slavery but also the party of Marxist, communist socialist dictators in America, they’ve been at for over a century…..
But somebody corrected me with…..”Actually that’s not true. The first Marxist revolutionaries immigrated to America from Germany after the failed Prussian Revolution of 1848 and participated in the original founding of the Republican Party: “Joseph Arnold Weydemeyer (February 2, 1818, Münster – August 26, 1866, St. Louis, Missouri) was a military officer in the Kingdom of Prussia and the United States as well as a journalist, politician and Marxist revolutionary.”
Lisette said: Holysmoke……well that tells you much how screwed up America really is….thank you for this information. Which means that the 14th amendment to the Constitution to supposedly free the African’s from slavery was nothing more than a front to justify the Marxist transformation of America. Slavery in the hands of private individuals was abolished and became slavery by the Federal government.
That’s why Netanyahu thanks Republicans and Democrats for their benevolence in furthering the Zionist-Communist imperialist takeover of the world. A great video that tells the story and at 10:50 yahu starts bragging… https://youtu.be/jkFLM4uacEE