(The Paris Review) Many of the German National Socialist leaders put on trial at Nuremberg for “crimes against humanity” — so-called laws that were enacted after the war in order to charge them retroactively — were subjected to psychological testing — which included dubious “Rorschach Tests” — but contrary to how they were portrayed in the western media outlet as “monsters” and “psychopaths,” the head U.S. army psychiatrist, Douglas Kelley, found these men to be “essentially sane” — no different from political and military leaders in America:
By 1945, the word “Nazi” — for a member of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party — had become shorthand around the world for a cold-blooded sadistic monster beyond the pale of humanity. Six million Jews had been killed. How could any of the Nazis not have known?
There was an overwhelming desire to stage the World vs the Nazis, with the defendants all guilty and deserving to die, but there was no clear legal basis for doing so.
And the truth was that not all of the Holocaust’s perpetrators were party members, and vice versa. It was impossible, logistically and in principle, to condemn every single party member as a war criminal. The atrocities were unprecedented in human history, but for that very reason it was unclear what laws fit the crime….
…[A] prison psychiatrist….none other than Douglas Kelley, co-author of (((Bruno Klopfer’s))) 1942 manual, “The Rorschach Technique”…was in Nuremberg, assigned to help determine whether the defendants were competent to stand trial. He saw them for five months, making the rounds every day and talking to them at length, often sitting on the edge of a prisoner’s cot for three or four hours at a time.
The Nazis, alone and bored, were eager to talk. Kelley said he had never had a group of patients so easy to interview. “In addition to careful medical and psychiatric examinations, I subjected the men to a series of psychological tests,” Kelley wrote. “The most important technique employed was the Rorschach Test, a well-known and highly useful method of personality study.”
Kelley needed a translator to administer the tests; another American — the Nuremberg “morale” officer ((Gustave Gilbert))) had little experience in diagnostic testing — having studied social — not clinical — psychology, but he was the only American officer on the prison staff except the chaplains who spoke German. Plus he “could hardly wait to get to work on the Nazis.”
Both he and Kelley knew that objective data on the personalities of these world-historical criminals were a gold mine, and both wanted to use the era’s most advanced psychological technique on the captive audience, to discover the secrets of the Nazi mind.
No one at Nuremberg had ordered Rorschachs. The test results were never used in the trial. Kelley and Gilbert simply decided, in the unprecedented, supercharged atmosphere of Nuremberg, to administer it themselves. The Rorschach, never as popular in Germany as in America, had been used under the Nazis but primarily in aptitude testing, or as evaluations to help “weed out disruptive social and ‘racial’ elements.”
The Nazis had not generally been interested in psychological insight, except into other countries, to try to develop effective psychological warfare. Now the test would be used to gain insight into the Nazis themselves.
Kelley gave the Rorschach to eight prisoners and Gilbert to sixteen, five of them previously tested by Kelley. Albert Speer, Rudolf Hess, racial theorist Alfred Rosenberg, Hitler’s ambassador Joachim von Ribbentrop, the “Butcher of Poland” Hans Frank, the head of Nazi-occupied Netherlands—each was shown ten inkblots and asked, “What might this be?”
Göring had a great time with the Rorschach. He laughed, snapped his fingers in excitement, and expressed “regret,” according to Kelley, “that the Luftwaffe had not had available such excellent testing techniques.”
The prisoners’ results shared a few common elements — a certain lack of introspection, a propensity for chameleon-like flexibility in adapting to orders — but the differences far outweighed the similarities.
Some of the defendants seemed paranoid, depressed, or clearly disturbed. Joachim von Ribbentrop was “emotionally barren” and a “markedly disturbed personality” overall; the Butcher of Poland’s results were those of a cynical, antisocial madman. Others were average, and some were “particularly well adjusted.”
The cultured Schacht, almost seventy years old, “could call on an inner world of satisfying experiences to stand him in good stead in the stressful months prior to sentencing.” He rated as an “exceptionally well-integrated personality with excellent potential” and would later look back on his Rorschach testing rather fondly: “a game that, if I remember correctly, had been used by Justinus Kerner. Through the process [of spilling ink and folding the paper], many bizarre forms are created which are to be detected. In our case this task was made even more enjoyable since inks of different colors were used on the same card.”
An intelligent madman was one thing; a sane and exceptionally well-adjusted leading Nazi with excellent potential was something else. But those seemed to be the results.
(((Gilbert))) refused to accept it. In his Nuremberg Diary, published in 1947, he described how Göring, after the guilty verdict:
“…lay on his cot completely worn out and deflated … like a child holding the torn remnants of a balloon that had burst in its hand. A few days after the verdict he asked me again what those psychological tests had shown about his personality — especially that inkblot test — as if it had been bothering him all the time. This time I told him. “Frankly, they showed that while you have an active, aggressive mind, you lack the guts to really face responsibility. You betrayed yourself with a little gesture on the ink-blot test.” Göring glared apprehensively. “Do you remember the card with the red spot? Well, morbid neurotics often hesitate over that card and then say there’s blood on it. You hesitated, but you didn’t call it blood. You tried to flick it off with your finger, as though you thought you could wipe away the blood with a little gesture. You’ve been doing the same thing all through the trial — taking off your earphones in the courtroom, whenever the evidence of your guilt became too unbearable. And you did the same thing during the war too, drugging the atrocities out of your mind. You didn’t have the courage to face it. That is your guilt….You are a moral coward.” Göring glared at me and was silent for a while. Then he said those psychological tests were meaningless….A few days later he told me that he had given [his lawyer] a statement that anything the psychologist or anybody else in the jail had to say at this time was meaningless and prejudiced….It had struck home.”
It was a dramatic moment, a Shakespearean moment. But what did the inkblot test add, beyond confirming what Gilbert already knew from Göring’s behavior and history? No double-blind study would ever prove that flicking the red was a sign of genocidal moral cowardice.
Kelley, a far more expert Rorschacher, saw the results differently. As early as 1946, even before the Nuremberg verdicts were handed down, Kelley published a paper stating that the defendants were “essentially sane,” though in some cases abnormal. He didn’t discuss the Rorschachs specifically, but he argued “not only that such personalities are not unique or insane, but also that they could be duplicated in any country of the world today.”
Kelley insisted on going against what the postwar public strongly believed, and even more strongly wanted to believe. The Nazis were, he wrote, “not spectacular types, not personalities such as appear only once in a century,” but simply “strong, dominant, aggressive, egocentric personalities” who had been given “the opportunity to seize power.” Men like Göring “are not rare. They can be found anywhere in the country — behind big desks deciding big affairs as businessmen, politicians, and racketeers.”
So much for American leaders. As for followers: “Shocking as it may seem to some of us, we as a people greatly resemble the Germans of two decades ago,” before Hitler’s rise to power. Both share a similar ideological background and rely on emotions rather than the intellect….
Yes, “some of the defendants seemed paranoid, depressed, or clearly disturbed” — and you would be too if you had been subjected to torture — including having your testicles crushed — and deprived of sleep for weeks on end — which is exactly what happened — often at the hands of vicious, vengeful Jews — such as Benjamin Ferencz — who conducted the interrogations and prosecutions.
This article makes it abundantly clear that while the “gentile” Douglas Kelley made every attempt to be objective about the Germans, his Jewish assistant — who lacked any clinical experience — had no qualms projecting his own Jewish preconceptions upon his patients, ignoring any evidence that contradicted his bias.
And while the Rorschach Test was originally developed by an ethnic Swiss psychiatrist — Hermann Rorschach — its greatest proponents have been Jews — such as David Levy, Samuel Jacob Beck, Bruno Klopfer, Renata Calabresi, and Marguerite Hertz.
According to an article in the Forward, Jews are uniquely drawn to the Rorschach Test because the “varying impressions” it produces “follow precisely the many perspectives and potential solutions of Jewish legal thought” — in other words, it reflects the Talmudic mindset where rabbis treat the Bible like a Rorschach inkblot — projecting onto the scriptures their own twisted psychological precepts and desires.
It is the ambiguity of the test results that especially attract Jews — “…a metaphor for things Jewish, whenever interpretation is essential for drawing a multiplicity of conclusions.”
In other words, Jews can make the Rorschach results mean whatever they want it to mean — and the more “complex” and “ambiguous” the better — and they often used the test to “diagnose” unconscious “antisemitism.”
The only “Nazi” that Douglas Kelley found to be psychologically troubled was Rudolph Hess — but what makes that diagnosis unreliable is that Hess faked his mental illness, probably so as to avoid the death penalty.
Most telling is that ten years after the Nuremberg “trials”, Douglas Kelley copied Hermann Göring — with whom he’d developed a close relationship — and committed suicide in front of his family by ingesting a potassium cyanide pill.
While Kelley left no suicide note, clearly what he experienced at Nuremberg had haunted him — he must have known that all the German defendants were tortured to extract “confessions.”
And Kelley must have suspected that the post hoc allegations of “genocide” were also very suspicious — when Göring was asked by the prosecutor when he first heard of the “gas chambers” — he replied, “Here.”
Göring was a charismatic, intelligent, cultured, and accomplished man — as David Irving’s seminal, must-read biography makes clear — hardly the brutish “thug” that he was portrayed as in the western press — and Kelley was clearly impressed by him.
All of the travesties that Kelley likely observed at Nuremberg are explained in David Irving’s brilliant exposé Nuremberg: The Last Battle — simply the best book ever written on the subject.
Unlike Douglas Kelley, his Jewish assistant — Gustave Gilbert — capitalized on his “success” at Nuremberg and went on to have a long career as a psychology professor after the war — and while he was summoned to testify in Israel at Adolf Eichmann’s trial, his psychological assessments of the “Nazis” at Nuremberg were not allowed into evidence.
meet john doe
Many of the German defendants at Nuremberg were also given IQ tests, and many of them tested very high. They weren’t the low IQ “thugs” that the Jews portrayed them as….
1. Hjalmar Schacht 143
2. Arthur Seyss-Inquart 141
3. Hermann Goering 138
4. Karl Doenitz 138
5. Franz von Papen 134
6. Eric Raeder 134
7. Dr. Hans Frank 130
8. Hans Fritsche 130
9. Baldur von Schirach 130
10. Joachim von Ribbentrop 129
11. Wilhelm Keitel 129
12. Albert Speer 128
13. Alfred Jodl 127
14. Alfred Rosenberg 127
15. Constantin von Neurath 125
16. Walther Funk 124
17. Wilhelm Frick 124
18. Rudolf Hess 120
19. Fritz Sauckel 118
20. Ernst Kaltenbrunner 113
21. Julius Streicher 106
Another study found that the more educated people are, the more likely they are to hold antisemitic views:
But were the Jews who were torturing the Germans “sane” and “well adjusted”?
Ken Dorfman
“Antisemites” are some of the sanest, most well-adjusted people I’ve ever encountered.
Ronald Campbell
In 1943, Winston Churchill, along with Stalin and FDR had already planned the Nuremberg circus. At that time, Churchill cynically described the real purpose of these “war crime” trials:
Churchill wrote that German leaders would “…be declared world outlaws. No penalty will be inflicted on anyone who puts them to death in any circumstances….The nearest officer of the rank or equivalent rank of Major-General will forthwith convene a Court of Inquiry, not for the purpose of determining the guilt or innocence of the accused but merely to establish the fact of identification. Once identified, the said officer will have the outlaw or outlaws shot to death within six hours and without reference to higher authority…”
“By this means,” Churchill concluded, “we should avoid all the tangles of legal procedure.”
[“In the last few hundred years, Modern Kabbalah has influenced modern science, psychology, and philosophy…”]
Turkish coffee cup reading
And here is atheist Adam Green “The secrets of Jesus in Judaism EXPOSED!”
ALL above is the occult that suffocates and controls this world in all manner of life. Soothsayers, witches, demons…representing cultures, religions and lies. There is warning about them in the Bible. What happened to King Saul (1 Samuel 28)? What happened to Pharaoh with Moses and Aaron?
The same fate happened to the NS in the kangaroo jew witchcraft @ Nuremburg trials, JFK/RFK assassination(s)…the lists is endless and engulfs the world. This is why Jesus came to save us. RIP to all NS, ethnic Russians, Ukrainians, and the hundreds of millions torn to pieces by this evil to this day.
I don’t get it. Does Adam Green believe what these crazy rabbis are saying? The serpent fathered Cain, who was reincarnated as Esau, who was reincarnated as Jesus?
Doesn’t Green know they play games with Jesus’ name? Call him “Yeshua” instead of “Yah-shua” as a curse?
All these word and number games in the Kabbalah so the Jews can make the Bible say anything they want it to say. And Green falls for it just because he hates Christianity.
Green posts this in the hope that Christians will lose their faith, that the Jews convince Christians that they are actually worshiping the serpent instead of the son of God?
Exactly….Adam Green is the quintessential controlled opposition…meaning that the open arms of ‘apostasy’ from Christianity (Jesus Christ) into the ‘Communist Atheism/Judaism’ that is the AntiChrist now rising. He posits these Jews as such so Christians will bolt from The Word (Jesus Christ).
I study with Hebrew so I instantly saw the perversion. That’s what jews do is pervert everything to include Hebrew language because of their use of Kabbalah which introduces the devils perversion. It will work on many unfortunately as they are Christian in name only or they listen to wolves in pastor’s clothing. This is witchcraft of the tongues of liars that capture the naive.
The internet is chock full of easy entrance into this evil so it’s why I post warnings for anyone contemplating. The ‘ink spot’ witchcraft mentioned in this article satiated the unknowing, tickling the ears for judgement by demonic actors.
Adam Green hates Jesus Christ.
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
I brought up the true Israelites to Adam Green – and silence. I challenged him on his lies saying Christianity was invented by Judaism – silence from him to all my challenges. The game shill Adam Green is playing is to get Christians to question their faith and where it came from.
I pay no attention to liars like him – I have unmasked a lot of fakes on twitter also those that followed me. You only have to mention Hitler and it exposes these fakes – like some blonde female called Duriand. I spoke highly of Hitler – and she said, “Oh, I am trying to save your soul and you bring up Hitler.” I do not need someone like her to save my soul – I only need God and Jesus Christ. But the Duriand backs me on the true Israelites, but its other things that slip her up.
I had a lot of built up anger especially what these jewish devils are doing to my people – it makes me sick they bang on about their mythical holocaust when they have killed billions. May God cast judgement on these inhuman devils, these wicked subhumans.
TruNews headed by Rick Wiles is another controlled op – many have seen right through them, calling them traitors fake Christians. The covid psyops led by jewmedia propagandist liars really exposed them – they never mentioned that the covid vaccines were developed by Israeli bio weapons org. I pointed out to TruNews the jewish leading role in covid psy ops, but they push the whuhan lab leak narrative – oh, it’s the china virus.
I despise those like rick wiles who promote falsehood leading Christians astray. I am more Christian than him – I would never sell out – loyal to the very end. Also what exposes Wiles and his gang is his slanderous lies about Hitler – he was demanding that gab censors those that glorify Hitler. Hypocrite he is when he complained when he was censored on you tube and came out begging – he got called out on that. He and his gang have lost a lot of support. They ignored me on Facebook when i pointed out that Hitler was Christian – I quoted what CFT told me thanks for the info CFT. Wiles mocks those that defend Hitler and tell the truth.
If they will not listen to the truth, then the likes Wiles are not worthy of support from the faithful – just read the comments on this gab post
I will say what I have said many times if jews hate whites, do not come to our countries – do not come where you are not wanted. I got your email message, CFT – thanks very much – it was put in spam. I check spam as sometimes important emails get put there. I responded to your email and thanks for the explanation.
RW is a jew gatekeeper and a shill for Putin. I also have sent him the truth about AH and also the truth about Putin/Orthodoxy and he still shills for him. So what does it tell us? These liars double down to their destruction. Unfortunately they will take many with them. That wicked (crypto jew) Wiles makes me angry as soon as he opens his mouth. I’m done with that page…and thankfully Paul you are too. At least he has been warned, because that is what God does before judgement…(Prophet Jeremiah). There are also many so-called Pastor’s pushing the lie of Baptism, saying that we don’t need it (them)!!! These are abominations against the Truth. Water Baptism is for repentance and our Oath to Him (John) and The Holy Spirit (Jesus Christ)…
Thank you Paul for trying to bring truth to others…God Bless You. Don’t worry if they reject you because of Jesus Christ because it is written so.
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
Sparrow, thanks for reply – yes, when I see that deceiver Rick Wiles and his gang, it makes me sick and angry that he is leading Christians astray. He either mocks you for telling the truth or just blanks you and ignores you. I concluded he is not a true Christian. He was having a go at those who have prophetic dreams that come true implying those people are satanic, but it’s ok for Rick to write books on his so-called prophetic dreams. So Wiles would consider Jacob to be satanic for his dream about the angels and stairway to heaven.
Wiles had 2 presenters from Israeli news live on his show – the moment i got suspicious of him, I decided to do some investigating – I found an article where Wiles paid the covid fine of jewish synagogue, so he gave money from Christians to enemies of Christianity. Also it’s the people he has had on, like Milo, no true Christian would have degenerate scum on their show. So yes I have been done with Wiles for well over 2 years ago. I just wanted to confirm it to myself that they are frauds and warn others.
In fact, on my Christians For Truth facebook page I denounced Wiles – I called for God to cast judgment upon them. I too told Rick what I discovered about Putin – that his idol is Alexander Dugin who is a satanist whose idol was Alister Crowley. I also pointed out what Litvenyenko discovered about Putin. He was disturbed when Putin lifted the top of a young boy and blew into his belly – he thought it was no way for a leader to behave, so he looked into Putin’s past and found something not right – and that there were black spots in Putin’s records.
I have exposed many whom I thought were ok as gatekeepers, like Sarah Abdallah – she did not like it when I told the truth about Julian Assange and Putin. I tweeted an article that exposes how Putin after selling the s300 to Iran and Syria, he sold the defense codes to Israel. This was discovered when Iran changed all the s300 defense codes and the s300 worked properly.
I have exposed so-called activist Syrian girl partisan – I called her out for promoting Grayzone News which is run by Max Blumenthal who covers up Israel’s leading role in 9/11. She promotes gatekeeper Tim Anderson who has a murky past as a zionist terror cell leader, responsible for bombings in Australia. Tim Anderson had a go at anti covid vaccine activists – he called those who tell the truth “conspiracy theorists”.
Back to Syrian Girl – I mentioned Hitler, and she said Hitler was responsible for the Palestinian situation. She said it some years back – it’s then I started have even more suspicions about her when she slandered the prophet Moses – she said of Moses – check in your Bible – Moses is a baby killer. I did screen cap that tweet. I started to build up a dossier of Syrian Girl who lives in Australia – I looked up pics of her and compared them – and it felt like I was looking at different people – one looked well-built, the first she had a light brown skin complexion. I came by this video that makes sense – goes on to say she could be Israeli – she claims to be Mimi al Laham – she changed that to Maram Susli and other names. So which is it? So people looked her up and could not find any of her past history – no record of her being born and brought up in Syria. For all I know, she could be a Mossad asset.
So I looked at who she promotes – for example, Lauren Southern – here is that video
Syrian girl, like Southern, meets up with Alexander Dugin whose idol is satanist Alister Crowley. I have become very good at investigating. Sparrow, you said, “These liars double-down to their destruction.” That they do when you call them out on their lies, but when I call them out more and more, it gets other people thinking. There are many WW2 veterans after the war felt like it would of been better if Hitler took over the UK after seeing what the UK has become.
Hi Paul…thank you for all the info. Many whom you have listed I am aware of, and like you I have reservations and take what they say with a grain of salt. Many in the ME say the same thing about AH and Palestine. Here is the sad thing that I have encountered with all the lies, war and absolute deception…and that is the fact that most have fallen in the typical West is bad (and it is) and East is good (communism) all by design.
What I have to remember is that God is separating the sheep from the goats as it is written. In this case (and it is hard for me to accept because I know some extremely good Muslim’s who have treated me better than Christians)…but notice how all other religions/beliefs and worldly views are falling into the same pot from the ‘tree of good and evil’. In this case when there is oppression from evil toward good…the good will run after the so-called ‘light’ that is not The Light of Christ but the false light (antiChrist)…because Jesus Christ is not their Redeemer and Savior.
They look to a man. It’s hard to witness. It’s a time to keep our eyes on the Lord so we won’t stumble and that we may have courage to accept what is happening. What is important (for me anyway) is to keep asking and praying for confirmation with what God wants me to know and understand . This just recently was answered for me with a link left by Normant that opened the door to the info I was needing about Putin. It confirmed so many things and has made the picture come together without fragments.
In all, the most amazing thing is the fact that the WWII lies pre & post are the foundation of the antiChrist and all who believe them and unfortunately are enslaved by them by fault are embracing (and are part of) the AC whether they know it or not. It takes discernment from the Truth to be able to keep flowing in the right direction. All I can say is that the remnant is truly small.
I have had long time friends and family members absolutely cut me off when trying to explain to them the true history of WWII…but they don’t want to hear the truth and even get offended. Yes, you are right with what you say about RW…what is shocking to me is the blatant agenda of these false pastors. And that is written too. ‘Syrian Girl’ does not have an accent either…and I didn’t know about TA. Many more I have ditched because of the same lies being circulated. Once finding out the ‘controlled opposition’ (and there is a lot of it) I’m gone. Thank you for sharing and God Bless you in your mission. Glad you are still around.
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
i found this video about tim anderson explaing his murky past as a leader of zionist terror cell
https://youtu.be/ZoLPDXWYTEE .
here are some articles about Litvinenko accusing putin of being a peadophile
https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/crime/alexander-litvinenko-murdered-because-he-accused-putin-of-being-a-paedophile-a6824806.html ,
https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/1708835/putin-paedophile-alexander-litvinenko-spt ,
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3411766/Litvinenko-claimed-Putin-caught-film-having-sex-boys.html .
i followed prosecutor before he got suspended i had an argument with him i pointed out that your idol is gadaffi but you retweet george galloway who was all for bringing down the gadaffi dictatorship so after the argument he still retweeted galloway he retweeted grayzone and its members who cover up israels leading role in 911 , i pointed out to praecursator that gadaffi helped irish people and the ira so here is an interview of galloway saying he is all for bringing down gadaffi
i came by this Anglican church leaders around the world oust Archbishop of Canterbury as their head in historic blow for Church following decision to permit blessing of same-sex couples justin welby was put in place to destroy the church of england
https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11772769/Anglican-church-leaders-oust-Archbishop-Canterbury-head-following-blessing-sex-couples.html?dicbo=v2-a4rctvz .
here is a song i heard way back in 1980s by mike and the mechanics its called silent running it has deep spiritual meaning
https://youtu.be/BVAC4k4xl7Q?list=RDMM .
back to putin , putin fired a top official for calling chabad lubavitch a supremacist cult blaming them for the troubles
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
Renegade Tribune does a good expose on Tru News but seems critical of Christianity, saying it was forced on Europe and would dismiss the Israelite truth.
What Renegade Tribune fails to realise is that Adolph Hitler was a Christian.
Thank you for the links, Paul. And the confirmations about Beeley and Bartlett. Shocker about TA, but not surprised as they share tweets. Apparently EB is residing in Russia now. I used to follow Texas when he went to fight for Donbas. Then he made a prop video with a bust of Stalin and Lenin and Bolshevik red flag.
Over and out for me. Shameful when I’ve been deceived in the past. Right on with ‘Silent Running’ video…well done. The time I started to have red flags about Putin was when he did nothing when IAF brought down the Russian plane in Syria, full of Russian soldiers.
Also as you pointed out the S300 fallacy. I really saw his true colors when it came to not only israel, but the US occupation in Syria allied with their terrorists. Since then it’s been a ride and now easier to watch why it’s happening. No matter who’s pointing both sides are in agreement and guilty.
Renegade is just like National Vanguard and Adam Green in that they all hate Christians because of JC, but their answers to making things right is either New Age, Atheism, or I don’t know concerning KH.
I don’t know why Fitzpatrick connects with him unless he’s just sharing info. Anyway you look at it, it’s to get Christians to apostatizing the faith. It’s horrible.
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
here is another example of shills gatekeepers who started off ok but during the covid psyop they exposed themselves like george galloway whos idol is jewish bolshevik mass murderer lenin this tweet thread explains #GeorgeGalloway #Shill #GateKeeper #LeninLover here is george galloway a shill he apologizes for rothschild, says cia did 911, bullied called to his show with b gates jab concerns, promotes grayzone gang likes of rania, ben norton, he backed arab spring the overthrow of gadaffi
https://twitter.com/thebookofshame/status/1378480262753964032?s=20 . here we have george galloway bullying a caller to his show https://youtu.be/f67q0yUu53k , Damon Evans
What could possibly make Twitter think that George Galloway is a Russian shill? george galloway working on his rt show overlooking lenins tomb his idol https://twitter.com/damocrat/status/1511810210091909128?s=20 . Almayadeen has fallen to infiltrators subverters look who who the authors are there zio terror bomber tim anderson commie alexander dugin whose idol is satanist alister crowley also you have syrian girl aka mimi al laham, maram susli whoever she is , is an intelligence asset, george galloway has a show with almayadeen kamila hora its beyond me why they have him on as he was calling for overthrow of all arab muslim dictators its like having the enemy working for you , through communist galloway acted as conduit for grayzone and their gang who some are working in almayadeen many are anti islam they are subverters they will say anything to get into where they want to infiltrate , so you have alexander dugin who is a satanist whos idol is alister crowley he is both anti christian and anti islam https://twitter.com/thebookofshame/status/1535703197326639106?s=20
also connected to satanist alexander duging is david duke who admits he lived in russia for about 5 years . Putin Goes Woke, Shills For BLM well who backs blm his jewish chabad lubavitch masters https://www.altcensored.com/watch?v=ivBGG5xFdfE, like you say sparrow many like renegade tribune push the new age nonsense , they have a go at christianity without knowing the truth of christianity and its origins . she blocked me when i told the truth about the eu but she has another twitter this caught my attention she was celebrating black history month promoting books like black tudors a book that claims blacks were in tudor britain she was ok with a black woman play a white queen anne boleyn she claims to like history but promotes fictional history she celebrated a jewish money lender who was practicing usury which was made illegal and a criminal offence which is enshrined in uks constitution thats based on christian values and laws of moses so try explaining true history to these people they block you or laugh at you when you mention the constitution the people the realm have the legal right to sack both the monarch and government if they are working against them and serving a foreign entity , if a person like myself who came forward to lead the country if the realm my people accept me and i can be crowned monarch it would be perfectly legal to do so , laws whatever passed influenced by jews have no legal standing in uk as uk constitution is the law of the land anyway here is what she said Katie Marshall
Oct 14, 2022
Suggested reading display in Newnham library for #BlackHistoryMonth including
’s Black Tudors among others 📚✨ https://twitter.com/KatieHistory/status/1581018677352095745?s=20
this is going off topic this website exposes green energy lie you might find it useful cft https://stopthesethings.com/ . sinn fien has sold out the irish people to jewish anti white agenda kalergi plan its as i suspected they have been infiltrated by common purpose 5th column sinn fien now has climate change minister
Mary Lou McDonald
This is our Ireland. #Ireland4All 🇮🇪
A proud people compassionate, decent, ready for change. Responsibility for the housing emergency lies with Govt – not with vulnerable people fleeing for their lives. https://twitter.com/MaryLouMcDonald/status/1627005026114625544?s=20 . perhaps we christians need something like i saw in a tv show years back called poltergeist the legacy a team against the forces of darkness they had legacy houses and books which they share info on enemies of christianity although a fictional series but gathering info on our enemies into books and our own network to share the knowledge for greater awareness as the more you know of your enemy the methods they use the better it is to defend the faith defend it with all that you have with your very being be true to your faith and its origins
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
For you, Sparrow: I was told this regarding Renegade Tribune from a person who is aware of what Tru News is “Kyle Hunt and Sinead had an FBI handler named Mary Catherine Barton. Barton was a Federal prosecutor and Federal Judge, she also hosted a show on Renegade using the alias Brigid.”
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
I still can’t figurer out how Juden got the term NAZI from National Socialist Workers Party?
However, the word NAZI is part of this Jude word; Ashkenazi.
Jack Flash
If the “nazis” were sane, then there are two conclusions:
1) “Genociding” six million Jews was not an act of insanity.
2) The “genocide” of six million Jews never happened.
Farley Granger
It’s mind boggling how so many people accept the 6 million figure without question.
Just a tiny bit of logic applied to the holocaust, and the whole house of cards crashes down.
If Jews can get most people to believe such a preposterous idea, they are confident that we will literally believe anything they tell us.
This over-confidence will be their undoing.
See how fast the COVID vax hoax unraveled.
They can’t control the internet….yet.
That’s why they want internet passports.
Truth is possible in a Jewish dominated world of lies only with guaranteed anonymity.
That’s why they call anonymous posters and commenters “cowards” and “terrorists”.
Not cowards, just smart people who know the Jews will destroy them at the drop of a hat.
SC Rebel
Yeah, I’m going to go with #2.
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
6 million – there is that occult number. The jewish led covid psyops was full of occult numerology – 6 feet social distance. In UK the rule of 3 the hands face space equals number 3 – 3 points triangle of their occult symbol on Israeli flag – 2 opposing overlapping triangles forming a hexagram surrounded by 6 smaller triangles with 3 points. Jews claim it’s a star of david – when king david was not jewish and never used such occult symbolism
Lovell Don-Howard
Dual use, plastics, vinyl chloride, styrene, this is their power. Luring people into homes, a car payment, as agents, no doubt fbi and cia on one side of their ‘iron’ wall in those departments to spew.
Flu demic, genocide, farm o cide, ecocide etc, This is their power, the power to rape and pillage, gassing the populace.
Since Hitler basically single-handed, prevented major chemical warfare atrocity in his time, The furtherance after that war, Korea, Vietnam, Laos all paid a dear price from chemical warfare. Houses grafted for chemical spraying, represents the worst tragedy in place at this time, IMO as most here do it nearby.
David R. Westerlund
Not one of the defendants at Nuremberg should have been “murdered”. Hitler tried to save the people of Germany from the joo rodents infesting Germany.
At the conclusion of the Nuremberg kangaroo trials in 1946, the Jews wanted their “Nazi” enemies murdered on Purim, where they annually celebrate the destruction of their enemies….
The jew Gustave Gilbert wrote a paper where he described Goering as an “amiable psychopath”.
More likely Gilbert was talking about himself.
Goering was of the things that legends are made, while Gilbert was merely a neurotic Jew who hated the Germans for exposing Jews for who they really are.
Karl von
I noticed that Gilbert was also involved in an academic panel after the war titled “Psychological Approaches to the Problem of Anti-Intellectualism”
Since Jews and their liberal enablers all feel they have a monopoly on “intellectualism”, then we can conclude that “anti-intellectualism” is essentially anti-jewish or “anti-semitic”.
Jews like Gilbert saw the NS Germans as the epitome of “anti-intellectuals”, but that’s not true. Germans may very well be the most intellectual and most philosophical of all European peoples.