On Tuesday, the House of Representatives overwhelmingly passed H. Res. 296 recognizing the Armenian Genocide and condemning Turkey’s “campaign of genocide against Armenians, Greeks, Assyrians, Chaldeans, Syriacs, Arameans, Maronites, and other Christians…”:
The historic vote was 405 to 11 and is seen as a rebuke to Turkey, which has spent nearly a century denying there was a genocide.
Additionally, in a strong rebuke of Turkey and President Erdogan, the House voted 403-16 to require sanctions on Turkey for its invasion of northeast Syria.
“If we ignore history, then we are destined to witness the mistakes of the past be repeated,” the House speaker, Nancy Pelosi, said, urging support for the resolution on Tuesday. “Recent attacks by the Turkish military against the Kurdish people are a stark reminder of the danger in our own time.”
The California Democrat (((Adam Schiff))), a sponsor of the resolution, said in a statement: “The House declared that it will no longer be party to the cause of genocide denial. This is a vote I have fought for 19 years to make possible, and one that tens of thousands of my Armenian American constituents have worked, struggled, and prayed for decades to see.”
Now, the next step is for Senate to bring the Armenian Genocide resolution and sanctions legislation against Turkey to the floor for a vote.
Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu immediately condemned the vote, calling it a “shameful decision of those exploiting history in politics (it is) null and void for our government and people.”
He said the resolution was Congress’ “revenge” for Turkey’s incursion into northern Syria.
Historians say an estimated 1.5 million Armenians died at the hands of the Ottoman Empire — the predecessor to modern-day Turkey — between 1915 and 1923.
The Jews at the ADL and other powerful jewish advocacy groups have long fought long and hard to have the Armenian genocide ignored for two important reasons: first, they didn’t want any competition with their fake World War II “genocide” narrative that many Jews today are no longer buying.
And second, they didn’t want people looking too closely into the Armenian genocide and discovering that it was orchestrated by the “Young Turks,” a secretive and powerful cabal largely comprised of Jews from Salonica who operated under the protection of powerful Grand Orient Masonic lodges.
The master plan was to blame the genocide of Christians in Armenia on the Ottomans who at that time controlled Palestine, which the Zionist Jews coveted, and thereby force the Ottomans to relinquish it under international pressure. But because of the ongoing First World War in Europe and Turkey, the genocide received little attention or interest in the press at that time.
And an important part of the strategy of covering up the hidden jewish hand in both of the Christian genocides in Armenia and Bolshevik Russia was to create the fake genocide of World War II, falsely accusing the German nation of a genocide that they themselves had already committed in Russia and Armenia, and then using that fake genocide to legitimate their demand for a homeland in Palestine.
You can read The Jewish Genocide of Armenian Christians by the jewish writer Christopher Jon Bjerknes in our free online Book Library.
” LUCIFERIAN ((( ☭ ✡ KI👺KE ✡︎ ☭ ))) BANKSTERS ( Crypto 😈 Jews of Donmeh ) CAUSE OF 😨 WW2 & WHITE ✞ CHRISTIAN ARMENIAN 💀 GENOCIDE ” by Fuck 👺 Kikes ©
🟢 https://nationalvanguard.org/2016/09/jewish-bankers-were-the-cause-of-both-world-war-2-and-the-armenian-genocide/ 💥
⚡ https://odysee.com/@Documentaries:232/The-Armenian-Genocide-by-Talmudic-Jewish-converts-to-Islam-(((Young-Turks))):e
🟢 https://the-savoisien.com/wawa-conspi/viewtopic.php?id=1994 💥
⚡ https://odysee.com/@TheRealEVCG:7/The-Jewish-Genocide-of-Armenian-Christians:3
🟢 https://www.bitchute.com/video/zxL6rMQ4fVqc/ ( T.O.R browser only ! ) 💥
⚡ https://odysee.com/@Fashbird2814:7/The-Jewish-Genocide-of-Armenian-Christians:5
🟢 https://www.jesuismort.com/cimetiere/recherches-populaires 💥
⚡ https://odysee.com/@SyrianaAnalysis:4/what-is-the-armenian-genocide:d
🟢 https://www.jesuismort.com/tombe/emmanuel-ratier#commentaires 💥
⚡ https://odysee.com/@TheTruthWillSetYouFree:a/Bjerknes-Jews-Did-The-Armenian-Genocide:9
🟢 https://gab.com/5x0yz3h9 💥
⚡ https://odysee.com/@Fashbird2814:7/JewishBankersWeretheCauseofBothWorldWar2andtheArmenianGenocide:b
🟢 https://christiansfortruth.com/u-s-officially-acknowledges-armenian-genocide-but-not-the-jewish-hidden-hand-that-orchestrated-it/ 💥
⚡ https://odysee.com/@MemoryoftheWorld:f/121543:c
🟢 https://www.realjewnews.com/?p=77 ( T.O.R browser only ! ) 💥
⚡ https://odysee.com/@CJBbooks.com:8/Kanye_West_the_Holocaust_and_the_Armenian_Genocide:e
🟢 https://rense.com/general64/genoc.htm 💥
⚡ https://odysee.com/@StepBackHistory:7/the-armenian-genocide-the-nightmare-of:0 ( Video Exposing the Kike a.k.a Communist Lies about Nationalism !!!! )
Henry Ford …………
If you do come back and read this, please “tone down” your plug. I understand why you do it; but it is unnecessary here at CFT. You are preaching to the Choir mostly.
Places like Bitchute Etc., it’s understandable and maybe it works. I don’t think we need to “swear” to make our point(s).
We are trying to Witness to good, honest, hard working White Peoples who feel like their world is falling apart and they don’t know why.
These types of people usually don’t respond well to the use of the F word and calling other people derogative names.
We don’t want them calling us Knotsees — so we should not call them the K word either. Just call them what they are —- International Criminal Jewry.
It’s not their fault, really. They do what they do — it’s their nature. It’s OUR fault for fawning all over them.
Codreanu said it best —- “We get the Jews we deserve……” (my paraphrase)
The tile of the article should be Hal (hail)le Jew leJah. Young Turks are or where Jew boys? No?
‘kilic artigi’
‘Remnants of the sword’
They call us,
Somewhat disappointed
That some of us Christians,
Are still there;
That the genocide
Had not wiped us all.
Megaj_w caught with another Christian genocide down around their ankles. When are the Christians going to get a slice of the ‘Never Again’ from the J-Force?
Can’t add much to the original article. However, regardless of one’s familiarity with, or ignorance of, any subject / situation, all you have to do is look art who is behind it / pushing it / sponsoring it to know whether it’s BS or not. As soon as you see (((schiff)) or piglosi or (((bloomberg))) or (((feinstein))) or (((soros))) dollars, immediately look to see what lies are being peddled.
The Armenian ‘genocide’ is factual beyond doubt; but as usual, the usual (((subjects))) are twisting it to their benefit with lies, half truths and glaring omissions.
I guess some people did something…
ammo up my folk
The fake ashkeNAZI jews are going to get their’s.
Question — is the photo an actual photo of victims of the Genocide?
Hard to tell if the photo is an actual photo or art.
No, the image comes from the 1919 silent film “Auction Of Souls” aka “Ravished Armenia”. The film emphasizes the Christian nature of the genocide.
Thank you for the clarification.
Although….having just watched what is left of the documentary; I have to wonder if the Crucifixion Image was more than just symbolism. I would not be surprised to learn that Crucifixion was used as torture and death.
Nevertheless………….it’s not like we need more proof of the Jew’s role.
On a side discussion — Theodore Kaufman’s hatred against Germans is understandable knowing what we now know about “Esau vs. Jacob”
I find it peculiar that “Esau” has a hatred of non-Adamites as well. I guess their Evilness knows no bounds. Or……………..it appears the Armenians had a lot of Adamic blood. Maybe it was that. Like a Vampire smelling out the richest of blood.
Let’s not forget the psychotic and murderous behavior of the jewish communists during the Spanish Civil War, when they gang raped and murdered nuns, dug up and desecrated Christian corpses from church graveyards.
The brutality of the Bolshevik Jews in Russia also knew no bounds of decency, murdering priests, genital mutilation, and yes, “crucifixions”, nailing Christian victims to crosses. So your point is well taken: this image could, in fact, be based on truth.
Agreed………………………but I was illustrating the seemingly contradictory teaching of “Two Seedline”.
EX: The Jew’s Hatred for Israelites (White Anglo-Saxon/European Peoples) is understandable.
However……….when Jews turn their wrath on NON-Adamic Peoples………….this can be slightly confusing.
Your example of the Spanish Civil War makes sense as most Spaniards at that time were White European peoples.
But the Hatred the Jew had for the Armenians is confusing. Unless of course it was the Adamic blood they were after. Armenians appear to have been mixed with Adamic blood.
The Origin of the Races is a very confusing Topic among “Israelite Identity” academia.
I thank CFT for even allowing me to bring it up. At other places like Christogenea, there is a Stasi like policy that if you question the Party Line……..you are either a Jew or a shill.
God Bless!
West Wins…
There are indeed quite a few variations of so-called “two seedline” doctrines, but real Christians don’t let disagreements on minutia and ‘truth’ we can’t conclusively prove get in the way of fellowship and spiritual growth. When we learn to stop beating each other over the head with phariseeism, we will witness God’s healing. Quite honestly, it doesn’t matter where the other races came from. You recognize who you are and who your brethren are. You also recognize who God’s enemies are. You have the makings of a good Christian 😉
WestWins, I think what motivated the Jews to genocide the Armenians was simply a cynical ploy to wrest control of Palestine away from the Ottomans. Not all jewish hatred of Christians needs to fit into some kind of so-called “two seedline” paradigm. In reality, many religious Jews see any so-called “gentile” as Amalek worthy of death.
Look at the Israeli genocide of the Palestinians — that is certainly not about “bloodlines” but about territory, just as Armenia was.
excellent point
Agreed….excellent point!!!
Ottify……thank you! And I concur. We really need to stop fighting each other.
Love this — “….it doesn’t matter where the other races came from. You recognize who you are and who your brethren are.”
WestWins, the idea that Eve (or any other Eve-like mythical figure) was literally sexually seduced by the serpent, whether human or not, was a central tenet of all Babylonian and pagan sex cults, including Talmudic Judaism. Why would the founding creation story of the Adamic race share this same occult myth? That should raise an eyebrow for any objective observer. Sheldon Emry gave a great sermon on how the Babylonian mystery cult wormed its way into certain Israel identity circles, well worth your time if you’re looking for some common sense answers to this point of contention:
I agree Chesterton. I was never comfortable with it when I was in fellowship with them. Then I read Charles Weisman’s treatise/refutation and knew it was problematic.
Thank you for the link, and your fellowship. Cheers.