John O’Looney — the director of the Milton Keynes Family Funeral Services in the U.K. — has put his life on the line and come forward to blow the whistle on the mass murder that’s unfolding under the guise of the so-called “COVID pandemic” — starting with the deliberate plan to euthanize the elderly in nursing homes — which we reported was under way in Canada in early 2020.
It’s not all that remarkable that YouTube has yet to censor this interview — no doubt they eventually will — but those who are orchestrating this mass murder — primarily targeting white western nations — sadistically enjoy letting us know what they are doing as they get away with it — all part of the plan to utterly demoralize us in the process. They want us to believe that Resistance Is Futile™.
Again, O’Looney confirms what we have repeatedly reported — that once they start vaccinating young children this Fall — and they start dying from the vaccines — their deaths will be blamed on a new “variant” — and those “tragic” deaths will be blamed on unvaccinated “super spreaders” who will quarantined until they submit to the vaccine — and if they still refuse, they will die of a “COVID outbreak” in the camps.
O’Looney believes that the only way to stop this neo-bolshevik revolution and massive depopulation plan from proceeding will be civil disobedience en masse — just as Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn observed in The Gulag Archipelago,
“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?… The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin’s thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If…if…We didn’t love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation…. We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”
We have transcribed the highlights of the O’Looney interview below — but you can watch the interview here.
[In early 2020] I got called every night for three weeks from care homes [nursing homes]….at a time when all the elderly in hospitals were transferred to care homes…labeled as “COVID”….and at the exact same time, there was a 1,000% increase in Medazolem sedative purchased [by the Public Health Service] at that time. I worked for a big funeral provider for ten years, and in that time, I was never, ever, ever called to a care home three consecutive nights….so for me being a small family undertaker to be called every night for nearly three weeks exclusively to care homes and nowhere else is about as likely as me winning the lottery several times in three weeks. It just doesn’t happen. It’s impossible.
All those people were labeled as “COVID”. I never saw a doctor in attendance once….there was no need for those patients to be overdosed….or heavily sedated to be intubated because there were no ventilators. I suspect that thousands of people were killed, euthanized in these care homes using Medazolem. On another occasion I did, in fact, see small phials on the bedside cabinet…because I was actually looking for them at that point…when they hadn’t been as careful as they ought to have been….
On the 6th of January [2021], they began vaccinating, and the death rate was extraordinary — I’ve never seen anything like it as a funeral director in 15 years….it began exactly when they began putting needles in arms….that went on for 12 weeks and ended abruptly in the second week of April….it was awful. They were very different this time — it was a mixture of all ages and all locations as well. It wasn’t…all care homes….mostly hospital deaths….that was “pandemic” numbers, but it was only when they began vaccinating, and never before that point.
And that went on until April ’21, and then abruptly stopped. And then we were seeing the quietest period I’ve ever known — that was the first time in 5 years as a funeral director that we lost money because there just wasn’t anyone really passing away….
About three weeks ago, the death rate started to pick up again….and I’m now seeing people of all ages in, and all of them are vaccine recipients, almost exclusively. The range of deaths is heart attack sudden non-discovered heart condition that’s led to heart attack, blood clots, stroke, and multiple organ failure. Those are the four consistent groups that I’m seeing….
And the Delta Variant, I can tell you, is widely recognized within the NHS [National Health Service], as vaccine injury. It’s not a virus. …We have a very elaborate lie to convince everyone that they are ill and there is a dangerous virus, and you need a life-saving jab. And the real death rate was in care homes as the result of Medazolem, and then the deliberate re-lableing of every normal death as a “COVID” death, and then we’ve seen the extreme death rate after they began vaccinating….
I ask every family, “Is their loved one jabbed?” They’ll say, “Yeah, they’re double jabbed, but it couldn’t have been that because it was eight weeks ago.” They just don’t see the connection….
I can tell you that two things are going to happen shortly….with amazing foresight. They’re already jabbing children and they’ve been inventing new “variants”….every other month….the idea is to get you used to the idea of there being a variant. And what will happen shortly with all these children that they are injecting, is that children will get sick and children will die as a direct result of these injections. It will swiftly be labeled as a new “variant”. They will parade crisis actors and bereaved parents on the t.v., mainstream media, urging you to get a jab and protect the children. It is a certainty, and it will happen….
And since I’ve gone public, I’ve had about 45 different funeral directors or people working in that funeral industry that have directly reached out to me. They are very aware of what’s going on, and they are all very, very, very scared and frightened. And if they are willing to murder people the way they are doing, I suspect they won’t think twice about silencing people like myself. I know my days are numbered for daring to speak the truth. The reality is there is no COVID pandemic, and I’m living proof of that.
Do you know how many children that I’ve had in — or have heard through my network of funeral directors in a 50 or 60 mile radius — children that have died of COVID….since it began? Not one, not a single child has passed away from COVID that I’m aware of, and I would be aware because it would be big news…..
Here we have a depopulation agenda….and part of that agenda is two front….one is to kill people, and I’m seeing that as a funeral director….and number two is to sterilize or disable children, to stop them from repopulating later on in life….when a 12 year old is injected, when will that become apparent? If they don’t die and are not sick, it’s going to be 10 years before anyone knows. That’s what’s happening….I’m utterly convinced….
There will be no good me reflecting from one of the massive new holding centers they built globally everywhere. There’s a massive holding center, a brand new prison….they’ve found the money to build massive super prisons — 30,000 [population] internment camps. What do you guys think they are for? They are for people who won’t take the vaccine. They are going to call them quarantine camps, FEMA camps. They are going to put you in camps — and I can tell you, you will swiftly be dispatched, and you will be called a COVID death….we are seeing exactly what we saw allegedly in the second world war….
The one locally is HMP Wellingborough….the buildings are absolutely huge….and they have a crematorium next door….and a huge mortuary next door….you tell me what that is for….it is for these people who will not accept these lethal injections. Over the next 5 years, you are going to see everyone you know and love potentially die if they are a vaccine recipient….
I can tell you that’s what they will say…it’s a brand new variant that’s targeting children, and we’ve all got to protect the children, and they may well try to mandate on the back of that, and then the manhunt begins, and then they’ll fill up these large quarantine centers….there will be “outbreaks” of “COVID” in these camps, and people will be carted out….some people will buckle, and they’ll accept the lethal injection just to get released….on home lockdown….
Another UK funeral director: 10X Newborn Baby Deaths after COVID Shots – Refrigerators Full of Dead Babies:
There is a 3rd objective, which the funeral director never addressed, with these DARPA concoctions, a.k.a “vaccinations”, besides culling and sterilizing: the Transhumanistic one, to merge brain-/biology with machine, making people good little serfs by hooking them up to the ‘cloud’, GPS-tracking 24/7, blockchain connectivity for the coming Satanic communist social-credit-system, remote and on-demand digital ‘vaccinations’…many agendas at play here, all pure Satanic
Great reporting. Thank you.
Those of us who are awake and can read between the lines from the propaganda had already worked this out John but it is probably too late for those who panicked and walked into the trap already.
Be aware, some people online are claiming O’Looney is controlled opposition because several times in the video he gives devils horns with both hands. His last name ‘looney’ could also is be an insider joke. This could explain why his video is still on YouTube.
I am generally not a fan of smearing truth tellers as shills – so I am remaining open minded as much of what he says is plausible. However, we are living through the greatest psychological operation in the history of the world and gate keepers will have been deployed to veer us off course.
I have seen three interviews of John O’Looney using the devil horn / baphomet hand signs. He claims they are “air quotes” . NOBODY does air quotes like that. He is controlled opposition and probably a Freemason.
I do air quotes like that, stop the arrogant omniscience my fellow patriot and awake friend!
And it helped cover up the planned implosion of the US economy that began in November 2019, when Wall Street blew up AGAIN. We’re bailing out those thieving SOB’s AGAIN, but most dont know bout that since all they hear is “Orange Man Bad” & “Covid, we’re all gonna die.”
If you know who owns over 90% of the MSM, who owns the FED, who owns those TBTF Wall Street casinos & whose been looting the economy since 1914, you’ll know who’s behind this Covid hysteria.