A judge in the U.K. has ruled that it can be ‘offensive’ to call Jews ‘clever’ after an elderly university lecturer appealed his dismissal for allegedly using inappropriate remarks about race and nationality:
Stephen Lamonby, who had been a part-time lecturer in engineering at Solent University in Southampton for six years until last summer, failed in a claim of unfair dismissal at an employment tribunal last month.
He lost his job following remarks made during a meeting with his course leader Janet Bonar in a university canteen in March 2019.
Mr Lamonby voiced his belief that “the Jewish are the cleverest people in the world” and were “much maligned because of it”.
He also said he had a “soft spot for young black males” who needed “all the help they can get” because they were underprivileged and many had no fathers.
Germans were good at engineering, he said, because they were exposed to it at an early stage in their lives.
When Dr Bonar said she had a degree in physics, he said a capability in the subject was “a particular gift enjoyed by some Jewish people”, offering Einstein as an example.
But when he asked Dr Bonar if she was Jewish,” she did “not respond well”, he later recalled, and shouted he was a racist.
In an email afterwards, Dr Bonar said she looked forward to the next meeting but suggested they did “not discuss our wildly different views on race and national characteristics”.
But when Mr Lamonby repeated his remarks about young black men and Jewish people in his reply, she lodged a complaint with the university.
In the disciplinary investigation, he said his remarks had been “clumsy” and he had not intended to be racist. But he believed certain nationalities had developed skills in some areas.
He said he had worked in the film industry which was “largely Jewish” and described the Jews who worked on the Manhattan nuclear project as having “a special mind”. At his disciplinary hearing, he referred to Jews having “neurological differences”.
The university found “the comments you made to your colleague about her religious heritage and about student characteristics attributed to their race or country of origin were not appropriate” and dismissed him for gross misconduct.
While Mr Lamonby had argued that his stereotypes had been postiive, this was “potentially offensive”, Judge O’Rourke said in his decision to reject the unfair dismissal claim.
“A Jew told they are good at physics, because they are a Jew, may well consider that as demeaning their personal intellectual ability/hard work,” the judge said.
“Secondly, it could also be simply grossly offensive, as the person may not actually be Jewish, but feel some characteristic is being ascribed to them.
“Thirdly, even if they are Jewish, they may quite properly consider it none of the claimant’s business to refer to the fact and have legitimate concerns about his reasons for doing so”.
Such comments for an academic of Mr Lamonby’s age and experience – he said he was 69 although listed in the tribunal papers as 73 – went “ beyond the description of ‘clumsy’,” the judge said.
Lamonby should have taken the advice of the most famous physicist-engineer in history, Nikola Tesla, who once warned his secretary, “Never trust a Jew.”
And one look at Janet Bonar is enough to know that she is ‘clever’ enough to intentionally misunderstand you — and get you fired — while pretending to be the ‘victim’.
Yes, Jewry has introduced this new concept of ‘positive antisemitism‘ — where even making complimentary observations about Jews will ‘offend’ them.
After all, if you think ‘Jews are the cleverest people in the world,’ then you probably are also going to believe that they are capable of a conspiracy to dominate the world.
Or, if you think ‘Jews are good with money,’ then you probably might be tempted to believe that they own all the banks and control the world’s financial markets — including the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank.
But Lamonby’s real crime was knowing that Janet Bonar was a Jew just by looking at her, and there’s nothing more offensive to a Jew than being reminded that they have not succeeded entirely in passing themselves of as White.
Perhaps this situation is best summed up in the astute observation make by Dr. Goebbels:
The Jew is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Jew, and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: ‘I’ve been found out.’
Einstein plagiarized the work of several notable scientists in his 1905 papers on special relativity and E = mc2, yet the physics community has never bothered to set the record straight in the past century.
It is attributed by convention to be the sole province of Albert Einstein (1905).
However, the conversion of matter into energy and energy into matter was known to Sir Isaac Newton (“Gross bodies and light are convertible into one another…”, 1704). The equation can be attributed to S. Tolver Preston (1875), to Jules Henri Poincaré (1900; according to Brown, 1967) and to Olinto De Pretto (1904) before Einstein. Since Einstein never correctly derived E = mc2 (Ives, 1952), there appears nothing to connect the equation with anything original by Einstein.
Arthur Eddington’s selective presentation of data from the 1919 Eclipse so that it supposedly supported “Einstein’s” general relativity theory is surely one of the biggest scientific hoaxes of the 20th century. His lavish support of Einstein corrupted the course of history. Eddington was less interested in testing a theory than he was in crowning Einstein the king of science.
The physics community, unwittingly perhaps, has engaged in a kind of fraud and silent conspiracy; this is the byproduct of simply being bystanders as the hyperinflation of Einstein’s record and reputation took place.
This silence benefited anyone supporting Einstein.
Why are so many of these feminist Jewess’s so ugly but perhaps the answer is in the question.
Patrick White
She meets the classic Jewish standards. Shifty eyes that are too close together, a massive nose, and she’s a vile backstabber. Never pander to them. Obstruct them even passively when you can.
You see that……”After all, if you think ‘Jews are the cleverest people in the world,’ then you probably are also going to believe that they are capable of a conspiracy to dominate the world.
Or, if you think ‘Jews are good with money,’ then you probably might be tempted to believe that they own all the banks and control the world’s financial markets — including the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank.”…..if you can freely think you will come to the conclusion eventually and that’s not good for business, so they have to put your mind on ice, have you living a fear of thinking….no freedom of thought that is what Bolshevik communist Jewish supremacist do in the western countries, with impunity and the law on their side.
This is another example of a White man catching hell because he unwittingly said things that Jews themselves believe, they have superior IQ because and Black people are perpetual victims and disadvantaged because of their race. A When a American born Jewish professor disparaged US police officers as RACIST against Black people and claiming that say that All Lives Matter was racist….I confronted her with her own bias…..and boy were their some white people there who agreed with me that she was talking jive…..but of course they can’t say that out loud because they would be charged with antisemitism and a hate crime.
This man loses his livelihood because he committed a thought crime….just as they did to people in Russia and Stasi East Germany. Under the laws of White countries Jews have the privilege to get you fired from your job, destroying your reputation but they say that they cry Victim. They turn their victims into Villains all over the place with the law in their hand just like they did to the Germans.
He is not a only thing and I am telling you things are going to hit the fan…..the resentment is going to reach a climax…..
Soooo…. you cant comment that a jew is evil or untrustworthy, but now you cant even call them clever?!?!?! Even a ‘compliment’ isnt allowed / is ‘hate speech’?!?!?!
Wake up and smell the pizza people – but dont dare mention you smell anything ; pepperoni is probably antisemitic.
Ammo up
I believe all the dominoes of Revelation, the seals and trumps are all active and ready to be fully implemented by God… the finished product will be the Vials being poured out of the Lord cup of indignation. For the Zionist Christians who have betrayed the TRUTH and believe they will fly away for 3 1/2 to 7 years your lies will be fully manifested.
The wicked will be removed from the midst of the just, read and weep… all of you have drunk the cool aid and are worshiping the beast and his Image… you are the cause of the US is falling apart and your leaders, your ministers betrayed you and made you captives of Satan. A few of you may repent but the majority will perish having led many into captivity to the beast!
If you cannot understand my speech, understand this… Zionist Israel is the Beast Image… all of you are hypocrites like the Pharisees who you promote and are joined at the hip with. Most of you will join with Papal Rome and the Noahide movement with the Messianic Jews and Hebrew Root morons. The beast out of the bottomless pit created this false fabricated monstrosity to be worshiped by traitors!
It is also painfully apparent that ‘anti-racism’ – the apparent belief that we are all completely the same because we supposedly all came from the same source – is the rule of thumb now in modern academia. The only people allowed to address racial differences are the jews – but that’s only to make an example out of you because jews have long since been given the power of judge, jury, and executioner over us clueless goyim.
When it becomes basically illegal to look at a jew for fear of your facial expression being misconstrued, or to address a jew for fear of offending them, there is your official welcome mat…”Welcome to Bolshevik Amerika”…and it will already be too late for those who deny the true Christ, smh…
Ottify….Bolshevik America is already a fact….what started in the 1930 under the guise of Liberalism at the same time as in Germany, subjugated Europe with WWII and consolidated power in America in the 1960’s…..those American’s who wrote about it and challenged it do not lie….those persecuted are being vindicated. The Constitution was put in place to prevent this tyranny but politicians turned everything upside down…..flushing the Republic down the Marxist sewer, America liberty to tyranny…..LHM….it makes my stomach turn.