During a speech in Bristol, England announcing the Emancipation Educational Trust, U.K. Labour Leader Jeremy Corbyn took the opportunity to rewrite British history to make it more “inclusive”:
Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn wants school children in the UK to be educated about slavery, colonialism and the British Empire – suggesting schools need to put greater emphasis on the “immense contribution” black Britons have made.
Corbyn made the comments while on a visit to Bristol, a city whose wealth was built on the slave trade, to announce plans for an Emancipation Educational Trust. The trust, according to Corbyn, would educate future generations about the impact of slavery.
The Labour leader, on announcement of his party’s plans, called for a reevaluation of how the UK educates the nation about black history, claiming it was not enough to simply mark it in a single month each year.
READ MORE: Slave owner compensation was still being paid off by British taxpayers in 2015
“Black history is British history, and it should not be confined to a single month each year. It is vital that future generations understand the role that black Britons have played in our country’s history and the struggle for racial equality,” Corbyn said.
The announcement has provoked debate about the British Empire and its relationship with slavery. Some accused Corbyn of being anti-British, while other social media users appeared to agree, that this kind of intervention was long overdue.
Under Labour’s plans, the new educational trust would “tell the story of how slavery interrupted a rich African and black history” through the study of pre-colonial periods and visits to historic sites.
Corbyn insists it has never been a more important time for the UK to learn about the “legacy of the British Empire, colonisation and slavery,” in light of the recent Windrush scandal. He sees Black History Month, which covers the whole of October, as a significant chance to celebrate the “immense contribution” black Britons have made.
One such black Briton Corbyn wants to see get more recognition is Paul Stephenson, who he met on the Bristol visit, claiming he is a “true British hero” who should be as “widely known as Rosa Parks.”
Stephenson led a boycott of a Bristol bus company, protesting against its refusal to employ Black or Asian drivers or conductors. In 1964 he achieved national notoriety when he refused to leave a pub until he was served. His tireless campaigning paved the way for the first Race Relations Act in 1965.
At its peak in 1922, the British Empire governed one-fifth of the world’s population and one-quarter of the world’s land area.
When the UK government abolished slavery and banned people from owning slaves in Britain and on Britain’s colonies anywhere in the world, those slave owners received compensation. Bristol had the highest concentration of people in Britain who owned slaves in 1833 outside of London.
The slaves themselves received nothing, and had to continue working for their masters for a number of years before they could consider being freed.
Corbyn’s liberal pandering to his non-White constituency is both nauseating and destructive. Blacks slaves contributed nothing to the British Empire except the lowest form of physical labor. If Corbyn were truly honest he would mention how it was jewish Rothschild money that financed the expansion of the British Empire, and this “immense contribution” of jewish capital fueled the slave trade, which was largely in the hands of Jews. Would it be antisemitic to ask if Bristol historically had a large jewish population?
Someone should also remind Corbyn that the so-called “slave trade” involved millions of White slaves who were euphemistically referred to as “indentured servants” who were legally no better off than their Black counter-parts, being bought and sold on the auction block, left as chattel in wills, and worked to death because they were relatively cheap compared to the much more expensive Black slaves. In fact, there are tens of millions of White Americans today who are descendants of those Whites slaves who originally populated the American colonies, the most famous one being Benjamin Franklin.
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
For many, the Christmas period has been a time of joy, connection and comfort. For others, it has been one of exile, loneliness and stress.
In 2023, let’s welcome refugees reaching our shores, end homelessness on our streets, and build a society in which we care for one another.
Paul Michael O’Donohoe
jeremy corbyn supports the anti white kalergi plan welcoming vast numbers of migrants to replace white race in uk , migrants are being paid by un , eu to invade europe, uk, ireland , so yes folks keep supporting corbyn who cares more about foreigners t… See more
UN & George Soros Fund Pre-Paid Debit Cards for Illegal Migrants in Europe – Christians for Truth
UN & George Soros Fund Pre-Paid Debit Cards for Illegal Migrants in Europe – Christians for Truth
UN & George Soros Fund Pre-Paid Debit Cards for Illegal Migrants in Europe – Christians for Truth
Chris Frodo Youle well who would have thought it a racist antisemitic irish christian ?
Reply8 m
Paul Michael O’Donohoe
Chris Frodo Youle so its anti semetic to defend your own race your own faith to want the best for your own country and people , briton was founded by whites so was europe. i do not care what you think chris , many migrants coming to uk some raped and murdered a 13 year old girl , an ethiopian migrant attempted to murder a young white girl with her shoe laces . i am against those that seek destruction to white race culture and christianity and the fact you said its antisemetic to say such things you exposed who is behind it
the person has yet to respond back sometimes its the case when i am straight and to the point , i have noticed corbyn pushing lgbtq agenda the climate change agenda even promoting covid vaccines calling them the peoples vaccine and many other things i have noticed , each time i make outspoken comments jews just put their foot in it
There’s talk of Corbyn and Johnson forcing an early general election.
Who do we vote for? The blue (tory) jew, the red (labour) jew or the yellow (lib/dem/whatever) jew?
I predict a record low turnout because even those who don’t see the jew are disillusioned by the dishonesty of politicians, their open contempt for the electorate and the fact that all political parties work to the same agenda.
Give us real English (and Scottish, Welsh, Irish) candidates untainted by the devil jew, and the (((usual suspects))) wouldn’t get a look in.
That’s never going to happen though because the jew never plays fair. It won’t give us any option to vote for a Human Being (=non-jew), and if it did, it would falsify the result, as often happens anyway.
kev trask
So, 1/12 of an entire year is not enough to represent the ‘contributions’ of a people who never constituted 1/12 of the population? Is there truly even 1 entire month dedicated to the ‘contributions’ of the INDIGENOUS WHITES? While you honestly could teach all the positive contributions of blacks in a white society in 12 seconds (or however long it takes to say “there are none”), you couldn’t condense the contributions of the indigenous whites to one month. Our people should be teaching our people about our people 12 months a year!
With the beard and the prole hat, Jeremy Corbyn looks a lot like his mentor, Leon Trotsky, in the article’s photo….just a coincidence, I’m sure.