(Sputnik News) Professor Kees van der Pijl is being investigated by Sussex University for seemingly accusing Al-Qaeda of being a front for Mossad and blaming Israel for 9-11:
The academic shared an article by conspiracy theory platform Wiki Spooks, alleging the Israeli government orchestrated the September 11 attacks with “help from Zionists in the US government.”
The tweet was quickly met with backlash, promptly him to delete it, and netizens mocked the professor with GIFs and sarcastic comments.
“And Elvis left the Twin Towers before impact. Idioot!” a user tweeted in response to Professor van der Pijl’s post.
Others accused him of being anti-Semitic, though he defended his actions, insisting he was only criticizing Mossad and PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud Party.
“If criticism of the hardline Likud and the Mossad, for which by now millions have died and several countries wrecked, is ‘virulently anti-Semitic’, then I am guilty,” he wrote.
Sussex University has said they are investigating the matter and are yet to decide if they will take disciplinary action against the professor, who formerly served as head of the university’s international relations department.
The same article was cited by Church of England vicar Reverend Dr. Stephen Sizer in 2015, on Holocaust Memorial Later, and was forced to swiftly apologize for his “insensitive” comments.
An adjunct professor at the U.S. Army War College, Alan Sobrosky, is also on record as claiming the exact same thing — that Israel and pro-Zionist elements in the U.S. and Britain, orchestrated the 9-11 attacks.
And yes, Dr. Soborsky is Jewish, so he can’t be labeled a “White supremacist” or “antisemite” by his jewish critics.
If you believe that 19 arabs with box cutters pulled off the biggest terror attacks in history, then you also believe in the Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus, which are far more believable.
Whenever Jews are accused of being involved in the 9-11 attacks, they will never address the mountains of evidence pointing in that direction; rather, they merely attempt to smear the messenger as an “antisemite” and invoke the so-called Holocaust.
And rightfully so, because if White Americans ever woke up to the fact that our “closest friend and ally” Israel was behind the 9-11 attacks, there might be a very unpleasant reaction from the public, which could cause every flight to Tel Aviv to be booked solid.
where is the lie tho?
That’s the problem, in their eyes…there is none.
When white people discover the truth, they need to not only attempt to proliferate it, but to stand firm in the face of adversity. Names, labels, and slurs should be the most minimal of deterents to worry about.
Well said, brother!
Duh they were behind it. There were photos of Mossad next to fuses on the 91st floor.