According to projections by UK’s top modelling agency, up to 70% of the deaths and hospitalizations during the so-called “Third Wave” of COVID-19 spike will be among those people who took both of the recommended vaccine doses:
The paper suggests that the resurgence in both hospitalisations and deaths will be dominated by those who have received two doses of the vaccine, comprising around 60% and 70% of the wave respectively.
The modelling (read below in full) was presented to the UK’s top scientific advisory body Sage by one of its sub groups, the Scientific Pandemic Influenza Group on Modelling, Operational (SPI-M-O).
This committee of academics has done modelling work throughout the pandemic and has looked at the impact vaccination will have on hospital admissions, infections and deaths.
Its findings suggest that a third wave is inevitable but that the size of the spike in cases depends on the effectiveness of vaccines, the speed at which restrictions are eased and the impact new variants have on transmission and illness.
It suggests that the resurgence in both hospitalisations and deaths will be “dominated by those that have received two doses of the vaccine”.
“Maintaining a large reduction in transmission from such measures after Step 4 [England’s plans to remove all restrictions from June 21] is taken is almost certain to reduce the size of the subsequent resurgence.
This latest modelling reinforces this finding, as lower adherence to baseline measures and the resulting increased transmission could lead to a peak close in scale to that seen in January 2021.”
The paper looks at a range of possibilities what we can expect from Covid as we ease restrictions going into the summer.
“Scenarios with little transmission reduction after step 4 [full lifting of restrictions planned for June in England] or with pessimistic but plausible vaccine efficacy assumptions can result in resurgences in hospitalisations of a similar scale to January 2021.”
…This can be attributed to the high levels of uptake in the most at-risk age groups, such that immunisation failures account for more serious illness than unvaccinated individuals.”
….As soon as the model was made public Fact-checkers tried to debunk and downplay the fact that 60 -70% of those who took 2 doses on the vaccines will dominate the third wave.
Here is the verdict by Grace Rahman of Full Fact:
Modelling suggests that when a third wave occurs, hospitalisations and deaths will mostly be in those who’ve been vaccinated. This is because so many vulnerable people will have been vaccinated by then, not because the vaccine is harming them.
Considering less than .1% of people who — allegedly — contracted COVID in the First Wave died — it is astonishing that they are predicting a potential death rate of over 60% in double-vaccinated people in the coming “Third Wave.”
That means they anticipate your chances of dying in the Third Wave will be 600 times greater — despite receiving two vaccines.
So what was the point of getting the vaccine if it lessens your chance of survival by 600 times?
Applying Occam’s Razor to what is happening here — the simplest explanation is usually the right one.
And the simplest explanation is that taking both doses of the vaccine makes you 600 times more likely to die than if you are unvaccinated.
And the simplest explanation is that it will be the vaccine itself that kills you, not the so-called COVID “Third Wave.”
The simplest explanation is that these vaccines were not meant to protect anyone — they were meant to kill of 60% to 70% of those taking the vaccine.
Bill Gates said that vaccines could be used to depopulate the world — and we should take his word for it, considering he’s been the greatest promoter of the COVID vaccines in the world.
He was serious when he said the vaccine would be “The Final Solution” to the pandemic.
And none of the usual Jewish groups like the ADL objected when he made this announcement — and its foreboding “inappropriate” comparison to the “Holocaust.”
Sherlock Holmes would explain the ADL’s silence on this issue by applying the principle of “The Dog That Didn’t Bark.”
You can read an archived copy of this special U.K. report in our Library.
A Wyatt Mann
As non-juden scientists and actual medical experts have stated since the beginning, mRNA fauxines introducing these spike proteins into individuals is incredibly dangerous and essentially an autoimmune disorder by jew injection, given to you by jew pharmaceutical companies run by jews who openly call for the genocide of white nations in their jewish-controlled media. And you trust them to use you as lab rats?
Their word for you means “livestock” for a reason.
Like with EVERY failed animal testing with these mRNA injections, it causes a stronger immune response when re-introduced to the virus in the wild. Vaccination makes you sicker when you do get sick, and the jew pharmaceutical companies knew this from the start from all their animal models.
You kill more people the jew media uses the dead cattle as propaganda to encourage more vaccinations.
Hello. First off, I like the article. That being said, I wanted to point out two spelling errors.
“According to projections by UK’s top modelling agency, up to 70% of the deaths and hospitalizations during the so-called “Thrid Wave” of COVID-19 spike will be among those people who took both of the recommended vaccine doses:” The word “Thrid” should be “Third.”
“And the simplest explanation is that taking both does of the vaccine makes you 600 times more likely to die than if you are unvaccinated.” The word “does” should be “doses.”
Thank you.
Christians For Truth
Thanks, Martin, much appreciated!
Good catch
You need to take the vacinne to stop the virus but you will still die after 2 injections. The contradictions are not surprising because the liars tell so many lies that they get trapped in their own lies. TV personality says corona passport will give people their freedom back to go sit on a terras, restaurant, go to the hair-dresser, the movies, meaning the coronavirus look-down was about subjugating people. We need to wartax said one scientist, which means coronavirus was just like I thought an economic war. The western world is drowning in contradictions.
Nicholas Rodriguez
Demoralization at its finest
“1. Every hundred years, We, the Sages of Israel, have been accustomed to meet in Sanhedrin in order to examine our progress towards the domination of the world which Jehovah has promised us, and our conquests over the enemy, Christianity.
“7. We shall force the Christians into wars by exploiting their pride and their stupidity. They will massacre each other, and clear the ground for us to put our people into.”
Ewwwwww yuck! He should be locked up for public indecency!
Doesn’t say 70% who took the vaccine died, says 70% of those deaths in the third wave were dominated by those who received the two doses of the so called immunization. By no means any less chilling, lets look
Section 32.The resurgence in both hospitalisations and deaths is dominated by those that have received two doses of the vaccine, comprising around 60% and 70% of the wave respectively. (ed note: not ONLY those immunized, but the total third wave, deaths dominated the 70% who WERE immunized) This can be attributed to the high levels of [vaccine] uptake in the most at-risk age groups, such that immunisation failures [ed note: immunization failures are immunizations that take place, but do not work] account for more serious illness than unvaccinated individuals. This is discussed further in paragraphs 55 and 56.
[repeated: hospitalisations and deaths is dominated by those that have received two doses of the vaccine, this can be attributed to the high levels of [vaccine] uptake in the most at-risk age groups, immunisation failures account for more serious illness than unvaccinated individuals.] Again they just said, get it in your head, deaths dominated those who had two doses of the vaccine. Immunization failures (those who were vaccinated and it failed them) accounts for more serious illness than unvaccinated individuals.
‘Immunization failure’ is different than failure of a person to willfully intentionally go out an get immunized.
[ed note: read that last sentence carefully, so resurgence in hospitilizations and deaths dominated the 70% who took the bio-engineering device, where immunization failed, and thus have far more serious illness than those who were quote “unvaccinated.”
Now that that is fully understood, here is some for the cognitively dissonant who think the medical establishment doing this research cares about human life, aka their definition of effective.
“56. This shows that most deaths and admissions in a post-Roadmap resurgence are in people who have received two vaccine doses, even without vaccine protection waning or a variant emerging that escapes vaccines. This is because vaccine uptake has been so high in the oldest age groups (modelled here at 95% in the over 50-year olds). There are therefore 5% of over 50-year olds who have not been vaccinated, and 95% x 10% = 9.5% of over 50-year olds who are vaccinated but, nevertheless, not protected against death. This is not the result of vaccines being ineffective, merely uptake being so high.” [original emphasis] /end of document quote
[ed note: Ty’s Translation: More deaths and admissions in those who have received two vaccine doses occurs because vaccine usage is so high, this is our definition of effective]
But they just stated in section 32 that “immunization failures account for more serious death and illness than vaccinated individuals”. How does immunization failure = vaccine usage is so high = effective?
What do we make of this mess? Look at history, all previous attempts at developing vaccines for sars-cov and mers viruses all ended in failure as a result of or vaccine failure, or to be more specific, pathogenic priming. That is why they have never officially approved or released them for public consumption. All the children in the study died, all the animals either died or had severe reactions when they came into contact with the virus at a later time, thus all further testing was abandoned. Everyone today taking this vaccine are guinea pigs, and could face the same results.
According to their own data, the effectiveness of this so called vaccine is measured by the high death rate; or they do not account the 70% of death’s in vaccinated people their measurement of the immunizations effectiveness at all. Of course, these are not vaccines, vaccines are designed to prevent infection and transmission. These are experimental gene editing bio-technologies, or biological warfare agents if you take this official UK government model seriously.
The EX vice president and chief scientific officer of Pfizer, who has worked for Pfizer for 32 years, suggested to Americas Frontline Doctors that the push for experimental vaccines could result in mass scale depopulation, similar sentiment has been echoed by a number of other brave and respected doctors, similar sentiments have been echoed by Geert Vanden Bossche, DMV, Ph.D, international vaccine expert, previous head of vaccine development office (Germany) and Chief Scientific Officer of Univac, in an open letter to WHO and in a follow-up video interview, says that by vaccinating everyone with a vaccine that doesn’t prevent transmission (immunization failure), we are destroying people’s immune systems, and setting the stage for a global health disaster, and that “We Are Going to Pay Huge Price’ for COVID Mass Vaccination Campaign”, watch his video interview here while its still hasn’t been banned by youtube:
Bossche Credentials: PhD, DVM
GSK Biologicals:
– Senior Project Leader ‘Adolescent Vaccine Projects’
– New Biotech Vaccine Development and QC-QA Manager
– Head of Adjuvant Technologies and Alternative Deliveries, R&D
Novartis Vaccines & Diagnostics
– Director, Research Program Leader and Head of Adjuvants
Solay Biologicals
– Global Project Director Influenza Vaccines
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF)
– Senior Program Officer, Global Health, Vaccine Discovery
Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (GAVI)
– Program Manager
– Chief Innovation & Scientific Officer
German Centre for Infection Research (DZIF)
– Head of the Vaccine Development Office
– Managing Director
Bill Gates on TED, openly talks about depopulating the world with, in part, vaccines
Bill gates of course is one of the primary financiers behind the experimental mRNA gene editing technology, included in the official UK govt models we are discussing above.
Christians For Truth
Yes, we corrected the discrepancy. Thank you!
The report is not quite right.
Its 60-70% of deaths will come from vaccinated people in the third wave.
That does NOT mean that 60-70% of people who received 2 vaccine doses will die. That is an important distinction.
Christians For Truth
Yes, we corrected the discrepancy. Thank you!
It doesn’t say 60-70%of vaccinated people will die. It says that out of the people who do die, 60-70% will be vaccinated, probably mostly elderly. Could Still be small in proportion to the total number of vaccinated people. Unfortunately the vaccine will probably be less effective in the elderly, despite it being sold as 95% effective.
The deaths from vaccines May end up looking like other causes, like car accidents or falls if people start to develop dementia rapidly. The media will continue blaming unvaccinated people until they have people calling for forced vaccinations and whoknows what. It’s going to get ugly
The statement that the vaccine is 95% effective is a deliberate distortion of the truth. According to the excellent Dr. Ron Brown the percentage quoted in respect of efficacy, i.e. 95%, represents the relative risk reduction, which is meaningless. Apparently, the absolute risk reduction applicable to the aforementioned percentage amounts to a mere 0.7%, i.e. the vaccine is practically useless. It’s all smoke and mirrors.
A friend of mine who recently got sick with flu-like symptoms (because he probably had the flu) went to the doctor, got the Covid test, and was summarily diagnosed with Covid. He asked me, “How do the Amish avoid getting Covid?”
My answer was quick and simple: “Because they don’t get tested.”
The Amish (in my valley) are hip to the hoax. They know that if all the propaganda was true, their community would be extinct at this point – but they are healthy and productive as ever. My whole valley should have suffered greatly from this pandemic based upon the all lamestream ‘info’ being shoved down our throats. But instead of lauding faith and perserverence as the model to ‘survive the pandemic’, it is demonized as ignorant and selfish, smh…BECAUSE COVID AND THIS PANDEMIC DO NOT EXIST!!!
Top Danish vaccine scientist and developer, Geert Vanden Bossche warned the WHO in March that mass vaccination of healthy people to fight this “pandemic” will create “a global catastrophe without equal”, a potential mass deopopulation event:
Mass depopulation of the planet is the goal of this manufactured crisis, genocide through the backdoor just like Henry Kissinger, a supposed victim of the Nazi’s in Germany ordered. The irony a supposed victim of Hitler is advocating genocide (depopulating the planet) and he is considered a great statesman. Hitler and Mussolini opposed the Bolshevik communist tyranny and they were a danger. America came out of the bomb of Christian Europe, and the same America is the only outside country that declared war and destroyed Europe to please the very same dictatorial Bolshevik communist cult that cries victim of Christianity.
This video is very telling, if you are anti-Communist you are…..
New York made it pretty clear…..‘Thank God for the Russian Revolution’: When America discovered Bolshevism,
The same people who opposed imperialist wars are benefitting from the imperialist wars of Henry Kissinger and his ilk walking the echelons of power in America. What a tangled web we weave when we deceive.
TruNews has a very good discussion of this report and its implications — from a Christian perspective:
Watch out with that guy Wiles. He is a smooth talker salesman.
He says truth but then other silly (and false) things in the same paragraph. And he won’t touch prophecy with a ten foot stick!
and again he wrongly says 70% of vaxxed people will die, this is not what the report says, as noted in discussions above