(Jewish Telegraphic Agency) A high-ranking police official in the Ukraine requested a list of all Jews in the western city of Kolomyya as part of an inquiry into organized crime, which elicited the perfunctory accusations of ‘antisemitism’ from the city’s Jewish community:
The official request to the head of Kolomyya’s Jewish community is dated Feb. 18, 2020, according to a photograph of the document that Eduard Dolinsky, director of the Ukrainian Jewish Committee, shared on Twitter Sunday.
“Please provide us the following information regarding the Orthodox Jewish religious community of Kolomyya, namely: The organization’s charter; list of members of the Jewish religious community, with indication of data, mobile phones and their places of residence,” read the letter.
The letter was signed by Myhaylo Bank, a high-ranking officer in the national police force who handles organized crime. The letter did not explain his unit’s particular interest in Kolomyya’s Jews.
The head of the city’s Jewish community, Jacob Zalichker, declined on Feb. 25 to provide the requested information, adding that his community would comply only when presented with a court-ordered warrant.
“It’s a total disgrace and open anti-Semitism,” Dolinsky told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. “It’s especially dangerous when it comes from a law enforcement agency that we have to fight the very thing it is perpetrating.”
Kolomyya and its environs, located about 250 miles southwest of Kiev, has several hundred Jews.
Jews virtually invented the concept of ‘organized crime’, and synagogues have often provided the cover of ‘respectability’ for the criminal networks to flourish in whatever city they planted themselves.
In order to run interference for the Jewish mob, the head of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover, once went so far as to completely deny that there was any ‘organized crime’ in America.
It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that the FBI and the Federal government in general is running a protection racket for Jewish organized crime. Agents are routinely told not to investigate many Jewish crimes, especially espionage.
Jewish-run Hollywood has done its part in creating the illusion that any ‘organized crime’ in America is controlled by the Italian or Sicilian mafias — the underlings who worked for the likes of Myer Lansky.
Jews, of course, are very proud of their sordid dominance of organized crime, and Gus Russo’s book, Supermob : How Sidney Korshak and His Criminal Associates Became America’s Hidden Power Brokers, shows just how powerful they are.
Get a copy of this rare book before it goes down the memory hole forever.
Many of America’s richest Jewish families — billionaire ‘philanthropists’ like the Annenbergs and Bronfmans — earned their ill-gotten wealth running organized gambling and bootlegging syndicates.
The line between Jewish organized crime and ‘legit’ business ventures often gets intentionally blurred, as is the case of the shadowy Mega Group, which has created deep ties between crime, entertainment, Wall Street, intelligence organizations, and Israel.
And just because someone is a rabbi doesn’t mean they aren’t capable of running an international crime ring.
But it’s doubtful this ‘antisemitic’ investigation in the Ukraine will go anywhere — their new President, after all, is a Jewish comedian.
This Pandemic is for the Sole purpose to Destroy the Middle Class and Force Every once free Citizen of the Union Republic to be forced into the Clutches of the Jewish Run Federal Government now Funded, , Controlled By the Federal Reserve Banks, and all Loans , Stimulesses Unemployment checks Bailouts and Forced Cutbacks will benefit only the Globalist who run the Private Not Federal Reserve Banks Who Were Given by your Treasonist Congress Senate and 9 Whors on the Not so Supreme Court when They Fruadulently Passed the Federal Reserve Act and the 16 Amendment that Nullyfied all the Fist 13 Amendments and Given You a Social Security Card That Made you A Subject of the Federal U.s Government and a citizen of the Federal U.S. Government ,the same as Slaves and people naturalized from Forghin Nations possessing only Privileges and Immunity with NO Secured God-Given Rights By The Original U.S.and State Constitutions, All the Lones For this Conspiracy Will Bare Billions in Interest Repaymentsi to their Benefit ,Voulker, RothChilds,Bernake,Yeltzen,Wolfkawitz Frankin,Ruth Bader Ginsberg,Diane Finstine,Barbra Boxer,Johan Kerry,Joe Liberman All Anti Christ,Antiamerican Socilist if Not Downright Communist Murderes as The ones Who Blew up the King David Hotel in Jerusalim 1947 by be gurion and his terrorist group Goldermeyer the Cause of the Munic Murder Because of what Israil was Doing and Holding Prisbors as well as their Terrorisim against the palisistinains who resisited their Occupatin to this DateGenocide the palistinians in thir Ouccupation of Palistine and the Destruction of the World Trade Ceners in New York City ,The Formation by Alger Hess the Jewish United Nations Corporation Built on a Pig Sluaghter House in new Youk and The Overthrow Of Christian Russia 1905,1917and Communist China who had all U.S manufacturing out Sourced to Communist Jew Run China also will Cause Many if not All Buesnesses to Be bought up , or Closed Down to Complete the Socializing of America
IF What I Say is Not RRUE ,Then I Ask You
What do you have Since We Broke away from the Tyrants who Controlled King George and the Bankers who Controlled his Finances That you Do Not Have to pay The Federal Reserve Banks The IRS, the Socilist Security, Administration, Your County, State, City and the U.S Government For the Right to Use it ,,keep it ,Or Give it Away as a once Free Citizen of the Union Republic
Since the Anti Christ 16th Amendement was Passed your Food is Taxed 281 time or More That violates your right to Life and Thereby Taxes all yor movevement Heareing Seeing Speeaking and Eliminated you Right to Life and Feree Seech It Is FEE SEECH
Seriously, get a copy of Gus Russo’s “Supermob” before the Jews buy up every copy and make it disappear. Just in the last year it’s doubled in price in the used book market. They do NOT want you reading or talking about this book…..
How can any Ukrainian tolerate the presence of any Jew inside their borders after the HOLDOMOR and the continuing Sexual Enslavement of White Christian girls by Jews in Israel.
An antisemite is one who tells the truth about jews. jews are parasites destroying host countries foolish enough to allow them entry.
To accuse any Jew of any crime is inherently ANTISEMITIC.
You forgot the “SARC”
World jewry is THE international crime syndicate…