(Mourning The Ancient) Fedor Kazan — a member of the Ukrainian 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS (1st Galician) and Ukrainian Defense Force member — was interviewed in Detroit in 1990 — describing what it was like growing up in the Ukraine during the Red Terror — the judeo-communist takeover of his country — and how this experience led him to join the Ukrainian alliance with the German SS.
What is abundantly clear in this interview is that the blood-thirsty communist Jews in Ukraine wreaked havoc during the 1920s and 1930s — and that when the German Wehrmacht invaded Ukraine, they were welcomed as liberators from the Red Terror — and many Ukrainians gladly joined forces with the Germans to rout out the Jewish terrorists.
And it should come as no surprise that after the war, surviving Jews flipped the script — just as they did in Latvia — and claimed that they were “victims” of “Nazi” genocide — and blamed the Germans for all the Christians whom they had murdered during the Red Terror.
As we previously reported, the Jews very skillfully and treacherously claimed that many of these Jewish terrorists who were justifiably killed by the German liberators were victims of the German “Holocaust” — even going so far as to claim that the Germans “gassed” them in basements.
Fedor Kazan’s eyewitness testimony also confirms the claims of an internal British Ministry of Information letter that Allied “Holocaust” propaganda was created so as to conceal very real Jewish Bolshevik mass murder in eastern Europe and Russia.
And contrary to what post-war “court historians” have claimed about the National Socialists being anti-Christian occultists, Heinrich Himmler personally encouraged the liberated Ukrainians to freely practice their Christian faith once again after the communists had burned down their churches and murdered the clergies.
This interview also makes clear the prophetic words of celebrated German writer, Johann Goethe:
“The Jew will not spare us.”
This interview makes compelling reading:
Interviewer: Thanks for giving me the time to ask you some questions. I would like to begin by asking what brought you the German SS?
Fedor: It is better to start with my history [as a] young man. I was born on a farm 5km from Busk in 1920; I was one of three children. While I remember nothing about the Red revolution, I do know my family was forced to flee more than once to avoid Red Terror, and my father was murdered by a Jewish mob looking for Christians to murder.
This area of the Ukraine was very volatile, it housed one of the largest Jewish populations, and there were border disputes with Poland, Czechoslovakia, Romania, and gypsies.
These conflicts shaped the attitudes of many Ukrainians, and because the Jews fully supported the Reds, it bred a hatred that lives to this day. I remember the seizures and deportations of the 30s, the Red police killed our neighbors, and their children disappeared.
In 1940, I started to see large build-ups of Red army soldiers; I was allowed to stay on our farm, as I was the only male to run it. There was a divisional camp not far from our farm — the soldiers would just come and take what they wanted telling us it was for the state, but some good ones paid us thankfully.
We received very little news, as Stalin wanted us left uneducated and in the dark — this was the Red way. Unless you were a Jew, or threw your lot into the party, they hated you. I remember the summer of ‘41, it was hot and on June 21, I saw many new planes that morning with the black cross.
We figured Stalin had lost his mind and attacked the Germans, I was surprised it was them attacking Stalin. I still can see the Red soldiers streaming back, and I could hear booming in the distance. An officer pulled up to the farm and ordered myself and sisters to come with them, and he was going to confiscate our animals in the name of the state.
I told him we would get our wagon ready, tie the animals together, and follow him. He agreed but got upset when I was taking too long, all the while sounds of battle were getting closer. Then a strange noise, a German plane saw his staff car and strafed it on the road, killing him and his driver. I was terrified the Reds might think we did this, so I left his body alone. More Red soldiers showed up the next day, and I told them what happened — they had civilians they were taking with them, and made them bury the bodies, then ordered us to come with them.
I said I needed to stay on the farm; I then got a pistol put in my face and was told I was now serving in the army, and to gather our animals and move out. Just then, a rider approached and told this soldier the Germans have broken through and are moving our way. He told me to bring our wagon and animals to the next town for further orders, I said ‘Yes, sir,’ and they all fled. I told my sisters we would be Ok — I heard good things about the Germans, as many settled not far from us, and were very good farmers.
The Germans finally arrived in an armored car; I liked the black uniforms they wore. They cautiously stopped on the road by the staff car, jumped down with weapons drawn and came to our door. One spoke our language, but was very choppy. My sister laughed at him when he said he was a potato — he was actually asking if we had any food to spare. We welcomed him in and gave him water, milk, and a few potatoes to take with him. He offered money, which my sister took, and gave her a kiss on the cheek. She bragged about it for a month. All over Ukraine, as the Germans pushed the Reds away, we welcomed them as liberators.
The very first act I witnessed was once they occupied Lviv — they opened and repaired the Churches, which the Reds closed. The Church in Busk secretly opened, but had to be very careful as the local bishop and his friends and family were all killed in the 20s by Jewish Reds.
Another act the Germans put in place was to ask for help in policing the area against Reds and their allies, mainly Polish Reds. I stepped forward with many other men, my mother and sisters could run the farm. My other sister, who was 18 volunteered to move to Germany for a job in a factory, paying an outlandish sum. Therefore, we welcomed the Germans, and volunteered to help them, as it would help our country.
Interviewer: How were you recruited to join the SS? I have always been taught the SS hated Slavs and non-Aryans, and did not want anything to do with you. Even to the point of killing millions of racially inferior Ukrainians.
Fedor: The Reds are the ones who did all the killing, not the Germans. I was sent to a camp for training as a security officer — we had Ukrainian leaders who taught us how to shoot, detain, and interrogate prisoners. Our first task was to go into Jewish areas and search for Red soldiers who were being hidden. When found they were sent to a camp, and the people aiding them were given prison terms as well.
I did this up to late 1942, and then an SS officer called all of us together and said we had the chance to form an SS fighting division, and take the fight to the Red Army. To a man, we agreed to help. We were sent for further military training, and for the first time I received a German weapon. I was used to the bad Russian rifles dating from the first war we had to use. I was given a full uniform, good pay, good food, and above all a new pair of boots.
I cannot speak for everyone, but the SS treated me very well, I had no complaints except I wish they would have used us like this earlier. Many were disgruntled, as they wanted to fight the Red Army, not bandits. I saw no evidence of the Germans, or SS, killing Ukrainians — again we saw the Germans as liberators. Something the Reds are furious at today, but they keep it very quiet trying to turn the tables.
Interviewer: You mentioned Jews a few times. Can you speak about this and why you believe Jews were Reds? Did you personally witness any bad things Jews did?
Fedor: It is again, a lengthy topic, but to be brief Karl Marx and most other early Reds were Jews, like Trotsky, Lenin, Sverdlov, and Radak to name just a tiny few. It is interesting today that they are trying to diminish their role, making it appear overblown and anti-Semitic to claim.
I remember as a child seeing one of their pamphlets in Lviv, where it called all Jews to arms against the Christian people who oppose them. I want to tell you it is interesting that in the Bible, Edom means red, a people God hates. They usurped God’s people’s names, customs etc. in II Kings, trying to become God’s people by deception.
It is no secret they threw their full support to the Reds, and Christians paid a terrible price. If they did not like you, you were killed or sent away during the revolution; it was a time to settle scores.
They killed whole families who opposed them. They stole land, farms, homes, and even wives. I heard a story about a newlywed couple, where the Red bands who were roving the land, wanted this man’s pretty wife, so they hung him and took her as a concubine and had not been heard from sense.
Hundreds of thousands of people all across Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, and even Poland were killed during the first 10 years of the Red Terror. Some historians now say close to 30 million Christians were killed off by the Reds from 1917 to 1955. That may be an impossible figure, but I could see it being true. My country was ravaged by these people and whole generations wiped out.
When the Germans came, we felt it was a sign from God that our hour of revenge had come. In Lviv alone, many guilty Jews who were caught before they could retreat were executed.
This I saw the aftermath of, there were around 100 men and a few women who had been shot by local militia. A sign was put up as a warning to other Jews who aided the Reds, their time was coming.
Interviewer: What was it like when you joined the Galician SS division?
Fedor: It was a grand day; we held a Church mass in which Hans Frank, Himmler, and other notables attended. We carried SS and Galician placards, Himmler and the division commander spoke to us. I still hear Himmler’s voice telling us for the first time in nearly 20 years we were now free to choose our path, and free to worship again, as we choose.
Our first task before training was to help bring the elders from all over into the new hospital, where the Germans brought advanced equipment, for full exams. Some were getting care for the first time ever. There were long lines of wagons, carts, and tractors lined up.
Our training was pretty rushed, as many already had training in the militias or police. Mainly combat veterans taught us how to survive, there was not much taught regarding drilling and the spit and polish look the Germans are very famous for. I was trained as an infantryman, and given the rank of Sturmmann — I was also trained as a backup machine gunner for the MG34.
Part of our training at the end was actually going on patrols in Poland against pockets of bandits. The Reds successfully used small pockets of Jews to hide their commissars, who directed attacks against Ukrainians, and German targets.
Our units swelled as more men came to us, some were angered when many Polish men came to us, but the Germans used good tactics like dances and dinners, where they brought in pretty girls from all over to help us get along. We soon saw them as comrades, who hated the Reds as much as we did. We even had some Roma come to us, I have a photo of their women dancing topless at an outdoor festival for us. They were somewhat dirty, but very pretty and very flirtatious with big breasts.
I marveled at the equipment that was being brought in. Armored cars, anti-aircraft weapons, new sub machine guns, mortars, and trucks. We were now a fully combat ready force. We took the oath with our chaplains and priests present, and vowed to fight to the death to defend our faith and people.
Interviewer: What was your first combat operation?
Fedor: Like before, we were sent against the bandits in early ‘44, in eastern Poland, Belarus, and northern Ukraine they became very active. Always hitting supply lines, but more importantly the families of anyone helping the Germans.
The Germans had started moving Jews into ghettos to watch them better, but large areas remained, where we had to go in and check for illegal arms and equipment. We found this often, and in most cases their home was seized, they were either sent to a camp, or executed, based on severity. Always remember, what they aided killed innocents.
We ended up trapping a large group in several small hamlets; they even had a tank that lucky for us we knocked out with our single panzerfaust. There were men, women, and even kids who were in this fight. Many were Reds from all over who had terrorized a very wide area, for the first time they were being held accountable. A man, who had his family murdered by this band, joined us, he shot down any who tried to surrender, which he had to be restrained, and we needed prisoners for intelligence.
After several days, we moved from hamlet to hamlet, battle after battle. A large area of many kilometers was sealed off so they could not escape. We even had Luftwaffe help on one occasion, and another an armored train gave artillery support.
These bands were well armed, we found weapons from the western allies like explosives and mines, the Reds sent them ammo and guns along with military leadership. We were quite happy to find a dead Jewish commissar who held the rank of a colonel with the last group we had to battle. We wiped them out to the man as more stories of their murders came to us by the civilian population. Out of many hundreds, we took 79 prisoners, and turned any children over to orphanages.
This was very hard on the men, even though we fought with conviction and the knowledge these people were evil monsters, war is never easy. We were pulled out of the line and given time to heal and refresh.
Thanks poured in from all around as this band had been stealing, and killing on a wide front. We even had some widows and daughters come to us to volunteer to help us — but the Germans refused as they said women are to be protected, but our clergy welcomed them and put them to work.
Interviewer: When did you fight the Red army?
Fedor: It was in the summer of 1944 a full year after we formed — my 31st regiment was sent to the area around Brody. The east front was looking shaky, Stalin was resurgent due to Allied help, and the Red army was starting to push us back. We had been replenished, and were well rested, using most of 1943 and early ‘44 to help rebuild towns and hamlets in our zone, and to aid the many labor and youth services who were on civic duties, we had to give them security, as they were fearful of attacks. After our campaign of late ‘43 and early ‘44, we mostly wiped out the bandits in our zone.
We were determined to battle the Reds to the death. On July 13, the Reds attacked on a very broad front, smashing the under-strength Wehrmacht and moving quickly to capture all of Ukraine. My regiment was held as a reserve and we defended a few towns. I was shocked at the amount of men and material the Reds had. They attacked us with countless tanks, and limitless infantry. I saw many Red planes dropping bombs on the towns around us.
We were organized into a strong defensive line, and repulsed several T34 tanks, our engineers were masters at placing mines and grenades right where they would kill the beast. We fought like lions, routing the enemy, but they kept coming.
After several days, we learned we were surrounded, but our spirits were lifted as we saw Luftwaffe planes savage the Reds. A bomber crashed in the town I was in, the pilots never had a chance.
The Reds dropped leaflets on us, but we knew what surrender would mean. We learned from prisoners that this was a large front, but the Germans were trying to open a corridor to us. We were trapped along with several German units, and our defense caused the Reds outlandish losses, all I could see in front of me was dead soldiers, and knocked out tanks. We could hear fighting to our rear so we knew we were not forgotten. I was wounded in the arm during a night attack, but was still in the fight.
We were moved to a new line of defense, when it was announced the Germans just broke through, and we attacked to link up with them, we greeted each other, and quickly moved to evacuate the wounded and nurses who were with us. The Reds were hitting our lines with all they had to close the corridor, but we held on, as we knew what it would mean to lose.
The Reds were able to trap us in again, our commander issued orders that we should all try to break out in small groups, I was with my regimental officers and left at night. We trekked through woods, careful to not make a lot of noise.
During daylight, we stayed hidden avoiding a patrol or two. We often heard gunfire in the distance and wondered if it was other groups. We had to move several km which took time, we came across an abandoned field hospital and ate and drank what we could find.
Further on we found an ambulance where the wounded were killed, and it appeared 2 nurses were driving and lay by the side of the open doors, shot in the back of the head. Classic Red terror.
We finally made it to German lines, and we reported our experiences including the nurses, but everyone by now knew this was typical Red behavior. We joked that they will be sending over a pamphlet showing pictures of how we “fascists” killed these women.
Interviewer: What happened to the division after this battle?
Fedor: We were very beat up, we lost all vehicles, most heavy weapons, and most of our strength. The Germans moved us to Slovakia where we could rest. We were in a state of shock, the Reds held our homeland again, and many feared for their families. I sent instructions for my sister and mother to leave with the Germans, and make their way to Slovakia where many Ukrainians had settled. This caused angst among the Slovaks, who revolted against so many of us. I still believe the Reds had a lot to do with this, as Tito was strong in the area, and well funded by Moscow.
There were problems with the Roma too — they were in large number, and stole from the refugees, the Germans were quick to stop this, which caused them to be hostile. We still made friends, and did have a chance to have dancing and dinners with the locals. My sister in Germany wrote that she was wounded in a bombing raid, but being well cared for, she sent me coffee and meats.
We were sent into action again with other SS units against partisans, who were very strong in the area around us. The Germans had organized police and militias to fight, but they were too small to crush the bandits. We brought our full military might on them, and it was a repeat of early 44, we crushed them, and it was the same story, dirty Reds lead by commissars, who were mostly Jews.
We learned they would get drops of weapons, food, and reinforcements by both the western allies, and Reds. For the first time I feared we were going to lose, and there was nothing that could be done. I wondered why God would let the forces of darkness win this fight.
My unit saw crime after crime committed against the civilian population, all because they wanted to be left alone, by both Germans and bandits. Only the Germans honored this, inadvertently allowing the bandits to grow and flourish; now the innocent paid the price.
All through the fall and winter it was tit for tat war — a home housing weapons or enemy would be burned down, then a home of a nationalist would be attacked, and in reprisal we would hunt down the killers, it never stopped. We learned the Reds were pouring in more and more men to aid these bands.
Interviewer: What was the end of the war like for you?
Kazan: By 1945 we moved to the Reich border and we knew it was about over. Bandits had moved to try to cut off retreating forces from the Balkans, and we were used to keep corridors open, soldiers, the old, women, children, and many female auxiliaries. It was a sad sight to see such a proud force reduced to a retreating, dirty, broken mass of humanity.
We were hearing tales of horror of whole families who were killed by bandits, we moved deeper from the border, and saw the deeds first hand, surrendered soldiers had been shot, women raped, and even children butchered. We vowed we would never take another prisoner.
Our Priest was horrified as he was called in to give last rites; with tears in his eyes, he blessed the fallen. I remember him remarking that the Vatican must know about this and what other terrible things he had seen. We could hear rumbles in the distance and knew what it meant; again, we were ordered to retreat.
We were moved into the area of Graz, and again with other SS units, faced the Reds. We were vastly under-strength, but we still could fight, we attacked a town where the Reds were routed. We caused them terrible losses, beating some very elite soldiers.
We were threatened with being encircled so we retreated and by May, it was all over. Our commander met with our clergy and NSDAP officials, we were declared a liberation army separate from the Wehrmacht, they hoped it would give us a better standing with the Allies. We surrendered on May 10, and were sent into Italy, guarded by Poles, who were mostly friendly to us, surprisingly.
We learned Moscow wanted us turned over to them for “crimes”, but our clergy were able to reach the Vatican who put pressure on the Allies to treat us as a liberation movement. They did so and we were treated very well. I learned my mother had been killed through a strafing attack, while trying to make it to Germany.
I was able to reunite with my sisters late in the year, and the one who worked in Germany decided to stay, while I was offered a chance to move to Canada, so my sister and I came over in 1947. We both were able to earn money by helping to clear rubble and damage in Italy. I was happy to survive, but mourned all that was lost in our fight to be free.
Interviewer: I would like to ask how you feel about the holocaust — it seems to me that you actually saw some of it first hand and took part?
Fedor: No, there was no “holocaust,” the Jews do what any guilty person would, they shift blame, and ask ‘what crime did I do?’ — but also let me show this crime scene they did. We fought Jews who actively took up arms against us, or at the least directly worked to aid our enemies. Some were punished for directly and indirectly causing the deaths of innocents, by working with the Reds, many GPU people were Jews, they were all shot when caught, and not by the Germans.
It was a bloody business, but they caused their own fate.
I do want to say that not all Jews were part of this — many were left alone as they seemed to be no threat, and did not work with the Reds. There were so many Jews at the end of the war who fled west with us, we didn’t know how to take it.
Today I am sure they claimed to be victims of Hitler, so they got special treatment. Some even worked with us which is surprising– they were as much repulsed by the actions of their brothers as we were, but we still did not trust them.
I can’t say it in my country, but the holocaust is not true, I know there was no intention to kill all Jews. Let’s leave it at that.
German soldiers fighting on the Eastern Front who had any curious notions about Marxism soon saw the reality of the way people lived – a race to the bottom. Russia had a 1% ruling class and the other 99% lived mostly in poverty compared to NS Germany. The Jew plan for the West to eradicate the middle class and have a 99%/1% divide with a huge gulf between both.
NS wanted to reward talent and skills and those people were of higher status and respected as so.
Status was not based on privilege or wealth but on physical health, skill, intelligence etc.
Reading the letters, below, of German soldiers on the Eastern Front, they fought for the Volksgemeinschaft concept and wrote that NS Germany had given them opportunities and upward mobility they would never have had otherwise. The German army was reported a s being the ‘least snobby’ of German armies. The ALL-LIES were stunned that after 4 years of bloody fighting and facing defeat, Hitler still had an approval rating of 60% amongst German POWs up until 1945.
Lieutenant Otto Deissenroth
Military Post Number 12 827D writes to local Group leader Kemmel in Altenau (Mainfranken):
In the East, 30.7.1941
Dear Comrade Karl!
I write this letter from the desolation of a Ukrainian forest village, 40 kilometers from Kiev, which we hope to capture in a few days. The fruitful land of the Ukraine is all around us, but 20 years of Bolshevist mismanagement have brought it to ruin. The poverty, misery and filth we have seen and experienced in the past weeks is indescribable.
You back home cannot imagine the terrible results of Bolshevism in this fruitful land.
Everything that we formerly read in newspapers and books pales in the face of the terrible reality. Our eyes look in vain for some sign of construction, for a trace of progress, for a bit of culture. We yearn for the sight of a clean house, an orderly street, a few tended gardens, a few trees! Wherever we look there is filth, decay, desolation, misery, death and suffering! Everywhere we see the ghost of Bolshevism in the tortured look of farmers, the blank stares of captives, the hundreds of murdered people, the farm houses of impoverished buildings and ruined houses. I sometimes think it is all the work of the devil.
The land was rich when it was inhabited by German, Ukrainian, Czech and Polish farmers. Then Bolshevism came, and with it enormous misery. Everything that was prosperous or cultured was killed or burned. I spoke with dozens of people whose family members, fathers, husbands, brothers and sons perished somewhere in Murmansk, Siberia or the icy north. Thousands died during the great famine, particularly in 1932-1933. Thousands more ended up in prisons and jails. The misery of those freed from Bolshevism is indescribable. Any free expression was prohibited, any movement banned. Everything in nature that was beautiful, good and free was destroyed. Everything created by God was exterminated! They took the blessing from the land and the soul from the people. They reduced them to the level of animals, impotent, miserable enslaved animals with no hope of life who did not know if they would be alive tomorrow, who lived from hand to mouth, and were happy only when someone killed them. Hell can be no worse that this “Soviet paradise.” There is no hope of salvation. What Bolshevism has done to humanity is a sin against God, a crime one cannot begin to understand. Every German who formerly thought Bolshevism was a worthy idea and who threatened we National Socialists with death and bloodshed only because we didn’t believe in this nonsense should be ashamed!
We were right! We are all shaken and moved as we face this misery, this suffering, this hopeless Bolshevist life. They stole everything from these people except the very air they breathed. The land they inherited from their fathers became a collective, the property of the state, and they became slaves worse than those of the darkest Middle Ages in Germany. They had a tiny plot of land of their own, and even that was heavily taxed. They had to report to the collective’s commissars each morning, work the whole day, even Sunday, with no free time. They belonged to the state. They were supposedly paid, but rarely saw the money. They got 33 kopeks a day, about a third of a Mark. They owned no plow, no spade, no wagon, no yoke. Everything supposedly belonged to everyone, everything belonged to the state. The Jews and party bigwigs lived in prosperity, the farmers had only hunger, misery, work and death. No one felt himself responsible for the soil, no one felt the love we Germans have for our homeland, for the soil that is ours. The knowledge of blood and soil had died out. I spoke with 30-year-olds who did not understand the concept of property. They had been educated in Soviet schools. That explains why they had no sense of culture, no need for it. Their homes are empty, cold and desolate, much poorer than in Poland. No pictures, no flowers break the desolation.
The art of cooking also disappeared, given the food shortages. The daily diet consists of milk and bread, along with a bit of honey and a few potatoes. When one see this dismal poverty, one is reminded that these Bolshevist animals wanted to bring culture to us industrious, clean and creative Germans. How God has blessed us! How justified is the Führer’s claim to European leadership! The poorest German village is a pearl in comparison to these ruined Russian villages. Sometimes as I face the thousands of murdered people that we found in the cities and villages, and in the numerous occasions where we found women and children wailing over the corpses of their family members, or when they asked us to free their men who had been hauled off just before we arrived, I see the Führer before me. He saved an enslaved and raped humanity, giving it once more divine freedom and the blessing of a worthy existence. The last and deepest reason for this war is to restore the natural and godly order. It is a battle against slavery, against Bolshevist insanity. I am proud, deeply proud, that I may fight against this Bolshevist monster, fighting once again the enemy I fought to destroy during the hard years of struggle in Germany. I am proud of the wounds I suffered during the election battles in Germany, and I am proud of my new wounds, and of the medal that I now wear. It is as if the people here are awakening from a deep sleep. They cannot yet believe in their new freedom; they do not know where to begin. They sit down and wait for orders. Now they have them: “Go back to work, harvest the fields, now you have your own home.” That is what all the posters say, and one sees the masses at work in the fields. Man and nature are free again, God has his place once more, his eternal order has been restored. We National Socialist soldiers of Adolf Hitler have restored the godly order, though some call us heathens. That is the way life is. And what did those who spoke about God do? Ask them!”
Staff Sergeant Kurt Hummel
Military Post Number L 31 605 Lg Pa. Paris, to his local group:
Northern Russia, 12 August 1941
Bolshevist conditions are indescribable. I had never imagined that such misery was possible. People here know nothing about electric lights, radio, newspapers and the like. One can’t call what they live in houses. There are only shanties with rotten straw roofs.
Huge neglected fields lay around. We haven’t yet found even a small shop. This is what people call the Soviet paradise. I wish the few outsiders who still remain in Germany could be shipped here. There is misery wherever one looks. One has to see it to realize how beautiful Germany is.
Medical corporal Paul Lenz
Military Post Number 7 14 628 Posen, to the local group of the NSDAP, Arneburg:
Only a Jew can be a Bolshevist; for these bloodsuckers there is nothing better to be, for there is then nothing to stop them. Wherever one spits there is a Jew, whether in a city or a village. As far as I know (we asked the people, wanting to know the truth) not a single Jew ever worked in the workers’ paradise. Even the littlest bloodsucker had a post with big privileges. He lived in the best buildings, if one can call them buildings. The real workers lived in small buildings, or better, in animal stalls, just like day laborers in old Russia. It makes no difference whether one is in a village or in a city like Minsk with over 300,000 inhabitants, the stalls are everywhere. Even before the war, most workers knew nothing but hunger, misery and slavery. Some may be interested to know that there were theaters, operas, etc., even big buildings for them, but only those with money got in, and they were the blood suckers and their lackeys
Sergeant Paul Rubelt
Military Post Number 34 539 F, to Miss Grete Egger, Lebring 71, Steieirark:
I was in Lemberg (Lviv, Ukraine) yesterday and saw a bloodbath. It was terrible. Many had their skin stripped off, men were castrated, their eyes poked out, arms or legs chopped off. Some were nailed to the wall, 30-40 were sealed into a small room and suffocated. About 650 people in this area must have died in such ways. The stench can be endured only if one smokes a cigarette and keeps a handkerchief over one’s nose. The Jews did most of it.
Now they have to dig the graves. The culprits will be shot. Many already died because of the stench. In this city they even opened graves and defiled the corpses. It is terrible. One can hardly believe that such people exist……..
NCO K. Suffner
Military Post Number 08 070 to his work mates:
There was a gray cloud over Lemberg as we arrived. The stench was scarcely tolerable.
The Russians had been thrown out of the city after a hard battle. Two hours later I found the source of the stench. The Bolshevists and Jews bestially murdered 12,000 Germans and Ukrainians. I saw pregnant women hanging by their feet in the GPU’s prison. They had slit the noses, ears, eyes, fingers, hands and arms and legs of other women. Some even had their hearts cut out. 300 orphans between the ages of 2 and 17 had been nailed to the wall and butchered. After they were done with the torture, they threw the people, most of whom were still alive, into a 3 meter deep pile in the basement, doused them with gasoline, and lit them on fire. It was terrible! We could not believe that such human beasts existed. Our propagandists do not say enough about the real face of Bolshevism. The day we marched into Lemberg, the surviving Ukrainians gathered 2,000 Jews in jail and took terrible revenge. The Jews then had to carry out all the dead and load them on wagons.
The police kept the people back. It was a heartrending sight to see the women lamenting their husbands and children, and the men clenching their fists with bitter, pale faces. One can’t describe the dreadful scenes here. It is what the German people would have suffered if Bolshevism had reached us. The complainers and know-it-alls that we still have in the Reich should see this. Then they would know what pure Bolshevism looks like. They would fall to their knees and thank the Führer for saving Germany from such things. I and many other German soldiers have seen this. We all thank the Führer that he let us see the Bolshevist “paradise.” We swear to extirpate this plague root and branch.
Since I have some time today, I thought it my duty to write this so that my work mates at home can read it. We soldiers at the front have seen this with our own eyes. We will be able to tell a lot more later.
We are fighting until final victory.
Great short film called “PUNANE UDU (RED FOG)” about the Jewish Red Terror takeover of Estonia, the mass murder, torture, starvation, enslavement under the Jews. Then the liberation of Estonia by the German heroes — same as what happened in Ukraine….pure evil….
If you look up any You Tube videos about the war in Ukraine, the people who make comments about them say things like , “go Ukraine” , “glory to Ukraine, “ “ long live Ukraine”, etc. Seeing those comments , knowing that the Jews ruled Ukraine since 1917, murdered , I read 45,000,000 Ukrainian’s by torture, murder, starvation, stealing their food and crops and selling and exporting it , Makes me wonder who are the one’s praising the Ukrainian’s so called military success’s when it seems to me that the Ukrainians have revenge coming against the Jews for all their suffering.
Unless , it is Jews praising the sacrifice of the non Jews protecting and guaranteeing the control of Ukraine by their Jewish president , Zelensky, the same character who was President of Ukraine when Donald Trump with held money voted by Congress to Ukraine and the Jews and their supporters and sympathizers voted in both the Democrat and Republican parties tried to impeach and support him.
Ukraine is nothing but the second Jewish homeland and if one looks at a map, it seems close to What we are told the “Fake Jews” ” as they are called came from and Ukraine , is where Stalin fled when the Germans attacked Moscow and also I believe Ukraine is the Jews resort and vacation area.
Strange? No! Not so strange.
And this war, like WW11, Viet Nam, Afghanistan, Iraq and the destruction of its history , museum, theft of its artifacts shows the leaders of the United States and the Jews will destroy the whole wirld if they have to , no matter what, to rule over it. I remember the day it was as common to preach about Satan seeking to rule the world as it was to hear homosexuality a sin and wrong, Marriage, a life long commitment divorce wrong, preaching openly in church against communism.
Well, those days are gone. Religion is now , just a business, The Jews have gotten religion out of the church’s and into politics , just as they have with guns and crime.
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
Saw this on twitter
Klaus Arminius
Putin’s war on nationalism
Hundreds of anti-migrant and nationalist leaders arrested as Russia welcomes millions of migrants from Central Asia
Deputy Minister Ivanov revealed visa-free agreement with: Haiti, Zambia, Kuwait, Malaysia, Mexico, Trinidad and Saudi Arabia .
So Putin is arresting those against mass immigration into Russia
“Jewish Mob Looking for Christians to Murder….”
Wake up, this is already happening right now, again, except this time, they are doing with vaccines and poisoned food.
You will never understand how much they hate us.
Hate us so much that they want us dead.
They hate Christ, Hitler, and all Christians.
Original film source:
A German soldier found a curious document while rummaging through train wagons at the La Charite station on June 19, 1940. He immediately handed over the document-which bore a particular remark-to his superiors at departmental headquarters.
From there the paper passed to agencies. It became clear that what had been discovered constituted evidence in a most important investigation. The train station was once more thoroughly searched. And it was thus that the High Command of the Wehrmacht came into possession of a collection of documents of unique historical significance.
What was found were the secret files of the Allied High War Council, including the protocols of all sessions of this illustrious association. And this time it shall not be possible for Mr. Churchill to simply deny or lie about the authenticity of these documents, as he had attempted to do at the time in the case of documents found in Warsaw.
For these documents feature handwritten notes in the margins penned by Gamelin, Daladier, Weygand, and so on. Hence these gentlemen are free either to admit to these or to disown them at any time.
And these documents enlighten us as to the dealings of these gentlemen who have an interest in the war and in its expansion.
They will above all demonstrate how these cold-blooded politicians and military men have used all these small peoples as a means to an end; how they tried to subject Finland to their interests; how they determined to make Norway and Sweden the theater of war; how they planned to set fire to the Balkans to procure the assistance of 100 divisions from there; how they prepared to bomb Batum and Baku under the cover of a shrewd as well as unscrupulous reading of the Turkish neutrality in favor of their own interests; how they spun their web around the Netherlands and Belgium, pulling its strings constantly tighter, and finally engaging them in general staff agreements; as well as many other things.
The documents afford us, moreover, a good picture of the entire amateurish method which these policy-making warmongers employed in an attempt to contain the fire they had kindled. These speak of their military pseudo-democracy which is jointly responsible for the gruesome fate which they have inflicted on hundreds of thousands and millions of soldiers of their own countries; of their barbaric lack of conscience which led them to drive their own peoples from their homes in cold blood and deliberately, in a mass evacuation whose military consequences were not necessarily favorable to them, while the general human results were shockingly gruesome.
The same criminals are at the same time responsible for whipping up the Poles and inciting them to war. Eighteen days later this campaign ended-for all practical purposes.
Al Liguori
Quite unlike the patently absurd tales http://judaism.is/holocaust.html#absurdtales and imbecilic “eyewitness testimonies” http://judaism.is/holocaust.html#imbecilictestimony created by Holocaust grifters, Kazan’s account of Jewish mobs seeking Christians to murder in their Communist paradise is credible and compelling.
The Bear
When I read about the war between Ukraine and Russia, I remember that “The Pale Of Settlement” where Bolshevism was incubated is not very far. The ruins of the Ancient Khazar Kingdom is to the South. The History of “The Holodomor” s not ancient.
Some who lived during this time in Ukraine, are today victims of yet another Catastrophe. They know who brought The Holodomor, they know who was behind Bolshevism. They know who are leaders of these two countries. And the Worlds, of Top Zionists, who controls the nations during World War 1 & 2 the nations which were involved in bitter and certainly unnecessary was, should surely be still ringing in their heads.;
“Let me tell you the following words as if I were showing you the rungs of a ladder leading upward and upward: Herzl; the Zionist Congress; the English Uganda proposition; the future world war; the peace conference where with the help of England a free and Jewish Palestine will be created.”
–The Synagogue Of Satan Andrew Carrington Hitchcock; See Also “The Ruling Elite: The Zionist Seizure of World Power” By Deanna Spingola pg 50 Also mentioned in Rise Of The Anti-Christ Vol. IV By Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn
Very curious, that some people still believe that the current Ukraine and Russia conflict, is about some genuine political differences. What’s the problem with Ukrainians?
Ukrainians, of course, suffered from Bolsheviks, but Russian people suffered more… Ukrainian nationalists are narrow nationalists, not racial nationalists, and now they serve the Kiev Jewish junta.
I assume there are many Russians who are aware of the Jewish problem in Russia?
What percentage of white Russians would you say are aware of this problem? Or are most, like in the West, brainwashed by their televisions?
Isn’t it illegal in Russia to glorify “Nazis” or deny the fake Holocaust?
I noticed that Russia just dedicated a new statue of Stalin, and Putin has praised Stalin for his defeat of the “Nazis”….
Are there Russians who understand that the Germans tried to destroy the communist control of Russia and liberate them from that death cult?
Petr, you’re right: many here, as in the West, been brainwashed by media. Probably only 10 – 15% of people understand everything correctly.
I’ve read other author’s claim that the Jews congregate and live in ghetto’s so that the Jewish rabbi’s can keep them under control., But the Jewish leaders, promoters of antisemitism like to pretend that the Jews living in the ghetto’s is a sign of discrimination and rejection.
I believe that is why the Jews are so intelligent as they brag, not because they are, maybe so, but because they must be sharp witted to be able to defend themselves in any situation, especially when they become prominent in business and politics or whatever field to always be prepared with the cry of antisemitism and have something like racism or the Holocaust to use to defend themselves.
If the Jews love to promote the idea of eugenics as a terrible thing, maybe we should keep an eye on White’s or White Christian’s who marry Jews to see how they or their children turn out mentally and emotionally, health wise as the Jews are said to be afflicted by dozens of illnesses.
Wow, thank you!
This should be required reading for every high school student in America. It’ll never happen, but if it did, we would be living in a completely different country, a country more like the Founding Fathers imagined.
Thank you CFT for this powerful testimony. It’s never over until the red terror is completely destroyed.
I am posting this again for the sake of newcomers looking for Truth, and that God will confirm it many times. This by His Grace He promises for those asking and seeking. There are lengthy links included albeit some have been censored. Seek the truth while it can be found.
RIP to this brave man Fedor Kazan and to the millions slaughtered by these demons back then and now. What we are now witnessing are the many Judas goats posing as Christians leading the sheep to slaughter… again which no words can describe my hatred for them. We are warned about this in The Word.
God bless you CFT.
This article breaks down the AntiChrist deception with a nice shout out to CFT.
*****MUST READ*****
Henry Ware
Sparrow, I read the article but missed the “shout out” to CFT….
Either way, I like a lot of what E. Michael Jones says about Jews, but I think he gets way too caught up in politics which is a dead end for Christians. Yes, Ukraine is corrupt, but so is Russia, and how can Jones ignore that Putin has always been surrounded by Chabad Jews (the worst)?
That conflict is destroying both Russia and Ukraine and handing the carcasses over to the Jews.
But I’m glad Fitzinfo calls out Jones on his B.S. about race. Race is all over the Bible, and anyone who actually read it would know that.
Jones needs to get out of the political bickering and hypocrisy and focus more on Christ and His real followers, and no, E. Michael, they aren’t in the third world, and they aren’t in Iran.
And as recorded in a 2019 ‘Christians for Truth’ article, many key Alt-Right personalities have been Jews. (145)
Jones won’t focus on Christ because he is a crypto Jew playing his part as the article reveals.
Piarist Calasanz
Sparrow, I did not find the proof that fitzinfo provided that E. Michael Jones is a crypto-Jew persuasive. He cited someone in the church who had an axe to grind with Jones, hardly a disinterested party. And he didn’t offer any proof outside his accusation. If there’s proof that Jones is “marrano”, I’d like to see it.
Like many Catholics, Jones worships the Catholic Church more than Christ Himself, and he’s willing to allow Christ to be subservient to the Church in order to score political points. He’s put himself in an intellectual box that won’t allow him to see all the Church’s internal contradictions.
Jones says that all the world’s problems would be solved if everyone just got baptized and became Catholic. It’s child-like and quixotic, and just what the Jews want to hear.
Forget about KGB asset E.M. Jones
E. Michael Jones: “I Don’t Believe in White People, There’s No Such Thing as White People”
Andy Sloan, and I told him about it, exaggerates the importance of Dugin, and also that Putin has not been a communist for a long time. It is not Russia that is America’s main enemy, but its own ZOG.
All that I have shared via links has been confirmed to me by God, the very method that He uses and which is taught in The Word. I’m not surprised to witness defense of ‘Cult of Personality ‘ with Putin.
Everything revealed by Fitz albeit in great detail is the Truth and is unfolding as planned… INCLUDING THE ACTORS IN THE WEST. It is up to all believers in Christ to do their homework.
God bless all who help in this process including CFT and the body of Christ Jesus just as a life bouy brings help to a drowning person or even animal.
Defend the AntiChrist all you want… God sees all and is now warning while the door is slowly shutting. There are many verses about the blind, the wolves, the deceived, false prophets and shepherds…WE ARE WARNED!
Vladimir I would add ZOG is the disease and all the evil are the symptom’s of that sin to God of satan. And Putin is not my enemy.
Russia is ZOG too , Putin and Zelensky , Biden ,Trump, all Europes leaders and China are all in the same scam. Wake Up. For godsake even Mao was a Jew. There is no way the Jews could not have pulled of the Scamdemic and Deadly Covid Vax if all World leaders were not controlled which they are.
Haiti and Tanzania called BS. on the Scamdemic their leaders of the time are no more. Tanzanian President called BS and their have been2 assassination attempts on his life , from ZOG France. PolPot and Mao were both trained in France , Ho Chi Minh too.
Timothy Fitzpatrick is one of the best if not the out there on the Jew Putin and Russia.
How Jews took over China and created Chinese Communism.
Communist China was created by the Jews and serves their interests.
Mao would murder sixty million innocent Chinese people under his rule mainly to destroy traditional Chinese culture in order to gain total control. As with Christianity, any practitioners of spiritual systems where outlawed, killed, and thrown into gulags, to die a slow death through slave labor, starvation and torture. The Communistic systems became the new culture of control.
With China under their flag, Tibet was next on the list as being the last bastion of spiritual and historical knowledge. All the Jewish systems seek to remove spiritual knowledge from Gentiles and keep it in the hands of the Jewish elite. This is a major part of their indoctrination program. There has been a major Jewish population in China for over a thousand years such as the Jews of Kaifeng.
RED CHINA IS JEW CHINA: THE DISTURBING ORIGINS OF CHINESE COMMUNISM AND THE DEEPENING CHINESE-‘ISRAELI’ TIES OF TODAY.“In fact, 85 to 90% of the foreigners helping the Chinese at the time of the Communist takeover were Jewish. This included the daughter of the founder of the brokerage firm Goldman Sachs, who left the comfort of her Park Avenue home to assist the Chinese.” In conjunction with these startling anomalies, the US ZOG had a base in Tianjin from 1945-1947. Tianjin was home to a sizable Jewish community, particularly Russian communists. It was from the Tianjin base that the Dixie Mission of the OSS trained, financed and armed none other than Mao Zedong and his merry band of “revolutionaries” to fight the Japanese–which, contrary to popular opinion, weren’t “imperialists” nor “warmongers” but rather, liberators of Brown and Yellow peoples colonized by the ZOGs of Europe.
Communism in China was created by the Jews of the West working with the Jews within Asian. A well known Communist Agent in Manchuria was Abrams an Asian Jew. Today the Jews still run China the higher you go to the top of the Communist Party the more Asian Jewish name appear till its all Jewish. Like in the Soviet Union. Today the International Jews have purposely built up Red China into an economic and military power. Like their Soviet Union for the same reason in the end to extend Communism by military conquest.
The Communist Party in China was created by the Jewish Communist International in a meeting in Shang Hi between Jews from Russia and Chinese Jews:In order to advance their interests, Jewish Lenin and Trotsky sent Jew Gregory Voitinsky to China to make contact with leftist intellectuals, like Jew Chen Duxiu. Politically, Chen advocated the Trotskyist theory of Marxism.Voitinsky was sent over to China by the Comintern chairman, a Jew named Ovsei-Gershon Aronovich Radomyslsky Apfelbaum., also known as Grigory Yevseevich Zinoviev.[Zinoviev was the long-time head of the Communist International and was a stooge of Jew Lenin. During Lenin’s illness, Zinoviev, his sidekick Kamenev, and Joseph Stalin [my note Stalin was Jewish] formed a ruling ‘triumvirate’ (or ‘troika’) in the Communist Party, playing a key role in the marginalization of Leon Trotsky.]Chen decided to run a special edition on Marxism .
The edition of this magazine was the most detailed analysis of Marxism then published in China, and achieved wide readership due to the journal’s popularity.In 1921, Chen Duxiu, Li Dazhao and other prominent revolutionary leaders founded the Communist Party of China. Chen Duxiu, was the dean of Peking University. Chen had participated in the Xinhai Revolution in 1911 which overthrew the Qing Dynasty and established the Republic of China.How did so many Jews land up in Shanghai and then later in Hong Kong ? [To aid Communist take over]Well he was a Chinese Jew first educated at Yali School in the provincial capital of Changsha and later Rothschild run Yale-in-China University.
Later he was sent on a Jewish scholarship to Munich University in 1926 where he received his Ph.D. in political economics in 1932, and a crash course in Marxism.Dr. Ho Feng-Shan, was planted [By Rothschild] as the Chinese consul-general in Vienna from May 1938 to May 1940. When Jews wanted a safe sanctuary before and during the Second World War, our Jew Dr Ho issued visas to white Jews left, right and centre— more than 21000 visas..
[My note this was to be able to ship as many Jews into China from the West to spread Jewish Communism as possible.]1949: On October 1, Mao Tse Tsung declares the founding of the People’s Republic Of China in Tiananmen Square, Beijing. He is funded by Rothschild created Communism in Russia and also the following Rothschild agents: Solomon Adler, a former United States Treasury official who was a Soviet Spy; Israel Epstein, the son of a Jewish Bolshevik imprisoned by the Tsar in Russia for trying to forment a revolution there; and Frank Coe, a leading official of the Rothschild owned IMF.
Mao would genocide 70 million innocent Chinese people under his rule mainly to destroy traditional Chinese culture. Like with Christianity any practioners of spiritual systems where outlawed, killed and put into gulags which was a slow death. And Communistic systems where the new culture of control. With China under their flag Tibet was next on the list as being the last bastion of spiritual knowledge and histories of humanity. All the Jewish systems seek to remove spiritual knowledge from Gentiles and keep it in the hands of the Jewish elite. This is a major part of their domestication program: https://www.deathofcommunism.com/jews-created-communist-china/
China is fake, controlled opposition. The US will never go to war with China, it’s all championship wrestling for the unwashed masses.
Jews control the US and China, and they plan to rule over both.
Same with Russia and Ukraine – Jewish factions pretending to fight against each other while ignorant whites die and don’t understand why they are dying.
Wars are the Jews’ harvest.
Espen ………..
I agree with you. But ……….. we shouldn’t be surprised if they do make war with China and the USA.
This fits perfectly with the Dispensationalists “End Times” narrative.
And ………….. it’s another way to cull the Adamic Population.
I believe this is what we will see next —- a fake Tribulation/Armageddon
…… because Christendom will think it’s God’s doing.
The churches and the media right now are talking about this axis of power — Russia, China, Iran Vs. the USA and the Nato alliance.
I would not be surprised to see some kind of “Red Dawn” movie play out somewhere in the States.
I’ve tried to figure out how a Jew is a so called conservative when we believe they are subverting us and all I can feel is that they are making us believe they are on our side but at the same time making sure to guide our thinking or keep it in their direction. Kind of like pretending to agree or say things in a group conservation to express views and seem to agree to get along or be part of the group.
And they need that control as long as we have two parties , one that we’re made to believe is weak and of low and negative morals and another of religious or Christian morals and why not: the Jews have for decades, if no one else has heard it.
I don’t know when the idea of the Jews claiming that the German’s were against interracial relationships, and use it to make us. as racists , bigots, antisemites, but I know as a boy and even today can read and find authors who advocate Eugenics and all it is is to marry your own kind, to pick a mate to carry on your heritage, to pick a healthy, intelligent and other superior qualities in your mate you want to pass on to your children and future.
The Jews and blacks, no matter how intelligent they are, as far as I am concerned are an inferior race because they both use racism, antisemitism, shame, guilt and other negative qualities to lord it over us to feel and make themselves superior and take advantage of us by our submission to them and fear to stand up to them.. And when they do to us , what they have done to others it will be too late. The Jews hide themselves in history by words like the Young Turks, Bolshevik’s, Mensheviks, neo conservatives.
I believe , but don’t know, because the history I learned is I. Public school and on my own , that the Jews may be the Canninites, Babylonians or even Phoenicians which we were always taught were teasers , which the Jews are and said to be the only race that disappeared in history without a trace unless, unless the Jews , changed who they were to become who we now know them to be.
Otto G.
And most Christians are brainwashed into loving these mass murderers, and even into praying for their conversion.
No wonder Christ questioned whether He would find any true believers upon His return….
If Jesus had been a Jew, he would have ordered his disciples to torture and kill all unbelievers.
Otto G ….
Luke 18:8 — well spotted.
“I tell you that he will avenge them speedily. Nevertheless when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?”
Thank you, CFT.
“You must understand that the leading Bolsheviks who took over Russia were not Russians. They hated Russians. They hated Christians. Driven by ethnic hatred they tortured and slaughtered millions of Russians without a shred of human remorse.”
“More of my countrymen suffered horrific crimes at their blood stained hands than any people or nation ever suffered in the entirety of human history. It cannot be overstated. Bolshevism committed the greatest human slaughter of all time.”
“The fact that most of the world is ignorant or uncaring about this enormous crime is proof that the global media is in the hands of its perpetrators.”
—Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Solzhenitsyn’s words confirmed by the Jews themselves, from their own mouths, in one of their prominent newspapers:
“The Bolshevik Revolution in Russia was the work of Jewish planning and Jewish dissatisfaction. Our plan is to have a New World Order. What worked so wonderfully in Russia is going to become reality for the whole world.”
—The American Hebrew Magazine, New York, September 10, 1920
A. Clifton
perhaps one of the more ….”Fair Statement of the OBVIOUS”.
The Jews pulled off the greatest genocide in the history of the world under the guise of bolshevism, and somehow we are not allowed to criticize them, or even point it out.
And then the Jews gaslight us and tell us that their control and power is an “antisemitic canard”.
Surreal. Supernatural.
Their day of reckoning awaits them and they know it.
“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.” Galatians 6:7
ulysses freire da paz jr
The blacks of Haiti would have been better off, at least materially, under white rule in the lush and prosperous San Dominigue than under black rule in modern Haiti. https://nationalvanguard.org/2017/09/what-haiti-proves/)