Just when you think all angles against traditional values and marriage have been covered…
An advanced political theory course at the University of Massachusetts, Boston seeks to denaturalize heterosexuality from a “gay affirmative” perspective, according to a description of the course.
The political science course, “Queer Political Theory,” says that its “primary aims are the de-naturalization of (hetero)sexuality and (hetero)normative gender categories, identities, and expression,” according to an online description of the class.
Asking the question “what is queer politics” and “how, in what way, or to what degree is sexuality political,” the course, which fulfills a mandatory diversity requirement at the college, focuses on the “emergence of Queer Theory in the 1990s, and important contemporary texts on queer and LBGT politics in the U.S.” the description continues.
Associate Professor of Political Science C. Heike Schotten, who teaches the course, is the author of several publications in the field, including: Queer Terror: Life, Death, and Desire in the Settler Colony; To Exist is to Resist: Palestine and the Question of Queer Theory; Men, Masculinity, and Male Domination: Rethinking Feminist Analyses of Sex Work; Homonationalism: From Critique to Diagnosis, or, We Are All Homonational Now; and Nietzsche and Emancipatory Politics: Queer Theory as Anti-Morality.
Imagine what it’s like for a parent to work hard for 20 years to send his child to college, and this is what they are being taught – that everything you’ve believed in and worked for is wrong and oppressive.
For many college students today, these courses in “diversity” and “multiculturalism” have become mandatory requirements for graduation.
From the perspective of a mentally ill “queer theory” advocate, it makes perfect sense that the heterosexuality which created all of us is “unnatural”, and your child needs to know this to graduate.
Just one step closer to that 7th trumpet, praise God!!!
May God help us all.
Karl the Hammer
These are the goals of modern, “progressive” society – 1. make natural what is unnatural, make good what is evil; 2. make unnatural what is natural, make evil what is good.
This is yet more mad propaganda set to undermine the established order of nature. Either the sanity, influences, or ethnicity of these “experts” needs to be examined. And if the words of these “experts” lead us to question what we know is natural, then perhaps our sanity should be examined.