“Each year, the UN Secretary-General submits a report on children and armed conflict to the UN Security Council that includes a “list of shame” of armed forces and groups. Israel’s armed forces were reportedly recommended by Ms. Leila Zerrougui, UN Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict (SRSG-CAAC), for inclusion in the list for killing and maiming children as well as carrying out attacks against schools. Recently, the United States reportedly pressured Ban Ki-moon, who holds sole discretion in the matter, against taking this action. This is believed to be the first time the Secretary-General has not accepted the recommendation of the SRSG-CAAC.
“By removing Israel’s armed forces from the children’s ‘list of shame’, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has provided tacit approval for Israeli forces to continue carrying out grave violations against children with impunity,” said Khaled Quzmar, DCIP’s general director. “It is deplorable that a proven and strong evidence-based accountability tool to protect children during armed conflict has been significantly undermined in an effort to shield Israel from accountability.”
The United Nations was originally founded for one specific reason — to create an international “authority” that could “legally” recognize the establishment of the State of Israel using land confiscated from the Palestinian people.
Most people following US politics already know that the AIPAC lobby is by far the most powerful official organization influencing all levels of US policy.
But to publicly acknowledge this fact would get you instantly labelled an “antisemite”.
While many Americans are hungry and unemployed, the US government continues sending billions to Israel every year.
It should not surprise anyone that the U.N. turns a blind eye to the atrocities that are daily committed against the Palestinians — the U.N. is there to ensure that the genocide will not be televised.
I wonder how many people understand that the U.S. is not, and never has been, a member of the UN. Yet we are the largest contributor, and have the most influence. I wonder if anyone even cares, despite the ramifications…?
John McKend
According to the UN Members listing the US has been a member since 24-10-45. I know they didn’t join the League of Nations. They’re on the Security Council and have been for a number of years. They voted in favor of admitting Israel to the UN.