James Reardon, 20, was being held on $250,000 bond on Sunday on charges of aggravated menacing and online harassment, according to records from the Mahoning County Sheriff’s Office, for allegedly threatening a local jewish community center in Youngstown, Ohio:
Authorities found weapons, ammunition, body armor and a gas mask at his house, local media reported.
Reardon was arrested in his hometown of New Middletown late on Friday after investigators became aware of a post on Instagram that appeared to threaten the Jewish Community Center of Youngstown, according to a statement from the Youngstown Area Jewish Foundation.
A user named “ira_seamus” uploaded a video in July showing a man shooting what looked like a semi-automatic rifle, with the sound of screaming and sirens audible over the gunfire. The caption read, “Police identified the Youngstown Jewish Family Community shooter as local white nationalist Seamus O’Rearedon.”
“We subsequently learned that ira_seamus was an online pseudonym for James Patrick Reardon,” Andy Lipkin, the Jewish federation executive vice president, said in a statement. Lipkin said he and other federation officials stayed in “constant contact” with local authorities and the FBI on Friday evening while arranging for increased security at the JCC and other area facilities….
Other posts on the Instagram account included anti-Semitic and racist comments, according to WYTV, a local ABC affiliate in Youngstown.
Reardon participated in the violent white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017, the station reported.
“This is a person that has declared himself as a white nationalist,” the police chief in New Middletown, Vincent D’Egidio, told the station. “With the hate crimes and everything else going on, we want to make sure we do our part to make sure we did our part to make sure this person was taken off the streets very quickly.”
This case is obviously going to be used to justify new draconian “Red Flag” or “Minority Report” laws where police will begin arresting people before they’ve committed any crimes, and apparently just calling yourself a “White nationalist” is now enough to give the FBI justification to monitor your activities, legal or otherwise. It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that Reardon just handed the Cheka at the ADL the justification they’ve been looking for to justify the suspension of the U.S. Constitution.
Jewish watchdogs in the media love these cartoonish White nationalists because it is so easy to make them look like mentally unstable and violent social misfits, which is exactly what this clown Reardon appears to be. And if he thinks he’s going to help “make America great again” by threatening Jews and wishing that America will one day magically turn White again, he’s greatly mistaken.
America was a great nation when it still insisted on being Christian — not “judeo-Christian” but rather un-hyphenated, unapologetically Christian.
When Americans arrogantly decided sometime in the 1960s that America could still be a great nation and a White nation without being Christian, they basically handed this nation over to its enemies on a silver platter, just as Reardon has done as he sits in his jail cell.
Too many people focusing on divide and conquer issues. The focus on the “bad” aspects of white nationalism is overlooking the fact that most of you aren’t even identifying this as a probable false flag operation with the perp being a jew. The lack of familiarity with their facial features and their mixing with whites is a huge problem. See the modus operandi is always the same. This event can be used to justify stealing more money for security for these Jewish centers. They had an Israeli pull this stunt many times over a few years ago.
I’m seeing madness spewed in the messages here. You want a racially homogenous nation then it’s as simple as setting that goal and maintaining that attitude. The weak pastors across the nation,many of whom are judeo-masons, have been a major force in creating this mess. Universalist ideology removes the notion of separateness based on race.
Keep falling for Jewish staged events intended to keep people from realizing that white nationalists are not stupid enough to do the sort of fruitless actions reported above. The gullible nature of people is as bad as when they stage these fake shootings.
This article was well-spoken. These Jewish groups are very SMUG after this incident. Reardon gave them exactly what they wanted, “on a silver platter”. Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if Reardon attended the JCC which he threatened (lol). Of course, this all begs to question: Why do Jews have their own private “Community Centers” ? That’s the issue which everyone has overlooked. The media was so anxious to use the term “White Nationalist”, that they never bothered to identify JCC’s for what they are. Jews are quasi-separatists. Ultra Nationalists. Duel Loyalty Israel first. Jews also have their own private Jewish schools, Jewish summer camps, JCC’s, and daycare centers for Jewish children only. The reason is because Jews don’t want their families mingling with Black kids.
“White Supremacists” with Nuclear WMDs? We Know Where This is Heading”
“Originally the article was titled “White Supremacists Want a Nuclear Weapon,” but that probably sounded too ludicrous for most people, so it was changed to “White Supremacists Want a Dirty Bomb,” which might seem more believable.”
It’s headed exactly in the direction as was stated by luke2236 and Connelly.
This very well may be a ‘plant’ ; he’s almost too good [for the jew] to be true… And WHY is he in jail when that gook-ette at the jew york slimes openly calls for white genocide and sterilisation, blacks do the same daily, marxists threaten public officials and their children threatening to kill them, etc etc?!?
Either way, make no mistake, (((they))) are sending their goons for your guns and for YOU white man!
Rules for Whites and other rules for everyone else. Jews don’t know what it’s like to play on a level playing field, which is why they are masters at stacking the deck, and at handicapping horse races.
There is nothing wrong with being a white nationalist…as long as you have a tempered demeanor and a moral compass. Problem is, most WNs are WNs because, while they don’t like the yoke of the jew, they seem to despise servitude to their Father as much, if not more, leading them away from their proper Christian walk, which is the ONLY way to regain a homogenously white nation again…
Right, and that’s why White Nationalism is doomed, not only because they lack a true “moral compass,” but also because they simply will not accept the undeniable fact that if they refuse to humble themselves and be ruled by Christ, they are destined to be ruled by Jews, no matter how “Jew-wise” they claim to be.
And in every sense of the word, no one can truly be judged “Jew-wise” unless their knowledge is tempered by the Scriptures and guided by a Christian heart. Anyone else is just full of jew trivia and will never prevail against (((them))), not fully understanding (((their))) true nature…