A Canadian human rights group has received a letter of thanks from Ursula Haverbeck, the German grandmother who will be spending her 91st birthday in prison for daring to challenge the Jewish Version of World War II:
Today I have received a letter from the brave campaigner from Truth in History, Ursula Haverbeck. Ursula expresses her astonishment and thanks for the amazing number of letters and cards of support that she receives from Britain and from France, and indeed from the whole world. In her letter to me Ursula H. singles out her specific thanks to Michele R. and to Peter R.
Let me repeat here, that letters and cards of support are a God-send to every brave and honourable patriot locked up in a narrow prison cell mixed in together with anti-social types and criminals, and isolated from the world and friendly faces – that’s prison, and in this nightmare “modern” world many of the prisoners will be Third-world criminals with Third-world personal habits.
All the more reason to send a friendly, cheerful card or letter, (which does not have to bear the address of the sender) to our brave Ursula:
Frau Ursula Haverbeck, JVA Bielefeld-Brackwede, Umlostrasse 100, D-33649, Germany.
Note on a related matter: The Jewish community in Bielefeld has raised its objections to a parade through the town, which friends and supporters of our Ursula have planed for next month, to commemorate her 91st birthday, that the astoundingly vigorous Ursula Haverbeck will “celebrate” in the Bielefeld prison (JVA).
The Jewish accusation that the Germans allegedly murdered 6 million Jews during a brief two and a half year period in World War II is tantamount to a “blood libel,” and these false accusations have never been allowed to be publicly debated or refuted by the accused Germans.
All Christians should be aware that Satan is the “false accuser”.
Ursula Haverbeck has decided to do just that: defend the German people against this false blood libel.
The Jews have literally made it an imprisonable offense to challenge any aspect of their spurious claims of genocide, so much so that even if you are telling the truth, you will still go to prison, as if you are a character in a novel by the Jewish writer Franz Kafka.
As you can see below from watching the “offensive” and “illegal” interview with Ursula Haverbeck which landed her in prison, she can prove every single fact she brings up with documented proof that would indeed stand up in court and would be accepted by any credible historian of World War II.
This Orwellian nightmare that Haverbeck is living is proof that the Jews themselves are responsible for “antisemitism”, as this kind of ruthless form of oppression will always create resentment against Jews, which may in some cases boil over into violence, which, despite all their protestations, they welcome as it becomes prima facie evidence that even more draconian repression and punishment is necessary to silence their “antisemitic” critics.
I do not care if you are a great grammatical Olympian or spelling aficionado. Hell, if you can press the trigger, you my hero. Wake up, not all have gifts nor an education of the classical order. Suffer till the kingdom comes….
Thank you for the article. I tried to first find this video on YouTube but I couldn’t find it. All Catholics should know that the holocaust is the biggest fraud in the history of the world. Pius XII never condemned a holocaust because none existed; Had it existed, he would have been the most loud voice in condemning it.
German Bishops more than twice asked the Pope to refrain from his accusations of nazism because his comments could make the lives of Catholics in Germany a lot worst. And contrary to what academia says, Catholics were always the biggest victims of nazism, not Jews.
I could detail here the many undeniable facts in how the holocaust never happened or even demonstrate that the entire version of it is distorted and eve reversed since WW1 and WW2 were both engineered by international jewry with the goal of creating Israel….but I’ll finish telling you that I got inside a file 236 Jewish quotes all mentioning the figure ‘6 million’…all before 1939!! Many are from the beginning of the 20th century, many from during WW1, and the rest before 1939.
Now you see, the goal of gradually populate Palestine in order to later establish a Jewish state in Palestine, was born out of the First Zionist Congress in Basle, Switzerland, 1897! My friends, Google all this if you want, but I tell you that already in the 19th century, international jewry already knew a revolution in Russia would happen, a world war would come and even a Peace Conference.
For those who might not know, this peace conference was debated and decided by jews coming from different nations. Its them with their enormous wealth [out of exploiting others through usury♧ who own politicians. They either buy, bribe or blackmail them…they control all parties across the political spectrum and elections exist to create the illusion of democracy. Even the term democracy is a big deception, since it comes out of Plato’s “The Republica”, a dictatorship!!!
A Democracy is now currently defined in Europe as a ‘country run by Jews’.
Does anyone have her prison address?
Yes, according to the canadianfreespeech.com cited above, her prison address is:
Frau Ursula Haverbeck
JVA Bielefeld-Brackwede
Umlostrasse 100, D-33649
I missed her birthday but I’m still wanting to write to Frau Haverback. Should I avoid any mention of her work, the truth, etc. in the letter or do you think it’s OK to include that? (Without inflammatory language of course! Tastefully.)
I don’t want to get her into any trouble, or myself, or risk the prison denying her the letter. Please advise?
Honestly, a short, heartfelt note extolling her Christian bravery, reminding her she is not alone, will be plenty, as it will help renew her spirit and avoid any unnecessary complications for both of you 😉
The jewish writer Paul Eisen in his essay “My Life As A Holocaust Denier” explained why the Jews invented the Holocaust myth:
“There is a probability that a lie of massive proportions is being peddled big-time and savagely enforced….[It] is being used to oppress pretty much all of humankind….The Holocaust oppresses the entire non-Jewish world and indeed much of the Jewish world as well. Stand and have done with it. Deny the Holocaust.”
—Paul Eisen, “My Life As A Holocaust Denier,” January 2008
If the devil’s vermin can mistreat our old people in this way, we must be equally ruthless “when the time comes” to arrest and imprison (((them))) for their PROVEN crimes against Humanity.
It goes against Human Nature, but we have to lock them up and throw the keys away, regardless of age or infirmity. Give them a taste of their own medicine. Even the “innocent” (if there are any innocent jews, which I doubt) should be locked up for the rest of their miserable, worthless lives in the same way that they simply declare ALL White People automatically guilty of “crimes” which, in most cases, never even happened.
No though. It’s not the White way or the Christian way. We just aren’t capable of such evil.
We MUST break their financial monopoly though. That’s the source of their power.
The obsession with race seems to divert from the REAL problem- the fake money hegemon [the money is fake, the hegemony is real. I call it the hegemoney]
Fake money is created by an alien race. Fake money is a racial problem, too.
Exactly. All problems come down to the same fundamental issue. Racial separation. But the jews and their minions will forever hold animosity towards the white race, as per Gen. 3:15, and always seek to infect us with their presence. The only way to keep them out of our lives, nations, and societies is to become a true follower of the teachings of Christ…to follow the laws of our Father as set forth in the Scriptures. Christ is the only way.
I’m a fan of the “one and done”.
One time, just one time, when the time is right, we set aside the compassion that has both made us great as a people and been our downfall.
We take care of business — and get on with our lives as we used to be.
One and done.
“It is no exaggeration when I say that the majority of all Auschwitz propaganda, which was spread at that time all over the world, was written by ourselves in the camp. We carried out this propaganda [for] the world public until our very last day of presence in Auschwitz.”
—Bruno Baum, jewish President of East Germany, Communist, inmate, at Auschwitz, as quoted from his 1949 Memoir
The Holocaust Industry by Norman Finkelstein, excellent read.
PJ and m.g….
Fell asleep on your watch, I see (if it is indeed yours to have). Guess you never heard of Earnst Zundel, Ezra Pound, or David Irving? I bet Rip van Winkle is more up on current events than you two are. SMH
Sounds like “fake news” negative neo-nazi peopaganda . . .
Although I can not imagine anyone being jailed for stating an opinon, no matter how vile some might consider it to be, please do not be fooled by the intent of the article which is antisemitism. It truly is vital that people – if they do not already – recognize it is necessary to differentiate between Judaism (religion and culture) and trouble-making political zionists who come in all shapes sizes and religions.
Case in point:
“This Orwellian nightmare that Haverbeck is living is proof that the Jews themselves are responsible for “antisemitism”” [Trying to blame Jews for what political zionists say and do which is what happened in the 30s in Germany too.]
“The Jews have literally made it an imprisonable offense to challenge any aspect of their spurious claims of genocide, so much so that even if you are telling the truth, you will still go to prison, as if you are character in a novel by the Jewish writer Franz Kafka.” [Trying to blame Jews for what political zionists say and do which is what happened in the 30s in Germany too.]
Most Jews support the zionist variety of Jews, and all the misdeeds of Zionism. THis is why people group them together. Make Sense?
Just so everyone knows Ursula’s birthday is celebrated on the 8th of November, please try and send a card its the least you can do for this brave lady.
Knowing the Truth will never come from the Jewish Zionist Cabal, this is most likely cheap Propaganda?
How do you know when a zionist Jew is lying? The lips are moving.
I respect this woman. What a champion for the truth. She will receive her reward in heaven. If I could give her a hug I would.
God bless Ursula Haverbeck. She puts our white men to shame for not doing what she is doing. ‘Allowing’ a 92 year old woman to go to jail for the actions and courage our men should be exhibiting is a prime example of where our faith, our Christianity, is at as a people. No wonder (((they))) do as they please…
So what WN puts themselves out there like this to stand up for truth, rather than what they see as good for them? How many land in jail for simply speaking the truth, and not for doing something ‘unwise’? This selfless behavior on the part of Ursula is Christian behavior through and through, and this is the shining example we all need to follow, because if we all stood up and did this…what could (((they))) do???
Precisely; would a number of us – ‘critical mass’ – do the same thing, we would be unstoppable. In amerika, we can, and do…so far. But even here, it is becoming risky. In Europe…we see what happens. Get the truth out before (((they))) “outlaw” it even further.
God bless this woman!
And send her a birthday card!
I agree.. it’s getting this bad in America. They will fight and kill people to cover up the Holocaust lie.
no in america people do nothing but stupid counterproductive things which prevent the rise of legitimate nationalism, nothing more at all. where is this “unstoppable” force you speak of? i only see rockwell mentality white trash helping to get speech and gun restrictions passed the same as the trash 1488 crowd did with hate crime laws previously. a jewish controlled opposition like the “movement” only tells the truth to make the truth look bad and only helped the race it claims to resist. pathetic how none of you have the brainpower to put 2 and 2 together. show me one thing this controlled opposition movement has done for the race.
all of the talk in the world means little when when a bunch of retards inspired by rockwell only use them to taint ideas and hold back progress to the benefit of our enemies.
…says the person with grammar so poor, it’s nearly impossible to decipher your point. Lots of finger pointing and obviously false accusations, with the typical lack of any substantial answers to present…just the kind of scholarship (((they))) love to see!