Rabbi Marc Schneier, rabbi of the wealthy Hamptons Synagogue and the head of the Foundation for Ethnic Understanding, an organization that promotes Jewish-Islamic “ties”, is working hard to soft sell Islam’s image to evangelical Christians in America, by taking advantage of their enthusiastic support for Israel:
Saudi Arabia and Bahrain believe the road to US evangelicals runs through the Jews….
“I’ve been asked by the Saudis and the Bahrainis to help create a relationship between them and the Evangelical community in the US,” [Rabbi Schneier] said in an interview in Jerusalem on a lengthy stopover to and from the Gulf States, adding that this is a recognition on their part of how influential the Evangelical community is in the US.”
Schneier, who sits on the board of a number of interfaith institutes set up over the last decade by five of the six Persian Gulf emirates, said this interest in the Evangelical community is a new phenomenon “over the last few months, after [US President Donald] Trump. You cannot ignore estimates that there are between 80 to 100 million Christian Evangelicals [in the US]. They are Trump’s base of support.”
Schneier said that in March he will be leading a group of top Evangelical pastors from the US to Baku, Azerbaijan. Just as Evangelicals are pro-Israel, Schneier said, Azerbaijan is a pro-Israel Muslim state. “So if you are going to begin a process of reconciliation between Evangelicals and Muslims, the best country to begin with is Azerbaijan.”
Schneier, who has been involved in interfaith dialogues for years, said that a “growing conflict in the inter-religious world is the chasm between Evangelical Christians and Muslims, particularly in the United States.”
He said that while there are definitely political considerations involved in the Persian Gulf states’s interest in ties with the Evangelicals, “I think there are also inter-religious considerations. I think they are genuinely concerned about presenting Islam in a very different way.”
Schneier was named earlier this month as named a special adviser to Bahrain’s King Hamad bin Isa Al Khalifa, with a dual mandate of advising him in the building of a new interfaith center in Manama, and helping him “grow and preserve” Bahrain’s Jewish community.
Currently, Schneier said, there are 37 Jews in the kingdom. Schneier said that after he accepted the appointment, he told Khalifa, “Your Majesty, one thing I guarantee you, if you establish relations with Israel, you’ll have so many Jews here you won’t know what to do with them.”
Schneier predicted that Bahrain will formally establish relations with Israel within the year.
…Another widely held misconception, Schneier said, is that the driving force behind the Persian Gulf’s interest in ties with Israel is the Iranian threat. Rather, he maintained, the main motivation has to do with the economy.
“Many of these Gulf States are facing an existential threat economically, in terms of the lowered demand for oil,” he said. “How many times have I heard from the Saudi and Qatari leadership, and others, ‘Rabbi, with our wealth and Israel’s brain trust and technology, we could build the most powerful region in the world today.
“They have two existential concerns, the economic concern and challenge, and the Iranian threat,” he continued. “Because of that they are moving closer to Israel, and because of that they are focused on intensely cementing their relationship with the United States and with the Trump administration – and the outreach to the Evangelical community helps cement that.”
Jews have used Muslim Arabs to undermine White Christian nations for the last 1,500 years, and they continue to use this highly successful “business arrangement” even today to soften up Christians natural resistance to Islam, which aims to destroy all Christians, whom they consider “infidels” who worship a pagan idol, Jesus Christ. Christianity is antithetical to Islam and Judaism, and any capitulation to these ideologies would be disastrous.
Christians evangelicals in time will find out the hard way that their support of the jewish State of Israel, and Jews in general, will cost them dearly with their blind support of the genocide of the Palestinians, and a widening conflagration in the Middle East, over which the Israelis dream of complete control using the U.S. military as their proxy army. If the Jews can convince Christians to soften their stance against Islam, they will ultimately be putting their collective heads on the chopping block, which would please the Jews to no end.
Interfaith is one of the avenues used as a jew/freemason attempt to compel the entire people in the world [Even atheists and agnostics] into forced noahide status, with a capital punishment threat for non-compliance. The rainbow that many of those interfaith sites use signify that. All Freemasons already are considered to be Noahides and those jewish-dhimmi’s work with jews to impose it onto the rest of the people. The Muslim nations are led by Freemasons, and most have been for some time. This is an important link below which shows about the Freemason noahides. [Scroll down at the site to the year 1738, and thereafter for the most important parts].
“The Old Charges of the Free and Accepted Masons: Charge 1 – Concerning G-d and Religion.
“A Mason is obliged by his tenure to observe the moral law as a true Noachida*; and if he rightly understands the Craft, he will never be a stupid Atheist nor an irreligious Libertine, nor act against conscience. In ancient Times, the Christian Masons were charged to comply with the Christian usages of each country where they traveled or worked; being found in all nations, even of divers religions. They are generally charged to adhere to that religion in which all men agree (leaving each brother to his own particular opinion); that is, to be good men and true, men of honour and honesty, by whatever names, religions, or persuasions they may be distinguished; for they all agree in the three great Articles of Noah, enough to preserve the cement of the lodge. Thus Masonry is the Center of Union, and the happy means of conciliating persons that otherwise must have remained at a perpetual distance.”
*Noachidae or Sons of Noah was the first name of Masons according to old traditions.”
“Government Leaders Encourage Adherence to the Seven Noahide Laws”
“Other world leaders have joined the call for further observance and knowledge of these laws. For example, Herman Van Rompuy, President of the European Union wrote (in July, 2014) that he seeks greater “dissemination of the universal values known as the Noahide laws” and Major General Michael Jeffery, Governor General of Australia, lamenting family breakdowns and drug and alcohol abuse in modern society in a 2008 letter wrote that he believed that observing the fundamental values of the Noahide Laws can be an antidote to such ills of society.”
I almost respect these other religions more. C’mon, where is Christianity?
“Inter-faith dialogue” always involves Christians compromising their beliefs to accommodate jewish subversion. What has light in common with darkness? Christians should never “dialogue” with the devil.
(((Shcneier)))…look at that rat faced… LOL
Since the majority of ‘evangelical’ Christians only read a handful of verses from the Bible to justify their modern ‘christian beliefs’, it comes as no surprise that they gladly try to walk hand in hand with God and Satan, considering that which is evil, good, and good, evil. If they knew anything about the two verses I just paraphrased, maybe they’d be more awake to the obvious satanic treachery.
They’ll probably succeed. Evangelicucks are probably the most gullible people on the planet.
The idea that Muslims and Christians can peacefully co-exist in the same countries is a fundamental absurdity. They are mortal enemies, and no amount of jewish propaganda can change that fact. There will be an ultimate showdown, and it won’t be pretty, as Revelation foretells.
This makes perfect sense for the jew; in fact, it’s always been the case, they’re just now coming ‘above ground’. islam is a creation of the jew; not only was muhammed illiterate [and a paedophile, a thief, etc etc], but his followers were – and for a large part still are, functionally, so. research it a bit – have to get past joogle, but it’s pretty clear that [[[they]]] ‘created’ islam.
The jew created islam to raise a huge body of mindless soldiers against white Christian people. Again, this is normal ; the jew seldom does their own fighting, instead duping other idiotic groups to do it for them . [see WW 1 and 2 for example] The koran is based mainly on the talmud; notice the similarities – paedophilia and all sorts of other perversions normalised, murder of anyone who disagrees, theft of property and currency, relegation of women to mere vessels of sperm and slaves, etc etc.
ya know…if the muslim hates the jew so badly, why is it that muslim terror attacks are usually on white folk? why aren’t muslims constantly attacking jews? Why aren’t they more active in Palestine? Why aren’t they attacking synagogues [of satan]? Why aren’t they attacking banks? jewish country clubs? etc
Wake up sheeple.