“Attacks on small businesses by vegan activists are on the rise, according to the Countryside Alliance.
Death threats, stoked by social media and encouraged by international groups of activists, have caused butchers and farmers to “live in fear.”
Marlow Butchers, in, Ashford, Kent, was targeted earlier this month by activists who daubed red paint on the doors and windows of the shop.”
“Tim Bonner, Chief Executive of the Countryside Alliance told The Telegraph: “There’s been an escalation of attacks on butchers, markets, and even abattoirs and it’s an extension of animal rights campaigns we have seen around other areas, using the same tactics including online abuse.”
Veganism isn’t merely a dietary choice–it’s become a fanatical religion whose adherents believe that they have the moral right–and obligation–to physically attack anyone who disagrees with them. After all, meat eaters are “fascists”, and violence is acceptable as long as it resists any form of “fascism”.
Most objective research has shown that veganism is a very unhealthy diet as it lacks essential vitamins and minerals available only through eating a well-balanced diet that includes animal products–and this is made clear in the Bible. Without a proper diet, vegans are probably more prone to mental and emotional imbalances, which result in violence directed at their perceived “enemies”, such as the local butcher.
Paul O'Donohoe
According to some activist Chris Dorsey eating meat is against gods wishes here is what he said ” Chris Dorsey II
Eating flesh is prohibited by God for the people of God. Eating animals is disgusting and drinking puss filled milk from tortured animals is disgusting. So he is also saying drinking milk is bad , so he is also twisting the bible too .
I dont eat meat but i respect those that choose to eat meat
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
This girl is saying eating meat is racist and anti semetic – and the reasoning she gives is absolutely nuts. These jews do want you to stop eating meat and start eating Israeli 3d printed fake meat and eat the bugs: https://twitter.com/LeoKearse/status/1645689277001367558?s=20
Paul Michael O'Donohoe
this cult of vegan cult of climate change based on pseudo science walter mitty land , upon reading this i all ready knew what the motivation is upon reading articles about creation of lab grown 3d printed fake meat by israeli start up companies so cue the climate change hysterics propaganda and puppet greta psy op to lay on the fearmongering oh cow farts contribute to climate change increase in greenhouse gases both are nonsense as greta the rothschild puppet will not tell you about cloudseeding, chemtrails project storm fury, operation popeye , the dangers of 5g which was developed in israel , greta is a crisis actress playing a role the use of a child used to play on your emotions even my guilable sister has been taken in by gretas fearmongering lies . uk farmers farming uninions ought to wise up to whats going on and the wicked policy by uk gov on behalf of israel to demonise meat livestock industry to benefit israeli companies at the expense of uk farmers and uk based companies , bird flu yet another psy op to attack farmers blaming wild birds culling poultry for some bio security nonsense , if farmers had any sense they would ban government officials from their lands if they only knew how foot and mouth was a lab created bio agent that was released probably affecting local area mass slaughter of livestock followed and barmy restrictions that damaged many country economies causing some businesses to either suffer or close down but the real cost is in uk farming many farmers were ruined many suicided themselves over government corruption and bio weapons labs like pirbright , ecoli was another lab created bio agent sprayed on target areas when people got sick infected meat was blamed farmers affected via government lies , so this action also by media fueling the cult of vegan benefits israeli companies https://newatlas.com/science/worlds-first-industrial-lab-grown-meat-facility-israel/ https://plantbasednews.org/lifestyle/food/israeli-start-up-3d-printed-meat-alternatives/ https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2021/dec/08/worlds-largest-lab-grown-steak-unveiled-by-israeli-firm https://www.wired.co.uk/article/israel-fake-meat https://www.timesofisrael.com/israeli-developer-of-3d-printed-plant-based-meat-pulls-in-135-million/#:~:text=Israeli%20startup%20Redefine%20Meat%2C%20a,with%20restaurants%20and%20eateries%20worldwide. https://vegconomist.com/food-and-beverage/meat-and-fish-alternatives/israel-more-foods-creating-next-gen-alt-meat-from-upcycled-seeds/ i tried this vegan food and its bland they mask the blandness with chemicals and other fillers , vegan products tend to give me an upset stomach
I wonder how much longer we’ll have to wait for the devil to take it’s loyal subject “George Soros” (not his birth name) back to hell.