(Israel National News) Israeli Actor Harel Noff has produced a video warning diaspora Jews that Europe is ‘doomed’ and that they should emigrate to Israel “before it is too late“:
To all my Jewish blood brothers out there in Europe, wherever you are: For 2,000 years, we’re hated, despised, humiliated, demonized, persecuted, pogromized, and yes, even murdered, while longing, wishing for an independent homeland. The promised land of Israel and Jerusalem.
“So get this: We made it! We’re here! And the question is, why aren’t you? Is your life out there in Europe that jolly and delightful? Is it? Is it worth being there rather than here?
“Can’t you acknowledge that Europe is rapidly changing for the worst and is no longer safe for its Jews? That you must hide your identity for your own safety! Is this the life you wish for your children?
“Our politicians may not be able to tell you what I’m about to because of their delicate give-and-take relations and interests between governments. But I can. Because I don’t owe them a thing.
“So please, listen to me. Europe is doomed. Doomed. Doomed. Leave. Evacuate. A.S.A.P. And come to Israel. Come home. We need you here, and you need us. We’re a growing nation, and together our light will soon shine upon the world bright and clear.
So far their plan to get Jews to emigrate en masse to Israel has failed miserably. The Jews have admitted they’ve aided and abetted the flood of Third World migrants into Europe, knowing full well that these migrants include millions of ‘antisemtic’ Muslims, who now openly attack Jews all across Europe, making them feel ‘unsafe’, and yet they refuse to leave and go to Israel as planned.
Jews are not really Israelites — they are atheistic Khazar — and Israel is not their homeland.
They are a nomadic, parasitical people who must live off affluent White nations — i.e., Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. It’s much more likely they may have to work in Israel.
Jews really don’t like other Jews; they constantly kvetch about each other, and if they live in Israel, there is no way to avoid their fellow Jews.
Jews prefer to kvetch about the goyim, upon whom they can blame all their problems. The ‘Holocaust’ gives all diaspora Jews a “Get Out Of Jail Free Card” that doesn’t carry the same weight in Israel.
Jews feel more comfortable in racially diverse countries, even if they have to deal with ‘antisemitic’ arabs now and then which they would have to deal with in Israel anyway.
If the Zionists truly want to create a huge migration of Jews into Israel, not just pedophiles escaping prosecution, they are going to have to do a better job making another fake Holocaust seem imminent, or actually start one.
Why would any Jew in Europe move to Israel which is allegedly being threatened with a nuclear Holocaust from Iran? They need to get their propaganda machine more consistent. Too many double-minded mixed messages to make aliyah appealing.
Those at the very top of International Jewry (Rothschilds, et. al.), the ones behind the project known as Israel NEVER HAD ANY INTENTION OF ALL JEWS MOVING TO ISRAEL. That was never desired, was never deemed necessary. That is only the Public Relations position (Israel will become the homeland for jews) that was used against us White nations in order to support it.
The jew religion promises them a messiah (king) who will come and reestablish a powerful state of Israel (Make Israel Great Again) the result of which will be that it will rule the world, with all other nations bowing to it, paying tribute to it (financially supporting all jews so they don’t have to work). The Zionists were jews who got tired of waiting for the past 2,500 years for that to happen, and so came up with the idea that they could fulfill this “prophecy” by having the jewish people collectively be its own prophecized messiah by reestablishing Israel themselves. BTW, when religious jews internationally oppose Israel and Zionism, the only thing they’re opposing is the perceived hubris of these jews trying to do an end run around the predicted requirement rather than wait for intervention from their god and his decision that jews as a people proven themselves worthy enough. They are not opposing the idea of jewish global hegemony, merely the method to bring it about.
As to the warning referenced in the excellent article above that jews should flee Europe, I suggest it has nothing to do with any belief among jews that they all must move to Israel, and nothing to do with a claimed rise of anti-jew sentiment in Europe, especially among the flood of muslim migrants.
Rather, the jews at the top intend for World War 3 to kick off very shortly, within the next couple of years between America and Russia and it is meant to devastate both countries as much as possible, including battleground Europe. So that really, this is jews warning their fellow jews to flee a Europe that will soon see death of a mass scale due to a devastating major war, the starvation and privation that results.
Hold it… this guy must be some sort of naahtzeee…I mean hey – wanting jews to leave Europe?!? Thats all the National Socialists wanted. So why isnt the bozo in the video being prosecuted for hate crimes, antisemitism and encouraging genocide?!?
They won’t leave. Parasites can’t exist by sucking the lifeblood of other parasites.
They’re too lazy to work, but they want what WE create. That’s parasitism. That’s the jew (it’s also the negro, but it’s jews we’re talking about here).
Btw, there is NO geographic “Israel”. Israel is, and always was, a PEOPLE (the Noble White Race, followers of Christ), NOT a piece of land. The land the ashkenazi “jews” STOLE is rightly called PALESTINE.
The word “Israel” is not a part of my daily vocabulary because – referring to the pirate state – it’s a LIE. Instead I refer to occupied Palestine.
I usually never refer to “Israel” first. When I do refer to that litter box in the Middle East, I call it Itsalie or Israhell – if not both – either solely or as a precursor to actually saying “Israel” so there is NO DOUBT as to who I am referring
Must be nice to have an ethnic homeland to flee to after you’ve helped destroy the one you had been living in and making good money.
The nation that gave you so much, affordable education, lots of shekels anytime you cried anti-Semite, and always positive PR in the (((MSM))). Now that you’ve helped destroy those nations, its time to flee before it hits the fan.
They’re worried? Bloody great! A bit of karma given that they have destroyed virtually every White country.
Amazing that the jew has to fear-monger their own people to keep them in line with the whole ‘jewish group think’. Too many jews are becoming independent thinkers themselves and have no problem spitting on their own ‘official narrative’…even if it is solely because they themselves don’t feel enough personal benefit from the (((current agenda))).
God is gathering the seed of Cain to that land where He will destroy them. The Ashkenazim of Japheth, not Shem.
Peter, I’m not sure why you continue to insist that Ashkenazi Jews are “Japhethites”. They are not. Like everything they do, they stole the name Ashkenaz just like they stole the name Judah and Israel. All genetic tests show that the Ashkenazim are all seriously racially mixed, which refutes the idea that they can possibly be true Japhethites, who were originally White, just like Judah and Israel.
Why do you insist on believing that lie? If Jews were real Japhethites, their DNA would be the same as White Shemites because they had the same parents through Noah, who was “perfect in his generation”, or genealogy. Seriously, you are making a fundamental error by allowing Jews to steal that racial identity of Japheth and legitimate them somehow racially.
Noah gave a prophecy that Japheth would sit in Shems tent, which is what is happening today. I am not going to rehearse the whole story, but Ashkenaz was of Japheth and the Sephardic Jews of Spain found this ourt when they sent a letter to them after finding out there were a bunch of jews living in Ukraine.
The prophecy of Japheth dwelling in the tents of Shem has nothing to do with Jews living among us today. Jews are NOT Japheth. The early Japhethites who migrated up into Europe circa 2,000 B.C. or so were eventually absorbed into the later Shemite/Israelites (Scythian) migrations. That’s the fulfillment of Noah’s prophecy.
Jews, whether Sephardic or Ashkenazi, are race mixed mongrels, and any claim to Japhethite lineage is pure pretension and wishful thinking. You grant them racial legitimacy by repeating their lies. Jews lie about everything, except for this?
“The serpent seed” Noah and the Aryan race is through Seth.
7 pages listing the countries about to be destroyed by the “Powers-That-Be” and which countries will actually thrive after 2025:
The Khazars are responsible for the coming destruction of Europe…quit destroying it and your people can live in peace, the way they did before you started screwing everything up!
Too late for that. Despite the fact that the Bible is replete with the message completely contrary to your statement, our people have had to learn this lesson the hard way: There is no good jew. They will never live in peace with us. Where we go, they cannot. And sadly, we as a people have yet to fully learn the lesson. Our schooling will only be complete when (((they))) have finally over-extended themselves and Mystery Babylon falls, then our King returns.
“The antisemitic hoax hate crimes aren’t working, so jump ship before the goyim figure out what you’re doing and start throwing you in gas chambers for real this time.”
Yes, please…pack your sh!t and go. Despite the negative light cast upon the state of Israhell, your brethren have made remote controlled parasitism a reality. You don’t have to live in our backyard to suck us dry anymore. Please take whatever means necessary to transport all that you own to your own country, I’m sure I’m footing the bill…