(Front National Suisse) Here we present another eye-opening article from the revisionist site, Front National Suisse — we would encourage our readers to explore their unique archive of historical material that has been memory-holed for self-evident reasons.
You can read the original article on their website in French — or you can read it below translated in English.
Here we have a gut-wrenching glimpse into the belly of the Judeo-Bolshevik beast — the utter ruthlessness and depravity of the NKVD’s genocide against the Christian Ukrainians at Vinnitsa — documented with German precision and photographic detail for the world to see.
And, yes, the NKVD was dominated by Jews, as attested to by Nobel Prize-winning author, Alexander Solzhenitsyn in his last — and perhaps most important book — 200 Years Together.
In 1919, not only did The Jewish Chronicle confirm that Bolshevism was dominated by Jews but also that it was a manifestation of Judaism itself:
“There is much in the fact of Bolshevism itself, in the fact that so many Jews are Bolshevists, in the fact that the ideals of Bolshevism at many points are consonant with the finest ideals of Judaism.” (Jewish Chronicle, April 4, 1919)
While now every day, Jewry demands that we believe — just take their word for it — that they are the unparalleled, eternally suffering victims of mass murder at the hand of the “Nazis” and their alleged Christian “collaborators” in places such as Babi Yar — despite there being no documented proof of any such massacres of Jews anywhere near the indisputable evidence we have of the massacre at Vinnitsa, Ukraine.
One of the consequences of Operation Barbarossa — the German invasion of Russia — that the Soviets feared most was that the Germans would witness directly the indisputable evidence of the wholesale mass murder of the Christian populations under Soviet iron-fisted control.
In fact, what the invading German army saw was so shocking that they brought back the evidence and produced an exhibition in Berlin ironically called “Soviet Paradise” in 1942 — and in a desperate attempt to stop this devastating exposé of “life” under Bolshevism, a Jewish terror cell in Berlin bombed the exhibit, killing 6 and wounding countless other spectators.
And this so-called “Soviet Paradise” is exactly what the advancing German Wehrmacht witnessed — Jewish killing field after killing field — in Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, and Poland — over the entirety of eastern Europe. Had it not been for the German preemptive attack on Soviet Russia, this wholesale mass murder in the East would have no doubt continued in the West.
According to declassified documents by British intelligence agencies, the Bolsheviks and their fellow travelers invented the so-called “Holocaust” myth to deflect the world’s attention away from their own crimes in the East — such as “mobile gas execution vans” — and blame them on the “evil Nazis.” Their so-called Holocaust of Bullets™ in the East is another fanciful fabrication that they themselves orchestrated during “collectivization.”
The horror of Vinnitsa should be taught in every school — or in every Christian home. What’s past is prologue — and what happened at Vinnitsa awaits all Christian nations once the NKVD’s modern-day descendants consolidate their power over us — unless their ongoing crimes are exposed for all to see.
What we see here in the Vinnitsa tragedy is a fulfillment of Martin Luther’s prophetic warning from his 1543 book, On The Jews And Their Lies:
“If they had the power to do to us what we are able to do to them, not one of us would live for an hour. But since they lack the power to do this publicly, they remain our daily murderers and bloodthirsty foes in their hearts.”
“The Vinnitsa Tragedy“
The 9,439 bodies distributed in 95 graves were discovered in Vinnitsa during excavations carried out by the German occupation authorities between May 24 and October 3, 1943. Those shot by the local NKVD in 1937-1938 were buried in the central city park, in the orchard on the old Podlesnaya street and in the cemetery near the Khmelnitsky road.
“Sentences” Were Carried Out In The Prison Yard
Rumors of shooting spread in Vinnitsa in the fall of 1937. In 1937-1938, the NKVD arrested 40,000 people. Nearly 60% of them received the heaviest sentence. The lists of repressed persons were approved according to the “limit” given from above, and the cases were considered by the extrajudicial bodies – the “troikas”. They consisted of the secretary of the regional committee, the head of the regional department of the NKVD and the regional prosecutor.
For execution in the NKVD yard, prisoners, under the pretext of being transported to a place of exile, were taken from the city prison together with their personal belongings (in order not to arouse the suspicions of the personnel of the jail). They were shot with pistols. The bodies were then taken out and secretly buried in the city. During the burial, the personal belongings of those shot were thrown into the pit, over the corpses. The areas intended for collective burials, among the cemetery monuments, trees and bushes, were covered with high and thick wooden fences.

From the first days of the German occupation of Vinnytsia, the inhabitants learned of the mass shootings perpetrated in the city prison during the retreat of Soviet troops in 1941; the victims were mostly NKVD prisoners, whether local or brought from western Ukraine. Knowing this, people began to turn to the new authorities to ask them to clarify the situation in the city regarding the secret burials of the NKVD.
In April 1943, international commissions of experts examined the sites of mass graves of Polish POWs shot by the NKVD of the USSR in the Katyn Forest near Smolensk. Excavations have also been launched in Vinnitsa. Ernst Kaltenbrunner, head of the imperial security of the Third Reich, immediately authorizes the creation and dispatch of a team of forensic scientists to Vinnitsa. From May 24 to October 3, 1943, three German commissions and one international commission (composed of the best forensic doctors and pathologists from Belgium, Bulgaria, Finland, France, Italy, Croatia, the Netherlands, Romania, Sweden, Slovakia and Hungary) worked in the city to inspect mass grave sites.

The first investigative commission, chaired by the German professor Gerhard Schrader, was composed mainly of German pathologists and doctors, but it also included two doctors from the USSR — doctor Doroshenko and the professor of forensic medicine from the University of Krasnodar, Malinin. It was this commission that was responsible for the exhumation of the bodies, which took place until mid-June. Later, under the direction of Gerhardt’s deputy — Professor Karmer — this commission also established and described the condition of the bodies and the physical evidence found in the graves. The commission’s preliminary findings led to the invitation of an international commission, which included forensic experts from 11 European countries.

Besides the international experts, another German commission also visited Vinnitsa, consisting of 13 forensic experts from different German universities. Based on the physical evidence and exhumed bodies, the commissions conducted their own investigations. The international commission published its findings on July 15, 1943, and the German commission on July 29. The two commissions reached largely identical conclusions on the medical facts and the circumstances of the executions. Based on the reports of the medical commissions, the Germans also started criminal investigations. Two criminal commissions were created, which began interviewing witnesses among the local population. Testimonies were brought by relatives of the deceased,
In the spring and summer of 1943, under the supervision of an international commission, the graves of the victims of the NKVD in Vinnytsia were excavated in various places of the city (Gorky Park, Litinsky Shliah and the Old Cemetery)

To bind the hands, a factory rope of hemp fiber 6-8 millimeters in diameter and 1.20-1.30 meters in length was used in all cases. The technique for tying the hands was as follows: the victim’s hands were twisted backwards with the palms in different directions, then tied at the wrists in a double loop and the two ends of the rope, one above and one below, were drawn once more between the hands and tied tightly, so that each hand was in a separate loop. It was impossible to free the hands with such a noose.
They opened 95 graves containing the remains of 9,439 people shot as “enemies of the people”. The ground was dry everywhere, so the corpses were relatively well preserved. Most of those murdered wore only shirts and pants, their hands were usually tied behind their backs, and most had gags in their mouths. Many bodies showed signs of torture. Their faces were mutilated from the pressure (corpses were piled up). Some of the victims were thrown into the graves while still alive and died, pinned between the dead, by suffocation. There were 169 women among the dead. Experts have established unambiguously that the burials date from 1937-1939 and partly from later years.

One post includes a photo captioned,”The most horrible: the naked corpses of raped women.” The German Forensic Science Report is politically correct:
“What caught the eye was that many of the female bodies at the three sites were completely naked. Forty-nine of the 169 female bodies were found like this. According to the study, these were mostly young or middle-aged women, while all the corpses of dressed women were older.”

The dead lie in deep trenches, most often intertwined in a haphazard fashion, with some damaged by lime and chemical processes in the graves. Examination of the corpses also revealed that some of them bore signs of torture – broken teeth, broken bones.
Clothes, woks, dishes, bags of leftover meals and other personal effects were piled haphazardly on top of them. In the pockets of most of the clothes of the victims were found various objects and documents — search reports, certificates, photographs, wallets, glasses, etc. — which made it possible to identify many victims.

The removal of the corpses encountered a number of difficulties. In many graves — mainly in the garden — there was a layer of quicklime between the layer of clothing and the corpses. The corpses were sprinkled with it as they were buried to kill the stench of the corpses as they began to decompose. After a few years in the ground, the lime and upper corpses had coalesced into a solid mass. But in other graves that had not been filled with lime, digging up the corpses was not easy either. Most of the bodies were thrown into the pits in an uproar, and they lie there in great disorder, intertwined with each other. On top of that, under their own weight and under the weight of a two meter layer of earth, they were pressed against each other. They could only be removed very gently so as not to cause artificial damage. Only a large grave at the first dig site — in the garden — was stacked next to each other in great order. It is difficult to guess what prompted the executioners to place them in this order. It’s possible this was the first grave — and they hadn’t used the tumble “system” yet at the time.

No one was shot at the burial sites, except for a few people who were probably busy filling the pits containing the corpses with earth. This hypothesis is explained by the fact that some corpses were found at a much shallower depth than the bulk of the people buried, and that empty casings were rarely encountered during the excavations.

Nightmare For Loved Ones
The people of Vinnitsa — and the whole of Ukraine — were widely informed about the excavations. Relatives were asked to identify the “enemies of the people” who had been sentenced to 10 years “without the right of correspondence.” People came from all over, standing around the mass graves as the graves were opened, horrified to recognize their NKVD-murdered husbands, parents and children from their belongings and the documents they found.

An eyewitness N.Pushkarsky from Kiev says:
“At the excavation site and in front of the display cases, there were heartbreaking scenes, when a woman, having recognized her husband ‘exiled’ in a corpse began to cry loudly. Her tears spread to dozens of other people present, unhappy and afflicted. At the time, there were constant complaints of ‘military constructions’ and areas of the ‘Culture and Leisure Park.'”

Near the ruined graves, wires were stretched over the trees to hang the belongings of those killed.

It was not uncommon to find NKVD documents next to the remains. Photographs and documents were displayed in the center of the city — according to witnesses, in the windows of hotels, in the commission of inquiry itself — in the building of the Gestapo, today the SSU, and in the editorial staff of the Vinnitsky visti newspaper.

Local women identified 468 bodies of their husbands and sons by distinctive clothing. Another third of the victims — 202 bodies — were identified thanks to the documents found.

Eyewitnesses still remember the stench that hangs over this part of town. Weeping relatives, who thought their loved ones were missing, wandered nauseously through the horrific exhibit, trying to find someone they knew.

“I went there twice,” recalls Maria Shevchenko, 83, from the village of Sobolivka in the Teplitsa district. The first time was in June, as soon as the excavations began, and the second time , at the beginning of October, when I fled to my parents in Vinnitsa so as not to be taken to Germany for work. The first time I went there with my friend, Galya Golovko, who died four years ago. I I was 18 at the time, and Galya was 17. We were looking for her father — he was a fitter in a sugar factory. town.”

“What we saw is terrible,” Mariya Shevchenko does not hold back. “The dug graves are large and square. Our prisoners of war removed the corpses and piled them up. There were 150 to 200 people in a pit. The bodies were covered with lime from above. And on top of the graves swings, grass grew. In the park, ropes were stretched between the trees and clothes were hung. The women walked between the rows and recognized clothes, corpses. Screams, sighs, tears. In the windows, where the airport counter is today, the documents found in the tombs were exhibited.”

Galina Golovko did not find her father’s body. She only identified the bedspread her mother gave her when he was arrested.
“We recognized the midwife of our village by her hair,” adds Maria Shevchenko. “She had two long and very beautiful braids. She was around 40 years old. Why was she killed? Maybe because she was Polish. Galya and I were approached by a correspondent from “Vinnitsa Vesti” who introduced himself as Apollon Trembovetsky. But we were afraid of missing the train, so we didn’t talk to him. And those with whom he spoke and whose names were printed were shot afterwards.”

Among the 679 identified corpses — including 20 women — there were 490 Ukrainians, 28 Poles, and 161 nationalities could not be determined.

N. Pushkarski asks, “Who were these victims? Representatives of the pre-revolutionary privileged classes? Landlords? Generals? Factory owners? Capitalists? The answer to this question is provided by the identification registers of the first identified corpses. Here are the results :
-peasants: 212
-workers: 62
-clerks: 51
-intellectuals: 26
-military: 16
-priests: 4
“All of them are residents of Vinnitsa, which suggests that similar graves can be found in every regional center — and there are more than a hundred in the USSR.”

Georgi Aleksandrov wrote in his essay “I Was In Vinnitsa” in 1948, “Even German shoemakers were shocked by a Ukrainian peasant woman’s request to return her husband’s coat — a coat that had lain in the grave with the corpse for six years — in order to sew it into a warm garment for her children undressed and naked, as had been left by the Soviet authorities, who had killed their father and abandoned the children to the Germans. “Future historians of the great Stalinist era! Write down in your annals this appalling petition from a simple Ukrainian!”

Findings Of The Committee
On November 16, 1943, the German commission sent its “final report on the results of the forensic investigation into the mass murders in Vinnitsa” to Berlin. It describes in detail the burial and the number of remains found. Under the heading “Results of the examination of the bodies,” it is noted, “had gags in their mouths. However, the women’s bodies, with a few exceptions, were unbound.”

Forensic examination revealed gunshot wounds to the back of most bodies’ necks. Double wounds were the most common, although there were instances of three and four shots on the victim.”

Media Reaction
Newspapers from Ukraine and many European countries covered the event. For example, a Milanese newspaper wrote: “The mass graves near Vinnitsa are a terrible picture of Bolshevik inhumanity. More than 10,000 Ukrainians fell there, victims of Bolshevik terror, who were not red enough for the OGPU-NKVD executioners. The pinnacle of refined animal cruelty of the Bolsheviks was the fact that structures were built over the graves of the tortured for entertainment. And the children, unaware of this, amused themselves over the corpses of their own fathers.”

The Deutsche Ukraine Zeitung newspaper, in an article titled “NKVD Mass Murders Uncovered in Vinnitsa — New Evidence of Stalin’s Bloody Rule,” writes: “The murder of one’s own people is an integral part of the Bolshevik system — and it was not about the discovery of any secret, but only — the details of the methods and aims of an uneducated and nihilistic system whose condition prerequisite to existence is terror and the destruction of the population. The events in Vinnitsa are an example of what an inhumane regime is capable of, against which all European peoples must be protected.”

A different assessment came from Moscow. On August 12, 1943, the Bolshevik newspapers Pravda and Izvestia published a report from Sovinformbüro: “Berlin provocateurs are now announcing the allegedly ‘accidental’ discovery of mass graves, trying to blame their monstrous atrocities on the Soviet authorities. The Nazis are playing a vile and brazen comedy over the corpses of their victims in Vinnitsa. Their hands are stained with innocent blood, dig up the corpses of the people they have destroyed and make grotesque displays on their graves. Such filth and hypocrisy the world has never seen.”
Farewell To The Victims Of Bolshevism
In the early summer of 1943, the reburial of the discovered remains began. Almost all of those lifted from the mass graves were gradually reburied according to Christian rites in seven large mass graves.

The poet and journalist Leonid Liman remembers it immediately after the war: “Wreaths and earth in the tomb; the earth, brought from their homeland, is thrown away by the representative of the little Greek people….This is how a new Christian cemetery was laid out in Vinnitsa. The graves were decorated with wreaths laid by representatives of many European nations.”

On June 12, 1943, at the first funeral, Orthodox Bishop Eulogius said the following words: “Today we offer our prayers at the throne of the Most High for those who, separated from life, were deprived of the prayer of God, who endured torments and were thrown into terrible graves. These victims had been murdered in secret. The executioners thought their atrocities would remain forever secret. These martyrs lie silently in the grave with their bodies, but they have an immortal soul. Their memory will live on in our hearts forever. A temporary obelisk bearing the inscription “Here are buried the victims of Stalinism” was erected with the funds raised.”
Victims Of The NKVD Were Renamed “Victims Of Fascism”
The Red Army entered Vinnitsa on March 20, 1944. On the obelisk it was immediately written “Here are buried the victims of fascism.” Immediately after the liberation of the city, the NKVD began searching for and arresting people who had testified to German criminal police and witnesses to the excavations, who had spoken out in the newspapers during the occupation, or who had even simply talked about them to their neighbors. At the end of March, nearly a hundred people were shot and buried in Central Park on the orders of Commissioner Rappoport. Mainly women, who had recognized the bodies of their relatives six months earlier.
During the Nuremberg trials, Soviet representatives did everything to prevent the dissemination of information about these events.

During the Cold War, many publications about the Vinnitsa tragedy were published in the Ukrainian émigré press. The Ukrainian diaspora maintained the memory of the tragedy by speaking of the genocide of the Ukrainian nation. In Ukraine itself, the first publications about the mass murders of 1937-1938 in Vinnitsa appeared in 1988. They called this tragedy “Vinnitsa Kuropaty.” Mass graves of people murdered by the NKVD were found there, near Minsk, Belarus

A few years earlier, in the early 1980s, the Vinnitsa authorities had decided to erect a building for funeral services located just above the seven mass graves where the re-interred remains were buried. During construction, excavators dug up large numbers of human skulls and bones and transported them in dump trucks. The building is now leased by the Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox Church. A memorial panel in honor of the victims of Bolshevik terror is erected near the building.

In the early 2000s, monuments were erected near all NKVD burial sites in Vinnitsa.
According to contemporary research, the total number of people suppressed between 1937 and 1941 in Vinnitsa and the surrounding region was around 20,000.
To paraphrase the famous saying, “The war is not over until the last soldier killed is buried,” we can say, “Until the last victim of a totalitarian regime is buried and we do not remember her, the war with this regime is not over. The duty of memory obliges us to do so, otherwise we will live forever in the Soviet past, sincerely wondering why we remain “sovoks.” What difference does it make whether it is “Soviet democracy” or simple democracy if the authorities serve only their own interests, and do not care about their citizens and cultivate historical amnesia?
It is dangerous to forget the past because — excuse the banality — without the past there is no future. What future is there for a people who dance on the remains of their ancestors?
⚡ https://odysee.com/@BackstageCam:e/The-Chekist-(1992):0
An Odysee link which is 1000 times better than mega censured ((( BitChute ))) !
The Chekist ( Russian : Чекист ) is a 1992 Russian-French historical drama film directed by Aleksandr Rogozhkin, based on a 1923 short story by Vladimir Zazubrin. It tells the story of a bloody work & downfall of a Soviet Cheka security official involved in mass executions during the Russian Civil War !
Here is a 1992 Russian made film that should be seen by everyone, about the evil that walks among us.
It has English subtitles: https://www.bitchute.com/video/nEcDNwSYeQM2/
Good for you ,Paul for mentioning the film. I watched it and was amazed what it showed of how the communists hate and treat those they hate.
The Romanov family was a beautiful looking Christian family and the communist destroyed them. This movie shows that when the communists get the upper hand on the world , what we can expect from them.
To me during the film, I felt he was just doing his job, without any feeling for others ,but in the end, his conscience bothered him.
But that may have been put in the film to show or make it look like the communist’s weren’t all that bad, it was just an incident of the personality of the main character to treat his fellow man that brutality and then he eventually had remorse.
But we know the One Worlder’s want to reduce the population, so we know what to expect: no sympathy when they gain power over the world.
the main guilty are the Rothschild – Schiff – bankers mafia creating
the Lenin-Trotsky jewish take over of russia okt.1917 !
The same tribe culprits for many centuries – controlling all (or most of) the “sides”.
There was a Juden who once said: ” The only thing between us taking over the United States . Is about 175,000 White Nationalist.
Here is the ” Great Reset ” :
Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, ‘La Revue de Paris’, p.574, June 1, 1928
“The Jewish people as a whole will become its own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship.
In this New World Order the children of Israel will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time comes, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands.”
Putin / Zelensky is one of their leaders. Ukraine , has three factions . 1) The Eastern which is Russian speaking Pro Russian. 2) The Western Ukrainians who speak Ukrainian hates Russian and have White Nationalist 3) The Jooz who are 2 percent the population and hold 80 percent of office and all political corruption. The Commies don’t want Societies that aren’t: ” Multicultural”. They want to Kill the; ” White Race”. The lost sheep of the house of Jacob Israel. The Eastern European countries don’t want ” Immigrants ” or ” Commies ” . Notice how Jutin is threatening them, now. In Poland for example they kick Antifa’s ass. The Eastern Europeans want nothing to do with ” Wokism” . They lived under Communism and haven’t forgot.
Comrade Biden goaded Jutin into attacking the Ukraine . His popularity is the toilet and they want to block the ” Norstream 2 ” pipeline from Russia to Germany. They can use this explain the ” Hyperinflation that is coming to the United States. And the rise an energy cost they created.
Jutin ,will send Islamic troops to ethnically cleanse the White Nationalist in Ukraine .
This purported, and oft-quoted letter from Baruch Levy to Karl Marx is probably fake. No such person as “Baruch Levy” has ever been confirmed to have existed in this context. While the sentiments expressed in the letter are very accurate, the authenticity of the letter is highly questionable. From a 1928 JTA article:
“…All the inquiries, all the researches made in Jewish circles, in the contemporaneous journals and bibliography, have borne no results. Nobody knows and nobody has ever known the name of Baruch Levy among the authorized representatives of Jewish erudition in France and in the countries of Germanic culture. A strange thing indeed, since it is a matter of a personage to whom Salluste ascribes such great importance. No document has been found again that concerns him or mentions him; and of and by himself there remains nothing written, but only the aforementioned letter, devoid moreover of any indication of date and origin.
“Assuredly, this dearth of information does not authorize us to deny formally the existence of Baruch Levy and the authenticity of the letter; but is it plausible that a man, the bearer of such a new doctrine as Neo-Messiahnism, so contrary to Jewish orthodoxy, is it plausible, we repeat, that this correspondent of Marx, to whom he wrote also in the name of all Judaism, should have failed to leave any trace of his action among contemporaries?”
Victims of Jewish-Soviet Terror- Vinnitsa-Ukraine.German Army reveal the truth.
This is amazing and shocking.
This should be in every newspaper in the world; the subject of countless documentaries.
But it won’t be.
“…in places such as Babi Yar — despite there being no documented proof of any such massacres of Jews anywhere near the indisputable evidence we have of the massacre at Vinnitsa, Ukraine”.
One of my family (German soldier of the Wehrmacht) was an eyewitness together with another German soldier in Ukraine, 1941.
Once being on guard they found a wide stretched mound of earth as used for preserving crops. It wasn’t crops, however, … what protruded from this big mound were human arms, legs and heads. Obviously there had not been enough time to bury them properly.
Suddenly the two soldiers were fired at from a distance and had to get away as quickly as possible. Therefore they could not find out about the secret of this mound of earth.
Many of those atrocities were discovered by the German Wehrmacht in Ukraine and other Eastern European countries.
A couple of years ago there was the topic of the mass graves of Babi Yar on a German Blog and we unexpectedly got an amazing answer from a secret source. I guess it was s.b. from the German “breakaway civilization” , since 1945 (his name alluded to that) who still may have a lot of classified information on WWII secrets – with evidence.
This whistleblower wrote: The bodies in the mass graves of Babi Yar were no Jews, but 40 000 soldiers of the German Wehrmacht.
On my mind there is an association with Katyn (killing of thousands of Polish officers), with ambushes and mass murder.
The history of jewish “progressiveness” planning shows that it is not confined to a past peoples, but is intended to proceed to our people’s current conditions.
“Leon Trotsky, whose real name was Leyba Davidovich Bronstein, said: “We must turn Russia into a desert populated by white negroes upon whom we shall impose a tyranny such as the most terrible Eastern despots never dreamt of. The only difference is that this will be a left-wing tyranny,not a right-wing tyranny. It will be a red tyranny and not a white one.We mean the word ‘red’ literally, because we shall shed such floods of blood as will make all the human losses suffered in the capitalist wars quake and pale by comparison. The biggest bankers across the ocean will work in the closest possible contact with us. If we win the revolution, we shall establish the power of Zionism upon the wreckage of the revolution’s funeral, and we shall became a power before which the whole world will sink to its knees. We shall show what real power is. By means of terror and bloodbaths, we shall reduce the Russian intelligentsia to a state of complete stupefaction and idiocy and to an animal existence… At the moment, our young men in their leather jackets, who are the sons of watchmakers from Odessa, Orsha, Gomel and Vinnitsa, know how to hate everything Russian! What pleasure they take in physically destroying the Russian intelligentsia— officers, academics and writers!…” [As recorded in the Memoirs of Aron Simanovich, a jeweler at the court of the Tsar’s Imperial Majesty, secretary of Rasputin and quoted in numerous Russian scholarly works, including The Nature of Zionism By Vladimir Stepin, published (in Russian) in Moscow, 1993 and translated into English (for Radio Islam) by Clive Lindhurst.]Zionism & Russia.”
“Zionism and Russia – Lecture 2 – June 2, 2006”
“It is in the Jewish interest it is in humanities interest that whites experience a genocide. Until White children are burned alive,white women raped, mutilated, murdered, and all white men who have not been slaughtered watch powerlessly as their people are terrorrised; only then will mankind be on a more equal footing, ready to discuss white privilege and the apparent chip on the shoulder that minorities have.” –
Jewish Rabbi Ishmael Levitts.
“Thanks to the terrible power of our International Banks, we have forced the Christians into wars without number. Wars have a special value for Jews, since Christians massacre each other and make more room for us Jews. Wars are the Jews’ Harvest: The Jew banks grow fat on Christian wars. Over 100-million Christians have been swept off the face of the earth by wars, and the end is not yet.” (Rabbi Reichorn, speaking at the funeral of Grand Rabbi Simeon Ben-Iudah, 1869, Henry Ford also noted that: ‘It was a Jew who said, ‘Wars are the Jews’ harvest’; but no harvest is so rich as civil wars.’
The International Jew: The World’s Foremost Problem, Vol. III, p. 180). https://fathersmanifesto.net/wm/wm0240a.html
“1. Every hundred years, We, the Sages of Israel, meet in Sanhedrin in order to examine our progress towards the domination of the world which Jehovah has promised us, and our conquests over the enemy, Christianity.
Did not “christianity” start in a sin-a-gog? synagague
it was started by the jews to brain wash whites and turn them into gullible sheep
it appears to have worked
Our Pedodent needs a war to promote his low approval rating before the 2022 elections and to wreck the Nordstream Pipeline from Russia to Germany. Peanut Jimmy came along , stuck a puppet in Russia and let the Russian Mafia ( Jews ) run the country. When Putin came along , he turned on them and did just was El Duce did he threw the Mafia in jail, that is why he is hated in this country. Right now, the Jukranians , who the demoncrats placed into power there, are trying goad Putin into a war. Their president Zelensky is about as popular as FJB . If Russia goes in , China will invade Taiwan , War could break out in the Balkans. Then Israel could attack us in the Persian Gulf and blame Iran . Sinking an Aircraft carrier would be the perfect false flag event . Russia and China would be tied up . That would give them something to celebrate on Purim.
The Germans also made a short film of the same name “The Soviet Paradise”. You can see it here for free:
Get a glimpse of what the jew means by “you will own nothing and be happy”. The genetic instinct of the jew is and has always been to subjugate all others into slavery to him. It is an imperative, a compulsion that the jews cannot resist, and it is inevitable every time the jew gains total power over another people. This the fate of us and our descendants too, unless we fight.
the roadtopower.com your point is the bottom line . after that there’s god in heaven .
“The Bolshevik movement is and has been since its beginning, guided and controlled by Russian Jews of the greasiest type.”
—Capt. Montgomery Schuyler, U.S. G2 Intelligence operative, St. Petersburg, found in Record Group 20; Records of the American Expeditionary Forces, War Records Division, National Archives
It would be great to see Putin and the ukraine patriots show the world how to get rid of the jew problem in ukraine and see them do better and stronger with all the weapons we gave them to be for whites not the jews and maybe ukraine can build back christian churchs like Putin built 60000 in 28 years and 80percent drop in alcohol use in 7 years ukraine jews are mafia Putin kicked out that are running things Russan mafia 100 percent jews .
Here we go with the Putin hero worship. People just can’t seem to get enough of hero worship; something that has always been relegated to myth and legend. Putin is not a hero, he has constantly surrounded himself with members of Chabad Lubavitch. An extreme Jewish Supremacist group who are engaged in every crime you can possibly imagine; making the Italian Mafia look like saints.
There are many photos of old Vilad on the internet posing and laughing with these Satanic jews. As well as him shaking hands with their leaders using the Masonic knuckle grip handshake.
Are ignorant of who Putin is and his past membership in the KGB whose parent is the NJVD which is the main evil entity consistently mentioned in the above article?
To see how demented Putin is, check out his actions back when he first came to power & the Russian bub, ‘The Kursk’ sank due to a mal-functioning torpedo.
Putin stayed in Sochi, on vacation, water skiing, drinking & BBQ while the Russian Navy made every fuckup possible, killing those who had survived the explosion.
Putin’s a cold-blooded SOB who is a banker bitch, if he wasn’t, he wouldn’t have stayed in power since 2000.
Im sure you guys have alot of good points about putin . Im just hoping to see ukraine and all white countries get rid of their jew problem and I think ukraine has one, even a putin is better and better than the jews that own brandon .
“even a putin is better and better than the jews that own brandon .”
That is akin to owning a rabid dog and hoping he doesn’t turn on you.
Putin was trained by the World Economic Forum……………..Klaus Schwab
Dale, Putin was well-trained previously, but in case there are doubts remaining in anyone’s mind about Klaus Schwab and his jewish international communist associates, here is more information.
“On the morning of 11 September 2001, Klaus Schwab sat having breakfast in the Park East Synagogue in New York City with Rabbi Arthur Schneier, former Vice President for the World Jewish Congress and closely associate of the Bronfman and Lauder families.”
Klaus Schwab – ((Honorary Professor, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel))
Many more of Schwab’s associates are identified in the tract from which I got this information.
>>> World Economic Forum (WEF), Davos, Switzerland [Founder: Klaus Schwab, president and executive chair of the trustees 1971-2020s)]
Henry Kissinger (arguably a co-founder; occasional visitor; ’80 opening address, ’92, ’08 (co-chair meeting), ’13, ’17 video session with Schwab; Schwab’s mentor since 1967, four years before Schwab founded WEF)
Canadians @ WEF – “Klaus Schwab at Weforum.org, ‘Maurice Strong: An Appreciation’: “He was my mentor since the creation of the Forum: a great friend; an indispensable advisor; and, for many years, a member of our Foundation Board.”) | Pierre Trudeau (IGWEL ’84) | Conrad Black (’95 co-chair; “[I was] a former long-time attender”)”.
> Institute for International Integration Studies (IIIS), Ireland
> Clinton Global Initiative (CGI)
> Center for Media and Democracy (CMD)
> OneVoice – International interfaith group between Christians, Muslim and Jews. Founding announced at the HQ of George Soros. Funding from Ford Fdn., Google, Rock. Brothers Fund, etc.
> Bloomberg Green Festival (BGF)
> Managers of a New Era Fund (FBM.ru) – Golden Steering Wheel award, Klaus Schwab (pre ’04; president WEF)”
“Before I go on to discuss Klaus Schwab it is important in the context of what I am about to say to point out that he is a Jew. Most people have heard about Klaus Schwab but very few know he is Jewish. The same can be said about Bill Gates. A lot of people know about Bill Gates and what he has said but very few know he is Jewish. That Schwab and Gates and other people such as Donald Trump are Jewish has been hidden from the public eye. It is extremely easy for Jews to do this.”
Putin seems like the only power that helped syria and lebanon against jew intrusts I like that . And putin is christion and white I like that 110 times more than any jew intrusts. And if a dog is rabid it will die or get put down .
James; you are either a troll or just plain ignorant of the facts regarding the great Vilad. So in putting down the rabid dog which is Putin, you would dispose of your hero? I thought you worshipped him, putting him on a pedestal? You make no sense and contradict yourself. Putin a Christian? There is nothing Christian about Eastern Orthodoxy. It is just another daughter of the Roman Church like her sister Protestant denominations. As the saying goes:. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Won’t waste no more of your time.
Dale, this does not hold against Putin. Accepting the WEF patronage was probably the only way he could make himself known to his people. Having become known, he was soon very popular, and able to work in the interest of Russia and the Russians. The history of Hungary’s Viktor Orban is much the same. These two men are genuine statesmen who love their countries and people, and work in their interest. We should note with satisfaction that Russia is firing at full strength, and Hungary is far more economically and socially secure than any other Central European state.
America/Europe is Israel, You are right both about Putin and his Chabad associates.
“Putin is a Jew—documents from the president’s biography confirm rumours”
“Chabad: Putin’s Jews and Their Man Trump”
Flanders your info is always solid I like that . I like alot of what putin and trump have done except all and anything that they did for jews, and ya, they could be jews, I’m aware of that, and of their dealings with jews . America/Europe, ya if a dog is rabid you kill it, you thought I worshiped someone, that would be your bs, and you’re so right to go against a orthodoxy, how can white people stick together, we can figure that out later, same thing for putin and trump, I would prefer david duke, but that’s a long shot. oh no, another hero BS .
All Politicians World Wide are Puppets, if they were not they would lose their job or their life, plenty of evidence for that.
“Today the Jews rule the world by proxy.They get others to fight and die for them.”— Mahathir bin Mohamad, former Prime Minister of Malaysia .
Putin Dossier https://fitzinfo.net/2018/03/10/putin-dossier/
Trump Dossier https://fitzinfo.net/2018/01/06/trump-dossier-2018/
@ Norman
I concur that Putin, is as they say in the Mafia, a “Made Man” by the Cabal, or a “Wise Guy” And its true that any Global Leader who dare go against this Cabal, pays. (Think of Hugo Chavez, Gadhafi, Kennedy, Tsar etc) There are some dimwits won over and are deluded by Putin, just as there are dimwits who think highly of Hitler. Forgetting that for the last 300 years, The Hidden Hand decrees who rules, where. Our leaders are Marionettes, & Puppets while the great majority of the masses are Sheep.
I started out with saying it would be great to see putin run some jews out of ukraine . If thats a bad idea ok ? then I got America/ Europe saying Im a hero worshiper then I state some facts about putin that I like . Then you say you thought I worshiped putin so you were wrong . Then your a know it all of all Christian denominations . So insulting them that will help us stick together . Then bigfoot comes out of the woods with there are dimwits won over by putin . I look at it like the dimwits are againts jews at each other if putin is a jew I was going by some things putin has done I like . All people need to know with DNA tests who there leaders are and of there own kind that should be universal . Then we can argue like ya I like Hitler to a point I would of joined the south to and to bad the good guys lost thats self evident but why start BS here like hero worshiper troll dimwit maybe we are not on the same side ?
This is very good idea, James… As well as the fact that the entire Donbass will return to Russia. The Bolsheviks tore this territory from Russia, creating Soviet Ukraine… No one idealizes Putin, but Kiev puppet regime is even worse – it parasitizes the native population.
Thanks Vladimir lets get some popcorn and see .