(Aangirfan) In 2019. Emmanuel Macron — the nominal President of France — gave a speech in front of the Jewish supremacist group, CRIF (Representative Council of Jewish Institutions in France) on the problem of rising “antisemitism” in France.
After his speech — which no doubt was written for Macron by the Jews at CRIF — as the audience dutifully applauded Macron for telling them exactly what they wanted to hear, Francis Kalifat — the Jewish leader of CRIF — grabbed Macron by the wrist and roughly hoisted his arm above his head, bending it back in a very awkward position.
When Macron — clearly in discomfort — tried to pull his arm away, Kalifat held his grip even harder — at which point Macron’s face literally went blank, drained of all emotion, just as you’d expect from a Manchurian Candidate — someone who betrays their own country to another party that controls him often through MK-Ultra-style mind control and/or sexual extortion (notice the “MK” symbol in the lower right of the video).
CRIF is a powerful umbrella organization that coordinates the activities of many prominent Jewish interest groups in France, including the Alliance Israélite Universelle — which is similar to the American Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith — both of which are Judeo-Masonic organizations.
The Alliance Israélite Universelle was founded in 1860 by Adolphe Crémieux, a Grand Master Freemason. According to Paquita de Shishmareff in her exposé Waters Flowing Eastward. the Protocols of the Learned Elders Of Zion were originally leaked from the Mizraim Lodge in Paris — making Crémieux’s hand in them highly likely.
It’s surely no coincidence that Crémieux first gained fame in France as an attorney during The Damascus Affair when he successfully defended Jews who had been caught red-handed committing ritual blood murder.
There is an interesting connection between Crémieux and Éric Zemmour– the anti-Muslim Algerian-Jew who recently announced his candidacy for president. Zemmour’s parents were Berber Jews born in Algeria, but because of the infamous Crémieux Decree — a law conceived of and promoted by Aldolphe Crémieux — they were granted automatic French citizenship while Algerian Arabs were excluded, making them a de facto underclass.
The brazenly discriminatory Crémieux Decree created such tensions between Jews and Arabs in Algeria that most of the Jews — like Zemmour’s parents — fled Algeria for France, which was likely the intention of Crémieux’s decree all along.
Now the “racist” Zemmour is demonizing the Muslim immigrants in France — without bothering to mention to the native French people that it was the Jews — not the “Christian universalists” — who decided to flood France with Muslims in order to undermine and destroy the once-Christian nation — pitting the native whites against the Arabs and Africans — divide and conquer. Jews have a long history of using Muslims to undermine and destroy Christian nations — as they did in Byzantium and in Spain.
Ironically, the violent Muslims that have flooded into France are now forcing many Jews to flee France — and the Zionists are hoping to lure many of them to Israel using different forms of scare tactics. The Rothschild shill — Macron — angrily lashed out at the Zionists for trying to lure Jews to Israel — claiming that France would not be France without its Jews — which is most certainly true, but not in the way Macron intended.
The Jewish oligarchs have allowed Zemmour — a Jew in their control — to give voice to the nostalgic fantasies of the demoralized native French people whose heads are literally on the chopping block — while the executioner Macron drops the axe.
Chaudhry Sharif
Very nice article , indeed revealing . Historically , Muslims had always helped weak and oppressed and that’s what Jews were like through centuries . The Conquest Of Jerusalem is evident even today, by Caliph Omar in which the City voluntarily was presented as they stated was instructed to them by prophecies and docs without dropping any blood . It’s not advocacy to any side but is True .
In previous posts we revealed the pedigrees of David Cameron and John Kerry. Two of Cameron’s great-grandfathers were British pederast War Party banksters who were instrumental in financing the Japanese in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-05. Kerry is a direct descendant of — and has a great resemblance to — one of the most famous mystic rabbis in history, the Maharal Of Prague.
UK PM David Cameron’s Great Grandfathers Were Rothschild-Connected Bankers Who Financed Russo-Japanese War
The Sordid Family History of John Forbes Kerry
Boris Johnson’s great grandfather Ali Kemal (1869-1922) was 50% Turkish , 50% Circassian who married a British woman. Kemal was a British empire puppet and Ottoman minister of interior.
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
No surprise, considering Macaroni came from the Goldman SACKS Borg collective.