As Christians, we should be “looking for and hastening the coming day of God” (2 Peter 3:12), which — in the same breath — Peter says “will come like a thief” (2 Peter 3:10). We would like to discuss the implications of this statement in the context of the “end times.”
Many denominations have invented their own versions of the end times over the last 2,000 years — mostly to suit their own agendas. Sadly, the eagerness for many to see the end times in their own lifetimes has created a “boy who cried wolf” effect worldwide — making many understandably skeptical of any such claims — and of Christianity itself.
In 999 AD, a “millennial panic” arose in many Christian circles — as many penitents flocked to their local churches and monasteries with their worldly possessions to get rid of them in anticipation of Christ’s imminent return at the turn of the new millennium. Apparently, a massive comet appeared over Europe in 1,000 AD which threw gasoline on the general panic.
The Millerite movement of the 1800s is one such example of this. William Miller assumed that restoration of the sanctuary in Daniel 8:14 was a reference to the return of the Lord Jesus. He applied the “day-year principle” from 2 Peter 3:8 to the “2,300 evenings and mornings” in Daniel 8:14, assuming that each day refers to a year. He then assumed the proclamation of Artaxerxes in Ezra 4 was the beginning of the 2,300 years it would take for the Lord Jesus to return.
His followers added yet more specificity to the prediction, claiming that the Lord would return on exactly 22 October 1844 — they had calculated that the Day of Atonement fell on that day, so it made sense to them that the Lord would return on the Day of Atonement. Needless to say, the Lord Jesus did not return, leading to what is referred to as the “Great Disappointment.”
From there, the Millerites rationalized that they were in fact not wrong about the date of the prediction. Based on some so-called “prophecies” their members had, they instead claimed that the Lord Jesus had cleansed the sanctuary in heaven — rather than returning to Earth. Based on this idea — and sticking to their guns — they went on to form the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Christian pastor self-styled prophet, Mark Biltz, took the blood moon described Joel 2:31 and arbitrarily connected it with a series lunar eclipses that appeared to coincide with some Jewish feast days — starting on 15 April 2014 and ending on 28 September 2015. Biltz received a lot of media attention — including an endorsement from John Hagee — and sold many copies of his book Four Blood Moons prior to the supposed coming of the Lord.
Despite these many demoralizing failures to predict the second coming, most Christians nevertheless eagerly await the “end times” — interpreting any daily event that shakes up their material comfort as a divine “sign” of the apocalypse. Due to their worldly material discomfort — as Satanic world-power tightens its grip — they hope for the end times in fear. The Scriptures surely tell us that many would seek the coming of the Lord Jesus — but by doing so, they are actually hoping for their own destruction.
Amos prophesied that many who “are longing for the day of the Lord” will be confronted with “darkness and not light” (Amos 5:18) — simply acknowledging the Lord Jesus and hoping for His coming does not automatically mean that it will go well for us when He returns. He Himself said that His words to “many” (Matthew 7:22) would be, “I never knew you, leave Me, you who practice lawlessness.” (Matthew 7:23)
Many matters in the Scripture often seem paradoxical. When two contradicting truths arise in Scripture, many of us tend to gravitate toward one side or the other. However, in many cases, we can find the deepest truths of Scripture by allowing these paradoxes to stand. In other words, if two facts seem to contradict one another, find the interpretation which allows each fact to be true without contradicting the other.
Knowledge of the end times is one such case. At face value, the Scripture seems to contradict itself on whether or not we will be able to tell when we are in the end times. Hopefully we will show how all things stated by the Scripture in this matter are unashamedly true without contradicting one another.
All three synoptic gospels tell us with the same parable that we will be able to tell the signs of the end times and the coming of the Lord Jesus. Luke 21:29-31 (Matthew 24:32-33, Mark 13:28-29) says,
29 And He told them a parable: “Look at the fig tree and all the trees: 30 as soon as they put forth leaves, you see for yourselves and know that summer is now near. 31 So you too, when you see these things happening, recognize that the kingdom of God is near.
As Mark and Matthew word it — “He is near, right at the door” — both the coming Kingdom and the Lord being near refer to His second coming. At face value, the apostles instruct us that we will indeed be able to tell when the Kingdom approaches — the same way we can tell the changing seasons by looking at the trees.
Incidentally, the Lord accused Israel of not being able to tell the signs of His first coming in Matthew 16:3,
And in the morning, ‘There will be a storm today, for the sky is red and threatening.’ You know how to discern the appearance of the sky, but are you unable to discern the signs of the times?
Therefore, having received the command to tell the signs of His coming — and knowing the error of the Israelites who could not tell the signs of the times — we should accept this lesson.
Yet the Lord Himself says that the “day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone.” (Matthew 24:36) Similarly, we have the following exchange between the apostles and the Lord Jesus in Acts 1:6-7,
6 So, when they had come together, they began asking Him, saying, “Lord, is it at this time that You are restoring the kingdom to Israel?” 7 But He said to them, “It is not for you to know periods of time or appointed times which the Father has set by His own authority”
We are told not even the Lord Jesus Himself knows when the day of His return will be. With the full knowledge of all the law and the prophets, as well as knowledge likely beyond our grasp — and with a comprehensive divine intellect — and the complete indwelling of the Holy Spirit, even He was not able to predict a day.
With that in mind, if anyone attempts to predict a day, they are wrong ab initio — at the outset. If the Lord Jesus could not do it, then it is not possible.
Yet how is it that we are expected to be able to tell when He is coming while He Himself does not know when He is supposed to come? Anyone who seriously raises this contention forgets one simple fact: How then will the Lord Himself know when He is supposed to come?
The answer to this seeming paradox is rather self-explanatory — knowing when He is coming is about interpreting signs, not predicting dates. The Lord gives the following parable in Mark 4:26-29,
26 And He was saying, “The kingdom of God is like a man who casts seed upon the soil; 27 and he goes to bed at night and gets up daily, and the seed sprouts and grows—how, he himself does not know. 28 The soil produces crops by itself; first the stalk, then the head, then the mature grain in the head. 29 Now when the crop permits, he immediately puts in the sickle, because the harvest has come.”
We can safely assume that the man who cast the seed here is none other than the Lord Jesus — and the harvest is His second coming. Interestingly, He says of the man’s perception of the growth of the harvest that “he himself does not know.” Yet, this teaching aligns perfectly with what has been said so far — because He does not know when the harvest will be — He does not know when His second coming will be.
How does He then know when to harvest? According to the parable, the harvest commences “when the crop permits” — He is waiting for the crop to be ready. This understanding provides critical context to Peters words when He tells us to hasten the coming day of God (2 Peter 3:10). Peter also says in Acts 3:19-20,
19 Therefore repent and return, so that your sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord; 20 and that He may send Jesus, the Christ appointed for you
Peter causally links one action with another — repenting and returning causes the coming of the Lord Jesus. If we apply this to the parable from Mark 4:26-29, we can infer that repenting and returning hasten the growing of the crop. The Lord Jesus is waiting for the repenting and returning of His people before He returns — and He will not return one moment before He is content that the harvest is ready.
Therefore again, knowing when He will return is not about a certain amount of time elapsing. Rather, certain events must first take place — and identifying those events is likened to a budding fig tree signalling that summer is near.
The Lord Jesus Himself uses the very same method of interpretation to know when He must return. Also assuming that we are able to discern these events, then yes — we can know when the end is upon us. Not only that, but the Lord requires us to know when the end is upon us.
We must always remember in interpretation of end times events that the Lord Jesus will come like a thief in the night (Matthew 24:43, Luke 12:39, 1 Thessalonians 5:2, 2 Peter 3:10, Revelation 3:3, Revelation 16:15). That is to say, unless we are able to tell the signs of His coming, we will not know when He is coming.
This automatically precludes any and all Scriptural interpretation of end times involving events that are obvious to the entire world. The Lord says in Luke 17:26-29,
26 And just as it happened in the days of Noah, so will it also be in the days of the Son of Man: 27 people were eating, they were drinking, they were marrying, and they were being given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all. 28 It was the same as happened in the days of Lot: they were eating, they were drinking, they were buying, they were selling, they were planting, and they were building; 29 but on the day that Lot left Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all.
In the time of Noah, just eight people were saved from the flood — and in the time of Lot, just three people were saved from the fire and brimstone. In each case, those who were destroyed may have had some warning of the coming destruction — however, their hearts were hardened in disbelief to the point where they did not recognize their imminent destruction.
They continued to live life as if everything were continuing as normal — as if nothing bad were going to happen to them. Likewise when the Lord returns, the majority of the world will perceive everything as continuing as “normal” — as Paul says in 1 Thessalonians 5:2-3,
2 For you yourselves know full well that the day of the Lord is coming just like a thief in the night. 3 While they are saying, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction will come upon them like labor pains upon a pregnant woman, and they will not escape.
By “peace and safety,” Paul is referring to certain Old Testament prophecies against false prophets — for example, in Jeremiah 6:13-14,
13 For from the least of them to the greatest of them, Everyone is greedy for gain, And from the prophet to the priest Everyone deals falsely. 14 They have healed the brokenness of My people superficially, Saying, ‘Peace, peace,’ But there is no peace.
Ezekiel 13:10 says,
It is definitely because they have misled My people by saying, ‘Peace!’ when there is no peace. And when anyone builds a wall, behold, they plaster it over with whitewash;
Thus when Paul describes the high priest Ananias as a “whitewashed wall” in Acts 23:3, we know that he is, in fact, accusing him of being a false prophet and misleading the people of Israel. By Paul’s words, we see that not only will most of us be oblivious to what is happening, we will be — like Ananias — even encouraging one another in the wrong direction.
We will be building, marrying and planting — encouraging one another that everything will be fine — all the way until the point that the Lord Jesus returns to the earth. Even at the end of the very dramatic events of the Revelation, the Lord still says, “Behold, I am coming like a thief.” (Revelation 16:15)
We find the most iconic and recognizable signs of the coming of the Lord Jesus in Matthew 24:24-26,
24 “But in those days, after that tribulation, the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light, 25 and the stars will be falling from heaven, and the powers that are in the heavens will be shaken. 26 And then they will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory.
We find the imagery of the sun and moon darkening in many places and forms in the Old Testament prophecy — and here in the New Testament the Lord connects it with the final sign before His coming. What does it mean, though? If the Lord has connected it with His coming, then in what contexts is the prophecy given in the Old Testament?
Piecing together a few examples of this imagery in the Scripture will give us a better understanding of their meaning. Let’s start with Isaiah 30:26,
And the light of the full moon will be like the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be seven times brighter, like the light of seven days, on the day the Lord binds up the fracture of His people and heals the wound He has inflicted.
Isaiah 30 relates the events of 2 Kings 18-19 where king Hezekiah finally comes to rely on God to help him against the Assyrians after the futility of his reliance on Egypt becomes apparent to him. After the Assyrian envoy intimidated Hezekiah, he turned to Isaiah for council. Isaiah encourages Hezekiah to turn to the Lord in prayer — to put his trust in the Lord to deliver Israel. In the end, an angel went into the Assyrian camp and destroyed them — miraculously saving Israel from certain capture.
Isaiah 30:26 likens this event to the sun shining with seven times its brightness and the moon shining with a light equal to that of the sun — certainly a stark contrast to the sun and moon being black. In other words, what happened between Hezekiah and Isaiah is the opposite of what will happen before the return of the Lord Jesus.
Revelation 21:23 gives the sun and moon acting in a different way, quoting Isaiah 24:23 and Isaiah 60:19-20,
And the city has no need of the sun or of the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God has illuminated it, and its lamp is the Lamb.
Here we see that with the direct presence of the Lord, the sun and the moon will no longer be necessary at all. Revelation 22:5 goes on to say that “there will no longer be any night.” Micah 3:6 says,
Therefore it will be night for you—without vision, And darkness for you—without divination. The sun will go down on the prophets, And the day will become dark over them.
Here we see that when it is night and darkness — without vision or divination — Micah likens it to the sun going down on the prophets and the day becoming dark. When there is no sun, then the prophets are not able to prophecy according to the word of God. However, consider then the two verses prior — Micah 3:4-5,
4 Then they will cry out to the Lord, But He will not answer them. Instead, He will hide His face from them at that time Because they have practiced evil deeds. 5 This is what the Lord says concerning the prophets who lead my people astray: when they have something to bite with their teeth, They cry out, “Peace!” But against him who puts nothing in their mouths They declare holy war.
Recall how Paul said that false prophets would say “peace” to one another? When the sun has gone down on the prophets and there is night, then the people are being led astray by false prophecy. Not only that, but at this time the Lord is hiding His face from Israel.
Therefore, the sun going down or being black is not simply a lack of prophecy — rather, it is specifically an intentional blackout of prophecy — fulfilling the punishments against Israel in Deuteronomy 28:29,
and you will be groping about at noon, just as a person who is blind gropes in the darkness, and you will not be successful in your ways; but you will only be oppressed and robbed all the time, with no one to save you.
Deuteronomy 32:20 also says,
Then He said, ‘I will hide My face from them, I will see what their end will be; For they are a perverse generation, Sons in whom there is no faithfulness.’
When the heavenly lights and the days are dark, it means that things are not going well with Israel at all. This is intentional on the part of the Lord — punishing Israel for not keeping His ways and seeking their own benefit.
Let’s compare all of this to the example of Isaiah 30, where the sun and the moon each shone very brightly. In that case, the sun shone seven times brighter than usual — that is to say, the sun did not go down on the prophet Isaiah. Rather, it shone much brighter than usual because Isaiah received a true vision from God according to His purposes. Therefore, the sun represents the prophets’ ability to receive true prophecy from God and to know His will.
In response to the sun shining, the moon shone with a brightness equal to the sun. Hezekiah responded positively to Isaiah’s prophecy and took it to heart, resulting in his own supplication to the Lord and the rescue of Israel. After all, the moon does reflect the light of the sun — as should men reflect the will of God in their actions.
Ultimately then, interpreting the darkening of the sun and the moon is rather simple. As we said, the event in Isaiah 30 is a brightening of the sun and moon — things went well with Israel. If we simply take that principle and reverse it — making the sun and moon dark — we can surmise that things are not going well at all with Israel. However, we do not even need to speculate about it because Scripture clearly demonstrates what it means for the sun and moon to be dark, as we have shown.
This interpretation also applies to the heavenly city of Revelation 21 and 22 — there is no need to receive prophecy from God because the Lord is there personally among His people. He Himself will provide the knowledge of the will of God.
If right before the return of the Lord Jesus the sun and moon are going to be dark, we may surmise that right before His return things will be going very badly for Israel. Again though, we don’t even need to speculate about that because Daniel says rather plainly of the end times, “as soon as they finish smashing the power of the holy people, all these events will be completed.” (Daniel 12:7)
Therefore, it is unquestionable that things will go badly for Israel up until the Lord Jesus has returned. Furthermore, that things will go badly for Israel is intentional and by design — as part of the Lord’s punishment toward Israel. In light of this, no one should ever expect any kind of material or worldly salvation for Israel before the Lord’s return. It is futile — and will even cause the darkening of the sun over one’s own life. It is categorically against the will of God — we would do well to understand this.
Not only will it be going very badly for Israel, but the Lord says of the end in Matthew 24:22,
And if those days had not been cut short, no life would have been saved; but for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short.
Here Matthew tells us that if those days were not cut short, no-one would have been saved — we would literally all be dead. Now if things are so bad that all people are at risk of death, how is it that the Lord states that everything would seem to be going on as normal — and how could He still come like a thief in the night?
The answer lies in the utter confusion of Mystery Babylon — if the world no longer understands that only white people are the pure Adamites of Scripture, then no one would have the understanding to recognize that Adamkind is under a severe assault worldwide. Over the last century, the white population of the world is in severe decline.
Not only that, but if someone has an ancestor who is not white, then that person is not welcome into the congregation of the Lord according to Deuteronomy 23:2. This little fact makes the situation for the white, Adamic people of the world far more dire. Indeed, the extinction of the white, Adamic people is in sight. If these days don’t get cut short soon, no one will be saved.
The white, Adamic people continue on completely oblivious to their imminent and complete destruction. They even go so far as to support and will the current world system to continue — all so that they can continue to live and enjoy their material lives. Our people perfected their failure by unwittingly willing their own destruction.
What this proves once again is that there is no worldly solution for the predicament white, Adamic people find themselves in. Neither is there any solution for the predicament the true Israel finds itself in. There will be no race war. There will be no white nationalist revival. There will be no rebellion. It’s all over. On a worldly and material level, we have lost.
Many fantasize that somehow white people will band together, rise up and defeat the Satanic world powers. It’s far too late for that — we have reached the point of no return. From when our children are born, they are brainwashed by media and assaulted with consumerism — and there’s nothing parents seem to be able to do about it.
The painfully vast majority of our children are doomed — snatched up from their formative years — having their brains rewired into becoming servants of the flesh. To make things worse, it will go worse for their children. We know this, because we are witness to the decline of white society in our own lives — assuming we are old enough. At this trajectory — and prophecy which says otherwise, why do people believe it’s suddenly going to get better?
We will simply have docile, white consumers breeding themselves out of existence at an exponential rate. In fact, we’re too proud to admit that is what we have already become. If we take the last one hundred years and extrapolate forwards, we realize that we have already fallen off the precipice.
On the other hand, does anyone seriously consider that any nation could muster the military might to fight against the whole world? Many believe that providence will lead us against insurmountable odds, yet the grave error we make is to assume that providence is on our side. All of the would-be rebels can barely extract themselves from allures and snares of worldly society, yet they believe they will be aided in an endeavor and desire which proceeds from a heart mired in sin.
How is it that anyone can be so engaged in the world — so as to seek its continuance — and presume to have the sense to decide what is the will of God? James said that “friendship with the world is hostility toward God” (James 4:4) Yet in seeking a successful society like the Third Reich — where everyone is white and happy — essentially worldly pleasures — many have the gall to believe they have God on their sides — as if their desires and goals are even noble in the sight of God.
We would do well to remember that Israel was rescued with wonders from Egypt. Their leader had the privilege of speaking to the Lord directly (Numbers 12:8). They saw the terror of the Lord descending on the mountain, they ate manna from heaven and they followed a pillar of smoke and fire. Does anyone think the Third Reich — or their own imagined perfect society — is any better than what Israel had in the wilderness?
Despite all that, they almost all died in that same wilderness. How much more doomed are we to hope for a society which does not even have as its leader one like Moses? What does that say about the state of our hearts to have such a desire? It is an implicit admission that our desires are flawed. If our desires are flawed, how could they be aligned with God? If they are not aligned with God, how could such a rebellion defeat insurmountable odds?
To add insult to injury, this utter loss — the darkening of the sun and the moon — are something which the Lord does to Israel because of their own rebellion against Him. It’s not the Jew’s fault, it’s not the black’s fault, it’s not the Asian’s fault — it’s Israel’s fault. The Jews and their golems are simply the rod of chastisement used against Israel for its own disobedience. To resist them on a material level only serves as an attempt to resist the chastisement itself. As Daniel said, the power of the holy people will be shattered.
Incidentally, the sad fate of Israel prior to the Lord’s coming is one of many proofs that the Jews are not the true Israel of Scripture. The true Israel is promised nothing except desolation until the coming of the Lord Jesus, so how is it that the Jews’ grip on the world only gets stronger and stronger? The last millennium has been a steady and systematic increase in Jewish power. In these modern times, it’s safe to say the Jews control the world.
It doesn’t sound like things are going very badly for them — in fact, it sounds like things are going rather well for them. Do the Jews seriously expect us to believe that the ersatz country of “Israel” and anything involved in its machinations are the fulfillment of prophecy for the true Israel?
Yet many Christians persist in the belief that the regathering of the Jews in Palestine — and their increasing world influence — is a sign that the Lord Jesus will return soon. The Jews have been “regathered” for more than 70 years, so how much longer are they willing to wait before realize they have been lied to?
Many believe that the Jews need to build the so-called “third temple” to bring about this event — basing their idea on the temple prophecy of Ezekiel 40-48. This is an especially bizarre view given that these Christians believe that the Jews need to build a temple, not turn to the Lord Jesus.
The Lord said that He would “Destroy this [second] temple, and in three days [He] will raise it up.” (John 2:19) But He already began construction of the “third temple” when He was resurrected by the Holy Spirit. Comparing Ezekiel 47:1-12 with Revelation 22:1, the prophecy of Ezekiel 40-48 is obviously a copy and shadow of the heavenly city of the Revelation.
That very same city has the twelve apostles as its foundation (Revelation 21:14), and Peter tells us that we are “living stones…being built up as a spiritual house for a holy priesthood” (1 Peter 2:5). Paul says in Ephesians 2:20-22,
20 having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the cornerstone, 21 in whom the whole building, being fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord, 22 in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit.
If it wasn’t obvious enough, Paul says that “we are the temple of the living God” (2 Corinthians 6:16). Why in the world does another physical temple need to be built by a group of mamzer non-Israelites who reject the one true Christ?
While the true Christians are being lain into the heavenly city — offering “spiritual sacrifices that are acceptable to God through Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 2:5) — the Jews are planning to lay bricks on one another and sacrifice some animals as part of an archaic blood ritual to “appease” their god — which is what we would expect for a “religion” that has its origins in Babylon.
The real, spiritual temple of God transcended those copies and shadows two thousand years ago when the Lord Jesus rose from the dead. How is it that so many Christians are deceived by this “third temple?” For certain, it is not a sign of the end times. The physical “third temple” — along with the Jews’ “aliyah” — is little more than a carrot on a stick, leading many to worship Satan through the Jews — who are Satan’s synagogue (Revelation 2:9).
For sure, while many are transfixed upon these false signs, the Lord Himself will come upon the world like a thief in the night — and the tribes of the earth will mourn.
When the top stone is finally placed on the spiritual temple (Zechariah 4:7) — and the harvest is ready for the reaping, the Lord will come with His faithful chosen following Him (Revelation 19:14). Then we will begin to shake the earth and the heavens (Hebrews 12:26).
Many may think that this view of the end is “defeatist” in that there is no call for a physical resistance or material revolution. However, calling it “defeatist” inherently presumes that some kind of material revolution is necessary — it does not prove it is necessary. In any case — in light of the glory which is promised, any material revolution seems rather banal. Paul says in Colossians 3:2-4,
2 Set your minds on the things that are above, not on the things that are on earth. 3 For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ, who is our life, is revealed, then you also will be revealed with Him in glory.
Paul also said that we are to be “subject to the governing authorities” (Romans 13:1), but when we set our minds on the things that are on earth, this verse becomes a great hindrance to us. When we set our minds on the things that are above — looking to our revealing with Him in glory — we understand that revolution is not the way to go.
We must ask ourselves the question: What power does any kind of material, worldly solution have to bring about the Kingdom of God? The worldly situation we find ourselves in currently is testament to its sheer impotence. Many of us may make excuses for our people — seeking to perpetuate a material, worldly existence — but the end-state is the Kingdom of God.
The New Testament does much to reveal the method of seeking the Kingdom of God in light of the revelation and gospel of the Christ Jesus. In and amongst so great a divine truth, not once is any kind of material solution mentioned. On the contrary, we are warned against such thinking. Paul says in Roman 8:5-8,
5 For those who are in accord with the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who are in accord with the Spirit, the things of the Spirit. 6 For the mind set on the flesh is death, but the mind set on the Spirit is life and peace, 7 because the mind set on the flesh is hostile toward God; for it does not subject itself to the law of God, for it is not even able to do so, 8 and those who are in the flesh cannot please God.
Paul speaks harsh words here — those who have their minds on the things of the flesh have their minds set on death, “hostile towards God”, “not subject… to the law of God”, “not even able to do so” and unable to please God. Paul goes on to say in verse 13, “if you are living in accord with the flesh, you are going to die.”
Therefore, we say rather that when we set our minds are on the flesh and the material then we are defeatists indeed. Through hoping for some kind of materially successful society — fantasizing over the Third Reich possibly — we set our minds on defeat. We are wholly unable to please God.
Revelation 11:8 calls Mystery Babylon “the great city which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt.” Sodom was a place of great sin and suffered supernatural destruction. Egypt was a place of captivity for Israel, where they were led supernaturally into freedom. How can these things apply spiritually today? Isaiah 1:10-15 says to Israel specifically,
10 Hear the word of the Lord, You rulers of Sodom; Listen to the instruction of our God, You people of Gomorrah!
The Lord directly calls Israel itself Sodom — a grave accusation. One we would do well to pay attention to.
11 “What are your many sacrifices to Me?” Says the Lord. “I have had enough of burnt offerings of rams And the fat of fattened cattle; And I take no pleasure in the blood of bulls, lambs, or goats. 12 When you come to appear before Me, Who requires of you this trampling of My courtyards? 13 Do not go on bringing your worthless offerings,
Incense is an abomination to Me. New moon and Sabbath, the proclamation of an assembly— I cannot endure wrongdoing and the festive assembly. 14 I hate your new moon festivals and your appointed feasts, They have become a burden to Me; I am tired of bearing them.
Note the Lord’s displeasure and exasperation with Israel’s attempts to please Him. In their own minds, Israel imagines themselves to be pleasing the Lord. We must recognize that simply because we in our own minds are pleasing Him, does not mean that we are truly pleasing Him.
Simply perceiving righteousness within ourselves is not a free ticket to the Kingdom of God. According to Proverbs 21:2, “Every person’s way is right in his own eyes” — so if we think we are right in our own eyes, we admit we are just like every other man. What then sets us apart? Remember that Paul said, “those who are in the flesh cannot please God,” yet here in Isaiah 1, the Lord is not pleased. We cannot be in the flesh and imagine we are pleasing Him — simply because we perceive ourselves to be right.
15 So when you spread out your hands in prayer, I will hide My eyes from you; Yes, even though you offer many prayers, I will not be listening. Your hands are covered with blood.
As we have been saying — the same pattern emerges — the Lord hides Himself from Israel. The sun and the moon darken, the day becomes as night, and the Lord intentionally removes Himself. All the while Israel continue on as if they are pleasing in the Lord’s sight. This is what it means to be spiritually Sodom — and it results in spiritual blackout.
As for Egypt, we well know that Egypt was a place of physical slavery and hardship for Israel. How then can we spiritually be in Egypt? The Lord says in John 8:34-36,
34 … “Truly, truly I say to you, everyone who commits sin is a slave of sin. 35 Now the slave does not remain in the house forever; the son does remain forever. 36 So if the Son sets you free, you really will be free.
Similarly Peter says, “by what anyone is overcome, by this he is enslaved” (2 Peter 2:19). Paul also says, “you are slaves of that same one whom you obey, either of sin resulting in death, or of obedience resulting in righteousness” (Romans 6:16). As we have shown, Sodom represents sin — yet Egypt is an enslavement to that sin. If that weren’t enough, Ezekiel 23:19 says,
Yet she multiplied her obscene practices, remembering the days of her youth, when she prostituted herself in the land of Egypt.
Ezekiel omits slavery entirely and goes on to directly equate Israel’s time in Egypt with sin. Therefore, Sodom and Egypt represent slavery to sin and a direct blackout from a knowledge of God’s will. Yet the Lord promises us freedom from this slavery when He says in John 8:31-32,
31… If you continue in My word, then you are truly My disciples; 32 and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
Ezekiel 23:27 says likewise,
So I will remove from you your outrageous sin and your prostitution that you brought from the land of Egypt, so that you will not raise your eyes to them or remember Egypt anymore.
Yet if we are slaves of sin, with our minds set on the flesh and the word, unable to please God — then we are spiritual slaves in spiritual Sodom and Egypt. We have chosen slavery by giving ourselves over to the lusts of the flesh — giving them power to control us.
If we set our minds on the things above, casting off the lusts of the flesh — hoping for some kind of material and worldly success, then we are free citizens of the Kingdom of God. If we are free citizens of the Kingdom of God, then we have already won. “Defeat” is not a word in our vocabulary, except to describe those who still have their minds set on the things below.
Our flesh lies to us when it tries to tell us we are “defeatist” because we are losing worldly possessions to the Jews and their golems. It lies to us when it tries to tell us we are “defeatist” because our white, Adamic people are dying.
Furthermore, as we have already proven, victory will certainly come with the Lord Jesus’ return — not material revolution. Peter told us to keep “looking for and hastening the coming day of God” (2 Peter 3:12), not to foment insurrection. In any case, why would we want to perpetuate the sorry state of our fleshly existence when we could hasten and look for our coming glory? Have our minds become so dull in the psychological prison conditioned upon us since birth that we actually seek the pleasure and continuance of this life?
Many of us throughout our lives come to fall in love with our fellow white people and our white flesh. The attachment becomes so strong that we become short-sighted — keeping our mind on the things that are on earth. In so doing, we worship and serve the creature rather than the Creator (Romans 1:25). Make no mistake, for the destruction which the Lord Jesus intends to being upon the earth, He does not need white people.
While Paul calls our bodies corruption, dishonor, weak and natural — he also calls our bodies to become incorruption, glory, power and spiritual (1 Corinthians 15:42-44). When comparing our mortal, white, Adamic bodies with the bodies which we will inherit, he compares earthly flesh with the glory of heavenly bodies (1 Corinthians 15:40). He says that the first man — our mortal bodies — are from the earth — just as Adam was created from the earth. But our bodies to come must come from heaven, not earth (1 Corinthians 15:47) — just as the Lord comes from heaven. 1 John 3:2 says,
Beloved, now we are children of God, and it has not appeared as yet what we will be. We know that when He appears, we will be like Him, because we will see Him just as He is.
Therefore, let us not think that Adam was the end-state of creation. Let us not keep our minds on the things which are below — striving to preserve the flesh of Adamkind which is corruption and doomed to destruction. After all, when the real battle takes place — when the Lord returns — we “will be changed,” manifesting the words of the Lord: “the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the angels with Him“ (Matthew 25:31). To this end, Jude 1:14-15 says,
14… Behold, the Lord has come with many thousands of His holy ones 15 to execute judgment upon all, and to convict all the ungodly of all their ungodly deeds which they have done in an ungodly way, and of all the harsh things which ungodly sinners have spoken against Him.
Focusing on the things below becomes especially problematic for us when it takes our gaze off of what matters. Isaiah 8:12-13 says,
12 “You are not to say, ‘It is a conspiracy!’ Regarding everything that this people call a conspiracy, And you are not to fear what they fear or be in dread of it. 13 It is the Lord of armies whom you are to regard as holy. And He shall be your fear, And He shall be your dread.
Isaiah here does not tell us we’re not allowed to acknowledge conspiracies for what they are — rather, he tells us what the focus of our fear ought to be. Many of us are afraid of being bred out of existence, economic hardship, having vaccination forced on us, imminent race-war, imminent world war — and whatever else one can think of. Isaiah tells us that we are not to fear those things or be in dread of them.
Instead of fearing those things, we are to fear the Lord of armies — He must be our fear and our dread. Remember how Peter said, “by what anyone is overcome, by this he is enslaved” (2 Peter 2:19) — many of us become enslaved to the conspiracies which we believe. The focus of our lives becomes worldly preparation for the event we think is coming upon us — such as a world economic collapse or the destruction of the white race.
Some of us become “preppers” — and stockpile food or even precious metals in anticipation of some kind of imminent post-apocalyptic society — while others may fear loss of our health and lives from mandatory vaccinations. Some of us train with weapons and prepare to live off-grid — or even practice drills to flee cities in anticipation of some race war. Some of us engage in mental effort trying to envisage and work toward our imagined kind of materially successful society. Naturally when we engage in these things, we imagine ourselves to be righteous — without having to practice the Scriptural standard of righteousness.
Yet how can He be our fear and our dread in practice? What did the Lord Jesus command us to fear? He says in Matthew 24:42,
Therefore be on the alert, for you do not know which day your Lord is coming.
Ultimately we do not know which events called “conspiracies” by men will befall us, but there is one event we as Christians can all stake our very lives on will befall us — the return of the Lord Jesus. He says in Luke 21:34-36,
34 “But be on your guard, so that your hearts will not be weighed down with dissipation and drunkenness and the worries of life, and that this day will not come on you suddenly, like a trap; 35 for it will come upon all those who live on the face of all the earth. 36 But stay alert at all times, praying that you will have strength to escape all these things that are going to take place, and to stand before the Son of Man.”
The Lord commands us not to be weighed down with the worries of life. He creates a causal link between such worry and having the day of His coming be like a trap for us. In other words, if we worry according to the world, we will be caught unawares. The Lord literally says, “do not be worried about your life” (Matthew 6:25), “for whoever wants to save his life will lose it” (Matthew 16:25). This is not a reference even to the life of our flesh — but life eternal — as the Lord says in Matthew 10:28,
And do not be afraid of those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.
Revelation 14:13 even says of the end times, “Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on!” If we are not to care for our lives — and if death in the Lord may even be a blessing, how ridiculous is it to say to one another, “peace, peace”, where there very clearly is not peace? (Jeremiah 6:14)
Therefore, the focus and fear of our lives must be the return of the Lord Jesus. It must consume our minds and all other fear must pale in comparison, because the return of the Lord coming upon us unawares is a far, far worse fate than anything the world can do to us. Isaiah 8:14-15 continues from where we left off earlier,
Then He will become a sanctuary;
He is a sanctuary indeed, because if we keep our minds on the things above — no longer slaves of sin and worldliness — then we are free citizens in the Kingdom of God. We patiently seek His coming — knowing we are guaranteed eternal victory in Him.
14… But to both houses of Israel, He will be a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense, And a snare and a trap for the inhabitants of Jerusalem. 15 Many will stumble over them, Then they will fall and be broken; They will be snared and caught.”
Here again, we see the Lord Himself being a stumbling block to the people of Israel. When Israel have their minds set on the things of the world, they are wholly unable to please Him — in spite of believing they are serving Him. When we do this, we fumble for Him in darkness, falling into a snare and being broken. We do not stumble over Jews, blacks or anything else — we stumble over the Lord Jesus Himself. Isaiah 33:14 says,
Sinners in Zion are terrified; Trembling has seized the godless. “Who among us can live with the consuming fire? Who among us can live with everlasting burning?”
See how the sinners in Zion are terrified, and the godless tremble? If we tremble and are terrified at what the world has to throw at us — rather than being terrified for the return of the Lord Jesus — does that not necessarily mean that we are godless sinners? The causality is undeniable. Then Isaiah 33:15 speaks of another group:
One who walks righteously and speaks with integrity, One who rejects unjust gain And shakes his hands so that they hold no bribe; One who stops his ears from hearing about bloodshed And shuts his eyes from looking at evil;
Note how Isaiah here doesn’t mention those who prepped for the war, or those who prepped for the famine, or those who stockpiled silver and gold. Isaiah simply mentions those who are set free from sin — those who are free citizens in the Kingdom of God. For those he says, “Your eyes will see the King in His beauty” (Isaiah 33:17). Likewise, the Lord also says, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” (Matthew 5:8)
We cannot expect to have polluted hearts — with eyes set on worldly things — and hope to see Him. The very best preparation we have for the worst event to come on the world — the return of Christ Jesus — is to purge our lives of sin. It is to have the truth of the gospel of the Lord Jesus set us free indeed. Isaiah 33:20-22 goes on to say for those who see God,
20 Look at Zion, the city of our appointed feasts; Your eyes will see Jerusalem, an undisturbed settlement, A tent which will not be folded; Its stakes will never be pulled up, Nor any of its ropes be torn apart. 21 But there the majestic One, the Lord, will be for us A place of rivers and wide canals On which no boat with oars will go, And on which no mighty ship will pass— 22 For the Lord is our judge, The Lord is our lawgiver, The Lord is our king; He will save us
This passage denotes a deep irony in its imagery — the material success of Jerusalem is only a copy and shadow of its unshakeable nature and eternal success. When we build ourselves into the spiritual temple — forsaking lawlessness and embracing the Lord Jesus and His righteousness — we build ourselves into the invincibility of its promises.
Fully internalizing this truth highlights the sheer banality of material desires. It renders our material existence moot, because we are pursuing a world where the materialism of the world no longer applies. We realize our bodies simply need to be cared for until they are ready to be cast aside in favor of new ones. Hebrews 2:14-15 says,
14 Therefore, since the children share in flesh and blood, He Himself likewise also partook of the same, so that through death He might destroy the one who has the power of death, that is, the devil, 15 and free those who through fear of death were subject to slavery all their lives.
The Lord Jesus — by virtue of His resurrection and immortality — has defeated the final frontier of material existence: Death. By this act, He saved us from being subject to slavery all our lives — and we would do well to awaken to this very fact.
If we truly believe we share in His immortality — being free citizens in His kingdom — we realize that death is merely a step in our journey. The world and its lusts are something to be shaken off and left behind, as we open our eyes to the eternity which lies before us.
With so great a reward and inevitable victory set before us, why do we cling so violently to the world and its entrapments? Why would we even for a second consider ourselves defeated? Peter commands us to “repent and return, so that [our] sins may be wiped away, in order that times of refreshing may come from the presence of the Lord.” (Acts 3:19) Therefore, let us repent and return in earnest, especially considering that the death of all flesh is in sight. We see in Isaiah 42:23-25,
23 Who among you will listen to this? Who will pay attention and listen in the time to come? 24 Who gave Jacob up for spoils, and Israel to plunderers? Was it not the Lord, against whom we have sinned, And in whose ways they were not willing to walk, And whose Law they did not obey? 25 So He poured out on him the heat of His anger And the fierceness of battle; And it set him aflame all around, Yet he did not recognize it; And it burned him, but he paid no attention.
The prophecy literally states that Israel was not even aware that the Lord had burned and destroyed them because of all their sin. If any want to resist the current world powers, do they also imagine that they could resist the heat of the Lord’s anger? If we do not understand that “the Lord, against whom we have sinned” has brought about the destruction of white people, then we are merely they who “did not recognize it.”
Isaiah here is clear — sin and an unwillingness to walk in the Lord’s ways caused Israel to be destroyed without even realizing. See the power of sin to bring about the blindness of Israel — as though the sun and moon were black, and it was as the night during the day. Daniel 12:10 — speaking of the end — reinforces the causality between sin and blindness,
Many will be purged, cleansed, and refined, but the wicked will act wickedly; and none of the wicked will understand, but those who have insight will understand.
Those who act wickedly will have no understanding in the end — lining up with what we have so far demonstrated. Yet we are given a magnificent promise: “those who have insight will understand.” The Lord has promised us that there will be those who understand the end. There will be no middle ground — the only way to avoid the darkness of a black sun and moon will be to turn from wickedness and to have insight, of which it says in Daniel 12:3,
And those who have insight will shine like the glow of the expanse of heaven, and those who lead the many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever.
The Lord quotes this passage at the end of the explanation of the parable of the wheat and the tares, saying after “those who commit lawlessness” have been burned (Matthew 13:42), “the righteous will shine forth like the sun in the kingdom of their Father.” (Matthew 13:43)
As a parting thought, let us consider Luke 12:42-46,
42 And the Lord said, “Who then is the faithful and sensible steward, whom his master will put in charge of his servants, to give them their rations at the proper time? 43 Blessed is that slave whom his master finds so doing when he comes. 44 Truly I say to you that he will put him in charge of all his possessions. 45 But if that slave says in his heart, ‘My master will take a long time to come,’ and he begins to beat the other slaves, both men and women, and to eat and drink and get drunk; 46 then the master of that slave will come on a day that he does not expect, and at an hour that he does not know, and will cut him in two, and assign him a place with the unbelievers.
The Lord Jesus will find faithful and sensible stewards — those who have insight and understand — when He returns. He will also find those who entangle themselves in sin and the world — the wicked who act wickedly, confused and blind in the darkness of night. They will even be found to encourage one another toward their own wickedness, saying “peace” when there is no peace for them. If we find ourselves saying there is peace for us and our people, then we have no insight — we are they who “did not recognize it.”
Therefore, let us ask for the insight to understand — and have the strength to escape — being able to stand before the Son of Man. Let us set our minds on the things that are above.
“….It doesn’t sound like things are going very badly for them (modern jewry/israel the land) — in fact, it sounds like things are going rather well for them……”
It is October 23th, 2023. The Middle East, according to the News, is in chaos.
If one watches the Corporate Media — CNN, Fox News and especially NEWSMAX, one might think that the above sentence in italics is desperately wrong. According to the Controlled Press, “israel” and the jews are under attack.
What I find very interesting and laughable, is that the word “holocaust” is repeated about 100 xs during these “Media Reports”. The Palestinians are slaughtering babies by cutting off their heads and they say this is second to the dreaded “holocaust”.
For Modern Jewry to have “persecution” they have to invent it or fake it.
We are living in astonishing times at the moment. Where will this go? At first I thought it was just a land grab. But now I’m beginning to wonder if they will FAKE the Dispensationalist narrative of Gog and Magog.
Stay Tuned.
Read books by Gerry Fox for an interesting and highly significant analysis of current climate changes and his book on Revelation and especially on the Gog /Magog fiasco. His interpretation of events pulls a great many pieces of the puzzle into a perfect picture.
Deuteronomy 23:1 talks about eunuchs too… Even if it was an accidental injury.
Where are you drawing the line with inheritance? Isn’t dark hair/ eyes a sign that you definitely have some inter-mixture? And then even if you express fair features, that doesn’t necessarily mean you are ‘pure.’
Storm Eagle
I read this but left it a little confused.
God blessed me with a Godly wife. We want to homeschool and raise our kids in Christ. We would prefer to do it in peace but the wicked have usurped our government and are becoming increasingly bold in their satanism. I will always resist their evil, I will always protect my wife as it is my duty to do so as it is her duty to care for me. I will never let them take me or my family without a fight. Earth is temporary but I don’t think we should just eat and sleep until death comes(over simplifying).
I don’t know when the end is. But we will daily trust 100% in Christ. We will act Christlike towards others and speak out against the worldly wickedness that now is consuming the nation. While our eyes and aspirations are targeted towards eternity, I don’t think it’s wrong to want to spend time with my wife and raise children in a “safe” environment. I want to live as long as possible to enjoy her company for as long as possible. She will only be my wife here on earth, and together I want to enjoy God’s earth. His animals, trees, oceans, forests, mountains rivers and other majesties.
In the meantime be Christian warriors, not pacifists. Make the deep states as difficult to achieve through Godly resistance.
Christ is King.
Christ Is King
Amen! That’s how I feel too. Christ truly is King!
Storm Eagle, you absolutely should raise your family in a way that pleases God. Caring for your family in a way which makes them pleasing to God is aligned with seeking the Kingdom, in my opinion.
Unfortunately some men try to prep in fear at the expense of their families. Or they sit watching television instead of spending time with their children.
StormEage, if you dedicate your life to Christ, you will indeed make the New World Order difficult to achieve for the nation-wreckers. Christians just by being Christians are a great obstacle to their agenda, which is why they are trying so hard to turn us away from the faith. Just by being a Christian, you are resisting the antiChrist’s and their plans. You don’t even have to try to oppose them. It will just come naturally. It’s that simple.
Amen to that brother ! I’m of the exact same train of thought as you ! Even though my health has taken a serious dive the last 3-4 years , I will give it my all for my family to be safe and walk in our Christ’s ways, and make it as hard as possible for this corrupt Deep State Juden Cabal !
I don’t think the article is “Anti-prepping.” I think the point is that we understand God’s will and align ourselves to Him. That is the best way to prepare for the madness of babylon’s death throes.
We are doing the best possible “prepping” when we align ourselves with Him and give Him all we have. There’s just no time for a “worldly” kind of “prepping”.
Incidentally, does the NT ever tell us to do worldly prepping?
If it does it is in alignment with His will, i think.
The most common “prep” that comes to mind is “gird your loins.” Or even better, “crucify thy flesh.”
Certain things must take place before the end, as they are prophesied or promised, and they are inevitable due to prior events, it’s just that there are variables that affect what time they take place.
Only a being outside of all creation could possibly be aware of all the potential paths of the future, and even then, I do not think every choice made is fated or ‘written in stone’, that would contradict “free will”.
With summer, it’s the turning of a cycle and comes whether or not the fig tree is ready for it, but fig trees always seem to ready themselves at the appropriate time. I have thought for a long time that the main point of the parable was saying that the conclusion of this system will only be near when the ‘fig tree’ is ready, in reference to Israel as a ‘fig tree’ much like “when the crop permits…”
All the predictions are made by people who already get so much wrong about the Bible and what God desired. You can’t understand anything about the end if you don’t have the full and accurate picture. How can someone fulfil the Great Commission when they teach the wrong things and do not even understand the intent behind the command?
Question – Where was Paul when he penned the Book of Romans?
Answer – in jail.
Question – why was he in jail?
Answer – for defying the government.
Legitimate, God ordained government is described in the Bible more than once. The Roman government did NOT fit that template, therefore it was illegitimate and Paul ignored their demands. I know of no regime anywhere in the world today that fits God’s definition of government, ergo they are illegitimate and not deserving of our support or obedience.
Furthermore, it is my personal opinion that it is the Christian’s right, nay duty, to do his/her best to rid themselves and their countrymen of illegitimate government. Some can do more than others, and it is often wise to do what you can stealthily and simply ignore their unrighteous and illegal edicts when possible, fight them when not, but what is done on this earth for our time is nonetheless important. As a minister friend of mine was wont to say – “some people are so spiritually minded that they are of no earthly use…”
It is not an act of rebellion against God to follow the spirit wherever it leads.
And it didnt lead to rebellion against the government. It wasnt militant. It served the spirit.
The same spirit that led Paul into the nations and to become a Roman citizen.
Paul acted as the wind, as the spirit took him. He didnt “prep”.
But then again the spirit can also lead a man to prep like with noah.
Main point is Paul followed the spirit. That is the entirety of his ministry. 1 corinthians 2.
luke2236, that quote might tickle the ear, but each of us must submit ourselves to the authority of the Scripture. It’s obvious to me and anyone who reads the Bible that Paul wasn’t in jail for any physical or “material” resistance to the government.
Romans 13:6-7 talks about paying taxes to government. Which government do you think they were paying taxes to, if not the Roman government? Therefore, when you say that “Roman government did NOT fit that template”, you are categorically incorrect, because Paul is literally talking about Rome in Romans 13:1-7.
Maybe you should revise your views on your relationship with the government as a Christian? 1 Peter 2:13-20 and 1 Peter 3:13-17 may help to provide more context.
It is all summarized in the brilliant statement, “Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.” (Mark 12:17)
Tell me… Is there one record of a Christian resisting the government with violence in the Scripture?
One of the reasons Pilate and other Romans tolerated Christ was because he was not trying to stir up rebellion against Romans, or criticise the Roman empire. This wasn’t because the Roman empire was God-given governing, it was because their existence as an empire was foretold by God and God must keep his word. That’s the “fulfilment of the gentiles.”
There must be certain things that take place, and they involve the Governments that will have power over Israel from there on. If they rebel against them, they are attempting to change what is already prophesied and take the vengeance that God said is his alone.
I have problems with this too, to what degree are we to ‘tolerate’ what is done to us? Doesn’t such complacency & passivity make us weak instead of meek? There are some transgressions I can not tolerate. I also do not understand how we are supposed to accomplish anything without autonomy over ourselves as a collective.
Rome was prophesied as a Beast with Iron Teeth, it was destroyed and burnt up, but will be resurrected as the head of another beast.
The four Beasts link with the Statue of Nebuchadnezzar, meaning they are his legacy, they are empires that try to attain the same goals, by similar means, and must also have direct significance to Israelites.
Because Babylonians and Assyrians/ Medo-Persians were “Shemite,” and they were originally Caucasoid with fair appearances, like the ‘people of Aratta,’ before mixing, that means we, as Europeans, are also “Shemite,” including Greeks and Romans too. That means the promise to Shem applies.
So who or what is the Beast of revelation that is the amalgamation of Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome? Don’t aspects of these cultures and empires disseminate throughout the whole civilised world? Isn’t Globalism the ideology of these empires, and Catholicism too?
It also has to link with the “clay & iron mixture” part of the statue too, the Iron must be Italians/ Mediterraneans or their culture, traditions & language, and the clay are Israelites, lost or not, because of how they are referred to by God as clay in the Bible.
After destroying the Western Roman Empire, the Germanic tribes eventually adopted the title of “Holy Roman Empire.” The collective of European nations acted as a large, discontent, ununited confederacy, under the same noble houses/ blood.
Then the French and British Empires tried to fulfil the Global Empire under Jewish & Freemasonic rulership. Freemasonry is based on Mithraic (Roman) cults as well as esoteric Judaism/ Kabbalah, which is akin to Canaanite/ Assyrian/ Babylonian mysticism. To the Freemasons, who are eclectic Gnostics, the Jews are grandmaster Magi of pagan mysteries, not a real “nation.”
That’s the “fulfilment of the gentiles.”
What’s the “fulfilment of the gentiles”? Are you suggesting that the fulfilment is complete?
Rome was prophesied as a Beast with Iron Teeth
The four kingdoms of Daniel 2 were prophesied to be destroyed simultaneously. In practice they fell sequentially, but Rome was quite an amalgamation of all the empires which came before. So I suppose it makes sense that the prophecies shows the rock striking the feet (Daniel 2:34), because Rome was the final empire to fall sequentially. But the stone crush the entire amalgamation (Daniel 2:45), in striking the feet.
Okay now that is very different to Daniel 7:12, which says that only the beast with seven horns would be destroyed, and the rest of the beasts would persist for a time. That is markedly different and irreconcilable with the means or order of destruction of the statue. For this reason, the statue empires of Daniel 2 and the beasts of Daniel 7 fundamentally cannot be referring to the same thing.
Also, Daniel 7 is very obviously an end times prophecy, which is especially evident given that much of the Revelation imagery comes from Daniel 7, for example Revelation 4, Revelation 13:1-7, Revelation 19:20, Revelation 20:4,11-15. None of it has been fulfilled yet, unless someone can pinpoint where the beast was burned, court convened, books opened, etc.
No, Revelation would be the completion. The Beasts of Daniel was up to Christ. At least that was my understanding.
If the Book of Daniel hasn’t happened yet then it was neither use, nor ornament to Ancient Israelites.
Yes, Revelation is directly connected to Daniel and uses the same metaphors/ imagery, with the same meanings, Revelation refers to the End Times but Daniel does not. I don’t really follow the logic in how you can make such a conclusion from that alone. What else makes you say that Daniel’s prophecy is “obviously an end times prophecy”?
“unless someone can pinpoint where the beast was burned, court convened, books opened, etc.” Are you being obtuse? Can anyone point to me where the big statue was destroyed and replaced by a mountain?
There is merit to the idea that rebelling against adversarial powers that were prophesied is against God’s wishes. That’s the only logical reason I can think of.
Although that in of itself seems daft, why would he prophecy something that restricts the Free Will of his own people? I can see why someone would think it is a trick to make a populace more malleable and subservient.
Dan wrote, “If the Book of Daniel hasn’t happened yet then it was neither use, nor ornament to Ancient Israelites.”
I didn’t say the book of Daniel hasn’t happened yet. I said Daniel 7 hasn’t happened yet. Regardless, the assumption that all of the book of Daniel must have been useful to pre-Christian Israelites is unfounded.
Dan wrote, “Are you being obtuse? Can anyone point to me where the big statue was destroyed and replaced by a mountain?”
Yes, it was when Rome gave way to Christianity. If you claim Daniel 7 has happened, you need to explain how, otherwise you cannot make that claim.
Dan wrote, “Although that in of itself seems daft, why would he prophecy something that restricts the Free Will of his own people? I can see why someone would think it is a trick to make a populace more malleable and subservient.”
Until such time as you stop wasting your time with worldly things, you are already malleable and subservient. Drop all your hobbies and things which waste your time and devote your life fully to Christ. If you have nothing to do, study the Bible and pray with all of your time. Then judge for yourself how malleable you are… But only after you start doing it.
Time is our most basic measurement of effort, but we can’t even give that to the Kingdom… But somehow think in our own minds we are not malleable?
john m
Ends times , when a large comet hits the earth or the sun goes into a super-nova ; you’re talking about first century people who thought anything in nature not explainable by them was supernatural.
Serious question and please do not take this the wrong way. Let’s say Christ doesn’t return for another 100 years. Why on earth would you seemingly dissuade prepping to prepare ourselves and to protect our families from our enemies???? Why would fighting starvation, persecution and attacks be in your mind wasteful? Why should 4 generations of Whites sacrifice themselves because the war is already lost? When exactly were we to abandon protection of our families? 1000 years ago, 500, 100? Why can’t I be righteous and protect my family at the same time. Why does doing this somehow imply ive lost my sight of the true goal? Can’t I do both?
Luke 10:
38 Now as they were traveling along, He entered a village; and a woman named Martha welcomed Him into her home. 39 And she had a sister called Mary, who was also seated at the Lord’s feet, and was listening to His word. 40 But Martha was distracted with all her preparations; and she came up to Him and said, “Lord, do You not care that my sister has left me to do the serving by myself? Then tell her to help me.” 41 But the Lord answered and said to her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and distracted by many things; 42 but only one thing is necessary; for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.”
Will you be distracted… or give your full focus to Christ?
(Also Matthew 6:25-34, IF indeed giving all your focus to Christ… Conditional on v33)
I hear your conundrum. I think this question can be answered with a simple explanation —- There is nothing wrong with “Defending” yourself, your family, your property etc. It’s the “offensive” that seems to me, not our responsibility. Our only offensive weapons are speaking the Truth and being Obedient to God.
It is not about “this life”. It is about the next.
At the end of the day — we wouldn’t be in this mess if our Ancestors truly loved the Lord.
Could there be a Spiritual Revival? Maybe. Luke 18:8 troubles me.
The Road is Narrow and only a Few will find it.
May you find Peace in this empty Spiritless world.
“There is nothing wrong with “Defending” yourself, your family, your property etc. It’s the “offensive” that seems to me, not our responsibility. Our only offensive weapons are speaking the Truth and being Obedient to God.”
Really well put, Westwins. Amen!
Really good question, Catdom.
Jesus said to buy swords. He didn’t say topple banana republics with the swords, for example. He didn’t say to go and purge the wicked with them. Nor did He say to convert the fuzzy wuzzys with them… so, protecting and being prepared is one thing, and having the wherewithal to see the writing on the wall when it comes to certain signs of the times and suchlike; but to be constantly on the look out for THE END! is not healthy, letalone Christian. To me it’s not about being a doomsday prepper: it’s about living for the day, and being thankful that the good Lord hasn’t smited me hahaha!
Yes, I say, oppose the nonsense of the world and try to stay afloat lest you sink in the sea of sin out there, but nothing’s gonna change without White people taking the punishment from God, sucking it up, and returning to Him.
I realized last year that I was just wasting my time by voteing… I can’t change the gubbmints of the world, and it was hubris of me to think that I could. I will be prepared come what may, but I’m not tryna “fight the Man”. I’m gonna protect my family too 🙂
Crush Limbraw
Frankly, I find this massive detailing on a common, but often misunderstood subject, a bit overwhelming, so I offer up an alternative study – – takes some reading also, but it includes my personal experience through several decades of discovering that we all see through the glass darkly as Paul said.
Question – are we confusing end times with the end of apostate Israel in 70 AD?
David Chilton’s Days of Vengeance and Paradise Lost might clarify some things we assume wrongly.
Keep in mind, discovering truth is a process, not an end state for us mortals.
All real truth seekers will end up as preterists. The ghosts, goblins and fairytales of Christendom vaporize at that point. Chilton’s book is a good start.
Matthew 24, Luke 21 and Mark 13, all speak of the fulfillment of the end of the age . They do not speak of the end of the world. A simple reading will show that the fig tree and the trees were the early Christians. Not the Jews in a stolen Palestine of the modern era. This generation is not a future generation but the ones living then. Enjoyed your hypothesis. Thank you.
Well … thinking for yourself isn’t politically correct ya know.
Had a conversation with a few relatives on the weekend exasperating the plight of our people. They asked why I wasn’t doing something ‘productive’ about it. I cryptically responded that when you can’t convince the people who now you well of the most obvious conspiracies (COVID, Global Warming etc) their is nothing that can be done.
What I actually thought, but couldn’t say was; We have abandoned God, so he as abandoned us and subsequently our people are blinded to the most obvious truths. That without first restoring God’s place in our hearts, any action is pointless.
Great article.
I see a re-birth of faith, forgive me CFT but I have to say it, not dogma but “Christian Faith”, that is far removed from its creed by charlatans….just like they moved the United States of America away from its creed.
Nature is not chaotic, nature is not evil, evil cometh from what the mind of man cannot comprehend, and therefore does everything possible to fit into boxes what that limited understanding can grasp and control.
Christians For Truth
Lisette, we’re not sure what you are referring to here. Where have we ever suggested that “dogma” takes precedence over “Christian faith”? What is your definition of “Christian faith” — and what is it based on?
My comment was not directed at you @CFT, it is a statement in general based on my experiences going into many Churches and observing those preachers who use the Bible and claim to be Christians. Each and every time I had to run away because those people by their actions contradicted the very essence of the Christian faith with the Bible in their hand. They even use Jesus to push the anti-Christian Marxist agenda, and do it with a straight face. I lived and learned. There is something to this effect in the Bible, test the spirit by the spirit…..
Evil is either subjective or it is simply all that is outside of God’s will. In popular terms “evil” can mean completely depraved, devoid of moral & social positives.
The concept of evil is not born out of being unable to comprehend evil people or evil actions. I can comprehend why a schizophrenic turns to murder and cannibalism, it doesn’t make the actions any less evil.
Animals do not have any choice in what they do, they are run by instinct, there is no expectation for them to be conscientious. Only we can be evil or immoral because we have choice. I find that most animals offer a lesson in what they are programmed to do. I would say nature isn’t inherently chaotic, but it is under entropy, which is chaos, nature is corrupted, just as we are.
CFT team said:
“To add insult to injury, this utter loss — the darkening of the sun and the moon — are something which the Lord does to Israel because of their own rebellion against Him. It’s not the Jew’s fault, it’s not the black’s fault, it’s not the Asian’s fault — it’s Israel’s fault. The Jews and their golems are simply the rod of chastisement used against Israel for its own disobedience. To resist them on a material level only serves as an attempt to resist the chastisement itself. As Daniel said, the power of the holy people will be shattered.”
Spot on. How can we follow God in spirit if we oppose His chastisement? It seems that in doing so man merely raises up himself thinking to obtain glory in this life and in this evil world.
There is also hope for those in sin. To be purged, cleansed and refined implies prior sin or uncleanness.
Great article guys.
I agree. Everything pertains to Israel as it says in Amos 3:2, Matt 15:24 etc irrespective of past articles. 2 John 9-11. Just look at our changing lands and see Isaiah 43:1-4 repeating itself. Why is 2 Chronicles 7:14 failing short. Those that deny jews are Edomites also ignore the fact that the yolk has been broken and the younger now servers the elder or are we also suppose to deny the Christ by making Jesus an Edomite.
Chris, what are you talking about? Little of the meaning behind your comment is self-evident. “Irrespective of past articles”? What do you mean?
Are you saying Jewish world power is a fulfillment of “the younger now serves the elder”? Where is there prophecy on “the younger now serves the elder” in the Bible?
What does any of this have to do with “making Jesus an Edomite”?
What does any of this have to do with cleansing unrighteousness from our lives, so that we can repent and return to Christ?
Chris, I strongly suggest you reread your Bible, as apparently you are not familiar with it. The Israelites were brought low, into abject slavery in Egypt, then wandered 40 years in poverty in the desert, while Edom rose to be a great power — even recognized by Egypt as such. And when on their journey to Canaan, the Israelites asked permission of the great Edom nation to pass through their territory, they were denied. Clearly, at this point in history Edom had “broken the yoke” and was greater than Israel. This event became pivotal for their fate, and then ultimate destruction of Edom, for turning away Israel in its time of need.
You ignore all this because it undermines your agenda. This event alone in Numbers 20:21 fulfills the short-term prophecy concerning Edom. And the long-term prophecy was fulfilled when the Herods, the Edomites, ruled over the Israelites in Judea at the time of Christ. Your agenda does not line up with the facts of the Bible.
Christ, the King of Israel, was born under the Edomite King Herod. How much more obvious could it be?
I keep going back to Genesis 36: and then Romans 9:13…
I think most here understand that the vast majority of modern day jews are not even Adamic. However, it appears to me that those few [relatively] that are, may well be from esau edom, cain and or amelek. Remember, God said He would ‘war with amelek’ forever, and the jew is certainly upholding their end of that bargain!
You can’t take Romans 9:13 out of context. The context is election at the discretion of God. “13As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.”
And if you look at the Greek, it doesn’t necessarily say that God “hated”….It has the connotation of “loved less” or “favored less”. Regardless, the point of Romans 9:13 isn’t to prove an ongoing, eternal blood feud between Jacob and Esau, but rather that God chooses for his own purposes, just as he chose Abel over Cain. To suggest that this verse has anything to do with modern day Jews is quite a stretch.
Not sure what you agree with me on Chris. Not sure exactly what you are saying.
But it seems that you have drunk of the soy milk that is not found in scripture. Where are edomites ever proven to be mongrels like the modern jews are?
I naively believed the “jews are edom” doctrine for the past few years, so i know the “reasons.” But ultimately it doesn’r prove true biblically.
Why is it naive and how is it not born out by scripture?
In my discussions on it here, all that can be concluded is that the Bible does not explicitly state that the modern Jew is the Edomite. No one has also yet been able to tell me where the Edomite is right now, yet Scripture (Obadiah) tells us that the Edomite will be on this Earth until the end of days.
The only other alternative (which does not seem to jibe with the scripture) is that Obadiah has already been fulfilled and the Israelites have indeed already purged the Earth of every single Edomite. Those here with who have proposed this alternative have not been able to nail down when this purge occurred; we know that Edomites and Edom existed during the time of Christ and the Apostles.
Additionally, I have not yet found another answer to Christ’s seemingly-paradoxical statement in John 8 that the Judean leaders were descendants of Abraham yet were never enslaved.
The only other answers that I have found to this come from Judeo-Christianity, eg: they leaders were claiming that their souls were never enslaved, or that they were referring to themselves specifically, and not their ancestry. Neither of which holds up in context, and any doctrine that you can find also in a “church” that flies the “Gay Pride Rainbow” flag is doctrine deserving doubt.
However, the Edomite Question does not require that all Jews be Edomites. I hold that it is possible to entertain the Edomite Question while also acknowledging that large numbers of Jews are Khazars. It is also possible to hold to the Edomite Question without having to believe also in any “second seedline” theories, which CFT has strongly argued are specious.
RB wrote, “No one has also yet been able to tell me where the Edomite is right now.”
The literal Edomites do not exist right now because the nation was utterly destroyed and laid waste.
In 106 AD Rome forced the Nabatteans to surrender Edom. The Romans renamed it “Arabia Petraea.” Look at it on a map:
Eventually, it became controlled by the Arabs by the 7th century. Look at Edom on map. It is all Arab territory, Southern Palestine and Sinai. The ancient Edomites were absorbed into the Arab peoples in that area — which should be obvious. Far more Arabs in this area have “Edomite” blood than any Jew in Europe or the West. If you need “Edom” to still exist to fulfill Obadiah, you’ll find Edom in those Arab people.
Just wanted to support you by saying I too believe there is a connection. Albeit loosely. And Charles Weisman makes that connection as well, if you haven’t already read his book.
For me, at the end of the day, it really doesn’t matter one way or the other, so I stay out of the “Debate”. But just wanted to affirm you that you are not alone in your thoughts. If you wanted to talk, I have a proton mail email account.
Well, the Bible makes it clear that the Edomites were Adamic, so wherever and whenever they are they can’t be the mongrel jews we see today.
Malachi tells us of Edom’s ultimate fate:
“And I hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness.”
The dual seedline doctrine wrongly asserts that the heathen nations of the OT were bastards. Many of its adherents also assume that anyone who doesnt agree with that is a universalist and should be slandered as such.
Hendrick Lamb
“Those that deny jews are Edomites….” You have this all backward, Chris. Since you claim that today’s Jews are “Edomites”, it is you who has the burden of proof, not those who “deny” it. There is no reason to think that today’s Jews are Edomites because, except for Herod, Edomites aren’t even mentioned in the entire New Testament or Revelation. And Herod ruling over the Israelites of Judea is proof that the “younger serves the elder” prophecy has already been fulfilled, so there is no need to fulfill it 2,000 years later again with the “Jews” by claiming they are Edomites. This is all in your head, not in Scriptures.
Orwell’s 1984 shows us of the govt the jews/illuminati/masons have planned. Isn’t the term “big brother” a reference to esau, big brother to Jacob? That hints that jews are of esau/edom bloodline
Edward I
There’s no evidence that George Orwell was referring to Esau when he coined the term “Big Brother.” And even if he did, that piece of fiction would have no bearing on Bible prophecy or reality, would it? What about “Brave New World” another dystopian novel? How does Esau fit into that? Or “Bladerunner”? Or “Farenheit 451”? or “Soylent Green”?
They have their own motivations for doing what they do and it is far removed from your perspective of things. In fact, I’m inclined to believe that they biologically inherited their subversive & antisocial drives, and then there are always social rejects & lowlifes who hunger for power, supernatural or material, and they feed into esoteric/ occult hierarchies & systems like Freemasonry.
Why would George Orwell be hinting to such a thing with that one phrase and then never mention it anywhere else in more detail? It’s an irrelevant coincidence, and this kind of thinking is not beneficial, silly ideas detract from whatever you are trying to support.
Since orwell was part of the occult Fabian society, i assume the purpose of the book was the opposite of what we think. Not a warning to us, but predictive programming, or a way to share plans by making it seem like fiction. The covers usually have a single eye, “all seeing eye”. I know this isn’t scriptural. All of you go back and forth with Scripture and never resolve who they are, and you won’t. Why not pay attention to the answers elsewhere as well. Jews love to put their plans into movies allegorically to rub it in our faces what they are doing and how dumb we are for not figuring it out.
Edward I
P, you understand that the Jews refer to White Europeans as “Edom”, right? So “Big Brother” is the head of the Jewish totalitarian system, why is he white? The only Jew mentioned in “1984” is Goldstein, the revolutionary who seems to be the “good” guy. The original publisher of the book was Seckler & Warburg, obviously Jewish. Can’t see any connection to Esau…..
9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,
10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.
11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.
(1 Corinthians 6)