Recently this issue came up among our regular readers, so we would like to offer Sheldon Emry’s sermon “Eve And The Serpent In The Garden Of Eden: What Actually Happened?” for your consideration.
The main thrust of Emry’s thesis is that the contention that Eve and the Serpent engaged in actual sexual intercourse and created a child — Cain — whose seedline literally comes from the Serpent — has its origins in the occult mystery religions of Babylon — and that this doctrine has now worked its way even into some Christian circles.
The claim is that Satan — a fallen angel — literally impregnated Eve and created Cain, whose bloodline can literally be traced down through history to the modern day so-called “Jews.”
Those who ascribe to this theory often point out that the Hebrew Masoretic texts support the sexual connotation of Eve’s “eating” the apple — whereas the Septuigent does not. We must seriously consider the probability, however, that when the Jews went to translate this passage in Genesis from the Greek into “Hebrew” — in the 10th Century AD — they were already under the influence of their long-held Babylonian belief that this encounter between the serpent and Eve was a sexual seduction, so they naturally would use words to convey that idea and insert them into their translation. After all, they call their holy book “The Babylonian Talmud” for a reason.
There is also a dispute over Genesis 4:1, which many Biblical scholars agree is a gloss — a scribal error — but because it is an error, we do not know what the original was — and to speculate that the original text necessarily supports the idea that Cain is not Adam and Eve’s natural-born son is simply opportunistic, misleading, and illogical.
That said, it is doubtful that any Christian who believes that the Serpent and Eve engaged in an actual sex act is aware that they are repeating an ancient occult Babylonian myth — and at the very least, it should give them pause to consider that perhaps they themselves have been “beguiled”.
We are not presenting Emry’s thesis as “the truth” on this issue, but merely as a well-supported argument to the contrary which should be given due consideration.
You may want to refresh your memory of this episode in the Garden of Eden by re-reading Genesis 3 before proceeding to this study.
We transcribed this sermon ourselves — and it is the only known transcription to exist, so we would appreciate it if our readers would make back-up copies for themselves to make sure Emry’s work is preserved.
You can listen to Emry’s sermon here:
Sheldon Emry:
First, I want to state generally the questions that we are going to enter in this study, and I will also be reading from and referring to other sources to show how these questions are answered by various religions which today have millions of followers in various parts of the world.
First some of the questions:
One: Who or what was the Serpent?
Two: What was the tree in the midst of the garden?
Three: What did Eve actually do, and what did Adam do that was described in verse 6, ‘She took of the fruit thereof and did eat and gave also unto her husband and he did eat’?
Four: What was the consequence or the result of whatever it was that they did?
Five: What is the meaning of verse 15, and what are the seeds mentioned there? And once we know that, how the enmity was to be manifested which God said he would put between the two seeds.
Then in a general manner we will give the past history, current events, and the future Bible prophecy related to what happened in Genesis 3, and the correct interpretation of it.
Now I want to state what some religions teach that happened here in the Garden of Eden between Eve and the Serpent, and between Adam and Eve.
Some Christian denominations teach that the Tree was a real tree carrying ample fruit — and that God had commanded that Adam and Eve not to partake of it as a test to their obedience. The Serpent supposedly knew that and therefore — tempting Eve — he tricked her into eating it. She misled Adam, and, in effect, they both then sinned by disobedience. They teach that that sin was one of simple disobedience, but it brought banishment from the Garden of Eden. And since the edict for sin was death, this act by Adam and Eve, brought into mankind death. This is referred to today in churches as the “adamic sin,” and they usually will refer to Romans 5: 12 through 21:
12Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned: 13(For until the law sin was in the world: but sin is not imputed when there is no law. 14Nevertheless death reigned from Adam to Moses, even over them that had not sinned after the similitude of Adam’s transgression, who is the figure of him that was to come.
Adam brought death, but Christ brought life. Verse 18:
18Therefore as by the offence of one judgment came upon all men to condemnation; even so by the righteousness of one the free gift came upon all men unto justification of life.
This is partially explained in 1 Corinthians 15: 21-22:
21 For since by man came death, by man came also the resurrection of the dead. 22 For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive.
And that is about the sum total of the teaching of most of what we call the professing Christians in church today. They say, in substance, that Adam or Eve or both sinned, bringing death into the world, and since then all men have died.
Not all are in agreement on this. Some hedge or imply that the sin may have been more serious than the simple eating of some fruit from some literal tree. Some Christian denominations do infer that the sin may have been sexual in nature.
In other words, they were tricked or deceived into cohabiting with each other, and they also do usually follow this by saying that Adam and Eve were apparently created as immortals but became subject to death by their sin — whatever it was — in the Garden of Eden.
There are some connected indirectly with the major Protestant denominations who teach emphatically that the Serpent and Eve had sexual intercourse. And a few add that Cain was born of that union.
The Mormons
The Mormon Church is quite specific in its teaching about Eve and the Serpent — they do teach that Eve had sexual intercourse with the Serpent. She then turned to Adam, and they had sexual intercourse, which brought in whatever it was that came and followed that.
Many who have left the Mormon Church have told about what is called the “Temple Marriage”. And this marriage ceremony includes the husband and wife watching what is — in effect — a re-enactment of what happened in the Garden of Eden — with a man in black speaking to Eve, then taking her behind some bushes in a temple room. She later emerges, speaks to Adam, then disappears with Adam behind the bushes, coming out later when God calls to them. The understanding of all the Mormons who participate in this is that there was a sexual act committed by these three people — that it was not a literal eating of a piece of fruit from a literal tree — and further from this came all wisdom.
I will read passages from this startling book, Mormonism: Shadow Or Reality? which includes information that even Mormons do not know. Chapter 10:
The Mormon apostle John A. Widtsoe made this statement concerning Adam and Eve:
In Joseph Smith’s philosophy of existence, Adam and Eve were raised to a foremost place in all the children of men, second only to the Savior. Their act was to be acclaimed. They were the greatest figures of the ages. The Fall became a necessary, honorable act in carrying out the plan of the Almighty.
The Book of Mormon contains this statement, Second Nephi 225:
Adam fell that men might be, and man are that they might have joy.
In Joseph Smith’s production of the Book of Moses, we read the following:
And in that day, Adam blessed God and began to prophecy saying, ‘Blessed be the name of God for because of my transgression, my eyes are opened. And in this life I will have joy and again in the flesh I shall see God.
Notice he said, “…because of my transgression, my eyes are opened.”
And Eve was glad, saying, ‘Were it not for our transgression, we should never have had seed and never should have known good and evil, and the joy of our redemption, and the eternal life which God giveth unto all the obedient (Mormon book, Pearl Of Great Price)
Joesph Fielding Smith, who became the tenth president of the Mormon Church in 1970, made these statements:
The Fall of Man came as a blessing in disguise. I never speak of the part Eve took in the fall as a sin, nor do I accuse Adam of a sin. It is not always a sin to transgress a law.
Remember that phrase, accredited to Adam, “Because of my transgression, my eyes were opened, and in this life I shall joy, and again in the flesh, I shall see God.” The Mormon Church, in effect, says that it was the transgression of Adam which gave Adam wisdom, which gives him joy in this life, and which assures him of the resurrection.
The Mormons also teach that Adam is now God — or their God. On April 9, 1852, Brigham Young, the second president of the Mormon Church, publicly preached the Adam-God doctrine. In this sermon, he stated, quote,
Now hear it, O inhabitants of the Earth, Jew and Gentile, saint and sinner, when our father, Adam, came into the Garden of Eden, he came into it with a celestial body and brought Eve — one of his wives — with him. He helped to make and organize this world. He is Michael, the archangel, the ancient of days about whom holy men have written and spoken. He is our father and our God, and the only God with whom we have to do. Every man on Earth, whether professing Christians or non-professing must hear it and will know it sooner or later. The Earth was organized by three distinct characters, namely Elohim, Yahuvah, and Michael. And these three forming a quorum, as in all heavenly bodies, and in an organizing element, personally represented in the deity, as Father and Son, and as Holy Ghost. (From the Mormon Book: Journal of Discourses, Volume 1)
(Brigham Young wearing masonic symbol)
The fact that the Mormon people understood Brigham Young to mean just what he said concerning Adam being God is verified by articles that appeared in the church’s publication, Millennial Star. On December 10, 1853, an article titled, “Adam: The Father And God Of The Human Family,” appeared in the Millennial Star, quote:
The above sentiment appear in Star number 48, and little to the surprise of some of its readers, and while the sentiment may have appeared blasphemous to the ignorant, it has no doubt given rise to some serious reflection which the more candid and more comprehensive mind. Adam is really God. Why not?
In spite of the opposition Brigham Young continued to teach the Adam-God doctrine. In 1873, just a few years before his death, he declared,
How much unbelief exists in the minds of the Latter Day Saints in regard to one particular doctrine which I reveal to them and which God revealed to me, namely that Adam is our father and our God. Our father Adam helped to make this earth. It was created expressly for him. He brought one of his wives with him. We say father Adam came here and helped to make the earth. Who is he? It is Michael, the first man on the earth, and its framer and its maker. He, with the help of his brethren, brought it into existence. Then he said, ‘I want my children who are in the spirit world to come and live here. I want God on earth something like this in a mortal state. I was faithful, I received my crown, and exhalation. I have the privilege of extending my work and to its increase there will be no end. I want my children who were born to me in the spirit world to come here and take tabernacles of flesh that their spirits may have a house. (“A Tabernacle or Dwelling Place As Mine Has: Where Is The Mystery?” (Desert News, June 14, 1873)
On page 175 of this same book, Brigham Young states specifically and unequivocally that Adam was not created out of the dust of the ground — that the Bible is wrong on that point — and that Adam came here from another world.
Joseph Lee Robinson stated that Brigham Young taught that Adam was the father of our spirits. The following appears in his Journal and autobiography,
Brigham Young said that Adam and Eve were the natural father and mother of every spirit that comes into this planet or that receives tabernacles on this planet — and that Adam was God, our eternal father.
On page 180 of Women of Mormondom we read the following:
Adam and Eve are the names of the fathers and mothers of the worlds. These were father and mother of a world of spirits who have been born to them in heaven.
George Q. Cannon, a member of the first presidency of the Mormon Church, seems to believe that Adam was the father of Christ. His son recorded the following in his journal,
Father asked me what I understood concerning Mary conceiving the Savior, and as I found no answer, he asked, ‘What was to prevent father Adam from visiting and overshadowing the mother of Jesus?” Then said I, “He must have been a resurrected being.” “Yes, said he, and though Christ is said to have been the first fruits of them that slept yet the Savior said he did nothing but what he had seen seen his father do, for he had power to lay down his life and take it up again.” Adam, though made of dust, was, as President Young said, of the dust of another planet than this.” (March 10, 1888)
Then the Moron teaching goes on proclaiming that all men — all males who become Mormons — are on their way to heaven and immortality where they will become Gods like Adam. And they will have many wives and beget spirit beings with which they will people other worlds like the Earth, and each Mormon will then become a god of that other earth as Adam has become the God of this earth.
The Temple Marriage is taught as a necessary part of this man to God progression, covered on page 455 of this book:
The Mormon leaders teach that those who marry in the temple will have children forever. Bruce R. McConkey of the temple explains, “those who gain eternal life, exaltation, also eternal lives, meaning that in the resurrection they have eternal increase, a continuation of the seeds, a continuation of the lives. Their spirit progeny will continue as innumerable as the stars…”
A quote from Bruce McConkie’s Mormon Doctrine (1966):
Except a man and his wife enter into an everlasting covenant and be married for eternity, while in this probation by the power and authority of the holy priesthood, the prophet says, they will cease to increase when they die — that is, they will not have any children after the resurrection.
President Joseph Fielding Smith states,
What is eternal life? It is to have a continuation of the seeds forever and ever. (from Doctrines Of Salvation).
And President Smith says,
Restrictions will be placed upon those who enter the terrestrial and celestial kingdoms and even those in the celestial kingdom who do no get the exaltation — the exaltation meaning the continuation of seed. Changes will be made in their bodies to suit their condition, and there will be no marrying and giving in marriage or living together of men and women because of these restrictions.
In other words, if you don’t get married in the temple, you won’t have this continual marriage and children in the spirit world.
Mormon theology teaches that God himself has a wife, and that in the pre-existence we lived as his sons and daughters. Nelson R. Hunter makes this statement,
Jesus is man’s spiritual brother. We dwelt with him in the spirit world as members of that large society of eternal intelligence which included our heavenly parents.
The Mormon authorities teach that it is impossible for a person to receive the highest exaltation without temple marriage. Nelson R. Hunter remarked,
Marriage is not only a righteous institution, but obedience to this law is absolutely necessary in order to obtain the highest exaltation in the kingdom of God. (The Gospel Through The Ages)
And remember that marriage ceremony requires that the participants witness the re-enactment of the supposed sexual intercourse between Eve and the Serpent. And they are told that this is a requirement for their eternal salvation — that they believe that and witness it acted out in the temple.
As part of their doctrine that marriage and sexual intercourse with many wives is the way to heaven, they teach that Jesus was married to Martha and Mary Magdalene, and the wedding feast at Cana (John 2:1) was his own wedding.
This book further reveals that in the temple marriage ceremony husband and wife are stood naked, washed, and then given new undergarments which they must never remove except to replace when worn out.
The Mormons also have secret hand shakes, signs, and words and phrases they use to identity themselves and to each other. Much of the secret rituals parallels that of Masonry.
In the marriage ceremony, they are also given a new secret name and a password. They are told to never reveal either and they must remember the password because when they die and get to heaven, they must utter that password in order to enter the heavenly portal.
That part of the ceremony is verified in a much older book titled Mormons And Mormonism (Massachusetts 1870) and was written by a woman who was a Mormon and then left the Mormon Church. Page 41 to 42, speaking of the endowment, which goes on in the temple:
By early winter the upper rule of the temple set apart for the mysteries of the endowment were finished, and the persons in the different quorums accounted worthy were sent for to receive the fullness of that blessing. None but those of approved integrity and of undoubted orthodoxy:who have paid their tithing can travel this ‘Mormon Road To Heaven,’ as it is called. This tithing in its fullest sense implies a tenth of all one’s property and income and one-tenth of the time to be spent in labor on the public works or money to hire a substitute. There are many things about these initiations which I do not feel at liberty to disclose as I received them as religious mysteries at a time I believed they were true when I had no other religion. Indeed my whole knowledge of religion within a few months has been associated with these ceremonies as the only road to heaven. They have taught me to believe my chief duties as a woman in this life consisted of having a great many children, and my prospect for happiness and exaltation in the next world to be greatly enhanced by being one of many fruitful wives of one man, and that even my salvation depended on the pleasure of the prophet, meaning Brigham Young or whoever was in charge, or on that of a spiritual husband, and I had never heard a true account of that beautiful story of a free salvation through Christ of which I am now anxious to know more.
She also tells that the women are taught that they must have a spiritual husband because it is the spiritual husband which will resurrect them from the dead. Without a husband, there can be no resurrection for women.
Another religion — if one can call it that — whose official books teach the incident in Genesis 3 was a sexual union between the Serpent and Eve is Judaism — and that cohabitation is expounded in the Talmud book Yevamoth 103. And for those who do not know what Judaism is, let me quote a few things about it.
This is a quote from the Pharisees: The Sociological Background Of Their Faith (by Louis Finkelstein, 1966),
Phariseeism became Talmudism. Talmudism became Medieval rabbinism, and Medieval rabbinism became Modern rabbinism and Judaism. But throughout these changes in name, the spirit of the ancient Pharisees survives unaltered, from Palestine to Babylonia, from Babylonia to North Africa, to Italy, Spain, France, and Germany. From these to Poland, Russia and Eastern Europe, generally, the ancient Phariseeism has wandered. It demonstrates the enduring importance it attaches to Phariseeism as a religious movement.
Look Magazine of June 17th 1952 in an article titled “What Is A Jew,” Rabbi Morris Prikzer (?) was quoted as stating,
The Talmud consists of 63 books of legal, ethical, and historical writings of the ancient rabbis. It was edited five centuries after the birth of Jesus. It is a compendium of law and lore. It is the legal code which forms the basis of Jewish religious law, and it is the textbook used in the training of rabbis.
Many of you people have been deceived into believing that Judaism is a religion based on the Old Testament. It is not — it is based on another set of books completely called the Talmud.
In a book called The History Of The Talmud, it says,
The Talmud then is the written form of that which, in the time of Jesus, was called ‘the tradition of the elders,’ and to which he makes frequent allusions.
Jesus condemned the traditions of the elders — or what was called Phariseeism with the strongest words he used in the gospels. Matthew 23:
13 But woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye shut up the kingdom of heaven against men: for ye neither go in yourselves, neither suffer ye them that are entering to go in. 14 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye devour widows’ houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation. 15 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves.
It is becoming common in the modern Christian churches for them to teach that Jesus was a Jew — and that Jesus followed the religion of Judaism. But here is what Jesus said about what is today called Judaism:
In verse 16 he called them ‘Ye blind guides.’ In verse 17 ‘Ye fools and blind.’ Verse 19, ‘Ye fools and blind.’ Verse 23, ‘Hypocrites!’ Verse 25, ‘Wo under you scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye make clean the outside of the cup and of the platter, but within they are full of extortion and excess.’ Verse 27, ‘for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness.’ Verse 33, ‘Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?’
Whenever your deluded Baptist friends or other deceived church-goers tell you Jesus was a “Jew” — or followed the religion of Judaism — tell them that “religion” back then was called Phariseeism, and read Jesus’ words about it. Here are a few of the teachings of the Talmud as relate to the followers of Jesus Christ:
“Jews must not associate with Christians.”
“Christians are unclean.”
“Any Jew who kills a Christian is not guilty of murder.”
“Non-Jews are to be considered animals, not humans.”
“Jews are to avoid trading with Christian merchants.”
“They are forbidden to help save the life of a Christian.”
“It is permitted to rob Christians.”
“Jews are commanded to always try to deceive Christians.”
A (1977) article about the Jews by Rabbi Marc H. Tannenbaum giving Billy Graham one of the highest awards they ever give to any so-called non-Jew — and in giving it, said that Graham was
One of the greatest friends of the Jewish people and of Israel in the entire Christian world in the 20th century. Doctor Graham’s devotion to the Bible and profound appreciation for Christianity’s indebtedness to Judaism and the Jewish people have inspired him to reach out in helpfulness to the Jewish people in the Soviet Union, Israel, and the United States during virtually every major crisis we have faced in the past decade.
(Billy Graham & Rabbi Marc Tannenbaum)
Most Christians do not know that the modern Jews are not descended from the ancient Israelites. The Jewish Encyclopedia — like the Talmud — is not published to be read by non-Jews. And here are some excerpts under the title ‘Khazars’ — on part of five pages:
A people of Turkic origin whose life and history are interwoven with the very beginning of the history of the Jews of Russia. Driven on the the tribes of the Steppes and by their own desire for plunder and revenge, in the second half of the 6th Century the Khazars moved westward — the kingdom of the Khazars was firmly established in most of south Russia long before the establishment of the Russian monarchy of the Varangians…in 700 AD, these Khazars, descendants of Turks and Mongols adopted Judaism (Phariseeism) as their religion and became known as Jews.
The books The Thirteenth Tribe (by Arthur Koestler) and Iron Curtain Over America (by John Beaty) prove that the present modern-day Jews are not Israelites but instead are descendants of Turkic-Mongols of Asia and their religion is anti-Christ. Their religion is opposed to everything Christianity stands for — and their religion teaches that the Serpent physically seduced Eve in the Garden of Eden.
Part 2
Paul’s warning in 2 Corinthians 11, speaking to the Christians, asking them to bear with him while he teaches them truth:
1 Would to God ye could bear with me a little in my folly: and indeed bear with me. 2 For I am jealous over you with godly jealousy: for I have espoused you to one husband, that I may present you as a chaste virgin to Christ. 3 But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.
The anti-Christ religions are quite complicated — their teachings regarding their rituals are complicated — and their people seem to desire this — great religious trappings and doctrines that are barely understandable for their religion, whereas the gospel of the kingdom of Jesus Christ is quite simple.
We are going to answer some questions about that “beguiling” of Eve in Genesis 3 — the word used in the King James translation — when Eve explained to God, “The Serpent beguiled me and I did eat.” And from that there are many things taught as to what actually happened in the Garden of Eden between Satan — or the Serpent — and Eve.
Some religions teach that there was a sexual act between the Serpent and Eve and that union begat Cain — and also that the sexual act “opened their eyes” as in verse 7,
‘7 And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked.
As we have seen, this is what both anti-Christ Mormonism and Judaism teach. Martin Luther once wrote, “There is more wisdom in three of Aesop’s fables than in the entire books of the Talmud.” Today, probably not one Christian in a thousand even knows what the Talmud is.
Babylonian Mystery Religions
I recommend that every Identity Christian read the book The Two Babylons (by Alexander Hislop, 1853). If you want to know what’s going on in the world religions, this one book probably gives more answers than any other one book that I have ever read.
On page 99, it brings out that Bacchus — the Greek god of drunkeness and sexual promiscuity — was recognized as — quote — “the seed of the Serpent” — for he was said to have been born of his mother having intercourse with Jupiter when Jupiter appeared to her in the form of a Serpent.
On page 111, it tells us of the ancient Babylonian religion that the Mother god called Astarte from which we get our name Easter, was also called Idea Mater or in the Chaldean tongue Mount Ida or Mount of Knowledge — and that knowledge was taught as the wisdom which was purchased by Eve by her [sexual] act with the Serpent.
On pages 112 to 113, a connection is shown with Roman Catholicism, which religion commemorates Eve in the canon of the Mass with the phrase in Latin “O blessed fault which didst procure such a redeemer.” The “blessed fault” referred to is Eve’s sin, which they credited with being the origin of salvation.
Hislop reveals in the Babylonian mysteries those in the higher offices of the priesthood were taught and practiced sexual abominations. And they were taught that these came from Astarte and from her seed through the Serpent.
In effect, the wisdom or the knowledge of good and evil was taught to come from the sexual act with Satan. They taught further that continuation of this would bring them further knowledge — and this knowledge supposedly was then given to mankind through the beneficent act of the Serpent whom they actually worship in their secret rites.
The Catholic Church actually sets aside a day — October 7th — as a holy day to honor quote “Saint Bachus, the Martyr”. Most Catholics don’t know their church honors Bacchus — the descendant of the union of Eve and Satan — as a saint of the church, but it’s almost certain that the bishops, cardinals, and Pope all know what they are doing.
Bacchus, of course, was to have been born on December 25th — or at the winter solstice — and it is Bacchus’ birthday which is celebrated on what they call Christmas Day — Bacchus [Cain], the son of Satan and Eve.
So all these ancient and pagan religions have several gods — Eve is worshiped as the mother “god.” Adam therefore becomes a god. Satan is a god. And the supposed son of Satan and Eve is also worshiped as a god.
Open Satan worship is now becoming common in America — through [so-called] “religious freedom” in America — that they no longer need to hide Satan worship under any form of false Christianity.
In Satan worship they have what is called the Black Mass — conducted by the ritual of having a man and a woman perform the sexual act on an altar in front of the worshipers. In this open Satan worship, the members then witness in actuality what the Mormons witness symbolically — and they are told in Satan worship the same thing that Mormons are told — that wisdom comes from as a result of that act.
The purpose is the same — to commemorate the giving of wisdom and knowledge to mankind through the act of Satan physically seducing Eve. They thereby proclaim that they owe allegiance and worship to Satan as the benefactor of mankind — not to God — because it was Satan who is their source of wisdom.
Hislop piles evidence upon evidence that all ancient pagan religions — from the Hindus to the Buddhists to the Jewish “religion” to Roman Catholicism — all of these have as their basic tenet that their wisdom and their knowledge given to mankind comes from the physical act of Satan seducing Eve.
While many of these religions claim to worship God and Jesus Christ, they are actually worshiping Satan as the source of all wisdom. They cover that false religion with a facade of — in some cases — Christianity [including some sects Identity Christianity, ed.] in order to lead God’s Israel people into their religion — and away from the true God. They give the illusion to their own members that they are worshiping — as in Mormonism — Jesus Christ. That is not the case — it is identical to the ancient Babylonian religions.
In all of these, of course, they have the doctrine that if you follow the teachings of their church, then you will not suffer pain in the afterlife but rather you will be rewarded — therefore you give your money — your tithes — to their priests, their religion — after all, that’s what they desire anyway — your money and your obedience.
Again, I urge every Christian Israelite to read this book The Two Babylons.
Speaking of another Babylonian ritual, recall how in the Mormon temple ceremony the participants are stripped naked and then given undergarments which they must take off only when they are worn out.
On pages 182 to 184 of The Two Babylons, it gives the details of the ancient priests of Egypt who had a ritual which they called ‘Clothing the god.’ And it was practiced in ancient Babylon and Ancient Greece — it is a corruption of God clothing Adam and Eve with skins as we read in Genesis 2:21,
21 Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them.
Hislop writes,
In the sacred rites of the Babylonian god, both the exposure and the clothing that were represented as having taken place in his own history were repeated by all his worshipers in accordance with statement of Formicius — a writer of Telemachus religion — that the initiate underwent what their god had undergone. First by being duly prepared by magic rites and ceremonies, they were ushered, in a state of absolute nudity into the inner most recesses of the temple.
This appears from the following statement of Procolupus (?),
In the most holiest of mysteries, they say that the mystics meet with the many-shaped Gemara or demons which are hurled forth before the gods, but upon entering the interior parts of the temple unmoved and guarded by the mystic rites, they genuinely receive in their bosom divine illumination and divested of their garments participate, as they would say, of a divine nature….When the initiated, thus illuminated — illuminated by watching either symbolically or actually Satan seducing Eve — and made partakers of a divine nature — were clothed anew, the garments with which they were invested were looked upon as sacred garments and possessing distinguished virtues. The coat of skin with which the father of mankind was divinely invested after he was made so painfully sensible of his nakedness was, as all intelligent theologians admit, a typical emblem of the glorious righteousness of Christ, the garment of salvation which is unto all of them that believe.
We [Christians] know that — that those garments were symbolic of the future payment of Christ — and Christ’s blood. But that’s not what these ancient religions teach, of course. The garments put upon the initiated after the disrobing of their former clothes evidently were intended as a counterfeit of the true salvation:
The garments of those initiated in the Eleusinian mysteries, says Potter, were accounted sacred and of no less to efficacy to avert evil and charms and incantations. They were never cast off until completely worn out. And if possible, in these sacred garments they were buried. For Herodotus, speaking of ancients of whence these mysteries were derived, tells us that religion “prescribed the garments of the dead.”
This is the actual temple rite in the Mormon church. They also say here that the sacred garments save the wearer from the torments of hell. Each one of these religions also has a “hell” which people must be saved from by obeying the priests of their religion just as the modern so-called Protestant churches today teach.
Remember what the Serpent told Eve, in effect, “If you will partake of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, ye shall be as gods knowing good and evil and ye shall not surely die.”
The Mormons teach that Adam became a god, and that those who go through this nakedness and re-clothing ritual in the Mormon temple will also become gods as Adam did — by the same sexual intercourse with many wives — which makes it the same sex religion of the ancient Babylonian mysteries — those of Egypt, those of Greece, those of Tibet, those of India, and those of Judaism — all of which have as their foundation the doctrine that Satan seduced Eve in the Garden of Eden. Every ancient pagan religion has that doctrine as its “source of wisdom.”
Later in The Two Babylons, on pages 272 to 274, Hislop refers to the god, Janus, or in the Greek meant “the father of all gods.” His name in the Chaldean tongue or language of Babylon was Atys — and it means to sin or the sinner. In other words, this god was Adam, his wife was Idea Mater, or the Mother of Knowledge. And it was taught that Adam died but was resurrected and became God.
These pages are a parallel of what we read of Mormonism, which teaches that Adam is the father of Jesus Christ — that Adam resurrected himself to become the god of this world — and the father of us all — and that through following Adam’s footsteps we too will become gods of other worlds.
The logic leaves Adam as God — but he became a god only through the act of sex which began with Satan and Eve. Thus every ancient pagan religion leaves Satan as the great benefactor of both Adam and Eve and the world.
Hislop writes,
How important a place these rites of Satan occupied may be judged from the fact that Pluto — the god of hell — who in his ultimate character was just the grand adversary, was looked up to with awe and dread, the great god on whom the destinies of mankind in the eternal world did mainly depend.
For it was said to Pluto it belonged to purify souls after death. Purgatory having been in paganism as it is in popery, the grand hinge of priestcraft and superstition — what a power that this opinion did attribute to this god of hell. No wonder that the Serpent — the devil’s grand instrument in seducing mankind — was in all the earth worshiped with such extraordinary reverence it being laid down in the ocatuk of ostanus (?) that serpents were the supreme of all gods and the princes of the universe.
No wonder that it came at last to be firmly believed that the messiah on whom the hopes of the world depended was himself the seed of the Serpent. This was manifestly the case in Greece — for the current story there came to be that the first Bacchus was brought forth in consequence of a connection on the part of his mother and the father of gods in the form of a speckled snake.
Hislop continues,
So deeply was the idea of the seed of the Serpent being the great world king imprinted on the pagan mind, that when a man set up to be a god upon the earth, it was held essential to establish his title to that character that he prove himself to be the Serpent seed.
Thus when Alexander the Great claimed divine honors, it is well-known his mother — Olympius — declared that he was not sprung from King Philip — her husband — but from Jupiter in the form of a serpent.
Likewise says the authoress of Rome In the 19th Century (Volume 1, page 388), the Roman Emperor Augustus, “pretended he was the son of Apollo, and that the god has assumed the form of a serpent for the purpose of giving him birth.
Even men of the ancient world, knowing the power of this story over the minds of men, then claimed they were descended from a serpent which had cohabited with a woman.
Hislop continues,
That the father of gods was manifestly the god of hell for Proserpina — the mother of Bacchus — that miraculously conceived and brought forth the wondrous child whose rape by Pluto occupied such place in the mysteries was worshiped as the wife of the god of hell, as we’ve already seen under the name of the “Holy Virgin”.
Hislop adds,
The story of the seduction of Eve by the Serpent is plainly imported into the legend — as Julius Firmicus and the early Christian apologists did with great force cast and teach [against] of the pagans of their day.
In other words, the early Christians attempted to refute this story because it was the story which was the foundation for all anti-Christ religions. But very different is the coloring given it in the pagan legend from which it was in the divine word. Hislop writes,
Thus the grand thimblerigger by dexterously shifting the peas, through means of men who began with great professions of abhorrence of his character, God himself almost everywhere recognized as in very deed the god of this world.
So deep and so strong was the hold that Satan had contrived to get of the ancient world in this character that even when Christianity had been proclaimed to man — and the true light had shown from heaven — the very doctrine we have been considering raised its head among the disciples of Christ.
What doctrine? The doctrine that Satan seduced Eve in the Garden of Eden and brought forth a child who then became the god of the underworld — and the god of this world.
Those who hold this doctrine were called Ophiani or Ophites, that is, serpent worshipers. These heretics, says Tertullian, magnify the serpent to such a degree as to prefer him even to Christ himself. For he, they say, gave to us the first knowledge of good and evil. It was from a perception of his power and majesty that Moses was induced to erect the brazen serpent to whosoever looked was healed.
In other words, this power was so great that Moses had to put a serpent on a brass rod to heal the people. Even Israel was subject to this because of their sojourn in Egypt.
“Christ himself, they affirm, in the gospel imitates the sacred power of the serpent when he says that ‘As Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness even so must the son of man must be lifted up.’
Hislop continues,
They introduce it when they bless the eucharist. These wicked heretics avowedly worship the old serpent or Satan as the grand benefactor of mankind for revealing to them the knowledge of good and evil…
But this doctrine they just brought along with them from the pagan world from which they had come or from the mysteries as they came to be received and celebrated in Rome. Though Titan and Hesiod in the days of early Greece was an opprobrious name, yet in Rome in the days of the empire and before it had become the very reverse. The ‘splendid or glorious Titan’ was the way in which Titan was spoken of at Rome.
And Titan is a Roman name for Satan, as you may realize:
This was the title commonly given the sun — both as the orb of day and viewed as a divinity. Now the reader has seen already another form of sun divinity or Titan at Rome was the epidurean [sic] snake worshiped under the name Asclepius — that is, the man-instructing serpent. This was the name of their god. Here then in Rome was Titan or Satan identified with the serpent that taught mankind that opened their eyes when, of course, they were blind and gave them the knowledge of good and evil.
So what actually happened in the Garden of Eden?
Again, Paul uttered the fear that Christians would be seduced, deceived, beguiled away from the simplicity which is in Christ Jesus. And many people have been beguiled away from the truth which is in Genesis 3.
First of all, the Serpent was some sort of intelligent being. He could talk with Eve and apparently talk with such confidence that he deceived her into doing something that God had told her not to do.
Secondly, the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil originated with God, not with Satan. God planted the Tree in the garden.
Three, the tree, therefore, was something separate from Satan or the Serpent, so that when Eve partook of the Tree, she could do so without having any contact with Satan.
Think of that — because many of these people say the act of Eve partaking of the tree was the act of sexual intercourse with Satan. But the tree and Satan are separate things — separate articles, separate beings, or separate objects.
Four, the fruit of the tree did open the eyes of both Adam and Eve. It did give them knowledge of both good and evil, but it also did something that Satan said it would not do — and God said that it would — it did bring death.
Satan denied that the fruit of that tree would bring death — God had told them they would die if they partook of it.
What was the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil?
It is the only thing that it could be —revealed in scores of passages in the Bible — one of which is Deuteronomy 30. This is part of Moses’ last words to the children of Israel.
11 For this commandment which I command thee this day, it is not hidden from thee, neither is it far off. 12 It is not in heaven, that thou shouldest say, Who shall go up for us to heaven, and bring it unto us, that we may hear it, and do it? 13 Neither is it beyond the sea, that thou shouldest say, Who shall go over the sea for us, and bring it unto us, that we may hear it, and do it? 14 But the word is very nigh unto thee, in thy mouth, and in thy heart, that thou mayest do it. 15 See, I have set before thee this day life and good, and death and evil.
What did God through Moses set before Israel? Life and death, good and evil. Verse 16:
16 In that I command thee this day to love the LORD thy God, to walk in his ways, and to keep his commandments and his statutes and his judgments, that thou mayest live and multiply: and the LORD thy God shall bless thee in the land whither thou goest to possess it. 17 But if thine heart turn away, so that thou wilt not hear, but shalt be drawn away, and worship other gods, and serve them; 18 I denounce unto you this day, that ye shall surely perish…
In other words, you will die.
…And that ye shall not prolong your days upon the land, whither thou passest over Jordan to go to possess it. 19 I call heaven and earth to record this day against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life, that both thou and thy seed may live:
What was set before the children of Israel by Moses? Live and death, good and evil. In Deuteronomy, chapter one, when Moses is telling them how they are to go over Jordan to the Promised Land, he says in verse 39:
39 Moreover your little ones, which ye said should be a prey, and your children, which in that day had no knowledge between good and evil, they shall go in thither, and unto them will I give it, and they shall possess it.
Why did not the little ones have knowledge of good and evil? Was it because they were not old enough to have sexual intercourse? No, it was because they had not been taught God’s law — the knowledge of good and evil.
In Deuteronomy 4, God speaking through Moses said to the children of Israel in verse 5:
5 Behold, I have taught you statutes and judgments, even as the LORD my God commanded me, that ye should do so in the land whither ye go to possess it. 6 Keep therefore and do them; for this (LAW) is your wisdom and your understanding in the sight of the nations, which shall hear all these statutes, and say, Surely this great nation is a wise and understanding people.
What was the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil but God’s law? God’s law is man’s source of wisdom and knowledge — it is not Satan seducing Eve.
Hebrews 5:14, Paul writing to the Christian Israelites:
14 But strong meat… — the Bible, the word of God….belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil.
David said of God in Pslam 51:6,
Thou shall make me to know wisdom.
He also said the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom.
Solomon wrote, ‘For the Lord giveth wisdom out of his mouth cometh knowledge and understanding.
What is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden? It is God’s law. It is not some physical act between Satan and Eve — that physical seduction being the foundation of all pagan, anti-Christ religions.
And by that tree came death. Romans, chapter 7,
9 For I was alive without the law once: but when the commandment came, sin revived, and I died. 10 And the commandment, which was ordained to life, I found to be unto death. 11 For sin, taking occasion by the commandment, deceived me, and by it slew me. 12 Wherefore the law is holy, and the commandment holy, and just, and good.
Man is not made alive by the law, but he is given the knowledge of good and evil — but the law slays him. The law of God is that which brings death upon man. God told Eve, ‘In the day thou partakes of the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.’ In that day, when you partake in my law, in that day you will begin to die. Death was brought upon mankind.
Galatians 3:
21 Is the law then against the promises of God? God forbid: for if there had been a law given which could have given life, verily righteousness should have been by the law. 22 But the scripture hath concluded all under sin, that the promise by faith of Jesus Christ might be given to them that believe.
In other words, all are condemned to death by the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil — that tree being God’s law.
There was another tree in the garden called the Tree of Life — which God then prevented Adam from taking of by driving Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden. And God said as he did so, verse 22
22 And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil…
How did Adam and Eve become as Gods? By learning God’s mind and God’s wisdom — by learning his law. And God says,
…and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever: 23 Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.
That Tree of Life is in Revelation 22 — in the New Testament — is God’s mercy upon us all through our true redeemer Jesus Christ:
2 In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.
Those trees in the Garden were not symbolic of men — they were not symbolic of any act of men — they were symbolic of two things:
God’s law which brings knowledge of good and evil but brings death — and the Tree of Life, which is Jesus Christ, which will bring obedience to the law and everlasting life.
End of Part I
“On the 5th day, God made man, and saw it was good.”
“On the 6th day, God made man in his own image, and breathed in the spirit of life.”
My contention is, maybe, Cain survived and lived with the beasts in the field. I don’t think he would go back to where God does not want him to be.
We know nothing, in this period, about God’s law’s of Good and Evil, except for; disobeying God’s law’s, beguiling, lying, and murder are bad.
It’s not about being a pagan concept. The serpent’s seed followed through cain who build cities and began planting the seeds for a technocratic atheist world where man alone and his achievements ride supreme.
Satan planted a race of vipers that will hear his voice and do his bidding. Through them he is destroying God’s creation and replacing it (or trying to) with a creation he controls. Cities are basically a symbol of war or struggle against creation. Same with clothes. They protect us from nature, God’s kingdom or the kingdom we will one day inherit. Also known as paradise.
Stuff like GM foods, or CRISPR tech is all about control. Jesus called the pharisees the offspring of satan because they listen to him. They were in effect godless, white painted graves and atheists with a religious culture. BTW. Satanism is not about worshipping a entity but it’s about releasing your potential. To be a god.
The two seedline doctrine makes total sense when you realize it’s a battle between two races. The one was given all the money and kingdoms as their domain, the others mentioned in Jeremiah (if I am correct) will inherit the animals, the forests, creatures of all kind… in other words creation. Babylon is the destruction of our current godless atheistic kingdom trying to replace the dominion of God. Its also the reason why creation fights back and is in this day and age not our friend. Not yet at least. Jesus is also the only rightful heir to this kingdom and he showed it when he controlled the weather, healed people and raised from the grave.
—- Gustav —–
Two Seedline can exist WITHOUT saying grossly that Eve has sexual intercourse with some non-adamite beast or Satan or whoever you think has sexual intercourse with Eve.
Adam did the same, if you are going to go down that road.
Your speech did not “counter” the arguments against Serpent Seedline.
Genesis 4:1 needs to be addressed.
Where did Cain’s wife come from?
Prove Serpent Seedline by REFUTING the arguments against.
Waltheof of Northumbria ……….
So, as to not go down the “Recent Comments” memory hole, I have refreshed my comment to you in case you happen to be visiting CFT.
You are also welcome of course to “weigh in” on this particular Article discussing the Serpent Seedline Doctrine. I’d welcome your input.
Hey CFT, so how would one go about explaining to two seedliners this: in Genesis 3:7 “And the eyes of them both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together, and made themselves aprons.”
Why would Adam and Eve be ashamed of being naked from eating fruit? Also from Genesis 3:16 “Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.”
Why would Eve and all Adamic Woman after her have pain during childbirth merely from eating fruit? i.e. Gaining wisdom from eating such fruit?
I couldn’t answer these questions, perhaps this is explained in part 2, I will check it out.
Hey CFT, enjoyed this sermon by Pastor Emry. I have recently changed my mind on two seedline, at least how it is presented at certian CI Circles, it does indeed appear that the idea of Eve having any sexual relations with a serpent is Jewish in origin, at least partly.
I used to listen to Christogenea – and while I find some information is still valuable from there, certain things just weren’t adding up. I don’t mean to change topics, I am simply a man looking for the truth.
The evidence that the Pharisees weren’t even partly Edomites is overwhelming. I just have one question, some from that certain group claim that you guys are “CI lite” and “Identify the Adamic Seed but not the Tares”. Would you guys say Matthew 13 and 34 the parables of the wheat and the tares is spiritual? To me they do seem to be talking about two separate races, but I want to know your perspective. Thank you.
Elijah, it appears that you have answered your own question. Yes, the evidence that the Pharisees, the high priests, were true Israelites is indeed “overwhelming”. The simple fact that King Herod, who was an Edomite, would not set foot in the Temple in Jerusalem is proof that non-Israelites were forbidden to enter, and that’s according to Josephus. Josephus also wrote that the high priests did not accept Edomite converts as legitimate Israelites.
Keep in mind that Matthew’s gospel was addressed to Israelites, as were Christ’s parables. Certain CI circles take the word “seed” literally as the Greek “sperma”, but the parables are not to be taken literally. They are a litmus test for Israelites — to separate those who believe in Christ and understand, and those who don’t. The Pharisees and their blind followers do not understand any of the parables — or any of Christ’s figurative language, such as John 8:32 — and they are therefore “tares” despite being Israelites according to the flesh.
It is inconceivable that the Israelites in Judea would have needed to be told that non-Adamic, non-Israelite peoples would be saved through Christ — He said He came only for them. And as Paul makes very clear, his Israelite bona fides were worthless without his faith in Christ — and this was true of all Israelites (Philippians 3:8).
Certain CI circles take Paul’s words “and all of Israel shall be saved” literally — that anyone born of Israelite flesh will be saved regardless of whether they accept Christ in this lifetime, and regardless of whether or not they continue in their unrepentant sins.
But that’s not what Paul is saying. When he says “all Israel shall be saved”, he’s saying that not just the Israelites of the southern kingdom who kept their Hebrew faith will be saved, but all Israel, including the “lost” ten northern tribes, the “uncircumcised” — are now eligible for salvation through faith in Christ. This was very controversial, because many of the disciples, such as Peter, initially refused to accept them, and wouldn’t even sit down for a meal with them.
Of course, these CI circles try to wiggle out of this problem by claiming that when Christ returns “every knee shall bow and confess to God” (Romans 14:11), meaning that every Israelite, regardless of being unbelievers or unrepentant sinners, will be saved anyway. But that’s not what “every knee shall bow means”. It means that even unbelievers will be forced to acknowledge that Christ was who He said He was, and they will be judged accordingly, and unbelievers will not be given a second chance, nor will they enter the Kingdom. The context of Romans 14 is that all of us will face Christ in the judgment seat (Romans 14:10) — it is not a reassurance that all of us will be saved regardless of the life we have lead.
The OT is full of examples of Israelites engaging in all kinds of venal sins and turning their back on God, and killing their own prophets who tried to warn them. It is inconceivable that these Israelites would be saved simply because they were born Israelites. And that’s exactly what Paul tells them in Philippians 3:8).
And that’s what the parables in Matthew are about — there are Israelites who believe and hear Christ’s words, and there are those who do not — like the Pharisees and their followers. Visually, wheat and tares are difficult to tell apart, but only Christ knows the hearts of men and can tell the difference.
Christ would not have needed to tell His Israelite followers that Arabs, Blacks, and Asians and mixed breeds were “tares” — these races look nothing like Adamic people, nor would they have been difficult to discern just by looking at them — which makes the “racial” reading of the parables nonsensical. What was far more difficult was discerning the true believers who all looked the same physically. As Christ said, even those who profess believe in Him, who merely love Him with their words and not actions, will not be saved — and obviously he was talking about Israelites (Matthew 7:21-22).
Elijah, you say that the parable of the wheat and tares seem to be “racial”. What evidence do you have for that? Keep in mind that at one time we too thought of this parable as “racial”, but we humbly came to the conclusion that we had been mislead, and that it was otherwise, once we did our own study of the larger context as outlined above.
Hey CFT thank you for the thoughtful response this cleared a lot of my misconceptions up. The main verse that had me wondering was Matthew 13:38 which reads “The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one;”
But as you mentioned Christ didn’t have to tell the Israelites that Mamzers and the dark races aren’t of them as they would have known that. I better understand your perspective and I will read more articles on this site and read scripture to have a better understanding. This verse must be talking in a spiritual sense. Regards, Elijah.
Elijah, the “children of the wicked one” in Matthew 13:38 does not mean “sons of satan” as the translation leads some people to believe.
The word here is from the Greek “ponéros” (Strong’s 4190), which means “inevitable agonies (misery) that always go with evil.”
So the translation would be better as “sons that arise out the one who is evil” or “the evil”, with no implication of the supernatural entity of satan here who is literally reproducing his own children or seed.
I am really new to this, so hope any response isn’t too harsh. BUT:
“What is the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil in the Garden of Eden? It is God’s law.”
1. Why would we be forbidden to participate in God’s law, were we intended to be mere ‘pets’ to wander around the garden? I’m sorry, this argument that the tree is God’s law appears false.
“It is not some physical act between Satan and Eve — that physical seduction being the foundation of all pagan, anti-Christ religions.”
2. It is a strawman argument to state that because your enemy believes something to be true that it must therefore be false. Of course the pagans believe this, the story will have been supplied by Cain (their father).
There are many verses in the Bible that uses trees as allegories for groups of seed-lines. A tree of knowledge good and evil could indeed be fallen angels (seed-line) who know full well the difference between good and evil, and chose the latter.
Also, what about the enmity between the serpent’s seed-line and Eve’s seed-line. This verse is shortly after the story of the seduction, i.e. it has context. Is the author suggesting the serpent’s seed-line already existed (e.g. the Blacks, the Han)?
It makes more sense for the serpent’s seed-line to be Cain, and the ‘jews’ (mixed raced Mamzers) as we have rarely being at ‘enmity’ with the blacks and the Han. We have, however kicked the ‘jews’ out many times, and they are often trying to destroy us.
West –
Thanks for the links to this article and to part 2. I have not read part 2 yet , but plan on doing so soon. Of course, the thought of God making a helpmate for Adam that would in a way destroy him is disturbing. Furthermore, the idea that she, Eve, had intercourse with the devil and that her first offspring was with him is also disturbing on many levels. It seems clear that she would be tainted to put it mildly, and the thought that we Adamic Whites came AFTER she had carried a demon child for 9 months to term is heinous.
The Bible states that satan does have seed and in the context of Gen 3:15 it seems clear that God is not being abstract or symbolic when he is discussing the enmity between us and them. The Bible states clearly that Adam ‘knew’ his wife and then Cain was born, so it seems like folly and a reach too far to bend the scripture in any manner of ways to suggest that Cain was the devil’s offspring.
When God saw Cain’s countenance and told Cain that if he did right he would be accepted would indicate that perhaps even satan could potentially be ‘accepted’ based on the premise that Cain is a ‘half devil.’ It seems to me that the Bible indicates that Cain was the first recorded and named Adamic individual that willfully gave his whole life over to satan. When Adam and Eve ate of the fruit , there was no record of their countenences falling, but instead they seemed to accept the Word of God and move forward in their lives. After all , God had already blessed them to be fruitful and multiply.
The created man in Genesis 1:27-28 is called Adam and male/ZKR which I interpret to mean literally secure, not just ‘to remember’ as is sometimes translated. As in, Adam man, the male, would provide the Security for the woman. Perhaps physical security and/ or spiritual security , etc. This Adam was already created in the image of God, and of course God brought the animals to him which Adam named. Also Adam ADM is close to ADN (Adon) and Dm (blood) and DN (judgment/judge). I have found that the M letter and N letter are closely related and almost interchangeable in the formation of words in ‘Hebrew.’ Satan STN 7854 is an accuser, but STM 7852 is to bear a grudge / hostility against. Adam was given Dominion over all things and was the judge/leader. Also, judgment came to Cain when he shed the blood of Abel, and that is hostility.
I think that there are some critical components of the foundation of this discussion in Part 1 of the article that might be being overlooked. For example, how long had the serpent/satan/devil been on the earth? Was satan cast down from heaven like lightning BEFORE Adam was created or after? It doesn’t seem like the Father to keep the ‘knowledge of’ Adam’s primary adversary from him, essentially making him a sitting duck for the devil. And someone with the amazing intellect of Adam doesn’t seem likely to SHUN the responsibility to provide the knowledge of satan to his wife, or to fail to take Dominion over God’s creation including satan . Many suppose that when the serpent beguiled Eve, it was the very first time they had encountered each other, but scripture doesn’t say that. The serpent could have chipped away at her over time, like Potiphar’s wife tried to chip away at Joseph. ( To eat the fruit though, not to have intercourse.)
Furthermore, what is an an angel ? Many people think that angels have feathered wings but the word for wings in ‘Hebrew’ is CNF/CNP, also used for ‘mantle.’ In Malachi 4:2 the Sun of Righteousness brings healing in his’ wings.’ This would infer to some that Jesus is an Angel with feathered wings. Or when the Psalmist speaks of being sheltered in the Wings of the Almighty, that the Father is winged. Or, why would Jesus tell John to write to the Angels of the (Revelation) churches if they are always ascending/ descending in the Father’s presence? Wouldn’t they already know? Why would Jesus be testing the loyalty of John to deliver letters to angels that he perhaps wouldn’t be able to perceive? And, how could Moses and Bezalel make Cherubim (CRB plural)) on the top of the Ark if they had never seen one? (Yes God showed him the design.) The word for sword is CRB/CRV which I interpret as the word CARVE, as in a Sword ‘carves’/cuts. Could the Cherubim be swordsmen wearing mantles ? Or, how could the ‘Angels’ that went to visit Abraham and then went to Lot’s house be also described as men on the same page? etc etc Many people trying to reconcile what scripture says about angels are left believing that angels ‘shapeshift’ as they enter and leave a town, and their wings disappear and reappear. LOL.
If satan / devil/ serpent is a fallen angel, and many people say that angel’s can’t breed, how can he have seed at all, even if he is the father of the beasts of the field? There is more to say and I will end this comment here because it is already far too long, but I think that a clearer understanding of what angels actually are would be important to our reality , and to this conversation.
Jesus says that to us it has been given to know ( not guess at) the mysteries of the Kingdom, so it is a lazy unscriptural copout when people fall back on the idea that ‘there are just some things we’ll never know,’ or that they will instantly be informed of everything when and only when they get to heaven, What benefit is it to God to hold back knowledge from us anyway? (Except for the knowledge of ‘the day and the hour’ of course.)
Finally, the Hebrew word for dominion/ rule is MSL. MSL is also the word for parable. Eve was told that her husband would rule (MSL) over her, and Cain was told that the crouching devil at his door had the desire to rule (MSL) over him, but that he Cain should rule over the devil. How could Cain RULE OVER his father if his father was the devil? Thanks!
Oldsaxxon ….
Thank you for the response. Alot to study, but thank you for the “food for thought”.
I’m just pleased that you are open and willing to have a dialogue. I noticed you recommended christogenea on your bit chute channel, which is fine. We’ve just had mean spirited arguments from some in that camp in the past.
Welcome oldsaxxon!
Hope to talk more in the future. Peace.
Thank YOU for having an educated dialogue, West ! That’s strange, I have never spent time on the Christogenea website and I don’t recall ever recommending it on my Bitchute channel. I know nothing about Christogenea, other than that Drawdy Clan Channel has sometimes pinned their website in his comment section. In my spare time I am mostly just studying my Bible and occasionally making Bible study type videos, but I have been glad to find the Christians For Truth site! Thanks again, Brother.
oldSSaxon ……….
My apologies then. Perhaps I saw something in the comment section and falsely assumed.
I don’t have a problem with those who follow Bill. My problem is that some of them have a problem with us here at CFT.
And they are dogmatic for Serpent Seedline to the point that they will literally call you a child of satan if you do not go along with their teaching.
So …………….. it was never about christogenea with you. I was just really glad that you were willing and open to actually read a “different” perspective to DSL and not get irate.
I meant no offense by it. Sincerely. Glad you are here.
Your mention of angels interested me, as I have had encounters which could be angels. Years ago, I was ill in bed – I called out, and out of nowhere a person appeared walked to my bedside put hand on my head looked at me and said “get better now” – smiled afterwards, walked off and vanished.
I have had many dreams involving angels. I have also had the same kind of dream Jacob had when he lay on stone pillow and saw the angels and stairway to heaven – Jacob’s pillow, aka Stone of Destiny. So any ideas as to my experience and when i was ill is was not seeing things. I have experienced some rather strange things like seeing hiking boots float down a corridor in someone else’s house.
the “sigil of lucifer” i think IS a “vagina” (bottom V) and the pentagram (top) is a fallen adam, or a womb at 9 months pregnancy. the “hazbin hotel” lucifer sigil with an apple cut verticaly (which in occult represents a vagina, horizontal cut = pentagram). just tie togeather a picture of a womg of a 9-month pregnancy (upsidedown baby/adam /pentagram) and the bottom half if look at the atanamy, put those two togeather and it can NOT be unseen!
This article has a lot of misleading information. It confuses the “Fundamentalist Mormons” with the LDS church in Salt Lake – they are two completely different churches. Many things listed here about the LDS temple are not true. So many things here are all mixed up – I’m not sure where you got your information.
I don’t understand this weird debate.
God told Satan that he would put hatred between him and the woman and his seed and her Seed, because she was with Satan’s child at that point when the Lord was speaking to him.
Then came the boys and Cain, the seed of Satan, hated Abel and murdered him.
No confusion.
Very plain, very simple.
How about this. Angels, fallen or not, cannot reproduce physically. How then did Satan literally father his own literal seedline? God can create, and Satan can only destroy. Yes, there would always be “enmity” between the race of Adam, or Adamkind, and those who deny God, the false accusers. But someone who is “of Satan” can be Adamic. Many Adamic and Israelite people have defied God and sided with Satan. They need not be of Satan’s literal “bloodline” to do that. That’s the point you’re missing.
Some confirmation from modern jews about two seedline in their Midrash:
“In the midrashic expansion, the serpent, “who was the shrewdest of all the wild beasts” (Gen. 3:1), cast his eyes on what was not fit for him. The serpent saw Adam and Eve naked, engaging in intercourse in plain sight, and he lusted after Eve. He wanted to kill Adam and then marry Eve. When he was punished, God told him: I intended that you would reign over all cattle and beasts, but now “more cursed shall you be than all cattle and all the wild beasts” (Gen. 3:14); you desired to kill Adam and marry Eve, now “I will put enmity between you and the woman” (Gen. 3:15). What the serpent wanted was not given him, and what he had was taken from him (T Sotah [ed. Lieberman] 4:17–18; Gen. Rabbah 18:6). According to another tradition, the serpent did indeed engage in intercourse with Eve, who became pregnant and gave birth to Cain (see below, “Now the Man Knew His Wife Eve”).”
Confirmation from a rabbi:
“A fascinating and perplexing ancient Midrashic text seems to suggest precisely this. The Sages of the Midrash were puzzled, as we were, with the missing motivation of the serpent. What drives him? Their answer is shocking: They say that the snake was on an assassination mission. The snake, knowing that the forbidden fruit harbored the promise of death, hoped that Eve would pass the fruit to Adam before partaking herself. Why? Because according to the Midrash, the snake wanted to assassinate Adam and marry Eve.”
Hello, Christian Truthers. I knew Pastor Emry personally, from his sermons delivered at the Christian Patriots Defense League at Louisville IL and Licking Mo in the early 1980’s. I can actually say that I learned at the feet of the master, as he granted to me many personal interviews, as I was just learning about CI in those days.
I have the utmost respect for Pastor Emry, but I respectfully disagree with him about the two seedlines. Pastor George Udvary (also deceased), who was a frequent guest on my radio shows (, told me of an incident with Pastor Emry. George had sent him a copy of his Christian Israel Bible Reference Manual, which proclaimed the Two Seedlines and the doctrine that Satan is a real angelic being, who has literal offspring running around in shoeleather. He travelled to Emry’s office to get Emry’s reaction, whereupon Emry picked the manuscript off the desk and threw it at Udvary, in the process denouncing DSL and the literal Satan. Udvary was absolutely stunned. This episode illustrates the rancor over the DSL doctrine…even among brothers.
Emry’s violent reaction to DSL seems strange to me, as it is obvious that the punishments received by Eve — cursing her womb, pain in childbirth, the evil nature of the Kenites versus the Sethites, etc, — make more sense than any other doctrine. It is not just in the Talmud. It is in the Aramaic Targums (Judahite, not “Jewish” literature), in the writings of the early church fathers, in the New Testament. I have challenged numerous non-seedliners to debate me on this subject, but all have refused. The reason for this is obvious: their arguments are very contrived and even disingenuous, especially in the writings of Ted Weiland.
If CFT is interested, I could do a point-by-point analysis of Emry’s arguments and show where they are wrong.
The good news is that the seedliners and non-seedliners are beginning to make peace; as the Kenite/Canaanite/Edomite/Jewish line of descent must be exposed and defeated before they exterminate the real Israelites. On this subject, we are totally agreed.
You are misrepresenting Emry’s position as a “non-seedliner”. In Part 2 of this sermon, he specifically states that there is a seedline, an Adamic seedline, that can be traced from Adam to Christ. He specifically states that there are “people” or “beasts of the field” who are not part of this Adamic seedline. So he does believe in different seedlines, but rejects that the different seedlines were created by an actual sexual act between the Serpent and Eve.
Eli James wrote, “…….Emry’s violent reaction to DSL seems strange to me………”
Interesting choice of words. This is “slander” by the way. And your opinion is “hearsay”.
Quite the strong accusation to make without one more witness.
My thoughts exactly.
Eli, you claim you knew Sheldon Emry, yet you don’t understand why he emphatically rejected the notion that Eve was physically seduced by the Serpent? Really? In these sermons he states clearly that many people like your friend George Udvary constantly sent him materials on this subject, and they all used babylonian sources to “prove” their doctrine. That’s what motivated him to make this four-part series in the first place, to show how untrustworthy this doctrine is. How this babylonian doctrine “beguiled” simple Christians angered him. Simple.
Christ got violently angry, too. Does that surprise you?
And, no, the Aramaic Targums clearly show a babylonian influence, and to claim that they were trustworthy because they were written by pure-blooded “Judahites” is just plain wrongheaded. Pure blooded Judahites called for the crucifixion of Christ–not just Edomites. Pure-blood Judahites “received him not”. Judahites went to Babylon and came back to Jerusalem with all kinds of venal ideas, including the idea that Eve had sex with the Serpent. If pure blood Judahites weren’t capable of the basest venality, then God would not have divorced them. Their seedline didn’t save them from divorce in God’s eyes. And yet you cling to this idea that it will save you. It won’t. Being of the seedline of Adam merely opens the door for the possibility of salvation–the rest is up to you.
Being a member and a teacher in an Institute of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (mormons,) I would like to clear up some things. I mean no ill will, I do think that spreading Christian beliefs is the most important thing we can do in the modern day, whether they be Baptist, Lutheran, Catholic, or LDS.
Men and women are incomplete without each other, a man cannot fully utilize his priesthood without having a wife to help him in that respect. Women aren’t supposed to be subservient. If you aren’t married in this life, there will always be a chance in the next.
If you’d like to hear about our temples and our practices therein, here’s a video talking about them, while taking you through the beautiful Rome Italy temple:
As for the Adam God doctrine, I hadn’t heard about it until now. We do teach that Adam was the worldly father of all men.
The fall being sexual is also new to me, it’s not improbable. Our teachings on the matter are that it happened the way it was stated in the bible. I have several personal thoughts on Adam and Eve, but they are not doctrine, so I will keep them to myself.
I would like to point out that most of the pictures up there (the temple and the women looking at the picture) are of one of our splinter groups, the Fundamental Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, the church that split off due to President Wilford Woodruff’s 1890 Manifesto (the declaration banned the practice of polygamy in the church.) They are a completely different church with different prophets and teachings.
If you have any questions or comments, I’d enjoy hearing them, I love to discuss religion.
God bless you all.
— “Women aren’t supposed to be subservient.” —
Speaking of Adam and Eve, Genesis 3:16 says of Eve, “Yet your desire will be for your husband, And he shall rule over you.”
Ephesians 5:22-23 says, “Wives, subject yourselves to your own husbands, as to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ also is the head of the church…”
Why do you believe a wife should not be subservient?
— “If you aren’t married in this life, there will always be a chance in the next.” —
Christ referring specifically to marriage in the next life says in Matthew 22:30, “For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like angels in heaven.”
Why do you believe there is marriage in the next life?
Buckaroo, the reason that you do not know of many of the doctrines described in this article is that, as the article proves, Mormonism is a Masonic organization with a hidden hierarchy that only those at the highest levels are privy to the secrets. The average Mormon is kept in ignorance of what the elites do and believe, just like Masonry.
In such hierarchical organizations, the top levels always operate under “plausible deniability” when some of their secrets are revealed — usually by adepts who have broken away from the church — such as the marriage altar/bed in Texas — like you dutifully believe — that’s not “real” Mormonism but a “radical” sect. Wrong. As this article points out, this “radical sect” performs secret sex rituals that can be traced back to Smith and Young and their Masonic brethren.
Interesting that within all that obfuscating rubbish, the subject of the “TWO SEEDS” is avoided at all cost. Also very interesting is that I found none of the ‘simplicity that is in Christ’ amongst any of that complicated, irrelevant, explaining away drivel.
Genesis 3:15 (KJV) And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between THY SEED and HER SEED; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.
A comment backed up by Scripture – I trust that meets with your Pharisaical standards.
As is typical of anyone who advocates two seedline, you can’t help but throw a nasty, condescending tone into your comment.
Genesis 3:15 in no way implies that Eve and the Serpent had sexual intercourse. All it proves is that Eve and the Serpent both have separate seedlines representing them. Eve’s seedline is clearly the Adamic seedline, while the Serpent’s seedline can be traced through any non-Adamic (or pre-Adamic), or “beast” seedlines. It need not be any more complicated than that.
Then the Lord God said to the serpent,
“Because you have done this,
Cursed are you more than all the livestock,
And more than any animal of the field;
On your belly you shall go,
And dust you shall eat
All the days of your life;
And I will make enemies
Of you and the woman,
And of your [seed] and her [seed];
He shall bruise you on the head,
And you shall bruise Him on the heel.”
This literally all applies to snakes. It’s very easy to observe today. No need to avoid it at all.
We have received a number of comments where people merely provide links to commentary that supports the idea that Even had sexual relations with Satan, but we are choosing not to post those links because they do not specifically address specific points made by Emry in his sermon.
If you have contentions or disagreements with any specific points made by Sheldon Emry, explain them in detail where you disagree and why, citing scriptural proof to support your disagreements. Posting general links to general arguments against it is not helpful in generating a beneficial dialogue.
And calling anyone who disagrees with the two seedline doctrine a “Jew” will not be tolerated — after all, Jews support the two seedline doctrine.
I concur.
CFT is a great source of information. But it is also a place of Fellowship. I pray it stays this way, and doesn’t resort to a Bitchute comment section where there is absolutely no accountability.
Thank God for CFT! What a blessing in a dark and dying world.
Appreciate that. Matthew 23:8 says, “But as for you, do not be called Rabbi; for only One is your Teacher, and you are all brothers and sisters.” We are all brothers and sisters, and Christ is our Teacher. Putting any other teacher to a place in our minds where we accept their words at face value is like making them equal to Christ, because only His teachings are worthy to take at face value.
Peter summarises it well when he says in 1 Peter 3:15, “but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts [submitting to Him alone], always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, but with gentleness and respect…”
Let everyone then understand Scripture for themselves, that they may make that defense out of their own minds, not relying on another shepherd. There is one Shepherd, who when the robbers come, does not leave His sheep. If you rely on a false shepherd, when the robbers come, you will be abandoned.
Thanks for the transcription work! I’ll save it. I hope you guys aren’t doubting the two-seedline doctrine, as it is important. But, I love you either way.
“Why” is it important?
Please read the rest of the comments here….We already agree here that Eternal Life is only offered to the Adamic Man.
Rejecting the Serpent Seedline doctrine is NOT an endorsement of Universalism.
But I am curious why this belief — serpent seedline — often seems more important than say “Soteriology” as just one example. It seems to me almost an Idol to some people.
I am curious your thoughts. Thanks.
I feel that the teaching is important because it helps us identify God’s enemies and ours.
“And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which DECEIVES THE WHOLE WORLD: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” Revelation 12:9.
Without an understanding of the Serpent Seed doctrine, people can’t understand why a Jew is bad, while an Adamite is good. It would be difficult to accept that these people (many who look white) can be that evil.
We are faced with a conspiracy so monstrous that it is unbelievable. That’s how (((they))) DECEIVE THE WHOLE WORLD.
I don’t claim that it is an idol or more important than other teachings, but it is true, and we should accept the whole of scripture. I want it all! I’d prefer an abundance of knowledge as compared to a lack of knowledge. Like all other true doctrines, there is plenty of evidence to support this doctrine. If one disbelieves it, it is because he chooses to disbelieve or simply hasn’t seen the evidence.
Rather than agree to disagree, sometimes maybe we should ask ourselves why we do or do not believe certain things. We should be open to anything Biblical. We should also accept or reject something based on it’s trueness, rather than from personal choices. I want the truth and I do not want to be deceived. I want all of the Word that I can contain. If something does not fit with the whole of Scripture, it must be rejected. But, Scripture warns us not to reject what God reveals to us. If we do, there are severe consequences. This is serious. It’s not a game or a hobby. God’s Word is my life. It’s all that matters. I try to be certain in my beliefs, and in what I reject.
I hope I answered your question, Brother.
Mike, what specific evidence that Emry brought up do you think is false? Do you deny that the very idea that Eve had sexual relations with the serpent comes from the Babylon mystery religions? Do you think Moses when he wrote down Genesis agreed with the Babylon mystery religions? Or do you think the Babylon mystery religions copy the Genesis account? Because if the Babylon mystery religions are copying the Genesis account, they are certainly changing it because there is no overt sexual seduction in the language that I can see. Why make the seduction so obscure in the language?
Thanks Mike. I really appreciate the answer.
I would only counter by asking if you are new to this site???
Clearly…………………….clearly the “Jew” has been exposed here on this site and was done so without suggesting Eve had sex with the Devil.
In my experience, when witnessing “Identity” to christians, telling them that Eve had sex with the Devil is quite the turn-off. If after they have heard the evidence for Whites being the Israelites of Scripture and the jews being “imposters”…………….they happen to investigate serpent seedline……………fine.
But you must admit that the authoritarian nature of those who demand serpent seedline to be Gospel, is quite the turn-off to unbelievers.
Thanks Mike. Sincerely.
You wrote: “Without an understanding of the Serpent Seed doctrine, people can’t understand why a Jew is bad, while an Adamite is good. It would be difficult to accept that these people (many who look white) can be that evil.
We are faced with a conspiracy so monstrous that it is unbelievable. That’s how (((they))) DECEIVE THE WHOLE WORLD”
The great Christian James W. Sire wrote a wonderful book “Discipleship of the Mind”. In it he explains the concept of WORLDVIEW which is so important in determining a person’s attitudes, habits, personal conduct and thinking. A great contributor to Worldview is of course Religion.
My contention is that the Evil we see in World Systems and Geopolitics has nothing to do with “seedlings” (RACE) and everything to do with Worldview.
The Worldview of TALAMUDISM seeps into young Jews from an early age like Mother’s Milk.
The two pillars of modern-day Pharisees are:-
1. Talmudic Worldview
2. Control of the Money System
These two pillars confer infinite power in the “World of Man” and lead to many of the un-Christian Geopolitics and attitudes amongst the Power Elite.
I would respectfully not agree, Westwins, that “Rejecting the Serpent Seedline doctrine is NOT an endorsement of Universalism.”.
To reject that is to miss the major point being made by dual-seedline as it’s given in scripture, and that is that implies that it’s universalism and it’s race mixing messages which bring destruction and death to our White Israel people, both physically and spiritually. We can observe that happening , and it will become much worse until the time our people learn to band together and reject that entirely. This excerpt helps explain that as well as the nature of those who have chosen of themselves to become our greatest enemy:
“Now look at Genesis 3:15 more closely and ask some questions: (1) Why did God have to put enmity between the serpent-devil and Eve? (2) What was their sin? (3.) What was the fruit of their sin?
The silly stories told by modern denominational religions do not even measure up to a good “mother goose” fairy tales.
They would have you to believe that the devil was a talking snake hanging out of a tree telling Eve to come eat a pear or an apple with him. The sin was not the pear in the tree, but the pair on the ground. The snake in the grass seduced Eve. This is confirmed in the Hebrew manuscript. When God asked Eve what happened she said, “The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat.” (Genesis 3:13) The Hebrew word that is translated “beguiled” literally means to seduce. The reason God put “enmity” between the serpent and the woman was to end their illicit affair (Genesis 3:15). The fruit of this sinful act was a child fathered by the Devil, Cain. In Genesis 4:1 Adam also had a sexual relation with Eve and Genesis 4:2 says that she bore 2 children (2 seeds), Cain (the seed of the serpent) and Abel (the seed of the woman). True to his genealogy Cain killed Abel (Genesis 4:8)! “And Adam knew his wife again; and she bare a son, and called his name Seth: For God, said she, hath appointed me another seed instead of Abel, whom Cain slew.” (Genesis 4:25) Seth (the son of Adam) becomes the seed of the woman replacing dead Abel.
The union between the Devil and the woman was the sin of mongrelization, race mixing, and the fruit of that sin was a mongrel devil named Cain. It should be further noted that Cain had children (Genesis 4:17-22), and they were later known as the Canaanites, the children of the devil. As these Canaanite-devils multiplied they filled the land of Palestine with all kinds of evil.” [Continues]
Flanders, the article answered the question you brought up about the Masoretic text. When the Jews translated the Bible into their version of Hebrew, they chose to use words in the Genesis account that would convey the idea that Eve was sexually seduced because that’s what they believed–they brought that belief with them from Babylon. Don’t you see that? How is that reliable evidence of Eve’s physical seduction?
Serpent seedline theologically is typical of agenda-driven interpretations, in that in order to interpret it that way, one must already have that view in the first place, because the main strategy of the theology is to explain to you how the Scripture is saying something other than what it is saying.
It is a complete and utter failure of basic reading comprehension. Examining Hebrew and Greek has its place, but claiming Eve was seduced is likewise a failure of that kind of deeper study, as it just isn’t true. One would think Paul would even write it that way when explicitly referring to the event (2 Corinthians 11:3).
Seedline theology is not needed to explain that mongrelization is bad. Beastiality is forbidden and predicted as a part of Israel’s fate in the law and prophets. This is easy to explain without Jewish myths to confuse things.
Seedline theology also rarely has the redemption and sanctification of the Lord Jesus in its message, because it’s focus is inherently not on Him. It is so hyper-focused on “race”, the basic teachings of the gospel and our Christian duties are discarded.
Some seedline adherents go as far as to discard the faith and sanctification required in the Lord Jesus, effectively preaching a false gospel (like “all Israel is saved” regardless), thus forfeiting their own salvation. I say this not to scoff, but for your own sakes.
Flanders……please see my comment to Mike.
When I was part of that “clique”, of course Genesis 4:1 was a verse that causes great consternation to that group. If I remember correctly, I think the way in which they addressed Genesis 4:1 was to simply ignore it; and or say that this is a bad translation, or something that was added etc., etc. A “Jew” plot they would say. This was a stretch for me.
That being said…………………….I do hold out the possibility that what happened to Eve might be a foreshadow of what happened to Mary.
Maybe…..just maybe………….Eve was impregnated by a Spirit — a foreshadow of what was to come. Mary being impregnated with the Spirit of Truth; and Eve being impregnated with the Spirit of Deceit.
Other than that……………….it seems wholly unfruitful to divide and cause division over this subject.
Clearly………..let me repeat that…………….CLEARLY the Jew has been exposed here on CFT and Race Mixing forbidden, all without having to demand Eve slept with the devil or some other physical entity.
I concur with both Johan and Hendrick on this matter.
But I appreciate the answer/explanation in a mature and reasonable manner. Cheers.
Yes, westwins, Eve is a type for Mary but there is zero evidence Eve was impregnated by a spirit–she was with Adam and got pregnant–the text is clear about that. But since Adam was a direct creation of God, he was unlike any being who descended from him–he was a unique spirit in a sense.
Keep it simple, as Emry quoted Corinthians, “But I fear, lest by any means, as the serpent beguiled Eve through his subtilty, so your minds should be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ.”
Hi Hendrick…
Really enjoy your comments btw.
I agree with you. I said — “Maybe…..just maybe”
I think perhaps the overall point I am trying to make is that we are all just speculating. Not one single person alive today was “there” in that Garden! 🙂
It’s ironic if you knew me as when I was a judeo-christian, I fought against Augustine’s “Essentials” doctrine, ONLY because their ‘essentials’ are a total joke.
But now, among Identity believers …………………..I think the adage is appropriate.
Why I asked Mike why it mattered. Because in the end, it doesn’t matter. We can still expose International Jewry (Rev 2:9) and we can discourage race mixing, ALL without telling people Eve had sex with a devil. If people want to believe this might have been a possibility in their own private thoughts….so be it. Soon enough ALL WILL BE REVEALED.
I agree with you 100% — Keep it Simple.
Thanks again Hendrick! I thank God for men such as you daily.
Right, Johan, if you believe, like many two seedline adherents do, that you are saved by birthright as a White Adamic man, then you make Christ unnecessary because your birth/DNA saves you independently of Christ’s intervention. Any doctrine that marginalizes Christ is antiChrist.
Thanks for that CFT – that was really interesting. Admittedly, I had not thought of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil as THE LAW: I thought it must of been symbolic of a person or people: non-Adamites, for example. I recognized Jesus as the Tree of Life though.
So, does it then follow that Cain and Abel were Adam and Eve’s twins; as opposed to Dual Seedline Doctrine of Cain from Satan and Abel from Adam – and thus Cain was just a “black sheep”, or a “bad apple”, and annoyed with Abel’s offering he did his brother in?
Seeing as God banished Cain and he went and lived with others… when Jesus said the jews were murderers from the beginning, did Jesus mean Cain himself, or Cain with the blood from whoever it was Cain married coming through the ages via what became the jews that Christ hated? Jesus calling the jews sons of the Devil being the people Cain went to live with?
I hope that makes sense to others, and not just my brain. I am trying to be straightforward and concise.
Lots of questions… hmmmm… good stuff!
Christ Is King, we hope to publish Part 2 of Emry’s sermon on this subject very soon, perhaps within a week, which may answer some of your important questions.
Remember, Cain is a type for Esau, who was rejected by God as His choice. God hated Esau in the womb.
But the meaning of “murderer” in John 8:44 is often misunderstood. It should be cross-referenced with 1 John 3:15: “Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.”
There were indeed Israelites among the Pharisees, and Paul is proof of that — so the meaning is clear — any Israelite (or Adamic) who hates his Israelite (or Adamic) brother is a moral equivalent of a murderer. Paul, no doubt, considered himself a murderer when he was a Pharisee, the worst of sinners because of it. Thus, Cain’s hatred of Abel was “murder” even before he committed the literal act.
The scripture where it talks about enmity between the two seeds is not really explained by any of this though. Nor where it curses & holds the “genea” or racial seed of Jews accountable for Abel’s death AND says they do the works of their father who was a murderer from the beginning & the father of lies.
I was thinking about this theory of “sex” being the ‘forbidden tree’ that Adam & Eve weren’t ready for yet, and I wondered if the Adversary, father of lies, manifested but took the form of Adam and seduced Eve. Eve was motivated not only by distrust towards God, as an all-powerful & potentially mysterious being, watching over them, but by for her loyalty towards Adam, whom she was designed to be the glory of.
This would explain why she trusted the “serpent” so openly and why she then simply said she was deceived as an excuse. The fake Adam probably left her after that, and she later found the real Adam, wanted more of the same experience and seduced him, not knowing that he was not the one involved in the prior event. They then realised what they had done and covered their privates because they realised the shame.
“Serpent” seems like an insult to do with the punishment involved. Instead of addressing him by an old Angelic name, God always calls him labels and insults or doesn’t even address him, understandable imo.
It is possible that the Book of Genesis has been changed over these many years, to suit the beliefs of not only Jews but Catholics too. I say this because I have found proof of the Bible being intentionally changed in other regards. Let’s hope that there may one day be definite proof revealed of what was written by Moses.
In any case, it is highly likely that Bloodline Supremacist Gnostics often see themselves as Sons & Daughters of Cain, and the soul that they supposedly have that sets them apart from us ‘Hylics’ or “animalistic automatons” is seen as directly inherited from the Rebellious Spirit in Eden. I guess it is linked to the Book of Enoch- this book says Nephilim have a disembodied soul and that the Watchers gifted mankind all it knows & has achieved (Like “Prometheus”). The “soul” they have manifests as psychopathy and contempt for “Hylics,” especially any that they see as blessed by the “demiurge”.
This is why some of the Jews, a mixed multitude with unhealthy familial practices, call themselves the Chosen people of “Lucifer.”
I could go more into Gnosticism and Kabbalah but I’ll leave it at that.
1 John 3:10 says, “By this the children of God and the children of the devil are obvious: anyone who does not practice righteousness is not of God, nor the one who does not love his brother and sister.”
Sons of the devil/Satan is a spiritual designation, not a physical one. Besides, with so many of our Adamic kindred committing heinous evil, do we seriously think genetic purity automatically guarantees good behaviour? Christ is not calling them Jews or a specific seed but rather he is calling out their reprobate sin and slavery to their flesh.
Likewise with Cain, he had poor character and not the mind of God. Hebrews 4:11 says, “By faith Abel offered to God a better sacrifice than Cain…” Through Cain’s apparent lust for rule, he could not stand to have a brother to be approved more than himself. Don’t we even see this behaviour in CI? Were the servants of God, the prophets, not abused and murdered by a jealous Israelite priestcraft?
If man was created in Adam and Eve, then it stands to reason, Cain’s wife must have been his own sister. I believe Cain taking animal wives is a red herring. No other men were created other than Adam, and Cain could not marry an animal, so his wife must have been an Adamite, else Scripture would not have called it his “wife”. Adam and Eve having no children between Abel and Seth is often inferred by readers, but it is never implied in the text itself.
On Cain’s wife, the point was raised here about who did Cain fear when God cast him out, and I’m wondering how your point about Cain’s wife being his sister squares with that as it seems to me that if Cain had siblings that they would have been nearby and known what God decreed and so Cain would not have needed a mark to warn them?
Likewise, it was also brought up here that Seth was Adam’s first son in his own image, which is of course used by what I have learned is the “Dual Seedline” theory but it is a curious verse outside of that.
Adam was already 130 years old by the time he had Seth, which is a long time to have children and for them to grow up.
It makes perfect sense that Cain would fear his own, given that they had knowledge of the murder of Abel (Gen 4:26). Hundreds of years, being the span of their lives, is also a long time for Cain to be found and killed.
If Adam had a son in his own likeness (Gen 5:3) and he had sons and daughters (Gen 5:4), it is implying something outside of the fact that they are natural children, because Seth and the sons and daughters were all natural children.
The Bible doesn’t say anything about other people being around other than Adam, Eve and their progeny, so we don’t have to try make it say that there were. There is ample information to understand these events.
Hi Reforming Boomer….
I had and still have many of the same questions as you. I am mid-fifties. Not quite a Boomer but pretty close. I’m sure you and I have much in common. If you would like to talk about all of this stuff, I would welcome a private conversation. I have a Proton Mail account. My name @
Johan, there are instances in the Bible where non-Adamite/non-Israelite “people” or “females” are referred to as “wife’ or “wives”, one of them being Genesis 27:46
“And Rebekah said to Isaac, I am weary of my life because of the daughters of Heth: if Jacob take a wife of the daughters of Heth, such as these which are of the daughters of the land, what good shall my life do me? “
What makes you think the children of Heth weren’t pure Adamite? Canaan along with his children were pure. It is not provable that all Canaanite peoples were categorically not pure, because it isn’t in the Scripture.
What makes me think that there were non-Adamics among the Hittites, or that at least some of the Hittites were non-Adamic? They are lumped into a group who were to be destroyed in Deut 20:17. “But thou shalt utterly destroy them: the Hittite, and the Amorite, the Canaanite, and the Perizzite, the Hivite, and the Jebusite; as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee.”
And in Judges 3:5. “5 And the children of Israel dwelt among the Canaanites, the Hittites, and the Amorites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites.”
Other examples where “wives” are implied to possibly be racial aliens:
Neh 13:27. “Shall we then hearken unto you to do all this great evil, to transgress against our God in marrying strange (H5237) wives?”
1Kings 11:8 “And likewise did he for all his strange (H5237) wives, which burnt incense and sacrificed unto their gods.”
Ezra 10:2. “And Shechaniah the son of Jehiel, one of the sons of Elam, answered and said unto Ezra, We have trespassed against our God, and have taken strange (H5237) wives of the people of the land: yet now there is hope in Israel concerning this thing.”
Ezra 10:10. “And Ezra the priest stood up, and said unto them, Ye have transgressed, and have taken strange (H5237) wives, to increase the trespass of Israel.”
This is the same word (H5237) as found in Lamentations 5:2….”Our inheritance is turned to strangers, our houses to aliens (H5237).” A H5237 would not a lawful heir.
But why were they to be destroyed? Deuteronomy 20:18 says, “so that they will not teach you to do all the same detestable practices of theirs which they have done for their gods, by which you would sin against the Lord your God.”
Then in Deuteronomy 9:4, “Do not say in your heart when the Lord your God has driven them away from you, ‘Because of my righteousness the Lord has brought me in to take possession of this land.’ Rather, it is because of the wickedness of these nations that the Lord is dispossessing them before you.”
It isn’t because of them being mixed, but rather their wickedness. We don’t have to assume it’s anything more, because we’re told plainly what it was. It seems then even Adamites might be wiped out for evil. A sobering thought.
H5237 doesn’t imply mixed in the slightest, whether literally or otherwise. “Strange” is more than fine in its plain meaning. After all, Ruth was a strange wife (Ruth 2:10), who was an Adamite.
“do we seriously think genetic purity automatically guarantees good behaviour? ”
No, of course not. That would be foolish, everyone can read the crimes and blasphemies of the Israelites throughout the entire Bible, and yet God still says he will be with them until the end and has made specific promises directly to them. Which is more to do with God’s love for the progenitors of Israel and his will to keep his own word, than the behaviour of Israelites in general.
I do not agree with Christogenea, but in my opinion, the focus ought to be more on guaranteeing the innate evilness or psychopathy of whatever the seed of the Adversary is, probably Canaanite bloodlines, rather than advocating a guarantee of immunity to the consequences of sin / immortality.
Now do a study of Genesis 1:1-20 if you dare
Great read thank you!
Yep, interesting read and thanks for the work on the transcription.
For me, what I find curious, is why a certain ‘clique’ of Identity believers are so very militant about believing in the Serpent Seed Doctrine and DEMANDING others believe it also.
I mean seriously…………..these soldiers go out of their way to ridicule, slander, tease, name call and the like, in order to defend their position. Just go to a Bitchute video about this topic and read the comments! And this is Christianity???
Why do they care so much?
When I was a judeo-christian, the adage — “In the Essentials – unity. In the non-essentials – liberty. And in all other things — charity,” was a popular philosophy.
Now, I had a problem with this “adage” because the judeo’s version of the “essentials” is absolutely ridiculous.
That being said, the adage does make sense, as to not divide the Body over things that may not seem so clear in the Scriptures.
It would be nice to hear an “explanation” from a Serpent Seed Doctrine holder as to the “why” without being called every bad name in our vocabulary. How does believing in this teaching or not believing in this teaching, effect our relationship to our Father?
Those who assert that there must have been a sexual act between Satan and Eve which produced Cain do so because, they claim, without it, we open the door to universalism–if you don’t believe in two seedline doctrine, you’re a closet universalist or trying to sneak the other races into the kingdom by the back door.
But that’s an outlandish and divisive position. If you aren’t born of the Adamic creation, there is no “backdoor” to enter–it’s a yes/no proposition. Adamic peoples have committed the most grievous of sins without one single drop of non-Adamic blood in their veins.
With this doctrine, they paint themselves into an intellectual and spiritual corner by making such far-fetched statements as “God will not destroy anything he created because it was good,” which basically means they believe that if you are born Adamic/Israelite, God will not destroy you, i.e., thrown into the Lake of Fire because of venal sin.
Noah and his family were NOT the only Adamic people left in the world, so God must have destroyed his Adamic creation in the Flood. It’s ridiculous the lengths they go to to assure themselves that because they were born White, they are off the hook and won’t ever be destroyed by God for transgressions.
Thank you John 3.
What I find ironic, is that I don’t know of any CI teacher in the past 20 years who is trying to “convert” the non-adamic peoples.
I’m not a CI historian, but I would imagine we would be hard pressed to find ONE who has done so in the past.
Seems like wasted energy to me. Sad too, because I almost walked away entirely from Identity because of one particular “clique”.
Sadly, they give us a bad name.
Does “Dual Seedline” theory only cover the “Eve slept with the Serpent” angle?
I’m wondering because would the non-Adamic people also count as a sort of second seedline?
On a side note, how does miscegenation work in regards to salvation? I’ve seen an interpretation of Matthew 8:11 that asserts non-Adamics will be allowed in, though even some of the “woke” modern translations make it seem that this verse only applies to the Israelites. But then, if you’re half Adamic and half not, where does that leave you; is the “One Drop Rule” divine?
So is an Adamic person who engages in miscegenation damning his offspring? Are the missionaries who minister to the non-Whites just wasting their time and/or giving out false hope of salvation?
Reforming, there are different schools of thought on this issue–some say there were pre-Adamic peoples who would belong to the other seedline. There are others who say that “beasts” created in Genesis is a reference to non-Adamic peoples. Either way, you end up with a second seedline without having Eve procreate with Satan.
As far as Matthew 8:11 goes, I don’t see anything in it that opens the door to non-Adamic salvation (“the nations” or “gentiles”). It refers to the regathering of all Adamic and Israelite peoples, dispersed in all directions, and it’s in the context of a non-Israelite Roman — an Adamic — who had greater faith than all Israelites.
Yes, all race mixing is forbidden to Adamkind, as Deuteronomy 23:2 makes clear–the offspring cannot enter the congregation of God. Mixing brings confusion (Lev 18:23).
There is disagreement about who can be “saved”, depending on your meaning of “saved”. I personally don’t think so, but non-Adamics can benefit from the teachings of the Bible–yet it creates confusion among Adamics–who accept non-Adamics on equal status–ministering to them forces them to misinterpret scripture and universalize it, which is false.
westwins, I agree, they are incredibly nasty to anyone who dares question their doctrine. They act like Jews who find out you don’t believe in the Holocaust. But do you have a link to any of those videos on Bitchute you mentioned? I can’t seem to find them…..
Chesterton……………….since Bitchute got rid of “Disqus”, I don’t spend much time there any longer. But I will do some searching for some of the creators I used to follow and see if I can find any. I will get back to you. Cheers.
Here is one that I used to encounter. You could read his comment history and then click on some of the bitchute pages that he has commented on and find others.
Not sure if you have heard of a woman who goes by Rosette Delacroix. She was part of christogenea until she did a book review on Weisman’s “Serpent Seedline” refutation.
They excommunicated her and did so not with much kindness.
Wow, that “White Power” guy on Bitchute spews out profanity better than the Jews themselves. He’s like a “White Power” Jews who wants to kill anyone who disagrees with him. He’s fit right in with the Christogenea forum.
The good news I suppose, it appears they all might not be as active as once before.
Maybe we can get out our message to other Adamics without all the “noise”.
It amazes me quite honestly, how they have not yet found CFT. Maybe they realize CFT is a rock that will not be moved. 🙂
I recall that a few Christogenea members on their forum told me when I posted a CFT link on their forum that CFT were not friendly to Christogenea forum members and were suprised that I was allowed to post on CFT as CFT blocked them…
I am no longer a Christogenea member, after some of the members raged at me for a difference of opinion, so I am not sure as to their stance on CFT anymore. I am not trying to stir the pot, or push a barrow; just saying what happened.
Personally, I just want the Christian message heard any way possible, and I can’t be bothered with politics. True Christians need to unite, not fight, to get the Word out!
“…..True Christians need to unite, not fight, to get the Word out! …..”
CHRIST IS KING, if any bears fruit over there in that forum, he will surely be plucked by its owner from that wicked vine. A false Christ and false gospel is taught there, ensuring the damnation of its adherents. They do not teach the gospel of faith and sanctification, but a gnostic heresy where everyone is saved.
Be glad that you are free to join the vine of Christ our King.
You are correct, they are often self-righteous and cult-like.
And it is the usual set-up of complete follower mentality rather than them thinking for themselves.
I think the closer you get to the truth the more distractions & lies are thrown at you.
These people have adopted the mentality of the people they said they hated.
“Now, I had a problem with this “adage” because the judeo’s version of the “essentials” is absolutely ridiculous.”
There is only unity & freedom (under Christ/ God) in truth. When the right people have the true understanding, and they cleanse themselves of their iniquity so that God may return to them again & forgive them, then you will have unity & the freedom that God openly offers, but it is the only unity God can provide in this situation or/ and desires to provide in his World. Unity that is blind and tolerates all but intolerance is not of God.
He has said that in the end, there will be tares that are to be burnt, and there are great multitudes who will come against his people, and he takes keeping his own word very seriously. There may be a lot of variables depending on people’s choices, but the constants throughout his pre-cognitive abilities will have given him resolve to state this with certainty.
You do not even need to believe everyone else is some kind of other or lesser, an automaton or animal, to uphold protective boundaries for your own people. The other peoples are absolute hypocrites if they do not accept this, and their intent will be very obvious!
And the issues with disharmony & unrelatability with other peoples can easily be explained by the fact that that there is genetic divergence, created by separation over generations (which was God’s doing), it is more than just a cosmetic, we do share similarities but the differences are not something to dismiss. We are actually more divergent than Dog breeds are, and only a fool would say a Pitbull is like a Labrador in character.
We are all products of our ancestors choices and desires, thousands of years of immoral habits will not produce the same calibre as those peoples who tried to avoid it for most of that time. In the case of Israel, they were pulled out of the fire, they could have ended up like Canaanites but God saved them, (in a harsh, punitive way but still) and set them on a more eugenic path. So it is by God’s grace alone that Israel are not wholly stuck in a cycle of evil due to their ancestors choices.