In order to truly understand the scope of the Bible — and the teachings of the Gospels — we have to go back in time and try to put ourselves in the society and culture of the apostles — and the Israelites before them.
All too often modern Christians impose our own understandings of certain words and phrases without bothering to consult a Bible concordance to better understand the original meaning of crucial words — words that would have had completely different meanings to hellenized Israelites in Judea at the time of Christ’s advent.
One of the most misunderstood concepts in the entire Bible is “the world” — when modern Christians read those words, they automatically think of the entire planet Earth and all the inhabitants in it, but that is not at all how the apostles in Judea would have understood it.
A favorite go-to verse for most universalist Christians is Matthew 24:14,
“And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.”
As we have previously demonstrated, the apostles understood “all nations” to refer only to the original Genesis 10 nations or tribes and their descendants — the apostles would never have understood this phrase to mean what it does today — that is, as multi-ethnic geo-political countries or nation-states into which our “world” is now divided.
And the phrase “all the world” here in Matthew 24:14 is translated from the Greek “oikoumené” (Strong’s 3625), which means,
“…the inhabited world, that is, the Roman world, for all outside it was regarded as of no account.”
And before the Romans, the Greeks understood it in the same confined sense:
“It was “originally used by the Greeks to denote the land inhabited by themselves, in contrast with barbarian countries; afterward, when the Greeks became subject to the Romans, ‘the entire Roman world;’ still later, for ‘the whole inhabited world'”
We can see in this definition how over time this concept became universalized to include the entire planet — as Adamic man explored and settled the entire planet — most notably with the Phoenicians and then their White European descendants.
But the apostles would have understood it as the Greeks and Romans did — the territory inhabited by their own people — alien tribes or races would not have been included in their “oikoumené” — they would have been “regarded as of no account.”
We can see, therefore, that the Great Commission of which Matthew 24:14 speaks is clearly confined only to the Greco-Roman “world” which was inhabited by the original Adamic nations or tribes — the “generations of Adam” — who were direct descendants of Noah.
We recommend that you read our essay, “The Great Commission — Did Jesus Christ Intend The Gospel To Reach Everyone On Earth?“
And we find confirmation of the limited scope of the Great Commission in the Adamic tribes to whom Paul wrote his epistles — the Thessalonians, Corinthians, Romans, Colossians, Ephesians, etc. — among whom “the twelve tribes [of Israel] scattered among the nations” could be found.
This is why Paul did not write epistles to non-Adamic peoples — “barbarians” — such as the Bantus, Hottentots, Pygmies, Mongols, and Australian Aborigines — he would have regarded them as of “no account.”
Paul confirms this idea in Romans 10:18,
“But I say, Did they not hear? yes, indeed — ‘to all the earth their voice went forth, and to the ends of the habitable world their sayings.'”
Another Greek word that is translated as “the world” is “kosmos” — which is used in John 3:16, perhaps the most oft-quoted verse of the New Testament by universalist Christians:
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”
“The world” here does not in any way refer to the entire planet or the “universe” — from the Greek word “kosmos” — Strong’s 2889 — which is where we get the English word “cosmetic” — which means “an ordered arrangement” — in other words, it describes how the Greco-Roman world was ordered or arranged by Adamkind.
Matthew 13:38 uses this term — “kosmos” — when he recounts Christ’s parable of the wheat and tares,
“The field is the world; the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one”
The “field” here is compared to the “kosmos” — or the “ordered arrangement” of the “oikoumené — the known inhabited Greco-Roman “world” — and that “world” is “arranged” in such a way that there are “good” and “bad” seeds — those who hear Christ’s words and follow him, and those who are not His sheep.
Like Matthew, Mark uses the term “kosmos” when describing The Great Commission:
“And He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.'”
—Mark 16:15
This verse is another example which universalist Christians will robotically quote to justify their universalist worldview — believing that the Gospel should be taken everywhere in the planet and preached to every “creature” — every biped hominoid, regardless of whether or not their lineage can be traced back to one of the original Genesis 10 nations — the so-called “gentiles.“
Again, Mark tells us that Christ commanded the Israelites in Judea to go out into the “ordered arrangement” — or kosmos — of the Greco-Roman oikoumené — the known inhabited “world” — and preach the Gospel to every “creature” therein.
“Creature” here derives from the Greek word “ktisis” — Strong’s 2937 — which refers back to the Adamic creation when God created Adam from the dust — as Strong’s defines it:
“…(creature) which is founded from nothing (this is also the sense of this term from Homer on); creation out of nothing.”
In 2 Corinthians 5:17, Paul uses this same Greek word — ktisis — when he refers to Mark 16:15:
“Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old things have passed away; behold, the new has come into being.”
Inspired by the words of Christ — having those words “breathed into him” — Adamic man — who is “born from above” — from Adam — becomes “reborn” as a “new creation” — as Christ explains to Nicodemus in John 3:3-4.
And what of the Hebrew Israelites — when we read “the world” in the Old Testament, how would they have understood this idea?
When the Greek Septuigent was translated into Hebrew — the Greek term “oikoumené” was translated into Hebrew most often as “gé” — Strong’s 1093 — which means,
“…the physical earth [or land]; (figuratively) the “arena” we live in which operates in space and time which God uses to prepare us for eternity.”
Like the later Greeks, the Israelites would have understood “gé” to be very context-related — and refers to the land which they inhabited — the physical “arena” where the Adamic creation takes place and then inhabits — not necessarily the entire planet as such because the 12 tribes of Israel were confined to a very particular “arena” — which would expand as both the Greek and Roman Empires expanded.
Not even the most universalist Christians would try to argue that the Israelites promoted any type of universalism — they were a very clannish people who saw themselves at the center of God’s creation — and when they referred to the non-Israelite “nations” — or “goyim” — they most certainly confined that definition to only those Adamic tribes descendant of Noah — the “generations of Adam.”
We know that not all people were considered Adamic by the Israelites because Cain’s descendants are not included in the “generations of Adam” or the Genesis 10 nations — these non-Adamics would not be included by the apostles under the term “ktisis” — or Adamic “creatures.”
The Consequences Of Misunderstanding What “The World” Means
This misunderstanding of the concept of “the world” has had a disastrous effect both on Christianity and the original White Christian nations for whom the Gospels were intended.
As these Christian nations circumvented the world — at first the Catholic nations of Portugal and Spain — they took it upon themselves to bring the Gospel of Christ to all kinds of primitive, non-Adamic peoples — who have always adapted Christianity to their own native pagan beliefs — creating a hybrid form of Christianity which makes the faith to “none effect.”
We have seen the unmitigated disaster that converting non-Israelite Jews has been for the Catholic Church — a mistake that the Church compounded when it officially claimed in a Papal Bull that race was not to be a consideration in conversion.
This race-blind policy has led to the corruption of the bloodline of the original Christians of Spain — as observed by one of Spain’s leading psychiatrists.
We have seen, for example, in our three-part series on “Logos And Africa” how the native Africans have always “africanized” the Christian faith — adapting what they like to their own African superstitions and rituals — because they have always seen — correctly — that Christianity is “the White man’s religion and God.”
And while Mexico and much of Latin America is at least nominally Catholic, these peoples have also done what the Africans have — created a hybrid form of Catholicism fused with the occult and Marxism, as one commenter here noted:
“The Mexican Revolution was quite literally a war on the church and its role in Mexican society. It resulted in the secularization of Mexico, removing the church from its central role in Mexican society. In other words, Mexico had at least a generation’s head start over the United States in leftism, stripping Christianity from any societal role. The Mexicans coming into the United States today are as nominally Catholic as you would expect under such conditions. What is worse, Hispanic Catholicism is thoroughly intertwined with communist liberation theology on the one hand and syncretism with tribal religion on the other. This is not the Catholicism your typical devout American Roman Catholic. They do not share the same values as the typical American Roman Catholic, and it is a total flight from reality to suggest they do.”
Universalist Christians have been rightly blamed for aiding and abetting the flood of our White nations with these nominal Christians from Latin America and Africa — foolishly believing that because these invaders are “Christian” that somehow they will have a positive effect on our nations.
And, yes, non-Israelite Jews have taken advantage of this “loophole” in “judeo-Christianity” to encourage this flooding of our White Christian nations with the Third World — by their own admission — because fractured, multi-racial societies are more easily subverted and dominated.
“White Nationalists” have rightly demonized this watered-down, apostate universal Christianity — unfortunately to the point of rejecting all of Christianity because it has failed to protect our nations from this invasion and the resulting domination of Jewish money powers.
But the original apostles would have utterly rejected this modern, limp-wristed “Christianity-lite” — they would be shocked to discover how the Gospels have been misused to destroy the very people it was intended to strengthen and ultimately save.
The hour is late — our White Christian nations — the “camp of the saints” — are under siege by the Third World — and being systematically dismantled from within — it’s no wonder that Christ Himself wondered if he would find any true believers when He returns:
“When the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?”
—Luke 18:8
Unfortunately, smug, arrogant judeo-Christians mistakenly believe that this warning applies only to non-Christians — not themselves.
But Christ clearly directed His criticisms toward professing “Christians” — Christians who worship “another” Jesus, as Paul warned in 2 Corinthians 11:4 ,
“For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.”
We as Christians need to take a step back — and undo the lies and distortions of universal judeo-Christianity — before it’s too late and once again reassert the faith as the apostles intended it — otherwise, we are in for a rude awakening when we stand before Christ at the day of Judgment:
“Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.”
—Matthew 7:22-23
Here we have Renegade Tribune that likes to rip off Christians For Truth articles – one of their main pushing the lie that Jews created Christianity the lie that Adam Green of Know More News pushes – they praise Hitler but fail to understand that Hitler was a Christian:
Thanks Mark!
Perfect Summary.
One thing I’ve noticed as well regarding this argument —- they always get away from the Central Point – do all races come from Adam and Eve.
Piarist summed it up perfectly —
“….Others have tried, you are not alone. But no one has ever come up with a convincing argument with actual proof from the Bible that Blacks could have in any logical way descended from Adam…..”
You’d think Ryan et., al., would at least throw in the “Tower of Babel” theory.
But they don’t even do that. They just argue from an Emotional Defense. And honestly ……… that usually works with Adamkind.
Our EMPATHY has destroyed us. It’s Ironic to me. A most beautiful and unique Gift by our Father in Heaven. Used against us.
Peace to you Mark.
To Ryan and Piarist ….
Piarist — Thank you. I admire you immensely. 🙂
Ryan — Please read Piarist’s new comment to you.
To West
When I compare someone to a Jew it’s because of what they say or do. I don’t condemn anyone to hell, our sin does that. Let’s face it, the jews have and do control Babylon and we are all part of it until deliverance from it. As far as the different colors of man coming from Adam and Eve if I’m understanding you right, that you do not believe they do. I do have this to share on my long time study of NOT mixing seed as commanded by God.
This was mentioned by Kevin to Ryan,
Matthew 13:24-30
New King James Version
The Parable of the Wheat and the Tares
24 Another parable He put forth to them, saying: “The kingdom of heaven is like a man who sowed good seed in his field; 25 but while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat and went his way. 26 But when the grain had sprouted and produced a crop, then the tares also appeared. 27 So the servants of the owner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ 28 He said to them, ‘An enemy has done this.’ The servants said to him, ‘Do you want us then to go and gather them up?’ 29 But he said, ‘No, lest while you gather up the tares you also uproot the wheat with them. 30 Let both grow together until the harvest, and at the time of harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather together the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them, but gather the wheat into my barn.” ’
This confirms the command given by God (about mixing seed…all seed.). Who are the people’s of color and where are they originate from is a subject new to me since coming here because Adam and Eve was ‘in the beginning’ and assumed father and mother of all humanity.
But take all aboriginal people who believe in a different beginning etc. If they were true descendants they would relate to Adam and Eve just as the white naturally relates and accepted Christ as their Savior who is the First and the Last Adam.
Apply that to Islam and their rejection of Christ. Apply that to the 70 who left Jesus. Is Cain their father? Is Edom? I ask because for me it is a Spiritual understanding.
But CFT mentions how whites can’t produce a dark skin if not mixed with non-white. So for me that applies to Adam and Eve too. I believe there were other people’s on this Earth when Adam and Eve were created.
Cain’s curse took him wandering and most likely intermarried and mixed seed. Whatever it may be, the only pure blood to have authority is Christ Jesus and those who have been CHANGED by His blood and water (Truth and Spirit).
Mixed seed encompasses not only flesh but writings, ideas etc as The Word says it is earthly, natural and demonic… Babylon, Jezebel, Antichrist. Right now as the AntiChrist rises most nations of color are aligning to it sperating from Christ. Even so many white ones too.
Sparrow, yes, we believe that there is evidence that there were pre-Adamic peoples. After all, who did Cain take as wives? Who built his cities? They could not have been from Adam.
And Cain’s descendants are not counted among the “generations of Adam” (Genesis 5:1), nor are they listed among the Genesis 10 nations; therefore, they are not counted among “the nations” or “gentiles” in Scripture.
Cain must have violated God’s original plan of “kind after kind” and mixed his seed.
Thank you CFT. I remember reading one of your posts about it. Something I had never focused on until coming here.
Sparrow …..
“….I believe there were other people’s on this Earth when Adam and Eve were created…..”
Ok. So pleased to hear. I do not believe you held this view 8 months ago when you were at odds with me.
Because this is all I said at the time —- “the non-white races were not part of the Adamic Creation.”
Which begs the question — Where did they come from? The most logical answer is that they were created PRIOR — Genesis 1:24-25.
At the time, you took offense to this and this is when you compared me to a Jew.
Look …………. I really don’t care. At the time, YES, I wanted an apology. But I’m over it. It’s not about me. It really is about others who will come here. “Ryan” is the perfect example. Let us all speak as ONE in the most important matters.
I really appreciate this “new man” that I see in Sparrow. Much more calm, reserved and your speech is now more measured and not emotional.
So ……………… God has been working in your soul. 🙂
That’s it Sparrow. We are done with all of that. Let’s move on as brother’s in Spirit.
I just want to say that I have admired Sparrow’s open-mindedness toward understanding the New Testament from a new perspective.
As we all know, it is difficult, if not impossible, for most Christians who have been spent years believing in universalism to actually question it, and ultimately abandon it.
Sparrow is a rare example of the humble Christian spirit that will admit his errors and open his heart to a new way of understanding.
But we all have a learning curve, and we need to be patient with each other because there was a time when all of us were in the dark about all of these issues. It’s a lot to overcome, and only the most persistent, fearless, and humble can rise to the challenges of a real change in thinking and spiritual understanding.
Thank you friend. I certainly pay attention to what you bring here. Most times saying without writing… “Man you said it…”
Yet another nail in the coffin of judeo-Christianity. Thank you, CFT. Very eye opening.
The map with this article shows it all. Christianity was intended for white Europeans. And that’s exactly where the faith spread.
North Africa, when it was still white, was Christian at one time, then the arabs conquered it, and it fell into ruins.
Real Christianity can never be separated from the race that became its standard bearer. When that race is removed from Christianity, it becomes to none effect.
You guys go too far in your condemnation of other races. If someone of another race professes the faith will you turn him out of your church? You hold other peoples to a standard which you do not hold yourself too.
For instance you claim that Latin American Christianity has become a synchronisric metling lot of occultism, Marxist, and Christianity. yet the same charge can be leveled against the White Churches as well. Yet you will claim that for Latin people this is predetermined by their mixed race ancestry, but for Whites it’s because they aren’t good Christians, they’ve been tricked, or they just don’t understand.
Ryan write, “You hold other peoples to a standard which you do not hold yourself too.”
That’s correct. We hold the White race to a much higher standard than we hold other races. That’s the whole point of this website.
Yes, the failure of Whites to understand original apostolic Christianity is for different reasons from other races, because that Christianity was never meant for them, and they would reject it anyway. So what’s the point?
We don’t have to turn people of other races away from our church because we don’t have one. People are free to profess whatever faith they want.
But even liberal judeo-Christians racially segregate. As they say, “Sunday morning at 11 o’clock is the most segregated hour in American life.”
If you don’t want other races in your White neighborhoods, why would you want them in your churches?
We don’t “condemn” other races. They condemn themselves, and their civilizations speak for themselves. Just as their version of Christianity suits their purposes and culture.
My point was that you are holding Coloreds to a higher standard than Whites. For when Whites fall back into paganism like Coloreds, you do not condemn the White race.
I will agree that the white race has had a special blessing. It has been the bulwark for Christianity since the early church, however I think it is not an all or nothing absolutistism as you at CFT argue.
There have been plenty of good Christians from other races, one only has to look to the Christeros or Mexico or the Ethiopian Church or a hundred other places to see that. In fact until Vatican 2 it was the more indigenous Mexicans who were the more religious. During the Christeros war they fought or the faith against the White Masonic elite or Mexico.
Furthermore I think the apostasy that afflicts the times is more or less universal across all races, though it takes a special flavor of the hosts which it infects and I do not think it is accurate to view the regressions of the colored races as as direct result of their genetics without taking this into account.
God Bless
Ryan, you are incorrect. When White people fall back into paganism, we have criticized them. Here are two articles on that very subject:
We have criticized virtually all judeo-Christians and their apostate faith of dispensationalism:
We do, in fact, hold other races to a much lower standard. We don’t expect them to read their Bibles or understand them. How is that a “higher standard”?
Perhaps you are the one the holds other races to a lower standard? How do you judge them as being “good Christians”? Because they go to church every Sunday? We have never said other races shouldn’t believe Christ was real or go to their own churches. It might even do a lot of them some good and keep them out of trouble.
After all, James 2:19 says, “You believe that there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe—and tremble.”
I think a rationally society is homogeneous and that mixed churches isn’t really an issue. But we live in the real world and I see no harm in it, but plenty of good if it is efficacious to saving souls.
There are also a lot of mixed churches, at least in my country.
The problem I have with mixed race churches is that many white Christians will think “we are all one in Jesus” and then allow their sons and daughters to take non-white husbands and wives. First in your churches, then in your beds. It’s a slippery slope.
Ryan, what country do you live in, if I may ask?
Ryan …………………
In Re: to Exclusivity vs. Universalism you wrote —
It requires a lot of foundation work, which you guys have not provided.
That was a red flag on your part. This just goes to reveal your intentions here at CFT.
There have been PLENTY of “work done” on this subject. Plenty.
I take it you are not navigating this site looking for research. You have no desire to “Dig”.
Just put “Universalism” into the Search Bar. That is a start. Use the “Resources” Navigation tool as well. Also —- Research the “Book Library”.
I will help you get started — https://christiansfortruth.com/how-the-phrase-all-men-has-been-misused-to-promote-false-universalism-in-the-bible/
There are so many others.
Ryan …………….. are you White?
Or of mixed race? Just curious your Crusade.
No one on this Website is denying Christianity or the Scriptures to anyone. And no one on this website is saying non-whites or mixed race peoples are going to Hell either.
The Gospel has already gone out to the Ends of the Earth.
Why are you holding us up to a higher scrutiny than everyone else?
It’s funny —- often a Mormon might show up to my door trying to save me. But in my 56 years of living, I’ve never had a black or an asian show up at my door, or even in the streets trying to reach me with Christianity.
Let blacks evangelize other blacks. Let asians evangelize other asians.
Integration clearly does not work. This should be a huge Red Flag to you.
Here’s another CFT article that conclusively shows that universalism is not scriptural:
“The False Doctrines Of Universal Reconciliation And Restoration”
There are countless articles in the archives debunking Ryan’s Catholic universalism. He just hasn’t bothered to read them, so he can claim that they don’t exist.
In one of his comments, he stated, “I come from a Catholic Background, although I was zionist Christian for a longer time before that. We all make mistakes lol.”
So Ryan was an evangelical zionist who converted to Catholicism, both universalist versions of Christianity. I get the feeling he isn’t sincere in acknowledging the falseness of universalism. And he never quotes scripture to prove his points, which is typical of Catholics.
Thanks for the addition. And I agree with you.
It always confuses me as to why him and others are so interested in us. We are wrong, but they still come.
I will say this for my own edification —- it actually helps me. It was very hard walking away from my church, my family and friends. It still weighs on me from time to time. The adversary whispers in my ear from time to time.
When Ryan and others come here and rebuke us — BUT THEN can’t make a Scriptural argument for their rebuke, I feel better. It grounds me even more. It edifies me that I know the Spirit led me here and to what I now believe to be true.
No one single person has ever been able to answer my challenge —
If the United Nations removed every Icelander from Iceland and replaced them with 500,000 pure black peoples — equally female and male —– In how many years will white, yellow and red peoples emerge from the loins of a homogenous black couple???
5000 years? 10,000? They know the answer is ZERO.
It’s Supernatural.
Amongst the Yoruba in West Africa, the CMS planted Anglican church that rapidly spread. To pass thru their schools was licence to get educated and get white collar jobs. About 120 years ago there was schism in that church because some Yoruba people wanted to preserve polygamy. this lead to creation of African church -Bethel.
CFT may be right in its postulations much so when it stated it doesn’t oppose Christian groups as they worship God in accordance to their understanding.
In some other posts I read CFT as NS who are pagan as it were. How then do we reconcile these two faith identities?
Worried, most of the National Socialists were Christians. Their motto was “Gott Mit Uns” or “God is with us”. Yes there were pagans among the NS, but they were a minority. Hitler’s problem with the organized churches was that they were political, and he wanted the churches to stay out of politics.
Hitler’s racial ideas did not contradict original Christianity. The original Christians, the Israelites, believed that they were a unique and holy people, a light unto the nations, so did the Germans. They both fought against the “judaizers”.
Many of the NS policies were based on Christian teachings, including the laws against animal cruelty and social responsibility to the “folk” or your “neighbor” your fellow German. These ideas were shown in the book “Positive Christianity in the Third Reich”:
Jawohl , Petr. The problem or crisis is what is “New Testament “?
When the Holy Spirit is embodied in people, it is now racist and antisemetic . This becomes an identity. It compels (leads) one to conquer the enemy first; but its purpose is to save the earth.
The Third Reich was the New Testament, and the world languishes in the Old Testament, like the poor derelict swine wallowing in her mire until she is saved or suffocates from the shlamm und filth of the world. (mammon).
Ryan …….
Where specifically does CFT “Condemn” other races? I didn’t read that anywhere.
Ryan — Question —- Do you believe the 4 primary races (white, yellow, black, red) ALL descend from Adam and Eve and or Noah and his family?
If YES ……………… will you explain how that happened?
If we removed every Icelander from Iceland and replaced them with 500,000 pure blacks from the Congo and then restricted immigration —- Question —- in how many years will white, yellow and red children emerge from the loins of homogenous black couples? 5000 years? 10,000 years?
“Where specifically does CFT “Condemn” other races? I didn’t read that anywhere”
CFT is basically arguing that other races cannot be Christian, as it is the white man’s religion. So when the other races try or our converted they inevitably fail. Well, if you aren’t Christian, you aren’t saved ergo, you are condemned.
“Ryan — Question —- Do you believe the 4 primary races (white, yellow, black, red) ALL descend from Adam and Eve and or Noah and his family?”
If YES ……………… will you explain how that happened?”
1. Probably
2. the same way you can get a bunch of different dog breeds from wolves. IDNK
“If we removed every Icelander from Iceland and replaced them with 500,000 pure blacks from the Congo and then restricted immigration —- Question —- in how many years will white, yellow and red children emerge from the loins of homogenous black couples? 5000 years? 10,000 years”
how would I know?
Ryan, nowhere have we ever said that the other races “cannot be Christian”. We said repeatedly that other races are free to be Christian if they wish. However, based on what the Gospels say, we do not believe that Christianity was intended for anyone outside the Adamic creation, and specifically outside the 12 tribes of Israel.
If you can refute this claim, after reading all of our essays on this subject, please show us otherwise. You are approaching this idea from a judeo-Christian perspective, which we have refuted numerous times.
You compare white people to dogs. Give us an example where white people have been selectively bred with each other, through isolation, so that they’ve turned into non-white looking people. White people have been isolated in Iceland for over 3,000 years, and they are indistinguishable from other White Europeans.
In certain families, Whites can have different eye and hair color, but they always have white skin. White families never produce children with non-white skin unless they have a non-White ancestor.
It’s never happened. White people only produce other White people, and you know this, which is why you cop out and say “I don’t know” how this happened. That’s not a rational answer. It can’t happen, and it’s never happened, and you know it. The only way to get non-Whites is to breed them with non-Whites.
“Ryan, nowhere have we ever said that the other races “cannot be Christian”. We said repeatedly that other races are free to be Christian if they wish.”
My apologies for misunderstanding you here.
“However, based on what the Gospels say, we do not believe that Christianity was intended for anyone outside the Adamic creation, and specifically outside the 12 tribes of Israel.”
Is “Adamic creation” a real thing, or something you guys made up?
I’m not familiar with the term “adamic being mentioned at all in the Gospels, nor am I familiar with any prohibition on preaching the gospel to “non-adamic” people.
“You compare white people to dogs”
The comparison is just an illustration of genetic diversity within a parent (for lack of a better word) species.
“White people only produce other White people, and you know this, which is why you cop out and say “I don’t know” how this happened. That’s not a rational answer. It can’t happen, and it’s never happened, and you know it. The only way to get non-Whites is to breed them with non-Whites.”
I agree.
I said I didn’t know because it was a ridiculous hypothetical.
Ryan writes, “Is “Adamic creation” a real thing, or something you guys made up? I’m not familiar with the term “adamic being mentioned at all in the Gospels…”
No, Ryan, we didn’t make this up. The Adamic race, or “generations of Adam” (Genesis 5:1) are called “the nations” in both the New and Old Testament. The original tribes descendant from Noah. Also, mistranslated as “gentiles”.
Look at the Hebrew translation of the OT. Look up the Hebrew word for “man”, and you’ll find it is often “Adam”.
Please read our essay on this subject to understand who these people are:
You cannot understand the Bible if you rely only on the English translations.
Cain’s descendants are not given in the Bible, which means they are not considered part of the “generations of Adam” (Genesis 5:1). Therefore, there must be non-Adamic people on Earth which are not counted among “the nations” or among “gentiles”.
If the Gospels were meant for everybody, why did Christ say that He came only for the “lost sheep of the House of Israel” (Matthew 15:24)? Why are Paul’s epistles written only to white Europeans — Greeks and Romans?
I have a question for you: the vast majority of people on earth are not Christian and not white. Jesus said,
“I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)
This means that the vast majority of people on earth will not be saved. Does this seem fair to you?
How is this any more fair than saying that only true believing Adamic Israelites will be saved?
The whole idea of Christianity is that only a small remnant will be saved, aka, the parable of the white and the tares (Matthew 13:24-30)
Christ even said that not all who profess Christ will be saved. (Matthew 7:22-23)
Are you comfortable with the idea that Christ excluded the vast majority of people from salvation?
Matthew 7:14 warns us that salvation is no sure thing, in fact, it’s not nearly as likely as most Christians who claim to be “saved” would ever like to believe:
“Strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.”
There are few who will find salvation. A very sobering verse. And Matthew is talking to Israelites, not Africans and Indians.
Given the type of Christianity that non-whites practice, it’s almost cruel to suggest that they will ever find salvation.
I agree with what you wrote insofar as those who will be saved are likely smaller in number than those who will not be. But I think it would be wrong for God to create souls who could never be saved, as would be the case in the “non-adamic” races.
Ryan …………………..
You said — “……but I think it would be wrong for God to create souls who could never be saved ………”
Define what a “Soul” is?
Does everything God created have a “Soul”?
You’ve read many answers here. A new topic for you is the “Adamic Creation”.
Before coming here, did you ever ask yourself the question — “Where did Cain get his wife?”
It was a question I never asked of my self when I was a judeo-christian. I, like you, had at that time I guess a “I don’t really care” attitude and I had this attitude because my pastor had this attitude, my friends and family had this attitude and then of course my “religion” had this attitude.
So, now you are here. And now you are challenged to think about things you never considered.
Which leads me to ask —- “how did you get here”? Was it the Jewish Question that brought you here?
I’m always curious how people find CFT. What is the back story, etc.
I’ve been very open with my story. I was a judeo-christian zionist for most of my adult life — 20+ years.
After 9-11 I began to hear things about “the jews”. When I was convinced that International jewry were behind 9-11, I started to ask the question —- could “God’s Chosen” really be this evil?
Long story short ………….. this led me to CFT which then led me to the Scriptural reality that White Europeans are the Israelites of the Scriptures.
I could go on, but that is enough for now. You get the point.
What is your story?
Glad you are here and that you haven’t run yet and that you have behaved in a mature manner. Most will simply tell us we are racist anti-semites and we are all going to hell.
It’s a nice change to have someone new like you come in here and have a mature dialogue. Thanks for that.
What is a “Soul”?
I love my dogs more than I like most humans to be honest. I pray my dogs will be waiting for me in Heaven. Did my dogs have souls and will they be in heaven???
I don’t know. I’m pretty sure they don’t have “souls”, however. Could God bring them into Eternity? I think so.
I couldn’t comment on your last response for some reason so I’ll try and answer your questions here:
human beings have rational souls which differentiate them from animalistic souls, which are irrational. Basically people have the ability to reason for themselves amd animals do not. All races are rational, so I do not believe God would create a rational soul and not offer a path to salvation for it. Saying (and I paraphrase here) that Christianity is a White religion, but we do not ban other races seems like a loophole and is problematic.
-I come from a Catholic Background, although I was zionist Christian for a longer time before that. We all make mistakes lol
-“Where did Cain get his wife”
I remember hearing that a long time ago, but I had forgotten about that objection. I don’t know, one possible explanation is that since women are not mentioned in the genealogies Cain could have married his sister. Since there would be no other women available the prohibition against familiar marriage was suspended at that time, or something like that. Abel I believe had to make the same choice so if his spouse didn’t come from Adam his spouse was non-adamic and therefore his decendents have non-adamic blood too.
Ryan, you say that “all races are rational”, but the history of the world would strongly suggest otherwise. I find it hard to believe that you think black Africans have the same potential of rational thought as White people.
Rational thought is dependent on IQ, and even you must admit that Blacks have much lower IQs than Whites. In Africa, the mean IQ is around 70, and that means that their ability to have rational thought is wishful thinking at best. The IQ threshold for understanding abstract concepts is 100, and most advanced concepts at 120, which is beyond the reach of the vast majority of Africans.
If a White person had an IQ of 70, they would most likely spend their lives institutionalized or living with their parents, incapable of independent living in our society.
All White ethnicities have very similar IQs because they are genetically determined in large part. This would suggest that Whites and black Africans do not share a common origin, and the Bible confirms this as no Black Africans are included in the generations of Adam, or the original Genesis 10 nations.
The White race is the standard by which all “rational thought” is judged. All advanced civilizations arose out of this race for that reason. Blacks have never developed any kind of advanced civilization on their own because such organization requires abstract thought which they lack.
We cannot merely believe that Blacks are part of the generations of Adam because that’s what the Roman Catholic Church insists, and take it as a matter of faith. If they aren’t mentioned in the Bible, we have no right to put them into that narrative and history because we feel sorry for them or because we want to sentimentally believe that they are our equals.
Ryan ………………….
I hope you read Piarist’s comment above.
I’m curious about “why” you are here. What brought you here? How did you find CFT?
I guess my question is —- What if anything do you agree with here?
I would say CFT’s primary mission is to expose Modern Jewry and Identify Scriptural Israelites — i.e., the White European Peoples of the World.
All the rest is secondary, but still important. But I don’t think a person will have any interest in the secondary issues if they first don’t agree with the Primary.
Whether you care or not ………………….. my journey started with my investigation into 9-11. When I was convinced International Jewry were behind 9-11, that challenged my life-long belief about “who” really are the jews.
This time in my life happened to parallel a huge change in my life. I moved from the Pacific Northwest, to take a job in Atlanta Georgia. At that time, I held to the same beliefs as you — about race etc.
All of a sudden I was propelled into this different world that I had never had any exposure to. I realized very quickly that the black people around me were nothing like me. It was weird. Because I still held on to this belief that we all descend from Adam but I kept quietly asking the a question — “but they are nothing like me”.
It’s not that I didn’t like them — I just came to realize that we had nothing in common. And ………. they were extremely dangerous. I had to move 3 times, ultimately, just to be in a place of safety. “How could this be,” I kept asking myself? Why are they so different from me and the world I left (majority white). “How did we become so different?”
All of this led me to my now beliefs. I’m not going to try and convince you of anything. I realize now after 15 years that people really only come to “change” because they are already making change on their own. They are already quietly asking themselves difficult questions. I’m convinced now that we don’t convince anyone of anything. We just share what we ourselves know to be true and if such a person is already kind of leaning that way, they will be curious and ask questions.
My journey to ultimately reject Once Saved Always Saved was similar. Sitting in church, I was already questioning OSAS. I knew in my heart that it was wrong, but everyone around me was telling me it was true. I’d read the Scriptures and I knew it was wrong, but the Pastor would tell me it was true. I had inner conflict.
I don’t hear any kind of “curiosity” coming from you so; don’t take this personally, but I’m really not interested in having this discussion further, unless you are already asking those questions of yourself.
So I would, however, very much enjoy answering any questions you may have.
I know for me ……. when I was coming out of Christendom and asking questions about the World, I was like a sponge. I couldn’t get enough. I would read anything and everything. I think the JFK assassination was kind of the catalyst to this new idea that pretty much everything we were taught to believe was fabrication.
So ……………………….. good luck to you. I hope you stay. I hope you are just as curious as I was. Ask Questions. This is a great way to learn a different perspective. You don’t have to believe it. But I would hope you would be curious.
There are some very smart and wise men here. No doubt all your questions will have answers.
If you do decide to stick around — I am curious about you. Are you White? What continent do you live on? How did you find CFT? What do you agree with here at CFT?
Peace to you Ryan. I’ll leave you with two articles that I think has a lot to offer —
“I find it hard to believe that you think black Africans have the same potential of rational thought as White people”
a difference in potential of rational thought is still categorically rational thought. Irregardless I do not believe salvation is dependent upon IQ testing; only that to much is given much will be required.
Ryan, so in other words you’ve defined “rational” thought not as an absolute but on some sort of sliding scale. Many anthropologists have claimed that many animals exhibit “rational” thought on the same kind of sliding scale. They do not believe that “rational thought” separates animals from humans.
Are you aware that Koko the gorilla scored higher on an IQ test than many Africans?
So now you move the goalposts and say that IQ is no consideration in salvation. I never said it was. My main point was that African IQ was proof that black Africans were not among the descendants of Adam, nor are they listed anywhere in the Bible in the Genesis 10 nations. Nations are tribes, not countries. Are you claiming they are?
This is a crucial issue because the Gospel was to be shared with “the nations”, and those nations are the Genesis 10 nations or tribes. If Africans are not counted among those nations or tribes, and the apostles most certainly did not count them as such, then where’s your proof beyond your “belief” that salvation was offered to them through Christ?
Piarist, Rationality can both have definite boundaries and yet allow for a diversity of cognitive abilities. Much in the same way that intelligence greatly varies withing White populations. How to you reconcile the fact that there are some blacks who have higher intelligence than many if, not most, Whites?
Ryan, IQ has distribution curves. Random selection would predict that one in ten million blacks will have an IQ superior to “most whites”. The odds of this happening are incredibly small, but it does happen.
At the highest end of the IQ scale, blacks are virtually nonexistent, while at the lowest end, they dominate.
Same thing with blue eyes. One in ten million blacks will have blue eyes. It proves nothing.
With IQ there is a concept of “regression to the mean”, that is, even high IQ blacks tend to have children with the average black IQs. Look it up.
But you are engaging in a typical liberal form of argumentation which is to argue from the exception not the rule. The exception always proves the rule.
I am not engaging in liberalistic argumentation. I am saying that different populations can have different average intelligences and still be rational creatures. There is no IQ cutoff or bench mark for having a rational soul or else you would have to concede that some whites would not have human souls and some blacks would. The idea that human beings have a different kinds of souls is not one which is based in Christianity, but an Idea which comes from the Kaballah, whereby the rabbis say that Jewish souls are divine and goyim are demonic.
Furthermore the exception proves the rule is a platitude which does not always hold true. for instance if I let go of a ball and it fell up, that would not prove gravity.
Ryan, that’s exactly what you are doing….engaging in liberalistic argumentation, making “rational” mean only what you want it to mean to justify your judeo-universalism.
And you are making a “straw man” argument. I never said there was an IQ cut off for having a “soul” or not. So you are arguing against a point I never made.
What I said was that you are arguing that “rational thought” is relative, which is exactly what you are doing. And you are also “begging the question”, another logical fallacy, by assuming that all humans are “rational” because “rational” thought defines what is human. Circular reasoning.
The whole time, you’ve ignored my central challenge to you. If Blacks are not included in the Genesis 10 nations, they cannot be from Adam. If they are not from Adam, then how can the Gospels have ever been intended for them? The “Logos” was bestowed on Adam and his kind. You cannot escape that.
But you ignore all that and merely try to squeeze Blacks into the Adamic creation with no Scriptural proof that they belong there. Others have tried, you are not alone. But no one has ever come up with a convincing argument with actual proof from the Bible that Blacks could have in any logical way descended from Adam.
The “soul” and the “spirit” are two different ideas in Scripture. There’s an animating energy given to all living things, but not all living things have “spirit”. There’s also evidence that the “soul” is not eternal as you seem to be suggesting. But these issues are distractions from the main point, which is Adamic vs. non-Adamic.
The Smithsonian got it right, so why can’t Ryan?
“In Smithsonian Race Guidelines, Rational Thinking and Hard Work Are White Values”
Your last post was entirely about IQ, making IQ a pillar of you argument means it is fair game to attack and not a “straw man argument”
The idea that because Black’s are not from the 10 adamic nations therefore the gospel can’t be for them is quite a stretch. It requires a lot of foundation work, which you guys have not provided. The most evidence I have seen is that the word Adam means blushing therefore Adam was white. It’s an ergo, ergo, ergo, ergo type of argument. The concept of Adamic isn’t mentioned at all in the Gospels, I looked it up and its a fairly recent term.
And Christianity isn’t mentioned in the Gospels either. What does that prove? That Christianity isn’t real?
“Adamic” is merely an adjective to describe Adam and his descendants. You seem to think that if it isn’t used in the Bible, it isn’t a real concept. That’s ridiculous.
“Adam” is mentioned in several verses in the NT….
And in the Hebrew translation of the OT, “man” in English is often translated from “Adam” in Hebrew. And by the way, King David is described as “fair” and “ruddy”, which means he was white.
West- thank you for the kind words, I try my best to be civil as it is the only right way to exchange ideas and promote truth.
Ok. But what is Truth?
What do you agree with here at CFT? I mean you are here. If we got everything wrong ……. why still come.
Do you agree with the two Primary teachings that I listed above?
White peoples are the Israelites of Scripture and Modern jewry have little, if nothing to do with the Israelites of Scripture?
West – Im here because I like seeing different points of view. I also like a lot of the research that the site has done. As for the idea of Europeans being the 10 lost tribes, or something like that, I’m withholding judgement, but entertaining the arguments.
Ryan …….
Before my last comment goes down the “Recent Comments” memory hole — I left a comment for you on a more appropriate article —
Let’s get back to the Scriptures.
The one thing you haven’t done Ryan — is argue using Scripture.
I hope you do.
West, I found this quote, and think it describes Ryan to a “T”….
“It’s almost impossible to change someone’s mind using facts. This happens due to ‘motivated reasoning,’ a psychology term that refers to the way people usually believe whatever they want to believe and use the flimsiest piece of ‘evidence’ to justify that belief, even when there is plenty of verified evidence to disprove it.”
thanks for the article I’ll give it a read
a “pearl” of great price….
Jeremiah 31:36
“Only if this fixed order departed from My presence, declares the Almighty,
would Israel’s descendants ever cease to be a nation before Me.”
Jeremiah 46:28
And you, My servant Jacob, do not be afraid, declares the Almighty, for I am with you.
Though I will completely destroy all the nations to which I have banished you, I will not
completely destroy you. Yet I will discipline you justly, and will by no means
leave you unpunished.”
Jeremiah 49:36
I will bring the four winds against Elam from the four corners of the heavens,
and I will scatter them to all these winds. There will not be a nation to which
Elam’s exiles will not go.
Ezekiel 5:10
As a result, fathers among you will eat their sons, and sons will eat their fathers.
I will execute judgments against you and scatter all your remnant to every wind.’
Ezekiel 5:12
A third of your people will die by plague or be consumed by famine within you,
a third will fall by the sword outside your walls, and a third I will scatter to every
wind and unleash a sword behind them.
Luke 22:31
Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to sift each of you like wheat.
Isaiah 30:28
His breath is like a rushing torrent that rises to the neck.
…..He comes to sift the nations in a sieve of destruction;
He bridles the jaws of the peoples to lead them astray.
The Destruction of Israel…a {{{{NON-JEWISH}}}}……”People”
…Surely the eyes of the Almighty are on the sinful kingdom, and….
I will destroy it from the face of the earth. Yet I will not utterly destroy
the house of Jacob,” declares the Almighty. “For surely I will give the command,
and I will shake the house of Israel among all the nations
…….as grain is sifted in a sieve;
but not a pebble will reach the ground. All the sinners among My people will…..
die by the sword—all those who say,
……. “Disaster will never draw near or confront us. ”
Thank you CFT for clarification much appreciated
From the King James Bible – Zephaniah 3:9
For then will I turn to the people…{“Israelite” ?} a…..
…………….” pure language”,
that they may all call upon the name of the “Almighty”,
…… to serve him with one consent…..!
Here is another confirmation for this article:
As I am aware of the growing divide between the true followers of Christ Jesus and the AntiChrist of this ‘world’, CFT has given us cud to ponder – take into consideration with a humble heart and ask God to confirm all things.
As this article has pointed out, universalist Christianity has made (by their fruits you shall know them) the outcome of what was misunderstood and has had nothing to do with the Kingdom of God (inheritance), but did birth an Ishmael, of whom did not receive the inheritance, but the blessings OF THIS WORLD , the AntiChrist and all included in the world (Babylon) and its nations, its religions, its obvious lies, deception, war, famine and it’s great darkness covering the people’s… racing to destroy and wipe out the memory of The Spoken Word of God Jesus the Christ, His Government and His Kingdom.
This is where the true followers of Christ must hold onto their faith with hope against hope, win the race to the upward calling of God in Christ Jesus and be found without spot or wrinkle on the Day of our Lord.
CFT, I found this just yesterday while sitting without electricity after high winds had gone by my house, and it confirms the connection of this universal Christianity with the growing AntiChrist whose head is in Russia, Vatican II, Judaism and Islam…with the pagan atheists, new age, and satanism mixed in with Communism as their foundation.
I shared this with Timothy Fitzpatrick because he is being blocked by gatekeepers like EMJ. But I say that is good 👍 because it means he doesn’t belong to them. Here is the article:
Make no mistake as to who the AntiChrist is…what their number is and their end.
Thank you and God Bless.
Sparrow …….
It seems as though your feelings about Universalism has changed over the course of the last six months.
Could you share with us the reasons for this change?
It might help others here who are struggling with this question but perhaps are too shy to express their feelings and or ask questions.
Growth is a great thing and there is nothing to be ashamed for our past beliefs.
I was a huge Zionist over 20 years ago. I defended the holyhoax with passion.
I hope you do. Sincerely
Hi West
Early in my walk I was led by the Spirit of God to where I am now after first church (to be Baptized into repentance and then The Holy Spirit) which was a Charismatic/Evangelical Church. Because of many things going on in that church, I left after one year to the day … Easter.
Then I was led to a Messianic Congregation that was Spirit filled, learned to study The Word via Hebrew. After one year to the day I have been home schooled (lol) via Spirit & Truth and 21 years later after hellish deliverance (think Job), I’m still enduring.
During that time of receiving revelation of God through study I was also led to find truth of the many lies we have been oppressed with, i.e., holo-hoax, government, etc. in which God asked me to repent for so I could be forgiven and not have that guilt anymore as it is our sin knowing and not knowing but sin all the same when it comes to judgement.
Each time He revealed true history I had to repent of believing a lie. That CFT revealed the Edomite Jews was because I was demanding to know and understand how such evil could be ‘chosen’.
Every time The Spirit (Teacher) lays a question on my heart, I start searching it out. Everything must be confirmed, and when I demand it, The Spirit will confirm many times so I won’t be in error.
So it also has been (this walk) here at CFT. We are exhorted to test all things so we aren’t led astray. This is my life and how I am taught to be led as opposed to being leader as Christ is our Leader, The Head, The King, The Savior… The Church.
I hope this answers your question. God Bless.
Sparrow ………
Thanks for your Testimony.
But no ….. it didn’t really answer my questions specifically. 6 months ago this particular article would have angered you. But now it seems you agree with it.
I was just curious if there was anything “specific” that helped change your mind.
Look at Ryan here. He sounds like you 6 months ago. Maybe a person like Ryan might be edified by your “reasons” for how you were once a Universalist but now you are not.
But I do appreciate your “tone”. You seemed to have softened quite a bit. A more humbled approach. And I appreciate that. I don’t hold it against you the implications you made about me and others. I knew in time that if you continued to read comments and study the articles presented here, that eventually you would see the truth.
Thank you Sparrow.
Please keep in mind when anyone, Believer or not, comes to the reality of truth it causes offense because of believing a lie.
Only here at CFT does this truth present itself with the Written Word. What caused me to stop engaging with you is your inability to understand where I come from and this came across as patronizing from you.
It’s a difficult thing to realize this Truth, but I can’t ignore the applications that I have been a witness to in my own life. We are groomed (by manipulation) to accept what never should have been according to the Bible.
I would like to believe that restoration is coming, and I want to be able to operate in it as normal as possible. There are rules that the world has completely perverted… namely mixing the seed of all creation making it null and void according to God as it demon(strates) man playing God.
In all of it I step back and let Him be leader, God, and Sovereign.
Sparrow …………..
It’s been awhile now and I can’t recall the exact article but I do remember you comparing me to a “jew” and condemning me to hell.
I had no problem with your story and those people who you believe influenced you. That was never my problem.
As a side note —
I do not believe the yellow, black and red peoples come from Adam and Eve. I used to believe this but I no longer believe this. And I’m pretty sure you also believed it.
Do you still believe it — that the white, black, yellow and red peoples of the earth all come from Adam and Eve or Noah and his family?
It’s ok if you do. I just want you or anyone else to explain how that is possible.
Thanks Sparrow.
“The hour is late — our White Christian nations — the “camp of the saints” — are under siege by the Third World — and being systematically dismantled from within”
And what are you doing about it?
Less than a few hundreds people follow and read your articles, how are you gonna save the White race?
20 years from now are you still gonna write your articles while nothing happens apart from Whites becoming a minority in every single nation?
Political organization is badly needed, writing thousands of online articles about the jews is not gonna solve the problems that afflict White people.
Darrell, how exactly do you know that only a “few hundreds” of people read our articles? In fact, thousands of people read them every day, and most of our readers see our material posted at other sites.
We don’t write our articles to “change the world” or to “save the white race”. Our material is directed at a small remnant of Christians who desire to understand and practice Christianity as it was originally intended. We are under no grandiose delusion that we can have a huge impact on our societies.
But we have made a positive impact on many disillusioned White people who have found our material, become regular readers, and rediscovered their faith.
The fact of the matter is that what is happening in White Christendom — the Great Falling Away from the faith — was prophecised to happen, and that’s a fact that people like you refuse to acknowledge or accept — nor do you acknowledge the catastrophic effect that this falling away has had on our people.
The Bible tells us what the “solution” to our problems is — and it isn’t “political organization” which is nothing more than putting a bandaid on a major hemorrhage. For those without faith, biblical solutions seem pointless, which is why they put their hopes in controlled opposition politics instead of God.
All political opposition parties started by agnostic “White identity” groups have been infiltrated and subverted, and soon they will become illegal. As we’ve said before, if White people would just cancel their cable subscriptions and turn off their televisions, they’d accomplish more positive change than any political organizing could ever accomplish, but that’s not likely to happen.
Well explained CFT. Amen
Darrell …
Curious — first time here?
What can be done about it?
There is scriptural basis for a civilization destined to be smote avoiding it by repenting and returning to God. While I would certainly like to see a revival of biblical Christianity, the idea that we could delay Christ’s return through human action seems to me as unsupported as those who believe in practicing Accelerationism to hasten Christ’s return. two sides of the same coin.
“…..they (the Apostles) would be shocked to discover how the Gospels have been misused to destroy the very people it was intended to strengthen and ultimately save……”
How can a White man look at the world today and not agree with the above proclamation?
I’m going to take a lot of heat for saying this —- but I’m confused and often irritated at why the writers of the Scriptures didn’t make this more obvious KNOWING the future before the present. Inspired by the Holy Spirit with the year 2023 in mind.
Yes I know, articles like this and others and there are many passages in the Scriptures that seem to make it obvious …………………….. But OBVIOUSLY it wasn’t obvious enough. Look at where we are?!!!
Hardly an early Christian writer said anything about race. Because it was “implied”??? I get it. But not implied enough.
This is my human infirmity/frailty rearing its ugly head. And I think I’m in a safe space to do this. But I know I’m not. I’m sure I’ll get reamed for it. So be it. It might start an Edifying conversation here. One that I like to have. Let’s get into the Meat. Enough with the Milk.
Even dissecting the Pre-Amble — although it seems “Posterity” is a very clear word —- apparently not clear enough.
I don’t know what I’m trying to say. I feel like this topic is one of those rarest of Pearls — Pearls of Wisdom.
“…It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter….” Proverbs 25:2
Matthew 19:11 intrigues me: “But he said unto them, All men cannot receive this saying, save they to whom it is given.”
Maybe it’s simple as — Quality over Quantity. An old surfing adage.
It’s all so confusing. But I trust God’s plan. Just can’t wait for it all to be revealed. When we finally see clearly.
For most of the first 1,500 years of European history, our ancestors didn’t think of themselves as “white” or have to think racially because they were the only race in Europe, besides a very small population of Jews.
The same was true for the apostles. The Roman Empire was largely white. It was self-evident, like a fish has no need to know that it’s in water until it’s out of the water.
The racial subtext of the Gospels is there and would have been obvious to someone in first century Judea, but to modern Whites it’s not obvious at all because we have to be beaten over the head with it before we even notice our own racial identity, and that’s only when it’s under threat.
Right. I agree.
But it didn’t have to be this way. I guess the question for me is “why”? I think it’s rhetorical in that it can’t really be answered directly. I honestly believe this is just part of God’s plan. To find the rarest of pearls.
I understand what you’re saying West, as I’ve thought that too….”what if….?” or worse “If only….?”
Christianity sustained the White race until confronted with other races and non-white immigration into our nations. That revealed the Achilles’ Heel of Christianity, its universalism came in opposition to self-preservation.
We are Christians, but we were white (adamic) people before we were Christians, and any form of Christianity that doesn’t acknowledge that will fail. Our racial instinct to survive will trump our Christian faith if our Christian faith refuses to acknowledge our racial identity also.
Thanks for weighing in.
Interesting statement — “…Our racial instinct to survive will trump our Christian faith if our Christian faith refuses to acknowledge our racial identity also….”
I’ll need to ponder on this a bit. I think you are right for sure as a “past” statement of fact.
I’m out of touch now with the world around me. I do live in a majority White enclave of the States. Maybe because it is majority White, people seem to be not concerned about the dramatic changes we are watching. I see more Civic Nationalism sentiments, than I do racial nationalism.
Anyway ……….. I pray you are right for my own self-preservation.
I fear another manufactured “Civil War” will have us fighting with each once again.
West, Matthew 19:11 is specifically about marriage and divorce. How does that relate to the subject of this article? Not sure I see the connection….
Percy …
Thanks for asking. I agree with you that Matthew 19 is specific to marriage.
I then included this idea with the Proverbs verse — “…It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, But the glory of kings is to search out a matter….”
to make a general statement about revelation.
I mean …………. how many White “Christians” do you know that are racially aware???
I don’t know any in person! Just you peoples here. And believe me ….. I’ve been evangelizing this message with many x-friends and family and they all think I’ve lost it. Literally. My own family once demanded I seek Psychiatric help (pharmaceutical) if I was to be allowed back to the family table.
Those of us who found this Truth —- I’m assuming you all really dug for it as I did. Like a buried treasure. It didn’t come to me over-night, that is for certain. No doubt in my mind I only came to this Truth because God revealed it to me.
Which then begs the question ————- “Is this a Salvation issue?” I don’t know.
Like Kevin said ….. it was just assumed in our past. But how about now in 2023?
My family have disqualified themselves from being Followers of Jesus Christ for other reasons, but, is that the reason why they won’t accept this truth? Because they are spiritually blind? I think so. Why would God bless them with this truth if they reject His other more simple truths?
Hope that answers your question.
This is the precise reason I don’t believe in White Isrealites. If it were this important, God would’ve been sure to mention it. As He didn’t address races RE salvation (except to state the things about Israel & the Nations being saved), I simply cannot believe that race is a Salvation factor…which, in terms you would use, makes me a Universalist. I’m not equipped to argue my point at this time, as this was never something Jesus has had me study.
As for Hitler, White Nationalism, Jews, & their Hollow Cast, I’m fairly certain we agree…or, at least, we likely don’t have any major points of disagreement. I just thought you might like to know that these very questions are on the mind of at least one Christian who disagrees about a fundamental point.
Jesus is YHWH
Well, you gave me nothing to work with. Just your emotions.
Not sure how to respond. Stick around — read some more. Or ……. there are plenty of other sites with people just like yourself to find support.
Plenty of Articles/Information/Comments for you to consider and or refute.
I’d like a Scriptural Argument, if you can muster up one.
CTH wrote “This is the precise reason I don’t believe in White Isrealites. If it were this important, God would’ve been sure to mention it. As He didn’t address races RE salvation”
Ah, I can see that like most judeo-christians you don’t actually read the Bible, and if you do, you don’t understand the full import of its words.
In Matthew 15:24, Christ said He came for only one race, or as the Bible terms it “tribe” or “ethos”:
“But He answered and said, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”
Let me spell this out for you: Christ said if you are not a member of one of the 12 tribes of Israel, He did not come for you.
No wonder you will never hear judeo-christians like yourself ever quote this verse.
Sounds pretty exclusive and “racial” to me. Of course, you won’t find the modern term “race” in the Bible because they used other terms, like nations, tribes, blood, and genealogy — which comes from the Greek word “genea” which can be translated in the modern sense as “race”.