Yehiel De-Nur is a rather remarkable fellow in the annals of Holocaustiana — prior to his infamous swooning performance on the witness stand at the show trial of Adolf Eichmann in 1961, De-Nur had already established himself as writer of “Holocaust Pulp Fiction” in the burgeoning Nazi exploitation genre, writing books that “blur the line between fantasy and actual events” and consist of “often lurid novel-memoirs, works that shock the reader with grotesque scenes of torture, perverse sexuality, and cannibalism.”
On the witness stand at the Eichmann trial, De-Nur gave an rambling, incoherent — and quite frankly disturbing — vision of his alleged experience at Auschwitz.
Clearly, De-Nur had an undiagnosed and untreated serious underlying mental illness — in fact, 15 years after the Eichmann trial, De-Nur would eventually undergo “psychedelic psychiatric” treatment using LSD to deal with his mental illness, but judging from his testimony, it would seem that he was already under the influence of mind-altering drugs when he was on the stand.
Jews, of course, have commissioned “studies” trying to blame their high rates of mental illness on “Nazi persecution” — the only problem with this theory is that they already had an established proclivity toward mental illness long before World War II — and it would seem that De-Nur is a prime example of this schizoid penchant.
Putting De-Nur on the stand to testify at the Eichmann trial turned out to be major gaff and embarrassment for the pro-exterminationists — so much so that 20 years later he was interviewed by a very sympathetic Mike Wallace (born Myron Leon Wallik) on 60 Minutes in order to provide a plausible explanation for his unhinged antics on the stand — but that post-LSD interview turned out to be just as rambling and incoherent. That historic interview is NOT available on YouTube suggests that it has been intentionally memory-holed because it does nothing to further the official Holocaust Narrative™.
We can clearly see in his testimony below that he suffered from religious ideation — conflating the suffering of the Jews with the suffering of Christ on the cross — a hallmark of schizophrenia. But then again, since the end of World War II, Jewry has been wildly successful in doing just that — replacing the suffering of Christ as the foundation of western civilization with the alleged suffering of the Jews in the Holocaust — as the myth upon which the “New World” is to be based. Tikkun Olam.
Auschwitz is indeed the planet around which Earth now revolves.
In that sense, De-Nur truly was prophetic.
You can watch the video of De-Nur’s performance on the witness stand following the transcription of his testimony presented here:
Question: And you were the author of the books Salamandra, The House of Dolls, The Clock Above the Head and They called Him Piepel?
A. Yes.
Q. What was the reason that you hid your identity behind the pseudonym “K. Zetnik,” Mr. Dinur?
A. It was not a pen name. I do not regard myself as a writer and a composer of literary material. This is a chronicle of the planet of Auschwitz. I was there for about two years. Time there was not like it is here on earth. Every fraction of a minute there passed on a different scale of time. And the inhabitants of this planet had no names, they had no parents nor did they have children. There they did not dress in the way we dress here; they were not born there and they did not give birth; they breathed according to different laws of nature; they did not live – nor did they die – according to the laws of this world. Their name was the number “Kazetnik”.* {*23Kazett=Konzentrationslager – Katzetnik: inmate of a concentration camp} They were clad there, how would you call it…
Q. Yes. Is this what you wore there? [Shows the witness the prison garb of Auschwitz.]
A. This is the garb of the planet called Auschwitz. And I believe with perfect faith that I have to continue to bear this name so long as the world has not been aroused after this crucifixion of a nation, to wipe out this evil, in the same way as humanity was aroused after the crucifixion of one man. I believe with perfect faith that, just as in astrology the stars influence our destiny, so does this planet of the ashes, Auschwitz, stand in opposition to our planet earth, and influences it.
If I am able to stand before you today and relate the events within that planet, if I, a fall-out of that planet, am able to be here at this time, then I believe with perfect faith that this is due to the oath I sworn to them there. They gave me this strength. This oath was the armour with which I acquired the supernatural power, so that I should be able, after time – the time of Auschwitz – the two years when I was a Musselman, to overcome it. For they left me, they always left me, they were parted from me, and this oath always appeared in the look of their eyes.
For close on two years they kept on taking leave of me and they always left me behind. I see them, they are staring at me, I see them, I saw them standing in the queue…
Q. Perhaps you will allow me, Mr. Dinur, to put a number of questions to you, if you will agree?
A. [Tries to continue] I remember…
Presiding Judge: Mr. Dinur, kindly listen to what the Attorney General has to say.
[Witness Dinur rises from his place, descends from the witness stand, and collapses on the platform. The witness fainted.]
Herr Voice Of Germany
i’ve ust begun to think about making a Blockbuster Holocaust Comedy Movie (with Adam Sandler & Jerry Lewis?) just using the facts, lampshades, masturbation-machines, jews-hidden-in-sinkSS, gas-chambers with inward doors and insecticides against two-legged lice and so on and so on. Sounds like multitudes of Oscars…?
I believe many of the Jewish stories of their suffering at the hands of Germans is nothing more than the Jews knowing how they treated prisoners and tortured them under their communism of Russia, Germany and other European countries and continued after WW11 and relate or pretend that that is how they , the Jews , suffered.
I don’t know if it is true or not, but I worked with a Romanian and asked him what it was like under communism. All he ever said was: : “They experimented on the people.” Is that why when Communism supposedly fell , that the President and his wife of Romania were executed , to stop the truth from coming out, just like Mussolini and his mistress were executed at the end of WW11 as revenge for sending the Jews to Sicily?
Douglas L Self
The Ceausescus were summarily tried and executed on Christmas Day, 1989, because the Romanian people and even their cronies had enough of them.
This article points to the truth of just how sick the jews are and have always been; they’re minds live in the gutter which relegates anyone listening to them to put on their own “thinking cap” and figure out the “truth” from the “lies”.
What a laughing riot! He makes sure to roll out onto the floor with both arms extended to break his lackluster nitwit acting fall. There you have it, the perpetual tribal victim! Btw, what kinda answers were those ramblings ? Obviously his mental illness was a birth defect and not an effect from environment contributions…..
Arch Stanton
Among the races, Jews have the highest rate of mental illness and insanity and to think they have now taken control of the world. Is it any wonder our lives resemble a sick, twisted, Jewish horror movie filled with fear and terror?
This is really hillarious, the minute he heard questions he fainted, because he put up a great show…the figment of imagination…the more I hear the more the victim narrative becomes a joke.
I watched the video provided. I find it rather hard to believe that anyone took that De-Nur fella seriously. I mean, really? That was an appalling piece of acting. Hardly Sir Laurence Olivier is he. Even the bald judge bloke looks rather irritated by his ssssllllllllooooooowwwwwwwww speach, and hyperventilating and heaving of breath.
Eichmann’s expression is priceless! A look of bemusement.
The flop on the ground from old mate De-Nur was like a soccer match, or boxing dive! No wonder he didn’t win an academy award that year.
All The World's A Stage
Most judges and lawyers are jews. It’s all a show folks. If not jews, then beholden to them in a secret oath they didn’t realize was to them because they control the money.
John Wester
Poors Jews. They are born into an as yet unbreakable death cult. From birth they are taught that all non Jewish people are out to get them, while at the same time that the Jew is the chosen race of God and that all the other people are less then animal. Even the so called non religious liberal Jews still see the non Jews as a little less then human. In times past the Jew would have to wash himself for weeks should he be unfortunate enough to come in contact with one of the dirty goyim.
Many of the orthodox cults will sodomize their young in order to further split their souls and control their minds with trauma. Should a Jew choose to remain in the cult and get along to go along, they will be well taken care of with little worry. But should a Jew choose to leave the cult, then much like what happens in other cults, they will be ostracized to no end and the comfy lifestyle they had will be over with.
I feel sorry for these Jews as many of them had no chance to live a normal life since the brainwashing starts at such a young age. A great writer, researcher, and famous reporter by the name of Douglas Reed wrote that Communism and other forms of this type of tyranny are simply a small portion of the Talmud thrown unto the Goy, which the Jews live under constantly.
This messianic cult also teaches the Jew that they will never be free from their so called persecution until they rule the world, so that at that time their Messiah can come to earth, enslave all the Goyim, and free the Jew from all their troubles. And herein lies the real problem, because the Jew is now forced to overthrow the destinies of all other races and cultures by any means necessary in order to open the door for their Messiah to come. They can’t just leave us alone and let bygones be bygones.
Well said. Judaism, which includes Jewish ethnic identity, is indeed a cult, a large mafia, a crime syndicate that every Jew is born into, and, yes, they learn young to fear leaving the cult, stepping out of line, being called a “self-hating Jew” or worse a “moser”, a snitch, a Jew who betrays Jewish secrets to the goyim and brings troubles down on all Jews. That’s what the Jewish Defense League is for: keeping their fellow Jews in line with threats of violence. They do take care of their own, but at a high cost. And oddly enough, their media never addresses the cult-like aspects of Jewish life.
Judaism is merely a reflection of the mind of the biological jew by which it was created. Should you wipe out Judaism tomorrow, magically destroy every text and memory of it, within a few generations jews will have created a new organized worldview just as hostile, just as deranged, just as disgusting as their present one. The problem is their genetics, not their religion.
Correct! Nature is king over nurture every time!
Jews are bad trees that produce bad fruit.
John Wester
I dunno. That is exactly the way that the Jew thinks about non Jews and the danger of this line of thought is that one may very well turn into that which they despise.
With Christ there is always forgiveness and there are great examples of former Jews who became fiercely and genuinely opposed to the rabbinic talmudic cult. But repentance and forgiveness takes a lot more then simple ‘belief’ such like the modern Judaized so called Christians foolishly teach.
Hey John,
Do you believe Eternal Life is offered to non-Adamic peoples?
“3 I saw one of his heads as if it had been fatally wounded, and his fatal wound was healed. And the whole earth was amazed and followed after the beast; 4 they worshiped the dragon because he gave his authority to the beast; and they worshiped the beast, saying, “Who is like the beast, and who is able to wage war with him?”” (Revelation 13:3-4)
The only reward of suffering through a jew testimony – performance is in the realization that he or she is unmistakably a jew. Only a jew could make lying into an ethnic craft of unprecedented , licentious design.
Always it is their tenuous control of imagination that pervades from a lack of conscience that serves a frustrated need for self glorification. They defy limits of truth and embarrass the listener or stimulate a hypocritical response for those forlorn souls , who want to believe.
Separated by their individual ambitions which emulate the Omnipotent, they repudiate the divine origin of reality and defying its limit or definition are free with this holycost fantasy to exercise their morbid imagination into a shameless art.
One phrase reminds of the Wiesel, Elie: “I believe it with a perfect faith.” This is why today one , who believes has a “faith.” It is jew condescendence and condemnation that all “faith” is false testimony for a great lie.
The biological jew inherits a very specific type of magical thinking. He thinks he can create reality with this thoughts, with words (spells, basically). It is no wonder they express their religion both as their god being a “big jew in the sky” but also alternatively, that jews themselves are god. This is something that few Whites have realized or can truly grasp. We all snicker at the jew holohoaxer who when caught in his fable-making said as a defense “It was real in my mind”, but that jew was being honest in that, revealing how the brain of a jew works.