As guilt-ridden White people outlaw plastic straws, a new study reveals that the Third World continues to be responsible for over 90% of the world’s plastic pollution, as they use major rivers that run into the seas as literal garbage and sewage dumps:
It’s been estimated that around eight million metric tons of plastic ends up in the world’s oceans each year, and now a new study shows that 90 percent of that can be traced back to ten major rivers in Asia and Africa.
The world’s plastic problem has quickly become a plastic crisis and around five trillion pounds of it is currently in the oceans.
Major efforts to remove plastic from the oceans are a long way off, so researchers from the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research in Germany conducted a study to target the source of the ocean’s plastic.
The results, published in the journal Environmental Science & Technology, show that by reducing plastic pollution in the Yangtze and Ganges rivers, the amount of pollution that ends up in the ocean every year could decrease by half.
Getting to the source of the pollution is one of the best ways to get ahead of the plastic crisis according to the study.
“One thing is certain: this situation cannot continue,” Christian Schmidt, a hydrogeologist at Germany’s Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research told the Daily Mail. “But as it is impossible to clean up the plastic debris that is already in the oceans, we must take precautions and reduce the input of plastic quickly and efficiently.”
To find out the biggest contributors to the ocean’s plastic the researchers reviewed data from 79 sampling sites along 57 rivers.
The worst polluter was the Yangtze River in China, which sends 1.5 million tons of plastic to the Yellow Sea every year.
It is not well known how plastic from rivers ends up in the ocean even though rivers become major carriers of waste and this study helps shed light on the issue.
Only a few of the world’s rivers contribute the largest amount of plastic, the study found.
“The 10 top-ranked rivers transport 88-95 percent of the global load into the sea,” Schmidt told Daily Mail. “The rivers with the highest estimated plastic loads are characterized by high population – for instance the Yangtze with over half a billion people.”
And yet White people think that by outlawing plastic straws in Seattle and Portland, they will somehow make a dent in this environmental disaster caused almost entirely by the Third World. From a historical perspective, only White people have ever shown any interest in cleaning up their environments. Non-Whites look at the earth as something to be used up and discarded. Conservation is an alien concept to people who live largely hand to mouth, and most of the Third World still lives as essentially hunter-gatherers.
Third World countries will not be blamed for their environmental pollution because that would be “racist”; non-Whites pollute the earth because of the legacy of slavery and colonial exploitation, or so we are told. And until White wealth is transferred to the Third World via draconian “carbon taxes” and even “plastic taxes”, nothing will change for these noble savages. They will not stop exploiting the environment until Whites stop exploiting them, or so the narrative goes.
3rd world countries don’t have the resources to properly dispose of these things so 1st world countries give it to them for disposal. Then the 3rd world countries dump them anywhere, the ocean primarily.
Electronics are another major problem because circuit boards are made in a way that ensures they can’t be recycled.
Computers and other “gadgets” continue to be upgraded, not because extra speed is needed, but to compensate for bad programming and – of course – to keep people spending. Early computers had both (slow) serial ports and (much faster) parallel ports. Now it’s serial ports only (USB) and new programming on top of the old stuff, so the computer has to be faster to cope with all that ballast (poor programming, old stuff left behind plus serial ports only).
I may not be 100% accurate here, but when a computer is replaced for whatever reason, it seems (((they))) ship it out to more primitive countries where it’s dumped in a river or estuary where the locals do actually attempt a limited form of partial recycling, by scraping the gold from the contacts, but then the rest goes back where it was found.
Everything (((they))) do is consciously designed to destroy, whether it’s our White civilisation or the ability of the world to support life. Computers (and other “gadgets”) could fairly easily be made in a way that would permit recycling, but the enemy of God and Man doesn’t want that. In their feeble minds, they imagine that by destroying Creation they can “prove” their master, the devil is the mightier. They don’t have the intelligence to understand that while Creation takes genius, any idiot can knock something down.
Great & timely article. Self-righteous eco-warriors only make clean up more difficult. Let them go to Asia et al & tell THEM to stop using plastic straws!
It certainly doesn’t take a rocket scientist, let alone some expensive study, to determine that any and all ‘environmental conservation’ is an overwhelmingly white endeavor. Would you seriously believe that an entire people group who still removes feces from their sphincters with their bare hands while they squat on open ground give two shits about the cleanliness of their environment???
Blacks in America are sometimes referred to as “non-recyclers” because of their conspicuous absence at recycling centers, even in the blackest cities.