Not only are White people under constant scrutiny for the racist “micro-aggressions” that come out of our mouths, but we now have learned from the recent events at Covington High School that Whites are also expected to make sure their facial expressions don’t offend minorities or other people of color:
If you had any doubt left that we have entered crossed the Rubicon into sheer madness, then look no further to the media feeding frenzy over Covington Catholic High School student in a non-confrontation with American Indian elder Nathan Phillips. In short, the hacks, fraudsters, propagandists and thought crime police created a media firestorm over the expression on a kids face as an old man beat a drum…
George Orwell gave the world a prophetic warning about how government and state control of culture could lead to a world where people gleefully participate in their own totalitarian enslavement. A world where everyone is afraid to speak whatever truth is on their own mind, and a world where the punishment for thinking outside of the box is rather severe.
The Covington incident reveals a shocking devolution in society, and now, as Orwell predicted, having the wrong expression on your face when the all-seeing eye of big government and the culture police look at you can have severe consequences, possibly even bringing physical harm or even death.
Of all the frightening ideas in 1984, there is one little gem in there that is mentioned only once. Facecrime.
Yes, that’s right…. Facecrime.
Here’s the passage from 1984:
“His earlier thought returned to him: probably she was not actually a member of the Thought Police, but then it was precisely the amateur spy who was the greatest danger of all. He did not know how long she had been looking at Free eBooks at Planet 79 him, but perhaps for as much as five minutes, and it was possible that his features had not been perfectly under control. It was terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander when you were in any public place or within range of a telescreen. The smallest thing could give you away. A nervous tic, an unconscious look of anxiety, a habit of muttering to yourself—anything that carried with it the suggestion of abnormality, of having something to hide. In any case, to wear an improper expression on your face (to look incredulous when a victory was announced, for example) was itself a punishable offence. There was even a word for it in Newspeak: FACECRIME, it was called.”
The real “face crime” that Whites will never be able to avoid is the face that their faces are White, which all non-Whites are being trained by the jewish-controlled media to associate with oppression and racism. Even if you have the wrong expression on your face, you risk eliciting “justified” anger and even violence from “historically oppressed” people of color. Everything that has ever gone wrong in their lives is the direct result of White privilege, colonialism, and racism. So it’s no wonder that just the sight of a White face with any expression on it can trigger a mental meltdown.
Whites need to spend an hour every day studying their own faces in the mirror and try to eliminate any expressions that might be misconstrued by people of color as “aggressive” or “condescending” or “entitled”. Only Whites can be accused of a “face crime” for the same reason that only Whites can be “racist”. All anti-social and even criminally violent behavior on the part of non-Whites is not their fault; if it weren’t for Whites, all people of color would be walking and talking reincarnations of Mahatma Gandhi.
The Catholic League has weighed in with important information on paid agitators at the March for Life. Make sure your seat belt is fastened, your tray table is stowed and you have located the barf bag in the forward seat pocket. Native Faker Nathan Phillips is now styling himself as the ‘peacemaker’ between the high school students chanting their school songs and Black Israelites screaming obscenities, racial slurs and anti-Catholic bigotry.
The kids are not public figures, but are ordinary citizens, which removes the legal “justification” for these media slanders – Unless the media shops around to find a jew judge.
“Nicholas Sandmann’s Family Makes Major Move Against Media After Being Smeared”
“Wood has a history of representing high profile clients in major cases including the family of JonBenet Ramsey and others.”
This whole charade was a set up from the beginning with professional agitators involved. They are trying their best to elicit any kind of violence from the “Right Wing” which will be conveniently caught on video to “prove” to all those who worship at the altar of their t.v.’s that White people are “racist” and “dangerous”.
This poor kid is now the new face of white racism. He has no idea what he is truly in for. I pray that this can be the beginning of the wake up call our race needs…but at what price? Apparently even leftist antifa whites are noticing the overwhelming “anti-white” rhetoric pervading the mainstream media, but will it be enough to change their racial understanding to one of common sense…before they themselves become just another statistic in this genocidal war being waged against us? Either way, kudos to the young man for turning to God for help, and receiving it in the form of mature, Christian resolute silence. May it endure throughout the remainder of his life 🙂
The face of Nick Sandmann is the shot seen around the world. Here is the Australian meme they made for the three articles they posted on only one of the White nationalist websites in Australia
All White nations see something in the face of this young American man composed under these circumstances , they see something that has put a fire in the guts of White national aspirations around the world. At the March for Life (against the genocide state censored in all media) and unapologetically wearing a MAGA hat, isolated with his group of young White men in a sea of his foes and under enormous provocation from the victim status seeking whorejobs of the Left, the Whites all over the world see a young man just standing his ground. They see that he never breaks eye contact with the entitled victim status whore who is beating a drum in his face, they hear the obscenities of the Black ‘Hebrews’, they see the crowd of his enemies pressing him on all sides – much like the car of James Fields in Charlottesville trying to drive out of the police trap with his satnav set for his hometown in Ohio was surrounded and set upon from on all sides – an attempt to flee that the authorities managed to frame up as a ‘car attack’. They see how dangerous for a group of young , isolated White men this situation is. But more importantly, they see the young man refusing to be controlled in any way by those who are coming against him. They see his stance and his calm, unprovoked regard toward the people who are trying to provoke him and hand him his ‘White Supremacist’ script . But his enemies – all the Leftoid equalists, communists, levellers and we-are-all- the- samers – know they are looking at the face of the natural American aristocracy. They see the winged brow of the kings of men. They see him facing it all down with sheer strength of will and presence. And they hate it. They are blowing up social media with their outrage. They are wetting their panties. They are calling for the woodchipper. They hollering for their buttplugs. And the Whites all over the world see this.
That meme is now up for the new political party in Australia that is calling for ‘Crimson Thread’ immigration policy. By the end of the week it will be up on every White nation website in the world if it isn’t already. White America is essentially one of England’s nations. The blowback in England alone is off the dial – no wonder that senile old bat PM May is working around the clock to get Parliament to remove the requirement of evidence against men in family court proceedings.
Very Good comment, Lynda.
A very good article is below, too. Highly recommended. The (((media))) will try to move past this as fast as they can since it exposes their agenda for what it is, and illuminates at a minimum a course of action all our White people everywhere should expect and demand.
“Lunatic left-wing twitter users are about to go to JAIL over making “terroristic threats” against Catholic school students… and it’s about damn time”
“No wonder Leftists want schools to be “gun-free zones.” They want to be free to murder students of their choosing, without any resistance.”