Stefan Smit, the owner of Louisenhof Wine Estates in Stellenbosch, who had been profiled by the New York Times concerning the murders of White South African farmers, was himself brutally murdered over the weekend:
Smit had gained something of a national profile after he was interviewed by the New York Times in March, speaking to the publication about the threat of land grabs on his property. The wine merchant had previously complained about how citizens from a nearby township had begun erecting shacks at the back of his farm.
The farmer was forced to get a court interdict against the squatters. Sadly, the letter of the law couldn’t prevent Smit from meeting a brutal fate. Police have confirmed that four armed men gained access to the wine estate via an unlocked door, before opening fire on the 62-year-old. His wife and a family friend survived the attack.
The Stellenbosch vineyard backs on to the township of Kayamandi. Over the course of a few months, a settlement bordering the farm was established. Although he had it dismantled by the Red Ants, the squatters were undeterred and rebuilt shacks on the fields. You can learn more about this from one of our previous articles on the matter.
When Smit spoke to the NYT, he gave a chilling prophecy on what he thought would happen if the dispute carried on. Within a few months of giving this interview, his worst fears have been realised.
“I, personally, can’t breathe here. They are bringing people down here like fodder. I have never spoken to the people myself, not directly. You don’t do that. It’s not un-dangerous. It’s not advisable. I have received threats before, where they said they would burn me alive,” Smit said in March 2019.
Smit was a member of Vinpro, the company who regulate the production of wine in the Western Cape. The Stellenbosch-based group Tweeted their condolences on Monday, while condemning “the senseless murders happening to SA’s farming community”.
Police are continuing their investigations, but haven’t yet made any arrests.
If the Police or courts couldn’t get these greedy, violent squatters off Smits’ land, why should we expect them to make any arrests or prosecute these butchers so severely that it could deter others like them from attempting another brutal murder? Clearly, whatever “punishment” there is in South Africa for murder is a slap on the wrist to these Blacks. If Whites were in control of their own country which they built, the punishment for murdering a farmer would be so severe that no Black would dare come near a White farm without permission, but that would be “racist”, of course.
In reality, Apartheid saved Blacks from themselves and from their own violent natures. When you give Blacks freedom to roam around a country, they become their own worst enemies because they do not have the self-control or discipline not to steal anything not nailed down; to rape any woman who is not protected by armed guards; and murder any White just because the color of their skin reminds them of their own inadequacy and failures. Blacks need Whites, not the other way around, and South Africa will be the next Zimbabwe, starving to death, if they don’t treat their White providers with the simple right to live and prosper.
One friend was offered 10 years ago to buy a huge agricultural property in South Africa.
After much prayers, because he never do anything without first praying to God, he was suggested that he should research all the owners of this land.
He kept being asked by the actual owner to buy it as quickly as possible, offering discounts.
Our friend asked for a 3 months cooling period. Still he was pressured to buy.
He sent to South Africa, a team of lawyers to research all the different owners of this land: they found out the descendants of the original landowners living in filth, disgusting conditions. They took photos of the awful dwellings of the descendants.
During all this time, he kept being pressured to buy; but he held on and kept praying to find out God’s point of view, not man’s point of views.
It seems that God saved him from getting killed just few years down the line.
Had he not first prayed, he would have planted a huge fortune in a pile of problems.
Conclusion : always pray before entering into any type of agreements.
This is deeply disturbing. I believe Mr. Smit is being used to determine public opinion. If there is not a big enough public outcry…let the massacre begin (as if it wasn’t already occurring, but it will soon be a free-for-all, and whites aren’t included in the ‘all’…we are the ‘free’)
Tucker Carlson covered this story, too, and pointed out that the [jewish-owned] New York Times denied that farm murders are a problem and that people like Smits “deserved” it.
At one time, South Africa was a blessed nation because the people put their trust in God and followed His precepts. Twenty years ago I had a friend who kept in touch with a Dutch Christian orphanage in South Africa. At that time it was becoming almost impossible for an orphanage to survive the rules being imposed by the godless government. I doubt we’ll get twenty years if we as a nation don’t turn back to God with our whole heart. Likely there won’t be any encouragement from mainstream churches. There are times I feel there is a turning beginning?