Where did the word “Jew” come from?
The word “Jew” is a relatively new term. The letter “J” was not even used in the English language until the 1600s and was not part of common vernacular until the 1700s. The word “Jew” was not in use until the 18th century.
If we examine today’s King James Version of the Bible, which contains many errors and mistranslations, we don’t even find the term “Jew” until 2 Kings 16:6. These references to “Jews” in the Old Testament were pertaining specifically to “Judahites” – people who were members of the Tribe of Judah (who were Israelites by race).
Later, in the New Testament, the word “Jew” is used in reference to a “Judean”, or someone who was living in the Roman province known as Judea.
As discussed in the essay Was Jesus a Jew, the word “Jew” was a geographic, rather than a racial, designation in the New Testament:
Obviously the word “Jew” wasn’t used in the Greek either. It was actually the Greek word ioudaios (you-day-os) which doesn’t mean “Jew” but “Judaean” or one who is a resident of Judaea. A ‘Judaean’ is a person whose home is in the land of Judaea or southern Palestine. It is a geographical term such as “New Yorker”, which can be someone white, black, brown, or yellow by race. He can be Christian, Jew, Buddhist, or atheist. So an “ioudaious”, “Judaean”, or Jew in the New Testament could be any person who lived in Judaea, whereas we’ve seen there were quite a few Israelites of the tribe of Judah and Benjamin. There were also a lot of Edomite Judaeans along with Romans, Greeks, Syrians, Egyptians, and so on.
Even the Jewish historian Benjamin Freedman acknowledged that the word “Jew” was originally simply a reference to “Judeans”:
As I have explained, when the word “Jew” was first introduced into the English language in the 18th century its one and only implication, inference and innuendo was “Judean.” However during the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries a well-organized and well-financed international “pressure group” created a so-called “secondary meaning” for the word “Jew” among the English-speaking peoples of the world. This so-called “secondary meaning” for the word “Jew” bears no relation whatsoever to the 18th century original connotation of the word “Jew”. It is a misrepresentation.
The “secondary meaning” referenced by Freedman was, of course, to link today’s “Jews” with those same groups referenced in the Bible: Judeans, Judahites, and Israelites. A close examination of history proves this secondary meaning to be false – exactly as Benjamin Freedman attests.
To gain a deeper understanding of who today’s Jews are — and who they are not — we must examine the racial makeup of the Judeans – or those who were living in the Roman province of Judea.
Who were the “Judeans”?
The most authoritative sources that describe the racial composition of the province of Judea are Roman historians writing around the time of Christ. Strabo the Geographer describes the multi-ethnic makeup of Judea and the surrounding region in Chapter 2 of his Geography:
Beginning from Cilicia and Mount Amanus, we set down as parts of Syria, Commagene, and the Seleucis of Syria, as it is called, then Cœle-Syria, lastly, on the coast, Phœnicia, and in the interior, Judæa. Some writers divide the whole of Syria into Cœlo-Syrians, Syrians, and Phœnicians, and say that there are intermixed with these four other nations, Jews [Judeans], Idumæans, Gazæans, and Azotii, some of whom are husbandmen, as the Syrians and Cœlo-Syrians, and others merchants, as the Phœnicians.
Strabo the Geographer, who lived from 64 BC to 24 AD, clearly describes this region as “intermixed” with different tribes of people from the Genesis 10 nations at the time of his writing.
The Judean historian Flavius Josephus describes how the Idumeans (Edomites) became known as “Judeans” through a forced conversion imposed by John Hyrcanus, who was the ruler of Judea around 130 BC:
Hyrcanus took also Dora and Marissa, cities of Idumea, and subdued all the Idumeans [Edomites]; and permitted them to stay in that country, if they would circumcise their genitals, and make use of the laws of the Jews [Judeans]; and they were so desirous of living in the country of their forefathers, that they submitted to the use of circumcision, 25 and of the rest of the Jewish [Judean] ways of living; at which time therefore this befell them, that they were hereafter no other than Jews [Judeans].
This is very significant because it explains how the Edomites — the descendants of Esau — became “Judeans” or citizens of Judea. Remember, the Israelites — and the tribe of Judah — were descendants of Esau’s brother — Jacob.
In Book 16, Volume III of his Geography Strabo also mentions how the Idumeans (Edomites) adopted the customs of the Judeans:
The western extremities of Judæa towards Casius are occupied by Idumæans, and by the lake [Sirbonis]. The Idumæans are Nabatæans. When driven from their country by sedition, they passed over to the Jews [Judeans], and adopted their customs.
The word Idumean was simply the Greek term for “Edomite” – i.e. the tribe of Edom, the descendants of Esau.
The Jewish Encyclopedia also acknowledges the Edomite origin of the Idumeans:
“EDOM (IDUMEA): Country in SE Palestine, also called Mount Seir. Its terrain was mountainous and easily fortified and its land was fertile. E. lay S of the Dead Sea and bordered on the Red Sea at Elath and Ezion Geber. The Edomites were of Semitic origin, traditionally descendants of Esau, and lived by hunting. They dispossessed the Horite inhabitants of Seir and organized themselves along tribal lines headed by chieftain (called allooph), later consolidating into a monarchy. The Edomites were traditional enemies of the Israelites; they fought Saul and were defeated by David who partly annexed the land. The Edomites regained their independence during the reign of Jehoram, but the wars between the two states were frequent. In the 8th cent. BCE, the Edomites became vassals of Assyria. At the time of the destruction of the First Temple, they plundered and looted in association with the Babylonians, and, being driven out from Seir by the Nabateans, occupied S Judah during or after the period of the Exile. The Edomites were conquered by John Hyrcanus who forcibly converted them to Judaism, and from then on they constituted a part of the Jewish people, Herod being one of their descendants.”
From the time of 130 BC onward, Judea was a multi-ethnic province, which included amongst its inhabitants genetic Judahites (descendants of the Israelites or “house of Israel”) and also Idumeans (descendants of the Edomites), as well as Canaanites and other peoples.
Therefore the word “Jew” should actually not even be in the Bible as it has been misapplied in both the Old and New Testaments.
- Old Testament: “Jew” should read “Judahite” – those of the tribe of Judah (Israelites).
- New Testament: “Jew” should read “Judean” – one who was living in the Roman province of Judea. (Additionally, the term “Judaism” in the Bible is used in reference to the religion of the Judeans at that time, which has nothing to do with the Talmud-based religion of modern-day Jews.)
Recall that after the death of King Solomon, the Israelites divided into the southern kingdom of Judah and the northern kingdom which retained the name Israel. A few centuries later, the two kingdoms fell victim to the conquests of the Assyrian and Babylonian empires, which led to the removal of the vast majority of the inhabitants from the land. Once the Babylonian empire fell, the Persian King Cyrus gave leave to a group of Judahites in Babylon to resettle Jerusalem. This small remnant of Israelites in Judea would be intermixed with many non-Israelites by the time of Christ.
When you interpret the Bible through the correct historical lens, everything makes sense and there are no contradictions. The divisions and strife recorded in the New Testament were clashes between two distinct races of people who were both living in Judea: the true “house [family] of Israel” whom Christ came for in Matthew 15:24, along with the assimilated Edomites, Canaanites, and other peoples of the Genesis 10 nations.
Additional sources explaining Jewish identity
The 1980 Jewish Almanac clearly denies any connection between modern Jews and the ancient Israelites of the Bible:
Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a Jew or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or a Hebrew. -1980 Jewish Almanac p. 3
It doesn’t get any clearer than that: Jews are neither Israelites nor Hebrews.
There are many sources which suggest that a large part of Jewry is related to the Khazars, a population that inhabited southern Ukraine.
In 2014 the Times of Israel acknowledged a leaked report suggesting Ashkenazi Jews are actually Khazars, rather than true Israelites.
Here are a few excerpts from the Times of Israel article:
It is well known that, sometime in the eighth to ninth centuries, the Khazars, a warlike Turkic people, converted to Judaism and ruled over a vast domain in what became southern Russia and Ukraine. What happened to them after the Russians destroyed that empire around the eleventh century has been a mystery. Many have speculated that the Khazars became the ancestors of Ashkenazi Jews.
… In 2012, Israeli researcher Eran Elhaik published a study claiming to prove that Khazar ancestry is the single largest element in the Ashkenazi gene pool. Sand declared himself vindicated, and progressive organs such as Haaretz and The Forward trumpeted the results.
Israel seems finally to have thrown in the towel. A blue-ribbon team of scholars from leading research institutions and museums has just issued a secret report to the government, acknowledging that European Jews are in fact Khazars.
The Jewish author Arthur Koestler made this same argument in his 1976 book, The Thirteenth Tribe, where he claimed:
[The] large majority of surviving Jews in the world is of Eastern European, and thus perhaps mainly of Khazar origin. If so, this would mean that their ancestors came not from the Jordan but from the Volga, not from Canaan but from the Caucasus, once believed to be the cradle of the Aryan race; and that genetically they are more closely related to the Hun, Uigur and Magyar tribes than to the seed of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob [Israelites].
The Jewish historian and anti-Zionist quoted above, Benjamin Freedman, also argued that Jews are in fact Khazars – not Israelites:
The origin and history of the Khazars and Khazar Kingdom are certainly incontestable historical facts. These incontestable historic facts also establish beyond any question of doubt the origin and history of the so-called or self-styled “Jews” in eastern Europe. The origin and history of the Khazars and Khazar kingdom and their relationship to the origin and early history of the so-called or self-styled “Jews” in eastern Europe was one of history’s best kept secrets until wide publicity was given in recent years to my research on this subject.
Finally, the Jewish author Shlomo Sand in his book The Invention of the Jewish People also wrote that today’s Jews are in fact Khazars.
The Edomite-Khazar connection
In the first millennium AD we find a large-scale migration of Edomites and Canaanites into the Khazaria region, who then mixed themselves with the native inhabitants:
Hasdai ibn Shaprut, who was foreign minister to Abd-al-Rahman, Sultan of Cordova, in his letter to King Joseph of the Chazars (about 960 AD) … speaks of the tradition according to which the Chazars once dwelt near the Seir Mountains [The ‘Seir Mountains’ are none other than the original land of Esau-Edom – ‘Thus dwelt Esau in mount Seir: Esau is Edom’ (Genesis 36:8). Seir was a mountain range sought of the Dead Sea and was also known as the ‘land of Edom’ (Genesis 36:21). The Seir mountains were the home of the Edomites for nearly a millennium (The Edomites arrived in Edom or Seir at the end of the 14th and beginning of the 13th century B.C. Encyclopedia Judaica, Vol. 6, p. 372) Thus we have it from Jewish sources that the Khazars originally ‘dwell near the Seir Mountains’ so are racially of Edomite stock. But how and when did Edomites get to Khazaria? There is evidence that in the 6th century BC, some of the Edomites fled their homeland of Seir and migrated north, ‘After the fall of Jerusalem, in 586 BC, the Edomites began to press northward (Ezekiel 36:5).
The Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. IV, (1905), p. 3
The genetic and historical ties to the Khazaria region may explain why Jewish Neo-Conservatives — such as Victoria Nuland and Robert Kagan — have played an active role in destabilizing Crimea in Ukraine. We also find that the Jewish globalist George Soros (real name György Schwartz) financially supported the Ukrainian Maiden Revolution.
Jews are a race – not “just a religion”
Genetic testing performed on Jews around the world shows not only that Jews are a unique race, but that they have also mingled and mixed with neighboring populations groups throughout their history:
Researchers in New York and Tel Aviv conducted a genome-wide analysis on 237 individuals from seven well-established Jewish communities around the world, hailing from Iran, Iraq, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Syria and eastern Europe. The team then compared these genetic profiles to those of non-Jews in the same geographic regions based on data from the Human Genome Diversity Project, a database of genomic information for individuals from populations worldwide. Each group of Jews is genetically distinct, but similarities between the groups weave them together with what the researchers describe as “genetic thread”.
“There has been this back and forth discussion over the course of a century or more — are these a people? Is this in the genome?” says Harry Ostrer, a geneticist at New York University, the study’s lead author. The new findings, he says, show that there “does seem to be a genetic basis to Jewishness”.
…The researchers analysed single-letter differences in the genome called single nucleotide polymorphisms, longer segments of DNA shared between different Jewish groups, as well as deleted or duplicated stretches of DNA called copy-number variants. Although the groups had strong genetic commonalities, the results also showed a varying degree of genetic mixing with nearby non-Jewish populations.
An authoritative study of blood types of both Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews entitled, The Genetics Of The Jews by A.E. Mourant (Clarendon Press, 1978) found that all Jews tested had between 5% and 10% admixture of Black African blood, which is the result of having lived in close proximity to Arabs and Africans in the Middle East and North Africa — most likely in the dispersion after the destruction of the temple in 70 AD — when many fled to Damascus and Babylon in Persia.
This is also further evidence proving that today’s Jews are not the Israelites of the Old Testament, who were strictly forbidden from intermarrying with foreign, non-Israelite, non-Adamic 10 nations:
Do not intermarry with them [non-Israelite nations]. Do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons. – Deuteronomy 7:3
Genealogies contained in the Bible always show patrilineal descent, whereas Jews trace their ancestry through matrilineal descent – another obvious contradiction between the Israelites of the Bible and today’s Jews.
By Jewish law, it is necessary for a Jew to have only a Jewish mother to be considered a Jew. The father can be of any race, but just as long as the mother is racially “Jewish,” the child “qualifies” as a Jew. This rabbinic law tacitly implies that racial mixing can and does occur without losing Jewish identity.
The genetic basis of today’s Jews has been widely studied and confirmed over the years. Here was a major finding confirming this fact 2012:
Further proof showing that Jews are a distinct ethnicity — rather than merely “people of the Jewish religion” — is the large body of evidence documenting rare genetic diseases that are common among Jews. Jews have a much higher propensity for mental illness in comparison with Whites:
Israeli and American scientists have discovered a gene among Ashkenazi Jews that increases their chances of developing the mental disorder schizophrenia, as well schizoaffective disorder and manic depression. According to a study recently published in Nature Communications, the gene in question raises Ashkenazi Jews’ chances of experiencing the disorders by roughly 40%, and by 15% in the general population.
The reason for choosing Ashkenazi Jews as the subject for the study, of all groups available, is rooted in the fact that Ashkenazi Jews are considered to be a an especially homogenous group, in terms of genetics. The limited genetic variation among Ashkenazi Jews allows for easy identification of differences between healthy and affected individuals.
The most famous genetic disorder among Jews is, of course, Tay-Sachs Disease, which causes idiocy and enfeeblement in children, and is carried by millions of Ashkenazi today. The condition was so common among Jewish immigrants in America at the turn of the 20th century that it was used as a justifiable excuse to ban further Jewish immigration for fear that this disease would spread to the general population through inter-marriage — which it has.
Finally, there is also the fact that obtaining citizenship to Israel is entirely dependent on proving that one is genetically Jewish — it has very little to do with religion, but rather DNA.
Polymorphic Jewish identity
In terms of identity, Jews are polymorphic — meaning they adapt their identity to the host populations they live amongst.
However, the one consistent distinguishing factor among Jews for the last 2,000 years — and throughout the entire world — is that they promote an anti-Christian, anti-White agenda.
They hate White Christ, Christians, and Christianity — as if their very identity is dependent on it.
Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?
Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.
A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them. — Matthew 7:16-20
By their fruits you shall know them.
Jews have been expelled by Christians (and other peoples) throughout all of recorded history.
Is it because Christians all around the world — from Byzantium to Spain — suddenly woke up and became “antisemitic” one day? Or is there something unique about Jewish behavior and their anti-Christian agenda?
Complete list of Jewish expulsions throughout history (1,030 examples)
Jewish “comedian” Sarah Silverman wants to kill Christ:
Now let’s move on to the next question.
Why are Khazar Jews impersonating Israelites?
Why is it that we see so much “subterfuge” regarding the true identity of the Jewish race?
Although this is a complex question with many answers, there are a few obvious reasons:
- Claiming the identity of Israelites is key to the Zionist movement and the takeover of Israel/Palestine.
- Claiming to be Israelites gives the Jews an endless “get out of jail free” card with Christians, who falsely continue to view Jews as the “chosen race” of the Bible. (“And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee” – Genesis 12:3)
- This “identity theft” carried out by today’s Jews also prevents the true Israelite descendants from realizing and claiming their identity.
In his book What Price Israel, Jewish writer Alfred M. Lilienthal succinctly explains why Jews perpetuate this deception concerning their identity:
The Khazar Jews and their descendants today comprise 90% of all Jews in Israel, the Shephardic Jews being the other 10%. The Zionists after WWII conspired to allow for the term “Jews” to be applied to any and all persons claiming a true heritage to Israel regardless of blood line or other qualification, the “right of return” could be based on essentially any claim: spiritual, physical or religious. In other words, a “Jew” is anybody we say a Jew is and the world bought it!
“This is not an uncommon impression and one finds it sometimes among Jews as well as Christians – that Judaism is the religion of the Hebrew Bible. It is, of course, a fallacious impression. Judaism is not the religion of the Bible.”
–Rabbi Ben Zion Bokser, Judaism and the Christian Predicament, New York : Alfred A. Knopf, 1967, p. 59.
“…[You] will notice the great difference between the Jewish and Christian religions. But these are not all. We consider the two religions so different that one excludes the other….we emphasized that there is no such thing as a Judeo-Christian religion. There is not any similarity between the two concepts.”
–Rabbi Moshe M. Maggal (President, National Jewish Information Service) letter, 21 August 1961.
“Judaism was not evolved in Judah; it was in Babylon that Judaism first became that which it was and still is.”
— “The Hebrew Peoples” written by Jewish authors Dr. H. Winckler, L.M. King, Dr. R. G. Brandis, and H. R. Hall. On pages 1781-4, Vol. 3, appearing in Harmsworth’s “History of the World”
There are many people who are supposedly “awake” to the lies about World War II and 9/11 but who continue to fall for the biggest lie of them all — that the Jews are Israelites. Nothing could be further from the truth — and many Jews openly admit that.
The whole world has been deceived
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. —Revelation 12:9
Those who call themselves Jews today are clearly not the Israelites, Judahites, or Hebrews of the Old Testament. They are also not the Israelite Judeans of the New Testament, but rather a vagabond tribe that has picked up racial admixture of different races throughout their history — most notably in Khazaria.
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews [Judeans], and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. —Revelation 2:9
Jews worship Satan says Rabbi.
I would appreciate your thoughts regarding the theory that the Phoenicians never died out but in fact continued their (secret) conquest of the world by hiding behind what we today refer to as “the Jews”. This paper makes the case that Jews and Phoenicians are really the same: http://mileswmathis.com/tartar.pdf
The Evolution of Modern Jewry —
I am interested in how the Modern Jew has evolved down through the ages. I can’t really trust any book that has been written about the “Jews” because we know that the presupposition is always that they are referred to as the alleged “jews” of Scripture. E. Michael Jones makes this Error as did Martin Luther etc., etc.
We here, who are in the know, understand that we should make the Distinction between Scriptural Israelites, or Blood Israelites and Jewry.
I found an article of interest at the Renegade Tribune — WHO IS VERY HOSTILE — towards us. So, of course we have to take this article with a grain of salt.
The article is about Charlemagne — https://www.renegadetribune.com/charlemagne-defender-of-the-west-or-servant-of-the-jews/
My theory would be that the so called “Jews” of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd Century were most likely predominantly Adamic Israelites who did not accept Jesus Christ as the Messiah. The further we progress in time, those Israelites mixed their seed with non-adamics and then eventually we get what we have today as — Modern Jewry.
Then you have to throw in the Khazar theory which is around the time of Charlemagne, so I hardly doubt Khazar jews would be in Western Europe at this time.
I have not read the article in detail — just skimmed it.
But I would be curious what others may think about this relationship with our Early Israelite Ancestors who ruled Europe and their relationship to so called “jews”.
I’m still having a hard time accepting the idea that our Ancestors so willingly allowed jews who look like Modern Jewry into their Realm. My feeling is that it was hard to spot Apostate Israelites. Our Ancestors would only recognize them by their Fruit of the Spirit — versus the fruit of their DNA. In other words — I do not believe the “jews” of antiquity looked anything like the jews of Bolshevism, as an example. Most likely men who looked like David Beckham.
West —
That’s an interesting topic, and we too have given it some thought.
After the destruction of the Temple in 70AD, there were probably some Jews that migrated up into Europe with the Roman expansion there.
Perhaps you should read if there any descriptions of Jews by those Romans who were stationed in Europe.
There’s little evidence that any “eastern” Jews were in western Europe in those early centuries. They probably didn’t start migrating into western Europe until the late 19th century. And the older established Jews resented them.
That said, today European Jews are divided among Ashkenazi (eastern) and Sephardic (from Spain). But as you said, we suspect there was probably a third group of Jews that pre-date both of these groups in Europe.
“…Perhaps you should read if there any descriptions of Jews by those Romans who were stationed in Europe….”
Great idea.
But I would suspect any description would be about their behavior/character versus their Phenotype i.e., facial appearance/body type.
I have to “assume” that so called Jews of the 2nd and 3rd Centuries were predominantly Adamic men who practiced Talmudism.
But who can say for sure.
Anyway ……. the Renegade Article is unfortunate because it makes the assumption that the “Jews” of Antiquity are the same Jews of today. Which is their Straw Man to attack us on a regular basis. And to bolster their argument for Paganism.
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Sean Kraft
“The 1980 Jewish Almanac clearly denies any connection between modern Jews and the ancient Israelites of the Bible”. This declaration has no foundation.
“… it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a “Jew” or to call a contemporary Jew an “Israelite” or a “Hebrew”.”
This line from the almanac is perfectly correct, and in no way does it deny a connection to modern Jews. Anyone in the tribes was an Israelite. Including from the tribe of Judah. The same for Hebrews. And while contemporary Jews mislabel everyone of prominence as Jewish, including Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Moses, “Israelite” and “Hebrew” are ancient names for the descendants of Jacob, and it is improper to use them for any of their descendants today. Saying that a contemporary Jew is not of the tribe of Judah because we wouldn’t call him an “Israelite” or a “Hebrew” is like saying that I am not Irish because someone wouldn’t call me “Hybernian”. So here, we have another non sequitur spuriously made into a fact.
The story of a Khazar conversion contains zero real confirmation, let alone any information that the Jews of today are ancient Khazars beyond the speculation and claim noted. This is not how facts are drawn up. This is how speculation is made out to be factual.
The idea that Judea was not run by Judah’s descendants because the Edomites (servants of Israel) were in and around Israel with others, and therefore it was predominately some melting pot, is laughable. John Hyrcanus is about the conversion of “all” Edomites in Israel, not all Edomites in the world. Saying “the Edomites — the descendants of Esau — became “Judeans” or citizens of Judea” is another claim that relies on people simply being too ignorant to know it is completely false. It is merely saying those in Israel were converted. The rest of them lived in Edom, where they were from.
And then to say that when Jesus directly referred to the Jews who ran Judea as Jews, that He meant to say Judeans is heresy. And, criticism here of Jesus is necessary to continue the spurious claims in this article.
Jesus also called them “children of the devil” and “not his sheep”. He also made them admit they were Canaanites when they stated they had never been in bondage. Israelites who had never been in bondage, (((Sean)))?
Ben Zion Dinur 9 (Father of Israeli Historiography) : “The KHAZARS are the mother of the Jewish diaspora”. Modern Jews are people who converted to Judaism. You don’t turn into a Hebrew by converting to Judaism. This is a fact! The biblical people were the black Hebrews. Think about those EUROPEAN Jews who never had an ancestor with a grain of dessert sand into their toes. The KHAZAR conversion to Judaism is documented in the Jewish Encyclopedia (1903) VOL IV.
Thank you for responding to my comment. 🙂
You wrote — Broad strokes though, I think it happened for the same reason people became adulterous, homosexual, murderous, or whatever other sin we can think of. It must have been a combination of seeking man’s approval, seeking after fleshly pleasures, partiality, fear, greed and a strong push from Satan for good measure.
Yes ………….. based on the History of our Peoples …… turning away from our Creator will always spell trouble. We never learn. It’s the first lie — you shall not surely die.
Secondly ……… I have a friend who is steeped in Southern (USA) History. He is a serious student of the Old South and Slavery. He has a bookshelf of old, out of print and hard to find books, written by Southerners dealing with the topic of slavery. Amongst all the writers, it is understood that the difference between the White man and the black man was simply common knowledge. No one in those days considered blacks to be apart of their family or racial tree. And these were majority Christians.
It seems to me our Ancestors of the past just never considered the yellow man or the black man or the red man as part of the same Creation. They weren’t specific as to where they came from, as we here have refined. But it was simply just common knowledge. In other words …. it wasn’t something a person had to go out of their way to make known. It was just understood. As water is wet.
It would be interesting to dig into the writings of Theologians circa 1600/1700/1800 and see if any of them make mention of “race”. I think up until the 20th Century, most every White person simply did not consider the yellow or black man to be part of our Family Tree.
I think if we never brought the yellow and black man into our Nations, we wouldn’t be having to convince our contemporary christian brothers and sisters that they are a unique people — Adamites and Israelites. And everyone else is simply a pre-adamite.
So, we can thank our greedy brothers for allowing Pre-Adamites to dwell amongst us. Because if we are honest, this was the ONLY reason they were brought here in the first place. Let’s be honest – $$. Then the Jew convinced us they were our equals.
And now here we are. Vanishing Lands. A vanishing People. Only God can save us now.
Just bums me out that those who made life miserable for us, were able to enjoy the pure beauty of God’s Creation. I was fortunate enough to catch the tail end (1970’s). When I look at old black and white photos, newsreels etc., it just makes me sad. Western Civilization pre-1990 was almost Paradise.
To be 18 years old in 1940 must have been paradise. But we took it for granted and never searched for the ONE who gave it all to us. Again ….. same old story.
I can’t wait until it is all over. Thanks Sheepdog!
@westwins… Yes, I suppose you’re right. There have been various “paradises” during history, but like with Solomon, paradise defeats us. These bodies of flesh aren’t meant for paradise. They are meant for toil, struggle and hardship… At least if we want to enter the Kingdom. If we could “survive” paradise, Adam might have stayed in the garden. “All is futility”
But we have the paradise of God to look forward to, which will make any paradise of this age pale in comparison.
The likes of Charles Spurgeon (so-called “prince of preachers”) in the 1800s was heavily opposed to slavery. Even Matthew Henry in the 1600s/1700s acknowledged blacks as men. Just read his commentary on Acts 8. In many ways, “Christians” have been at the forefront of this diabolic agenda of “race”. Misguided Christians have been one of Satan’s greatest weapons.
The likes of Charles Spurgeon (so-called “prince of preachers”) in the 1800s was heavily opposed to slavery. Even Matthew Henry in the 1600s/1700s acknowledged blacks as men. Just read his commentary on Acts 8. In many ways, “Christians” have been at the forefront of this diabolic agenda of “race”. Misguided Christians have been one of Satan’s greatest weapons.
Interesting. Thanks for the Research!
…….”misguided christians have been one of satan’s greatest weapons….” So true. The Holy Spirit will never ‘misguide’.
Thanks again for the conversation.
Great article but clearly the Admin is racist.
ChristiansforSOMETruth but not the whole TRUTH.
Christians For Truth
Reginald, we cannot continue to approve your comments — not because we are censoring “your truth” — but rather because you don’t seem to be willing to adhere to common principles of logic and reason.
You engage in a dishonest tactic known as “moving the goal posts” — when you cannot offer a logical response to a direct challenge, you simply move on to another topic.
You also seem to suffer from the Dunning-Kruger Effect:
Your entire thesis that the Bible is about black people is based on another logical fallacy called “begging the question” where you merely presume the correctness of your own presuppositions while ignoring everything that contradicts it, such as the entire history of Western Civilization. The following essay will show you how you are engaging in dishonest biblical exegesis:
We insist that all commenters at CFT — not just you — adhere to these rules of argumentative engagement, and based on your comments, it’s clear that you are not familiar with them, so we strongly recommend that you read the following essay that will explain it to you:
Insisting that blacks use logic is racist. Racists use logic to keep the black man down:
It was sheepdog who said “blacks are animals”. You approving a racist comment like this already implies that you support racism and hatred for blacks.
Bunch of fake racist Christians!
But I only give you credit for the article about the fake white Jews in Israel.
Reginald, you are late to the game here. It’s already been proven here over and over again that the Bible makes a distinction between “man” and “beasts”, and yes, beasts that have the attributes of “people”.
Race does not exist in the Bible. Your ideas of “race” have been implanted in your brain by the Jews for them to use you as a weapon to wage war against Adamkind and true Israel, whom they hate. By obsessing about “race”, you are doing exactly as your Jewish masters wish you to do.
You cannot “shame” us by calling us “racists”. It’s a meaningless term.
The question is: is it possible that all living beings that walk on two legs come from the same patriarch, Adam — and does the Bible make that claim?
Many instances of the word “man” in the Bible are translated from the Hebrew “Adam”. So “man” and “Adam” must be the same thing. The Greeks often use “anthropos”, but that, too, refers back to Adam. For example, see Ezekiel 34:31, “And ye my flock, the flock of My pasture, are Awdawm, and I am your God, saith the Lord God.”
So everyone referred to in the Bible as “man” or “mankind” must be from Adam. But that doesn’t mean that what people mistakenly today call “mankind” is the same as the “mankind” in the Bible. No, they are very different.
Can we prove that all “races” come from Adam who was of a pure kind or type with no mixture? It’s not possible. Eve came out of Adam, so she too was that same type or kind as Adam. They could reproduce only their own kind, no “diversity” from them is possible.
Are there instances in the Bible where non-Adamites are referred to as “man”? No.
Are there examples of where non-Adamites are referred to as “beasts”? Yes.
Leviticus 18:23: “Neither shalt thou lie with any beast to defile thyself therewith: neither shall any woman stand before a beast to lie down thereto: it is confusion. ” (Lev 20:15, Lev 20:16)
Second witness, Exodus 22:19, “Whosoever lieth with a beast shall surely be put to death.” Confirmed by Deuteronomy 27:21: “Cursed be he that lieth with any manner of beast. And all the people shall say, Amen.”
These verses cannot refer to having sexual relations with cattle, dogs, or goats, surely.
“Beast of the field” will rise up and “multiply against” the Israelites (Exodus 23:29). Farm animals and cattle do not rise up and “multiply” against man.
Will the Lord use the “seed of the beast” to punish Israel? Yes. “Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of man, and with the seed of beast.”
“The seed of the beast” is surely not mere cattle, lions, and bear.
Man is prohibited from laying with non-Adamic beasts. Non-Adamites are referred to as “beasts”. What does putting Adam and non-Adam together cause? Confusion. Look at our world today.
Can a “beast” have the face of a man? Yes. Revelation 4:7. Can a beast speak? Revelation 6:7. Are they clothed? Yes. Jonah 3:8, “in sackcloth”. “Beasts of the field” are not appropriate for Adam as a mate. (Genesis 2:20)
Do “beasts” have hands like man? Yes. “And surely your blood of your lives will I require; at the hand of every beast will I require it, and at the hand of man; at the hand of every man’s brother will I require the life of man.” (Genesis 9:5). See also Exodus 19: 12-13 for “beasts” with hands that can touch the mountain.
Man vs. Beast in Scripture:
Read “Adamites and Preadamite: The Remote Representatives of the Human Species and their Relation to the Biblical Adam” (1878)
In Paul’s epistle to Titus 1:12, he calls the Cretians “beasts”, based on the Greek “therion” which means “dangerous animal”. Do you think Paul is a “racist” for calling this Cretian an animal?
I think the Cretians are being referred to here in the pejorative sense as “evil beasts,” and not as literal beasts, otherwise Paul would not be concerned of their being “sound in the faith” as he says in verse 13.
“One of themselves, even a prophet of their own, said, the Cretians are alway liars, evil beasts, slow bellies.”
13 This witness is true. Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith;”
Say you are right in your claim. How do you respond to the fact that leprosy in the bible refers to white skin?
Have you ever actually seen a “white” person?
You understand now how a “white” person’s skin could literally turn white, don’t you?
Reginald, there’s really no need to go on about leprosy the way you do. You latch on to words like “white” and “black” in the Bible and fail to understand them as metaphor.
True Adamic people, the “generations of Adam”, are not “white” literally. Their skin is pinkish, rosy, or ruddy as King David is described in 1 Samuel 17:42. In fact, in Song of Solomon 5:10, the woman is described as both white and ruddy, showing how extremely white-appearing skin has a rosy hue to it, which was the ideal of beauty in the ancient world, and even today.
Adam himself was also ruddy, rosy, able to blush because that’s what his name Aw-dawn means in Hebrew.
When ruddy, pinkish, rosey Adamic people get leprosy, it can turn their skin to a whitish-appearing pallor. See here. https://biblehub.com/topical/ttt/l/leprosy–turned_the_skin_white.htm
Reginald, look at this picture of a “white” man. Compare the color of his skin to the white shirt that he’s wearing. Clearly, compared to the white shirt, this man’s skin is not even close to being white.
Here’s an illustration of a “white” man with leprosy. Notice the white patches on his skin:
Yes, I can see the difference but its not really that impressive when you take into account that YAHWEH told Moses that the 2nd sign was intended to be more impressive than the first (Exodus 4:8).
It just makes Moses seem like a joker.
The description of David being ruddy does not mean ALL Israel was ruddy, the text only refers to David. You claim that ruddy means being able to blush is a European-only trait. That is false, there are light skinned black people in Africa, Jamaica and the Melanesian Islands who have light skin and can blush too.
And the Hebrew word for white is “laban” . If you were to examine the Hebrew text of Solomon 5:10 it says “tsach” which means bright, dazzling and/or glowing. Again, There are light skinned black people with ruddy skin tones that appear bright, dazzling and glowing.
And we know Adam means mankind which is a compound of two other Hebrew words.
Adamah meaning ground and Adom meaning red. Put these two together, it makes sense that Adam was created from the red dust, clay, dirt, soil, ground of the earth. Red clay is essentially reddish-brown. BROWN is present in the ground. You can even ask a class of 3rd graders what the color of ground is, guaranteed the majority would answer black or brown. Now, how confident are you people that as soon as life was breathed into Adam, all the black/brown contained in the dust/dirt/soil/clay/ground disappeared?
Adam was cursed to sweat and till the land to survive (Genesis 3:17-19). Given the geographical location of the region and the sunny hot temperatures. What makes you so confident that a white Adam could withstand such an environment tilling the land all his life when white people TODAY don’t even have the capacity to stand even ONE HOUR of working out in the sun? God didn’t just curse Adam but the ENTIRE mankind. Go to any black nation today, you will see over 80% of the population still living in rural areas working the land, enduring the powerful sun, shirtless and without sunscreen, sweating and reaping the harvest of their gardens. You don’t really see this in white nations today.
And if you white folks were truly superior, why aren’t your bodies able to withstand NATURE? Why do many of you suffer badly from being out in the sun too long? Why do white nations have highest rates of melanoma or skin cancer? Why is your skin so sensitive to tiny insect bites? Why aren’t your bodies compatible with nature the way black people are? And yet you want us to believe you are a superior being made to dominate a NATURAL EARTH which you have no compatibility with…amazing
Reginald, you are repeating the Jewish-Talmudic interpretation of Adam, or Aw-dawn as referring to the red clay. Those Talmudic Jews interpret it that way to hide or obfuscate the true meaning because they don’t want people to understand the true identity of Adam. The Jews, just like yourself, claim that Adam, David, and even Jesus were not white, but rather brownish, like Arabs. That you are arguing the same thing as these Talmudic Jews should concern you, but it doesn’t because it fits in with your own agenda that you want to believe.
As we pointed out to you before, which you ignore, is that so-called “black people” have different shades of skin because almost all of them are race mixed and all of them, including yourself, have some white ancestry. American “blacks” have about 15% white admixture, which is why there are so many different skin tones among them. Pure, unmixed African tribes do not show that kind of variation in skin tone because they have NO white admixture. Only “blacks” with a significant amount of white admixture can blush, and even then, they cannot blush the way an unmixed white person can blush. “Adam” literally means “to show blood in the face.” To suggest that “blacks” can do this is simply wishful thinking on your part.
Also, if you are correct in your claim of the white Celtic nations (NOW LOCATED IN EUROPE) being the true Israelites. Can you shed light on how the white Celtic nations fit in with the following end time prophecies on the regathering of Israel? Note the context of these prophecies point to the second coming of Yahushua which means they have not been fulfilled yet.
Isaiah 11:11-12
[11]And it shall come to pass in that day, that YAHWEH shall set his hand again the second time to recover the remnant of his people, which shall be left, from Assyria, and from Egypt, and from Pathros, and from Cush, and from Elam, and from Shinar, and from Hamath, and from the islands of the sea.
[12]And he shall set up an ensign for the nations, and shall assemble the outcasts of Israel, and gather together the dispersed of Judah from the four corners of the earth.
Assyria – Northern Iraq
Egypt – Lower Egypt
Pathros – Upper Egypt
Shinar – Iraq
Cush – Ethiopia/Africa
Hamath – Syria
Elam – Iran
Scientific proof, based on large genetic study that “African-Americans” have, on average, 20% white genetic admixture:
It’s actually very simple, Reginald. All these places you list were originally white Adamic, Genesis 10 nations. Over time, they were overrun by Arab and Nubian peoples, and now those lands are inhabited by non-Israelite, non-Adamic peoples. Nations and Noah’s white descendants:
Assyria = Asshur
Iraq = Sumeria = Arphaxad
Iran = Persia = Madia/Medes
Egypt = Mizraim
Ethiopia = Cush
All originally Adamic people. No longer.
Isaiah 43:3 tells us that is exactly what happened to these Genesis 10 nations: ““For I am the LORD your God, The Holy One of Israel, your Savior; I have given Egypt as your ransom, Cush and Seba in your place.”
He gave them up to other people, other non-Adamic people, i.e., Arabs and Africans.
DNA Study of Mummies Confirms that Egyptians Became Black Over Time
Swiss 2009 DNA Genetic Study Proves Caucasian Identity Of Original Ancient Egyptians
BBC Documentary Reveals King Tut’s Great-Grandmother Tjuyu Had Blonde Hair
Sunny D
Ironically, despite their white skin, whites have thrived much better in the tropics like Africa than blacks with their “magical melanin” have. Whites built the greatest civilizations in sub-Saharan Africa in both Rhodesia and South Africa, both of which rivaled any of the British Commonwealth nations. How could they do this with all that sun beating down on their fair skin? How did Whites develop Arizona, New Mexico, and California with their fair skin? The same reason Whites developed Alaska and Antarctica. They used their brains, not their skin.
Why did he use BCE? Lol
Thank you for the fantastic article! I was trying to find the full article, Was Jesus A Jew, but the link is down. Could you tell me who wrote it? Thank you so much and Yashuah bless you!
Judean are not of this world as we are not as well.
K. Werner
The Thirteen Tribe by Arthur Koestler is a fascinating read.
Another Website – Benjamin Freedman and a lot more about this question:
—- Laura —–
Greetings Laura. Good to see you back here.
About a Week ago, CFT challenged you to read and consider a couple articles on “Universalism”.
Question — How is your Studies going? Have you come to any thoughts, objections and or conclusions?
I am very much interested in what you might have to say.
Have you changed your mind about Universalism from those articles? Or, are you still a Universalist. And if still a Universalist, why?
Anything you could share would be interesting to hear.
Not sure if you have caught my MANY comments on this Topic here at CFT over the years. I’m always eager to hear what others have to say and “why” they believe what they believe.
Thank you. I hope you respond. Sincerely, West
5 Flapjacks
This was a very well written informative article! Layer upon layer i am adding to my understanding of the whole jew thing….I was raised a Roman Catholic and spent 9 years going to their schools. Been to a lot a masses, and barely learned anything biblical. Because that mystery religion offshoot does not want you to. Then one day in the early 1980s i was watching a football game and it was halftime….clicking the remote, i came upon a cigar smoking bible teacher talking about the “canopy theory”. It was Dr Gene Scott. I mention this, because he had a very good detailed series on the lost tribes.
Which said series, taught me some core basics that every Christian, and non Christian should know:
1) Judaism is NOWHERE to be found in the old testament.
2) There is NO such thing as the torah.
3) The old testament is all about Jesus, and eternal salvation in Him.
4) The old testament unfolds in the new, and the new is enfolded in the old.
5) Abraham, Issac, Jacob and even Judah, were NOT jews.
6) The old testament sacrifices are “types and shadows’ of salvation via God.
7) The Tabernacle teaches Jesus. The colors, material and dimensions and symbols. Nothing Jewish about it.
8) The Passover ain’t jewish.
9) The 10 lost tribes have nothing to do with judism. They were not jews.
10) The 10 lost tribes became the Celts and other White clans in history.
11) Tribes like Dan, sailed and traveled all over the place naming the places they visited after themselves (DN, Dan, Dun..)
12) Sarah Abraham’s wife was a blond. David was a redhead. The pre Babylonian exiled Judah/Benjamin/Levite crowd were Whites.
Well these were just some basic points, taught in the series. And Dr Scott, as far as i know, did not delve into subject matter such as presented in this excellent article. But his lost tribes series and books like “Judah Septer and Josephs Birthright” & “Did the apostle Paul visit Britain” lays down a good foundation to build upon. Which said info, i can see this web site offers!
Which said foundation, kept me from worshiping the jew. I frankly never bothered giving them too much thought EXCEPT when i read a news article promoting something gross and destructive, the author was almost always a jew. And when i read books promoted by the John Birch Society, you came across jews doing this or that nefarious deed.
I am a big lover of the German gestalt way of learning. Throw everything at me from all angles…be overwhelmed in some cases, but then at some point in time, the subject is understood….as opposed to learning a then b then c….
The point of this is, i have always been a library lover, and i have always collected books. Which transferred into having an computer library. I think i have vacuumed up close to 10,000 books and publications on a myriad of topics…..which included volumes on the real history of the jews. Including many volumes of the holocaust handbook series by Castle Hill. This bookshelf has gathered dust, until finally, i picked off the shelf 2 volumes; “The Myth of German Villainy” & “The grave Diggers of Russia”…….now it’s off to the races. These people are a menace. …Again, terrific article…i am interested in commenting on other articles, although as you can see, i do ramble at times…
Grave Diggers of Russia:
Tom Morgan
This is mind blowing, thanks for the detailed info.
If you read the Church fathers and Church history you’ll go back to Catholicism. You claimed to have studied so hard in an unbiased manner and yet say silly cliches like Catholicism not being biblical…. Who even concocted the bible? You accept the bible, you accept Church authority by default as it precedes the bible. ‘the Church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of truth’
As to crying because the current leadership isnt ideal, too bad, enjoy the cross, the waves rock the boat but Christ is in command. Getting a single Eucharist is worth it all.
Zé, if these are your thoughts on the matter than that’s fine. However, I don’t see any kind of argument, facts or anything convincing in your comment.
As a Christian, even a Catholic, we have an obligation from Scripture to “examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good.” (1 Thessalonians 5:21). Why? Because Christ Himself warned us that, “For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many.” (Matthew 24:5). The Church claiming that their Popes are “vicars of Christ” — acting as His representative and authority — fits the bill just for starters.
Your argument is illogical, and typifies the circular logic that the Catholic Church uses to justify itself. If we accept the Bible, we must accept the Church — really? On whose authority? Show us the chapter and verse that support this conceit. Show us one single verse where the Catholic Church is mentioned in the entire Bible. Christ is the foundation of the “church” — the “ekklesia” — NOT Peter. Peter is just one of the stones — like all Christians — that make up Christ’s body — His church of believers. https://www.cgg.org/index.cfm/library/bqa/id/218/did-christ-build-church-on-peter-matthew-1618.htm AND https://biblehub.com/greek/1577.htm
The Catholic Church forbade Christians from actually reading the Bible themselves, and many were put to death for doing so. Why do the mass in latin so no one understood what was being said? What was the Church so afraid of? These policies of the Church made it impossible for Christians to do what Paul recommended, “Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15)
The name that Catholics call their priests is a direct violation of Scripture, ““Do not call anyone on earth your father; for One is your Father, He who is in heaven” (Matthew 23:9). That alone is proof that neither Christ nor the apostles would have approved of the Catholic Church’s pretensions of godliness.
Well spoken. It confuses me as to how a White “race realist” Christian can sit in a Catholic Church and not be uneasy. Let alone any Brick and Mortar these days.
And where does the Catholic “Crutch” get its “authority” to demand that Christians confess their sins to a priest and only a priest? James 5:16….
“Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that ye may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.”
Where is the priest mentioned in this verse? Each Christian is a “priest” — there is no “priest craft” or “priest class”, as 1 Peter 2:5 tells us….
“Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.”
Please, division of human groups is not the answer. There are good people and bad people in all races; God looks at the heart of man. We must confront evil by evil only, not be general groups. If some Jews are doing evil, let’s bring them to justice and the same for all kinds of people that do evil. We don’t fight against flesh and blood but against the power of evil in this world (the real enemy of God’s people). Let’s introduce the gospel of peace (Jesus died for our sins) to all people so that they can be free from satanic influence. Translated from the power of darkness to God’s admirable light.
You want peace with satan’s kids?
It’s NOT possible, Genesis 3:15
There will be NO PEACE until Matthew 13:36-43 takes place.
Until then, they are to be EXPOSED – ALL of them.
And he answered me saying: ‘This is the spirit which went forth from Abel,
whom his brother Cain slew, and he makes his suit against him until his seed
is destroyed from the face of the earth, and his seed is annihilated from amongst the seed of men.’
Cain’s satanic seed is in MOST of humanity today.
When it is destroyed there will be peace and not before then.
In this context is Cain’s seed a spiritual one, a metaphor?
How would Cain’s physical, genetic seed have survived the flood?
Benjamin Claude Holman
Ham’s w was a Caananite.
Charles Weisman’s book — “Who is Esau-Edom”
Any constructive criticism; praise or general comments?
Esau was Jacobs twin brother, the oldest by being born first. He was born with Jacobs hand clasping his heel. Esau was a good hunter who supplied food for the family. Jacob was a mediocre farmer. One day Esau came back from a hunt nearly dead from exhaustion & starvation and asked Jacob for a meal. Jacob replied , “only if you give me your birth right. Esau felt he would otherwise die anyway so he agreed. Then when their father Isaac was blind & on deaths door asked Esau to hunt & roast a venison dinner before he died Esau immediately left to do so. Jacobs mother told him to kill one of their livestock and roast it to present to Isaac.She overheard Isaac say he would bestow great blessings on Esau to help from losing his birthright. Jacib was worried their blind father would realize he was not Esau so his mother dressed him in Esaus clothes and hairy hide. Hacob was smooth skinned & Esau was hairy. When Isaac was presented the feast he was puzzled how the hunt was so quick that they already prepared it? He asked is that really you Esau & Jacob lied and said yes. Isaac reached out & felt the hair and believed the lies. He than blessed Jacob with blessings meant for Esau which included the lands of Israel and Gods blessings! I always wondered why would God bless the evil of the two.? Esau returned with the venison and called his father to the feast when they both realized they had been deceived! Once a blessing was given it could not be taken back. This story makes no sense to me unless it is Satan who favors him.? IDK Thoroughly confusing!
A greater context might help your understanding.
Esau took his wives of the daughters of Canaan(genesis36:2).
that thou shalt not take a wife unto my son of the daughters of the Canaanites(genesis24:3).
And Esau was forty years old when he took to wife Judith the daughter of Beeri the Hittite, and Bashemath the daughter of Elon the Hittite: Which were a grief of mind unto Isaac and to Rebekah.(genesis26:34-35)
Without the greater context, one might think Jacob’s deception was a greater evil than Esau’s lack of respect for the bloodline that hadn’t been compromised with Nephilim DNA.
There’s no evidence that the prohibition of marriage to Canaanites was based on a “racial” compromise. The Canaanites and Hittites were legitimate Adamic nations. See:
Chris van Core
People of the world demand JUSTICE!
They stole our past! And they are trying to steal our future!
This is false teaching- the Israelites are Gods chosen people. Satan, in this article, continues to be after them to destroy them. The Kahzarians are fake Jews; Askenazies who took on a false cloak of Judaism- an evil rich group of Gentiles posing as Gods chosen- to rule the world. The Fall of the Cabal and the Sequel to it explains everything. The false teaching against Gods chosen in this article condemns the author.
Ed Buck Angel
Supercession is the idea that the covenants God forms with human believers are replaced and expanded upon throughout human history, culminating in Christ’s bodily resurrection.
Wow! This is what I was looking for to explain to me what has been troubling my spirit. If God is just and a God of love, how can His chosen people be so evil? All I have to do is look at the news to find that behind practically everything evil is someone with a jewish name. So, I say to myself, what if we have all been deceived? What if those calling themselves “jews” are not really? What a better way to protect your illegal and evil practices as a very small minority, than by getting the majority to believe you are “God’s chosen people”?
This and some other articles on this site have answered the questions that were burning inside me.
Thank you.
So today’s Jews are not the Israelites of ancient times, descended from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. This begs the question: who, then, are of the 12 tribes of Israel? Where are they today?
I would suggest they are still scattered among the nations, many of them not even knowing they are Israelites. They are the Lost Sheep, if they were not Lost Sheep, then they’d be easy to identify. We Will know Them when their King returns. No Doubt.
If you are White —- YOU ARE!
mike mike
Read Deuteronomy 28 to 64 any race of people it fit you get the answer
Chris van Core
Maybe you should start your search in Venice with their black noble families…
Or ask the Vatican, or the City of London, or the royals, or central banks, or washington D.C.(!), Microsoft, Facebook, Google, Reuters, CNN… maybe they know something of their whereabouts… 😉
There are real Jews but it says above by genetic testing probably 10%. God knows exactly who is and who isn’t.
The Bible says that the Hebrew people would be a great nation in the last days. Did you know how we got the name Caucasian? When the Israelites were released from the Assyrians they went over the Caucus Mountains and settled there for a while and the people in the area called them Caucasians. The ten lost tribes are the Caucasian people of the world which will probably migrate to the US and Canada before the return of Christ. The United States and Canada are the ten lost tribes, and we are the Hebrew Nation.
Jerry Sherman
Not all Israelites went into Egyptian bondage. Judah had 2 sons, twins, Pharez, and Zarah. Pharez went into Egyptian bondage, Zarah did not. Zarah and some other Israelites went to Greece, started the Greek civilization – Rome was a splinter of that group. They pushed on west to the Iberian Peninsula, turned north and wound up in the British Isles. The other group was captured by the Assyrians 2700 YEARS ago, 700 BC approx. They were taken away and resettled to the north, right next to the Caucasus Mountains. That’s why Europeans are called Caucasians (Its a deception). The jews want Europeans to think they came out of the Mountains and settled Europe. WRONG. The Israelites passed THROUGH the mountains and settled in EUrope. Israellites = Europeans. When Jerusalem fell,, Jeremiah took the stone that was used for all coronation ceremonies to Ireland along with the princesses. that stone (that Jacob slept on the night he wrestled with an angel) is in the British Isles still. IT went to IReland, to Scotland, and then to England. The throne was built special to accommodate the stone. It’s STILL there. Princess Tea Tephi married a prince of Zarah Judah, thus reuniting the 2 lines. Princess Scota is where we get the word SCOTLAND and Nova SCOTia.
The Pharez and Zarah story isn’t true I’m afraid. See this comment: https://christiansfortruth.com/man-and-beast-in-the-bible-who-they-are-and-who-they-are-not/#comment-37880
Hello Jason – hope you are very well. An important and far-reaching question that can be answered – though unlike anything I have seen on the subject to date – accurately for the first time, that I am aware. Though, it is a sensitive subject that I would not wish to divulge publicly at this time in this brief format; without the wider material to support the supposition. I am currently putting together information on the subject, in the hope to share with the wider world in the future. If you provide a means of contact, then we could communicate further if your interest is more than passing. All the best for now, Matt
“….. though unlike anything I have seen on the subject to date ……”
So basically you are saying CFT is full of crap and so are many of the guests making comments. Nice.
You have a lot of “Chutzpa” then promoting yourself and using CFT to make contacts with other people.
Why don’t you have the courage to tell us here at CFT why we are wrong to teach “White” people are the Israelites/Adamites of the Scriptures???
If I were CFT, I’d simply “pull” your comment.
So, “Man Up” and have the courage to tell CFT where they have errored.
If you have special Truth that God has given you — why are you hiding it?
Share it with the world and you can start right here.
The conflict of Judaism with Christianity –
Jewish supremacist rabbi, Harry Waton, confessed that not only is Communism Jewish, but that it is simply a mechanism for Jewish world dominion and the subjugation of all non-Jews — a fulfillment of the megalomaniacal messianic vision of the Torah and the Talmud. In his 1939 book, “A Program for The Jews and An Answer To All Anti-Semites: A Program for Humanity”, the racist rabbi wrote:
“It is not an accident that Judaism gave birth to Marxism, and it is not an accident that the Jews readily took up Marxism; all this was in perfect accord with the progress of Judaism and the Jews. The Jews should realize that Jehovah no longer dwells in heaven, but he dwells in us right here on earth; we must no longer look up to Jehovah as above us and outside of us, but we must see him right within us,” (p. 148) “Since the Jews are the highest and most cultured people on earth, the Jews have a right to subordinate to themselves the rest of mankind and to be the masters over the whole earth. Now, indeed, this is the historic destiny of the Jews,” (p. 99) “Judaism is communism, internationalism, the universal brotherhood of man, the emancipation of the working class and the human society. It is with these spiritual weapons that the Jews will conquer the world and the human race.” (p. 100) [pdf 2012 Feb] The Jew World Order Unmasked
Matthew 20:27 Context
24And when the ten heard it, they were moved with indignation against the two brethren. 25But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them. 26But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister; 27And whosoever will be chief among you, let him be your servant: 28Even as the Son of man came not to be ministered unto, but to minister, and to give his life a ransom for many. 29And as they departed from Jericho, a great multitude followed him. 30And, behold, two blind men sitting by the way side, when they heard that Jesus passed by, cried out, saying, Have mercy on us, O Lord, thou Son of David.
Judah married and had sons to the daughter of foreign gods——a Canaanite woman. Malachi, chapter 3 & 2:11., Genesis 38:1-10 who later intermarried with the children of Esau/Edom. Herod was an Edomite.
The “Jews” were a mixture of Canaanites, Edomites (Herod was an Edomite) and others, but Christ was a pure blood of the tribe of Judah. The inscription written over Him meant “This is the King of the tribe of Judah”. Luke 23:38 Moultons Greek Dictionary.
Esdras 6:9 …”For Esau is the end of this age, and Jacob is the beginning of the age that follows”
The Black Hats –
Canaan the son of Ham – took by force Shems’ inheritance, [Shem, from whom came the term Semite ] that being the land called Palestine today. Judah married a Canaanite woman and thus except for one pure line beginning with the Tamar/Judah union from whom Christ came, Judah became mixed and degenerate by following Nimrods’ [the grandson of Ham] Babylonian pagan idolatry or Baal worship. The priests of Nimrod the founder of Babylon wore black robes.
For more precise details see:- “The Book of Jubilees.” Rev George H. Schodde’s translation from the Ethiopic —- Ch.8…… “This portion came by lot for Shem and his sons that, they should possess it for ever unto his generations for evermore.”
“The priests of Nimrod the founder of Babylon wore black robes.”
The Chemarims or Khamarim are the black -robed priests of Baal , who were appointed by the kings of Judah to conduct worship In high places . Chemarims ” Idolatrous Priest ” , comes from The root word Kamar meaning ” to be black ” , which explains the ” idolatrous priest ” wore black garments ( Zephaniah 1 ; 4 ) , which the judges, priests, rabbis and Cohen’s wear today ..
Judah – [Shemite] married a Canaanite [Hamite]
Judah married and had sons to the daughter of foreign gods——a Canaanite woman. Malachi, chapter 3 & 2:11., Genesis 38:1-10
Canaan: a son of Ham, [Genesis 10:6]., Cursed by Noah, [Genesis 9:20-26]., Idolatrous, [Deut. 29:17] ., Defiled, [Lev. 18:24-27]
“Canaanite”, Strongs Hebrew Concordance 3669, a merchant, a trafficker.
“In the days of John Hyrcanus… the [non-Israelite] Edomites became a section of the Jewish people.” Article entitled “EDOM,” Encyclopaedia Judaica Vol. 6, p. 378 (1971)
Roman general Hyrcanus captured Edom/Idumea and its population was integrated into the Judean community around 126BC
The Jews are of Esau from Idumea, and therefore not of Israel or Judah; Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925, vol. 5, page 41.
“Strictly speaking, it is incorrect to call an ancient Israelite a Jew or to call a contemporary Jew an Israelite or Hebrew.” Jewish Almanac 1980.
The Jews/Edomites and Arabs are related – “Esau thereupon takes a daughter of Ishmael to wife” (Gen. xxviii. 9).
Ishmael who took an Egyptian for a wife is the patriarch of the Arab nations.
In Talmudic tradition the mother defines identity so then the people who are today identifying as Jews are in reality Canaanite/Edomites-Amaleks if not in the flesh then in spirit.
According to the Mishnah, the first written source for halakha, the status of the offspring of mixed marriages was determined matrilineally.
Judah also began a pure blood line, Judah/Tamar [ Gen. 38:14-19 ] which line ended with the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
Jesus of Nazareth (not Judea) had no children of the flesh but Judahists are worshipers of the flesh
No blemished Judah blood [Judah/Canaanite/Edomite – Amalek] was allowed as an antecedent in the line of those chosen to precede the birth of Jesus Christ.
Herr Voice Of Germany
IMO the word semite derives from the Sem-priests of old egypt. One member was Moses.
Or not?
Benjamin Claude Holman
So after Christ’s crucifixion all living people had corrupted blood, meaning DNA of fallen angels? Didn’t Marry bear other children that might also have had pure blood? I would like to think there are still pure bloods in modern times and today. I do believe this to be true and the reason that today the jews are pushing the COVID rMNA vaccine which has been proven to alter a persons DNA.
Ishmael is the father of all slave-traders. Since Israel is traffiking Slavic slaves in the supposed holy land, Ishmael is ‘none other than Judah’ in the manner of Edom. The others calling themselves Jews are sons of Keturah’s Parthians, according to Armenian History books. Arsace I the Parthian King has that nose called Jewish… which was never part of Judah. John 8 tells us these fake Jews were never in bondage. All three of these are Abraham’s other children, calling themselves after the name of the southern portion of the divided kingdom, Judah. Psalm 83 explains why.
Josephus is the liar that said Ishmael is Arabs, and that all Greeks are of Japhet…
… but proved, in his anger, that Lacedeamonian Pelasgian Greeks are the Semitic tribe of Dan:
“Areus, king of the Lacedaemonians, to Onias, sendeth greeting. We have met with a certain writing, whereby we have discovered that both the Jews and the Lacedaemonians are of one stock, and are derived from the kindred of Abraham. It is but just therefore that you, who are our brethren, should send to us about any of your concerns as you please.
We will also do the same thing, and esteem your concerns as our own, and will look upon our concerns as in common with yours. Demoteles, who brings you this letter, will bring your answer back to us. This letter is four-square; and the seal is an eagle, with a dragon in his claws.”
‘Ancient Hebrew and Chaldaean authorities say that Dan bore on his standard a crowned serpent held in the claws of an eagle. Among the Greeks, Danaus was said to be the son of Belus, sometimes spelled Bela. Among the Hebrews, Dan was known as the son of Bilhah. Now, “AEgyptus I. was
a son of Belus and a brother of Danaus.”–Parsons, New Light From The Great Pyramid
“Yet ‘Cain’ and ‘Abel’ may be versions of the mythical heroes Agenor and Belus: Agenor being the Greek form of ‘Canaan’, and Belus of ‘Baal’. These twin sons of Poseidon and Lamia were reputedly born in Egypt, whence Agenor was expelled by Belus. Belus then begot another pair of twins: Danaus and Aegyptus, whose quarrel was prolonged when Danaus’s daughters murdered Aegyptus’s sons.”–Graves, Hebrew Myths
In the Septuagint, Genesis 11:22 Sons of Sem, Elam, Assur, Arphaxad, Lud, Aram, and Cainan.
“This king, fleeing from his brother Ramesses, also called Aegyptus, was driven from his kingdom of Egypt and came to Greece. Ramesses, his brother, whose other name was Aegyptus, ruled Egypt for 68 years, changing the name of his country to Egypt after his own name.”
–Manetho, translated by Waddell
Interesting quotes, but what’s your point vis a vis the above-cited article?
If the Greeks are Semites, Josephus lied about all the Greeks being Javan out of Japhet. Don’t really have to wonder why.
If the Arabs are not Ishmaelites according to every source of History we have, including the Qaran, Josephus lied about the Ishmaelites, but why? Could it be because the modern writers tell us Ishmaelites were Canaanites? And if they weren’t Canaan of Ham and supposedly cursed to be slaves… how does the conquested-to-death bibliocity play out? We know for a fact that Achaeans called Hivites lived in Palestine, and that the Gergathites of Troy also ended up in that neck of the woods. And the fact is that Philistines were Aegaeans, too… just as the rest of the Sea People were. Pelag-skoi means Sea People… Pelasgians. So if these people were Greeks related to Sparta, then the people calling themselves Israel were actually trying to genocide… people known to be Israelites, according to Maccabees. But because Josephus is the father of all lying historians, none of this will ever make front page news.
If the Bactrians were never ever known to be Semites, Josephus lied about that, too. Don’t have to wonder why, when Keturah’s Parthian nose lived right next door to the Bactrians. Arsace moved into Armenia, bringing his tribal name with him in the form of Togarmah… and people who don’t really care what happened when… are fooled.
This is what happens when you let your enemy write your history for you. Who you are becomes his identity-theft oportunity of a life time Just as in Sumeria, the Akkadians borrowed the script of the Sumerians… and wrote Sumerian History into something belonging to Semite-this-or-that… and signed the whole mess. So the documents belonging to Sumeria and Nuzi and Ugarit are now being claimed by identity-theifs.
The Ashkenazi-Turks moved into the Caucasus, pretended they’d always been there, said they were Togarmah whose sons were Armenians… and began murdering the Armenians who were actually Aram… Assur is a synonym for Syria… same people same patriarch. But so-called Bible scholars have hijacked the history of the world and slapped it on the Turks who were given Anatolia as a reward for losing the war with the Arabs. And the Turks pretending to be Jews were regifted the land promised to Lawrence’s Arabs for actually winning that Ottoman war.
The rest of history has gone downhill from there.
No, SOME of the Greeks were Shemites and SOME were Japhethites. Dorian and Danaan Greeks were Shemites, while Ionians were from Japheth, for example. No one takes everything Josephus says at face value — or any of the ancient historians.
And the LAST people, aside from Jews, that I would trust as far as their history goes are Arab people. They live on top of ancient White civilizations which they claim for their own. And no one should claim that ALL Arabs descend from Ishmail — that’s improbable and ahistorical.
The meaning of the term “Arab”:
Strong’s Concordance
ereb: Arabia
Original Word: עֵרֶב
Part of Speech: Noun Masculine
Transliteration: ereb
Phonetic Spelling: (ay’-reb)
Definition: mixture, mixed company
I. עֵ֫רֶב noun masculineExodus 12:38 mixture, mixed company; — heterogeneous body attached to a people; to Israel Exodus 12:38 (E), Nehemiah 13:3; to Egyptians Jeremiah 25:20 (ᵑ9 joins to Jeremiah 25:19, so Gie); to Chaldeans Jeremiah 50:37; in Jeremiah 25:24 strike out וְאֵת ֗֗֗ הָעֶרֶב as doublet (so Gie, compare ᵐ5); in 1 Kings 10:15 read עֲרָב (as “” 2 Chronicles 9:14, so Benz Kit and others); Ezekiel 30:5 read probably id. (Co).
II. עֵ֫רֶב noun [masculine] woof (as mixed, interwoven, with warp); — Leviticus 13:48 + 8t. 13 (all opposed to שְׁתִי warp), compare GFMPAOS 1889, clxxviii.
He could also have just been mistaken about the Greeks. I have never seen any decent evidence on who their progenitor could be, it’s speculation based on similarity of names in certain sources. So I must go by the precedent set by prophecy: if the Assyrians, who are silver, are Shemites, as well as the Gold/ Babylonians, and the Clay at the end are also Shemites, then it makes sense the Bronze/ Iron are also Shemites, and this continuity links in with it being a Shemite king’s legacy, and the Shemite blessing over the other Progenitors.
I don’t think he would intentionally lie but there is always a possibility he could be mistaken.
I personally think the Greeks were a mixture of people who were already in those lands, and entered into them from the steppes, and Israelites (or “Hyksos” pre-Exodus)/ Abrahamics who migrated by sea there.
But I do not think they were Japheth/ Javanites. Maybe he just assumed from a coincidence.
This makes sense to me because they took their alphabets from the Phoenicians, and the Phoenicians were related to the Hyksos.
“the fact is that Philistines were Aegaeans” They were?
I think that must be a mistake, they are going off the timeframe Jews have established, after-all.
The Bible says they were Caphtorites, which makes them Khamite, they may have been related to the Canaanite people of Tyre as well.
The Arabs are Canaanites by interbreeding, and Ishmaelites did indeed intermix with Canaanites.
I would say the Arabs are Ishmaelites, since Ishmael was “ereb” or mixed.
Sumerians were ‘Caucasoids’ that then mixed with the “Dilmun”, who migrated from the east (from the Indus valley, presumably after already migrating across from the Horn of Africa), thus becoming a mixed multitude.
The scribes of a later period recounted this, and how they used to be like the people of Arrata to the north, who were blonde and they couldn’t imagine it because at the time they were mostly all dark-featured.
The Akkadians were similar, and their main city was Akkad rather than Babyl. This is of course all officially considered dismissible legend.
Assyrians were of Assur. The more north you get, the more admixture you get from the people of Arrata.
All of these Fertile Crescent peoples are considered separate and uniquely “Semite” because of their unique language, which is distinct from the sprawling Indo-European, but they are in fact related to the peoples of Western Europe too, it’s just they are now related to a lot of other peoples too, being a mixed multitude.
Based on Mike Mike’s response abd reading Deuteronomy 28 to 64 could it be possible that the Hebrew /Israelites are black people???
I was thinking Moses was brought up by Pharoah’s daughter so I could i be right in thinking he looked like an Egyptian in skin colour and possibly features for him to be undetected in the palace for so long.
Could it be???
What would be the implications???
Especially on end time prophecy. The US have been helping the Jews in Israel for so long to.
andre venter
“Josephus is the liar that said Ishmael is Arabs, and that all Greeks are of Japhet…” Joseph ben Mattias aka Josephus Vlavius, was an historian, and historians wrote the history, THEY DO NOT LIE.
I have never be able to find the original primary source document for the widely published “Edomitish” quote by Gerald Soman (used in this article). I have never even seen a reference to what the primary source document might be. Would anyone reading this comment be able to help with that? Thank You.
I’ve never seen a printed manifesto by Gerald Soman either and I like to record such things.
Chaplain Bob Walker
This is the origin of the Canaanites who Esau / Edom married into
Who are the Sons of God in Genesis 6 before the flood of Noah?
Deuteronomy Chapter 7 [NOT POLITICALLY CORRECT]
1 When the LORD thy God shall bring thee into the land whither thou goest to possess it, and hath cast out many nations before thee, the Hittites, and the Girgashites, and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and mightier than thou;
2 And when the LORD thy God shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, [and] utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them:
3 Neither shalt thou make marriages with them; thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son.
Were all the (men) sons of God good holy people and all the daughters (women) of men were evil & wicked? This is what 90+ % of all churches teach today. This does not make any sense to me….How can believers and unbelievers have giants for children?
Why would God destroy the earth in a flood? Why not send evangelists to preach to the unbelievers instead? Unless of course the fallen angels polluted the blood line DNA of the line of humankind or Adam.
Zephaniah 2:5 Woe unto the inhabitants of the sea coast, the nation of the Cherethites! the word of the LORD is against you; O Canaan, the land of the Philistines, I will even destroy thee, that there shall be no inhabitant.
So please explain, with a wealth of Bible knowledge, why God commanded Israel to exterminate all the Canaanites and the giant Phillistines (Goliath and David)
Deut 20:17 – But thou shalt utterly destroy them; namely, the Hittites, and the Amorites, the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, the Hivites, and the Jebusites; as the LORD thy God hath commanded thee:
Num 21:3 – And the LORD hearkened to the voice of Israel, and delivered up the Canaanites;
and they utterly destroyed them and their cities: and he called the name of the place Hormah.
Zechariah 14:21 – Yea, every pot in Jerusalem and in Judah shall be holiness unto the LORD of hosts:
and all they that sacrifice shall come and take of them, and seethe therein:
and in that day there shall be no more the Canaanite in the house of the LORD of hosts.
Read again…no more the Canaanite in the house of the LORD of hosts.
[This comment was edited for length–please keep your comments concise. ed CFT]
As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated. Romans 9:13
Why did Paul write this verse under inspiration to counter the Jewish protestations that they were chosen. They were now seeing that God does not show partiality. Jews and Gentiles nations entered into the church. It is always Gods choice and if God chose Jocob over Esaau then He makes a new covenental choice for the whole world of believing and obedient disciples. God does not show partiality. Even Jesus says of DNA and bloodine fleshly superiority and choseness the flesh counts for nothing…. You will always lose to the Modern Jew as you fail to understand they are a theocracy not a pure religion. This means they implement Anti Torah Talmud. Torah made a nation strong and safe. They deny any and all of those commandments that are good.
Take seven year term on loan.
Return of estate to children – no inheritance tax on estates.
Boy they have really got your heads in a twist.
No to homosexuality. On and on it goes.
They attack family and nation that is not there own.
Wake up for time is running out.
Christianity is our faith but as Paul said the Law was made for the unrighteous. Well are they!
Then implement those aspects of the law that forbid money lending to an American at interest by a Jew.
He will not resist you as it is biblical and he claims covenant. Enforce his Law and he will leave.
John 3
Wrong again, Russ. It’s you who are taking Romans 9:13 out of its context. You conveniently fail to mention that Paul is actually quoting Malachai 1:2-3, ““‘I have loved you,’” says the LORD. But you ask, ‘How have you loved us?’ ‘Was not Esau Jacob’s brother?’ the LORD says. ‘Yet I have loved Jacob, but Esau I have hated, and I have turned his mountains into a wasteland and left his inheritance to the desert jackals.’ Why does God hate Esau? Because he forsook his birthright by taking alien wives and creating non-Israelite children known as the Edomites, the bitter enemies of the Israelites, His chosen.
No, Russ, nothing changed with the new Covenant. As Jeremiah 31:31 clearly states, “Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah.” No mention of a new Coventant with non-Israelites (your “Gentiles”). Why? Because “Gentiles” means “Nations” not “non-Israelites”. The “Nations” are the “lost” and uncircumcised Israelites ‘scattered abroad’ (John 11:52), not in Judea.
Christ came only for the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel (Matthew 15:24). These “lost sheep” are the “nations”, and you, Russ, make Christ a liar by claiming He came for everyone.
Thankyou John 3,
Romans 9:11 For the children being not yet born, neither having done any good or evil, that the purpose of God according to election might stand, not of works, but of him that calleth.
See it was a God made a choice while in the womb. Not because of your protestations. Esau had done neither good nor evil.
Now go and read clearly who killed the Christ Acts 3 : Its was the sons of Israel.v12
Sons of Abraham Isaac and Jacob v13 our fathers.
Not the Edomites the apostle is clear it is not some Judiac/Edomitic class.
Peter second gospel sermon to Israelites.
If they were Caucasians then they called for the murder of Christ.
We know the Israelites killed Jesus.
Gentiles were grafted on and non believing Israelites were cut off.
This is why we are fellow citizens. IOW Israelites not aliens.
Thanks for your comment.
No, the Israelites did not kill Jesus. The Jews did. John 8 proves that these people were never in bondage, and cannot be Israelites. They are instead imposters. They have cut Israel off from being a nation… by identity-theft.
Grafting on isn’t the same thing as being the Lost Sheep of the House of Israel. One doesn’t create the other. Revelation 7 says all but two of these tribes are literally Jacob’s sons. The two that are missing are the two witnesses who are called Gentiles in Revelation 11. By mixing with the nations to such an extent that they could not be direct heirs, Dan and Ephraim have done the impossible.
That said, I don’t believe that all Israel shall be saved. Israel isn’t some Eastern Religiosity’s idea of spiritualism over substance. Revelation 7 proves that. Jesus says His sheep hear His voice, and won’t listen to a stranger preaching what Jesus never taught His Discipled Apostles. Jesus says in His prayer to His Father, that we will believe on Him by their words. Matthew’s last words are that the nations would be taught the words that the Father sent to us through His Son.
No amount of commentary can top that. Beware the leaven of the Pharisees.
All the Pharisees are under the condemnation of having blasphemed the Holy Spirit when they said Jesus performed miracles the same way they did miracles. This sin will never be forgiven. It’s impossible to believe that Paul hadn’t been there or at least had it taught to him at the foot of that Pharisee who demanded a human sacrifice. People don’t spend much time thinking about what the words mean.
Jesus didn’t die for all mankind. God does nothing in vain… what would be more vain than dying for people who could never hear His voice? Jesus said He didn’t want those fake Jews to be converted. He said that He was taking the Kingdom of God to the nation who would bring forth its fruits. Jeremiah 19 says Judah/Jerusalem is a broken pot that can never be mended. Jeremiah 18 says Israel is to be repurposed. And it has.
The Lacedaemonians were Pelasgians. Crete was Pelasgian. The Minoans DNA is European, primarily mtDNA H and YDNA R1.
“…neither do I think that the eponymus of the Argive Danai was other than that of the Israelite tribe of Dan.” –Latham, Ethnology of Europe
We know what the Pelasgians look like, because we see them on the paintings at Knossos. They wore their hair in three tresses twisted together with gold and silver wire. Ridgeway finds these wires from Troy to Etruria to Spain. These people were the Silurians. They brought Zeus Jupiter and the Oak (see Cook) to Danmonia.
“The country of Hav, literally translated, would be “the summer country.” Hav, in our old orthography (as in Lib. Land.), would be Ham ; it may import, Haemus or Haemonia. Defrobani may either be Dy-vro-banaxi, the land of eminences, or high points, Thrace in general or else Dyvro-Banwy, the land or vale of the Peneus, Thessaly, Haemonia.” — Davies’s Celtic Researches
mike ,ike
Just finished reading Romans and it says absolutely He came for lost sheep…but then you conveniently ignore all the verses that say that salvation is open to ANYONE that accepts Jews 1st then also Gentiles. (Rom 1:16) Also Gentiles are any race descended from Noah that is NOT Hebrew.
Quit telling half truths. Yes He did come for the lost sheep but but salvation is a available to all not just to Hebrews. Notice how people who claim that He came for israel only never mention Rom 1:16 among all the other verses such as Rom 11:11.
And no jews are not Hebrew. And yes Christianity is for all intents and purposes True Hebrew nation. And jews are no way FATHER’S chosen people. But we move closer to Rev 17:12 for them to have their moment one hour with their system of power (government) with their master the dragon the devil. All this to accomplish our FATHER’S will because YEHOVEH our GOD is in control. Rev 17:17
andre venter
“Were all the (men) sons of God good holy people and all the daughters (women) of men were evil & wicked? This is what 90+ % of all churches teach today. This does not make any sense to me….How can believers and unbelievers have giants for children?”
“Why would God destroy the earth in a flood? Why not send evangelists to preach to the unbelievers instead? Unless of course the fallen angels polluted the blood line DNA of the line of humankind or Adam”
Your comments make no sense at all. Doesn’t your bible tell you that “Noah was a preacher of righteousness” It doesn’t say he was a builder of a ship. So therefore the Creator did give them ample warning by “Evangelists” as you term it.
The “giants for children” was born from “God’s sons” or fallen angels, now demons. By having sexual relations with ” The daughters of man. These babies or children were all males and they became known as the Nephilim or Fellers, as they fell or made the men of the earth to fall in death
Michael Sinclair
Read: CHRIST WAS NOT A JEW by Jacob Elon Conner, this excellent book is available on archive.org.
Wayne Walton
The Bible is the history of an ongoing Jewish Civil War. Agreed, Esau is impersonating Jacob-Israel. Esau being the arch enemies of the Biblical Israelites. Herod, Judas, and Rothschild are each Edomites. They despise the OT laws which destroy the Money Lenders. The OT laws: abolish usury, cancel debt each 7 years, and require Jubilee restitution of stolen land each 50 years. Jesus proclaimed Jubilee as the Year of our Lord’s Favor in Luke 4:18-19. Jesus cancelled debt in the Lord’s prayer. Jesus condemned usury as theft in the Parable of the Talents. Jesus observed all the OT Feasts and Sabbaths. The Edomites have stolen the identity of Biblical Jews and Israelites. So, that their evil acts will distract us. So, that we reject the OT economic laws which destroy Mammon.
Very good 😉
Well said, Wayne. Spot on!
Read: DOMESTIC TERRORISM: USA vs Veterans and the First Amendment.
can YOU FILE CASE FOR THIS Fraud OR CAN I PAY YOU FOR HELPing me fill the case.
Robert H Walker
overall good article and much I already knew. However when you claim the kIng James Bible is full of errors, then which bible is true? then they are all wrong. How can you trust scriptures if they are all wrong? then maybe Jesus is not the messiah (I say he is and that the King James is correct) but that is where the Bible full of errors argument leads…
Jewish encyclopedia says edom is in modern Jewry 1925 edition
“Errors” in the Biblical texts should not discourage us, as they are, in essence, simply “mistranslations” that through honest scholarship can be properly translated. It is written in the OT that even then the scribes were deliberately altering the Scriptures. God says “Study to find thyself approved.” He also says, “Seek and ye shall find, knock and the door will be opened.” We should not fear investigation. We should not discount the Word of God based on what others claim. We all are supposed to see for ourselves…
Some Bibles are “better” than others, as some are just complete garbage. The KJV and the ASV are my 2 main “go-to’s”, but I have numerous Bibles I reference. Invariably, the KJV and ASV are most consistent and easily accessible, IMHO
What is your opinion of Douay–Rheims Bible which seems to me the most complete one and the closest to the Greek original?
R. Ahrens
Ottify is correct. Mistranslations dont mean the bible isnt accurate or true- It just means some things may not have been translated accurately, BUT the original scrolls, including the dead sea scrolls, exist for the original source to correct any of these….Though scripture is divinely inspired and perfect we, as men, are not….Far from it. All we can do is pray for wisdom, and give our hearts to God. He WILL lead one of our people who does so to the truth….And when you try to share that which your prayers lead you to, ignore the hostility and reach out to those who are also seeking wisdom and truth. We are no prophets, as those are long gone now…But we HAVE to show our love for Christ by feeding the sheep, and we have to do what we can to make sure that what we feed them isnt tainted. There is a website called “Truthvids.net” and another called “Christgenea.org” that I cannot recommend highly enough. Lots of food for the sheep there. But imo, ChristiansforTruth is the best website of the lot from all I have seen….Check them out if you have the time.
God bless and protect you and yours, and all our people.
if am correct. God law cannot be changed but the Jews have changed the words to further there agenda. in my research so far the geneva bible is the most correct especially from 1480. you can google it and the most of the best bibles are in ireland. not in north america
No that’s not where the KJV being full of errors leads. Jesus says “But I say unto you” enough times for us to get the hint that the errors had crept in. Jesus says that because of the hardness of their hearts, divorce was done for more than adultery… that Moses allowed it. What else did Moses allow for the same reason? And what worse happened after Moses died?
How did the God of Noah tell us not to spill man’s blood… and repeat Himself at Sinai… do a complete reversal and tell them to kill everything that breathes? God loves even the sparrows… were there no sparrows in Canaan that drew breath?
Isaiah first and last chapters says God hates sacrifice and buckets of blood. Jesus tells us to go find out what means “I desire mercy not sacrifice”. Under the blood-drenched altar, only the rich could afford to be sinful. Be merciful and you will love your brother as yourself.
The nature of God shows plainly in the Person of Jesus. Jesus says thou shalt not kill. Those who live by the sword will perish by the sword. Unless and until we realize these lessons, we will cling blindly to whatever the Scribes and Pharisees have added… thinking that confess with your mouth and believe He was raised and you will be saved… is all you need to do. This sort of shallow thinking is a seed without roots in good soil… or worse, seed planted by the enemy. Jesus if you hear His sayings and do them not you will be… gone with the wind.
I am asked what changed after the cross? as though to trip me up. I answer that Jesus went to prepare the way of the Resurrection, which is Salvation for those who keep His word and do not deny His authority. One sheep, one fold, one Shepherd, one Gospel.
Jesus was not a pacifist and told us to arm ourselves with swords. The directive was thou shalt not murder, which shares the koine Greek with ‘kill’ and is another deliberate mistranslation.
andre venter
There is but one bible ( Holy Scriptures) which is God’s message to man. So you should therefore ask – Which translation is correct. You see the bible was first written in Aramaic and Hebrew and later in Greek, so for modern man with modern languages to also read it, it needs to be translated from those ancient languages into say English, German etc. So if you don’t correctly translate you will get erroneous copies or translations of THE ONE BIBLE.
Awesome article!
A. Ahrens
Your comment is 100% accurate.
It may surprise people to know, that the bible very accurately describes
1) The current mass immigration being done to white nations by the Jew
2) The identity of “White Liberals” whom basically sold themselves off to the Jew and betray their own people (The Whore of Babylon…As I will show)
3) The Belafour Agreement and the conflict of WW1 and 2, orchestrated by the Jew as a global power coup de-at along with their implementation of the Federal Reserve and the way they manipulated finance to keep people as effectively debt slaves when they rose to power, beginning the age of the beast.
4) It describes “New Jerusalem” as a country with towns and cities without walls, for a multitude of Cattle and men, and says it has great seas (Oceans) as an east and a west border.
5) Accurately describes Israel in a way that anyone with integrity and just a basic knowledge of history, would have to agree could ONLY be describing the white western nations!
YOU ARE HERE>>>>>>Revelation 12:15
And the serpent cast out of his mouth water as a flood after the woman, that he might cause her to be carried away of the flood.
Who is the woman? Well, whenever God refers to his people, he uses the term woman in some way, to show he is married to his people. Most know this as the bride of Christ. But there is a less flattering term for some…When those who were the bride of Christ turn against and divorce God and instead serve those of the Babylonian Talmud, and ride the Beast to prosper (ZOG) dressed in red, as the beast is red (Communism Marxism) they become the WHORE of BABYLON.
As for the prophecy of the flood used to destroy Gods people being mass immigration, the bible clarifies this…
Revelation 17:15
And he saith unto me, The waters which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.
When asked who the anti-Christ really was, Christ said “He who denies father and son are anti-Christ. Even now, there are many anti-Christs”
VERY revealing once it dawns on you that in his lifetime, only “Jews” denied him.
They misrepresented Christ as a Jew, because they thought the enmity between serpent and Adam would cause people to turn from Christ, but they didn’t. So instead, they used that lie to their advantage in other ways, thereby deceiving the whole world!
The banner of Judah, the tribe of the saints and ruling house of Israel, is NOT a star with 6 lines, 6 points, and 6 triangles all at a 6.66 degree angle. The herald of Judah is a lion. Also the anti-Christ was supposed to rise up from nothing, and use anothers power to cause craft to prosper in his hand and rule the world through finance in the age of tribulation. Who uses a Lion as a banner? Not Jews. Germans did. The term “saint” can mean “those who are innocent and accused”…Hitler and the German peoples were the camp of the saints.
Revelation 13:7
And it was given to him (Anti-Christ/Jewry) to make war with the saints (Germany, the tribe of the Lion herald of Judah), and to overcome them: and then power was given him(Anti-Christ, Jewry) over all kindreds, and languages, and nations
(The western white nations are all kindred with the German peoples).
This verse directly points to their rise to power through the Belafour agreement, and after WW2, no one stood in opposition to Jewish world dominance in finance and media. With the federal reserve/Rothschild dynasty as a spearhead, they truly are the anti-Christ. The cause of the suffering in wars, famine, usury, tyranny, ect. Which they almost always blame on Christians.
So why did white nations like America and Britain give their power over to them and let them take over the west?
Revelation 17:17
For God hath put it in thier (Israelite/Christians) hearts to give their power and authority over to the beast, until the words of prophecy are fulfilled.
ANOTHER lie they want people to believe, is that they (jews) created Christianity for mass control. But observe their burning hatred of Christ and Christianity. Would they REALLY hate their own psy-op? Would they let their psy-op make whites the greatest of nations for 100s of years as they themselves were homeless vagabonds and wanderers right up to WW2 (which btw fulfills the legacy of Cain, gen. 4:12)
If you STILL doubt that the white races are the scattered lost tribes of Israel, Gods people, here is more undeniable verification….
Its no secret, that Jews and the Ruling elite, as well as most minorities, HATE, and I do mean really hate to the point of Genocide, white people.
According to Rev. 2:9, and 3:9, the people calling themselves “Jews” are liars and imposters. So who are the true covenant people? Who is it that will really be put through a tribulation?
Only whites Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Scandinavian, Germanic, and kindred people have fulfilled all promises and prophecies regarding the 10 Lost tribes of Israel.
1) Israel was to become a great nation and a company of great nations.(Genesis 12:2; 18:18, 17:4; 35:11; 48:19)
2) Israel to keep the gates and ports of enemies ( Genesis 22:17,Joshua 21:43-45:)
3) Israel were to be seafarers, explorers, and colonizers (Genesis 28:14; 49:13; Numbers 24:7; Deuteronomy 33:19; Judges 5:17; Psalms 2:8; 89:25)
4)Israel were to be a blessing to all families (nations) of the earth (Genesis 12:3; 18:18; 28:14; Isaiah 27:6)
5) Israel were to amass wealth and success as Farmers (Genesis 27:28; Deuteronomy 28:11; Deuteronomy 33:13, 14, 28)Boer, the word for whites in Africa, literally means farmer. And the starving masses in the African nations dispels them as farmers… Jews have been known only as bankers and merchants in history.
6) Israel was to be God’s witness and carry the word of God to all the world (Isaiah 43:10-12, 21; 59:21; Matthew 28:19-20)
7) Israel was to be God’s (“battle-axe” and an undefeatable military power (Numbers 24:8; Jeremiah 51:20-23; Isaiah 54:15-17; Micah 5:8-9)*Also note, the Battle axe was a weapon favored most by white people like the Nordic and Celtic peoples…*
8) Israel to be the first among the nations. (Gen. 27:29; 28:13; Jer. 31:7.)
9) Israel’s new home country to be north-west of the country they were driven from (Europe is NW from Israel) Isa. 49:12; Jer. 3:18.)
10) The nation of Gods people on Earth was to be born in a single day, 2534 years from the time of Assyrian Captivity i n 758 BC (Mentioned often, but mostly read Deuteronomy, Isaiah, and Daniel. Its one of few prophecies one can calculate to an exact date, and it adds exactly to 1776. There is a video on Youtube that shows this in more detail called “America found in scripture”. That video shows the prophecies of the birth of this nation AND the attempt of Edom to flood it with immigrants to destroy Gods people, globally as well as here as one of the signs of the last days of tribulation.
11) Israel was to be blind to its identity and be called by a new name and not known as Israel (Isaiah 62:2; 65:15; Hosea 1:9-10; Romans 11:25). God stated he would put his name on Israel (Numbers 6:27) And through the Messiah would be known as “Christians”(Acts 11:26). For nearly 2000 years, all, and ONLY white nations were known as Christendom, and whites were the only Christians. Its only through the false Zionist controlled Judea Christian churches that this has changed.
Do jews know who THEY really are then ? Yes, most of them…
“EDOM IS MODERN JEWRY.” The Jewish Ency. 1925 Ed., Vol. 5, Pg. 41.
So you see, NOTHING is lost yet, nor will it ever be. Prophecy is playing out to the letter, and this does NOT end well for the plunderers, defilers, and invaders of the lands of Gods people, the white Christian Americans.
White people didn’t “steal” the bible from the sub-Saharin Africans, nor did we adopt it from jews, who were constantly kicked out of Europe and were vagabonds and wanderers until the slave trade made them wealthy and powerful. Whites embraced Christianity FIRST because it was OUR religion.
“Christ is our King, and Christianity is our race which you knew once as Israel”- Justin Martyr, 100-160 AD, from Paragraphs of Trypho chapter 135.
Look up a song called “Beige Horizon”. Its a song produced in Canada by Jews , and played all around mainstream, and its a song about mixing the white race out of existence. Now while anti-white propaganda isn’t anything new or special these days, he does something peculiar at the end. He looks at the camera and smugly says “Peace and lentils, Yall” to white people. Most wont get this. Unless they read Gen. 25:34 and understand that story concerning Esau (Patriarch and father of Idumea aka the jews) marrying daughters of Cain, and thus losing his inheritance to Jacob (the white race) over a bowl of Lentil stew.
The bible even describes both Israel and Christ as white people (Song of Solomon 5:10, Lamentations 4:7, Revelation 1:14, 15)
For example….
Rev. 1:14-15 (Describing Christ as John saw him)
His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow… and his eyes were as flames of fire. And his feet were as fine brass, as if burnt in a furnace.
1) It says head AND hair, not hair on head.
2) Why would a man in his 30s be described as having “white” hair? There was no such word as BLONDE yet.
3) Eyes of fire= Blue eyes. Not only is the color of flame blue, but flame has been used often to describe blue eyed people (smoldering blue eyes, for example)
4) People think that “feet like brass” means he was brown or coppery, but NOTE what it says! When fine brass is burnt in a furnace it becomes white hot. When it cools it remains white with a golden hint to it.
God bless and protect you all.
Excellent comment!
Balfour Agreement.
Israel is white?
Yes, the original Israelites were White and were the ancestors of today’s White Europeans who have spread across the world. Jews are not White and are not, and never have been, real Israelites. Fakes.
Depends on what you think white means. The Priest-King of the Lilies was Pelasgian, with Minoan DNA. The frescoes of Knossos show us what these people looked like.
Some want to think that everyone who invaded Britain is British. Or that German is somehow code for Greek. Au contraire!
The Britons who settled Albion wanted a land they didn’t have to kill to own. Unlike the Turkish Jews… who kill everything that breathes, still, and pretend God told them to do it.
You have so many good points…why so hung up on race? After YESHUA Savior became our passover the temple was open to ANYONE, no matter what race. And the so called Jews who are descendants of Cain and infiltrate all races especially Edom and use religion like Judaism and Islam to battle Christianity are not real Jews of Hebrew.
Hung up on race? First of all read Amos 3:2, “You [Israel] only have I known of all the families of the earth: therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities.” God loves only Israel, he seems to be the One “hung up on race.” He blessed Abraham’s seedline (race) through Jacob, not through Ishmail.
Christ said he came only for the lost sheep of Israel (Matthew 15:24), the same people that God only loves in Amos 3:2. Christ is God incarnate, “I am He.” The old and new covenants are with the same people, Israelites, the 12 tribes (Jeremiah 31:31). That’s why “race” or “family” is important — because it’s important to God, and we obey God.
And His name is not “Yeshua”. It is “Yashua”, and it is a compound of two words: “Yah” (God), and “shua” (saves). “Yeshua” does not mean that, and Jews use it to deny the divinity of Christ.
andre venter
Eyes of fire= Blue eyes. You sure about this, BLUE ????
If you care more about the feelings of jews than you care about your own people, or even more than learning the truth, this expose is not for you. You will not find a more accurate account of the origins of the jewish people on the internet anywhere. This leaves no doubt as to who they are, and why they are here. It also FULLY corroborates EVERY Biblical narrative, leaving absolutely no contradictions with the Scriptures. All white people who call themselves Christians will have to come to grips with this sooner or later, as every single last one of them will be falsely accused of being ‘anti-semitic’ – despite the fact that most of them will still be ‘useful’ idiots in the form of judeo-Zionists!
Wake up, my brothers and sisters!
I agree that the truth goes against the modern Jew and the nation state of Israel. I disagree with the notion that Christanity is exclusively a white religion. It historically expanded in Europe and then America which then promoted it to the whole world. That is why the children of Lucifer want to destroy Europe and America with mass migration.
The lost ten tribes of Israel were not lost…they were dissolved.
In Hosea 1 God said I am not your God anymore. They became the Samaritans. When you read John 4… The woman at the well… It explodes with truth to confirm this truth. Earlier in Jeremiah 31: 31-34 God said he would have a new covenant and live inside as a spirit. Therefore, there was no excuse for having rejected Christ.
But the southern kingdom which consisted of Judah, Benjamin, and the Levites was dominated by the Pharasees, and the Saducees which had their oral traditions that had been obtained in the captivity in Babylon. That is why Jesus railed against them. In Romans 9-11 Paul provides the key to both the old and the New Testament which is that God “cut off” from Israel all except the resurrected Christ Jesus. And like Paul, ANYBODY that accepts Christ as Messiah is grafted into the true remnant of Israel which is Jesus Christ. That is what he means when he says all Israel will be saved.
Anyone that rejects Christ has the spirit of antichrist. Most Jews qualify for that statement, but Talmudic, Cabbalist, Zionist Jews are exclusively Luciferian. Thus they have spiritual power which wants to destroy humanity and specifically Christianity.
I like the website for disclosing who the enemy is. God will not bless you for misinterpreting his gospel message that Christianity is an exclusive white religion.
Wow, RO, you’ve really butchered the meaning of Jeremiah 31:31 and completely missed the obvious. It clearly states that the New Covenant will be with the same people he made the First Covenant with, ‘The days are coming,’ declares the Lord, ‘when I will make a new covenant with the people of Israel and with the people of Judah.’ So obviously, if you are not born an Israelite, the New Covenant with Christ does not apply to you, just as Christ Himself confirmed in Matthew 15:24, ‘I come not but for the lost sheep of the House of Israel.’
If the Lost Tribes were “dissolved” as you contend, that would make Christ a liar, for why would He come only for a people that no longer exists? If I have to choose between believing Christ at His word or you, I think the choice is obvious.
Ok then…Mathew 22:8-10…doesn’t this mean Israel rejected the covenant? And then it was made available to all?
Christians For Truth
No, that’s not what it means–it’s a common misunderstanding. Please read our three-part series, “Did Israel Reject Jesus” along with all the comments:
Actually, what you’re looking for is in the Chapter before that. Jesus is the stone the builders rejected. The builders are the priests and Pharisees.
Matthew 21:42 “Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes? 43 Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof.”
Because they killed Him, the Kingdom of God was taken from them.
44 And whosoever shall fall on this stone shall be broken: but on whomsoever it shall fall, it will grind him to powder.
45 And when the chief priests and Pharisees had heard his parables, they perceived that he spake of them.
That grinding to powder is what happens to Daniel’s statue. Jesus tells us who killed Him, why they killed Him and what would happen to them because they killed Him. His parables are always prophecies. His prophecies never fail. The Pharisees are responsible for all the blood of righteous people, Matthew 23. They will never, any one of them, be forgiven.
R. Ahrens
Well put, my brothers, and thank you for the kind words, but all glory belongs to our heavenly father. I myself am not worthy of praise.
That being said, you who know the truth will be hated for it. Not for your sake, but because your a way for them to hate God through you. Thats why the truth will ALWAYS create hostility. You can praise ANY OTHER RACE and get cheers and support….Praise our race, and you will be called names and hated for it, and accused of “supremacy”….Amusing, as, even though I am a white man of Germanic descent and 5 generations in America, dont think much of myself at all so therefore how can I be called “supremacist” for praising my race when my own self reflection is that of a man ashamed and full of guilt for my shortcomings, sins, and failures in following Gods laws. None of us are good-Not one.
But yes, the bible IS a racial book. Christ DID say he was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel, the New Covenant WAS made ONLY with the same people as the old….What does this mean? It means we were given a chance at a gift so we could lay our sins at the feet of the cross and find salvation through Christ. Is this gift ONLY for Israel? Yes, it is. Christ said so, and this is about the will and word and law of God, and THAT is what matters- Not what men want or what political views they care about. The Bible tracks geneology through the whole book after all (you know, all those “who begot who” verses that people joke about though they dont get it because the anti-Christs have conditioned them to cast aside the importance of racial separation. A conditioning that was ONLY DONE to the white Christian nations-Every OTHER nation ensures it keeps thier primary majority race, and when they dont, such as in Tibet, people scream Genocide and bloody murder.
SO where does this leave non Israelites? Well, the LAWS OF GOD APPLY! AND CHRIST IS STILL LORD AND KING FOREVER! There are actually two sets of rules, which those “used car salesmen” passing themseoves off as preachers will go to great lengths to hide from you…
The word of God is PERFECT….There ARE no contradictions-just two sets of rules) says THIS for Gods people-
Ephesians 2:8-9
For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.
AND THIS for everyone else-
Revelation 20:12
And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works.
Israel was Gods witness, and carried out this task with missionaries, and printing the bible in over 600 languages, and building the Christian nations as beacons of light to the world, and symbols of what ALL nations could be if they only tried to follow the laws given to us by our blessed and holy KING OF KINGS! And with this covenant, our people and descendants were saved through FAITH by his grace.
The rest of the races, however, WILL BE JUDGED on the great and terrible day of the LORD….This is Gods will, whether men like it or not is irrelevant.
God bless, protect, and strengthen you all for the tribulation ahead, my brothers and sisters in Christ….DON’T forget to pray for the armor of God when things get bad. He is ALWAYS with us! And remember to love one another, as he loved us! Because God, and each other- Thats all we have. But its all we need!!!
Not true, Ruben, Simeon and Levi were said to have been scattered forever in the last days as punishment what they did to Joseph. It’s possible other ethnic groups DNA rulet coughs up an Israelite from time to time, but they will be outliers and remnants. That’s why we have so few non-White Christians in proportion to the non-white populations. IMO, the desire to serve God and love Him is the best sign you’ve found a true Israelite. Even the Edomites have coughed up some, much to their horror. It’s just rare.
While I applaud you for apparently having more Scriptural knowledge than the average bear, it is so off-base, I hardly know where to start correction.
Since Chesterton covered most of the “reading comprehension”, I will address something you wrote that is a bit more ‘sinister’…that fact that you claim God will not bless us for “misinterpreting His gospel message”. Who are you to make such a bold assertion on the part of God? Can you prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that 1) what is proposed here is a ‘misinterpretation’, and 2) that it is a deliberate misinterpretation?
Only under the pretense of deliberately misinterpreting the Scriptures in order to lead His children away from Him would your judgement be true. As a Christian, you need to choose your words much more wisely…
R. Ahrens
They are waking brother. And not by my words, or any other person sharing wisdom…It seems to be happening through the spirit as it happened to me. Raised by Baptists, and driven away from religion into a shameful life (because the lukewarm church is spiritually dead) just a few short years ago I was as far removed from our blessed and eternal king as one could get, and pretty much crashed out rock bottom, distressed at two failed marriages, distressed at an addiction to pain pills, distressed at what was happening to my nation, my racial brothers and sisters, and distressed at my own self loathing.
Without Christ, we are all dead inside. You may find temporary reprieve from time to time with distractions or try to medicate away that empty hole where your soul should be, but it was putting a bandaid on cancer and trying to wish it better….Not going to happen. That’s why so many climb the ladder of wealth or fame, and then put a bullet in their mouths…The promises of the beast system are hollow lies, when all is said and done.
I prayed, not for God to get me out of my despair, figuring I was too far gone for God to waste time on me, but instead for wisdom…I wanted to know what was wrong and where I had been led away. I prayed to ANYONE listening…Because at that point I didn’t know what was what anymore. Once we forgot that Judaism is the antithesis of Christianity, we were vulnerable….On a whim (or as I believe, led by the spirit) I skimmed through the Holy book to see if even a fraction of what was missing was in there…To tell the truth, the book never made much sense before then, so I wasn’t really expecting much….But it was like a fog was lifted from the words. They rang out clearly and with purpose telling me who our people were, and why we are so hated….And of course who our enemy, the Anti-Christ, has been all along….Among us, subverting, corrupting, and destroying. I couldn’t put it down…
When I first set out to share what God had shown me, I was met with NOTHING but hostility….But the more I pressed forward and I tried, I met one, then another, and then on and on more and more who have awakened to the SAME KNOWLEGE on or around that same breadth of time as I did not by MY doing, but because God had called them with this knowledge as well….Like you, brother.
I was humbled, but a warmth came over me as well, as I realized that this was a gift being given freely to ALL our people who seek him out in earnest. God did this for OUR people, and it shows. There are still, of course, many lost…But while we may plant seeds of knowledge, God will call whom he will when he will. OF COURSE we must share the truth and the good news of the work of the cross where-ever and whenever possible. But not as any “mission” but only as an act of genuine love for the father (and hatred of the beast run world!) done unconditionally, without expecting in return, just as Christ did for us.
The Jews KNOW their lies are coming unraveled. No secret thing will stay secret, and so I expect they will get pretty desperate and very outwardly evil in the near future. We must prepare for that, and plant as many seeds as we can while we can.
I know now, that we CANNOT win this war without God, and we cannot rely on God unless he has our love as a people once more, which is the ONE THING these Jews fear above ALL ELSE! It’s the reason they killed so many Christians in Russia. Its why they blame Christians for their own atrocities…It’s why DHS now lists Christians higher on terror watch lists then Al Qeda. Now they are using disinformation to mislead many of our lost back into the Paganism that got us INTO trouble with God to begin with. That is…Those they fail to transform into Nihalistic athiests…
Our people need to be reminded that it was CHRISTIAN nations, not white nations without Christianity, that were always the most blessed and prosperous….FOR A REASON! And it’s the same reason Jews are frothing at the mouth in hatred of Christ and Christianity.
Keep spreading the truth, brother.
God bless and protect you and yours!
What a glorious testimony…thank you brother 🙂
R. Ahrens
You are my brother in Christ, Ottify. Your ALWAYS welcome!
Well said!
The European nations that prospered did so because they were blessed because they had Christ! Now look what has happened to France where modern Atheism has its roots.
You can’t blame France for the French Revolution. Nesta Webster tells us who the rabble rousters were, who had actually confiscated the bread, who went among the people dressed as women and did the murdering. What remained in France was so completely cowed by the Red Terror that followed, they learned to stay silent. Same thing is probably true in any country that has alien overlords cracking the whip. The advent of these alien overlords can be found as far back as Mittani among the Hurrians, Hittites among the Hatti. The ruling class comes as a mob of men without women and children and therefore taking on the language of the people they planned on ruling. After a while, people like you start blaming the peasants for what the overlords are doing to the country they stole.
This is so similar to my own story that it is uncanny. I came to all of the same conclusions you did maybe 1-2 years ago, and I have been studying to affirm them ever since. It’s like my perception shifted and finally everything made sense. This is the ONLY thing that makes sense.
R. Ahrens
Stella, its the same story for MANY I meet now 🙂 You have been called to the truth. Praise Christ our glorious risen king! It fills me with joy seeing so many of our people stirring and answering the call. Now they are trying to shut us down through censorship to keep this from spreading….Jews are trying to stop this awakening and have even deployed online trolls and shills to infiltrate and try to spread doubt…But as with you and I and all our brothers and sisters on here, its blessed GOD that calls to them, not us.
The beast system wants war with God…When I think of his coming, I think of someone with a pebble trying to knock the sun out of the sky. Isnt it amazing, when the fog lifted for you? Its such an incredible feeling you want to share it with ALL your people 🙂 Every day, more see the truth, because Christ is the ONLY truth and its time to follow the word of God rather then what PC minded people WANT the word of God to be. They want candy coated, feel good bed time stories with talking snakes and magic trees! YOU and all our awake brothers and sisters wanted TRUTH and a return to the father.
That’s the chasm between us and those who still cant see. But I think more will answer the call. MANY more. You might be surprised at how many have shared our story-It IS uncanny, but its incredible to see the fog lift and see the world and its people for whats really going on. All these people calling the world “Clown world” and “Upside down” world would know WHY such madness is spreading if they only let God open thier eyes.
God bless and protect you and yours, and ALL our people!
mike lionheart
@ R. Aherns
Your testimony reached me 5 years after the fact.. PRAISE JESUS, MY BROTHER
benjamin w lewis
The real jews who fled the mountains from the Romans were taken as slaves to America,thats why the slaves could only speak hebrew.ask the portuguese they will say there is no such thing as a white jew for there history and documents show that all jews are black.they look like africans but they are not,see the spinsk ask the russians they history tells you the same Paul,Jesus all were dark skinned,thats is why mary can hide the baby in Egypt same colour so white being jew is a farce.
Right, Black slaves in America all spoke Hebrew? Really? Why do none of the White historians of colonial America mention this fact? Oh, I know, it’s a ‘conspiracy’. They mention that some early Indians dressed and spoke like Europeans, but they don’t mention Blacks speaking Hebrew. Hmmm.
Also, the English during the time of Elizabeth I (circa 1600) referred to Jews as “Portuguese” because there were so many Jews in Portugal and Spain that they became synonymous. The only Blacks in Portugal were Africans they brought back as slaves. Eventually, the Portuguese freed their Black slaves, and they were absorbed into the population. Today’s Portuguese are racially mixed with White, Black, Arab, and Jews–which is why they are the poorest country in western Europe.
No, Jesus was not dark-skinned–his hair was white (Revelation 1:14) which means blond–he wasn’t an old man with white hair. And if Christ had been Black, he never would have been allowed in the temple in Jerusalem–that’s a fact. And the Israelites are described as White people in the Old Testament–David, Christ’s ancestor, for example, is called “ruddy” which means pinkish–able to blush–which is why his ancestor Adam is so named: “Aw Dam” to show blood in the face. You’ve been seriously mislead.
R. Ahrens
Its no use debating them, my brother in Christ…I actually researched these “Black Hebrews”, and what they believe is pretty twisted. After seeing a video that went viral by a guy called “Mr. Metakur” whom I dont think is Christian, but was instead mocking the BHI, I saw clips of the self proclaimed “Black Hebrews” standing on street corners and shouting at both white and Asian women that Christ was coming to help them brutally violate such women. Of course thats a tame way of putting what they were REALLY saying, but I dont want to put it as vulgar as they did.
In order to understand how such vulgar minded people could possibly think they were the racial line of Adam and the witness for God, I went to thier various sites and channels. Here is what I found, along with why it is false and why they are little more then another Edom created Satanic cult.
A black man named Ben Carter, a Kansas steel worker, saw a “vision” while he was getting drunk in a bar (no I am NOT kidding) of the Angel Gabriel, whom he said had a perfect Afro, and told him that the REAL Hebrews were the black race, he followed this angel out of the bar, and it supposedly disappeared. so off he went, with Jewish donations no less, to set the Foundations of the “Congregation of Ethiopian Hebrews”.
Did Ben Carter make this up? I don’t think so, BECAUSE
2 Cor 11:14
And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
Christ said “Know them by their fruits”…Look at the fruits of the black race.They dont have a great nation, much less a company of such nations. They havent been a blessing in any way to all families of the earth. Neither have they been responsible for spreading Gods word across the world. They couldn’t POSSIBLY be the “Children of Light” (As if that title didn’t give it away already..)
They use Deuteronomy as their “evidence” because it talks about a time when Israel was cursed for 400 years, and after the curse they would set down a great nation and company of great nations. And there are some SERIOUS problems with this doctrine….But they skip over those. Some examples are these….
Deuteronomy 28:68
And the LORD shall bring you into Egypt again with ships, by the way whereof I spoke to you, You shall see it no more again: and there you shall be sold to your enemies for slaves and bondwomen, and no man shall buy you.
Blacks claim that Egypt means “house of bondage” and that the dollar having a pyramid is proof that this refers to American slavery…HOWEVER the wording of this CLEARLY shows it is talking about the actual PLACE EGYPT.*with ships, by the way whereof I spoke you* is saying that it will be the SAME PLACE that God spoke to Moses and NOT some symbolic place.
It also says you shall be sold to your enemies, yet no man will buy you. This is CLEARLY not referring to the trans Atlantic. Blacks were a high price commodity, even MORE expensive then white slaves, which, yes, there WERE white slaves at that time, most of whom were sold in Northern Egypt (Look up BARBARY slave trade 1403-1854, and ask yourself why this isn’t taught, nor is it made into movies. What are they hiding it for?)
So there was NO problem selling blacks. Also, blacks didn’t OFFER themselves to their captors. They were seized BY JEWS ( And not by whites, as statistics will show even the mildest of researchers.) NOT white Europeans….
Europeans were actually their LIBERATORS, but just as prophesied, they HATE the white Christian race ANYWAYS.
Deuteronomy 4:28 is another that debunks their nonsensical claim…
And there ye shall serve gods, the work of men’s hands, wood and stone, which neither see, nor hear, nor eat, nor smell.
And Deuteronomy 28:36
The LORD shall bring you, and your king which you shall set over you, to a nation which neither you nor your fathers have known; and there shall you serve other gods, wood and stone
This CANNOT be talking about the trans Atlantic slave trade. Because whites worshipped the GOD OF THE BIBLE! So WHEN did these blacks get forced, by whites, to worship strange Gods of wood and stone?
And when they read that Esau was hated by God, they projected THIER hate, and said “ESAU MUST BE THE WHITE MAN!” As proof, they point out that Esau was hairy all over and red. They say ruddy red is PROOF that Esau was the first white man! I agree that Esau was indeed white. But so was Jacob. Thats how twins work, and to say otherwise, is to call God a liar concerning kind after kind. But what they DONT agree with, is the fact that the bible also calls Saul, King David, , Solomon, and Adam also ruddy red. This is where they just cling to denial, sadly.
Of course, they didn’t think this through, because if this were true, Esau would have had to marry a black woman, being the only white man alive. And if ANYONE sees how mixed kids turn out, they would KNOW if that such a mix would have ended the white race then and there.
But they disregard the fact that OTHER Israelites are described as ruddy and/or red. Adams NAME means “One who blushes, of a ruddy, fair complexion, to show blood in the face” This COULD NOT be speaking of ANY of the Dark races.
Another they like to use, is Song of Solomon, but ONLY the first part, and Ill show you why….
“Look not upon me because my skin is black”
They will ALWAYS stop reading THERE, for the REST READS
“Because the sun hath looked upon me.”
Now, not only is this verse speaking as if dark skin is a mark of shame, but the phrase “For the sun hath looked upon me” shows that this person was darkened by the sun. Another European only trait. Being a commercial fisherman, I know that despite normally being pale as a fishes belly, I can get ridiculously dark with a lot of exposure to the sun. Just look to your average white roofers….
And they NEVER read Solomon 5:10 (In which Solomon’s lover describes the Israelite Solomon…..
“My beloved is WHITE and RUDDY, chief of 10,000”
They instead prefer to go to the NEWER abominations of warped scripture (such as the NIV) which changes it to “radiant and ruddy” which doesnt really even make sense…..Its silly how painstakenly they try to hide the truth with these “New improved” bibles….Published by the same publishers that produce pornagraphy and the Satanic bible by Anton Lavey- Yeah, real trustworthy? I think not.
Another verse that shows that Deuteronomy is NOT talking about blacks, is this….Which they ALSO conveniently ignore…
Deuteronomy 28:58
And thou shalt eat the fruit of thine own body, the flesh of thy sons and of thy daughters, which the LORD thy God hath given thee, in the siege, and in the straitness, wherewith thine enemies shall distress thee:
WHAT SIEGE!?!? To this day, blacks haven’t constructed more then simple mud huts in Africa…WHERE did this supposed siege take place?!?! And when did blacks in America starve to the point of eating each other? Slaves were actually often better fed and cared for by thier wealthy (mostly Jewish) owners then the average struggling white settler.
The TRUTH is, this happened when the Edomites (Jews) betrayed Israel (Whites) and because they were disobedient to God, the LORD let Israel go into Assyrian captivity. THIS is when the 10 tribes became LOST and the last they were known to have been, was heading Northwest from Assyria.
Guess whats northwest of Assyria?
The Caucus Mountains…
Blacks would have people believe, that a people that have NEVER produced a written language, wrote the greatest book ever written. Blacks want people to believe that whitey ran around and painted over ALL the pictures of black Jesus and black Israelites, to make them white…Blacks would have you believe, that a superior civilization found a bunch of naked savages, and enslaved them after stealing their religion! Its quite a stretch of the imagination, and would have to mean that every archeologist, historian of today and all through history, scientist, and world literature publisher plus many more, would have to be in on this plot to keep the black man from knowing they are the covenant people. Alex Jones would be in awe of their conspiratorial minds!
Blacks were OVERJOYED when they learned that Neanderthal DNA was identical to white European DNA….
Again, this HARMS thier argument, and doesnt help it. Not at all.
IF DNA and those “fossils” are real (I have my doubts, but thats another topic) then I would assume this-
THOSE are the bones of biblical characters who lived to be 700-900 years old. Like Adam, or Methuselah. Certain parts of the face never stop growing, you see…Which gave them that brutish look in their old age, but with a larger brain holding centuries of wisdom.
This is nothing new. In just one hour of research I found blacks claiming to be all the following (Im am not trying to be funny. Anyone can research and find this as well).
The original Egyptians
The first astronauts
The first Native Americans
The TRUE Aztecs
King Henry the VIII
The original Europeans
The REAL people of Japan
Melanin powered Gods on Earth
The creator of the way of the Samurai
The TRUE creators of Shakespeare work
The inventors of almost EVERYTHING (here is a list, with debunks)
And THAT is all about an inferiority complex. The race that has accomplished the least, HATES the races who have made accomplishments.
Its kind of sad and pathetic when you think about it.
That pretty much sums up what I have learned.
They like to use a Hitler Forgery as well, which claims white people “Took Gods Jewels” but its been proven a forgery beyond any doubt…As it was traced back to a black woman whom had created and circulated the forgery.
They are not only covetous, but they are ALSO false prophets. I have videos I had posted on my You Tube channel before it was purged, still up on my Bitchute channel (Steel Midnight) showing them making false prophecies….
Yes, they claimed Christ was coming in ’73, then 86′, then 2000, then 2012 to help them kill, rape, plunder, and enslave all white people ! Whenever it doesnt pan out, they just hike the date again….They have been doing it since the 70s, as far as I could trace.
Black Hebrews take out whole passages and even a couple of books from the bible (They teach Paul was a forgery) and add their own things as well…As NOT ONCE does the bible say the white race came from Esau, and there is no evidence of this, unlike the Jews where Christ blatantly calls them liars, hypocrites, vipers, sons of the devil, and the murderers of every prophet from Abel to Zachariah.
Blacks dont WANT the truth though, they want God to hate the white man because they themselves do, and so this insertion is the CORE of thier cult. They seek to make God in thier image, after thier likeness….In a way I feel sorry for them, for they are all going to be destroyed I think on the great and terrible day of the LORD.
Rev 22:19
And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life
God said he would “Put his name on the lost tribes of Israel, and through the Messiah, they would be called “Christians”. Black Hebrews will TELL you they HATE CHRISTIANS…Guess they never read Acts 11:26, nor do they know that for almost 1500 years, the mysterious people who appeared from the Caucus mountains to establish Europe were called “Christians” as a racial term, more then any religious term.
Christ told Paul to take the books of scriptures to the lost tribes scattered around the world, and so Paul took the books not to Africa or black Africans…He delivered these to the NORTH to the Scythians, who would later divide into the nations we know now as European nations.
In closing, by believing in the black Hebrew doctrine, one would HAVE to believe that God was a liar, a false prophet, a weak God who couldnt keep his book straight. Therefore, being a believer in either black Jesus or in the teachings of these heretics is blasphemy of the most severe kind. And it DISTRACTS from what they SHOULD be taking away from the word, and that is the LAW of God. And a trip over to the channels of Colin Flaherty or Richard Gladdens channels will show the consequences of that type of thinking.
God bless, protect, and strenghten you all my brothers and sisters. I pray some of you found this informative so that you better understand what Satan is using to discredit and attack us, as this cult is a mockery of our faith and mocks our blessed and eternal King, Christ almighty God.
1. What race and color was Noah and his sons?
2. Which group of people did each son father?
If Noah’s children were different races, they would have intermingled and created a racially homogenous mixed group. Mixing races never produces more races; it only ever homogenizes races. Therefore, it’s never even worth considering whether multiple races were involved. They could only ever have been one race.
If Noah and his family were only one race, then all of Adam and Eve’s children were only one race. If Adam and Eve were only one race, then there is only one race of mankind. Therefore, there’s no need to subdivide mankind into races. “Race” doesn’t exist according to the Bible.
If Adam and Eve were only one race, then not all upright, intelligent bipeds come from Adam and Eve. Therefore, upright, intelligent bipeds which are not from Adam and Eve are animals. Unfortunately, under the classification of “race”, the world believes that walking upright on two legs and being intelligent necessarily means being a part of Adam and Eve. Nothing in the Bible suggests that.
Purely geographically and historically, there’s no way Eskimos, Aborigines, Asians or Khoisan could possibly have had any connection with the Biblical world. This further supports that idea that being an upright, intelligent biped does not necessitate being one of Noah’s children.
Arabs, Indians and whatever else dwells around the Middle East are the product of mixing. They cannot be considered as candidates. The only real candidates then are whites and blacks. Whites are the only people who can verifiably be connected with any of the peoples in Genesis 10. Whites have been the carriers of Christianity.
To answer your question then:
1. White
2. They all fathered whites.
Any other answer requires assumptions which cannot be proven in reality or within the Bible.
Sheepdog ….
Just wanted to thank you for your comment/response. Somedays it can be hard living alone in a sea of scoffers. It really is this simple.
Curious — do you have any thoughts on “how” we lost this truth …… “when” and “why”? I think we know the “why”.
I don’t know enough History of the past. It seems to me as if this “Truth” was just assumed until perhaps just a couple hundred years ago. Maybe the French Revolution was that dividing line.
Anyway ………….. I would appreciate any thoughts you might have on this Topic. Thanks. Have a nice Thanksgiving with your family.
@westwins… There are probably specific reasons depending on the location, history, culture, extent of jewish influence, etc. Each place could be assessed specifically on a case by case basis. I suspect in the final judgment, we will dive deep into each case.
Broad strokes though, I think it happened for the same reason people became adulterous, homosexual, murderous, or whatever other sin we can think of. It must have been a combination of seeking man’s approval, seeking after fleshly pleasures, partiality, fear, greed and a strong push from Satan for good measure.
What do you think?
One of Ham’s sons was named Cush which majority of biblical scholars attest is the father of Ethiopia. Ethiopia is an African country and its inhabitants are black. Historical and scientific evidence reveals the Ethiopians were always black dating back to antiquity. It’s is also a SCIENTIFIC FACT that black people in Africa and elsewhere are the MOST genetically diverse beings compared to whites and Asians lack diversity in the genes. Black people can produce a diverse range of skin complexions from jet black to various shades of brown, light to dark, to copper, bronze and ruddy skin tones. They can produce albino offsprings that can pass for being European or Asian. Blacks also have the most diverse hair textures and eye color. Whites and Asians on the other hand can only produce an offspring like themselves. Can you please shed some light on how black people, who have so much diversity in their genes are the offspring of whites who lack genetic diversity?
Reginald, I think you missed my point entirely… Blacks didn’t come from Adam and Eve at all. Blacks are animals. Only whites could possibly be descended from Adam and Eve.
Sorry but those “biblical scholars” you appeal to are wrong. Diodorus Siculus, a historian from antiquity, did not consider blacks to be a part of the Ethiopian population, Read for yourself: https://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/Roman/Texts/Diodorus_Siculus/3A*.html
Blacks are not genetically diverse at all. If you think they are, then you’ve been living among mixed-bloods for too long.
As a white man I can assure you that albinos could never, ever pass as white. Their light skin only highlights how different they actually look…
Reginald, so you think that even though the majority of biblical “scholars” are wrong that we should agree with them anyway just because they agree with what we believe?
Majority of biblical scholars believe in the “trinity”. They also believe that today’s “Jews” are the Israelites of the Old Testament. They believe “gentile” means “non-Jew”. They believe that Jesus Christ was “mixed race”. So why should we take anything they claim as authoritative?
How does a white couple, Noah and his wife, produce a black child? Some kind of “miracle” that’s not mentioned in Scripture?
If Ham were black, then all of his descendants would be black, including the Egyptians, Canaanites, Nimrod….archeology shows that these people were originally white.
And the biblical “scholars” are wrong about Cush. The original “Cushites” of antiquity were originally white, and later were overrun by Nubians and eventually became black. Look:
Please shed some light on how black people are MORE GENETICALLY DIVERSE compared to whites and Asians and HOW genetically diverse black people are the offspring of whites who have VERY LITTLE diversity in their genes?
Also please explain how black people produce albinos that suffer the same as white people in extreme temperatures?
Reginald, you’ve been brainwashed by the Jewish Marxists to equate “diversity” with blackness or non-whiteness.
In reality, there is very little racial diversity among blacks. The only diversity you find among blacks are those with some white or other admixture. Whites don’t need mixture with other races to be diverse in their phenotypes.
Albinism is a genetic mutation that all races experience, not just whites and blacks. Albinos are NOT white, they just look whitish.
White people have much greater diversity, with many different shades of hair and eye color. That’s real diversity.
No one’s been brainwashed, I’ve actually looked into it myself and I disagree with you. Black people can not only produce black but diverse shades of brown, light to dark, from copper to bronze as well as ruddy skin tones. Black people can also produce albino offsprings THAT CAN PASS for white folks. Blacks can also produce a diverse range of hair texture and eye colors. Look it up.
On the other hand, white people can only produce offspring like themselves but it is EXTREMELY RARE, if not impossible for whites to produce an offspring that looks like Wesley Snipes.
mike mike
oh yes
mike lionheart
@Benjamin Lewis
Benjamin Claude Holman
Well when they accuse me of being anti-semetic, I will say how can I be anti-semetic when I am a semite?
The scriptures read by the early Church (at the time the NT was being written) was the Greek Septuagint. This contains the Books of the Maccabees – removed by the Protestant Reformation. Maccabees contains the history of Judea’s conquest of Idumea / Seir which remained one of the strongholds of the descendants of Esau with its Rephaim bloodlines into which Esau married. In the inter-testamental period, the Idumeans (Y)Ids – took over the Synagogues of Judea with their Pharisaical Babylonian Sect based on the Babylonian Tradition of the Elders (a tradition based on the nullification of the Law and the Prophets of the Covenants). At the time of Jesus Christ, they had married into the priestly line of Aaron (Levi) and had the Temple. Their king Herod was on the throne. The Serpent Seed to which the Book of Genesis refers had finally come to its head. The enmity between the Seed of the Serpent and the Seed of the Woman was going to play out in Judea under the Roman rule of Caesar Augustus and Caesar Tiberius. Jesus clearly identifies the Seed of the Serpent as the Jews and this definition pertains to Himself. They reject him. Period. They will not have this Man to reign. This is the litmus test and the tradition of the Church from the time of the Apostles. As this titanic conflict develops through history, the Jews will gather into themselves all those nations that similarly reject Christ. And the reigning Christ ill gather to Himself all nations that crown Him as King and found themselves upon His Church as the basis of law and social order.
Lynda wrote, ” Jesus clearly identifies the Seed of the Serpent as the Jews and this definition pertains to Himself.”
Surely, you are not suggesting that Christ came from the seedline of the Serpent? I’ve heard many people claim that Christ was multi-racial and not a pure Israelite, which is demonstrably false.
I’m sorry Lynda, while much of what you expounded upon is indeed true, you took a sharp left turn off a cliff by suggesting that Christ is of the seed of the serpent simply to explain doctrinal error, not realizing the far reaching implications of such an accusation when it comes to proliferating the Truth. That simple claim makes a liar of the entire Bible – just to fit one small narrative. I’m curious…what would make you seemingly believe and understand the concept of “seeds” and “seedline”, yet throw them out of the equation when it matters most, suggesting that the dividing line of ‘nations’ falls only to ‘belief’. Would you be suggesting that the Canaanite jewess the apostles tried to turn away from Christ, the one Christ told He came ONLY for “the lost sheep of the House of Israel”, would be a member of the nations who “crown him as King”? Such a claim negates God’s declarations that 1) “Of all the families of the earth, only you have I known”, and 2) the Kingdom would not be left to other peoples (non-Israelites).
Lynda, you are so close to the Truth. Please don’t let man’s doctrines get in the way of your wonderful mind and heart putting these final puzzle pieces together so you may worship your Savior in Spirit AND in Truth 🙂
NO, Jesus identification of the jew as of ‘their father the devil’ or ‘seed of the serpent’ in NO WAY pertains to Him! Jesus is not jewish ; His human side was of the ‘house and lineage of David’ and IS of ‘the House of Israel’ and the tribe of Judah, but jews are NONE of those things! They know it, they admit it among themselves and it is provable in a thousand ways.
If NOTHING else, 1 John 2:22 proves the jew to be antiChrist ; how could there be an ‘antiChrist Christ? [or for that matter, and antiChrist Christian? such is the oxymoron of the term ‘judeao Christianity…]
R. Ahrens
Judaism is, and always has been the antithesis of Christianity, which the latter was the new name given to Gods children. (Isaiah 62:2; 65:15; Hosea 1:9-10; Romans 11:25 ,Numbers 6:27 , Acts 11:26) Not once does Christ state that “Jews” are his people, so you guys are correct. In fact, Christ calls those “Jews” a “Generation of vipers and serpents” in Mathew 23-33-35. I can be pretty long winded when explaining things (Sorry, I started out writing blogs and mini-articles so its a bad habit in my comments.) But this time I dont have to, as “Christians for Truth” handle the matter perfectly in this article. They summarize it perfectly…
I havent read part three yet but I plan to tonight. I would like to add some things for context as to why the Jews would continue to lie about being something they are not.
1) God stated that he would bless those who bless Israel, and curse those who curse Israel.
Unfortunately, our people have some flaws that are tragic. Jews have been carefully scrutinizing our flaws, which are A) Too compassionate and willing to be welcoming for our own good, and 2) Easy to manipulate….Like sheep.
By posing as Israel, Jews get a “get out of jail free card” no matter WHAT they do, since having tricked our people into thinking that this literal synagogue of Satan are children of light…Our people, even those whom THINK they are unbelievers, even unconsciously want to do right by God…And so when they believe Jews are Israel, and Jews murder 200 of our finest on an unarmed ship which was there to support them (and gleefully enjoying it if you listen to the leaked transmission) or when Jews dance at 911, and are all called NOT to show up on 911, and the dancers say they were “Only there to document the event” (that supposedly even the pentagon knew nothing about) AND are the only ones who benefited from that tragedy, they get a pass, because our people want to “bless them” and not be cursed by God.
The thing is though, our people have spent the last 70 or so years “Blessing” the people who murdered Christ. The people who curse his very name, and openly revile him while calling the bible a “hate book of propaganda”. Has our nation become more blessed and prosperous since this began, or are our cities rotting and full of crime?
2) This is a way for Jews to MOCK God and the name of our eternal king, Christ. Jews KNOW they are Edom, so they laugh to themselves whenever anyone refers to Christ as one of theres, as that is literally stating that Christ is of their father, the devil.
3) Jews feel like they were cheated by Jacob out of the blessings and inheritance, partly which includes the land of Israel which they believe should have been thiers by birthright in challenge to the will of God. They feel this covetous resentment against TRUE Israel (Europeans) to this day. Want a proof reference? There is a song floating around, written by Jews and performed by a half Jewish, half black performer, called “Beige Horizon”…The whole song is him bragging that they are going to make the world all dark skinned people by breeding the white race out of existence (that white Genocide they swear is just some crazy theory)…But the proof of WHY is at the end…When the song finishes, the demonically inspired singer looks at the camera and smugly tells the white race “Peace and Lentils, yall”…Odd thing to say in such a song…UNLESS you understand and read they read Gen. 25:34 and understand that story concerning Esau (Patriarch and father of Idumea aka the jews) marrying daughters of Cain, and thus losing his inheritance to Jacob (the white race) over a bowl of Lentil stew. They think in worldly terms. They could care LESS about the promised salvation of the spirit and kingdom of God…No, they want the riches and the land of that inheritance…And THAT is how they justify murdering the Palestinians there and possessing a country that isnt thiers to possess, and that is how they justify all the cheating, lying, stealing, manipulation, and usury they do to European countries. They think these worldly inheritance is “owed” to them, and do not care that God passed it to Jacob…And they will continue to hate the white race for this petty reasoning…Look to twitter at all the “White Liberals” saying HORRIBLE things to, and about the white race, who broke down and admitted they were Jewish…Its not a one-off thing.
And here are some quotes through history…Do you see how deep this hatred is? They are of thier father the devil, and when you say Christ is one of them, you blaspheme in the worst way unintentionally or not….
*We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tensions. By propounding into the consciousness of the dark races that for centuries they have been oppressed by whites, we can mold them to the program of the Communist Party. In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the Negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the Negroes. We will aid the Negroes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the professions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the Negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause* – Israel Cohen,Zionist 1912
“Some have said that diversity is about getting rid of white people. Well, they are right. And that’s a GOOD thing”– Emily Goldstein, Jewish Journalist, 2015
“If your trying to say we have been plotting to replace the white population in America with immigrants, your absolutely right. And it doesn’t matter if you know or not. We have been at this for some time now. Nothing can stop us now. Nothing.”- Mark Potok,Jewish attorney, SPLC, 2011
“There has been a rise in anti-Semitism because at this time, Europe has not yet learned how to be multi-cultural. Europe is not going to be the monolithic societies that they once were. They are now going into a multi-cultural role, and jews will be resented because we are at the center of this and leading it. But without us, Europe will not survive.- Barbara Specter, Jewish Zionist 2016
:We will continue to bash all the dead white males, and the live ones. And their women too. We wont stop until the construct known as the white race is destroyed. Not dismantled. Destroyed.” Noel Ignatiev, Jewish author of race traitor magazine and professor at Harvard-1994.
” We will continue to promote multiculturalism, until the white Christian people are no more, and because they are a weak in thier flaws of self righteous benevolence, our task should not be to difficult. And only then we will stop identifying as white. And thus, our turn will come where we (jews) will rule the world. Who, then, can stand against us?”Oskar Schmitz in Der Jude, 1926,
*”The European of tomorrow will be a hybrid of Negro and Asians blended with the so called white race. We (Jews) are going to make this happen, one race ruled over by the pure blooded Jew*- Coudenhove Kalergi, “Godfather” and mastermind behind the creation of the European Union, 1914
An unrelenting flow of immigration, its not going to stop. Nor should we want it to stop. For the first time ever in America, white Caucasians of European descent like myself will be an absolute minority in America. And this is what we want. THIS is the source of our strength!”- Creepy Joe Biden, jewish Zionist (who pretends he is white) 2014.(++NOTE++ There are several videos where he boasts about being a Zionist, and he has typical features of them, not of Caucasians. He is PRETENDING to be a European! A ploy they use often.)
It has surprised some people to find out that the president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People {NAACP} is NOT a Negro BUT the JEW ARTHUR SPINGARN. It is the Jews who are behind desegregation, while they keep the strictest of segregation laws in Israel which shows, with no doubts, their intent with pushing multiculturalism in every, and ONLY in every white majority nation on Earth.
Mark Potok, of the SPLC, keeps a chart like THIS on his office wall which has surfaced in photographs…
European global population-
1900 30%
1990 16%
2018 8%
Projected for 2040 4%
People don’t just lose 96 % of their population without a catalyst. And thanks to the ego of those boasting in the above quotes, its easy to figure out who that catalyst has been.
They like to defend themselves by saying “Whites are just blaming jews the way blacks blame whites for their problems”.
I am NOT blaming them for any of my problems. I’m accusing them of the genocide of my people. There IS a difference!
“Most Jews wont admit it, but our God is Lucifer, and we are his chosen. So when we say we are chosen of God we arent lying to the Goy…We just arent telling them who chose us.”- Harold Rosenthal.
Do you see the absolute HATE they have for all the white race yet? When you understand this evil and covetous hatred, you will understand how a people can BE SO DIABOLICAL that they would inject the world with Animal DNA and the tissue of Aborted fetus into your blood while smiling and telling you they are going to “save” you if you choose to follow them and not God. They will kill your soul, then your body and do so in the name of “Peace” because they think this world is rightfully theirs and thiers alone, and see our race as an enemy in the way of that, just as they see God and Christ as enemies.
Sorry…Didnt mean for it to run long again, but accept my apologies as I pray some find this knowlege insightful and useful in waking others.
God bless and protect you all.
‘Antisemites’ don’t share the impression that Jews’ have of themselves.
The sooner our people learn they are anti-semitic simply when they don’t agree with any jew, the better.
After suffering through that article, I’ve finally figured out why jews tend to have such unusually large noses – because their heads didn’t have enough room for their bloated egos…
Also because fresh air is FREE (just my little joke – couldn’t resist sharing).
John Sinclair
Jews have unusually large noses because the air is free.