(Forward) Jewish reactions to banal comments made by black television host, Whoopi Goldberg, about their sacred “Holocaust” has proven once again that Jews don’t really know who they — and without knowing what a “Jew” is, they cannot explain “anti-Semitism” is either:
Like Nora Berman, I also felt that Whoopi Goldberg’s Holocaust remarks were a teachable moment — but I’m a teacher, so to me most moments are. Fifty-plus years as a Jewish educator have taught me that hardly anyone, including many Jews, really understands antisemitism.
We have long denied that we are a race, arguing that we don’t want others to define us, and we bristle when someone references “the Jewish race.” But we get angry when told we are not victims of racism.
Our own inability to define who is a Jew doesn’t help. It’s like defining great art: I’ll know it when I see it. Then we have the problem of who is not a Jew. Where do we draw the line?
In a class on this subject at Hebrew University in 1968, we were asked to define a Jew. One born of a Jewish mother or who converts? One who considers one’s self a Jew? One who others consider to be a Jew? One who practices the Jewish religion? One who does not convert to another religion?
Is Judaism a religion? A culture? A nation? A tradition? An ethnic group? The answer, of course, is all of the above. This fluidity is great for us, but confusing for those who are not Members of the Tribe.
The race designation has often served American Jews well. In Gold Rush San Francisco, for example, Jews were welcome to become full members of society because, for the first time in our history, we were considered members of the white race, since we weren’t Asian or Black.
But I know I’m not the only Jew who feels uncomfortable checking the box when asked my race on a form. Should I check Caucasian? Maybe I’m Other?
I don’t believe Whoopi Goldberg is an antisemite. I believe she is a non-Jew who sees race as most Americans do: through skin color. Defining Judaism is complicated, and we shouldn’t be surprised when others are confused. I thank Goldberg for making this a topic of national discussion.
Like Oprah Winfrey, Whoopi Goldberg is a quintessential Jewish golem — a monster they have created to help them destroy their real enemy — that is, the white Christian race — and the golem often turns on its master/creator.
Blacks often have a very simplistic, superficial understanding of “race” — often perceiving Jews as White simply because they look White — and their “anti-Semitism” is merely a reaction to seeing White skin.
But why is the definition of a Jew — and “anti-Semitism” — so vague and context-dependent?
Two main reasons — first, Jews benefit from being pleomorphic, having the ability to change identity depending on the situation to their best benefit — a chameleon-like talent of the Jews that Wood Allen featured in his 1983 film Zelig.
This ability to “blend in with” or “pass for” White people has been a major secret to their success — and why Jews comprise the vast majority of convicted spies in U.S. history — as Richard Nixon once commented of them, “The Jews are born spies. You notice how many of them are? They are just in it up to their necks.”
And the second reason Jews can’t decide what a Jew is — is that Jews are an invented people — by their own admission, they are not legitimate descendants of the biblical Israelites — as many Jewish writers have admitted, notably Shlomo Sand in his book, The Invention Of The Jewish People — and Arthur Koestler in The Thirteenth Tribe.
The Bible tells us that the ancient Israelites were split into two groups — the vast majority of Israelites comprised the ten northern tribes taken into Assyrian captivity — after which they lived, as Josephus noted, beyond the Jordan River, and comprised the Parthian and Scythian peoples — who eventually migrated north and west into Europe.
The remaining Israelite tribes — Judah, Levi, and Benjamin — lived in and around Judea until the destruction of the temple in 70AD — after which many dispersed. Then when the Romans utterly crushed those who remained in the Bar Kokhba Revolt, these Israelites — known as “Ioudaios” — ceased to be a defined and coherent people held together by both race and religion.
Many in this dispersion — so-called “Jews” — settled in Damascus, Anatolia, and Babylon — where they inter-married with their hosts and created a new religion for themselves called “Judaism” — which was not, as they often claim, based on the faith of the Old Testament, but rather a reaction against — and refutation of — the Hebrew faith and its promised messiah, Jesus Christ.
They codified this new occult religion in their “holy” book, The Babylonian Talmud — along with the Kabbalah.
What defines a “Jew” today? Nothing unifies them, not even these “holy” books — they reject all attempts to define themselves in any positive sense because they exist as a negation — as a collective “adversary” or “antithesis” of Christendom.
They reject ultimate reality as embodied by the truth in Christ — they stubbornly adhere to a false identity as Israelites and obsess over the empty rituals of the law — without which they would be nothing more than what they are under this thin veneer of “Judaism” — a deracinated mongrel band of economic gypsies, swindlers, and exploiters hell-bent on destroying Christendom and the true remnant of Israel.
Ironically, it’s no more absurd for Whoopi Goldberg to call herself a “Jew” than it is for Jews to call themselves Israelites — in that sense, Goldberg embodies the pretense of all Jews — claiming to be a people who they are not.
Anti-Semitism is not the same as anti-jewism (zionism)
Semitism relates to the descendants of Abraham and the Biblical twelve tribes, of which Abraham is the Patriarch. Shem was the eldest son of Noah, of which Abraham is a descendant.
Judaism has to do with jews. And jews are not Hebrews, nor Israelites, nor Judahites.
1Chronicles 1
Being descendants of Abraham has nothing to do with religion.
Jews may have become white, their physical features, however, still reveal their jewish descendant.
The Bible is not a jewish Book, nor is the Law of Moses jewish.
The jews stole the Israelite identity
Aldo Filter
Who can prove his semitism?
Semitism, just like judaïsm, is a RELIGIOUS BELIEF !!!!!!!
Judaism, as the mother of most secret societies, is itself the ultimate secret society. And like all secret societies, it never seeks to explain itself, even to the novice, but only adept Jews, who know “The Secret” As Jewish Historia Shahak states; “Classical Judaism had little interest in describing or explaining itself to the members of its own community, whether educated (in Talmudic studies) or not. ( See Israel Shahak Jewish History, Jewish Religion Weight of 3000 years,)
As the quoted writer states; “This fluidity is great for us, but confusing for those who are not Members of the Tribe.” It works for the Jewish leaders to keep Judaism fluid even to the Jews, because it helps in Masquerade, subterfuge, confusion, masking, smokes and mirrors, sleigh of hand, etc.
The lack of explaining Judaism, or what it is to be “Jewish” helps the Jewish leaders by giving them the power and the leeway to “explain” it is as they go along, in a way which suits the occasion. Like in one moment, a Jew can be an Irgun, Haganah or Zionist terrorist and the next moment, a woebegone holocaust victim. It also explains how “ The Most persecuted people in the World” also happens to be “The Most Powerful people in the World”
That’s the stuff that can send your mind bending from extreme cognitive dissonance. You can’t make this stuff up!
One of the most bizarre stories in Hollywood lore has to be how then-married star Ted Danson began an affair with Whoopi Goldberg, which became public, and led to one of the most expensive divorces in Hollywood history….What kind of man would pay $30 million dollars, let alone $30, to have an affair with Whoopi Goldberg? Ted Danson, that’s who. Their lives are truly babylonian.
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
When Goldberg is back on that crap show, watch her grovel & genuflect to the holocost religion, probably adding a few tears & promising to visit Awwshitz so she can feel what those Notsees did to 4 mill, uh, 2.5 mill, uh, how bout 1.1 mill, which includes the Gentiles there.
I hope the Jews keep squashing public figures who mistakenly utter something the Jews dont like, then fire or relentlessly pursue that figure in the media.
Keep doing that Juden, you’re waking up more ppl than any Tweet or blog could ever hope to do bout your 6 gorilion lies.
There have been quite a few jews who spoke out against the suspension of Goldberg….they thought it went too far and was counterproductive. I think when someone like Whoopi who has spent her entire career pleasing the jews, other jews feel uncomfortable to see her cancelled and persecuted. But hysterical jews have no sense of proportion, they make mountains out of mole hills. They are the boy who cried wolf. This mishandling of Whoopi will backfire on them, and will create more antisemtism where there was none before.
Rabbi Glickman
Perhaps. But “antisemitism” is good for “us”. It’s what keeps us glued together. Without it we have no real identity. We are merely people with an obsessive hunger for wordly trinkets and honors.
As well as needing rhinoplasty.