“Average IQs had risen by roughly three percentage points every decade since the Second World War, in a poorly understood trend known as the Flynn effect.
However, the new study, by Norwegian researchers, found that men’s IQs are measurably lower today than the scores of their fathers at the same age. Ole Rogeberg and Bernt Bratsberg, of the Ragnar Frisch Centre for Economic Research in Oslo, analysed the scores from a standardised IQ test taken by more than 730,000 Norwegian men who reported for national service between 1970 and 2009.”
“Researcher Michael Shayer, who co-authored the report, told Euronews that since 1995 a “large social force has been interfering with children’s development of thinking, getting larger each year”.
This “social force” includes the development of technology, such as game consoles and smartphones, “which have altered the way that children communicate with each other”, he explained.”
Although the average IQ across Europe would be expected to drop with the large influx of third-world migrants, this study seems to suggest that this observed drop is independent of that larger trend. It is doubtful that very many migrants reported to the Norwegian military service where these tests were conducted.
The cause is most likely a combination of influences–yes, mental dependence on computers would seem to lower your ability to think for yourself, but there’s also evidence that environmental factors also be at work, such as glyphosate exposure and artificial fats and sweeteners such as aspartame in the food supply. Studies have shown that fluoride exposure can lower childrens’ IQs by at least 10 points, but fluoride has been discontinued in Norway. But then again, Norway is one of the most liberal countries in Europe, and that alone may be the cause.
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