(Jewish Insider) You might ask how Ethan Strimling, the New-York-born jewish mayor of Portland, Maine, who recently welcomed another 250 homeless ‘asylum-seekers’ from Africa to this small, largely-White city that has already been rocked by a wave of migrant-related crime, has any hope of getting re-elected in a couple weeks:
The only advance notice Portland received [of the migrants’ arrival] had been a call from a Catholic Charities worker in San Antonio, Texas, who had put the asylees — who had crossed into the U.S. through the border with Mexico — on a bus headed for the coastal city, Strimling said in an interview with Jewish Insider.
Though it created a housing crisis for officials in the municipality that The New York Times described as one of the “oldest and whitest states in the country,” Strimling and others welcomed them.
In April, when President Trump tweeted that he was considering sending immigrants to sanctuary cities, Strimling tweeted in response, “If Trump wants to send more immigrants our way, I say, ‘Welcome Home!’”
Asylees who arrived in June were given temporary shelter at the Expo Center, a city-owned basketball arena. “The city’s response made me so proud that I was a member of this community, let alone the mayor,” Strimling told JI. “I went to the shelter every night and talked to the families, made sure they were safe. “It gave me great joy to be down there every day.”
About half of the unexpected African asylees have settled in Portland, with the rest having been set up with housing in surrounding communities, said the mayor.
His city is “without question the most diverse in the state,” Strimling told JI, and he expects the 2020 census to reveal that 15 to 20 percent of its residents are people of color – a major shift from 20 years ago.
Now, three weeks from Portland’s mayoral election, Strimling hopes voters will elect him to a second term. Despite having three challengers, including one who interned for Strimling’s last campaign, “we are feeling cautiously optimistic” about winning, he told JI.
Strimling, who will turn 52 this week, was born and raised in New York City and was an acting student at Julliard when he decided to take a left — or northern — turn and move to a farm owned by his mother’s best friend, near Maine’s Acadia National Park. He earned his Bachelor’s degree at the University of Maine and a Master’s degree in education at Harvard before going to Washington to work as a legislative aide. He returned to the Pine Tree State to run a congressional campaign.
….Antisemitism has not been an overt issue in his race for a second term, he said, but there have been more subtly worded attacks, including a July article about donors to his campaign in the local Portland Press-Herald, which highlighted the contributor with the most overtly “Jewish” name.
In addition, there have been some anti-immigrant and anti-Strimling signs posted around Portland, he said.
“I get a lot of ‘go back to NY’ — code for ‘New York values,’ you know what that can mean,” Strimling told JI. “But overtly antisemitic stuff, where they’re really identifying my ethnicity, I haven’t gotten that.”
So Strimling knows that as a jewish outsider he’s resented and not welcome by many of the native-born residents of Portland, but he merely ignores those “antisemites” as he boldly pushes forward his nation-wrecking agenda of imposing “diversity” on a city that has no room and no need for uneducated and violence-prone migrants from Africa.
And what’s his answer for this housing crisis he’s created by welcoming these homeless migrants? He has the taxpayers float a bond to pay for low-income, government-subsidized public housing for them, in typical Bolshevik fashion. He’s willing to bankrupt the city, create a crime-ridden ghetto, and raise taxes in order to bring about his “Final Solution” to the ‘problem’ that Maine is still the “Whitest state” in America.
As Bari Weiss, the jewish writer for the New York Times has assured us, it is not a ‘conspiracy theory’ that Jews are behind the flooding of America (and Europe) with Third World migrants, and Mayor Strimling is the living embodiment of that jewish “canard”, as the ADL likes to call it.
One of the smartest men who ever lived, Nikola Tesla, once warned, “Never trust a Jew,” but apparently the liberal voters of Portand think they are smarter than Tesla. Twenty years from now when large parts of Portland are dangerous slums, Strimling will be long gone, enjoying his retirement in Tel Aviv, not the cold winters of Maine.
I believe that it is best to get the facts, understand the context, and educate yourself thoroughly before condemning political leaders. And elected leaders can always be voted out if the majority feels that they are not being represented well.
I live in Maine and have always thought Strimling to be a tool. He creates problems and then excuses them away. Until I read this article, I had no idea he is a practicer of Judaism. Looks like he is planning to blame antisemitism rather than his actions for why he loses this election.
I was good friends with his wife Mary going back to the early 90’s. She’s a sweetheart, he’s an ass in my book. He cheated on her with a campaign aid. Ruined that marriage. He never deserved her anyway. Smug. I too would love to know what he has for skin in the game with pushing Portland as a sanctuary city. Yes he is Jewish and from New York. I never held that against him, until I find out he’s putting 300 Africans from Mexico route into the Portland expo and has in fact turned the Scarborough Walmart into a 3rd world in a matter of a couple years. What an asshole. You just never know what people are going to do, but the first time I met him I had a bad feeling she needed to find another man to date. Not shocked at the divorce, shocked she kept him around that long. Maine needs to get rid of him permanently vote him out of any elected office. He is radical and amoral.
Funny thing, with all those evil “anti-Semites” shooting up schools and synagogues and various other locations that serve the Jews’ purpose in furthering their “gun control” agenda, not one targets mamzers like the Jew Mayor of Portland.
I figure if these so-called “terrorists” and “anti-Semites” were for real, then we would have a lot fewer of these Jewish politicians running our lives. However, considering what happened to Bob Matthews and the “Bruder Schweigen,” it is obviously easier and safer to attack schoolchildren and innocent people vacationing then to target any real opposition.
Cowards always attack the weak and defenseless. Jews are the worst cowards, that is why Jews target children and old people around the world, these are easy targets for Jew cowards. That is why Jews push ever harder for “gun control,” to make white people defenseless targets for their minority tools attacking and slaughtering white people around the country virtually unrestrained.
If you want to see what is really to white people, visit http://incogman.net.
Here is an extensive, but by no means complete listing of white people murdered by minorities – http://incogman.net/victims-of-pc/.
Time is growing very, very short. Better wake up before it’s too late. – Too bad it’s already too late for so many white Americans. You can thank Jews for that.
It is not “moral” to give away the accumulated hard work of your ancestors (your city, your country, and your civilization) to racial and cultural aliens that will treat your children as an enemy. In fact, that is the opposite of moral.
Well said
Jews are white. And so were German race haters. The French revolutionaries were white and so were the first communists in Russia.
What do they all have in common?Atheism.
Now when your a part of a minority group what is the best way to blunt the opposition. Simple flood the place with African pigmies and hotentots.
Two things happen: the expected diversion of sudden cultural Chaios and secondly a dillution of the distracted racist opposition putting the minority guy swiftly onto the moral high ground.
It’s political divide and conquer.
The only thing that can unite people is a universal and truly Catholic religion.
Something the Jews rejected and the Protestants splintered off from.
Read “slaughter of cities” Dr E Michael Jones.
Sorry Patrick, but the first 3 words of your comment completely voided the legitimacy of anything you had to say thereafter.
Please prove to us where the jews are Europeans (ethnically white). If you can actually do that, then your words bear merit, but only until then…
Patrick, you quote E. Michael Jones, but don’t seem to understand that he denies the existence of White identity or the White race. He has stated this numerous times. Mr. Jones does excellent work critiquing jewish power and subversion, but he’s lost when it comes to understanding race because he allows Church doctrine to dominate his reason. He needs to take off his blinders.
Also, I’m not sure what you mean by “White”, but surely you don’t mean that merely having White skin makes you White. After all, many Asians, Arabs, and even some Africans can have “white” skin, but you would hopefully never say there were White.
According to genetic studies, Jews do not share the same haplo-type as White Europeans, and since a haplo-type generally connotes race, even geneticists would not say that Jews and White Europeans are from the same race. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haplotype
Up until recently, Jews collectively were often referred to by Europeans as an “asiatic” people, and were seen, for good reason, as being racially distinct. So you really are walking on thin ice to claim Jews are White.
Who are the Jews? Read the following helpful essay, which really opened my eyes:
I met Ethan Strimling when he first started dating someone I knew well during college years. She used to be a friend at that time. I thought he was a ‘nice’ guy but had a fake smug self absorbed aura and not someone I felt in my gut could be trusted at all. I did not want to share my personal gut feelings with Mary however. We were all young professionals and going our own ways and I wished them both well. I didn’t dislike him because I didn’t have to stomach more than a couple of meetings but knew that he was wrong for her . I was shocked when they married. I was less shocked when I found out about his affair with a campaign person after Mary had left her nursing position to support his career. I was not shocked at the divorce. Since I was not local anymore and only in Maine occasionally I did not pay much attention to his career post meeting him in the late 90’s. I knew he was from New York and went to Umaine and that he had high aspirations in politics. Over the past decade I have read snippets of news about Ethan and realized he was far more toxic than I first guessed, he was radical liberal and coupled that with his apparent own amoral view of marriage and fidelity, hides his smugness less and less. With his latest moves to turn Portland into a SHITHOLE… by importing thousands of poor immigrants who really have no chance and the State of Maine as broke as it is.. cannot support these people when you have already a major problem with homeless and other budget issues, and a new governor who is an idiot and knows nothing about business or growing an economy… together these radical democrats will destroy the State if they are left in office for very long.
I pray that the voters of Portland will have the good sense to dump Ethan STrimling. Not because he is Jewish and radical.. but because he’s literally clueless about how to build an economy and a sanctimonious asshole and has simply confirmed my suspicions and gut reaction to the guy 20 years ago. I have not seen his wife since my fathers wife was dying in 2004 at the same hospital she works at, but can state she was always a sweetheart, and acted very caring towards my father’s wife . I don’t know Ethan well but his record in politics is dismal and his latest crap about the ADL and Racism and bringing his Jewish identity into it… instead of answering a simple question about WHO IS GOING TO PAY FOR IT ETHAN ? Just beyond ridiculous. There is definitely something going on in Europe and the US that seems to be orchestrated by radical Zionists and people who are financing them and in cahoots with them.. flooding illegals from Africa and Mexico into European nations and the US… nobody is asking China or Africa to take on millions of illegals. Why does Israel act so racist towards the same displaced peoples if Jewish people have such a love for immigrants ?
Ethan.. you are not fooling anyone. Maine’s history is not one of accepting thousands of unaccountable immigrants at any point. Is he going to accept responsibility for the increase in crime ? I don’t forsee him putting them up on the Western Promenade in his neighborhood.
He’s just a plain ass. Period. I’d say that about him if he was doing any other job. The way he has always talked and acted. Very proud of himself. Well in my book when you cheat on your wife you’re untrustworthy and no longer worthy of holding public office of any sort.
Ethan is either A) being told by someone in New York or his friends at the racist Abe Foxman ADL to be part of this onslaught of mass immigration into the US and Europe or he’s doing it on his own for some sort of legacy …
Maine has a proud heritage , Mainers are good people. It produced the likes of Joshua Chamberlain as Governor an hero of Gettysburg. Joshua defended the Union from defeat with his 20th’s empty rifles and bayonets drawn… and morons like Ethan decide they’ll just help destroy it from within because they feel entitled to it. He has no historic roots in Maine. He just thought it was a nice place to go to school and live. Now he feels he has a right to destroy it . Maine voters can let him know he’s just one outsider, welcome to return to NY at any point and cheat on someone else at his leisure. His days of influencing Mainers will likely come to a halt sometime soon enough. His agendas are too radical and MAGA is going in the opposite direction. Trump 2020 is for certain, and a big part of that is the immigration issue and questions about Israel’s influence over American politics and Jewish leaders and banks having unprecedented influence over American lives. Dealing with these question is not racist or anti-semetic. One has to also wonder if the Ashkenazi Jews are anything but Khazars and have little to no claims of semitic heritage. While Ethan spent his career in politics I spent mine in genomics. He’s more than welcome to spit in a cup and I’ll sequence his DNA. I’m thinking he has more Neanderthal genes with some of his behavior. Deplorable.
I loved your article on all counts except calling the illegal, undocumented, border crossers of several countries into ours, shitholes! They are people and have already committed very serious crimes entering our country illegally. Hope they are caught and deported, soon. You are right about what you have written.
There is not a single example of a white, homogeneous society improving from an influx of Third World non-whites. Prove me wrong. Look at Minneapolis (Little Mogadishu) after years of Somali immigration. Or let’s look to Europe, where Germany, the UK, and Sweden are being torn apart after an invasion of Arabs, Africans, and assorted Asians.
Have you heard of the “Asian grooming gangs” (Muslim men) that target underage white women for sexual exploitation? Oops, sorry, we can’t let inconvenient facts get in the way of the jewish-promoted idea of multiculturalism.
It’s actually quite sad. I’ve spent time in Maine, and most of the Maine residents I’ve met are good folks. But because they have rejected the principles of nature and the word of God, which teaches racial separation from Genesis to Revelation, the people of Maine will suffer the consequences, along with their white offspring.
And for the liberal Mainers shrieking at this article, why don’t you ask Strimling why Israel doesn’t accept Third World “refugees” and instead ships them off to Europe and America? Why do Jews promote multiculturalism for the White man, but not diversity in Israel?
You Mainers will reap the fruits of multiculturalism, brought to you by your antichrist jewish politicians. Wake up or be replaced.
Maine is a better place with my immigrant neighbors, and without you. Keep out of my state, or find out the hard way how we deal with weak, useless nazi scum like yourself.
Nick, can you show me one example, anywhere in the entire world, where a white homogenous area has benefited from Third World non-white immigration long-term?
A recent study out of Denmark proves that diversity in the form of non-white immigration destroys social cohesion and fractures a white society. https://christiansfortruth.com/the-science-is-settled-new-study-proves-conclusively-that-diversity-is-not-our-strength/
Of course, this can be seen literally throughout the entire western world, that is, if you are capable of acknowledging reality.
You, Nick, do not appear to be capable of independent thought or even rational discussion. Like the rest of the brainwashed Bolshevik masses, you avoid discussing facts and retreat to your safe space with the predictable “nazi” name calling.
Here in Portland the socialist leaders know exactly what they’re doing. But the socialist followers aren’t so bright. They think destroying their own town is “Wonderfullll!” because of diversity, overwhelming taxes, social benefits for the workers that destroy small businesses and drive bigger businesses out, and driving out the middle class while raising the haves and have nots. I could go on and on.
The problem isn’t so much with “African Migrants’, the problem is with “Islamic Migrants’. Now they’re seeping into city government.
The other problem is implementing “Rank Choice Voting”.
Life long and generational residents of Portland Maine are leaving the city constantly in the past few years. They’ve had enough.
Yep. That is a well known phenomenon called “White flight”. Happens every time. Even white people don’t realize how ‘racist’ they are…
The alien who resides with you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God.
Leviticus 19:34
The word “alien” here comes from the Hebrew “geyr” (gare), which is best translated as “sojourner” or “guest”, not “alien” as we understand it today. It certainly does NOT imply a racial alien. The Egyptians and the Israelites were related by blood, and were, in fact, of the same race. It would be safe to assume that “soujourners” or “guests” whom we welcome should be from our same race.
You quote the most racially exclusive book ever written–the Old Testament–a book written by, for, and about the Israelites–as some sort of proof that we should welcome all races into our lands? Wow, your understanding of the Bible seems willfully ignorant and self-justifying.
At least we know the poor fellow couldn’t possibly be a religious jew. He’d have to be on the front lines of non-jewish immigration into Israel, and probably would be dead by now…
When ANY of these “vibrants” rape, rob, or murder the residents of Portland, the blood will be on Strimling’s filthy hands.
This is the future of Portland with Strimling and his die-versity agenda.
“A racially integrated community is a chronological term timed from the entrance of the first black family to the exit of the last white family.”
—Saul Alinsky, jewish communist radical and mentor of Barack Hussein Obama
Interesting article just published entitled, “The Necessity Of Anti-Semitism,” which explains why it is an important and essential part of any healthy society:
This is absolutely ridiculous! I am not for this, and I’m sure many other Mainers are not either! He’s making decisions based on his own opinions, instead of listening to what the people actually want. I’m absolutely furious at this!
Makes my blood boil but wrt the voters of Maine Heidegger’s words come to mind ‘Either they don’t know enough to care or don’t care enough to know’.
The children will curse this mayor’s decision forever in the future.
White voters of Portland, wake up!
Your jewish mayor hates you and wants you replaced or eliminated.
A vote for Mayor Strimling is a vote for White Genocide!
Right, Strimling thinks Maine needs to be improved by importing Black Africans. No one ever talks about Israel being improved by importing Arabs, or Africa being improved by importing Whites or Chinese. This double standard is the epitome of chutzpah!
And when Mayor Strimling has finished his job of destroying Portland, he’ll pack his bags and move back to his native New York City or Boca Raton to be among his own, with accolades from them, a job well done, “mission accomplished”.
Haven’t been home since 2000 in Georgia now unhappy but stuck don’t let them do to you like they did here it’s bad here in Georgia stop them now at all cost
Diversity is the Jews’ strength against the White European ethnic heritage population of America.
I was raised and continue to live here in Portland/ Old orchard beach Me. Strimling figured never asking,what about the residents in hardship that were born and raised an work/pay taxes here? He didn’t care, what it would be like. Well me and my wife were both homeless and living on the side of a river in a tent,no help from them nothing whatsoever. He probably thinks we deserve it. He will continue to live in his home on pine Street in the West end,no problem. But I believe whoever said when people wake up well it’s going to happen sooner or later and regrettably that person will be called an anti-semite. Because that person will show him the same callousness and uncaring action of what they do. Like he did to the people of Portland. I’m like the people of Portland he will deserve it.
The Mayor of Minneapolis is an Jew too. #EveryF***ingTime
What this article hasnt said is that the current homeless and less fortunate people including veterans of ALL COLORS that were there before. All these “asylum seekers” ,which lets face it they are not all oppressed people, were kicked out of the shelters and low income housing to make room for the extra influx of people. To be honest portland is screwed if they dont find a way to stop him from letting more people thab his city can handle come in. I dont care what color, race, religion they are portland is screwing its currebt citizen to make room.
Considering that author Stephen King is from Maine and he was a Hillary Clinton supporter it doesn’t surprise me that the locals voted for this mayor. If they become victims of immigrant crime maybe they will change their minds.
This isn’t the first story of this kind I’ve crossed. One question comes to mind above and beyond all else.
Why did they put this subversive in office?
I wouldn’t vote for a jew. They must have known beforehand that Strimling was a jew. Were the people of Portland trying to show how open-minded they are? Or is it simply that most Americans, including the people of Portland, aren’t jew-wise?
The kalergi plan in full effect in Maine. Those poor residents, they have no clue, that guy(mayor) better watch out when God wakes them up.
Absolutely; but how many Americans (or other nationalities for that matter, and caucasians especially Christians) are even aware of that cuck Kalergi and his diabolical plan for the world to be run and controlled by false Jews/the Synagogue of Satan and his miscegenation?
The minorities, who will be the beneficiaries of the wide open immigration policies of the west, will not be enjoying the countries that were controlled and nurtured by white, ethnic Europeans. The countries will be nothing like the invaders are expecting. It will be downhill all the way. A country is comprised of its people. So, destruction must be the end game. I hope they will enjoy being ruled by Jews.
If non-Whites need a little hint about what life is like under jewish rule, here are some examples:
-Bolshevik Russia: 30 million dead
-Armenian Genocide: 1.5 million dead
-Ukrainian Holodomor: 20 million dead
-Palestine: needs no explanation
Incorrect: 60 million dead (mainly Orthodox Christian peasant farmers starved to death on their own farms).
As I have always said, when people from third world countries are encouraged to immigrate into your country, while maintaining their own peculiar cultures and languages, you will soon find yourself living in their country. Thus, given enough Somalian immigrants, it won’t be long before residents of Maine find themselves living in a cold version of Somalia, or Mexico, or Africa or any of the other third world countries presently being used to destroy western civilization. This will eventually result in the disappearance of the country you once inhabited.
The fact that the stupid, gullible, white herds of goy sheeple cannot comprehend this simple, obvious fact of life, is attributable to the Jew’s clever ability for programming people to the point of inverting their own culture to its destruction. The very first story of an advanced civilization in the Bible alludes to its destruction using the method of confusing language and therefore cultures.
As another commenter posted, I hope these third world cretins enjoy enslavement by their Jewish masters who plan on using and slaughtering them like the cattle they truly are. Of course, the Jewish masters will keep these brown Obama clones in a primitive state, using the extinct white mans’ advanced technology technology to control and cull, their herds of brown slaves, with an average IQ of 70 to 80.
Remember -If it’z goot for Jews, then it’z all goot! – No matter who suffers and dies.
The article title is a rhetorical question, right?
3 sad points:
1) the white people voted him in
2) they didn’t oust him after betraying them
3) if they vote him back in they deserve everything coming to them…
Btw, I couldn’t finish watching that vid. I could feel a migraine coming on…
White people did not “vote him in” because the false Jew/Synagogue of Satan has ruled the world for generations already and, you can be 100% certain that they control and select every single politician that ever gets into power, anywhere except “tinpot dictatorships” (also known as voter fraud or election rigging).
So glad to see there are others who see the forest for the trees. I’ve been called “crazy” more times than I care to remember, by the very people you’re talking about.
I agree with literally every word you’ve said on this thread. Thank you.
I don’t vote for exactly that reason. If I lived in Portland, I then could not be accused of ‘voting him in’. That also means I wouldn’t have voted for the alternative jackass either. Point being, despite all the voter fraud, etc., a 90%+ white demographic absolutely is responsible for casting the votes that could be ‘manipulated’ into this jew being elected. THEN, when he proved to be a traitor, these white voters refused to get off their laurels to eject from office…get me now? If we refused to participate in a broken system, that system would become obsolete…thus the concept of Christian ‘separation’.