Vice Chairman of the World Zionist Organization Yaakov Hagoel, responded Monday to alleged antisemitic graffiti inscribed on the face of Jewish candidates posters for the French editions:
“The many anti-Semitic and racist inscriptions on the posters of candidates of Jewish origin in France deserve sweeping condemnation,” he said.
“These demonstrations of hate are outrageous and unacceptable. I am very concerned about the continued hatred of French and European society as a whole.”
“Like the other viruses, governments, education professionals and law enforcement authorities must fight against anti-Semitism, defend democracy and find a cure for this malignant disease: anti-Semitism.
“I strengthen the hands to our Jewish brothers and sisters living in France and, after all, urge them to continue to raise their heads with Jewish pride.”
It appears that the Jews are jealous of all the attention that the coronavirus is getting, and they don’t want people to forget that, ultimately, it’s all about them.
So while scientists work feverishly to find treatments and cures for the cornonavirus, everyone else is obligated to find a cure for ‘malignant antisemitism’.
Of course, the presence of antisemitism in society could very well be a sign that is still relatively healthy and still has a strong will to survive.
If you want an example of a society without ‘antisemitism’, look at the brutal jewish-controlled Soviet Union which murdered 60 million Christians in a vain attempt to eliminate ‘antisemitism’.
Apparently, it’s ‘antisemitic’ to warn the French voters which candidates for public office are Jews — after all, in the Soviet Union to even notice that someone was jewish was considered a capital crime. It’s coming if they get their way.
‘Jews will always tell you what was done to them. They’ll never tell you why’
Old Russian proverb
I bet you a dozen bagels that a Tribe Member painted that Swastika on those posters.
When Jews saw how much attention the deadly Corona virus was getting, they felt maligned, since the Goyim weren’t tearing up over their fantasy holohoax fables, so they’re attempting to remind us Gentiles that only Jews suffer.
What can you expect from a pig but a grunt.
Jews themselves have often been described as being opportunistic invaders that take over host nations, destroying them from within. No wonder they identify with the coronavirus. Antisemitism is the only medicine that keeps a nation healthy once this virus has taken hold. Without an antisemitic response to the invasion, the host will eventually succumb to fatal “judaiasis”.
We can see it happening now…..
The author made an very important point in emphasizing the 60 million murdered by jews and their jewish controlled communist machine. One of the first laws passed by the jewish Bolshevik commies was a law making “antisemitism” (jew awareness) punishable by death. They executed a great many, and with demonic glee tortured people to death.
Their descendents are no different. They are the jews that control our government, media, publishing, and there’s pretty much nothing left that the jews haven’t invaded with their rat claws.
It will not stop with “antisemitism laws.” Jew awareness (what they call antisemitism) is very high at this point, and jews are very aware of this. So emergency procedures have to be implemented.
With a an epidemic virus, the rabbinic leaders of the international crime syndicate can cause pandemonium and force the goyim to take this vaccine that their laboratories in Israel just so happened to have created in the nick of time to “save us.”
According to jews, anti-semitism IS a virus, thus substantiating their delusion that THEY have nothing to do with it.
I think jews have a fixation with viruses, and are responsible for most, if not all…
Amen! The jews are such a biologically corrupt race, with so many genetic problems, that I think they have collective sour grapes that Adamites are, for the most part, very healthy.
What a joy it would be if the jews could only have us as sick as them, and then fix us with there mad scientist experiments and cures. Ho yoi yoi! The shekels would be rolling in! LOL