(The Jewish Chronicle) It turns out that Robert Sepehr, the popular self-styled historian and anthropologist on YouTube, who promotes the idea that most — if not all — advanced civilizations across the globe were founded by Aryans, has been ostracized by some of his followers after his own Jewish ancestry came to light:
Robert Sepehr had amassed more than 580,000 subscribers on YouTube with his racist theories about humanity’s origins and claims about Jews. But he has now been dubbed the “enemy” by his former fellow travellers after his own family history emerged.
Sepehr’s father, Ben-Hur Sepehr, was a Jewish director who made an award-winning film about the Holocaust — [and] Robert Sepehr’s publishing company is registered as a Jewish charity for tax purposes, it can also be disclosed.
The revelations have horrified the followers who were drawn by Sepehr’s extremist views.
One of his videos is called The Hidden Hand of the Rothschild Banking Family, which incorporates the Star of David in its title. In it, he claims the dynasty pressured the British government into prolonging the First World War, saying: “They are clearly one of the richest families on Earth, as well as one of the most corrupt.”
The Californian has also written a book called “1666 Redemption Through Sin: Global Conspiracy in History, Religion, Politics and Finance,” in which he says the “Rothschilds controlled mainstream media” and distorted the truth about Adolf Hitler. He writes: “Hitler has been made out to be the most evil person to have ever lived, by starting needless wars and slaughtering millions of innocent people. What if it isn’t entirely accurate?”
The 2015 book also claims Jewish bankers control “the world’s major corporations, mainstream media, intelligence agencies, think tanks, foundations and federally funded universities responsible for suppressing the truth”.
On Twitter, the 46-year-old has claimed that Jews are “trying to subjugate Europe by flooding it with Africans”, an echo of the notorious “Great Replacement” conspiracy theory, which contends that Jews are coordinating the immigration of Africans and Asians to threaten white Europeans.
In addition to his book sales and YouTube revenue, Sepehr, who is from Encino, Los Angeles, is believed to be earning almost £3,000 a month from hundreds of subscribers on content platform Patreon. His adoring followers described him as “the world’s most dangerous anthropologist”.
Shoring up his credentials on the far-right, he claimed that his grandfather was a high-ranking officer in the SS, which only would have been possible if he could have proved his Aryan ancestry.
Sepehr shared the results of a DNA test on YouTube, claiming he had “zero percent” Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry. He did not say whether he has Mizrahi or Sephardi roots. But in December, rumours began to circulate among his followers that Sepehr was Jewish.
One former follower wrote on an extremist forum: “This guy is not to be trusted. Do not listen to him, do not watch his videos. He is the enemy.” Another said: “This Jew is a disinfo agent,” while a third accused him of “discrediting our movement”. One follower posted: “The disappointment is palpable. Was it just him wholeheartedly wanting to be and identify as an Aryan? Or was it all just another underhanded deceitful Jewish trick?”
Sepehr aggressively responded to the claims. When a rival called him “Mr Wanna-Be-Jew” on Twitter, he hit back: “Big internet tough guy, say that in person and I’d open-hand slap you across your felon mouth.”
Internet analytics service Social Blade found that Sepehr’s video views and subscription rate on YouTube fell in the weeks after the revelations surfaced. It can now be confirmed that Sepehr is the son of Jewish film director Ben-Hur Sepehr, who was born in Iran and left after the revolution.
He once told a Jewish magazine that he wanted his films to combat “worldwide misrepresentation of the Jews”. In 2010, Ben-Hur made “The Desperate,” a movie set in a concentration camp where a Nazi general begs an incarcerated Jewish doctor to treat his dying son. “The Desperate” won best short at the Hollywood Film Festival in 2010. Ben-Hur uploaded footage of the event on YouTube, in which Robert can be seen celebrating the film’s award with his father. The end credits of “The Desperate” also list Robert as an associate producer of the film. Ben-Hur Sepehr died last year.
The JC has also established that Robert Sepehr’s publishing company, Atlantean Gardens, is registered as a Jewish charity for tax reasons. Robert Sepehr did not respond to multiple requests for comment from the JC.
The JC spoke to a relative who confirmed that Robert was Ben-Hur’s son, adding that Ben-Hur was Jewish, but Robert’s mother is not. The relative said Sepehr was close to his father, and has thrown himself into making YouTube videos since his death. Asked how Ben-Hur perceived his son’s work, the relative said: “In these times that are hard all over the world — with the pandemic — people are not allowed to say their free opinion. You have to be so careful.”
We’ve run a couple popular articles based on Sepehr’s YouTube videos — one on the “Cloud People” who built the South American pyramids — and another on the ancient kingdom of Kush.
And some of our readers took exception to how we were promoting his work because he turns out to be Jewish — or part Jewish (whatever that means) — and because in his videos he appropriates other’s work without proper scholarly attribution.
It’s a rare YouTube history channel that mentions any sources — and since the audience isn’t academic — nor seems to care — they can get away with it.
That said, as this article points out, Sepehr goes out of his way to distance himself from “Ashkenazi” Jews — but oddly he fails to mention in his personal DNA Test video that he is one-half Persian Jew through his father — instead he just says he’s half-Persian.
But are Persian Jews genetically the same as your average Persian — is it misleading to conflate the two peoples?
And should we even consider today’s Persians/Iranians to be actual Aryans at this point?
Clearly, Sepehr believes Persian Jews are Aryans — as are “gentile” Persians/Iranians — despite looking like your typical Arab.
Certainly, the original “Jews” — or Judahites, Benjamites, and Levites — who were taken into Babylonian captivity circa 727 BC were very likely to have been pure, unmixed Israelites — and therefore indistinguishable from their host Aryans/Persians.
And at that time, the Persians themselves were, of course, pure Aryans — making both people pure, Adamic — and suitable for inter-marriage, even by Israelite standards.
While many of these Judahites — upon being freed by the Persian king, Cyrus — eventually returned to their homeland — Judea/Israel — others stayed in Persia and became the basis of the Jewish population that is still there today.
However, starting in 634 AD, Persia fell under Arab-Muslim rule, and then under Mongol rule in 1256 AD — and over the ensuing centuries the Persians — both Jews and non-Jews — mixed with these invaders creating the Persian-Iranian genotype — and phenotype we see today — a people that is clearly no longer White/Aryan.
This is the same story for the entire Middle East — a once-White vast geographical area that was over-run and replaced by — absorbed into — their Arab invaders.
It’s not likely that anyone would look at Robert Sepehr’s father — Ben-Hur Sepehr — and think he’s an Aryan.
But there are those — and perhaps Robert Sepehr is one of them — who believe that any people with some Aryan blood and Aryan-influenced culture, such as India, are Aryans.
This perspective makes a mockery of Aryan identity and reduces it to the pejorative “one drop rule” — a descriptor of a contaminant, not of the pure, original form which became contaminated.
And since Robert’s mother is 100% German (of which he seems very proud), Sepehr considers himself 100% Aryan on both sides of his ancestry.
And it’s for this reason that Sepehr is careful to make sure we understand that he has 0% “Ashkenazi” DNA — clearly a contaminant of Aryan bloodlines and culture.
All that said, regardless of what we may think of Sepehr’s definition of Aryan is — or his ancestral Jewish bloodline — some of his videos remain useful to better understand Adamic and Israelite ancient history.
The Swastika was always called the “gammadion” since Roman times, (four Greek gammas formed into a cross representing the four Gospels of Jesus Christ). Mr. Hitler got the idea from a carving in the stone archway of the church he attended as a youth.
The Roman salute was also an early Christian icon (pagan law enforcement knew Christians would not “hail Caesar” as it would be a violation of the First Commandment. The response was “Holy Victory” and spared the Believer a humiliating death. It was “victory in Christ” that the persecuted was referencing). Like Elijah, Mr. Hitler showed us exactly who is the cause of all of our problems.
every single comment i have made on here linking NA-tional ZI-ionist it is rejected
You mean, like this one?
What you claim is patently false. And other comments you made, claiming that Hitler and the National Socialists like Goebbels were “Jews” is also patently false, and such rumors have their beginnings in the Jewish-Communist opposition newspapers of the late-1920s/early 1930s Weimar Germany during Hitler’s rise to power in order to discredit him and demoralize his followers. You obviously missed this article:
You’ve taken that Jewish lie as the truth, but we do not publish any comments that make those claims — our readers are well aware they are examples of Jewish treachery and false opposition psy-ops.
With my original twitter suspended now, I followed Defend Europa — this person posted a link to “Greatest Story Never Told.” He told me the articles going around that Hitler wanted to send jews to Palestine, but it’s a fake story written by Jews. There was a picture of a coin to celebrate this false narrative with swastika one side jewish symbol the other side they can fake these kind of things like that coin. The real plan was to send jews to Madagasgar.
There are lots on twitter that post slanderous lies about Hitler, lots of twitter profiles pretending to be something they are not on a person’s twitter. I mentioned hitler and this person whom i thought was ok said hitler is responsible for situation in palestine, she promotes alt media types that turn out to be jews like aaron mate of grayzone which is a intelligence op under guise of a news org who cover up israels leading role in 911 they push the saudis did it narrative. She promotes that lauren southern and other communists. It’s people like that you need to be wary of on twitter.
General Patton said we defeated the wrong enemy he discovered the truth about the war on Germany who was behind it.
These jews tell you who to hate make up slanderous lies about a foreign leader and country they will lie to attack and destroy a country examples are libya , iraq leaving a trail of death and destruction using white people as their proxy army because they are too cowardly to do it themselves people like that have no honour, the real enemy has always been the enemy within.
There were some that agreed with me about israelite origin but when i mentioned Hitler some started to send me fake false stories — one such person blocked me when i pointed out those articles are jewish hit pieces on Hitler. they don’t want to know, sometimes all it takes is to bring up Hitler and some expose themselves.
Don’t let the tv , msm do the thinking for you; they are like the pied piper of Hamlyn leading you down the wrong path leading you to doom.
Paul, while the National Socialists shut down many of the Jewish newspapers in Germany, they did, in fact, allow the Zionist papers to continue to publish — for the simple reason that they shared a common goal, which was to get the Jews in Germany to emigrate.
While Hitler did not support the idea of a Jewish “homeland” in Palestine, which he expressed clearly in “Mein Kampf,” he never the less was a politician and was willing to compromise on this issue. When plans to send the Jews to Madagascar fell through, along with other places such as Argentina, the National Socialists, with Adolf Eichmann as their point man, did negotiate a formal agreement (Havara) with the Zionists to move the Jews to Palestine.
And, yes, that commemorative, non-tender coin you alluded to — with the swastika one on side and the star of David on the other — is actually real, not fake — it was put out by a Zionist group in Germany, but the National Socialists had nothing to do with its being issued.
According to the filmmaker (he got it from a souce i cannot remember which, WATCH the movie?) who made Europa the last battle. That the term “NAZI” was basically a label jews used for Germany during Hitler. As a man of German decent I have no qualms of labeling jews Nazi. As it is a term they used. Just like the word kike is a word American Jews used to label jews that came to america from the east.
Let the Jews be Nazis for do they not embody true supremacist and a cancer to the earth’s people?
Let the jews reap what they have sown in Germany,Eastern Europe and Russia for the past 2000+ years?
No one that’s interested in his work cares that he’s Jewish
Why every single individual promoted by this website ends up being a stooge and an anti-Christ?
First the anti-zionist adam green who now is famous for insulting Jesus and calling him names and debunking the European Israelites theory and who casually looks like a jew and worked in the past for israeli companies then robert sepehr also jewish then patrick king then eric striker also jewish and who will be next I wonder?
At this point just promote netanyahu and then write an article about how he is terrible and stuff
“Duncan” asked, “Why every single individual promoted by this website ends up being a stooge and an anti-Christ?”
Please, pray tell, show us where we have promoted “stooges” and “anti-Christs”? Show us where we ever promoted Adam Green or anyone else without caveats? Are Sheldon Emry and Bertrand Comparet “stooges” and “anti-Christs”? E. Raymond Capt?
You don’t have to lie and misrepresent CFT to make a point. If you disapprove of us discussing the work specifically of Robert Sepehr, just say so. No need to make blanket, unfounded false accusations about us — you do know what the Bible calls a “false accuser”, don’t you?
I did a search, and there is no article about Adam Green at CFT, only content from Know More News is used, but this was before Adam Green started to say things about Christianity, saying judaism created Christianity. Adam green changed his position since Know More News content was used in a CFT article like this:
When I post something on facebook, I will use info content from many sources for illustrative purposes, so I too would be accused of promoting stooges. There were some I followed on twitter seemed ok to begin with, but over time they reveal their true nature or pressure put on them. A profile i followed slandered the prophet Moses and blamed Hitler for Palestinian’s problems.
At first I thought George Galloway was ok to begin with until I brought up Rothschilds – he defended them even on a tv interview. Person phoned in with Rothschild question, and Galloway said Rothschilds don’t own Bank of England. During the covid plandemic, Galloway showed himself up, even bullied a caller to his show trying to fit him up as flat-earther because he had vaccine concerns. So my opinion on Galloway changed.
As for Robert Sepher article, it’s mainly about discussing his work, how it promotes some kind of debate on Israelite heritage, where they are from . In defense of the CFT team, they put out a lot of great articles, many you will not find anywhere else, especially about Israelite origin. I am still new to this website, but I have learnt a lot…
I confess that I’ve never heard of this guy and I’m glad I don’t…until now. Everyone here has brought to light bits and pieces of the picture, to which it is enough for me. Just one look at this demonic face told me everything. There is a particular demonic presence in the faces of jews that can’t be ignored imho. For example…resembling this face, observe the Simon & Garfunkel ‘The Sound of Silence’ that was done by another jew called ‘DISTURBED’ that completely turned this song into a satanic trance (by design).
What is ‘disturbing’ about it is how many people love it…
And for those of you who elaborated on John Kaminski and his anti Christian ramblings as he professes to call this Sepehr a highly credible source, has confirmed his latest (after his comment on here) at these links:
John is the particular kind of person that takes bits and pieces from well, everywhere, and comes to the ABSOLUTE conclusion(s)…especially involving his anti Christian hammer. (Who else does that?) He uses the Catholic church to paint all of Christendom with a wide brush. He says (without references) about A. Hitler…
[“The thought unveils a deeper, seldom explained meaning of World War II, during which Hitler publicly professed an outward respect for the powerful Church of Rome, but among his closest associates spoke fondly of the power of Vril, the legends of Thule and the divinity of Lucifer, the Light Bringer.”]
What J. Kaminski does is cherry pick out of the Bible and mixes the verses therein with the likes of philosopher’s to attack, diminish and totally deny Jesus Christ as a myth. We all know that these ‘men’ exist to take away wayward souls as tools of the Evil One. It is no wonder why he ‘believes’ in Sepehr and confirms (to me) his agenda(s). The bottom line with them is the fact that every man needs his own kingdom…instead of submitting and sacrificing their own kingdom to the Kingdom of God through Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit. Kaminski and countless others deny the Kingdom of God therefore are considered the anti Christ. In this podcast with Kaminski and Arch Stanton of the same topic…Jesus is portrayed as a ‘man’ instead of ‘Son of God’ denying completely The Holy Spirit that gives us all understanding.
Thank you everyone for all input. God Bless
Given his last name, John Kaminski most likely grew up in a Catholic family, and he has an axe to grind. Who can blame him? But it seems he never bothered to figure out the difference between Catholicism and Christianity. He also conflates general “denominational” Christianity with Christianity itself, and yes, there is a big difference. In reality Protestantism is not much different from Catholicism, and both are easy to show fault with, especially their hypocrisy, which appears to what bothers Kaminski so much.
Both Catholicism and Protestantism have done an excellent job turning people away from God, but does Kaminski honestly believe that our universe and everything and everyone in it is just the product of random chance? That’s more laughable that the idea the the Pope is infallible.
But muh blue eyes though LOL
I saw a little mixed race black kid with blue eyes today. It happens every now and then. So what? Blue eyes do not make anyone an Aryan. Many Jews have blue eyes. Non-aryan, for sure.
I never heard of Robert Sepehr until I read this article. Mind you, I am very wary of the alt media community as by observatin on twitter.
I have caught out many frauds. Anyone heard of grayzone? It is thought its’ a Mossad-run news org, as grayzone covers up Israel’s leading role in 911. I am suspicious of ‘church militant’ – they pushed 911 false narrative evil muslims did it, much like with the armenian genocide — evil muslims did it, even though it was jewish Young Turks group that did it. So I asked them to correct their slanderous articles, video they did not blaming others for the sins of the real perpetrator is disgraceful.
I am not going to make this long, as you could write an essay on the shills, gatekeepers, the liars, deceivers know how to spot them – shills like Alex Jones whom William Cooper exposed way back, but many of you may know about it. Alex Jones said Russia had launched icbm nukes at America and panicked many, so William Cooper was disgusted by it, so he exposed Alex Jones for the liar he is — after Alex Jones accused Cooper of bad behaviour on his show, but fans, followers of Cooper recorded the radio show exposing Alex Jones’ lies. William Cooper did none of what Jones accused him of – you see Cooper found out what Alex Jones was about – what he was doing to undermine truth movement and militia armies
Since I have never seen any of Robert Sepehr videos to form an opinion, if he puts out some good useful info, that’s fine, but not someone to put your trust in . I find Christians For Truth a wonderful website that expands my knowledge as the search for truth is like a spiritual journey – the more you know, the more you understand.
I am not christian, as i have said, but I do believe in God and angels. Perhaps I should have joined Christianity long ago.
Jesus Christ said that they are liars like their father Lucifer the devil. They love steal Christian gentle identity.
Don’t you mean “they love to steal Christian Israelite identity”?
Sepher taps into the growing understanding amongst the White race that we have been lied to about our ancient past. (Just as we are lied to in the present day.)
I grew suspicious of Sepher’s presentations, when he continued to praise Madame Blavatsky and seems to have no problem with the occult practices.
The final straw for me was his continued droning on about the advantages of tantric sex.
He had just posted 2 or 3 videos on the topic. (which I didn’t watch) And then right after the tantric sex videos, he posts a video
of himself walking around in a park, with a young female, in her late teens or early twenties, dressed in what appeared to be a school-girl’s uniform and following him around like a lost puppy.
It was disturbing to say the least. I found it to be insulting.
At that point, I realized Sepher was a fake.
I think Sepher is another poser, who gathers a large following by presenting important, suppressed information that is valuable to White people. Then after he gains their trust, takes them over a cliff of disinfo. He is clearly hiding something.
Agreed. I too saw Sepehr’s had posted a bunch of videos on pagan sex rituals, etc., and skipped over them, because it seemed like he was promoting the ideas as “aryan” in nature.
But not surprising, someone else posted Sepehr’s history dabbling in porn site trafficking:
Is anyone else aware of the fact that Robert Sepehr was (and may still be) a Scientologist?
The Skeptical Mind : ZetaTalk, The Grand Conspiracy 1995 – 2003
I recall that the late investigative journalist Michael Collins Piper claimed that Scientology had been bought out by Jews, perhaps Israelis if I recall correctly, who now used Scientology as part of a domestic spying operation, and also a blackmail operation, similar to the Jeffrey Epstein op, getting people to confess all their secrets so as to compromise them….totally makes sense….
Yeah, Piper also mentioned how the Mossad took over Scientology in an email he sent to Carolyn Yeager about how the IHR was subverted by Mark Weber with the help of Andrew E. Allen, who was a Mossad agent.
Michael Collins Piper wrote an unpublished manuscript about how the CIA and Mossad took over the Institute for Historical Review, which you can read in our library:
So why don’t “christians” be stealthy and take the CIA back and turn it into Christ in Action?
But weren’t the ashkenazi arians from Central Asia converted to Judaism?
Thomas ………..
How would anyone truly know if the original Khazars were pure White? I suspect by that time in history, they were a mixed multitude. Certainly there could have been some men who were pure Adamic. But how would we know? I suspect any Adamic who traveled East, eventually mixed their seed with the yellow peoples.
Anthropologists of the 19th Century were all pretty much in agreement that there existed 4 Orginal groups (Kind) of people —- White, yellow, black and red.
So, “Brown” was not an orginal “Kind”. As an example. Most likely the yellow man and black man mixed long before Adamic man ever mixed with either or the combination thereof.
This whole study of DNA is bogus to me unless we can actually dig up verifiable people from their graves.
Example — to prove 100% that a particular White person is a descendant of the Israelties, you’d have to dig up Paul the Apostle and know without a doubt that the bones you are testing are that of Paul the Apostle. As just an example.
What is your understanding of “Kind”?
West, I’ve thought of the original Khazars, too, and I assumed they were White. Why? Look at the map of the ancient world.
That area was White at one time, adjacent to many White lands and peoples. A natural migration north for any of them…But like many ancient White peoples, they were replaced by a mixed bag of tricks…..
Certainly pure Adamics could have been part of that group.
We made it to Central China and I suspect Japan as well.
The larger question for me is —- Why did our Ancestors mix their seed and would they have been accountable for that given they were not famaliar with the Law.
I know most if not all CI people believe Race Mixing to the unpardonable sin. I’m certainly not endorsing it, but how should our people have known???
I have an interest in the study of Western Migration (United States circa 1600’s. Many of our men took Indian girls for wives as they traversed West across the Plains. Will God hold them accountable for that?
I’m sure I’ll get thrashed for saying this, but ……………….. if men didn’t have the Law, how would they have known? Even having the Law there seems to be some confusion.
But I know God is a Righteous Judge, so I will leave it up to Him.
This makes more sense once you understand the “Revenge of the Neanderthal” theory – which makes quite a lot of sense. Go look that up via the Barnes Review. There’s a good vid of that basic premise as well on goyim tv dot com.
Jews infiltrate the top – and work their way down. The Khazars lived in that same Black Sea/ Med region that the Sephardic Jews did. The Iberian and Ashkenazi come somewhat from them – so they’re all related, regardless.
What makes more sense? Not quite sure what you are refering to — whether or not you agree with the Pre-adamite theory or disagree.
Please elaborate. Thanks.
Ps……. did you read Weisman’s “Not of One Blood”? Do you have a critique?
We have “Revenge Of The Neanderthal” by Willis Carto in our Library:
Not any more than any other half MENA, half European.
Aside from their European admixture, they are related to Arabs and Palestinians.
Those populations are divergent from Europeans, not just because they have some Negroid, but they are descended from “Basal Eurasian” populations, which share a strange affinity with Negroids. Being descended from Basal Eurasian presumably gives them their shared, distinct appearance that makes them stand out from other groups.
Sepehr’s father is an Iranian Jew, which is not Ashkenazi.
But the difference is that Iranians are descended from a non-Natufian branch of Basal Eurasian.
Some Iranians may have more European admixture, but it’s not as much as modern Ashkenazi.
The fact his father was awarded for creating a Hollohoax movie explains why he promotes the Sabbatean Frankist theory, or the all the New Age stuff, or the pagan magic practices, like tantric rituals.
Khazarians were not an Aryan tribe. Neither were the Huns. They utilised many different tribes in their hordes, including European tribes. Atilla had quite an iconic appearance: https://pic8.co/sh/qElq3v.jpg
The Ashkenazi may well have European Haplogroups, but even the Canaanites, whom were half Basal Eurasian, were also half EEF (Early European Farmer). Sardinians are a good example of prototypical EEF. The point being that even archaic Canaanite paternal or maternal haplogroups could be shared with other Early European Farmer groups.
If we are saying that all surviving hominids were descended from Noah, then Basal Eurasian fits the narrative of Canaan best, since they originate from the Levant, and Canaan was the product of incest, and so would have had a genetic affinity with other Hamites, but lacked the maternal inheritance shared by other Hamites. Plus Nimrod, the founder of Babel, was also descended from Canaan.
Biden more Jewish than Clinton.
“By the way, I’m the only Irish Catholic you know who had his dream met because his daughter married a Jewish surgeon, I just want you to know that,” he said, to applause and laughter.
I suspect that Ivana Trump, and therefore his 3 eldest kids, were Jewish from birth.
Was “Brandon”‘s daughter also a yenta prior to her marriage to Shlomo?
On a theological note, how does someone as senile as Brandon get judged for their crimes by God in the hereafter?
You Christian’s take every word in the Bible ,every thought, meaning, phrase , quotations ,and argue, fight among yourselves , insult each other, correct each other, like whoever this god you believe in is the absolute truth.
But if you bothered to look around, it’s claimed by some that Jesus is just another one of the 12 saviors of the world over the ages all having the same qualities, born of a virgin, betrayed, crucified etc. ,
And your god is just another of the many gods throughout history renamed.
You all fight over who the tribes are because ,just like the breakdown of the New World Order, it has to be shown on a chart and who they are, how they’re related, who they broke away from, where they went etc.to be even understandable.
Is the Old Testament the Christian’s or Jews book? Who ever the god is, tells his people to rob, murder ,steal,, kill, rape, take slaves and concubine’s and cattle, and destroy and burn utterly. To kill men and boys. Women and young girls are nice for sex and money making and increasing a race.
I’m getting off of this site. This is a fight against the Jews and the New World Order and you want to argue with me over why I asked why god allows suffering.
If you want to know the truth , some have said that , some of the evil we get is brought back to make us suffer because and through nature. Some consider every blade of grass sacred. I see squirrels, in the city, starving ,searching for food , nut trees , because man wants a beautiful lawn sprayed with weed killer to kill dandelions . We kill , hunt for sport and than take our children to the zoo’s. We teach children to kill fly’s and other insects as soon as they can hold a fly swatter.
Don’t waste your time responding, because I’m getting away from people who just argue among themselves the same old stuff , day after day in different forms , and questions.
I’m trying to understand history, find out the lies and if there is a god or whoever kind you believe in, he will reveal to me what I’m looking for.
If I wanted to be bull headed, stubborn and be confident ,I ‘d just read the Bible, and use it to answer all of my life’s challenges
Maybe ,if I’m lucky, it’ll tell me how to build a house, how to fix my car, if there’s life on other planets, or whether there’s demons or not. Maybe, if I’m lucky, I might even find out where god is hiding.
It’s funny that the New Age and occultic writers talk about such things and Christians fight them, yet use the Bible and verses to defend everything a Christian believes..
If you want to read some fabulous material by a man who claimedvisions of the spiritual realm , read Emmanual Swedenborg. I’ve read a few negative things about him, and his visions, but they’re; better than anything you can find in your Bible, you love to quote.
I’m finished with this site.
Gene I think you’re a genuine good guy, heartfelt writer I enjoyed reading your thoughts. it’s probably because everyone thinks that if someone is arguing with them they may be a jew troll, but faith is faith till its not and then what will we do anyway. you’re all right, Genuine Gene .
Gene, I’ve never met two Christians who can sit down and agree on everything. That’s why there are so many sects of Christianity, as so much is open to interpretation, and that, I think, is a good thing, as it keeps us studying and thinking about our faith. Christians have come to expect to be disagreed with.
I enjoyed reading your comments, Gene.
Don’t be discouraged, some are more argumentative than others; just rise above it.
It is a good site, with great resources.
This is the third time Gene has threatened to leave the website and not come back, and then he will come back, probably because it’s the only website that actually will read his rather long comments. But he doesn’t like it when anyone challenges what he writes, very thin-skinned. And he wants to be able to mock Christianity on a Christian site and not be challenged, which isn’t going to happen. If that bothers him so much, so be it. But he’s welcome to come back anytime.
Ah, thank you for the explanation.
>”Who ever the god is, tells his people to rob, murder ,steal,, kill, rape, take slaves and concubine’s and cattle, and destroy and burn utterly. To kill men and boys. Women and young girls are nice for sex and money making and increasing a race.”
“Murder”/ “Killing” – Executing a criminal, or manslaughter in self-defence is killing. Are you an effeminate pacifist? Murder is killing that is against God’s will, not all killing is against God’s will.
“Rape” – This is sexual immorality, a grave sin. Then again, their idea of rape wasn’t really explicitly about consent. But promiscuity, in general, & coveting other men’s wives, is a sin.
“Rob” – This is one of the punishable offences mentioned in the 10 commandments. The difference is that Jews do not believe commandments intrinsically apply to everyone, because they see non-Jews as soulless, where as they are collectively divine in spirit, essentially.
“take slaves” – It was not supposed to be chattel slavery, but a less severe form a slavery than what Romans practised. This is not Jews or Arabs, Jews love Chattel slavery, they are the foremost experimenters of using trauma to break the will of their slaves.
“and concubine’s” – It promotes one wife to one husband. Concubines is more like a concession, like divorce. Not good, but tolerated. How many concubines & slaves did Jesus have compared to Mohammed.
“and cattle” – Yeah? They took the land too. They colonised it.
“and destroy and burn utterly” – How can you live off the land if you burn everything?
They burnt the haunted idols that they sacrificed children to. Whilst I have a problem with destroying historical records, I can understand destroying such religious symbols.
“Increasing a race” – How horrible /s
You forgot Eugenics too, since it is explicitly against incest & racemixing.
I’m sure you must think it’s better being a despised minority, surrounded by hostile foreigners that are forever increasing, no matter what, due to low IQ.
So basically, this is the run-of-the-mill Redditor’s understanding of Biblical texts. No nuance, always assuming the worst, cherry picking.
Imagine looking at the Anatolian, male worshippers of Cybele who clamp their own genitals off to practice “sacred marriage” sex worship with other men as “priestesses,” and thinking Christians are the real problem with the world. Insane.
If you’re even White, you sound like the type of idiot that promotes xenophilia and ethno-masochism no matter what you pretend to believe. Whilst there are many Christians like you, none of them will continue to persist as Christians. Even superficial associations will become taboo due to it’s proximity with Europeans, National Socialism, anti-‘LGBTQZP’… and Antisemitism.
>”why I asked why god allows suffering.”
Typical Leftist question.
I’d at least ask why God created an existence that allowed for such immeasurable suffering to occur. But if you understand that he created it, why are you asking why he allows it?
Do you put your hand in a fire and then ask why God allows you to burn because he created the fire and the hand?
God created absence and evil to teach responsibility. This applies to communities too, if you don’t work well together and look out for each other, and expel or get rid of the bad actors, there are consequences.
>”If you want to read some fabulous material by a man who claimedvisions of the spiritual realm , read Emmanual Swedenborg. I’ve read a few negative things about him, and his visions, but they’re; better than anything you can find in your Bible, you love to quote.”
Yeah, yeah. There are Christians part of kooky sects that claim to have seen a lot of visions or experienced supernatural things. This is not a plus.
It’s so bizarre to me that you people seem to ignore what Freemasons are motivated by and how many of them share your existential beliefs and practices. All New Agers are Luciferians. I mean the New Age “Great White brotherhood” was directly involved with Freemasonry.
I want nothing to do with your sick mind-rot. Lying is in the very definition of “Occult,” deception and manipulation is just a way of life for them.
You make up nonsense about black magic vs white magic, then end up promoting the same political bullshit or end result anyway. I’d guess that it’s the same beings behind both forms of “magic,” and they play you against each other to get the result *they* want.
It’s like you guys can’t understand the possibility that your totalist, syncretic worldview is bogus, and doesn’t actually incorporate everything logically. That shared worldview is very significant, even if you can come to slightly different conclusions within that same framing.
I wonder how many Freemasonic stooges started off as decently moral people, but eventually found themselves part of a human sacrifice ritual or depraved orgy ritual.
Well, I guess the implication is that they are there in the first place because of a shared interest in
a undeserved ticket to gnosis, power, fame/ glory, fortune, and forbidden vices, so it’s unlikely.
I have long known Sepehr’s father was Jewish and wasn’t aware he ever tried to hide the fact. Having a non Jewish mother Sepehr falls into the category also occupied by Gerard Menuhin who has done wonderful Holocaust work to compare with anything any non Jew has done. Sepehr’s video on the Bolshevik revolution cleverly used a rabbi to explain Hitler was exactly correct at fearing the Jews who were trying to take over his country.
Plus, as my father used to say, there’s a little Chinese in all of us. Or, put another way, one quarter of the world’s population is descended from Charlemagne. In that sense the dilution of all ethnic purity of any kind is commonplace.
PLUS, since the proto Jewish Hyksos in Egypt invented monotheism, the sneaky Jewish apostles in Rome created Christianity, and today’s Christian Identity zealots are trying hard to be the new Jews — and since my suspicions about the Jewish penetration and subversion of reality are as stringent as anyone I know — I think this hit piece on Sepehr is a hypocritical bit of fanatical overreach since the purity of Christianity itself suffers in a similar manner from critical scrutiny.
Sepehr’s work is superb and near as I can discern admirably objective.
John, if you think Sepehr’s work is “superb”, then I’d say you have a very low standard. His videos are often merely patched together clips, often of other’s work. The material he narrates is also often other people’s words, but he never gives his source credit. This is “superb”? I suspect you find his work “admirably objective” merely because it confirms what you already believe.
And how can Christian Identity “zealots” try “hard to be Jews” when Jews don’t believe in Jesus Christ? That makes no sense. Jews, by definition, reject Christ. What makes a Jew a Jew is their rejection of Christ and insistence on their Jewish identity, whatever that means.
Identity Christians merely believe that the descendants of the 10 lost northern tribes of Israel migrated into Europe as Scythians and others and became part of the European bloodline. The so-called “Jews” or the three southern tribes of Israel were not part of that migration into Europe. That you think what you do shows your ignorance of the subject and that you cannot be taken seriously.
John Kaminski’ comments always turn into a hit piece on Christians, thats why I decided to ignore him years ago.
John Kaminski is/was pals with arch-Christ hater, Charles Giuliani. Two peas in an anti-Christ pod.
John Kaminski ……
“…..I think this hit piece on Sepehr …..”
Where do you get the idea that this article was a “Hit Piece”? Seems to be an odd comment to make. Nothing about the article is a ‘hit piece’. It is an analysis of the Jewish Chronicle’s “hit piece” on Sepehr.
CFT concludes in this article — “….some of his videos remain useful to better understand Adamic and Israelite ancient history.”
You then write — “…the sneaky Jewish apostles in Rome created Christianity….”
Were you aware that CFT is a Christian site? We are Christians. Not sure if you were aware of that.
Does this bring you pleasure ……………. insulting Christians in their own home? I wouldn’t walk into your home and insult you.
You then write — “…..and today’s Christian Identity zealots are trying hard to be the new Jews…”
You clearly have never bothered to take any time researching the tenets of Christian Identity. No one that I know of who believes in CI believes themselves to be the ‘new jews’. Quite the opposite!
Maybe you should spend some time here and actually do some research. You are a researcher, correct?
Start here — https://christiansfortruth.com/israel-the-true-identity-of-the-christian-church/
West is correct. The original article from the “Jewish Chronicle” is most certainly a “hit piece” about Sepehr to discredit him as a “conspiracy theorist” who attacks Jews for no reason, and yet we defended some of Sepehr’s work, and actually provided links to some of his articles, which sounds like a promotion of his work, despite his Jewish ancestry.
And since CFT is greatly interested in both Israelite and Aryan identity and history, it seems that a discussion of Sepehr’s identity as both Jew and Aryan seemed warranted — it was not an attack on him.
We would venture to guess that John Kaminski’s comment on Sepehr is an excuse for a “hit piece” on CFT if anything.
If DNA can say who is who, then people can decide who has ownership and power over them. That’s what jews do — the future could be bright .
Since all White People are not greedy, back-stabbing homicidal maniacs, like our DC class of killers, then it follows that not all Jews are not greedy, back-stabbing homicidal maniacs, just because many Israelis & Jews are.
wrong you are ….. they are indoctrinated since birth, it is the very core of their being jews can never be trusted ever….the church was infiltrated a long long time ago, nice try
It isn’t that “all Jews” are psycho pedos – it IS, however, that 99.9% of Jews have in-group preference, and they, like all of us, can’t get away from that. It’s genetic. In the past these people would have disappeared under Darwinian selection – but today they’re subsidized. Hence we have nihilistic death-wishing Whites who cater to anything non-White. In the kike world, however, they identify more with their victim narratives than they do with even trying to decipher what are good ethical and moral ways of being (for a Jew). See the Pew report on that –
Because of their in-group preference, “my people right or wrong” is how they run things and because of that, the question of whether it’s all Jews or not is rather moot. They stand together, herd together, and please- – other than Bobby Fischer and Benjamin Freedman — where are the Jews opposing the psycho pedos leading the world into a pit? Even your regular Jewish neighbor who waves at the kids and shows up for the 4th of July parade, is working subversively to destroy Native European homes. They are Jewish first – always. They cannot escape it. It’s genetic.
It’s highly unlikely that the son of the Iranian Jew that was awarded for directing a Hollohoax movie would become a genuine Pro-White Nationalist. Because he’s mixed, he can never really appreciate European Nationalism or be loyal to it. It’s getting really tiresome seeing xenophiles promote the same snares over and over again.
It’s more likely he’s there to subvert anyone that makes it past the gatekeepers like Jordan Peterson. Of course Pagans love it, because he’s promoting the same Pagan practices that is part of eclectic/ syncretic Jewish mysticism & the occult.
If he’s acting entirely on his own accord. He probably wants to use the fame to take advantage of people, or get in the pants of what few White women are RW. Like many other Jewish Neo-Nazi posers.
People fall in Jewish traps because of their obsession with “Race Matter” It is almost as if it really mattered. But does it? I doubt it.
The same way this Robert Sepehr, guy was outed, a guy claiming to promote the interests of “Aryan Race” is the same way you might actually find that the guy behind “Proud Boys” may be a Jews. It’s called “Controlled Opposition”
It’s for the same reason why NAACP which claims to promote and protect the interests of “Coloured Race” was started by Jews, and it’s run by Jews. Before you jump on a “Bandwagon” take time to find out about it.
*If you do not understand the implications of race, then I suggest you start reading up on the opposition – it absolutely is relevant. Even if all you look at is in-group preference and voting patterns, what you’ll find is that only one group of people vote for meritocratic achievement, the right to speak, and the 2nd amendment. Whites. All other groups of people – ALL – vote for more Statism, more Judaic handouts, more bread and circuses. It doesn’t seem to matter if one is male, female, married with children or not, 1st, 2nd, or 7th generation Peruvian, Korean, Ghanan, or Afghani – 2/3rds of ALL other groups which are non-White, do NOT vote for the meritocratic ideals Native European men codified into law. Period.
A colossal socio-political bandwagon that the Jews led was Race-denialism, it was practically set up by Marxist Jews, Franz Boaz, Richard Lewontin, Israel Ehrenberg and Abraham Jacobi, and, likely, many more.
Perhaps an extreme reaction to those lies and the disillusionment, is just as bad as the xenophilic reverse, but multiracial/ multicultural societies are not intended to succeed, they were inflicted on Europeans, with the intent to use invasive, divergent foreigners to quell resistance, but also for it to eventually destroy us, not just through the anarcho-terrorism of violent crime, and a culmination of violent Leninist revolution, but, through our somewhat consensual self-subjugation, and then to be gradually subsumed & erased, as an alternative.
You can hate the way that it is, call such concerns “materialistic,” but it’s plain stupid to refuse to recognise the reality of the situation.
They know how to manipulate Europeans because they’ve been doing it a long time. They don’t need to convince everyone, and they know most people just go along with the flow, like air-heads.
They’ve been chattel slavers since before they were selling European kids & women to Muslims as Radhanites. That’s a lot of opportunities to explore psychology & what kind of tricks & trauma breaks the will of a slave. They have always tried to pass on that kind of information. Nobody can deny their long-held literacy because being the follower of Pharisaic teachings required literacy.
And they believe much of their religious books are simply fairy tales used to encode esoteric messages & numerology, so obviously they would use their own fairy tales to encode their own insights, like the soulless Golem of clay (pure matter) being made into a slave through rabbinical rituals.
Some of Sepehr’s former followers claim that on his YouTube channel, he deletes all comments about his Jewish ancestry — as if it wouldn’t be surprising if he didn’t delete those comments.
But I think he was very naive to think that his viewers/fans would give him a free pass and not see him as a Jew simply because he’s not an Ashkenazi — as if they are the real trouble-making Jews.
And he probably also thought that since Jews get their Jewish identity through their mothers, and since his mother is a German, his followers wouldn’t consider him Jewish either way. Only to find out that neither Jews nor Aryans want to claim him as their own. The offspring of race mixing is always confusion.
Thank you for the heads-up, CFT.
I had never heard of him, now I have an idea of who he is.
Regardless his alleged Jewish ancestry, the fact is that this guy tells many truths about the world conspiracy, which is in fact led by the Jewish bankers and international jewry.
This guy’s role seems to be promoting ‘antisemitism’ in gentiles, since this is one of the jews strategies to gather their ‘lesser brethnen’ together, as Theodor Herlz stated in 1897, during the First Zionist Congress at Basle, Switzerland.
Theodore Herlz, Jewish father of Zionism, first Zionist Congress in Basle, Switzerland, 1897:
– ” I believe I understand anti-semitism which is a very complex movement. I see it as a jew, but without hatred or fear. I recognise what in anti-semitism is rude jesting, vulgar jealousy of metier,hereditary prejudice ; but also what can be considered as in fact legitimate defence.”
– “Indeed, anti-semitism, a powerful and deep-rooted strength of mass-sub-conscious, will not harm the jews. I find it helps build the Jewish character—group-edification by the masses—an education good for bringing about its assimilation. The education is achieved only through troubles. The jews will adapt. An excellent idea enters my mind: to attract outright anti-semites and make them destroyers of Jewish wealth… the anti semites will assist us thereby in that they will strengthen the persecution and oppression of jews. The anti-semites shall be our best friends.”
Sussman, American Council of Judaism, quoted in Moshe Menuhin’s “The decadence of Judaism in our time”:
– “ The zionist movement want to picture jews constantly in trouble. It is bad for
fund-raising and bad for immigration to Israel if jews are not in trouble. But ‘trouble’ must be of a particular kind. It must be ‘jewish’ trouble’. It must fit the Zionist pattern of inevitable anti-semitism just as surely as the ‘inevitable’ class war fits classic
Jackie Patru, historian, “Jewish Persecution”:
– “Jewish Persecution has always been orchestrated — though not necessarily
implemented — by the Priesthood [talmudic] and its minions; that Jewish Persecution has
played a critical role in the successful implementation, to this point, of the plan for World Dominion; and that the sufferers of Jewish Persecution, the ‘ lesser brethren ‘, are born and bred to suffer.“
That’s one of the reasons why every zionist, be it Jew or Gentile, needs to be deported.
You hit the nail on the head, Jews now how the pull the strings of Christians, and Voltaire said it best….”those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”
The “Jewish minority” moved America to declare war against Germany, which opposed the Bolshevik communist belligerence…the genocide of the Germans came with support of Woodrow Wilson. The King of England betrayed his cousins in Russia and Germany because he was indebted to the Jewish money lending class. Those who don’t know their history are doomed to repeat it….
“…..Jews know how to the pull the strings of Christians…..”
Such a quote makes it sound like Christians (White Peoples) are stupid or gullible or worse.
But the Scriptures predict such a time as we are now in, and have been for some time.
So, it’s Supernatural ……………….. not intelligence. The Greatest Peoples the world has ever seen didn’t just all of a sudden get stupid.
We get enough “White Guilt” from the Media, Education and Arts and Entertainment ……… we don’t need it here as well.
But I get your point. It could be better phrased, however.
Sad to see and counterproductive as well. By engaging in purity spirals such as this traditional Whites turn everyone into an enemy. We are all aware that Jews are masterminding the destruction of our civilisation but some Jews are good and are our friends. Norman Finkelstein, Ron Unz, Gilad Atzmon are some that immediately spring to mind. God knows we have few enough who support our position without creating more enemies.
“Purity spiraling”. That’s a term I’ve only heard come from the lips of not-exactly-whites in the so-called “alt-Right” movement, like Mike Enoch who tries to pass as white even though he’s admitted that he’s not entirely white. We should trust him to defend the white race? And Jared Taylor claiming that “Jews are white enough.”
So are you suggesting that we should embrace all Jews anyway for being “white enough”? Isn’t that how we got into this fix in the first place, by accepting almost-whites as white? Don’t you think we need to know what we mean by White before we can even begin talking about White interests?
Good comment but jews are not “almost White”
ashkenazi jews tend to be 55%-65% middle eastern ancestry
sephardic jews tend be be 65%-75% middle eastern ancestry
mizrahi Jews and mountain Jews are both easily of 95% middle eastern ancestry at least.
Also Stormfront goes by “any person of 100% European ancestry no Jewish blood”. As their definition of White, and I agree with said definition
Some Ashkenazi/ Sephardi Jews are more European than they were back then in the early 1900s. There are many “Mischlings” or “Mamzers.” Five or four generations being consistently admixed, can mean that their Jewishness ends up largely psychological and conditioned into them by family. It’s very difficult to argue that someone is who is more than 90% European, with European haplogroups, is not European, just because of their psychological identity, actions or beliefs. There are so many ethno-masochistic Whites.
Most Jews are useful idiots for the more powerful Jewry.
Maybe Jared feels it’s unnecessary to do what Zionists want, which is intended to help reinforce Jewish ethnocentrism and hostility towards outsiders. They are made to feel, by their own families, and by the Holocaust propaganda, as if Europeans will never accept them as European, despite all the evidence to the contrary. The fact of the matter is, even 5-10% divergent admixture can cause someone to be noticeably different from a Nation, whom are largely homogenous.
I don’t think there’s any convincing Jews, it’s bad enough dealing with White Leftists, and there would only be a benefit in depriving the Jewish international hegemony of support, but even when they are on your side, they are still inherently more of a liability.
You are falling for the spell, the programming, these motherfs want you dead. Wake up. They’re killing and maiming Irish people. Your dealing with a death cult…Satanists, destroyers of the good. Just left your site where you are implying we shouldn’t protect our women. Now you’re defending small hat schlomo…starting to worry about you, brother.
“”persian”” Jews tend to be either sephardic jews or mizrahi jews, so his father is not an ethnic persian but rather a sephardic or mizrahi jew.
Also, ethnic persians, sephardic jews and mizrahi jews are all non-White and non-Aryan so where does this guy get off thinking he is pure White?
He is of 50% sephardic jewish/mizrahi Jewish ancestry on his dad’s side, 50% German ancestry on his mom’s side.
““”persian”” Jews tend to be either sephardic jews or mizrahi jews”
Oh, interesting. He stressed his Aryan Iranian-ness in the video.
I suppose that makes sense. Even the Chinese Kaifeng Jews were originally descended from Ashkenazi Merchants. His father looks more Mizrahi than Sephardi.
“Also, ethnic persians, sephardic jews and mizrahi jews are all non-White”
Yep. I told people that. Iranians still have Basal Eurasian admixture. But they seem to think modern Iranians are synonymous with archaic Indo-Europeans, just because there are a couple of pictures of more European-looking Iranians.
“50% sephardic jewish/mizrahi Jewish ancestry on his dad’s side, 50% German ancestry on his mom’s side.”
Basically, he’s a walking insult to Hitler and the NSDAP.
Some guy took an exception to Robert Sepehr’s videos on the Aryan race, so he made this video claiming that the ancient Aryans didn’t care about race….
They typically claim everyone before White Christians never even had a concept of racial differences or cared about race, despite all the evidence to the contrary and the astoundingly obvious issue of divergent races looking starkly different and having such incompatible cultures.
If Romans took issues with other Europeans, looking down on them as barbarians for their differences, then they’re not going to adopt some xenophilic nonsense when it comes to the savages in Africa.
As for “Aryans,” there were tribes that race-mixed, and they quickly ceased to be Aryan, some were subsumed despite initial resistance, and the tribes that we are descended from, kept moving further West, away from those tribes, and typically exiled foreigners & racemixers, hence why we are more prototypically representative of archaic Europeans.
Are there answers or comments of the question of adultery? All dictionary definition defines the root morpheme and defines it through its prosaic use not its source. Have not all “White” cultures-race been erased by this defiance of nature and discrimination ?
Paul….. fascinating comment. Could you elaborate? Especially the word you chose to use — “erase”. What has been “erased”?
I am one who believes “adultery” in the scriptures does not have to be race-mixing. Could the word be used for that? Sure. Most CI people claim Phineas threw his spear because of race mixing. That seems likely, but doesn’t mean ‘in all cases’. Clearly Romans 7:2-3 is not race mixing.
Curious what more you have to say. Thanks.
Erase was a substitute for a better word I could not grasp and yet this might justify its use: where are the Egyptians , Sumer, Perser, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, and the German race is disintegrating into the deracinated spiritless , toneless insipid “nothingness”— reference Sartre—- ?
one compelling answer is they dissolved and lost their integrity through miscegenation .
I understand. My father comes from Welsh heritage, but the “Welsh” in our family is all but lost. My mother’s side was Russian, but we hold no Russian heritage/tradition today.
But just to clarify ………… you do beleive that there are pure Adamic men and women still living on the earth today……right? Sorry if that was a stupid or obvious question. You just never know anymore. 🙂
West, I feel the same about “adultery” in the Bible. In some contexts it could mean race mixing, but in most cases not. Same with “fornication”, as some in CI claim this means race mixing, as opposed to sex outside of marriage.
I’ve read an interesting take on the 6th commandment, “Thou shalt not commit adultery”, basically that it is about race mixing because normal, marital adultery is covered by “Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor’s wife”. Why have two commandments prohibiting the same thing? I’ve never found this line of argument especially persuasive.
But “coveting thy neighbor’s wife” doesn’t necessarily involve actual adultery. One can covet without any physical contact. And if a man is unmarried and has an affair with a married neighbor woman, he would not be committing adultery but rather fornication.
In the end, I think from the point of view of the ancient Adamic people, race mixing was so obviously unacceptable that it wouldn’t even be something to talk about, or go on an on about the way CI people do. People from “good” families simply did not, and do not, race mix. That’s how we honor our parents and ancestors and uphold that other commandment, “Honor they mother and father”. Wrong marriages always brought dishonor to families.
Thanks John B. I agree as well.
“Race-Mixing” seems to be something of new. It is hard for me to imagine that our Adamic Ancestors mixed with blacks and yellows as if that was normal. Especially with blacks. Most blacks today have white admixture so they may not be as displeasing to look at as they would have appeared in their natural state.
Although I am very intrigued by the Japanese. I’m pretty sure the Japanese are a mixed race — White with yellow. It has been said that Adamics found their way to Japan thousands of years ago. Those men would have had to have taken a yellow for a wife. I hope I don’t get reamed here, but I find “some” Japanese women to be very attractive. I don’t find Chinese women attractive. Rambling ………………
I studied Western Migration a few years back. I read countless stories of White men taking Indian women for wives. I’m thinking this was mostly a business transaction ……… but …………… obviously they had children as well.
Boggles my mind. But maybe it was more out of necessity than desire.
Someday it will all become clear. 🙂
“Although I am very intrigued by the Japanese. I’m pretty sure the Japanese are a mixed race — White with yellow.”
Most Japanese, to me, look very similar to Koreans.
It may seem like that because of cultural influences and them sometimes having a less flat, more angular face, the Japanese would certainly love to be recognised as closer to European, but Ainu aren’t European. Maybe they are the result of a branch of Ancient North Eurasian that just happened to develop more Caucasoid-looking facial features. Native Americans are also East Asian, descended from ANE, and they do not share the same flat faces of Chinese or Mongolians.
The actual “White with Yellow mixes” are the Saami, and other Siberian-type groups, and the remnant Mongols of the Russian Steppes, and the many rootless “HAPAs”.
In general, East Asians are closer related to Europeans than Negroids, which is why they say that we branched from the same archaic Eurasian stock.
Very important exposure CFT. Thank you!
I always knew something was up with this guy instinctively.
People use the same standard “one drop rule” to define a Jew. Any Jewish blood, and they are Jewish. Same with Arab, which means “to grow dark” in Hebrew (“ereb”)? So that would make sense, any Arab blood makes an Arab? But you have to start out with pure, unmixed people before you can bastardize them, and from a white perspective our standard is Aryan, no?
That’s how I see it: one drop of foreign blood and you aren’t pure anymore. A 10 litre pot of white paint with a tiny dollop of any other colour is no longer white… it’s mixed. May still look like white paint, but it ain’t anymore.
In regards to Robert Sepehr, I’m surprised he hasn’t been removed from youtube. It seems that every other person that talks about things the Ministry of Truth finds objectionable gets banned…? Bitchute came about for a reason, did it not? So, why is Robert Sepehr not banned on youtube?
Maybe YouTube leaves Sepehr alone is because his videos promote paganism and the occult, and YT loves that stuff?
Christ is King:
You’re right about one drop of anything makes the whole thing impure. If you put a drop or a few in a large quantity of paint, it may not seen to affect the color. Put a drop or more in a smaller quantity and the difference starts to become noticeable.
And if there is anything true about DNA, little variation’s can altar a person’s life, features, health, offspring etc. I read the story of a White woman who married a White man. They had a child and he was black. The husband believed she cheated on him. Looking into her past life, she found out that some where in her family history , a black was in it and it showed up in her child.
I believe there are about seven billion people on the Earth, yet, still today , even after the Holocaust, only about sixteen million Jews and in control of many events. That’s an example of how a small amount can affect the whole.
Your right!
As for the likes of Robert Sepehr, I’ve seen his name , but what you all say about him, it seems he’s a ” Judas Goat” as Michael Collins Piper calls goats trained to lead other animals to the slaughter pen. He attracts people who are attracted to him, his personality, material, ideas, etc, who wouldn’t be attracted to someone else, and wastes their time and life adoring him, praising him, donating to him, accepting his ideas etc.
Alex Jones uses New Age terms, ideas, Masonic signs, News Age principles and ideas, interprets religion and his version of Christianity into New Age principles and terms ,yet he claims to have millions of followers and his followers idolize him . To me , he is a Judas goat, to attract people who discover him , know something is wrong in the world and say: Hey , this guy is saying things i believe , and about world affairs and he has a follower.
I have no doubt that we are watched as the Anti Defamation League, the Southern Poverty Law Center compiles list of
who they consider racists, White Supremacist’s, terrorists and turn them over to the police agencies. Somewhere they admit that.
All of Alex Jones’s followers who went to Washington, D.C. on his beck and call, to protest the election, now have a criminal record, but the guy who rallied them for his self and his idol, Donald Trump claims he’s afraid to go to prison. Why? If he is exposed or not needed any longer , is he afraid of being eliminated? If one had the time and a program to go through all of his thousands of hours of programs, he could be exposed as the New Age, phony
pretending Christian he is.
Constance Cumley has written a book about the NewAge, years ago.
Though she was right that the New Age Movement was designed to subvert and destroy Christianity, Constance Cumley’s book, “Hidden Dangers Of The Rainbow,” promoted the laughable notion that neo- or crypto-Nazis were behind the New Age Movement as a way of overthrowing the U.S. government and replacing it with an anti-Christian Nazi “regime” or “dictatorship”:
A better book on the subject is Marilyn Ferguson’s book “The Aquarian Conspiracy”:
People attack topics in their books if they’re sincere with what they discover or how they see it at the time, and try to expose it and warn others.
Just like a person follows these websites , believing at the time they are truly honest until one day, the feelings and wonder of doubt somehow is revealed, by self enlightenment, another’s thoughts , ideas, readings of others etc. and one day we realize we’ve been following deliberate deceivers or just plain gullible .
Even this site has its followers fighting back and forth as to what to believe and who to believe., what to accept and what not to accept., who the Jews really are and not, who the twelve tribes are and not.
We drift along in life until some realization comes upon us to search or accept something , and we follow it until we find out it is not what we were looking for or like Jim Jones and others follow them to our ruin.
As much as we criticize the Jews , in the back of all of it are people’s, families, groups, individuals, organizations, associations, belief systems out to take over the world and not necessarily just the Jews as a whole race. But they are trained to defend their race and religion.
As much as we criticize the Jews and how they control our business’s , I enjoy walking through Walmart, looking over their merchandise , buying things, I need , saving some money . I worked for quite a few companies owned by Jews. We never had any problems except as we see made issues of by special interest groups and they had to address it as part of their operation.
I can’t believe all Jews are in on the world domination scheme, any more than gullible Catholic’s who are dedicated to their religion and support it are in on the scheme or know about it.
I worked with two Jews in my life, side by side and they were decent and hard working and seemed what me and my friends , to be as much like us as possible in our daily interactions. One young Jewish fellow, told me one day of being able to buy a used golf cart for his children to be able to ride around the neighborhood and he was so proud of it. He was no more different or proud of what he could do for his children to help them enjoy something in life than anyone else and he did physical work like me and was dedicated as I was where some ,I worked with , would have been considered Christians and if their wives in my opinion saw the kind of slacking, shirking , lazy, abuse the company benefits and fellow workers, husbands they were married to , if they were decent wives , would have been ashamed to be married to them.
I worked with a fellow and his wife who I thought were in management, because they were so good, decent, sociable , quiet and humble . He quit the job to become a garbage truck driver because of the wages being better. The world lost two good person’s whose spiritual qualities and material qualities were not recognized and taken advantage of.
His wife decorated cakes , but she was not allowed to use her creativity, which she showed me examples, because she had to follow company policy and their techniques.
I find websites that give out good information and as I search over time find others condemning them so we search and accept what is suitable to our systems until we see more revealing information to add to what we already know..
Gene wrote “I can’t believe all Jews are in on the world domination scheme.”
I’ve never heard anyone make that claim, but apparently you have? How would that even be possible? Your average Jew on the street is clueless what is being done by the evil cabal at the top of the pyramid, but very few of them will ever criticize those above them, and that’s always been the problem. Jews that speak out against their fellow Jews have much more credibility that a non-Jew who can just be dismissed as a “rabid antisemite”. That’s how the game works. Only a few at the top need be “in on it”.
I own and read both books. I didn’t read them to be a book reviewer so I can’t remember any more what each said.
But if your mocking Constance Cumley because she may have accused the wrong group or philosophy of seeking world control, than all of us who believed that a philosophy or idea called the New world Order was laughable, and those who wrote about it named the wrong group. She did with what she had and tried to interpret the way she knew or believed. No matter what group, she revealed the plot. That’s why Alex Jones uses on his program, and no one cares.
But we don’t have to worry about it any more, because George Bush Sr. revealed it and the last few weeks, we’ve been told to our faces that they are working for a New World Order and are determined to keep Russia as a degraded country and power in the world.
From what I’ve seem in my life, I’m not afraid to declare there is a New World Order. because the things that have happened and are happening have proven others correct .
I believe the reason Constance Cumley may have believed the Naz’s and Neo Nazi’s were behind the scheme when she wrote her book, was because in this country the Nazi Party was promoted, the news media helped keep the idea of WW11, alive, and even other sources promoted the idea probably for a distraction.
But they don’t have to hide it any more,.
The real war is in the Middle East for Israel and the phony Jews as some call them to gain control of the Middle East and if they do, collapse the world economy, and do to us what they did to Russia and Europe after WW1, attempt to take the world over. Or maybe build their temple first to honor or in thanksgiving to their god and go from there.
Not quite how I mean it ,but close enough.
Too bad the Old Time radio and Preacher’s aren’t around any more to talk of End Times. That’s why there’s so much confusion. The church’s have become 501c church’s and can’t get into politics and so they go along with accepting whatever they’re told or society is made to accept, like homosexuality, for one.
Who is talking about End times , Pat Robertson, Tillison, TBN, Christian radio, Tj Jakes and many more?
Anyone in the last 50-70- years , to about to WW1, can see that we are closer than ever and don’t have to doubt there is a plan. Enough books have been written revealing over the decades of how personalities, wars, politics, events have been altered, created, to bring us here.
Russia and China were always the villain’s in the End Times scenario, but maybe we have been deceived and Russia and China will be the ones to have to fight against the New World Order in the Middle East so maybe that is why everyone is laughing at Russia and want war with her to get her out of the way ahead of time.
No one talks of the End Times any more, that I know of.
But I’ve seen the TV program of the one women having a Rabbi on describing this this idea and she and her guests sit there fascinated to listen to a Rabbi describe events in the Middle East ,too silly minded to realize, he isn’t talking about her and her religion and Christian world, but the Jews and their rebuilding of their temple and rulership over all.
We always hear talk about peace. From what I have read of what others have said about it is that when the Jews rule the world , then there will be peace in the world .
So when the Jews talks of peace , our ancestor’s warned us that to the Jew , it will mean he finally has domination of the world.
Others have out videos on the internet and the Jews aren’t afraid to admit it that each Jew will have 2800 slaves.
If you want to know the truth of whose behind the scheme to dominate the world? How about the Mormon’s? The Catholic Church? The Watch Tower Society, or maybe the Bristish Empire to regain control of its lost colonies or even regain the United States.
How about the Pilgrim Society and many more I can’t think of now and organization’s they created like the Rhodes Scholarship fund of which Bill Clinton received a scholarship , whose goal , it is said that Cecil Rhodes established to train the future generations to work for the re- establishment of the British Empire and regaining control of the United States?
Re reading your comment, you say the average Jew is not knowing of the scheme, but those who do criticize it or reveal it are more credible.
That’s funny ! Brother Nathaniel exposes the jews and he claims to be Jewish. There’s another well known one, I can’t think of his name now. Are they creditable because they’re Jews and speak out against Jews? I can find websites that say negative things bout them. Sites that do not trust them to be reliable Jews. People who feel they’re deceivers to sucker Christian’s. Is Avro Manhattan a con man because he wrote about 20 books against the Catholic Church and was born in Italy? He has some Jewishness in him. So, can I trust him? Do I trust him because he’s part Jewish and attacking a competitor ? Tex Marrs is a retired Air Force Officer and his whole program is exposing Jews. Do I trust him because he is a Christian? Jeff Reense ‘s articles are found on a lot of site’s. Do we trust the site because many use his articles or he has a site of his own and is not Jewish?
Do I trust the Catholic sites because they criticize the Catholic Church?
I saw sites that carried a lot of the so called specialists who told us , supposedly , of the bad effects of the vaccines. Alex Jones had a lot of them on his shows. I found a site that claimed it was some sort of clique among these people getting on various show and presenting their views.
Alex Jones has Leo Zagami, a Catholic who he gets on to criticize the Catholic Church. Do I trust Leo Zagami because he is Catholic criticizing his own church or Alex Jones because he is using him as material to push his show and agenda and Alex Jones is supposed to be exposing the globalist?
Alex Jones marries Jewish women. Do I trust him to expose a scheme when he won’t say the name of whose behind it, but marries Jewish women , so that makes him reliable ? I believe his sidekick, Owen Shroyer is Jewish . His wife’s name is Klein. The site says little is known of him because he reveals little of himself. If he’s Jewish , do I trust him exposing a New World Order because he’s on Alex Jones show who claims to expose the New World Order?
You can look up anyone on the internet and find someone who does not trust them, make negative comments ,even this one.
It’s all in what you know, your experiences, your intuition, what your exposed to , and other things.
Maybe you might explain why people today have access to more opportunities of learning , knowledge, books, internet, television, news, travel, world events and still call anyone who believes in a plot to rule the world ,stupid, idiots, conspiracy theorists, yet never even look into it?
Maybe, because i’s not in their destiny, background, upbringing, mentality , outlook , social life etc. to know, to care, to even be interested.
I’ll bet you don’t believe in reincarnation. But if you bother to read about it, it sounds like a reasonable idea, theory or belief.
Do you believe people who claim they visited Heaven when they temporarily died , if they claim to be Christian . Or maybe seen Hell?
I overheard men talking about the Jews seeking World Domination when I was 5 or 6 years old. Later when I came across books about it , I had something to fall back on and compare what I read and what I heard as a boy. And as I got older, see some of the things come true or seem to be related to events and how things work out.
Maybe you can answer this question? If god is such a loving creator, why does he allow people to be born, die at birth, or die in accidents, or be dwarfs, destroy lives, homes, with acts of nature? Why are some people who pray and are good souls die of illness’s they ask to be cured of? To live. Where do our souls or being come from? Created at the time of conception or waiting for any parent at the moment we’re there or around in space somewhere ? Emmanuel Swedenborg wrote some books on the Heavenly realm. Whether he had visions from the spiritual realm or not, his description of the spiritual realm is better than any Christian, Catholic, Protestant, Arab or Jew or voddoo priestess, could ever give.
gene, “Maybe you can answer this question? If god is such a loving creator, why does he allow people to be born, die at birth, or die in accidents, or be dwarfs, destroy lives, homes, with acts of nature?”
This is the single-most common asked question by atheists or wanna-be atheists. Most who ask this question never read the Bible. Therein lies the answer.
God punishes those whom He loves. Just as we punish our children. If we don’t punish our children, we don’t love them. Imagine a world where nothing bad ever happens in our lives….what kind of people would that turn us into? Would an all-loving God protect us from ever experiencing any tragedy in our lives? What kind of perspective and growth would you expect out of people that live such sheltered lives?
In my experience, those who ask how an all-loving God could allow pain in this world haven’t really thought through their premise to its logical conclusion. We cannot live our lives fearing pain or avoiding life’s harsh realities. They come to all of us, and with the proper perspective, make us all the better for it.
Mr. Magoo
our standard is Aryan, no?
Define “Aryan”? Compare or contrast that with other Anthropologists of the 19th century. And I believe AH also had his theories which seem to parallel with men like Madison Grant and Lothrop Stoddard.
It seems “White” is quite a diverse group of people from blonde hair/blue eyes to brown hair, red hair, black hair and various shades of eye colors.
Interesting conversations. Cheers.
I would define “Aryan” as pure Adamic, from the original Genesis 10 nations. That would make Israelites “Aryan” too.
According to the Bible, the Persians came from Noah’s son Japheth, no? But are Japhethites the only Aryans? Japheth would be the same genetically as all of Noah’s other sons, right?
Agreed! Thank you.
In any case, he’s an occultist. He believes in reincarnation and the World Soul, so he’s synagogue of Satan, whether Jewish, Aryan, or any other race, not that any of that can be proven definitively for the last 1952 years or so.
Yep, Robert Sepehr definitely seems to revel in the occult myths and practices of the ancients. And I think he sees the National Socialists through that lens. To him, Christianity would be just another myth, no different from any other.
What do you mean by “not that any of that can be proven definitively for the last 1952 years?”
His middle name should have be Louis Shepher = Luciefer,
Let’s just say Israel lost some records in 70 AD….
“not that any of that can be proven definitively for the last 1952 years or so.”
Because MENA have admixture that is not apparent in prototypical Europeans, it’s quite easy to point out, even as a trace. What is harder to prove is Jewishness, because there’s nothing inherently unique to Jewishness, they’re just a Euro-MENA mixture. So they have to look at Jewish populations and compare the genetic similarity, which probably isn’t as reliable.
Hey Dan….
You seem to have knowledge/interest concerning genetics/dna/origin etc.
What is your theory of Human Origin?
Are you a Pre-Adamic Theorist ………………. or something else?
Just curious, Thanks.
Sepehr poses quite a quandary for the Jews. On the one hand, Sepehr claims that India is “Aryan”, similar to the Jewish claim that non-white Indian tribes of the New World are some of the “lost tribes of Israel” as are some of the “Jewish” tribes in India. It all makes a mockery of true Aryanism and true Israelites. And Jews love that kind of confusion.
But Sepehr himself is part Jewish, and they don’t like how he points out the Ashkenazi conspiracies for world power. Jews are not supposed to spill the beans on fellow Jews. But that’s the rub, because Sepehr doesn’t see himself as one of them.
Do the Jews still claim that the American Abos are the lost tribes?
I ask as, a few weeks ago, some of my Churchianity-practicing relatives received a world map from a Jewish charity that claimed to show the lost tribes had been found in Africa and India.
On Jews spilling the beans, I wonder, what determines whether or not it is considered “kosher”? Sometimes Jews get away with it, such as (((Seinfeld))) blatantly explaining ZOG to an entire generation, but then I’ve heard that (((Kubrick))) bought the farm because of truths implied in Eyes Wide Shut.
RB, “Do the Jews still claim that the American Abos are the lost tribes?”
Not sure what percentage of Jews believe Indians in America are from the “lost tribes”, but many Jews seem to believe it…
As well as the Mormons. Ironically, I think the Mormons are part right in that I believe there were White Israelites/Adamics in South America long before the red man came to exist there. Or perhaps “red men” were planted in places like South America. Obviously the red man (Abos) were planted in Australia. Hard to imagine they migrated there. They have hardly the intelligence to walk 2 miles and find their way back to where they started.
It’s all fascinating and worthy of stimulating speculation. It is my belief that God planted the yellow man in East Asia ……………. planted the blacks in central Africa ……… and planted the reds in various places like Australia, South America and possibly other places as well.
Stimulating conversations none the less.
“Skeleton in the Cupboard” series on New Zealand and the redheads is fascinating – I highly recommend it.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rf_inGOubEg (Part 1)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g15ROUH3gAQ (Part 2)
Folkene Mine….
Excellent! Thank you. I will check it out. Very fascinated with this topic. Cheers.
Heraldry & Symbols of the 12 Tribes of lsrael in Europe