(Times Of Israel) When Eva Clarke, a relatively young-looking woman showed up to have her picture taken with Holocaust survivors in Great Britain for an upcoming photo-book, the incredulous photographer, Matt Writtle, felt compelled to ask her how it was possible that such a young person survived the Holocaust — and the answer he got was equally unbelievable:
“…One survivor’s story that has stayed with Writtle is that of Eva Clarke. “I remember she walked in and I remarked that she didn’t look old enough to be a survivor,” he says. “She looked at me and said: ‘It’s funny you should say that. I will tell you my story in a moment.’
“I sat and listened to her story. Her mother weighed just six stone [84 lbs] and was on the back of a cart going up to the gas chamber, when the Allies starting bombing. She then went into labor and had to give birth on the back of this cart, in silence, on her own, while other prisoners attempted to cover her. If she had been found out, the guards would have shot her and the baby.
“There are so many horrendous stories, but that one for me really stood out,” Writtle says.”
One of the major holes in Eva Clarke’s story is that she was interned with her mother at Mauthausen — and even mainstream Holocaust historians have been forced to concede that there were no “gas chambers” at that labor camp — or any on German/Austrian soil.
In an “officially sanctioned” history of Mauthausen, Hans Marsalek, claimed,
“… Below the bunker was the first crematorium. Its fire burned day and night, and the glare of the flame shooting out of the chimney could be seen far away in the Danube valley…”
And yet another Mauthausen “court historian” — Ernst Neufert — completely contradicted Marsalek:
“Cremation takes place in special ovens which are cokefired, electrically-fired (cremation of a body requires about 45 Kw of energy), or gas-fired… [and is] entirely free of smoke [Staub] or odor….[The cremation] takes place in dry air heated to 900-1,000 degrees [Celsius], that is without the flame coming into contact with the dead [body]. The oven is heated beforehand for two to three hours, and the cremation process itself requires between an hour and a quarter and an hour and a half.”
In another book, Marsalek claims that the first gassings at Mauthausen used carbon monoxide gas created from diesel sources which, of course, is not poisonous enough to kill people — so-called “eyewitnesses” at Treblinka made the same false — scientifically impossible — claim.
In another account of Eva’s experience, she completely failed to mention that the cart she was allegedly born in was headed to the “gas chambers” at all — in this other account, the cart was just being hauled up to the “front gates” of the camp.
And just like many other “survivor” testimonies, Eva claimed that the reason she wasn’t “gassed” as a newborn was that the Nazis just so happened to run out of Zyklon-B just the day before because of “Allied bombing” — another Shoah miracle!
And another strange part of her ever-changing story is that she claims she had an infant sibling — “George” — who died in Theresienstadt concentration camp where her parents were first held — yet somehow her mother managed to get pregnant again right before her randy husband was “shot” — after which her ever-pregnant mother was then moved to Auschwitz — and then on to Mauthausen to be “gassed” — miracles of miracles!
But like all elderly Holocaust confabulators, Eva appears to have a compulsion to constantly embellish her story over the years — apparently going unchallenged only encourages them to tell even more improbable tales of ‘survival’.
It’s surprising that no one has bothered to tell Eva that many of the concentration camps — including Auschwitz where her mother was allegedly sent pregnant with her — had maternity wards and nurseries that cared for newborns and their mothers — but why bother with nurseries if you are going to execute pregnant Jews, as Eva claims?
As Jews like Eva are wont to claim, “It’s complicated.”
Not Buyin' It!
Holohoax is just that. Hollow, and a hoax. That is their story and they are sticking to it.
The holocause industry has been profitable and protective for the jews but it has run its course and they need a new war or something big to protect them. They are hoping its digital tech and they turned China into their flagship model to assimilate the rest of the world (save for israhell of course).
The woman forgot to mention that she was a C-section birth.
Magic ball point pens from the future, friendly packs of wolves, the lies go on and on. This is just more Holohoax lies. Jews lie, cheat and steal like normal people breathe. The Holohoax is the biggest lie of the century, and also one of the best ideas!
Haha yeah! And don’t forget all the ones included in the six million that died before the war, after the war… and the ones that got counted twice or three times… and of course the ones still alive but included for good measure! Oh and the ones that “spiritually died” from the memories of it all that also made the cut.
Ohh comon, you jews can do better than that. How about she was already gassed 3 times than she gave a birth?
How can flames emerge from a chimney? You didn’t even see that happen at large steel plants that had far larger fires going.
“It’s a game we play whenever someone criticizes judaism” re: holocaust.
The definition of holocaust survivor changed from “was saved while in the death camp” to “lived in Europe during the end of WW2.”
It’s old. It’s over. They need a new guilt trip to distract people from their crimes.
“….They need a new guilt trip to distract people from their crimes……”
Enter — Covid.
Sy Bergsteinowitz
Being a retired career firefighter, gonna have to correct a partly true, mostly false statement you made about CO:
“In another book, Marsalek claims that the first gassings at Mauthausen used carbon monoxide gas, which, of course, is not poisonous enough to kill people”
CO is not poisonous, but it does occlude oxygen from the brain, causing death. That’s what happens when a furnace acts up & spews out CO, people fall asleep & don’t wake up.
Seen these deaths while working at the FD, so death from CO does happen, yet its not ‘poisonous.’
As for anudda whopper Holocau$t ™ yarn, check out this clown, who claims he was born inside one of those nasty gassem chambers, yet his Mother died?
So a baby, which is medically fragile at birth, survived the gas, but Mother didn’t?
These liars have told so many lies, they’re starting to believe their own BS.
“Yari Rappaport is the chief editor of The Jewish Web. He is a survivor of the Holocaust, and was born at the Auschwitz extermination facility inside of a gas chamber. As his mother was being exterminated by the Germans, her final demonstration of strength and defiance was to give birth to little Yari on the floor of the gas chamber itself. He is a living testament to the strength and will of the Hebrew peoples and inspires millions across the globe.”
Christians For Truth
Thanks Sy, that was an error on our part. We didn’t mean to suggest that carbon monoxide wasn’t poisonous enough to kill. What we had meant to write was that there isn’t enough carbon monoxide produced from diesel sources to kill, especially en masse…..we corrected it.
This may be one of the few cases where Mengele actually used his skills of human experimentation to grow his own breasts to feed the little baby and bring her up to witness against him later.
Wolfshield Alliance
I have doubts about Mengele. Like the lampshade “made of human hide” they trotted out. There have been no studies or analysis performed on the lampshade with which I’m familiar. If it was hide of any kind at all, it was likely animal hide. I grew up several decades ago in rural, swampy Southeastern Georgia. The rocking chairs had seats made of deer hide. After a long time, some of the deer fur began “wearing down” or eroding due to the friction of people sitting in the chair. Eventually, the parts of the seat people say on were worn bare, but around the edges and a the space between the legs in front still had the fur. Do we know definitively that it wasn’t skin of a critter? Likely not, since no one has checked the lampshade. Of course, you being a lampshade, maybe they scraped all the fur off. I think it’s time to test the lampshade.
There was a book published a few years back about a supposed human lampshade. It was subjected to DNA testing and determined to be cow hide.
Patrick White
Their audacity never ends.
But they know now, more than ever, how broadly they are reviled, and how deeply hated.
Give it another two years, and it will be like the Holocaust performance never even happened. They can not spook people into submission any longer.
Another well-known Jewish inmate at Auschwitz who was moved to Mauthausen was Bruno Baum, a high ranking member of the Communist Party in East Germany after the war, who, in his 1949 memoir “Widerstand In Auschwitz” wrote the following:
“It is no exaggeration when I say that the majority of all Auschwitz propaganda, which was spread at that time all over the world, was written by ourselves in the camp. We carried out this propaganda [for] the world public until our very last day of presence in Auschwitz.”
This talmudic tribe consist of compulsive liars!
This story moves me beyond tears. ROFL.
Kinda like the pooping diamond tales we heard of. Just amazing!
Interesting, the Germans were incredibly compassionate to allow her to live, while dragging her mother off to be executed. After all, the Germans obviously wanted witnesses to their mass extermination of Jews, didn’t they?
It’s pathetic to state the least. It reminds me of the Donahue show, back in the ’80’s, when he was interviewing (more of a hit piece and character assassination) David Cole and Bradley Smith and in the front row there were three elderly Jewesses, screaming out about human soap and the smell of chicken, from all the bodies being burned. Only problem there is the closest animal to human, is pig, so if humans were going to smell of any animal, it would be them, not chickens.
I found out about Jews, about 13 years ago now. Surely, the extermination of the Jews in WWII wasn’t a lie? I truly couldn’t believe how anyone could deny the holocaust and then I simply started doing the math. I was shocked to say the least. That’s western (Jewish) conditioning for you.
And now, I’ve just finished an excellent book by Gerard Menuhin – ‘Tell the Truth And Shame The Devil’ along with Mike King’s ‘The Bad War’ and even though I’ve been Jew wise for 13 years, knowing a fair bit about Germany, Hitler and the Third Reich, what I discovered from those publications, shocked me even more. And it’s why, I loathe Judaism. These publications prove one major thing – the victims of WWII were not Jews. On the contrary, Germany and the German people were the overwhelming victims and the persecutors were the Jews.
The lies are going to continue pouring into the ears, of the gullible goy, as long as they remain fixated with TV, Hollywood and social media. The minute they leave and seek alternate information on the internet is when the Jew spell over them is destroyed.
Is it part of the Jewish condition to constantly see how far they can push their envelope?
The sheer chutzpah of the Jews claiming that, although the H-man was secretly bent on wiping them all out, he allowed 800+ of them to ride out his tenure in an openly Jewish hospital right under his nose in Berlin, astonishes me. They’ve got some supposed survivor, Klaus Zwilsky, who lives not that far outside of DC making the rounds every now and again to remind us of this ludicrous scenario.
Roald Dahl remarked to the effect that there is just something about Jews that rubs people the wrong way. In my experience, this holds true even among the most pro-Israel Boomers as they love Israel but, to their dismay, do not particularly like the Jews that they know in person.
Perhaps that’s a sign there is hope of an awakening?
I can’t deny that I’m truly beginning to loathe Jews. It’s not so much the lying that’s getting me, but it’s the continuing defense of the Jews, even by so called ‘truthers’, when I see NO Jews speaking out against such as being promoted in this current article. It’s their inability to question the validity of such complete and utter hogwash, like this that just really angers the crap out of me. And when people say “not all Jews are bad” I then ask, well, what about the journalists? What about the Jews who are doing ‘regular’ jobs. Why don’t they speak out? Why don’t the rabbis speak out? Why aren’t Jews speaking to the rabbis about this? All these questions I ask them.
It’s this constant accepting of Jewish, official narrative, no fightback, ignoring of the fact that all organizations promoting immigration are Jewish controlled and when I speak with Zionist Jews about this, they remain silent even when I ask them don’t they see the blatant double standards going on?
From what I’ve been told, it’s bad Jews telling Jews that non Jews want to genocide them all, from a young age, that creates the archetypal Jew, who of late ends up painting swastikas on college campuses and desecrating Jewish cemeteries.
It seems that from a young age, they completely smash up, what goodness and reasoning is within Jews, that they are all, by default, out to destroy the lives of every non Jew they can. It’s almost like this warped defense mechanism that’s been hammered into them when young – “get them before they get you”.
insolent goy
Mark, Jews are essentially born into an extended crime family with implicit codes of conduct. The Jewish actor Seth Rogen recently stated that he’s “100% afraid of Jews.” For good reason. Like all organized crime families, if you step out of line and rat your fellow Jews out to the goyim, you can put your life at risk–these rat Jews are called “mosers”, and many have been killed….and Jews are notorious cowards to top it off, so they are easy to keep in line:
Thank you for that link….Interesting, I had already figured out a long time ago, that if there are sayanim, within Jewry, who do what they’re told then, it’s clearly a ‘crime syndicate’ religion.
As soon as I read your reply, I did instantly think of David Cole and Isaac Kappy. The bottom line, of course, is that we simply can not allow this to continue. Sure, it’s been the way they’ve behaved for thousands of years, but unless a stop is put to it, then it will very much be the end of the white civilization.
From what I can see, especially with Kappy, who truly did repent, it seems that there are many Jews who know that they’re trapped within this horrific crime syndicate and so play along for their own safety, deliberately being as they are to not be called out as a moser. Kappy was obviously deeply disturbed by pedophilia in Hollywood. It shows that they’re not all the psychopaths as they’re made out to be.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m livid with Jewry, as you can see, but I just do, deep down think that many are trapped and can’t get out, those who want to. I remember, from experience, some 20 years ago now, when I was going through a rough patch in my life, there was a Jewish woman who was really kind and helped me. She didn’t have to, so they can’t all be from the same goyim, hatred mold. The more I read about Jews, the more I realise it’s not as black and white as I originally thought. Certainly, this ‘kosher nostra’ this Jewish mafia that’s watching all Jews to make sure they all follow the code is deeply disturbing.
lol CFT…thanks for the needed laugh. 😀
Rebbe Glickman
Oy vey ! I remember Eva! But she was born while her mother was being taken to the “laughing gas” chamber – not the Zyklon B chamber. At the laughing gas chamber Jews were cruelly tickled and amidst their laughter the Germans would *collect* the diverse gasses they emitted. This they used in an attempt to make Hitler laugh, or at least smile, again.
After the war her mother was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize as the best supporting actress in a documentary. Life often turns out differently then what we imagined.
Herr Voice of Germany
I call the so-called witnesses and survivors of the Holocaust AUSCHWITZBOLDE since I woke up to this part of truth. .Witzbold means joker.
Everything this woman is claiming she got second hand from her mother many years after the “fact”, so it’s all hearsay. And what isn’t hearsay, she’s making up herself to “improve” on the drama of her mother’s tall tales. No wonder her fellow Jews revere her.
Rebbe Glickmam
Yes, we Jews revere our women. They can after all hide a fortune in gems up their tookus if need be.
The "Goyess" knows
The ‘gas chambers’ at Auschwitz having been long proved to have been air raid shelters rebuilt after the war to add to the super shekel scamming ‘theme park attraction’ that place represents to all those of us who are intelligent enough to smell pure BS when it keeps being dumped on our doorsteps by this cult of pure evil insanity.
I’m surprised Mummy didn’t climb to the top of the air read shelter come fake gas chamber to give birth in the midst of an allied air raid in the hope of being airlifted to safety on the final push.
Maybe the other paid employees of her tribe at Auschwitz were playing the instruments too loudly during orchestra practise, or the football game against the guards was too rowdy to hear her wails?
In a hundred years time they’ll be crawling out he wood work claiming to have been conceived in a test tube from DNA samples found on a holocaust victims discarded clothing taken from a museum, demanding to be given holocaust survivor status & reparations.
Lets forget about our relatives conned to war by this tribe of pure evil, up to their waists in putrid water rotting bodies and blood in the trenches being blown to bits though hey, because compared with the horror of having a grand piano brought in especially for the jews to play at Auschwitz, our relatives in the trenches didn’t know what suffering was did they?
I have no doubt that if they had been told the truth instead of a pack of evil lies by evil closet gay Jewish mass murdering parasite and war criminal Churchill NONE OF THEM would have fought & sacrificed their lives to protect what we now can all see is, have been and always will be the real enemy of the world.
Evil perverted mass murdering war criminal Jews Blair (closet gay) and Bush opted for the simple ‘lie like a Jew on speed’ method to bring forth subsequent war and murder of people they were previously crawling up the behinds of. Closet gay Jewish psychopaths seem to be a running theme with these freaks.
Is not like any of the military we pay the upkeep of & so many still believe will protect us from invading terrorists booted out of so many countries for hundreds of years (currently destroying our countries from governments/thrones) will actually do what we pay them to do and round up these evil murdering thieving paedo midgets and dispatch them back home to hell is it?
Likewise the Police and security services, who are a massive waste of money in effect. What good are any of them when they are clearly working for the enemy of the world against us
And all so the international JEWISH child rape and trafficking ring rats fronted by Rothschild and his equally vile Jewish ilk could steal Palestinian land so as to from a terrorist hub from which to genocide whoever they like, after planting a dirty traitorous evil murdering International JEWISH paedo ring complicit/protecting Jew traitor in all our governments in the top seats to ruin as many countries and lives as possible.
Another holycost story for hanukkaaaa.. . A real story also in Janner 1945 was during the WIlhelm Gustloff murder. A baby came into the world in a life boat and was rescued . I presume the mother survived . 10,000 others did not. A little story , that has been by the BRD petticoat government censored. It offend the nice jews and competes with the holycost Maerchen , who suffer more from deficiency of believers. It does not matter if holycost fantasy is real but that you contemplate it and believe—- just like cupid-19 . Belieeeeve ! One thing I admire about the Teufelskind — its art of disguise through eugenics . Some appear human until they speak .
Orthodox Realist
“Oy vey Goy my muzza was being dragged along ze floor to ze gas chambers and I just fell out of her vagina, PLOP! Like zat you zee!”
Herr Voice of Germany
Auschwitzbold du!