Robert O’Brien, President Trump’s national security adviser, warned Palestinians on Wednesday that Israeli settlements will continue to expand because rising antisemitism around the world means more Jews will immigrate to Israel:
O’Brien defended Trump’s Mideast peace plan, which was embraced by Israel but rejected by the Palestinians. O’Brien said the plan is not “perfect,” but urged the Palestinians to negotiate terms of the proposed deal. The deal offers economic benefits that would allow Palestine to become the “Singapore of the Middle East,” he said…
“This could be the last opportunity for a two-state solution,” O’Brien said at the Meridian International Center. “The Israeli birth rate is strong and is growing because sadly anti-Semitism in Europe and other places around the world is encouraging more Jews to return to Israel. The settlements are going to continue to expand. If this freeze on settlements doesn’t hold. If this peace process doesn’t work, it may be physically impossible to have a two-state solution.”
It was unusual for a high-level administration official to tie anti-Semitism to the settlements. The Palestinians, as well as much of the international community, view the settlements in the West Bank and annexed east Jerusalem — territories seized by Israel in the 1967 war — as illegal and a major obstacle to peace. But O’Brien’s comments are in line with the Trump administration strongly favoring Israel in the longtime conflict.
O’Brien didn’t note that the Palestinian population is growing too in both the Palestinian territories and Israel, according to UN statistics. The Palestinian population is growing at roughly 2.4% a year, 33% higher than Israel’s.
The jewish-controlled press worldwide is constantly crying about the ‘unprecedented’ rise in antisemitism in order to convince as many Jews as possible to make aliyah to Israel.
That’s what the World War II Holocaust propaganda was all about. The only place in the world that Jews are ‘safe’ from antisemitism is Israel where all the surrounding Arab states apparently want to ‘wipe it off the map’.
Of course, the Israelis are perfectly capable of building high-rise apartment buildings to house all the new Jews moving to Israel so that they don’t have to expand outward and steal more Palestinian territory.
But that would be ‘antisemitic’ for ‘force’ Jews to live in luxury high-rises like they do in New York, Chicago, and Miami.
But the reality is that most Jews have no interest living among other Jews in Israel. Jews prefer living among the antisemitic goyim where the living is easy, even if we do make them feel like ‘hairy monkeys‘.
When the Israelis bomb Gaza, Muslims in Europe attack Jews, which causes Jews to threaten to leave and move to Israel, which forces Israel to steal more land and kill more Palestinians, which causes more Palestinian attacks on Israelis, which causes Israel to bomb Gaza again, causing more antisemitism worldwide. And so on and so forth…
I didn’t see any geoengineering (chemtrails) in a single picture of the high-rise condos in Israel (and you will see them in pictures of other countries). Are God’s Chosen being spared the aluminum? It wouldn’t surprise me.
Probably one of their ‘selling points’ for aliyah
A little off topic, but I welcome any thoughts on the linked video. Only the first minute need be watched. This video was taken the morning of 9-11 before Bush was aware of the attack.
I remember this clip shown numerous times on the news. The most I got out of it was that Jr. was just a trained monkey – a very suitable environment for him to be in.
I agree. I think Bush was left out of the loop for the most part, but knew this was going to happen.
But, I was referring to the individual words the kids were reciting on 9-11. “Kite, hit, steel, plane, must.”
Does the conspiracy go this deep? Is someone rubbing the attack in America’s face?
Funny you mention that. I thought that was what they were saying, but I was keying too much on how they were being taught – like trained monkeys. Does the conspiracy go this deep? Damn right it does. Check out the 1968 Israeli shekel. Notice the kabbalistic “33” involved…
The Jews HAVE TO build their “third” temple, and to do that they HAVE TO get rid of that pesky mosque on the Temple Mount. The Muslims aren’t going to sell it to them, or as some Jews think, they will move it brick by brick to Saudi Arabia and rebuild it there.
If the Palestinians haven’t figured it out yet, let me explain this to them. The mosque is the only thing right now saving them from utter annihilation, and as long as the mosque stands, the Jews have no choice but to deal with them. If they voluntarily give up the mosque, they have no bargaining chips left, and they will literally be wiped off the map.
All of which means, that the Jews are going to have to destroy the mosque one way or another, by some deceptive method. Sure, when it blows up, every Muslim will know the Jews are responsible, and the Jews will perfunctorily deny it, but since they control the media and the narrative, the reason that it blew up or collapsed will be ‘perfectly reasonable’.
And then the question becomes not allowing the Muslims to rebuilt their mosque on the Temple Mount. How will they sell that to the world? They will claim that the new Temple will be for “all of mankind, not just the Muslims,” and that concept will be accepted by the crypto-Pope and the U.N.
This WILL happen. The only question is how long do the Jews need to get their ducks in a row, consolidate their power, and pull it off. I believe this will happen sooner rather than later. Maybe that is why Trump’s re-election is going to be a slam dunk.
The Israelis will blow up the mosque and blame it on “muslim extremists” somehow. Maybe some fake muslim group that thinks muslims should pray only at the mosque in Mecca. Or muslims will ‘accidentally’ blow it up trying to kill jews who are ‘illegally’ praying outside. The public is so dim that blaming any explosion on muslims will rarely be questioned.
Just like ‘antisemites’ forced Jews to become bankers-usurers because Christians weren’t allow to loan money at interest, as they like to tell it.
We wouldn’t “allow” them to make an honest living in an honest trade, so they had no choice but to become ruthless financiers who bled entire nations dry.
If it weren’t for our ‘antisemtism’, they’d be able to live up to their calling as alleged ‘God’s chosen’. I see a pattern developing here. Ahem….
Indeed. It is called ‘personal accountability’. It’s the exact same ‘challenge’ God gave to Cain – “If you do well, will you not be accepted?” Apparently (((they))) are as up to the task as their father was…
Jews: “If the goyim didn’t hate us, we wouldn’t have to kill the Palestinians and take their land.”
Us: “If you didn’t kill the Palestinians and take their land, we wouldn’t hate you.”
Jews: “Antisemites!”
And it is WAY too anti-semitic to say that if the jew was removed from the equation, all of these ever-perpetuating vicious cycles would cease post-haste…