Young Dutch people in their 20s and 30s are far more conservative when it comes to issues like abortion and euthanasia than the generations before them, according to researchers at Tilburg University, breaking the long-standing trend of becoming more and more progressive, the researchers conclude:
The researchers used data from a European study that has been running for almost 40 years. Nearly 7 thousand Dutch people gave their opinion on issues like abortion, euthanasia, suicide and homosexuality over the years. The vast majority, including the younger generation, have little issue with these topics and acceptance has grown across the board. Roughly 75 percent of Netherlands residents are positive about free choice on abortion, for example. But for the first time in the past 40 years, the younger generation is less progressive than the generations before them.
Netherlands residents born in the 90s and 80s are clearly more conservative than baby boomers, for example. 8.1 percent of people in their 20s and 11.5 percent of people in heir 30s think that abortion is seldom or never justifiable. Among people in their 50s nd 60s, it is around 7 percent. And the difference between younger and older generations is only getting bigger, the Tilburg researchers said.
“Younger generations seem to be looking for a new structure to hang their identity on“, sociologist Quita Muis said to the newspaper. “In that they end up with things from the past.” The researchers call it a “new conservatism” that is independent of religion. In the past, older generations were more conservative largely due to church influence.
Muis thinks it is too early to say whether a conservative wind is starting up in the Netherlands, as is already blowing in the united States. “But the trend that the Netherlands is becoming increasingly progressive has clearly stopped.”
Of course, this study does not account for race, and the huge influx of Muslims into the Netherlands largely rejects the central dogma of judeo-liberalism, such as feminism, abortion, and homosexuality. But Islamic “conservatism” should never be conflated with Christian conservatism as they are fundamentally different and irreconcilable.
But note that the study makes it clear that this young “conservative” generation isn’t yet religiously affiliated. It appears to be just an innate and inevitable rebellion against the aggressive progressive agenda that has had the country in its iron grip since the end of World War II.
In reality, ethnic White people are by nature conservative and will embrace liberalism only through aggressive and relentless propaganda which runs against their own self-interest and long-term survival.
But this “non-religious” conservatism will ultimately lead to a rediscovery of their Christian heritage and roots, which is the greatest fear for the nation-wrecking socialists like George Soros.
As an astute 20th Century philosopher once observed, “History is a struggle between Christ and Marx.”
I just love how this ‘newfound conservatism’ is somehow not religiously affiliated. When has there been a subconcious awakening of a conservative ‘moral compass’ among non-white cultures? This is simply more proof that we are God’s children, the Israelites of the Bible, who have the laws of our Father written on our hearts. No other people on earth have clearly displayed the innate moral compass we have.
Ironic in that we will hear Agnostics or Atheists implore Morality by stating — “The Golden Rule”.
But……………what is the Golden Rule??? “Do Unto Others”. And Who said that?!!!
But the Christ will never get the credit; unless they hijack Him as the “c.hristian” (cough, cough) homosexuals have.
Regarding the Photo — I really hope this is how young Dutch girls dress. But I have a feeling this is a themed restaurant or something.
Any one confirm or deny? I pray these young girls keep their virginity.
Sexual Sins are the most deadliest of sins in that they will keep their spirit dull — John 9:31
How many of our people are “adulterers” and don’t even know it. It is no wonder we can’t “hear”.
All White nations are “adulterers” in that they allow alien races to live among them. Whites also worship the strange gods of these alien occupiers, another form of scripturally prohibited adultery. And this all inevitably leads to race mixing, which is the ultimate form of adultery in the Bible.
Agreed………….but you are talking “meat”. Brick and Mortar Christians deny MILK !
That’s how spiritually pathetic they are. Even Paul was frustrated and that was 2000 years ago. 🙂
1 Corinthians 5
the waking of Rumplestiltskin