Pro-Zionist Jewish supremacists — like Melanie Phillips at the Jewish News Service — are ratcheting up the anti-Palestinian rhetoric by claiming that supporting the right of the Palestinian to defend themselves against ongoing Israeli military aggression and land grab comprise a new antisemitic ‘Nazi front’ against all Jews everywhere — not just in Israel:
…So extraordinarily, a foreign issue in which Britain is not involved is insinuating itself into the center of British politics and culture, corrupting both with its agenda of obsessional bigotry against Israel and the Jewish people.
In driving the spike in anti-Semitism, Palestinianism is opening up a posthumous Nazi front against the Jews.
If this sounds outlandish and monstrous, it is. But the evidence suggests that it is nevertheless an all-too-realistic description of what is now taking place.
When Hitler was defeated, the war against the Jewish people seemed to be over. But it wasn’t. Western anti-Semitism merely went underground, waiting to be released again as the natural order of things.
And in one part of the world, the war against the Jews was about to enter a new phase. Under the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Arabs of British Mandatory Palestine had become Hitler’s legion in the Middle East. Fusing Nazism and Islamic fundamentalism, al-Husseini incited the Palestinian Arab masses to murderous pogroms with the lie that the Jews were about to destroy the Al-Aqsa mosque.
Exactly the same rhetoric emanates today from the Palestinian Authority and incited the recent terror upsurge by Palestinians and Israeli Arabs. The P.A., led by the Holocaust-denier Mahmoud Abbas, who on his own account hero-worships al-Husseini, pumps out Nazi-themed anti-Semitism week in, week out, brain-washing its people into murderous hatred against the Jews.
Furthermore, both the Palestinian cause and Palestinian “identity” itself are based on the attempted theft and appropriation of the historic homeland and history of the Jews—the indigenous people of the land of Israel.
So it’s not just that the demonization and delegitimization of Israel are fundamentally anti-Jew. What’s not properly understood is that Palestinianism is anti-Semitism. Western liberals who support the Palestinian cause are supporting a profoundly anti-Jewish agenda not only to steal the land of the Jewish people, but to wipe out their history and thus their identity.
Far more ominously, this is also the passionately held default narrative for millions of Muslims who have settled in Britain and other Western countries.
As they become more assimilated, and their children enter the professions and political life—in itself a welcome development in terms of social acceptance—they are unfortunately seeding this poisonous narrative throughout British society.
A lethal obsession once confined to the far left is now gaining enormous cultural traction through the number of British Muslims developing public influence (with the sterling exception of those few British Muslims who take a brave and principled public stand against Jew-hatred). But anyone who dares point this out is denounced as a racist and Islamophobe.
This strategy of cultural manipulation and intimidation threatens to push British politicians into hostility towards Israel. It is actively imperiling the security of British Jews. And it is undermining the integrity and values of Britain itself, as its cultural leaders increasingly kowtow to its dictates through ignorance, ideology or fear. And America is going in the same direction.
Palestinianism is no longer just about the Middle East. It’s now providing cultural rocket boosters behind both anti-Semitism and Islamization in the West.
From a sophomoric Jewish perspective, anyone who opposes their agendas — whether it is Zionism in Palestine or radical Marxism in all western nations — is labeled a “fascist” who wants to round up all Jews and put them in gas chambers disguised as showers.
In some ways, the Jews are correct — the fascist movement arose in the 1920s among Catholics in Spain and Italy in the immediate wake of — and in reaction to — the Jewish-led Bolshevik Revolution in Russia.
Jews would have us believe that “fascism” is some sort of generic totalitarian-authoritarian dictatorship — rather than what it really is — a historical Christian opposition to the Judaization of our nations.
That’s why Jews are wont to smear those who oppose their ongoing bolshevism of the West as “reactionaries” — a term used to belittle anyone who refuses to embrace the “light” of atheistic progressive humanism — that is to say, secular Judaism — which is merely another way of describing communism.
Jews have likened antisemitism to an “unchangeable law of nature created by God” which is in the very DNA of White Europeans — that is to say, Aryans.
And the cradle of ancient Aryan civilization was in the Middle East and the Levant — and it rapidly spread out across the ancient world — and across the entire planet.
The ancient “indigenous” Israelites were Aryans — DNA studies show that they had blonde hair and blue eyes — the genetic phenotype of the Aryan boogeyman that historically strikes fear into the hearts of Jews.
So these modern-day, self-styled arabic-looking “Jews” who claim to be Israelites — and claim Palestine as their God-given land — are demonstrable frauds.
Aryan-Israelite Christians did join forces from all across Europe as the Crusaders to drive the Arab mongrel hordes out of the Holy Land of Israel — along with a few pogroms to drive ersatz Jews out of Christian Europe at the same time.
At the time, Pope Urban II certainly framed the Crusades as a holy battle of bloodlines — a battle that is still being fought to this day — not between the Israelis and the Palestinians — but rather between the bloodline of Christ and the “ereb” bloodline of Marx.
all european tribes are indo-aryans (also poles+russians)
because all their languages are of indo-aryan origen + grounded
in sanskrit . not in semitic languages !
No wonder they hate the Hassidic community in Israel. Heck, they fire hose them for protesting the draft. I am not kidding. It’s that Orwellian over there.
This is excellent, keep up the great work Jewry. Hey did you know in just three years, backing for Israel dropped from 75% to 33%; nearly half of evangelicals aged 18-29 say they favor establishment of Palestinian state, voted for Biden over Trump. In a few years that is going to be nearly a hundred million New Nazis that the Synagogue of Satan will have to contend with!
Wow, really! This is awesome! I’m one of those Evangelicals. For so long, I thought I was the only Evangelical against Israel but you’ve given me hope!
The stones cry out – Voices of the Palestinian Christians..
Watch about Palestinian Christians during the 1948 Nakbe, 1967 Nakse, first and second intifada and listen to some of our stories. MUCH recommended.
The goal of the Apartheid Defense Forces here is to get this s**t water in Palestinians’ water tanks stored on their rooftops to contaminate it so they have nothing to drink, cook or wash with
[retweeting video]
One of Al-Aqsa gates being sprayed with sewage by Israeli forces! #PALESTINE
Hey, now, wait just one antisemitic minute… we all know that jews poisoning wells is a lie! That is an evil canard that gets trotted out to stir up hatred against the jews who never did no wrong to no one no how.
I say that in jest, of course.
I don’t care for either the palastinians or jews at all, but I will say that putting sewage in the water is just pretty gross really. If the jews want another six day war, they’re goin the right way about it.
These days there are no need for wars. The rulers of universe decide things at deepest chambers of globalism. Here zionists agenda carry
Communism: When Jewish gangsters take over your government, then your economy
Capitalism: When Jewish gangsters take over your economy, then your government
Fascism: What Jewish gangsters scream when you hinder their takeover operations
You forgot to mention crying Victim of: White Supremacy, Right-Wing Extremism, Nationalism, Racism and Antisemitism.
Capitalism and Communism are one in the same a parasitical predatory minority group system. Not a free market economy open to all, that’s why I keep saying that America, the new country, that would be better than Europe, did a much better job of putting the supremacist at the center of the universe.
This is really hilarious, paranoia, their victim story is running out of favor, so they come up with a Nazi tale to keep the racket going. People are seeing them for what they really are….man made law can be manipulated but natures law is always right on time.
Shlomo Bergsteinowitz
Jews have got to be the whiniest people on the planet, disdainful of all Gentiles, & claim that since their G-d made them in charge of the rest of humanity, they look down & abuse people.
Crush Limbraw
In essence, it always was….and still is….a war on Christ!